Speaking of Rush, this Breitbart piece is the most delusional thing I have ever read:
The mood at the Omni Shoreham Hotel late Saturday afternoon was off the electrical meter when Rush Limbaugh took center stage at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).
***It was an address that could have altered the election had it been delivered early last fall by any Republican presidential candidate.
About midway through Mr. Limbaugh’s clear-headed, timely and sometimes rambunctious call to ideological arms, my BlackBerry began buzzing with elated text messages from across the Omni and across the nation.
A friend in Los Angeles e-mailed a one-liner: “Best speech I have ever seen.”
My urbane father-in-law, the first person I knew who copped to listening to Mr. Limbaugh and who has been witness to most of the big events of the modern age, called it the “most thrilling thing [he’s] seen on TV.”
No one who can write full sentences is this crazy, so this has to be an act designed to corner the wingnut niche. Later on, Breitbart informs us that Limbaugh also killed newspapers. And I thought it was the internet and cable news. Silly me.
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
Starbursts II – The Megadittoing
In other news today, apparently the talking teenaged parrot got himself some face time on today, and predicted an easy Conservative win in ’12.
I wouldn’t have mentioned it, but it has already popped up over at FR, so look for the cavalcade of crowing incompetents.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Starbursts! Sparkles! If Rush had winked there wouldn’t have been a dry pair of pants in the house.
I honestly believe these dumb S.O.Bs want to see Rush run for president.
So do I, but for completely different reasons.
In other news today, apparently the talking teenaged parrot got himself some face time on the boob tube today, and predicted an easy Conservative win in ’12.
I wouldn’t have mentioned it, but it has already popped up over at FR, so look for the cavalcade of crowing incompetents. They’ll be forming up right next to Jabba the Nut and his jiggly moobs.
Davis X. Machina
That’s "best" in the sense of "confirmed the maximum possible number of my pre-existing prejudices and fears".
Warren Terra
I think we need a new tag for these sorts of delusional, emphatic assertions about a world that doesn’t actually exist; the current tag of "Clown Shoes" doesn’t quite cover it, in my mind. I suggest "Clap Louder!", but the upthread reference to Starbursts has some relevance.
El Cid
Clearly writers like this would be completely dominant in Hollywood if it weren’t for the gay eco-Muslim mafia enforcing liberal totalitarianism on such astoundingly talented voices.
Comrade Jake
It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Sure, any GOP candidate could have given that speech, and still got his/her clock cleaned. Because, of course, that candidate would have been tied to Dubya.
Listening to Rush during his show the other day, something occurred to me – he would rather have a Republican Party of about 15% of the electorate, who are all rabidly opposed to any compromise with the Dems, than a Republican Party that’s a majority but which really believes in compromise.
Of course, if there was really the latter, there would be no need for Rush, so …
@Comrade Jake: I think that is defamatory of idiots.
Mazacote Yorquest
You knew it was going to be a special speech when Rush showed up in his "Walk the Line" audition outfit. With "hair" from Dennis Hof, owner of the Bunny Ranch.
"We can’t get into policy details… this is about philosophy."
Zeitgeist FAIL.
Comrade Darkness
No one who can write full sentences is this crazy
Maybe the barely coherent ramblings were sent via wav file to India where they were dutifully made into complete sentences and sent back.
Brian J
Well, nobody said it had to be rational for it to be "thrilling" or stimulating in any way. Hell, I don’t just watch "Real Time with Bill Maher" because I think he has an interesting take on events. One big reason I watch it is that he’s awesome at throwing out verbal jabs towards those in power who act like idiots or assholes. In other words, that Limbaugh speech was like political porn to anybody who would have a reason to listen to it.
Also, maybe it’s just me, but how is it that nobody has asked whether it’s legal for someone like Rush to attend one of these events? Rightly or wrongly, you hear of all sorts of activities or things that fall under campaign finance laws, like contact information for ideologically similar voters, so they cannot be shared. I don’t know enough about these laws to know whether this is a ridiculous question to ask–if it is, then feel free to tell me–and I know that there are some on our side who might run into the same sort of issues, but I’ve wondered about this sort of stuff.
kommrade reproductive vigor
@Warren Terra: Limp Zeppelin?
Same people who thought Obama was quaking in his boots when Joe the Plumber became a big thing, or Sarah Palin, or when the GOP nominated "war hero McCain".
Andy K
I thought it was the unions and illegal immigrants.
I don’t know which is more laughable, Rush himself or lefties who think that Rush matters. I mean, Rush single-handedly prevented Obama’s Stimulus legislation from getting approved by Congress. Oops.
Wait. Maybe Bobby Jindal is more laughable. Here he is on 60 Minutes, winning the praises of Rush and Newt. Intelligent Design, anyone?
It’s interesting that the 60 Minutes piece, emanating from the center of the supposedly biased liberal media, couldn’t detail much in the way of actual Jindal accomplishments as governor of Louisiana. But I did learn that he delivered his youngest child himself when his wife went into labor before they could get to the hospital.
Rush for president???
All those foibles … multiple divorces, drug additions, yadda yadda … are not important, right? After all, IOKIYAR, right?
Please God. Let him run. Proof that God loves me and wants me to be happy.
Et Tu Brutus?
Rush, leader of what, around 7% of the population? ( listeners to his radio show, 22,000,000; US pop 306,000,000). No doubt
Obama and Rhambo are pissin’ themselves in fear right about now.
Matthew Hooper
It is a crucial mistake to select someone – anyone – as the spokesman for a political movement, then give that person a microphone for four hours a day, five days a week, and let him talk about whatever he wants.
I don’t care who you are. Something stupid’s going to come out of your mouth.
I think Craig of Craigslist had a lot more to do with it than Limbaugh. Now, the crash in the Oxycontin market…
Comrade Jake
"It’s almost like these people take pride in being ignorant."
I’m not sure words have ever been so prophetic by a political candidate.
"A friend in Los Angeles e-mailed a one-liner: “Best speech I have ever seen.” Bada bing, bada boom!
Mike in NC
Someday they’ll sculpt his fat sweaty head onto Mount Rushmore. Oh damn!
Cast out some demons there, too. More than my mother could claim.
Comrade Michael "Buzzkill" Brown
I know we’re all having lots of fun here making fun of the handicapped. And it’s nice to see these idiots flailing around so comically.
But if:
– The depression is as long and as deep as some (coughKrugmancough) say it will be
– The stimulus is much less stimulative than we hope, as some (ahKRUGmancough) predict
– And these subnormals go on the attack the way they did with Clinton
Then we are now living in the Weimar Republic.
A random Twitterer I was following because he lives nearby was posting quotes every few minutes while the speech was live.
Wow, it must be hard work to be that delusional, or to write something that delusional. Breitbart certainly puts in effort.
J.D. Rhoades
Anyone who calls Obama an inspiring speaker (which he actually is) is accused of being a "cultist" who thinks Obama is "The Messiah." But I guess like everything else. gushing fanboyism is okay if you’re a Republican.
Comrade Stuck
Let’s see. We have Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Joe the Whatever This Week, and Baby Face Jonathan Krohn. We haven’t seen this kind of awesome collaboration since Lex Luther teamed up with the Kryptonian criminals in Superman 2. All we need now is the The Daily Planet to announce Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen have gone missing.
The Moar You Know
@Comrade Michael “Buzzkill” Brown: I really don’t think so. Hitler knew how to talk to the people. These losers are the most tone-deaf people I’ve seen in my entire lifetime, and they keep saying exactly the wrong thing – they are losing supporters by the minute.
Comrade Luke
Fixed that for ya…
People who decided the best way to spend their Saturday afternoons was watching Rush Limbaigh at the CPAC conference over the internet think that Rush Limbaugh gave a great speech? Color me shocked. What surprising news will you have for me next? That a survey of fans who go to Mesa to see the Cubs in spring training think that this is really, really, really the year they are going to win the World Series?
@Comrade Stuck:
Hey, at least Zod had a coherent message and idea ("Kneel before Zod!") for running the country. That’s one more message and idea than the current "Loyal Opposition" has in the bag.
"Anyone who calls Obama an inspiring speaker (which he actually is) is accused of being a "cultist" who thinks Obama is "The Messiah." But I guess like everything else gushing fanboyism is okay if you’re a Republican."
This is the surreal farce to which the Republican party is being reduced. Loud & proud "dittoheads" calling Obama supporters (the majority of American voters!) brainwashed cultists. This does not merit snark, these people scare the snot out of me. I pray to God that reasonable minds gain control of the party.
forked tongue
I must admit that during the 20 seconds I spent watching a clip, I was transfixed by those heaving, sweaty manbreasts.
‘– My urbane father-in-law, the first person I knew who copped to listening to Mr. Limbaugh and who has been witness to most of the big events of the modern age, called it the “most thrilling thing [he’s] seen on TV.” —
His Father-in-law, surprisingly, is Orson Bean…
for real.
John Cole @ Top: "No one who can write full sentences is this crazy…"
Ayn Rand could write full sentences, and was arguably crazier.
Perhaps, but at least we got a kick ass game out of it.
"My name is Andrew Ryan."
Chuck Butcher
I realise this is the Washington Times and all that, but why do these guys seem to specialize in such overblown prose regarding their heroes? It just begs to be mocked and so quickly loses its grip on realness for a reader that it sows doubt. If this was written about Obama I’d cringe and start to wonder what was getting buried in all the mess.
Greg M.
I somehow always thought Breitbart was smarter than this, but oh ye Gods, John, you missed the most delusional quote:
"Only talk radio with its emphasis on Socratic debate over raw emotionalism and with Mr. Limbaugh in the driver’s seat has escaped the left’s clutches of pure media dominance."
Followed immediately by: "Talk-show call screeners will be on double duty this week trying to keep off the air anyone who might try to tear down the post-speech unity and elation."
So. One sentence, you’re interested in Socratic debate, two sentences later you’re encouraging shows to BLOCK people who disagree with them.
For more than a generation, the traditional media has tried to build a wall around public sentiment to protect the Democratic Party from articulate critics. Recent election cycles… have only exacerbated the situation."
Dude. LOSING in the past election cycles exacerbated your situation.
Yeah, but you’re not from the fetishist minority that enjoys wallowing in manure.
Some time ago, someone on another site suggested shooting Limbaugh into the sun. To which I couldn’t help but respond: it wouldn’t be worth the fuel it’d take to get his carcass off the ground and to escape velocity.
That assessment may need re-evaluating.
‘Cause they can’t write for shit, and they think prose like that makes them sound smart.
Matt Yglesias quotes from Limbaugh’s CPAC speech:
This must be a prelude to Limbauh’s hawking Ronald Reagan amulets: "No need to think about things, folks, just wish on your Reagan Amulet and we’ll be back in power."
The Grand Panjandrum
Read any rightie blog its a bi-polar rationalization for what the hell Rush really is to them. When he says something over-the-top he’s just an entertainer. When he stands in front of a pack of howling lapdogs screeching like a WATB he’s the Second Coming of Ronnie Rayguns.
With Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh now battling for the soul of the Republican party we now have solid evidence that the party in need of a life boat has only the anchor, and it will drag them to the bottom if they are not more prudent in their choice of leadership.
Holy shit; this proves that Bobby really is Kumar!
Maybe "since Jindal’s response to Obama’s speech" got cut off the end of his "The best speech I’ve ever seen" email.