Deep in this Ben Smith piece on the numerous conspiracy theories about Obama’s birth certificate and the desire by some on the right to get rid of the “birthers” is this nugget:
Meanwhile, the Birthers’ persistence has prompted another, competing conspiracy theory on the right.
“I’m not a conspiracist, but this could be a very big conspiracy to make conservatives disgrace themselves,” Medved said.
They have cultivated the crazy for so long that it is spinning out of control, and now they are struggling to reel it back in. I guess a years worth of whisper campaigns about Obama not being a citizen, being Muslim, being sworn in on the Koran, not covering his heart during the pledge of allegiance, and the rest of the nonsense is coming back to haunt them. And mind you, it wasn’t just whisper campaigns and email chains. They fed this baby. Prominent conservative Republican mouthpieces gave credibility to these rumors, and the newly annointed CPAC blogger of the year spent the better part of 2008 pushing pictures of Obama in “muslim-like” clothing.
And now they are so frustrated with their own creation that they are paranoid that it is a conspiracy to discredit them. No conspiracy is needed, Mr. Medved. We just need to give you all a microphone and let you guys take care of the rest.
Dr. Rockso
For. The. Win.
Okay so, the conspiracy is not to get a noncitizen as POTUS, the conspiracy is to get conservatives to embarrass themselves by accusing a citizen of being a noncitizen when he is really a citizen.
Alrighty then.
It’s a meta-conspiracy!
Ahh. Michael Medved. Limbaugh and Beck are insane, but the true juicy core of crazy can be found on the Salem Radio Network. Medved, Prager, Hewitt, Ingraham and Mark Levin — 12+ hours of nonstop panic, lies and hate.
words fail really. now we are in meta conspiracy territory? maybe we also planted a chip in Rush’s brain?
The Right has divided by zero.
oh shi-
Jon H
From the article: "One of the lead anti-Obama lawyers, Orly Taitz, a California dentist with a degree from an online law school"
Ah. An online law school. I did not know that, but it explains so much.
Mal Carne
No, no – wait. I’ve got it! There’s a conspiracy for the conservatives to act like the birthers are part of a liberal conspiracy, to persecute them, so that they won’t have the resources to prove Obama’s a noncitizen!
Don’t you see? It’s a meta-meta conspiracy!
And if I can interlude, because the wingnuts are spinning about this headline:
"Iran likely has stuff to make nukes, U.S. military chief says"
The fuel Iran has is low-grade. You can’t directly make a bomb from it. Going from low-enrichment (4-6%) to weapons grade (95%+ enrichment) is massively non-trivial both to do and to hide, especially when you have the UN crawling up your ass.
The headline means that if they converted most or all of their fuel to weapons-grade, that they could then make a bomb, not that they have any weapons-grade in their possession.
Jon H, be thankful it wasn’t a lawyer with a degree from an online dentistry school.
I heard that "volcano monitoring" is the CIA’s latest attempt at creating a mind-control device / death ray. Pass it on.
Ooopsie. "I’m sorry Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that."
Tonal Crow
Everyone now: "Gimme that old-time Meta-Kool-Aide, it’s good enough for me!"
This is a tipping point, achieved by the likes of DougJ and certain Trolls and others who have toiled away knowing that:
When you can’t tell your idealogical buddies from the spoofs, the spoofs have won.
Not all the way there yet, but getting pretty damned close.
The Birthers are Spoofproof(tm). Nobody could have made them up. But now that they are here, they shall be made the poster children for Obama’s opposition.
Works for me!
FUBO, anyone? I’m hoping Rush makes it his new logo!
Make no mistake, this is working. Rahm firmly and unambiguously made Rush the Leader of the GOP this morning on Face the Nation.
Enjoy it, righties! Your comeback is on track.
@Mal Carne:
So the heirarchy is something like this:
George Soros
| A Jew
B. HUSSEIN Ob/sAMA (communist terrorist muslim)
| Orders Medved to prevent the Birthers from revealing THE TRUTH!!11
Michael Medved (communist terrorist muslim symp)
| Undermines the Birthers with objectively pro-terrorist incivil doubtiness
Birthers (hardworking real ‘muricans)
| Kern birth certificates in their sandboxes
The Drive-By Media (communist terrorist muslim symps)
| Make the birthers look like dumb ol’ hicks
Libruls (communist terrorist muslim symps)
| Laugh their asses off in blog comments, bathe in SorosBucks, completing the circle.
I sure hope this information doesn’t fall into the right’s, er, I mean, wrong hands.
jerry 101
according to their own logic, Bobby Jindal shouldn’t even bother with running for president, now or ever.
They believe life begins at conception. Bobby’s Mother was pregnant with Bobby when she landed in America.
Bobby was, presumably, conceived in India.
According to the life begins at conception crowd, that makes him an Indian citizen.
Given that he probably does not have a green card, he’s also an illegal immigrant.
Just another illegal immigrant wasting taxpayer dollars.
El Cid
Medved’s correct in his suspicions; it’s an error, however, if the suggestion is that the conspiracy of the last 40 years has been carried out by outsiders.
There has indeed been a strong movement of conspiring planners meant to change the nature of the conservative movement and to take it in a direction that appears crazy to sane people.
That conspiracy was victorious, and in the earlier phase of victory under Ronald Reagan, a Democratic Congress somewhat restrained the scale of crazy inflicted. So, we didn’t get to invade & occupy Nicaragua as the Reaganites wanted, but we did get to hire terrorists and death squads to slaughter civilians.
Then they carried out a campaign of crazed resistance and screaming fear of a Democratic President culminating in the attempted shut-down of government (universally hated), the crazed spin-off (but not that distant) militia movement which spawned a bomber to blow up a federal building against their fear of black helicopter socialism spurred on entirely by right wing crazies, and of course the attempted impeachment of the President for no significant reason whatsoever.
Then they would grab absolute power, inflict as much craziness as they could get away with on a national and international scale, and they did so unchallenged for 6 years.
So, yes, there was a premeditated, planned, directed, and funded conspiracy to bring crazies to the control of the Republican Party, and they won, and now the Party is suffering some consequences from it, and the world and the nation is suffering even more.
I just bought Michael Moore’s latest movie at Barnes & Noble using my SorosBucks that I received from Obama as part of this latest socialist indoctrination campaign/stimulus package.
Those Soros Bucks are handy.
Brick Oven Bill
In the pursuit of a government contract recently, I needed to present a birth certificate.
This is an interesting theory that the President may be setting his opponents up to make idiots out of themselves. It could be true. If it is true, the Republicans have done a good job containing it to Berg, who, Martin, is probably a Jew. So we should set Berg up with a smart meter on his power supply and monitor his activities around Jewish holidays, so we can be sure.
But I have listened to Berg’s case, and it is pretty good. If Berg is right, the Executive is completely open to blackmail. If Obama is playing political games, it is irresponsible. The press should ask the President if he is willing to order a new birth certificate. So should the military leadership. Their oath is to the Constitution, not the government.
The Moar You Know
I haven’t seen self-pwnage like this since Budd Dwyer.
Mr. Surly
As if wingnuts needed a conspiracy to disgrace themselves.
That Medfly is a scream
Comrade Jake
The comments to that Politico article are worth a few laughs. I always find it entertaining how some believe their argument will have more weight if they just TYPE IN ALL CAPS.
I suspect the intersection between the Birthers and the ALLCAPPERS is pretty fucking high.
Jerry 101
There is no birth certificate for a "Bobby" Jindal.
However, a Bobby Jindal did swim through the hurricane whipped waters of Lake Ponchatrain on the back of a Tiger rescuing people drowning in faceless bureaucracies.
@jerry 101: If he ran and someone challenged his eligibility for office on those grounds and the case made it to the SCOTUS, how would Thomas, Scalia, Alito, and Roberts rule?
Added: And Kennedy.
Those who believe Obama was born in a hut in Kenya attended by tribal midwives have formed a splinter group known as "natural birthers."
Thanks for that important lesson, BillyBob.
Can you take a few seconds out of your day and show us where "birth certificate" is described in the Constitution?
Thanks in advance!
So, can I refer to you as the original Partial Birther?
Tonal Crow
The GOP is developing a very healthy strain of paranoia. If things continue to progress this well, I expect several self-appointed Robespierres to appear presently, supported by mobs of adherents screaming for the others’ heads. The damage to the GOP — and the consequent good for America — will be very great.
Time to troll like we’ve never trolled before!
@The Moar You Know:
"self-pwnage"– teh awesome.
I’m shedding a tear…this is such a beautiful moment. For actual right-wing nutbars to be accused of spoofery by their very own? Priceless.
I was living near Harrisburg at the time (in college nearby) and was home that day because classes were cancelled due to snow and happened to see it on TV. I had the TV on in the background while I was studying and looked up when things started sounding funny.
That kind of thing shakes you up for a little bit.
Brick Oven Bill
Hey, It’s SnarkIntern! Article II, Section 1: "…No Person except a natural born Citizen … shall be eligible to the Office of President"
If Berg is right, and Obama was born in Kenya, to a mother who had not resided the required amount of time in the US under the regulations of the time, and was later adopted by an Indonesian, the President is technically an illegal alien, as I understand it.
Every bit of legislation would be null and void, all of the bailouts since the inauguration would have to be returned to the Treasury. France is on its fifth Republic since the revolution. The blowback from this scenario would likely put us on #2. It is fascinating to think about, and another reason I have a large garden.
Yeah, as luck would have it, I’m pretty familiar with that part.
Can you show me the part about the birth certificate? For example, how would George Washington have proved his natural birth?
John Adams? Abe Lincoln?
What is the Constitutional requirement regarding a birth certificate, exactly?
@Tonal Crow: Enjoy!
Brick Oven Bill
There is no Constitutional requirement for a birth certificate. The Constitutional requirement is to be a natural born Citizen, as defined by applicable law, which happened to require a birth certificate, back in 1964, as I understand it.
Comrade Stuck
I think It’s largely the beast created by Karl Rove’s vaunted smear and fear electoral win machine. Guess he forgot to add an off switch.
Incredible…the conspiracy theorists have lapped themselves.
Conservatively Liberal
Since you operate on the same plane of existence as Berg it is easy to understand why you think it is good.
No shit. I came to that conclusion a few days ago and I created another Yahoo email account just for that purpose. I am working on my ‘right wing creds’ (MRPD: Multiple Rushublican Personality Disorder) now and doing a pretty good job of it so far. I will save the outright batshit crazy stuff for ‘blowups’ and otherwise just keep the top spinning like crazy.
Watching the Rushublican mosh pit isn’t as fun as being smack dab in the middle of it while wearing a suit of armor (e.g. having a brain that works). Jump on in peeps, the crazy keeps things from getting boring. I am not going to point to my ‘works’ but I am saving links/copies for future reference in case I pull of a Professor DougJ-level spoof attack.
@Brick Oven Bill:
Ah, well then, this.
Okay, what’s next?
Brick Oven Bill
It is really easy to get a birth certificate, Conservatively Liberal. It takes four days for a prole like me.
It definitely sounds like you’ve been following Hume’s advice about drinking in said garden too…
@Brick Oven Bill:
You understand wrong. Those residency requirements were for naturalized citizens, which President Obama’s mother was not. She. Was. Born. In. Kansas, dipshit!
And the birthers and their feckless leaders like Rush and ManCoulter are so delusional that they think that rooting for failure and going full blown crazy is an excellent way to win back the favor of Americans. I’m sorry, but crazy is kinda unappealing and well um scary. Think of psycho ex-girlfriends and boyfriends (yes they are that nuts) Sane voters hear their nonsense and come away feeling that these people need to be kept far far away from holding any power whatsoever. I mean paying a little extra in taxes is really preferable to allowing our nation to be mishandled by these brownshirts and mayberry machiavellian psychopaths.
I’m trying to think of a rumor that we could start which would be even sillier than "Obama is a secret Kenyan". I’m having trouble. Maybe, taking a page from the Animaniacs, Obama is really a giant chicken and nobody has noticed yet.
Tell me how much you know about government records, and how easy they are to get, Bill.
But before you start, you should know, I work for one of the largest organizations that deals with this subject, in the world. I am really really familiar with how these things work. So try to keep your bullshit level down to a low roar.
El Cid
If Dingleflop is right, and I have listened to his 1-800 ordered audiocassettes frequently, and Obama is a lizard-form alien comprised entirely of sugar crystals, then it is clear that unless Obama willingly allows himself to be submerged underwater naked on TV by right wing freakazoids who get to control when he comes back up, then it means that he is not President, he is not a citizen, and automatically the Federal Reserve must be disassembled in favor of an emerald-based standard.
Polish the Guillotines
@Brick Oven Bill:
You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Kirk Spencer
@Brick Oven Bill: Bill? Don’t back Berg, you’ll lose.
When the state’s registrar of vital statistics says there’s a legit certificate, that’s generally considered ironclad. When in addition there is a birth announcement in the local newspaper, it becomes pretty much irrefutable. These elements are both true in supplement to the document many people have examined. Obama was born in the US.
There’s some smoke being tossed up people’s backsides about adoption. It’s a null issue. You see, there’s this thing called "dual citizenship". By the laws as they stood at the time of Obama’s existence, Obama was a dual citizen at the time of his birth due to the nationality of his father. By the same laws – and amusingly these are still applicable today – a minor cannot surrender citizenship. Further, with a few explicit exceptions accepting citizenship in another nation does not revoke US citizenship. (You can become a citizen of Canada – and Kenya – without giving up US citizenship. Sorry if that doesn’t make sense, it’s the law.)
Obama is a natural born citizen by every legal test, regardless of how some might wish otherwise.
Conservatively Liberal
Yes BOB, the sky is blue today. It was gray yesterday but I heard that was due to upper atmospheric disturbance that was traced back to a faulty toaster in Walla Walla, Washington. The toaster thought the Smart Electric Grid was operational so it tried to switch the sun into a low power state to conserve energy. When that failed it tried to make coffee and got caught in a logic loop, much like the one you are in. Luckily for us, the problem was solved by unplugging the toaster and flying Bobby Jindal in to exorcise the demons from it.
Maybe you should give Jindal a call. Worked for us.
It’s too bad the right-tards aren’t better students of history, cause a better understanding of Churchill could have told them their BS wouldn’t sell forever: “You can always count on Americans to do the right thing – after they’ve tried everything else.”
Things have gotten serious enough now that the right’s talking points are in the everything else category.
@Conservatively Liberal:
But, what about railroad electrification? Isn’t that in there somewhere?
@El Cid: I for one welcome our new lizard overlord.
Ooh, this bit from the Politico article is good.
Alan Keyes has a lawyer named Kreep? How’d he manage that? You just can’t make this stuff up.
Brick Oven Bill
Lurk/Delurk; Berg’s argument is that the law at the time required that in order to be a ‘naturalized citizen’, the American mother had to have resided in the United States for five years after the age of 14, IIRC. As the mother was 18 at the time, she had only resided in the US for four years, since the age of 14, making the President first a Kenyan Citizen, and then an Indonesian Citizen, following adoption by his step-father.
Berg alleges that the reason the President’s college records are sealed is that he likely did not apply as a US Citizen. The reason I am suspicious of all this is that it could be dispelled in about 30 seconds.
It could be a political trap set by the left, or Berg might be right. But I know you can get a birth certificate in a week, because I got mine re-issued in 2005, without fancy experts even.
Actually when I requested my birth certificate from NY a few years ago I received it in Cali inside of a week. I was impressed. Looked nothing like the one I had as a kid, mind you.
Oh, and "Every bit of legislation would be null and void, all of the bailouts since the inauguration would have to be returned to the Treasury."
Doesn’t work that way. You can’t enforce one rule by breaking about 50 others. If Obama was found to be natural born, Congress would need to impeach him to remove him from office (only Congress has that power, and lying about your citizenship would certainly rise to high crime level), but everything he did as President would stand because he really was President. It’d be up to Congress to decide if any of that should be revoked. Good luck with that. Even the impeachment would be iffy depending on public reaction.
Conservatively Liberal
I didn’t want to work all of his rambling points in one post because BOB would fwop himself to death if I did. I thought it would be better to spice it up with new material to throw his tossing off a bit. ;)
El Cid
@Delia: Even stranger still that a lawyer named Kreep would have a creep for a client.
@Conservatively Liberal:
[snortling] Too funny.
No, that is not true. The time will vary considerably depending on the circumstances. But you are talking about getting your OWN birth certificate. Even when the topic is that narrow, no time for delivery can be guaranteed. Anyone who tells you different is lying to you. In some jurisdictions, it will take you longer than a week just to establish identity and payment for the service to get you the copy. In some cases, you will have to go through a third party (vendor) to do that. You don’t know what the fuck you are talking about.
Obama has no need to get another copy of his birth certificate. No legitimate question about it exists.
The matter has been settled. Your wishing otherwise does not make it so.
@El Cid:
Way to stick the landing by working in a change to our currency standard.
Brick Oven Bill
Martin, I agree that reasonable people could debate the legitimacy of the enacted legislation, in the scenario where Berg is right. Unreasonable people might start yelling at each other.
@Brick Oven Bill:
This is absolute 100% No-Money-Back Spun-Glass bullshit.
Obama is a natural-born citizen because his mother was a natural-born citizen, end of discussion. She could have been spirited away to a cave buried 25 miles under the Himalayas and born any number of children you want, to a series of Kenyans, Grey Aliens and Reptoids, and all those children would be natural born U. S. citizens, because SHE WAS.
There cannot be, and never were "residency requirements" to be able to pass on your natural-born American citizenship to your children, This applies only to naturalized citizens passing on their acquired citizenship to their children!
Brick Oven Bill
The lady doth protest too much, methinks. SnarkIntern used ITALICS.
Mike in NC
Didn’t this clown Medved start out as some third-rate movie critic on cable TV way back when? (I’m too lazy to look up his Wiki bio.) He must have smelled where the real money was to be made — as a wingnut ranter.
Hopefully there are no illegal, mind-altering things growing back there. Got my brother in big trouble with the local cops.
@@Brick Oven Bill,
Berg? Berg?
I invite you to peruse the Politijab, we we luvs to serve us up a little Berg, with some correspondence school O rly on the side! hehehe.
John Cole,
You going to that "Tea Party" in the burgh? I don’t think they have enuf folks here to tint the fountain at Point State Park. But, I think that’s their plan.
@Brick Oven Bill:
You already lost this battle, Bill. You want to go double or nothing?
Medved’s conspiracy idea is certainly plausible. I mean, wouldn’t it be just like those nefarious liberals to spend years inserting their moles into various positions, including one as a prominent "conservative" blogger with a Randian blog name and another as a Republican senator from Alabama, waiting to spring their trap and have them start spouting crazy things about Obama’s birth certificate to make conservatives look bad?
The only question is how many years this plot has been going on for, and how long the craziness spouting can continue before the members of the conspiracy can be evicted from the conservative movement.
Tim C.
And the really slap-your-knee-while-you-point-and-laugh funny part of all this is that the wingnuts really *don’t* know how stupid they look when they bring this up.
It’s the early Clinton years all over again where the right gets so unhinged and frothing at the mouth, that when a big screw-up does happen *coughLewinskycough* You’ve spent so much time screaming that nobody listens to you anymore.
This is not concern-trolling, the GOP strategy in congress is a good idea from a political point of view, if the economy is better, they’ll lose anyway. If the economy is still crappy. they can pick up some seats. Opposing the president is win-win from a political perspective and they have nothing to lose.
But the "Barack the Islamic Shock Superallah, Obama" nonsense hurts them with everyone but the true party faithful. It’s like all the stuff the GOP made up about Vince Foster, and shutting down the government. Political masturbation, it feels good, but please do it where no one else can see you.
Bill does not do battle with others. At least, never successfully. Instead, he lovingly grapples with his own demons and allows others to watch.
It’s become . . . captivating, to be honest.
Robert Johnston
On the contrary; the right has once again multiplied by zero. It’s the only thing they know how to do, and it’s why all questions have the same answer to them.
Chris Johnson
Brick Oven Bill
I have looked over that web-site sus; I liked the part with the different regulations.
SnarkIntern: Does the President claim that he was:
(a) Born overseas and is a Citizen per Lurk/Delurk; or
(b) Born in Hawaii; or
(c) Has made no statement on the subject?
A very big conspiracy to make conservatives disgrace themselves? I guess it was inevitable that the cult of the stupid would attempt to diminish the stupid with even more stupid.
It was. Repeatedly.
What fucking part of the the State of Hawaii fucking told these wackos that Obama was born here did you miss during the election cycle?
Kirk Spencer
Yes, I’ve seen his cite of that. It suffers a problem (as others have noted) – the magic word is "naturalized". It doesn’t apply to an American parent.
Now, prior to about 1920 the way the law was written might have allowed some debate as we’re speaking of the mother. In the 1800s it was the father’s nationality that mattered with the mother’s being irrelevant. Along with suffrage, however, came the small change in the law that made the mother’s nationality matter as well.
Because Obama’s mother was a US citizen by birth and had never surrendered that citizenship, Obama was a "natural born" citizen. ALSO, because Obama was born in the United States, he is a "natural born" citizen.
Two routes, same result.
No, it’s divided by zero. There should be a copy on the net somewhere of the famous ‘divide by zero theory’ and the rebuttal.
You know what’s odd? I haven’t been able to find anyone to take up this challenge:
I’ve even offered to pay the phone charges for people to simply pick up the phone, call Hawaii, and get them to confirm their assumptions. Yet, none of them are willing to do it. Or, they did do it and what they heard didn’t fit in with their assumptions.
Bill, I was born in Cuba and became an American citizen when I came to this country. The law would apply to me. But Obama’s mother was born in Kansas, for crying out loud. She was born an American. In order to stop being an American, you would have to give up your citizenship. You could live in Timbuktu from the time you were six until they brought you home in a coffin to put you in the family crypt and you would still be an American.
Not to mention that two Hawaiian officials certified that the certificate of live birth was the real thing and that there is an announcement in the papers at the time of his birth… what did Obama do, call his friend the Doctor and take a trip on the TARDIS back to 1961 Hawaii and change the records?
Wile E. Quixote
I love it. Medved is basically saying "It’s not our fault we look stoopid. It’s a liberal conspiracy to make us look stoopid."
You can argue the merits of the legal cases by nuts such as Berg, Orly, and Keyes all you want. But the bottom line is money and exposure. Berg has tried to make a career out of litigating nonsense. This is just his latest in a long line of bs.
Both Berg and Orly are soliciting funds to support their "crusades." Without this fabricated crisis, they would have to actually work for a living.
Keyes is still reeling from all of his defeats, including his defeat by Obama, and his inability to rally conservatives to his outrageous views. Again, this is another attempt to garner exposure and money.
WND thrives on making up scandals. That is how they survive. They couple a supposed fundamentalist Christian framework (so much for "Thou shalt not lie") with their stated search for the truth. This draws in other nuts who believe they are on a mission from GOD to protect our Christian heritage. And, they are using the supposed fabricated birth certificate as some sort of rallying cry to the WND faithful
Again, money and continued exposure. That is what this nonsense is all about.
Dr. Loveless
@jerry 101:
An anchor zygote!
You know what’s odd? That anyone would fall for something as stupid as what you posted.
A birth certificate can only be certified as being a true representation of the assertions made on the certificate. It cannot be certified to prove anything about anything.
Try using one to prove who your parents are in a paternity action, and see how far you get.
No state official is going to tell anyone that a birth certificate proves anything. All they can do is certify the authenticity of the document itself as being the official document. What the document proves or does not prove is not in their jurisdiction.
Don’t waste peoples’ time with bullshit.
The Moar You Know
This is why the various lawsuits (and there have been quite a few of them) have never even made it to discovery – the courts have said, repeatedly, that the matter has been proven to their satisfaction. The End.
But given the reaction it has engendered among normal people, I hope the right keeps hammering the hell out of "the question". They have no idea how totally insane they look to mainstream America.
Brick Oven Bill
Perhaps I stuttered when I addressed SnarkIntern, so an open question for everybody: Does the President claim that he was:
(a) Born overseas and is a Citizen per Lurk/Delurk; or
(b) Born in Hawaii; or
(c) Has made no statement on the subject?
El Cid
AssForAHead, I say go for it. You people need to stir up as much sh*t as possible with questioning a simple statement from Hawaii’s Department of Health and Governor as instead being vague, confusing, and unsatisfactory to a bunch of nutbag’s preferences.
Please, I beg you, keep demanding to know all the tru facks of Obama’s odd birth and proving his blood uses iron as an oxygen transfer chemical.
My preference is to see the GOP shrink down to a busload of nimrods from Mississippi, Alabama, and maybe Alaska anyway, so, yeah, we got questions we need answers for, and we need clarifications of the answers we did get, and we need additional verifications of the clarifications received!
El Cid
As far as I am aware, Obama has made no statement on the subject of his citizenship. Clearly he is hiding from the topic and intends to keep his sugarlizard nature to his grave, which like his nesting mates, lies underneath Stone Mountain, Georgia, which unbeknownst to the locals, is actually the inverted bottom of a crashed alien ship.
You got Steele out there pretending to be head of the party, and you got CPAC giving Limbaugh an award and telling him He’s the one they listen to.
You got a Senator and several State Reps joing the distance-school lawyer in her lawsuits.
They say only the fringe are concerned with the Birth Certificate?
Steele says he gay-friendly, then not.
They don’t even pretend to agree on anything anymore.
It’s really quite remarkable. Like a trainwreck. And, you want to turn away… but…
Original Lee
When I read the title of this post, I thought you were talking about the conspiracy surrounding Trig and Tripp Palin.
This website has some of the details about that.
I think the Birthers are basically the squirrel in Ice Age, where the acorn is definitive proof that this Obama person cannot possibly be their President.
SnarkIntern clearly doesn’t understand my argument.
Here’s your Quick Course:
1. Keep this law in your mind:
2. Then, take a look at the 10/31 statement:
3. Then, note this claim (
The director of Hawaii’s Department of Health confirmed Oct. 31 that Obama was born in Honolulu.
If you’re intellectually honest, you should immediately how FactCheck is lying: they’re misrepresenting what the state of HI said.
If you don’t understand that, go back to step 1 and repeat until you see they’re lying. After enough iterations most people should be able to understand the argument I’m making, just give it time.
No, you’re not looking at this like a conspiracy theorist. See, it’s obvious that Obama’s parents and grandparents were part of a grand multigenerational conspiracy to make him President, including planting fake documentation at the time of his birth. His grandmother’s "natural death" just before the election was also part of the scheme; she had to disappear because the truth was about to come out.
@Original Lee:
Trig and Obama birthers. Flip side of the same coin. Creepy, weirdly authoritarian people with too much time on their hands. The sad part is the birthers have access to a court.
I’m waiting for the first Presidential-politics paternity action, myself.
Comrade Jake
The Birthers are just like the folks who think the Moon Landing was a hoax. Every time they’re shown another piece of evidence that shoots down their theories, they simply concoct something even more batshit-crazy.
These people will NEVER be satisfied. People who are foam-at-the-mouth insane don’t listen to reason.
Comrade Jake
Shorter 24AHead: who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?
@El Cid:
Depending on when he emerged from the hatchery, he might qualify under the "citizen when the Constitution was ratified" clause.
I still say he’s a giant chicken. A chicken, I tell you.
Sure he has. He’s stated repeatedly that he was born in Hawaii – since long before he launched his campaign. Good luck googling a quote through the unfuckingbelievably large volume of shit questioning his birth, but he’s referenced Hawaii as his birthplace a number of times.
BOB: "Berg’s argument is that the law at the time required that in order to be a ‘naturalized citizen’, the American mother had to have resided in the United States for five years after the age of 14, IIRC."
Do you know what "naturalized" means? Berg obviously doesn’t.
Conservatively Liberal
Shorter 24AheadDotCom: Watch me pull another fact out of my ass! Nothin’ up my sleeve… aaannnd presto!
Nice brown jackalope! What is that, about a twelve-pounder? Impressive. Can you do any other tricks or are you a one-trick asshat?
Entertain me fool, I am not amused.
I’m pretty sure he mentioned being born in Hawaii in his first book, which was originally published in 1995 or thereabouts.
Unless one subscribes to the theory briefly pushed by the Clinton campaign that Obama was running for President since he was in kindergarten, that’s before he started his political career and certainly before any serious thoughts about the Presidency.
Conservatively Liberal
Don’t you mean Super Chicken?
Arise chicken, arise!
No, asshole, you are the one who doesn’t understand.
No "state official" is going to claim that a birth certificate proves anything. That’s called "practicing law without a license" and is forbidden by law.
The only thing that an official can state is that the document is authentic. Whether the document proves anything is a legal question and will be settled in court.
That makes your entire strawman "challenge" moot, and I must take it to be a deliberate attempt at deception and a troll.
if you have an issue with something Fact Check said, take it up with them. You are wasting your time here.
@Brick Oven Bill:
Via the Wikipedia article on Obama, this should be explicit enough for you:
Not only the state, but the specific hospital. Now, if you want to argue that he Congressman forged the letter, or that Obama lied, go ahead, but it will make you look even stupider than you already do, and I’m not entirely sure that’s possible without creating a Stupidity Singularity.
priscianus jr
I guess Senator Shelby didn’t get the memo …
"If people understood better what the law is, I don’t think they’d be as concerned as they are."
This laughable "What, me worry" response from the guy who himself tried to legally block Hillary from being Sec Of State for why he isn’t similarly motivated to challenge Obama’s claim to the presidency. I got news for you, Tom Fitton, "concern" isn’t what these people are feeling.
@Brick Oven Bill:
I defy anyone who has seen this photo of Obama’s MATERNAL grandparents to make the nefarious claim that he was "adopted in Indonesia". He is his Kansan mother’s son, evidenced by his more than obvious resemblance to his grandfather. I hate to break it to all of you morons who cannot accept any legitimate Democrat as President, but he’s not going anywhere. But by all means, keep making yourselves look like the deranged assholes that you are. It only helps our side.
Ed Drone
I’ll take "Internet traditions" for $1000, Alex.
What is "Why is Philip Berg a well-known nitwit?"
To answer BOB (why am I doing this?), "b" is the answer. Obama has not only said he was born in Hawaii, but has named the hospital as well. The other parts of the cloud of cloaca raised by the whinge-nuts (born overseas, gave up his citizenship, etc.) is beside the point, as those worthies very well do know. However, since keeping the "issue" alive lines their pockets and gets their phizes on the TV, they won’t stop. Personally, I think their followers ought to sue them for obtaining money under false pretenses.
Come to think of it, that’s a criminal offense, so it requires only that an official of the law do his/her duty. I guess they need a complaining victim, so if someone were to donate $20 to the "movement," and then complain about the persons maintaining this fraud, any competent district attorney could jail these con-men pretty quickly. That’s a suggestion, folks. Just a suggestion.
Just to clarify, the adopted-in-Indonesia "theory," while as insane as all the other birfer theories out there, doesn’t suggest that Barack Obama isn’t Stanley Ann’s son. Instead, the great legal minds pushing this theory believe that Barack Obama was adopted by Lolo Soetero, Stanley Ann’s second husband, and that as a result young Barack became Barry Soetero, a citizen of Indonesia, and forever after lost his US citizenship. (This theory allows them to fantasize that he will be deported as an illegal alien once the conspiracy is broken.) Of course this conclusion depends on their "expert" interpretation of Indonesian school records and the Soeteros’ divorce documents, none of which actually shows any adoption having taken place (and the school records actually confirm Obama’s birthplace as Hawaii). It also depends on the boneheaded idea that the US courts would look to Indonesian law rather than US law to determine whether a minor could be stripped of US citizenship (answer: no). So a wellspring of problems with this theory as well, just not the particular one you’re imagining.
El Cid
You librulz can argue all you want but there simply is no way that Obama could have made it from the grassy knoll all the way over to Building 7 before his water-fueled car left evidence of the so-called ‘weather balloon’ that was used to adulterate the original fluoride.
Brick Oven Bill
Thank you for the responses.
I won’t call the congressman a fraud, dmsiliv, but here is a Hawaii newspaper that says he was born at a different hospital:
"Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 at the Queen’s Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii."
Most likely scenario in my mind: Obama was born in Kenya, and misrepresented himself when asked at some minor recorded event. Caught in untruth and facing political rivals, he dug in his heels. The bankers have the goods on him and are extorting continued bailouts. The information will be leaked when the time is right.
If a birth certificate was released, we would not be talking about this. I think that he would produce it if he had it, because this is hurting him politically.
In the absence of a responsible press, the military CINCs have a fiduciary duty to determine the Constitutional status of their Commander in Chief. My guess is that they are discussing their options.
Bad Horse's Filly
Sigh. Seriously, someone get B.o.B something to occupy his time.
John McCain’s parents were born in the US. He was born in Panama. Since his mother was born in Oklahoma, he has United States citizenship. She was a United States Citizen. Doesn’t matter where she lived after the age of 14. She was never naturalized, nor did she have to be, she was born in the US (Naturalization is the acquisition of citizenship or nationality by somebody who was not a citizen or national of that country when he or she was born.)
Now, let’s go slowly here. Obama’s mother was born in Kansas. She was a United States Citizen. Doesn’t matter where she lived after the age of 14. She was never naturalized, nor did she have to be, she was born in the US (Naturalization is the acquisition of citizenship or nationality by somebody who was not a citizen or national of that country when he or she was born.) Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961, one of the states of the United States of America since 1959. Regardless of where he was born, because his mother was born in Kansas, he was a citizen. End of story. Except of course he was born in Hawaii and Hawaii has certified his birth.
El Cid
And until Barack Obama gives me the original vault copy of his birth certificate, his social security number, drivers’ license, his last e-mail account log-in’s, and his ATM card with PIN number, I simply won’t be in a position to back down from that conclusion.
@Bad Horse’s Filly: He has something to occupy his time: trolling this site.
Bad Horse's Filly
@rachel: Ah, yes, I should have clarified. I meant something besides trolling this site. Maybe we could all chip in and buy him a blowup doll (I thought maybe a goat, but that didn’t seem fair to the goat)
Building 7! Oh, you probably meant WTC 7…
@El Cid:
And I love how Obama being born in Kenya is now "the most likely scenario". You mean more so than the simple idea that just like everyone – including the Republican governor of Hawaii – says, he was born where everyone knows he was?
Good stuff.
El Cid
@Unabogie: I know! Especially when everyone knows that the most likely scenario is that Obama is actually a 4th dimensional being who only appears to us as a 3D creature because we’re only seeing his 4th dimensional shadow. This means that Obama was never born at all here, he simply was known to have arrived in Kansas, Hawaii, Kenya, and Indonesia simultaneously in the same way that an object can cast multiple shadows if there are reflections off a primary light source.
How everyone else can’t see this is clearly beyond me.
Brick Oven Bill
It’s a constitutional issue you tards.
I’m going to organize my fellow birthers and storm the Hall of Records in Hawaii to get the birth certificate that doesn’t exist because he was born in Kenya. When we take the place, we’ll prove that there is not birth certificate there.
I’ll also pick up some fresh pineapple for my wife.
Wow, this is scs all over again, dontcha think?
Or maybe it’s Darryl reincarnated?
Mike in NC
FOX News Special Report: Countdown to the Coup! Right after this very important commercial announcement.
El Cid
@Brick Oven Bill:
I think someone might be close to finding out that Barack Hussein Obama is actually Queen Liliʻuokalani seeking vengeance for Hawai’i’s loss of sovereignty! We’ve been tricked, can’t you people see? It’s a cookbook!
Mike in NC
I saw where Marvel Comics did some issue with Obama in it, but will he also do a cameo appearance in "The Watchmen" movie coming out soon? That would be very cool.
Mike in NC
Hawaii still has some awesome pineapple plantations, but probably for not too much longer. We stayed at the Hale Koa on Waikiki Beach a couple of years ago. Can’t wait to go back.
It’s a settled constitutional issue.
Don’t get testy, Billybob. We aren’t done smacking you around yet.
I don’t know who said "two Hawaiian officials certified that the certificate of live birth was the real thing", but it’s wrong. They only said he had a valid cert on file. They didn’t verify anything on the cert; they didn’t verify the cert as shown on his site.
Here, read what they said:
As for the announcements, they don’t indicate where he was born or in which hospital. They don’t prove anything.
As for SnarkIntern’s continued inability to understand my argument, perhaps he should take it up with FactCheck et al, since they’re the ones who are saying the HI statement confirmed where BHO was born.
Surely, all of you can do better than this.
El Cid
@24AheadDotCom: We read the f***ing document, douchebag. They didn’t say what you want them to say because they’re not f***ing crazy and think that they need to prove that Obama isn’t a space alien from Kenya.
Brick Oven Bill
Here is Obama’s ‘Fight the Smears’ defense page. The Obama campaign states that the challenge is:
“…not about that sheet of paper.”
YES IT IS ABOUT THAT SHEET OF PAPER. It is not about being mean to Barack.
Then there is presented an electronic image of a ‘Certificate of Live Birth’, which I believe is not the same thing as a ‘Birth Certificate’ that says that it is invalid if tampered with, and then has the certificate number blacked out.
If this ‘Certification of Live Birth’ was made available for physical review, the paper could be dated.
Something else doesn’t seem right. The father’s race is called ‘African’. ‘African’ is a modern-day term. Here is a PC paper by Tutuzgad-ga that traces the terms used to describe people of African descent. She says the term ‘African-American’ ‘emerged’ in the 1980s. In the 1960s, people from Africa were called ‘negro’, or ‘colored’. I don’t think that Hawaii was a cutting edge PC place in 1961.
Here, another source backs up the assertion that ‘African’ came into the vernacular as a term to describe race in the 1980s.
Obama should present his birth certificate.
That question has been asked and answered.
Are you deef?
El Cid
@Brick Oven Bill: You are completely bonkers. That wasn’t a paper; and Obama’s dad wasn’t an "African-American", he was the sort of African who came from Africa, particularly the British Kenya Colony, which would gain independence in 1963.
You might as well start arguing that this makes Obama British.
Nobody owes you any ‘proof’ of what that certified birth certificate is or looks like. None whatsoever. You’re nobody. You’re not a relative or next of kin or inheritor. Nobody.
Here’s an article from Time magazine of 1960 about the very program which brought Obama’s father to the U.S. for education:
Brick Oven Bill
Hey, that #117 Brick Oven Bill post was an imposter! Creative link though. We did something similar with a flaming gay bumper sticker and a friend’s car. He got very angry.
Me, I would just like the record to reflect that I am not advocating breaking the law.
Someone’s dragging your name through the mud, Bill.
You know how highly we think of you.
Brick Oven Bill
El Cid; I read your link and it referred to the nationalities of Nigerians, Kenyans, Guineans, Congolese, and collectively referred to the groups as ‘Africans’. ‘Race’ and ‘Nationality’ are two different things.
The Mother’s race was ‘Caucasian’ on the birth certificate. All of the above nationalities, would most likely have been labeled as belonging to the ‘negro’, or ‘colored’ race in Hawaii-1961. ‘Black’ became popular in the late 1960s; ‘Say it loud, I’m Black and I’m proud’-1968.
I would like to see other official records from 1961-Hawaii referring to the race of individuals, before going too far down this track, but I suspect that I am correct.
Sticks and stones will break my bones, but gay web site links will never harm me SGEW, it is OK.
Note to Bill:
Please don’t stay on this birth certificate bandwagon – it will hurt your reputation. No, really! It’s so . . . predictable. Quotidian, even. I would think that you would have your own theories here, something more uniquely quixotic than mere Birther nonsense. Can’t you work in tractors or racial inferiority or the drawbacks of women’s suffrage or electric trains or something? We expect so much more from you, by now.
@Brick Oven Bill: I have read this whole comment section, I really just have one question for you…
If there is a conspiracy deep enough to involve a governor, a department of public records and possibly bankers looking to extort money from the US Government…stay with me here…you think that they overlooked a detail that a dentist with a PowerPoint law degree could use to unravel the whole thing?
Conservatively Liberal
Yer an interesting critter BOB.
Dr. Rockso
BOB – You are beginning to convince me, please don’t stop!
If you just keep repeating your arguments, people have to listen. Perhaps it is a messaging problem. Have you considered alternative distribution for your material?
I think that getting out the old fashioned soap box and preaching on the corner just might get the job done!
Brick Oven Bill
@Conservatively Liberal:
That is very unfair, CL. I do not sniff the paper after I wipe, because that would be an opportunity for the transfer of germs to the end of my nose, and they might then enter my system. Rather, I retain the paper in a specially prepared box. This allows me to keep tabs upon my output, without giving the utilities companies the opportunity to monitor me.
The box was given to me by a man from Boise. He had both his arms, but had an extra nipple in an unusual place.
Brick Oven Bill
RareSanity; You make a good point. But who is to say that the bankers do not want to bring him down? And how would they do it? They already have the money and it has been spent or tucked away.
I know this is getting out there, but I keep coming back to the fact that I was able to get a birth certificate in four days.
"This is not about that sheet of paper."
@Brick Oven Bill:
Well, then that brings up another question, why would the banker’s ever want to bring him down?
They can keep this scam going for eight years, I mean why leave money on the table? He already said he will do whatever is necessary to stabilize the banks. If they did bring him down, wouldn’t that just open them up for the Obama to then testify against them in extortion/treason trials? Wouldn’t they have to kill him?
Anybody but me remember the torrents of ridicule that Hillary Clinton was subjected to when she pointed out the existence of the "vast right-wing conspiracy" which was (and is) very real?
Brick Oven Bill
In my creepy scenario RareSanity, there are impure forces that control the Federal Reserve that would like to destroy the dollar, and the US economy with it, leading us to a one world government which, of course, they would control.
If there were these impure forces, they would be pleased with the bank bailout plan and a call for a Global New Deal. The next thing they would want is chaos and the resulting call for a powerful Executive. At that point what is past is prologue.
El Cid
@Brick Oven Bill: You actually think there was some subtle discussion of race labeling norms going on in the offices of the Hawaii office between people telling Obama Sr. or Obama’s mother that, no, some retard on a future internet doesn’t think this Kenya Colony guy is African but ‘negro’? Obama Sr. was African, from the continent. It doesn’t matter how many junior-year English essays on what black Americans have been called you link to.
John F***ing Kennedy did not launch a god damned scholarship to bring African Americans or Negroes to America. The scholarship brought Africans to America.
You can put away your inane speculations about what you think the Hawaii birth certificate issuers should have been calling the race of the father, because there’s no need to speculate.
Clearly the fact that Obama Sr. wasn’t identifed as Luo means that the birth certificate issuing staffers were trying to hide the sugarlizard nature of the baby.
Brick Oven Bill
Caucasians populated Europe in 1961 El Cid.
El Cid
@Brick Oven Bill: Just for a second, can you please imagine you were among the bureaucrats assigned to fill out that birth certificate paperwork as our future President was being born.
Do you honestly think you and the people alongside you would be conducting in-depth, subtle discussions of the methodology of racial labeling, and maybe the transitory nature of the notion of "Africanness" given the clearly visible end to British colonial rule in Africa, and the difficulty of distinguishing between standardized American racial categories and exceptional cases which arise?
I imagine something like this:
If you do, then you have an electric train in your head.
Brick Oven Bill
Caucasians like Obama’s mother are ironically from Iran, among other places. I’d have to look at comparable records in order to pass judgment on the ‘Certificate of Live Birth’ El Cid. It just seems weird.
@Brick Oven Bill:
Ok. I’m going to hate myself for asking, but what the fuck does that mean?
El Cid
@Brick Oven Bill: What something "seems" is often more determined by what’s in your head than by what the situation presents.
Dear heart, Obama already has a copy of his birth certificate. And has released it to all and sundry. Did you have a point to make?
Brick Oven Bill
I was trying to differentiate ‘race’ from ‘nationality’ TattooSydney. Caucasians are from the Caucasus, which is not Europe. The link above is to a map. Obama’s mother’s race is ‘Caucasian’, although her ancestors sailed over from ‘Europe’ (nationality) after they evolved in the ‘Caucasus’ (race), which included Iran.
I have an Armenian friend. This guy they put in charge of customer service, and he is great at it. People love him.
Get him in private though, and there is a different man. Many of his family were killed by the Turks.
We don’t need to. All we have to do is sit here and laugh our asses off at your silliness and your insistence that we should take you seriously. All you’ve got is your usual wacky conspiracy theories, none of which have ever gotten you anywhere,
In any case, refuting your nonsense would be a complete waste of time, since your closed mind is shut too tightly to let in even a single ray of light.
El Cid
@Brick Oven Bill: But that’s not what they were referring to when they put "Caucasian" on a birth certificate. They didn’t give a sh*t where that person was from, and they didn’t give a sh*t where that term came from. They mean "white" and they meant "not black" and they used the term that everyone used to sound scientific.
A black man from Africa was outside that classification system — ‘Negro’ meant an American who was considered "black". "Caucasian" only meant having to do with ancient origins in the Caucusus mountains for the fevered minds churning out the racial ‘science’ theories which drove American social classification from the late 19th Century to the mid-20th.
ROFL… Um, no, actually it isn’t. The only people being "hurt" are the morons pushing this silly conspiracy theory.
My guess is that a) they have better things to do or b) that they are discussing whether you are a troll, a nutcase, or a really stupid person (or, of course, all of the above).
El Cid
L. Ron Hubbard used to send so many messages to the FBI alerting them to the Communist conspiracies he discovered that the FBI opened a file on him as a potential nut case to watch out for.
They were right, too.
@Brick Oven Bill:
Okay… why do you say that Obama’s mother was "caucasian" (in the strict sense in which you are defining the term)?
Her ancestors were primarily English, with some Irish, German, Dutch, Scottish and French ancestors – therefore no "caucasians".
And that still doesn’t answer the question of how the "caucasians" populated Europe in 1961, given that the vast majority of the population of Europe was already descended from your "caucasians".
(it’s like poking a loose tooth – I can’t help but poke to see what comes out)
Brick Oven Bill
We all came out of East Africa TattooSydney.
@Brick Oven Bill:
So why didn’t the people who wrote the birth certificate say that she was an "African"?
Chuck Butcher
I can never make up my mind whether BoB is delusional, a spoof, or just very odd, but he sure the hell is fun. It’s damn near as much fun watching people chase the boomerangs he tosses.
I had a dog that would chase damn near anything you threw for him, except a frisbee. After one day of the thing changing directions on him all he was willing to do was chew them up. ( 135# Scotch Collie/Pyrennese cross) If you left a frisbee lying about it was gone in minutes, that dog had teeth like a polar bear.
Brick Oven Bill
At this point in the evening, I will close with the fact that, as a prole, I got a new Birth Certificate in four days. To the cheese bread.
“This is not about that sheet of paper.”
Blue Raven
What I can’t figure out is how Obama would’ve qualified for the security clearance to be POTUS without a decent set of birth records. Or been allowed to run for President without presenting sufficient bona fides to verify his citizenship.
Oh wait. I forgot. I’m checking in from reality. BOB and 24hour are living on Limbaugh time. And at least one of them is a Turing test. Carry on. I’ll be the one watching from the corner, giggling and swigging Guinness from the bottle.
Conservatively Liberal
Good night BOB, may your sedatives and psychotropic drugs keep you warm and delusional.
El Cid
@Brick Oven Bill: Right, nitwit, and Barack Obama can get a new copy of his birth certificate even quicker.
But he doesn’t need to, because the only people asking for it are nutbags who aren’t in any more legal right to get his birth certificate than to get his ATM card and PIN number.
@Chuck Butcher:
I like chasing BOB’s frisbees. You never know what alien landscape they might land in…
And can I (with the greatest respect, Chuck) say that I have (in the past) harboured suspicions that BOB is in fact a Chuck Butcher production… something about similar segues into anecdotes, although yours always have a firm link to reality that is delightfully missing in BOB’s screeds.
Chuck Butcher
My mother keeps custody of my birth cirtificate because it is 55 years old and getting fragile. I got a notarized copy from MI for some OR business. It was a photocopy w/SoS embossed stamp. It wasn’t original, it was a photocopy. State of OR was quite happy with it. It has my little foot printies on it. It doesn’t prove anything other than that the piece of paper exists with my (if you can get em now) foot prints.
It says it was issued by None of Your Business Hospital State of Michigan on None of Your Business, 1953.
Chuck Butcher
@Tattoosydney: My backyard sported a Weber grill until my wife decided some fake thing was called for that is quite a POS, but…
Really, a few years ago I tried a bit of humor on my blog, it really went flat. I have no talent for it and even less talent for writing in a persona.
Trying to jam 100 years of living into much less time has left me with lots of anecdotes, the problem is which ones are suitable for public consumption.
I’m kinda like my old dog, I watch the frisbee game and if it gets left lying, chew it up. Funny thing about my dogs, people will say, "oh, I know who you are, you’re the guy with that dog."
Fuck You BOB. You’d be wrong.
Caucasians have been the minority here for decades.
Snicker, snicker.
Haole open big mouth, haole show why he haole!
hart wms
So, how come nobody ever manages to come up with tin foil explanations about the Honolulu Advertiser birth announcement?
Probably because, outside of a Time Machine, there’s no way for the Konservative Konspiracy Kooks to debunk it. So, they ignore it, because, as we learned from Konservapedia™, they DO have the right to their own facts. (Although they seem to have removed the entry about kangaroos surfing on giant mats of sod torn up by the Flood to get to Australia. I keed you not. Luckily, they DO still have this gem.)
On a day when RUSH accused the other side (viz. the sane) of "dumbing down" America.
I dealt with this compactly in December, in the extremely short ‘Berth, Sir Tifficutt?‘ and not a word needs changing. (Photo of the Honolulu Advertiser page is at the bottom.)
Oh: And be sure to ask Chuck Butcher about his expertise in firearms. (If you’ve got the time, that is.)
Hawaii HAS confirmed that Obama was born there- Forget Factcheck and read this article from the Chicago Tribune’s political blog:
Obama Hawaiian-born: Citizen for sure
Article HERE
Settles it, as far as I am concerned.
As for the birth certificate listing Obama’s father as "African", this is from the Factcheck article:
I guess that BOB and other birthers actually haven’t read the Factcheck article. And I suppose the Chicago Tribune has joined in the conspiracy as well….
Grumpy Code Monkey
Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ on a giraffe, not this shit again.
BOB: when you requested a copy of your birth certificate, did you get a photocopy of your original hospital birth certificate (complete with footy prints), or did you get a certification of (live) birth, much like the document posted at the fight the smears site (e.g., a generic laser-printer certificate)? I’m willing to bet real money it’s the latter, because I’ve done this dance myself more than once. I’ve had to request copies of my BC, and each time what I got was not a photocopy of the original, but a new document much like the one that Obama provided.
This was in TX, btw.
Zuzu's Petals
@hart wms:
Another point about the birth announcement, brought up by none other than the PUMA who found it in the first place:
Zuzu's Petals
The de facto officer doctrine is well-established. Basically, a public officer who assumed office under color of an election (or appointment), who is subsequently determined to be ineligible for that office, is known as a de facto officer, and his or her official acts are valid and binding with respect to third parties and may be relied upon by the public.
For example:
Agpalo, pp. 338-346
This is basic stuff. These people are farkin’ idiots.