First sighting of a Republican using “Wolverines!” as a serious battle cry and not as a joke: Robert Stacy McCain:
We are now a mere 18 months from Labor Day 2010, when that climactic political battle will be fully engaged. There a lot of important work to be done — and done now, over the next three to six months — if there is to be any hope of anything but the abomination of desolation. Our utter destruction is at hand unless good men rally to the colors, and we no longer have the luxury of indulging in these petty playground feuds and the children who enjoy them.
To the extent that conservatives need a philosopher now, I’d say we need to be studying Sun-Tzu.
If Rod Dreher wants to join Andrew Sullivan and David Brock (yes, I said “Brock,” not “Brooks”) in the ranks of the vaunting army outside the camp, let him go over and be gone. But don’t sit pouting inside the camp, giving aid and comfort to the adversary by your demoralizing pronouncements. If that stuff is going to be tolerated among conservatives, there won’t be enough left of a constitutional republic after Nov. 3 for anyone to bother trying to “conserve” it, and no hope at all that it might be restored.
The all caps and the red just make it even better. What a way to start the week.
*** Update ***
Title amended to reflect reality.
vishnu schizt
Yes and I’m sure by that time well have figured our way out of this paper bag!!!!!!!!! What is that big white thing behind you Hindrocket? Gez Rob not sure, don’t want to know…. keep punching this brown wall… ARRGGH! Punch Punch Punch.
Comrade Stuck
More like Toothless Tigers
again with the overwrought faux-Churchillian language. what a bunch of phonies.
Nim, ham hock of liberty
Regardless of whether you like the "politics" of Red Dawn – wouldn’t you be embarrassed by the fact that it was dreck?
Seriously, even as a teenage pinheaded young republican Reaganite at the time it was released, I knew it sucked.
To which, the only proper reply is"
Josh Hueco
The thing is, I really can’t tell if the comments on that post are real or from hecklers. Things like:
Could be a joke or the guy could really mean it. Impossible to tell the difference these days.
The Democratic Party
Heh, I’ll say. :)
You just gotta love how the wingers use the same invective whether talking about supporting the troops or the Republican party. The total rejection of rational voices in their own party is striking.
Okay – so what I have learned from this:
1) Republicans are so polite that if we knew what they were really thinking, we’d be completely aghast.
2) Red Dawn was a cautionary prophetic tale – only it wasn’t Russians so much as gays.
3) The Art of War should be used as a battle plan – except without the respect, patience, or understanding of your enemy.
4) Rush Limbaugh is not the leader of the Republican Party – he’s just the one they quote the most, shape policy on, and give the keynote speaker spot at every event.
5) Andrew Sullivan can’t be conservative as he sucks dick. That instantly disqualifies him for any possible conservative value. Oh – that and he has HIV – and wants to be married to another guy.
6) Wanting Obama’s presidency to fail is nothing like when liberals said they wanted Bush to fail. Bush Derangement Syndrome is actual sickness – but criticizing Obama is okay, as he’s not really a citizen and therefore can’t be a president.
Thanks! I no longer feel ignorant.
Checking for missing verbs, for a start.
If I remember my Sun-Tzu correctly, I believe he would caution our friends in Wingnuttia against waging a battle on Death Ground.
No good can come of it.
Has anyone given the possibility that Robert S McCain is a Spoof Troll and we are all suckered into writing about him.
You couldn’t come up with a better Spoof Blog that McCain’s. I suspect that he may not be a real person.
Todd Dugdale
I think this military genius is sadly un-informed about Sun-Tzu, who advocated giving up ground to the enemy to draw them from their supply lines and relying upon superior intelligence. Instead, he seems to be advocating some kind of rhetorical Charge of the Light Brigade.
I did the math and if the polls showing that people referring to themselves as Democrats are at 36% and Republicans are at 28% – which would leave 36% independent – then the Gallup poll of Rush’s approval/unapproval ends up being 26.6% for Rush and 45.2% against.
Therefore, seeing as how Rush is the Patrick Swayze of the Wolverine Movement, I can’t imagine how it would be against our best interests to keep showing him to be the leader of the Republican Party. And when I heard Micheal "My Bad" Steele advocate for Affirmative Action the other night on D.L. Hughley, all I could think about was that we’ve got to stoke that shit…man!
You’ll also be amused to learn that the Red State Strike Force will soon be only one branch of the military in the new struggle. From Erik The RedState:
Tune in next week, when the RedState Navy of Navel-gazing launches their first toy battleship into the bathtub, with the mission of finally taking out that obnoxious rubber ducky.
The Grand Panjandrum
The Wolverines in that post is linked to his 2/28 post where he first employs the Wolverines battle cry. (And he links to Red Dawn on Amazon!) So we now have a benchmark for where the resistance finally rose up to save us all from the liberal hordes now pillaging our nation.
But Robert Stacy McCain ain’t no Patrick Swayze.
JD Rhoades
Come on, man, Red Dawn is fucking hilarious.
joe from Lowell
It’s like Hitler firing the generals that brought him bad news, because they were "defeatists."
Yeah, don’t listen to those "demoralizing pronouncements." It doesn’t matter what’s actually going on our there; all that matters is the strength of your will.
But of course
Oh these poor desolation angels.
Ah, I love the smell of wingnut schism in the morning. Smells like… victory!
What might be the nature of that important work? At the moment, the conservative movement looks a lot like the Mao’s Cultural Revolution only with adherence to the words of Rush instead of the Little Red Book.
Clearly Robert Stacy McCain is part of the conspiracy Medved uncovered to make conservatives look stupid.
joe from Lowell
It just struck me: Democrats stoking this fight by drawing attention to Rush Limbaugh is almost exactly the same tactic as the "Operation Chaos" shtick he tried to pull during the Democratic primary.
There’s gonna be a riot at the convention, doncha know.
The central message of Buddhism is ‘Every man for himself."
So, we’ve got them shouting "Wolverines!". That’s step one. Now it’s time to step it up a notch; it’s time to see if we can get them to change their warcry to "Thundercats, HO!".
i’d settle for a good hearty "By The Power Of Grayskull!"
@dmsilev: Stop making me laugh out loud at work.
Every time anyone says "Robert Stacy McCain," my mental jukebox plays "Institutionalized."
To call this guy a loon is to grievously insult the Canadian one-dollar coin.
Operation Chaos is succeeding beyond all expectation.
What more can be said about a political philosophy that has as its main proponents:
– a fat thrice divorced oxycontin addict who dropped out of college after a couple of semesters- and who really needs a bra to hold up his moobs;
– a homeschooled/brainwashed 13 year old;
– a decades dead gin soaked party whore;
– a bombastic live blonde gin soaked party whore;
– a Filipino anchor baby who hate immigrants;
– an unlicensed, unemployed plumber’s assistant who can’t do math.
OMG – Is this the new cast sheet for the next Star Trek series?
Battle cry of the Crossdressers: Transform AND ROLL OUT!
Battle cry of the Moderates: Not that there’s anything wrong with that!
Battle cry of the Quakers: No fighting in the War Room!
Sontar, HAH!
Did you learn that while serving in the London Underground movement?
Sad, isn’t it? Like their policy preferences or not, it really is a shame that the sort of deliberative, accomplished, sober folks that used to be emblematic of the GOP mindset have been supplanted for a load of incompetent pundits in a clown car. Douglas MacArthur, Dwight Eisenhower and Barry Goldwater would undoubtedly be ashamed of the sort of crypto Bircher luddite incompetents that are steering the course.
Comrade Dread
– Democrats
– Libertarians
– Independents
– Corporate Cons
– and Theocons (if Dreher is criticizing them)
are all telling you you’re batshit crazy, shouldn’t that give you at least some pause?
Nah, it just means we should all cheer louder in the big empty tent.
Porkulus fka Media Browski
Bobby McCain’s creepy Revelations reference to the "Camp of Saints" really brings home how they see the universe: Sullivan and Brock aren’t just aiding the enemy, they’re aiding The Enemy, the Anti-Christ.
Peak Wingnut is becoming an asymptotic concept, infinitely approaching farce without ever quite being funny.
Well ladies and gentleman, it seems like the entire Republican party is practicing "Hakana Matata".
How can a Robert Stacy McCain thread not mention that he has been exposed as a white supremacist?
An unforgivable oversight. Puts it all in the proper perspective, no?
The best part in that Dreher post was where he accused the white boys at CPAC of being excessively orthodox and acting like slaves to a religious dogma. Coming from a CrunchyCon, that’s kind of harsh, isn’t it? Sort of like being accused of excessive fascism by Francisco Franco, or having Hugh Heffner tell you that you have loose morals.
Which reminds me: Happy Texas Independence Day!
The Moar You Know
@monad: I thought it was "kill or be killed".
Hasn’t anyone here seen a A Fish Called Wanda? Fantastically funny
Mike in NC
"By the Power of The Gipper!"
Dana Milbank has an amusing video link on the WaPo website. He went to CPAC and stocked up on t-shirts, bumper stickers, buttons, assorted other wingnut freebees. They actually are awaiting the Second Coming of Saint Reagan, from what he had to report.
Video proves that all GOP talking points come from Red Dawn…
Exterminate! Exterminate! (oh s^%#$@, stairs!)
what? no "Wonder Twins, Activate!"?
How about reading Sun Tzu’s The Art of War BEFORE going to Iraq? Instead of after? Mh? Good idea? Ya…
@Todd Dugdale:
"To kill, you must know your enemy, and in this case my enemy is a varmint. And a varmint will never quit – ever. They’re like the Viet Cong – Varmint Cong. So you have to fall back on superior intelligence and superior firepower. And that’s all she wrote. "
Carl Spackler, Assistant Groundskeeper.
Comrade Kevin
Sure, I’ve seen it. I’m pretty sure that JA3 up above has also.
Check out the graphic under Update 2 in this GOS diary. (Red State Trike Force)
So the funny thing is – my dim recollection of Red Dawn is that its message wa interestingly subversive.
It had a soliloquy by the soviet general expressing disdain for his role as an occupier rather than an insurgent. This was at a time when the US was trying to occupy most of central America. It struck me at the time as a direct shot a American foreign policy.
Have these guys SEEN the movie?
That graphic is priceless
Wait, Rod Dreher, who said on balance that the Enlightenment wasn’t a good thing? Nah, you can keep him.
Conservatively Liberal
I snagged a copy of that for future use…lol!
When they shout "Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Assemble ! then I know to start worrying for real.
You know this is going to be a great week for wingnut watching when it starts out like this.
Comrade Darkness
Maybe this is a military term I’m unfamiliar with, but what is a "vaunting army"?
and my dictionary is little help . . .
vaunt |vônt; vänt|
verb [ trans. ] [usu. as adj. ] ( vaunted)
boast about or praise (something), esp. excessively : the much vaunted information superhighway.
Or is he really marshaling a corps de esprit?
@Comrade Darkness:
I think he means it in the sense of "vaunting ambition" (most often associated with Macbeth’s "vaulting ambition"; i.e. striving heedlessly, leaping over, etc)
I think Ammu-Nation is running free screenings of the documentary "Red Dawn" all week long!