Another nugget of greatness from the Breitbart piece John just wrote about:
Anonymous liberal commentators, the rabid pests of the new media, sought out the most popular conservative blogs to flood the zone with familiar Rush Limbaugh slanders. Their goal: To demoralize the right with layer upon layer of media domination. Only talk radio with its emphasis on Socratic debate over raw emotionalism and with Mr. Limbaugh in the driver’s seat has escaped the left’s clutches of pure media dominance.
Comrade Darkness
Oh, thank Merlin, this is from Dougy. I was going to say: John, cut down on the speed!
El Cid
Rush could fit in Plato’s cave?
Polish the Guillotines
Right, cuz Socrates screened all his calls and hung up on anyone who called him out for his bullshit.
Delusional is simply not powerful enough a word for these people.
Davis X. Machina
Socrates: Verily I tell you, Thrasymachus, that the health of the state is a low marginal rate of income tax.
Thrasymachus: How could it be otherwise, O Socrates? Tell us again how you nearly persuaded our enemies to be ruled by a woman, she who is the wife of one who was once archon.
The tautologies offered by wingsterism are amazing.
They’ve been skipping explaining the "how" and "why" of their policy preferences for a generation – mostly because they haven’t really thought things through, and are operating on reflex.
This is why a conservative in front of a standing crowd gets a standing "O" when he says that liberals suck. Or when he says that Democrats are Stalinists. Or when he says that liberals, Democrats and RINOs are terrorist enabling America haters. At the conclusion of the speech, he’ll get kudos for brilliance, even though he (or she, in the case of [M]Ann Coulter) has offered up nothing but gratuitous, conclusory snipes.
Lurking Conservatives – here is a hint: you need to start explaining what your policies will do for those who support them. Lay out the case, if you can, on how magnifying the power and wealth differentials in the status quo is ultimately beneficial to those on the losing end.
Perhaps some folks may see a benefit in following you.
El Cid
This is pretty awesome too. So, via Oliver Willis, I see that UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown decided to whip up the New World Order black helicopter watchers by calling for a "Global New Deal" in an opinion piece in the Times of London.
Sure enough, here is the 2nd comment submitted to the piece from one of the true
teabaggersTea Party Revolters:Awesome. Clearly a student of the Socratic method, I mean, listener of Rush Limbaugh — but I repeat myself!
This is actually the more delusional part of the sentence.
Yeah, and Brazil is a great ode to conservative thought.
Yumpin’ yeeminy. These people think they have a freakin’ clue.
Comrade Darkness
Since this has been brought up anyway, I’ll go OT. How can these people suddenly forget the massive worldwide bank regulatory changes post 9/11? Top that with a dollop of creamy, dairy-free out of control eavesdropping on everything from our phones to our credit card transactions and Laffer can go suck himself. No one can get away with cheating on taxes if the government feels like actually lifting a lazy keystroking finger to catch them at it.
(Not that I’m advocating a positive position on the sorry state of our constitutional rights. I’m just sayin’.)
Anonymous liberal commentators, the rabid pests of the new media, sought out the most popular conservative blogs to flood the zone with familiar Rush Limbaugh slanders.
Anonymous liberal commenters on conservative blogs are "layers upon layers of media domination?" I am such an anonymous commenter, annoying wingnuts on their blogs (not the most popular ones, but whatever). Such power I never knew I had…
Comrade Jake
I have to admit that it’s highly entertaining watching the wingnuts/GOP come apart at the seams like this.
You sort of wonder if ten years from now they’ll be moaning about how Obama tricked them into listening to Rush.
Dave C
Sweet Jesus, that article (or at least the quoted excerpts) borders on the clinical.
I don’t even know where to begin to start with the spoofing.
Clearly the piece John cites is spoof.
Doug, I assume you wrote it?
Notorious P.A.T.
Hahahahaha )
Doctor Science
Comes pre-spoofed for your convenience.
They’re sooooo crazy that it’s almost sad.
It’s quite remarkable how many times I’ve heard conservative talk radio hosts emphasizing the importance of Socratic debate to their listeners and callers.
Oh, wait…
Comrade Stuck
It’s after midnight and the the high end ride to permanent republican majority turned into an Edsel/wingnut
Sent by a friend in VA.
Why does our military Hate America?
Breitblart: "Is that a roll of Lifesavers in your pocket, Rush, or are you just glad to see me"?
What popular conservative blog allows comments?
The Moar You Know
@El Cid: How is a person this stupid able to get on the internet without electrocuting themselves?
I really want to know.
@Doctor Science:
That’s a winner.
Seriously: Socrates had spoof callers and a mute button? Who knew?
Surely we need the fairness doctrine more than evar.
"raw emotionalism" = shrill
The Moar You Know
@TenguPhule: The quoted line is unspoofable.
Simpler Breitbart: Black Is White.
Next stop: A wingnut will insist, in all sincerity and with no sense of irony, that freedom is slavery. Bush took care of "War Is Peace" and the TeaBaggers, the Moran guy, and most of the remaining GOP are living proof that "Ignorance is Strength".
Lame, but somebody had to do it.
The thing that gets me is that – in the very next paragraph – he describes how the talk-show call screeners are going to have to do "double duty" in keeping the dissenters off the line.
I mean, screw Socratic, how can they think this remotely resembles "debate"?
An exerpt from Euthydumbass:
Oh, fuck, that is funny!
Socratic debate??
I thought no one was allowed to question Rush.
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know how reliable the "22 million listeners" statistic is? I see it cited frequently but I’ve no idea whether that number comes from a reliable source.
Don’t know about you, but my Burkean bells are taking a beating this weekend…
El Cid
@The Moar You Know: Because none of them got to design the internet.
I assume it comes from the fact that in much of the rustbelt, the choices on radio are either Rush/rightwing talkers or country music.
Tough call either way.
I thought the Teabag revolution was that one?
Probably pretty accurate. I’d give him those numbers, personally – between all outlets. Now, Rush gets picked up on military forces radio and a bunch of other outlets where the individual listeners aren’t the ones picking the station, and the 22M is probably households * avg household size, so Rush is claiming babies and toddlers, but I’d give him 8% of the public hearing him at least once a week or so.
Here’s a wooden cup and a bottle of single-malt Scotch. Have an Oakeshott. You’ll feel better.
Larison, from deep in the right corner, for three.
Chuck Butcher
Just fine DougJ, between you and Cole I finally had to go read the damned thing to see if you were being unfair, because really your representation of it seems terminally stupid. Now that I’ve collected myself I want to know what it was that prompted you to be so damned nice?
This was the speech of 09? This is the speech that would have saved any 08 campaign?
Joshua Norton
So can we just jump directly to where they drink the hemlock now?
El Cid
The Dangerman
Breitbart had to be higher than either Harold or Kumar when he wrote that shit; no stone cold sober analysis can get there from here.
@The Dangerman:
Uh huh. You’d think that when someone writes crap for national publication, they would try to write plausible crap. But apparently not.
My favorite part of Rush’s speech was when he said that Conservatives don’t see victims right after complaining that Conservatives are victims of slander.
Jon H
22 million looks like a stretch. Last July a story in the NYTimes put it at under 20 million.
"Mr. Limbaugh’s existing contract, which was worth $285 million over eight years, was set to expire next year. His show — which is on every weekday from noon to 3 p.m. — attracts 3.5 million listeners in an average quarter-hour, and reaches an unparalleled audience of nearly 20 million in an average week, according to Premiere."
I don’t know how they get the "nearly 20 million". It clearly isn’t by multiplying 3.5 million by the number of quarter-hours he’s on every week (60).
joe from Lowell
This is a movement confident in the merits of their ideas, and their ability to persuasively argue for them.
Studly Pantload, Would Be Minion of John Cole
@29 (kdaug):
‘Zactly! Reading that screed is like contemplating one of Escher’s "stairway to nowhere" pieces. Only, Escher’s presentation derived from a place of self-awareness.
It’s jaw-fucking-dropping.
El Cid
I had forgotten about the Rush "seminar callers" derogatory. It cleverly combined the notion that people calling to disagree were not only some cheap, organized scripted opposition to the power-which-was-Rush, but it stirred up the resentments against images of students and liberal colleges and pointy-head perfessers and ’em dang i-vry towers etc.
@Max: My understanding is that the "22 million listeners" statistic was just taking the daily listeners and adding them up for the week (about 4-5 million a day listen).
That’s why its "22 million listeners" instead of "22 million unique listeners."
3.5 million listeners at any given moment seems MUCH more plausible. Thank you for the info, Jon H. and JoshA
Limbaugh’s Symposium:
Limbaugh: Since the free-market is the highest of all man’s attainments, it only follows that the highest of all loves is that for which one pays Dominican boys.
Aristophanes: (boggles)
OT, but:
Snow pretty.
El Cid
@JGabriel: This proves that Al Gore is fat.
Person of Choler
Why spend your time trashing the idiot Limbaugh when you could be cheering us with stories of how Obama’s Ascension to the Presidency has instilled new confidence and optimism in the American people?
For example, the response of the securities markets to the Stimulus Package (e.g. most stock prices remain non-negative) gives reason to believe that the hoped for change will arrive any day now.
Well, he must have had around that level for at least 10 years, so that’s OVER TEN BILLION LISTENERS!
Yet another idiot who confuses the economy with Wall Street.
The GOP has been Colbertized. A parody of a sham of a mockery of a ruse.
Mark S.
This is so stupid it makes that teabagging sign seem like something written by Thoreau.
Our modern conservatard socraticists have given up using a cave wall to project the shadows upon, now that they have Rushcontin’s giant frogbelly-white arse as a substitute. Most of you BJ readers are probably too young to remember drive-in movie theatres, but imagine a screen 40 feet high.
Fuck, I can’t believe I actually sided with these assholes as long as I did.
Damnit. Here I thought I was being all clever by trying to quote that quote in the *last* post.
But damn. I always thought, deep down, Breitbart was smart.
Clearly he is not.
CPAC et al. is a cruel and cynical PR maneuver to put Colbert, Stewart, Maher, Madow and the liberal punditocracy out of work, because there’s absolutely no way to parody or satirize this. I mean, what do you do with the "Tea Bag" picture? You just look at it. It’s a sublimely post-ironic moment. It’s as if Boss Tweed had said "I know how to put those satirical cartoonists in their place!! I will gain 50 lbs. and wear my hat in a more ostentatious and jauntier fashion and have $100 dollar bills sticking out of my pockets at all times!!" You just can’t make this shit up.
Has anyone considered the possibility that the modern Republican party may be an artefact of mass mercury poisoning?
@The Moar You Know:
That one’s been taken care of long ago: witness any Bircher talk of Abraham Lincoln and how he enslaved us all (especially the blacks) to a despotic federal government. The good stuff includes long passages explaining how slaves in the south were once free and happy under their masters’ whips but now struggle every day against the tyrannical bonds of Lincoln’s "Union."
I can’t quite find the delicious nutmeat of the racist crazy at the moment, but here’s a recent example of the genre. Chuck Baldwin isn’t a Republican–he’s a Constitution party nutter–but close enough.
Ah. Here it is.
Person of Choler
Also sprach TenguPhule: "Yet another idiot who confuses the economy with Wall Street."
I may be an idiot, but I correlate Wall Street with investors, who are certainly not "the economy" but are significant participants therein. I didn’t mention "the economy".
How’s the market for straw these days? You seem to acquire it in significant quantities.
How’s that market for being a non-denial denial putz?
Obama’s efforts are directed at the overall economy. Relying on the Stock Market to gauge the effectiveness of that or as you put it ‘hoped for change’ is like trying to measure weight as mass.
Also at this point big money investors = fucking nuts.
Person of Choler
Ah, TenguPhule,
"putz", "f*cking nuts"… I take it these are terms of art in advanced economic analysis. I’ve not seen them in this context before.
Your weight / mass analogy is a bit flat, but I am impressed with you knowledge of science.
Do remember, however, that the "big money investors" mentioned in your equation include entities like pension and other retirement funds. The returns of these funds do affect people’s lives and are therefore of some interest.
Dexter Morgan
The last figure I read was 14 million, making Limbaugh’s
carny actshow #1. The second- and third-rated shows are NPR’s “Morning Edition” and “All Things Considered” with 13 million listeners each:
Does Godwin’s Law apply if I point out the Pilonidal Sinus’ resemblance to Goering?
All these different threads of how the Right is reacting to losing power is leading me to one conclusion: if they ever get back control, they will hold it. Whether by law, power, force, or whatever, they’ll do everything they can to ensure 2006 and 2008 never happens again to their side.
That’s why I’m happy to keep seeing them marginalize themselves – so the public isn’t tempted to give them back the yoke when the Republicans hammer the "hope and change" meme because things aren’t insta-fixed with a wave of the MUP’s hand. "We gave him (90 days/6 months/a year/etc.) and the economy still sucks! Obama LIED to you – give us back the reins of power before it’s really too late!" The less credibility the GOP has, the better.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
I call spoof. Breitbart is deep cover. He’s part of the liberal conspiracy to make conservatives look crazy by having every leading "conservative" commenter (actually, all liberal spoofers) spout off crazy nonsense in public.
This includes Rush himself, BTW. Coulter too…
do the repuglitars have ANY CLUE who Socrates was ???
Such a shame that pension and other retirement funds are unable to invest in real estate, bonds, treasuries, hedge funds, and so on. /snark
Stocks only became a critical investment for retirement funds once Greenspan’s radically low rates became permanent policy. If the rest of the economy recovers, the stock market may take years longer to regain its 2007 heights in real dollars. That would be a good thing.
Josh Hueco
The only similarity between Rush and Greeks is that both liked screwing teenage boys. The difference is that fifth century Greek men weren’t so fat and hypertensive they needed to pound fistfuls of V-Dog to get their bone on.
Person of Choler
Xenos / snark: one could think that stocks are part of a balanced portfolio for a fund manager, could one not?
Hedge funds? That’s jolly. Remember Long Term Capital Management. Real estate? Another good one. Checked residential and commercial real estate price changes lately? Have you watched the bond prices of collapsing companies? They don’t look so good, either and, if I believe the news, heretofore stable bond issuing companies are collapsing along with everything else.
bob h
Has anyone asked Rush whether his eagerness to see Obama fail has been conditioned by his great personal wealth, which will insulate him from even the worst Depression? Unlike the morons who listen to him.
If Americans continue to try arguments like this on countries that have been prospering under what is (to this mouth-breather) socialism, part of the New New Deal should go towards buying everyone in Britain a Jean-Luc Picard costume and teaching them to all put their head in one hand simultaneously. This would be the only response that could come close to conveying the complete and utter stupidity of this argument.
WHY did the CONSERVATIVES under BUSH spend like there’s no tomorrow and wreck the economy, and now the US is producing less than ever. With the lowest tax rates on the wealthy in history, why did the economy collapse? CNBC’s hypocritic stance by ignoring what they helped create through their supporting the GOP and BUSH’s insane spending has caused a depression! Remember the 2 Fools on the Hill? Bush: It must be a budget, see there’s numbers on it. — Cheney, “Deficits don’t matter.” Sometimes its not HOW much you spend that wrecks an economy, it’s WHERE you spend it! You spend a million on a bridge in the US, the accounting is balanced. You don’t have a million dollars but you have a million dollar bridge, hence balanced accounting. If you spend a half million to blow up a bridge then spend a million to rebuild it in a foreign country, you are immediately in the red!
Suddenly the GOP CNBC pundits are feigning worry about the middle class?, blue collar workers? UNIONS? They certainly have been the enemies of the middle class since Reagan, as the middle class is disappearing before our eyes, and the poverty classes growing faster than ever under CONservative failed ideologies! Industrial production is plunging, and partly due to CONservative corporations fleeing the USA to build factories where they can pollute unrestrained. These corporations under a common sense government should never be allowed to do business in or with the United States ever again! The current lame efforts diluted by the GOP have only allowed pollution to increase. The answer to industrial production and corporations is clean up your act, here and abroad, to continue doing business in the United States.
@Person of Choler:
Damn…… yer right. BO has failed, FAILED I tell you. In his 40-odd days in office, he has failed to turn the steaming pile of shit left behind by GWB into buckets of pearls and bouquets of purty flowers.
@Person of Choler:
Because the right is, and has long been, in ways the left never were not even in the 60’s, beholden to a very radical fringe whose take on policy and our society would be outright rejected by the vast majority of Americans if know more widely. So it is in the interest in the Dems to point this out at every occasion, and Rush is the highest profile way to do that. I am not saying that is an alternative to the Dems coming up with their own programs, but it is politcial gold to shine a bright light on the cockroaches on the right.
Because all the polling already tells us that?
Sarcasm only works when it doesn’t get smacked down by reams of evidence.
Agreed. If Rick Santelli showed us anything, it was a reminder that "the market" is not some impartial fount of wisdom whose reaction can be used to gauge the true effectiveness of an economic proposal.
"The market" is a group of spoiled lemmings with a herd mentality, who take their cues from morons like Santelli. Why on earth would anyone with a clue follow the advice of a disgraced derivatives trader?
Person of Choler
Napoleon, ah yes, haul out the old "raise the awareness of the Masses to the hidden machinations of the Trotskyites" schtick. It might work.
But I think you need a more substantial critique of right wingers than to call them "cockroaches" if you want to get across a logical point.
How about "assholes who are dumb enough to be led by Hannity and Limbaugh?"
Person of Choler
TR, "all the polling" tells us, what, exactly?
@Person of Choler:
Why? Who needs to critique? The whole idea is to let their own words speak for themselves and let the voters use their own brains to determine if influential voices on the right seem to be even remotely connected to reality.
Notorious P.A.T.
Rush makes every hit of Oxycontin in his office listen to him.
PS, to the extent the Dems are offering critique, I think it is in the form of things like Rahm E. saying that Rush is "voice and the intellectual force and energy behind the Republican Party". I suppose technically that is a critique which you then follow by highlighting things actually said by Rush.
miss wild whiskers
I’m back! When it comes to repubes cowering before Rush in supplication, one can only assume he’s holding one too many surreptitiously taped videos of stoned-on-Viagra "golf trips" with him to his beloved Dominican Republic for their own brand of man-boy love. Beyond that, I’m pretty much out of ideas because really, they are hoisting themselves headlong onto his poisoned spear in suspicious numbers.
Person of Choler
Napoleon, to begin with, I called Limbaugh an idiot because I think he is one. But why does anyone need your help in listening to and evaluating his ideas, such as they are? People can merely turn on their radios and hear all of him they can stand and think about it what they will. They’ve had how many years to do so?
I would further point out that Rahm Emanuel making an assertion does not guarantee the truth of that assertion.
Notorious P.A.T.
Every time my alarm clock rings, the sun rises. Therefore my alarm clock causes the sun to rise.
Nate Silver on the stock market
@burnspbesq: Scotch is aged in white oak casks so you don’t even need the wooden cup.
Didn’t Socrates teach his students that the proper response to the teacher is "ditto"? Its true, right there in the Republic (as if any of you will ever read it).
The Corpulent One can’t even cite the proper founding document is his Ohmygod Speech.
That’s the basis of the attack; forcing the Republicans to explicitly embrace or reject the already established (and polarizing) views of Limbaugh.
If it is not true, all the Republicans need to do is to deny it.
This whole thing isn’t about the Democrats criticizing the Republicans; they’re aren’t explicitly doing so. They’re simply pointing out how much say Rush has in what they do. The Republicans are perfectly free to agree or disagree with this; the trouble is, either way will alienate a big chunk of the US public.
To say it’s a bad idea because it "Elevates Rush" misses the point. Criticizing the Republicans isn’t the goal; forcing them to state what agenda they want to follow is. This isn’t boxing, this is grappling – it’s not hitting the Republicans, it’s pinning them.
miss wild whiskers
I was forced to watch Meet the Press with my dad yesterday. (And yes, really, my dad loves me, he just can’t help himself). Apparently, it is the same magnitude of suck as all the rancid Gregory clips I have seen on C&L thus far. Still whipping the deficit debate bloody with irrelevant repubes and milquetoast Dems who apparently don’t even have the balls to remind the host and audience that Obama inherited this massive deficit which was incurred during 8 years of republican rule, while people are wondering how the fuck they’re going to pay their bills and feed their kids.
Astonishing, spluttering, egregious waste of time while the nation reels under this crisis. Suddenly, out of the clear blue sky, repubes are *frantic* about the deficit and Gregory just keeps feeding that notion like someone compulsively feeding an overfed dog under the table until it pukes all over the linoleum.
No wonder John watches CBS Sunday Morning because after the agony of watching MTP, I turned to a nice heart-warming story about Michelle’s family.
@Jon H: And keep in mind how many of us tune in once in a while for a good laugh or just to hear the latest call to prayers from Greater Wingnuttia.
Precisely what you were mocking — the idea that Obama has inspired more confidence in the American people. Here’s Gallup:
The tracking polls on CNN, MSNBC and the other networks all showed the same. You can refuse to believe it all you want, but the evidence points in the other direction.
Already done.
From a reviewer:
I debated this Wilson cat when I lived up on the Palouse. Dude is a Calvinist preacher and batshit crazy.
I think it’s simpler than that. Americans are (rightfully) looking for leadership and Obama is simply the only game in town. They can do one of two things: they can follow Obama, or they can reject Obama and muddle through this without a leader or a comprehensive plan. They like Obama, a lot of them voted for him, and Republicans have offered nothing but platitudes and gimmicks.
It seems like an easy call.
Are we sure this article isn’t spoof? I mean, really? Maybe somebody thought April Fools was in March? I realize that’s another layer of stupid, but it would be more plausible than someone writing this with a straight face.
@Person of Choler: Exactly. If interest rates were not artificially held so low for so long, exotic investments and stock speculation would never have become a critical part of pension fund investment portfolios. Sustained low interest rates led to bubbles in assets and all sorts of bizarre schemes to lever decent returns out of bonds that had low yields. Thus, our current mess.
If we continue to make a policy priority out of the stock market, pension funds will again be forced to seek out reckless investments in order to have a chance for acceptable returns. Restoring sanity means the stock market should be a lagging indicator of the recovery.
Just Some Fuckhead
lolz. From my (admittedly liberal) perspective, talk radio is the scourge of new media. I guess one man’s trash and all that.
Person of Choler
Slightly Peeved: "That’s the basis of the attack; forcing the Republicans to explicitly embrace…."
Here’s piece of advice, unsolicited but sincere: Democrats hold the Presidency and substantial majorities in both houses of congress. Your attacking days are over: you need to deliver. Good luck on that.
Xenos, I agree, the stock market should be lagging the recovery, but should it be continuing to tank, assuming that we have a new administration with a sound set of recovery policies?
@Person of Choler:
I agree with you. Democrats have to deliver. I don’t think individual entities and interests on the stock market are a good measure, though. Mortgage cram-downs in the context of a Chapter 13 bankruptcy are good public policy, in our current situation. But, the stock market isn’t going to like them one bit. Interests diverge. Someone is going to take a hit. Asking Wall Street to applaud when mortgage brokers take a hit is asking too much. That doesn’t mean it isn’t good public policy.
Actually, not really. The American political system, for certain structual reasons, is unlike multiparty "European" type systems where the barriers to entry for a party are lower then in the US and where it is possible to have more then 2 viable political parties. Therefore the question for any political party in the US will never be if you delivered, it will always be whether the only other viable political party is viewed as being more likely to deliver. That is very differant question and in the past has resulted in a political party holding on to power in the US, even though it did not "deliver".
Therefore Rahm and all the other Democrats should remind the rest of the country that the people who are the infuential voices in the Republican party are incapable of delivering anything without f—ing it up.
"We conservatives stripped the car for parts, filled the gas tank with sugar, and set the interior on fire. But you’re in the driver’s seat now, so nyah nyah nyah."
No wonder the Republican Party is at death’s doorstep. Say hi to the Whigs in Hell, OK?
Ash Can
Here’s a tip, son: The financial markets don’t react to what politicians announce. They react to what companies and other financial entities report. Keep reading everything in the various financial publications except the editorials, and you’ll be well on your way to thinking the way the financial markets as a whole do.
Ash Can
Oh, and PS:
Yeah, because we all know Obama’s just been sitting on his hands since he assumed office.
Ash Can
As for that Breitbart piece, jeebus. The editorial offices of the Washington Times must look like a fucking pharmacy.
I’ve got some real serious reservations about Rush running at the head of the official Republican national party. I mean, honestly, who would you pick – Alex, Geddy or Neil?
(Hey, someone had to do it).
And they’re all pretending the banks are not underwater and that real estate will recover to bubble times. And they all want to be saved by taxpayers.
Like I said, fucking nuts.
Person of Choler
Ash Can, Of course Obama has been busy since he assumed office. Herbert Hoover was also pretty active also after the crash, contrary to legend.
Busyness not withstanding, there will come a time when ragging on George Bush, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or whoever will not substitute for the US emerging from the economic slump. The Democrats’ stimulus bill has put a staggering amount of present and future wealth on the line and something pretty good had better happen, probably before the 2010 elections.
Voters are more informed, sophisticated, and assertive than they were in the days when they could be soothed and comforted by the mellifluous vaporings of FDR.
Concern troll is concerned.
Frankly, it’s a sign of how bad things are that trolls that can speak complete sentences have now come to the middle-tiered blogs like BJ.
I’ve noticed this ‘oh, you’re anonymous’ thing tends to come out when people start losing the argument, as if there’s a magic Guard Against Falsehood that happens if you use the name Rush Hudson Limbaugh III instead of, say, "Digby." You would think anyone with half a brain would catch the fallacy here, but no.
Okay, you’re a spoof or just a new low in the well of troll stupidity.
Roll the Bones.
John PM
@burnspbesq: #40
I know that I am late to the party, but I liked this part best from the Lairison post:
Person of Choler
The voters resoundingly elected Obama and a Democratic Congress, yes? Certainly that speaks for their sophistication, no?
Ah, "troll", "stupidity" etc. Such a feast of reason and subtle nuance in the discussions here.