Suck on this, libtards.
C-list wingnut yakker Bob Lonsberry has unleashed an avant-garde gamechanger on the struggling Obama administration:
a word came to me. A newly coined word. Four letters. Pronounced “foo-bow.” Like in “food” and “bow and arrow” – “foo-bow.”
[….]Then the phones lit up. Dozens and dozens of people called. They wanted a bumper sticker just like mine.
On the next commercial break, I checked my e-mail and there was a note from a man at a T-shirt company. He said he’d like to try to make some T-shirts with my new word on them. Several other people wrote offering to make bumper stickers. One gentleman said he would embroider a hat with FUBO on it.
[….]And if I make any money off it, I’m going to buy a gun before the ruling regime outlaws them.
It’s not clear if this stands for Fuck You, Barack Obama or Fucked Up By Obama or For Us, By Obama. Frankly, I think its ambiguity is part of its genius.
Gasp! He’s run rings around us logically!
how about Falling Under Bus.
Comrade Stuck
My money goes to Fuck u Barrack, but who knows with wingnut’s. It is good to see them keeping busy with new products and ideas to stimulate the economy.
"F***tards Unhinged By Obama"?
Jon H
More evidence that Republicans really struggle with big words.
John Cole
We really need a new category- “Unspoofable” comes to mind, but something a touch more clever would be preferential. Any suggestions?
Also, DougJ, you were hotlinking, so I fixed it. Email me and I will explain.
I was going to try to come up with some sort of spiff backronym for it, but I think gnomedad just won.
All I can really say is… wow. Is that all they’ve got left?
John Cole
BTW- This title at the HuffPo really says it all, doesn’t it?
“Jonathan Krohn: 13-Year-Old Conservative Wunderkind Wows CPAC, Joe The Plumber”
How the hell am I supposed to come up with something funnier than that?
Wait, when did they drop the Hussein bit?
Oooh, that’s going into my vocabulary. Thanks!
Comrade Stuck
@John Cole:
Is it only a coincidence that this "word" is only one letter different from FUBU, a clothing line worn predominantly by African-Americans?
Polish the Guillotines
Ding Ding Ding! Johnny, tell gnomedad what he’s won!
Did Michelle Bachman shout out ‘You Be Da Boy!" after Krohn spoke?
I think it may be. Lonsberry hasn’t spent much time around black people.
Polish the Guillotines
@Comrade Stuck:
As in, "I tried to spoof him, but he mock-blocked me."
I’m thinking something like “preemptive stupidity”. But that’s not quite right.
Take a look at that O. Six fucking Hammers with six fucking sickles crossing ’em. Rightly so, because Obama is six times more communist than the damn Russkies ever were. The Sextuple Soviet. That’s how we do it in America. Go big or go home. Thank you baby Jesus.
mr. whipple
via TPM: when the going gets weird…
"Louisiana’s transportation department plans to request federal dollars for a New Orleans to Baton Rouge passenger rail service from the same pot of railroad money in the president’s economic stimulus package that Gov. Bobby Jindal criticized as unnecessary pork on national television Tuesday night."
He’s complaining about the fairness doctrine, which shows how informed he is…
Cake Giddy
@ John Cole:
Call it: "Wingnuts putting me out of work"
Very good points all around.
mr. whipple
"“Jonathan Krohn: 13-Year-Old Conservative Wunderkind Wows CPAC, Joe The Plumber”
I can see him now, organizing filibusters against the appointment of johnny the crossing guard by the jr high student council.
More incomprehensible, innish cant from Republicans. More power to them. The more wingnut shibboleths they come up with, the better – because it means less of their platform they can coherently communicate to anyone who doesn’t already believe it.
mr. whipple
Look closer, the background consists of an additional 6 elements. Ya get it?: 666! ZMOG
Republicans: setting the house on fire, then screaming that the fire department is socialist.
It’s Spoofproof(tm)
Conservatively Liberal
They needed one more set of six items to complete the super secret code of 666 that will expose Obama at the true Antichrist they have been waiting for.
Echoes without Bunnies or Men
Finally Under Barry’s Ownership
Obviously, it means
"We have a black president, and I am racist."
Learn to read.
J. Michael Neal
My first thought was Fucked Up Beyond Obama, and I thought that was an awfully harsh verdict on the Bush administration.
Oh I’m using that shit…
Fubo wasn’t he some fat and balding ogre that appear at night to devour small children, or am I thinking of someone else?
How about "Have we hit peak wingnut yet?"
Isn’t that a clothing line?
Fubu was the first thing I thought of when I saw the logo. Funny dat.
Guess Steele and Bachman are on to something. They are off the hook you know.
@Polish the Guillotines:
Add Sparkles and Glitter at the moment when their eyes met across the room.
More Billmon at Kos A tease:
That defaced Obama logo really doesn’t work well as an "O", especially since it’s at the end of the word and the "word" isn’t a word anyone knows. There’s no reason to read that as "FUBO" rather than "FUB" with a seal next to it, since neither one makes any sense. There’s a reason people hire professional graphic designers (of which I’m certainly not one).
Bullshit…to cover
One’s own inadequacies
Meh…I suck at this game. All the things I can think of don’t start with F U B or O.
Church Lady
FUBAR is what came to my mind first.
FUBO = Fucked Up By Obama would be my best guess.
The hammer/sickle combo is homage to his commie socialist plans.
Interestingly fubo is a Japanese word, just like obama is, it means father and mother. Unless this translator I’m look at is wrong.
Polish the Guillotines
Shouldn’t that be GuFUBO?
So… he either doesn’t have enough money to buy a gun now, in which case he’s a slacker per his party’s talking points or he’s sufficiently unconcerned about guns being outlawed that he hasn’t bothered to get one so far, making him a liar.
Polish the Guillotines
Heh… Just occurred to me. Spin it for the Dems…
Find Us Better Opposition.
Hey Cole,
Have you worked on a Peak Wingnut Meter or countdown clock yet?
The needles are redlining and the wingnuts are congealing into an ideologically pure extraction.
The event horizon of wingnuttia awaits.
Truly, Bob Lonsberry is a subtle genius. And the gentlemen he consorts with are the epitome of refinement.
Jon H
Filling Undies Because of Obama?
Polish the Guillotines
Isn’t that kind of teh ghey?
Jon H
Fat Ugly Bigoted Onanist
Best picture ever, courtesy Dave Weigel.
Now that should be on a hat.
On 21 January 2016 they’ll still claim that Obama’s gonna take their guns away.
Why is it, when once a year, I play the lottery, I never get a single damn number. Shouldn’t that be a prize? I mean the conservatives have been doing essentially the exact same thing for 12 years and they are rich.
Chuck Butcher
The sad reality is that they aren’t, they just expect that ship to come in and don’t want to be paying when it does. Pretty much like you playing the lottery…
But hell, fun is fun. Except when you make it a political ideology.
Not even close
Common Sense
What Bob, Nobo didn’t catch on?
So you cut and paste the text to hawk Fubo instead?
This guy will have a half hour show following Joe the Plumber within two years. He is clearly meant for this.
Um… okay, problem is there’s so much shit on the "O" that it doesn’t even look like an "O" anymore.
It’s "FUB". Good job, A+, etc.
FUBO – Fuckheads United By Obama
Fuckers United by Obama
I think Fuck U Barack Obama is probably the intention.
ps (not insulting our own Fuckhead btw)
Aha! I missed Rachel and what the cries of socialism really mean.
(The socialism, and probably some of the unamerican crap as well is dogwhistle for the set up for the Rapture.)
I don’t know why I didn’t see that sooner. Well, nice to see that the GOP is sticking with the base at least. Party on with that regional strategy…
I mean, seriously.
Expect any terrorist attack to follow by a right-wing-truther movement alleging that Obama helped it happen. "The terrorist knew someone who knew someone who knew someone in Kenya related to Obama" and that kind of shit.
Peak Wingnut is coming 2012. They will ramp it up after losing in 2010 but the second shellacking in 2012 will mark the high water mark.
Mark it.
Since FUBU’s been around long enough that even *I* know what the acronym stands for (officially, at least, For Us By Us), I’m guessing Mr. Lonsberry was trying to show off his "street cred", as the young people call it.
Of course, when his followers get branded "The Fubsters", it’s not gonna seem so glamorous an’ all…
The Republican Party will be running ads on BET soon, I betcha. I’m so white I glow under UV, but even I know how lame that is.
Jon H
FU, Boehner
@Chuck Butcher:
Let me try a little Michelle Bachmann on for size for this reply:
True dat!
I feel so urban!
@southpaw: I just fell off my chair laughing. For the next few days, at least, I am going to be at risk of flashing back to that picture for some reason, and breaking into a silly grin at an inopportune time.
Merde. Another daily newspaper in a major market buys it.
R.I.P., Rocky Mountain News.
Phoenician in a time of Romans
Forever Uttering Bullshit Opinions.
kommrade reproductive vigor
The real fun begins when other knuckle draggers assume the the bumper sticker signals support for the IslamoCommieUsurper and kick off his rear view mirrors.
@Polish the Guillotines: Seconding Mock-Blocked.
A Mom Anon
It’s sad that no one loves the little wingnuts enough to do an intervention.(I say this about the Malkin often) Surely they have family or friends or someone in their lives who wishes they could have their spouse,sibling,significant other or family member back.
oh really
That’s one of the dumbest things I’ve read in a long time. His column is laughable.
If asked for a one word response, I guess I’d say…FUBL.
Jay Severin Has A Small Pen1s
How about "Friend uf Barack"
the bumper sticker I want is:
"Don’t blame me, I voted for Obama"
They’re angry. It’s been Reagan their whole adult lives. They just found out that when you lose an election you have to pay taxes toward ideas and approaches you don’t agree with.
I’ve been paying taxes to support conservative ideas and approaches that I don’t agree with since I got my first job so I knew it. I was reconciled to it by the time I was 20 years old.
Change is hard, particularly for those who think holding power forever is a divine right.
c u n d gulag
Of couse FUBO is for Fuck You Barack Obama. If they could spell it would be FYBO, but that sounds like a retarded dog, or a C- yakker: Bob "Fybo" Lonsberry (Fuck You Bob lOnsberry – the "L" is silent).
I love ‘Find Us Better Opposition,’ though. We could turn it around into Found U.S. Better Opportunities.
Mike Kelly
Barackonym, surely?
John S.
Bob Lonsberry reminds me of two things:
1) Every idiotic client that thinks their shitty idea is pure gold (I’m in advertising)
2) The dean from Real Genius when he says:
Yep, they’re playing off FUBU. Every good southern "conservative" knows that’s the garb of choice for many young "bucks", as Reagan would say if he were sadly with us today.
All those alleged offers of help in promoting this new acronym prolly come from KKKers looking for some re-branding of their effort’s image. More mainstream GOP, that is to say.
El Cid
They are just expressing the fact that they are tired of being oppressed by their own body odor.
dog's eye view
If and when we see FUBO merchandise, we could think to ourselves:
F*cked Up By Obtuseness
1. Joe the Plumber
2. Some 13 year old kid.
Next come the mimes, people. It’s not to late to flee.
@Polish the Guillotines:
The winnah.
From Wiki-
"While working as a talk show host for WHAM-Rochester in late 2003, Lonsberry made two implications about the black mayor of Rochester (orangutan and monkey), while playing monkey sounds."
… and I’m going with mock-blocked
dog's eye view
Gnomedad rules!
Love comment 26 too.
"Republicans: setting the house on fire, then screaming that the fire department is socialist."
About right.
Friends Uv Barack Obama
I examined those photos, and there are dozens, DOZENS I tell you, of Wolverines!1@ gathered at that event. Their mad sign making skillz make me tremble.
And to think that none of us libtards ever came up with the perfect bumpersticker during the Bush Administration:
Missed opportunities, folks.
Remember Senator Judd Gregg’s sudden withdrawal as nominee for Secy of Commerce? Anyone who opined that "there must be more to it than that," was right:
AP Exclusive: Gregg had stake in, won aid for base
DougJ, keeping bringing that Rochester (my old hometown) goodness! I remember when Brother Wease, another local radio personality, but one working for the forces of good (and funny), used to harass Lonsberry, aka "Flanders", on-air on a regular basis. I loved when he’d stick it to that silly-ass Mormon. Good times.
P.S., I miss garbages plates and white hots.
I read it yesterday morning. The night before, I watched the Obama budget press conference.
Gregg appeared and gave the rebuttal. All Yankee fiscal conservatism, and frugality. A stern lecture on good government, directed to that feckless Obama. The assembled press swooned, and I actually found his performance convincing.
I didn’t know he picked up half a million dollars as a direct result of an earmark he steered to his brother until the following morning. Hah! He sure fooled me. Not that doing so is DIFFICULT…
The white hot is the best hot dog in the world.
@Dennis-SGMM: So what’s with letting the Republican quietly slink away when we discovered his improprieties while dragging all the Democratic nominees for Cabinet through the 24 hour news cycle?
At the time that Gregg withdrew I thought that he looked a bit foolish and that’s about it. Good to know, now, that Gregg was motivated by the bedrock Republican principles of greed and lack of ethics.
Because we expect it from Republicans?
kommrade reproductive vigor
Fapping Under the Big-Tent Obviously.
@Dennis-SGMM: Don’t forget Teabagging 4 America.
Someone needs to take taser to that guy in the white hat before something bad happens.
JD Rhoades
I am so stealing this…
Because he’s in technical compliance with the rules. He has only to assert that the money steered to the Gregg family coffers benefited anyone at all in addition to the Gregg family.
He did that, so he’s ethical.
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
That the ‘baggers would use the word "teabag" as a transitive verb on their signs makes the Repubs’ attempts to look hip with Twitter, Facebook, hip-hop, ad nauseum, all the more comic. Are they still calling pot smokers "Vipers"?
Thank God–for a second I thought the new word was "bubo":
You’re right: under the old ethics rules he’s as pure as the driven snow. Under the new ones, not so much. He distributed the largess before the rules were changed. He can proudly stand before the American people and state: "Technically, I am not a crook!"
Michael D.
Speaking of “unspoofable” and CPAC:
Please do not mock the genius of Mr. Loinsberry.
Davis X. Machina
I was waiting to see what would replace this.
And now we know. A worthy successor.
Humor Inspector
This thread is officially hilarious.
Tara the antisocial social worker
I assumed that it was a form of FUBAR, a fake-Spanish verb that stands for F*** Up Beyond All Reason.
Of course, using proper Spanish conjugation, FUBO would mean "I F*** Up Beyond All Reason."
How long before the makers of FUBU sue these idiots?
@John Cole:
"No Spoofers Need Apply"?
Josh Hueco
Frottagers of Underage BOys?
Fatheads Unhinged By Obama?
Fully Uneducated Bigots and Oafs?
Even with all the Spanish I studied, I never saw fubar as a verb; I always saw it as an English adjective. I like that, but fubo would be present tense.
fupo — I am fucking up beyond all reason
fubas — you (fam.) are fucking up beyond all reason
fuba — he/she/it are fucking up beyond all reason
fubamos — we are fucking up beyond all reason
fubaís — you (fam. pl.) are fucking up beyond all reason
fuban — they are fucking up beyond all reason
Josh Hueco
Hey, it ate my comment.
Josh Hueco
Fatheads Unhinged By Obama?
Fully Uneducated Bigots and Oafs?
Frottagers of Underage Boys?
Now if the tee shirt seller is really smart ,he’ll offer a special two-fer: All orders of FUBO tees will get an I’m with Stupid> at half price.
Comment #31 wins the thread, as "F**ked Up Beyond Obama" is both a truer transliteration of the original term and a more sober description of the conservative’s plight.
I thought maybe it described how he got his college degree:
"Failed Undergrad, Bought Online."
Or, couldn’t it be, "Fucked Up by Bill O’Rielly?
but since reading about the 13 year old wunderkind at CPAC, I thought maybe it was, "Fucks Underage Boys, Ordinarily." (alt: feeling underage boy organs).
But I would like to turn FUBO into a liberal saying. Something like "Finally Undoing Bush’s Orders".
OK. I’m done.
Chris Davis
From the FUBO cafepress page:
According to Urban Dictionary:
oh really
Fucked Up By American Republicans
Geoff Wittig
Spectacular wingnuttery.
I’ve actually had the displeasure of listening to Bob Lonsberry on local radio, when I was unable to change the station fast enough. He’s actually notorious in our area for a vicious legal spat he instigated in the small village he inhabits. If memory serves, he tried raising chickens and other livestock within the village limits, tormenting his neighbors. When the neighbors understandably objected, he took them all to court in an apparent effort to bankrupt them.
For what it’s worth, Lonsberry had the greatest imaginable gig. He got to take over the column in Rochester’s daily paper written by Dick Dougherty. Dougherty was a widely beloved (and liberal!) WWII vet who wrote a hilarious, warm-hearted, wisdom-filled column I looked forward to every week. Sadly Dougherty was forced to retire after heart surgery, and Lonsberry took over the column. He tried to fill those giant shoes, but quickly veered off course into paranoid rants about imaginary threats to his Mormon faith, and (near as I can tell) got tossed by the newspaper after about a year when he simply got too crazy.
Da Bomb
How about this: FUBU by FUBAR
Fucking Up Bi-partisan Unity
Fucking Uncreative Bitchass American Republicans
Can we call it Obama Derangement Syndrome yet?
Bob O.
Lonsberry, you’re such a good man – you left your wife and 4 kids when your girlfriend got pregnant – you were excommunicated from the mormon church – you were fired for calling a black mayor a monkey and an orangutan. Clearly your voice should be our moral guide. FUBO? If you were a Christian I’d suggest "WWJD?" But I guess Joseph Smith would say F*** Obama.
Mista Steve
"The needles are redlining and the wingnuts are congealing into an ideologically pure extraction.The event horizon of wingnuttia awaits."
just brilliant
To over 90% of respondants to this string – It is amazing to me the lack of respect for anyone who has an opinion different from yours. I will listen to any gripe and gladly allow the griper to live with their ideals and beliefs, no matter what my opinion is … and I expect the same from my fellow citizens – standing up for what you believe in is what makes America. Because Lonsberry has come up with an ingenious way for you all to decide what FUBO stands for, is certainly no reason to chop him down and attack him personally. You want to chop someone down then simply look for a local, state or federal level politician – they are more to blame for your angst and dismal existance – much more than some radio talk show host. As for former mayor Johnson – the head of the wasted 40 million dollars on a fancy river casino boat that was pissed into Lake Ontario and sunk before it floated – kudos to anyone who stands up to the corruption in Monroe county, WNY or the USA that would allow such a debacle. The monkey thing could – just like FUBO – be considered racist, bigotry or whatever you perceive it to be. Mr. Lonsberry was punished for those actions and in my opinion that was only to satisfy the left wing hippies, radicals and African Americans that took something rhetorical and called it a personal attack on race. Same tactic Obama used to buy the White House for 660 million bucks. Too bad our society has become a bunch of whiny – politically correct – anal retentive dousche bags. Fiscal conservatives don’t point fingers – they use them to promote personal success and capitalism, the American dream, which by the way creates jobs – get on board losers – pretty soon Barry and Timmy’s printers are going to run out of ink and the Chi-Coms are gonna come collecting.
1. history repeats itself
2. you can’t fix stupid