In just a few days, Rush has threatened anyone who thought Jindal’s speech was bad, publicly castrated the RNC chairman, repeatedly associated the Republican party with desires for President Obama to fail, stated that ideas don’t matter and then proved it by misquoting the Constitution, and wrestled control of the GOP from any and all of their elected leaders at the annual conservative conference. This picture says it all:
I wonder if Republicans still feel the same way about the Fairness Doctrine?
Steve S
I just don’t understand the fear some people have of Rush. I realize that he will go after him on his show, but sucking up to him isn’t going to help in the long run. While he does enjoy a great deal of success, he is not exactly well liked. A recent survey found that 65% of the respondents had an unfavorable impression of him. Combine this with his gaffes, mean comments, and populist BS, and it makes me wonder if he should be the spokesperson for the Conservative movement.
Blue Raven
Oh, but it’s the liberal conspiracy to make them look bad that’s doing this! It’s not their fault they inflated the Hindenburg and forgot to anchor it!
Epic, full of win, etc.
Josh Marshall at TPM for The Win:
This has to be the most spectacular suicide ever. It beats the guy throwing himself into the wood chipper. It beats the guy swallowing gunpowder and matches.
I’d love to know what the Republicans in Congress say about Limbaugh in private. They’re now hamstrung by an unelected, uneducated, impossible to remove "leader" who demands (and gets) total capitulation on all issues.
Republican office holders would have to ask Rush first?
There is a saying that personally I hate, "We know who wears the pants in that family" but it would be useful to come up with some type of award for members who have to apologize.
Bubblegum Tate
@Steve S:
Democrats sure think he should. Which ought to tell Republicans something but doesn’t.
I have a feeling Rush will be found dead in his bathtub surrounded by oxy pills by the end of 2009. The way he was sweating and coughing during his speech at CPAC- he just looked weird.
Ned R.
I figure the variation on David’s Á Marat which would result wouldn’t be anywhere near as dramatic.
Nasty thought: There are a bunch of ex-Bush-staffers wandering around with a complete lack of morals and former access to all sorts of classified intelligence assets. Rush probably has some dirty laundry which he wouldn’t want made public; I wonder whether Rove et al. have a contingency plan just in case.
It won’t be Rove, etc. He’s minor league. The serious threats are associates of Bush, the elder. Watch for a scandal to break by June or July.
Josh Hueco
@Ned R.:
I’m thinking something a little more expressionistic, like Munch’s Vampire.
Jay B.
Hmmm…I wonder if Obama really knows the fight he picked! I wonder….
Rule 12: Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky.
After 40 years of fucking lies and a Democratic Party that was alternately too weak, too timid or too complicit to oppose the lies, it feels VERY good to know that the Republicans are completely overmatched by Obama.
He might not always do the right thing — and I really hope his Executive Power fetish is brought to heel by Congress (I may as well wish for the moon) — but he and the party are, right now, looking aggressively smart for the first time in my life.
More movie references. Blame all the "Wolverines" comments.
Michael Steele:
Rush Limbaugh:
John, I think its time to break out some Bill Hicks circa 1993.
The guy had him and the GOP cold almost 20 years ago, just the names have changed, and we’re collectively a more credulous people.
Davis X. Machina
First Palin, now this.
The GOP’s descent into Poujadist irrelevancy continues.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
Anyone care to bet on who will be the next Republican Rush wishes into the cornfield?
Bubblegum Tate
Actually, Rush should be saying, "Megadittoes!" but your point stands.
Comrade Stuck
I wonder how long before El Presidente Limbaugh declares Martial Law from his Cholesterol Pod.
Rush.. he’s an entertainer. He loves giving audiences what they want. Sadly he lacks empathy.. so he can only tell audiences what the should want.
This fits great with the far right listeners. He tells them they should want to be @ssholes, which works well since they are @ssholes already.
Sadly Rush wants no responsibility, so all he has to do is tell everyone who listens to him to react, not act.
Thankfully he’s such a focus of attention everyone acts in response to him, so he just has to keep up a chain of reaction… until someone actually does something constructive.. and he just starts a new chain of reaction.
I’ll give the GOP this much – their re-education camps are quick and effective.
Bad Horse's Filly
I wonder if Bill O’Reilly is feeling left out?
Okay, this is obviously the end for Michael Steele as RNC chair–he’ll be history within a couple of months. The question is, where do they go from there? Obviously such a picayune position is beneath the Big Giant Head’s dignity….
Anybody want to bet (Not)Joe the (Not)Plumber is head of the RNC by 2012?
Ned R.
@Davis X. Machina: That piece is interesting as a reflection of the high point of potential fear of Palin. The author thinks that she would have had a ‘field day’ in Washington state! Er.
Kirk Spencer
The reason they fear him is that he swings a HUGE slice of the party vote. The Die Hards listen to him – they’re dittoheads.
Now, he used to be balanced by the corporatists and the dominionists. right now, however, neither has much strength. The former are being hammered for the economy and bank situation. The latter failed to have any particular impact on the 2008 election – not to mention the ‘biggest’ voice, Dobson, is retiring.
Many of them know that dancing to his tune hurts them in the general election. But they have to get through the primary first, and that’s where he hurts them.
@freelancer: The bit about Barbara Bush’s wrinkled flaccid labia always turns my stomach. Thanks for that.
El Cid
I’m sorry, but I cannot accept that Rush Limbaugh is lawfully a radio show host unless he finally agrees to present a vault original birth certificate.
Much as I would love to believe that’s a possibility, I think there are too many people with enough money at play to ever keep that from happening.
Steve S:
True, but the other 35% is the GOP base.
AhabTRuler, Minions' #45, AFU
True, but I would have said the same thing about Palin.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Yes, but doesn’t that mean that half of us will survive? I’ll take those odds.
joe from Lowell
El Cid,
All the cool wingnuts say "C.O.L.B.," not "birth certificate."
It makes them sound all expertis-ey.
Comrade Stuck
@El Cid:
No certificate for hatchlings.
@rob: Just another name for the Obama death list.
Salt, meet wound:
(I copied and pasted from Americablog. They didn’t include a link)
Just Some Fuckhead
Great post John.
El Cid,
I’ll go you one better. Until Rush produces proof of some sort that he isn’t a pedophile, I’ll have to think the worst about him jetting down to the Dominican Republic with fistfulls of someone elses veyeagra.
Just Some Fuckhead
Ow, devastating linkage.
@joe from Lowell:
What is it with all this "Certificate of Live Birth" bullshit anyway? Do they really think Obama is one of the undead?
I guess the answer is: "Yes. SA2SQ"
Ricky Bobby
Obama must be having a dance party in the Oval Office right now. He could not have asked for a better Republican response to his newest policies.
At the same time, watching a major political party commit suicide by swallowing a grenade is pretty fucking ghastly. I’m all for shadenfraude, but this is a bit much even for me.
Just goes to show how ass-backwards the media is. Did anyone notice that yet another of President Obama’s appointees has tax issues? Or that the Dow is on its way to 6200 and the S&P to 650? Or that Eastern Europe is about to plunge into economic chaos?
El Cid
@joe from Lowell: The problem is that many states use the standardized forms designed by either the U.S. Census Bureau or more recently the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics, which implies an unlawful interference by the federal tyrant nanny state into the 10th Amendment powers reserved by the states and thus tens of millions of humans living within our borders are actually not true citizens.
@AhabTRuler: Don’t they usually determine LD50 on rats? We’re stronger than they are, so I’ll say 57.8% of us would survive.
El Cid
If you want to see some amusing stats, go read science’s most recent attempts to determine an LD50 for marijuana on humans.
(Yes, I can link to the actual journal articles, but the linked factoids are exactly the same data.)
@gbear: Is our Democrats learning?
kommrade reproductive vigor
It’s like having front row seats at a Gallagher concert. Only funny.
@gbear: I couldn’t find a link to Kaine calling the GOP a bunch of pantywaists, but I did find this nugget from their new leader’s show on 11 Aug:
28 Percent
John Cole if that is your real name this is all a liberal plot to divide the Republican party but it will not work no matter how much RINOS like Michael Steele would like it too. This is what Michelle Malkin said if you would READ her blog instead of just showing a PICTURE of it’s words you would know that but I guess you do not THIKN that is you’re problem. She wrote a note to Michael "Moore" Steele to let him know that he should not help the LIEBERALS divide our party by not agreeing with them that Rush is the face of the party by putting Rush down saying that he is an "entertainer" well that is what makes him good maybe if Michael Steele tried being an entertainer we would be better off and not having things like the Oscars with all the liberals shoving there politics in our faces instead of sticking to the musical numbers which were pretty fun this year and a nice break from the gay.
Comrade Jake
@28 Percent:
I think your argument would be a lot more powerful if you put the whole post in ALL CAPS.
kommrade reproductive vigor
And 28% returns! Is it Christmas already?
28 Percent:
That’s gotta be Cole himself. Maybe DougJ.
Whoever it is, it’s all spoof. It’s just a little too over the top.
I dare anyone to diagram that sentence.
28 Percent
@Comrade Jake: Comrade Jake if that is your real name it is no surprise tha tyou do not understand because like all other nazis "comrade" you do not understand that the POWER OF A MESSAGE IS IN THE MESSAGE NOT THE CAPS they are not big caps anyway they are medium and the MEDIUM CAPS ARE THE MESSAGE.
28% has to be a bad spoof because he mis-spelled "libtard" as "liberal".
Needs some work
It’s so great after years of seeing Democrats falling over each other to be the first to denounce and censure the hippies on the left to see the wingnuts embarrassing themselves worshiping the ass sweat on Limbaughs chair.
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
Ben Smith at Politico has it. The press release itself is quoted above, but I like Smith’s lead-in:
The mental image arises of Rahm Emanuel sitting in his office watching the barrages going back and forth, and saying to himself "dance, puppets, dance!".
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
Ben Smith at Politico has it. The press release itself is quoted above, but I like Smith’s lead-in:
The mental image arises of Rahm Emanuel sitting in his office watching the barrages going back and forth, and saying to himself "dance, puppets, dance!".
Life imitates art: the Repubs now have their very own Fat Bastard.
Left Coast Tom
Regarding Limbaugh:
Even better…he was accepting a CPAC "Defender of the Constitution" award.
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
28% is a pretty good spoof.
Somehow the lack of punctuation other than scare quotes and full stops makes it read like an utterly monotone computer voice.
No offense to Stephen Hawking intended.
Brick Oven Bill
There is no radio monopoly and Bill O’Reilly is definitely feeling left out. I have provided an account of O’Reilly swinging and missing Beck 5 times; and then Beck missing twice, and then Beck landing a solid blow and ending well. At this point I declared Beck the Fox Alpha.
Now see CPACs favorites among the TV/radio types which just came out:
#1: Limbaugh-26%
#2: Beck-17%
#3: Hannity-11%
#4: O’Reilly-10%
#5: Coulter-7%
Beck has an afternoon show on Fox that is on one time per day, and his ratings are nearly equal to O’Reilly’s. The reason Beck is more powerful than Limbaugh is because I believe him to be genuine. This is based in his faith. Faith, when applied properly, is a very powerful force for good. This is why Beck has resonated in his very brief TV career.
I also am familiar with his reputation with small-town radio station administrators who make very little money. Beck talks with them personally and they think the world of him.
Beck will replace Limbaugh shortly.
Polish the Guillotines
@28 Percent: Awesome spoof. Do use a Word macro, or do you actually pry the punctuation keys off the keyboard?
Laura W Darling
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
Ha! Nice quip. I tried to attend a Gallagher concert in Fresno, CA, circa 1988. I tried to attend with two gay male friends, fellow volunteers at the Central Valley Aids Team. As Jon Stewart would say…un-coooooomftrable!
Needless to say, we left 10 min. in. Not only was he the living definition of un-funny, he was a homophobic bigot. I guess I shoulda know that. I felt bad.
The GOP is looking like those two churches in Bulgaria or Italy or whatever that have the yearly fireworks battle and launch thousands of salvos of rockets at each other.
The GOP must have no self awareness left, because they are marching lockstep behind one of the least sympathetic, most repulsive humans to have ever come down the pike.
The Democrats could only match GOP mass mental psychosis by newly annointing Rod Blagojevich as their unchallenged leader.
Hey, he’s been doing a good improv so far. But yeah, Steele could have embodied the spirit and dress of the everyday Republican manly man better by putting his apology to song like this.
Maybe next year CPAC can start an awards show during their annual soiree: Best apology to Rush; Best AssUpper to Rush; etc.
These guys do not disappoint.
28 Percent
@Brick Oven Bill: That may be I do not know it would be sad to lose Rush and it can not be a win for the socilists we can not let them win or America loses but it would be nice to see more Glen Beck because he is ready to talk about what happens if it is necessary to fight the second American Revoultion for Liberty and Representation without Taxation (hehe takeing it up a notch it will be even better this time) and Rush is sometimes not willing to take the gloves off the way we need to too protect our LIBERTY AND FREEDOM.
Laura W Darling
As tempted as I am to bite off the whole thing, I can’t get past the seeming contradiction there.
Aren’t all musical numbers gay?
I watched a little bit of the Senate debate today about the Omnibus spending bill, and caught Senator John Thunes remarks. Considering the DOW lost 4% of its value and the economy is in the crapper, I was expecting him to be talking about, well, the economy.
Nope. He was squawking about the "Fairness Doctrine", and apparently isn’t too happy with Jim Demint’s resolution, so we will be seeing more nuttery about this strawman in the future.
@28 Percent: 28 percent punctuation, not bad for someone use to saying "ditto".
The Democrats are trolling and the Republicans are biting the bait, hard! Hilarious.
Mike in NC
Hmm. And a well-kept one at that.
kommrade reproductive vigor
He must have the only working prototype.
The question is will he use his powers only for good or will we be treated to the sight of Republicans imitating sheep, crapping their pants, shrieking incoherently … Hey, wait a minute …
Notorious P.A.T.
LOL. That routine goes up to eleven.
Just Some Fuckhead
@28 Percent: Awesome. I don’t think a lot of folks realize how hard that is to do well.
@Brick Oven Bill: Dude, Beck is so out there he reports signs of the Apocalypse as "news".
His is a star that burns too bright and will blow off its corona in a burst of cataclysmic proportions. My guess is with a donkey, two underage Thai hookers, and instructions for tea-bagging.
John S.
28 Percent and Brick Oven Bill just need to be joined by Attanutjob and Paul L. to made this thread full of WIN.
The glory days of Balloon Juice are BACK!
John Cole
I bet you won’t be putting up a pet pick of this cat lol
Comrade Stuck
Who let the spoofs out?
@John S.:
And all it took to produce this much fun was for Lintball to finally make His move. Attanut was right, I’m giddy as a schoolgirl.
28 Percent:
No one with grammar that bad also makes puns off of New York 1960’s cultural elitists like Marshall McLuhan. Definite spoof.
Ned R.
@Laura W Darling:
Reminds me of this legendary demolition of Gallagher courtesy of Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez.
Brick Oven Bill
My personal bias is that I have observed the birth of government agencies. At first they try to do what is right, then shortly it becomes all about maximizing revenue, because people who can execute are not drawn to government jobs. The next step is protecting and padding the jobs of the decision makers, and this leads to oppression.
This is why government is to be minimized. And is exactly what the Founders laid out in the Federalist Papers and Bill of Rights. The reason I believe Beck will be the leader is that he bases his presentation on the same ideals. And when the shit hits the fan and people are forced to choose where to place their allegiances, the thinking people will gravitate towards the Constitution and the Federalist Papers, and there is Glenn.
This is why the very public Rahm-Limbaugh spat pleases me. Limbaugh cannot be shut down now. This provides cover for the more powerful voices to gather strength.
@Brick Oven Bill:
And why is this BOB? Presumably the men who wrote the Constitution and the Federalist papers were "drawn to government jobs". Am I missing something here?
Comrade Stuck
Obama releases first of Bush’s secret memo’s by Herr Yoo.
You just wait, Cole. In 2012… in 2012…………. in……… 20….. tweh….
awww, fuck it. I can’t do it with a straight keyboard.
Ash Can
@Ricky Bobby: My thoughts to a T.
In an earlier thread, I waxed analytical about the Steele-vs.-Limblow thing, all the while thinking that it had all the makings of a nifty poli-sci case study for intra-party control, and wondering how long it would go on before it either petered out or was resolved in some innocuous way.
Imagine my amazement when I hit the "submit" button, then saw, right above my post, other commenters saying that Michael Steele, er, had just hit the "submit" button himself, if you know what I mean.
Fuck it. Fuck it all.
No matter how deep I dig to give the Republicans some modicum of credit, they rear back and fire it with all their might off the end of Navy Fucking Pier and then turn and laugh in my face for giving them any fucking credit at all.
Fine. And mind you, I’m saying this as a life-long Democrat.
Those few sane Republican governors out there will, at some point in the future, lead the party back. Whether it has the name of "Republican" or not is anyone’s guess, but they’ll be at the forefront.
In the meantime, I’m sure I’ll continue to reflexively give the Republican party too much credit. I can’t help it. I can’t outdo them in self-destruction.
John S.
Does. Not. Compute.
Brick Oven Bill
bootlegger; I would argue the opposite. Jay, Madison, and Hamilton had lived under an oppressive King, who they despised. In my opinion, these three were motivated to free men from government, to the greatest extent possible.
Did you know that during the Civil War, any Citizen could go in off the street and meet Abraham Lincoln? This was on the History Channel. Obama rides around in a tank.
Laura W Darling
@Ned R.: Wow. Just like that. But without the Spanish. Thanks for the flashbacks. Can’t… stop… twitching.
Brick Oven Bill:
Sounds like you fell asleep before the end.
kommrade reproductive vigor
John, you need to shut the comments before someone hurts himself trying to top this.
Brick Oven Bill
Does. Too. Compute.
The Founders goal was to minimize government, presumably because they understood the nature of man, which does not mix well with power. They did not want the government to have a trillion dollar HHS department because they understood that someone like Blago would end up running it.
That was a very good response JGabriel. But the fact remains that Lincoln was able to hand-write responses to letters he received, because the government was not a nanny state back then. I cannot even get a Senator’s assistant to send me the correct form letter the third time around. My intent was not security, but touche back to you.
Ash Can
Signed, Ash Can, M.A., Canadian Studies. (I may be American, but I get funny about stuff like that.)
@D-Chance.: HA, he finally blew his cover! :D
28 Percent
@Brick Oven Bill:
Yes that is true thank you Brick Oven Bill of course that was during a time of war so it was safer because the president was a GREAT REPUBLICAN and had enough powers to make sure everything was safe and secure. It is so bad now you can not even drive in front of the White House any more they have closed off the street in front the president is so scared what happened we used to be safe now it is all lockdown that is not change you can believe it.
dem be happy
I just realized who Michael Steele reminds me of — the undertaker from the opening scene of The Godfather.
@Brick Oven Bill:
OM*, someone’s taken over BOB’s body.
Update: Sorry, by the time I wrote this things returned back to normal.
Just Some Fuckhead
This is like the special olympics of commenting.
Mike in NC
That is one large thong to fill.
Comrade Stuck
If they had known George Bush would someday be president, they probably would have chucked the whole thing and got drunk instead.
@Brick Oven Bill:
Doesn’t this sound exactly like the corporations that have gained so much power over the last 30 years? We’re having to protect the jobs of the decision makers so that they don’t bring down the entire country, if not the world. I would rather take my chances with the government, that I am allowed to rise up against, than these conglomerates.
If Beck’s gaining on him, Limbaugh’s ratings must really be in the toilet.
Comrade Stuck
Allahpundit is sounding like he’s about in a flame out over at Hot Air. Even goes after "The Boss", the queen bee herself.
It’s because she’s a white hot wingnut Allah. And crazy as a shithouse rat. You just now figuring that out?
Slightly OT, but
Iowa Housewife
The funniest thing I’ve heard in a long time was Rush trying to defend and bolster Jindal’s speech the day after. I mean really, really? He said that Bobby was saying all the right things but just not with style, but when does style do anything, no one can govern with style and style is overrated. What a douchebag. What drives me the most crazy is how much fucking money Rush makes.
Comrade Stuck
Your link is broke
kommrade reproductive vigor
He means this. But that’s obviously McCain’s brain.
Brick Oven Bill
As I agree with #101 & #102, here’s some recruiting.
Bet you my link works fossil brain.
Let’s try that link again!
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
Yeah, that is the link.
Yeah. As it turned out, any citizen could go in off the alley and shoot him, too.
Oh well.
@Comrade Stuck: Isn’t that what W did anyway?
Why do the R’s bother apologizing to Rush and the 28%ers? The worst that can happen is that a small % of them wont go to the polls. So the R leadership faces a devils choice.
Accept they suck and try to become sane. They lose some base but start to claw back some of the middle. Problem is that requires adult, long term thinking. Or….
They turn up the wingnut to 11, keep up the purity tests, clap harder and become smaller, smaller, smaller….
Since they obviously dont accept they suck hard it looks like purity tests will still rule the day.
Honestly, is there a single R on the national scene who shows any honest hint of understanding how bad the R brand is and how far it has to go before it is viable again? I mean they keep mining Reagans corpse which only sullies his reputation further. And Newt? Jebus help them.
I mean when Pat Buchanan is the voice of reason for a party, times are f’ing tough.
All lemmings must hail Rush LimbMao.
Further directives to follow.
That Anonymous Guy
Quote of the century, from Josh Marshall:
Ash Can: Correction accepted.
So whats the over under on Steele’s chairmanship? I give it three months before he steps down ‘to spend more time with his family’.
I mean he has been a treasure trove of fail (or win as far as I am concerned) from day one.
Granted, when the bullpen is bare going for releif when down by 20 in the 7th doesnt really make much sense anyway.
Is there a mercy rule in politics?
El Cid
Abe Lincoln was just in the street in front of my house, but it was kind of late so people weren’t coming out for the meet & greet.
Brian J
I’m not sure what I enjoy more. We have Michael Steele, who uses lame platitudes and slang trying to appeal to the demographics that shunned the G.O.P. the most in the last election, as the national chairman making a fool of himself. We also have Rush Limbaugh, the ignorant, obnoxious entertainer who is bound to say many stupid things because of how often he is in front of a microphone, becoming the face of the party. In the mean time, the Republicans in congress looked even more detached from reality than I thought possible.
I don’t like the idea of the Democrats not having a principled opposition over the long term, but in the short term, this sort of nonsense is like political porn.
From Personality, Character, and Leadership in the White House by Steven J. Rubenzer, Thomas R. Faschingbauer
Is this some sort of coded racist message? That black people are degenerate gamblers?
How dare you sir, how dare you!
No. There is a hilarity multiplier, and a pass-the-popcorn caveat.
Between the "Triumph of the Will" imitation by this year’s CPAC crowd, the craven cowardice and dereliction of responsibility by Steele (who is soon to go down the lonesome path of JC Watts), and Lord HawHaw’s bizarre channeling of Mr.Creosote, Jabba, Lonesome Rhodes, Nehemiah Scudder and Hitler in the same speech (followed by his Black Knight impersonation after being dissed by Steele and Cantor), this has been priceless.
He even mixed in a little petty woundedness on Steele, kinda like a bitter woman.
oh really
I can only say thank Dog the universe is expanding. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be room for the Limbaugh’s fantastically bloated ego. I just hope the universe can keep up with the Rush’s rate of expansion.
Unbelievable. Every time a see a clip of Glen Beck I think "This guy is like the most obnoxious ADHD fifth grader ever."
Genuine? Yeah, like Bozo. The guy is an absolute clown. I read recently that he’s a self-described reformed alcoholic. Perhaps that explains some of the more bizarre aspects of his behavior.
What makes Brick Oven Bill’s statement an absolute classic is how badly he mangled what he wrote.
I’m guessing that B.O.B thinks he said that Beck is more powerful than Limbaugh because he’s more genuine.
However, what he actually wrote is that Beck is more powerful because B.O.B. himself believes Beck is genuine. I guess that means the real power in Wingnuttia is B.O.B.
Next time, B.O.B., take your Ritalin and re-read the nonsense you’ve written. What you meant to say (unless your ego is expanding faster than Limbaugh’s) is:
On the other hand, you seem pretty delusional, so maybe you really did mean what you wrote. Either way, I feel sorry for you.
Anyone who takes either Limbaugh or Beck seriously is utterly beyond hope. I don’t really care whether Right Wing loons follow Limbaugh or Beck into oblivion…just as long as they all reach their richly deserved total irrelevance before they do too much more damage.
Conservatively Liberal
I think there is a schism developing along a familiar line, the Mason-Dixon one:
From the front page of Red(Neck)State:
Leave us rednecks alone!
This message was provided as a service of the Southern Rushublican Party.
Has anyone besides the hardcore Rush fans even mentioned The Fairness Doctrine? The only mention I’ve seen of it in any news stories said Obama wasn’t interested in it.
It would be pointless, anyway, in an age of Maher, Colbert, Stewart, Maddow, etc. To say nothing of Kos, TPM, et. al.
I just assume it’s another drumbeat from the Right to keep the paranoia flowing molten hot.
I still feel the same about the Fairness Doctrine: it’s un-American, anti-1st Amendment, etc. Let Rush say all he wants; he’s not running for office, he doesn’t legislate, he doesn’t do much of anything. He’s a lousy kingmaker – if he thinks that’s what he is (and I believe that he doesn’t).