I was going to make fun of this Michael Gerson column, but Digby beat me to it.
I’m now to the point that I no longer consider the Washington Post one of the country’s premier newspapers. The editorial pages are as bad or worse than the WSJ.
by John Cole| 28 Comments
This post is in: Media
I was going to make fun of this Michael Gerson column, but Digby beat me to it.
I’m now to the point that I no longer consider the Washington Post one of the country’s premier newspapers. The editorial pages are as bad or worse than the WSJ.
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His next article will be titled, The New Depression: Walk it off America.
Ah yes, the lectures from the financial and political elites about the bracing and beneficial aspects of impoverishment at the hands of the monied classes.
I’m looking forward to the Oliver Twistish musicals and happy, grungy faced children singing and begging their little hearts out.
It’ll be great for all of us, especially the richest of the rich.
It’ll be all Spam and snappy dance numbers in dirty rags at the poor house. I’m getting excited and I want to thank Michael Gerson for pointing this out.
I’d also like to thank Phil Gramm for making me not whine about my loserdom.
Maybe some of the good cheer from the plebes will trickle up to the feudal overlords, they’ll need something to keep them happy now that Dubai is falling apart.
Gerson is basically saying that since crime went up in the 70s, peace and prosperity is what makes us immoral.
The crime wave ended in the 80s; crime rates dropped successively in state after state in the order that each had phased out leaded gasoline in the 70s. We don’t have to reach straight for economic good times as an explanation for crime. :P
Now that the WaPo has disproved global warming, I guess we can all stop worrying about it. Except maybe for the global drought?
Tom Joad says:
"" Thank God for the good ol’ days of th’ Depression. I wouln’t have been able to spend some time with Ma’ & Pa’ travellin’ across the country an visitin’ the beautiful state of California. The peaches there were delicious too!”
LOL. Great summary of the current thinking on that side of the aisle.
You know, I just can’t get interested in using its editorial pages to measure the quality of a newspaper. Just like pundits and other talking heads, editorials are not news.
John Holbo on David Frum’s Dead Right:
And something about Donner party stoicism that conservative columnists would do well to emphasize more.
Wow. I loathe him, but Frum sewed that up quite nicely.
I’m sorry, I didn’t click the link. I assume that wasn’t satire?
Chuck Butcher
That block quote is Holbo on Frum, not Frum on conservatives. Don’t rush into being nice to Mr Frum quite yet…
Chuck Butcher
John Cole,
Don’t be cut out by Digby’s reference, that bit is considerably less mocking than its target deserves, you can do it, buddy.
Reitrees = stragglers?
Retirees are those who "stray or fall behind?" And that’s who is injured in a depression? Just the weak?
Sorry, once I read a sentence like that I’m done. I’m done with that publication, since they obviously do not employ editing, and I’m done with any discussion of that material.
The first rule of raising the level of discourse is to raise the standard on what is being talked about. If we are talking about shitty editorial material that wouldn’t get past a high school newspaper’s faculty advisor, then I have better things to do.
This is shit.
In the WaPo’s defence, they did just bring back Michael Kinsely.
I agree about WaPo. Just look at this "journalism".
Obama’s economic plan
First sentence: President Obama is putting the finishing touches on an ambitious first budget that seeks to cut the federal deficit in half over the next four years…
OK, the Bush deficits were usually around $400-500 billion (way, WAY too much!). Cut in half is good news, until you read deeper into the column to see that "cut the federal deficit in half" is…
His budget plan would keep the deficit hovering near $1 trillion in 2010 and 2011, but shows it dropping to $533 billion in 2013…
So his BEST year fiscally is going to be a $533 billion deeper dig in the hole? That’s "ambitious"? WTF? Oh, and the tack-on…
still high in dollar terms, but a more manageable 3 percent of the overall economy.
Yeah, nothing like the tired old Republican "% of GDP" talking point to excuse the continued planned raping of the treasury.
Someone’s extra bedroom in Canada and a mattress stuffed with Canadian dollars sounds good to me about now… because the US is totally fucked.
Mike in NC
Will Gerson stigmatize the guy he wrote all those crappy speeches for? You know, the one who decided to invade a Muslim country of 25+ million people with no exit strategy.
Rich wingnuts like Gerson and Bill Bennett are so good at lecturing their inferiors on the subject of virtue.
Perhaps Gerson will die in a fire. Can’t happen too soon.
actually what the target deserves is breaking out buckets of tar and bags of feathers and in reading the comments that followed the article on the WP site, that may still happen
A newspaper that prints such garbage on a constant basis deserves to go broke and soon
I admit a fondness for arguments like this
Gerson, however, misses the point like a spear with a superball on the tip. More to the point, crime dropped precipitously during the roaring Clinton capitalism and surprisingly didn’t spike during Bush’s homicidal moral relativism. The Great Unwashed Masses demonstrated over the last two decades that it isn’t the Serfs who become amoral during the good times, but the Power Elite who become drunk on capitalism’s gin.
That is a great point.
They’re worse. Everyone already knows the WSJ editorial page is a mendacious, Randian circle jerk. The Washington Post is just pure shit-in the words of Billmon, it’s Pravda on the Potomac.
Example- They continuously conflate the very real problem with healthcare inflation (and hence, Medicare) and combine it into the propaganda phrase ‘entitlement reform’. An eight-year old can understand that Medicare and Social Security are different programs with different fiscal projections, but the Washington Post just somehow manages to ‘confuse’ this simple concept over and over and over. They’re lying scumbags and they don’t care that they’re lying scumbags.
That’s because the surge of crime from the late 60s to the late 80s had a lot more to do with various waves of the Baby Boom getting to prime crime-committing age than it did with some inherent breakdown in American morality.
Of course, those with a vested interest in keeping the proles down aren’t going to mention that.
And, Lo! ‘Tis the demise of the newspaper industry writ large – if your newspaper sucks, no one will read it.
Dinosaurs, tar pits.
That’s generous. After watching it shill for the Idiot Prince’s Mesopotamian adventure1, I no longer consider the WaPo basically trustworthy. Who the hell wants to spend a nickel on a "newspaper" that either flat-out lies or encourages those who do?
What the WaPo really needs is Chapter 11. Given their declining readership, this happy fate can’t be far off. Look at the NY Times.
1 Granted, the paper did have the excellent Walter Pincus puncturing the latest Bush/Cheney Big Lie on a daily basis. Only problem was, WaPo management routinely buried his pieces back on page A-22 or thereabouts.
@Mnemosyne: Economics explained some of the variance, as did the birth cohort effect and the growth in the prison population. Check out Frank Zimring’s The Great American Crime Decline, by far the most comprehensive analysis of the 90’s crime drop.
Michael D.
Well, at least DougJ can remind us, every day, how bad WaPo is.
Every day.
Every single day.
@Michael D.: If not him, who? If not now, when?
What were we talking about again?
joe from Lowell
Yeah, Digby’ll do that.
I have blocked an obsessive desire to see Gerson humiliated on "Are You Dumber than A Fifth Grader" by being unable to pay my cable bill.
joe from Lowell
So, which newspapers are really good?
I nominate the Boston Globe.