Democrats need to find their own Rush Limbaugh if they’re ever going to win any elections.
I’m not in the habit of linking to committee websites, but this is genuinely funny.
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by DougJ| 80 Comments
This post is in: Politics, Previous Site Maintenance
Democrats need to find their own Rush Limbaugh if they’re ever going to win any elections.
I’m not in the habit of linking to committee websites, but this is genuinely funny.
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Totally. We’re doomed.
Comrade Stuck
I can’t think of anything to say
Moore = Rush
Olbermann = Hannity
Maddow = Van Susteren
Ivins = Coulter
hmm… I need help not picking outmatched right-wing people.
Howard Dean?
Comrade Jake
Every once in awhile you’ll catch some moronic story over at CNN about how there are warning signs for Obama, because he only has 70% approval on some initiative. It’s a big warning sign because his ratings on average are much higher.
Oh the stupid, how it burns.
Comrade Stuck
This is bound to give Malkin a case of the vapors.
Laura W Darling
@Comrade Stuck: OK, I’ll use your air time then to get the ball rolling.
Seriously. I clicked on and my eyes went smack to that one sentence.
Life is just one humungous, bubble-assed, Rorschach test most days, ain’t it?
(And who the heck uses Midol any more anyway? Really. If 750mg ibuprofen doesn’t cure what ills you, Midol surely won’t.)
Your turn, Stuck.
Surely you jest.
Hmmm Is Howard Stern a Democrat?
T Paine
Democrats have already found their Rush Limbaugh — and it’s Rush Limbaugh.
Comrade Stuck
@Laura W Darling:
What in the world are you talking about?
Davis X. Machina
@Comrade Stuck
She’s quoting the fourth Google hit for the phrase….
Laura W Darling
@Comrade Stuck:
Always hard to know, isn’t it?
If you click on DougJ’s link and scan the google entries, the third one down has the money line.
Just a little female "time of month" humor, Stuck, to fill in the dead air time while you thought of something to say.
I have nothing to
Matthew Hooper
Heh. One thing that the wingnuts never quite seem to recognize is that the Internet is forever…
Comrade Stuck
@Davis X. Machina:
Oh, Ok! You can play for me Mr. Machina. I’ll just watch
Nobody could have predicted that apologizing to Rush Limbaugh would become easier! Streamlined, even!
I’m Sorry, Rush
Disclaimer: Posted this in the wrong thread about a minute ago, because I’m worthless and insignificant. I’m sorry, Rush!!
Laura W Darling
@Davis X. Machina: Thank you. I’m guessing the linking of Midol to Stuck’s post flustered him a tad.
(Edit: Normally I would apologize about now to DougJ for turning his post into a Midol-Fest but considering this is the 987th Rush post since the weekend, I don’t feel quite so guilty. Which is not to say I don’t feel worthless and insignificant.)
Comrade Stuck
@Laura W Darling:
LOL, Ok. I still have nothing to say, other than I have nothing to say. A democrat Limbaugh shorted my neural net, I reckon.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Yeah, yeah. Nice try fRighties. That reverse psychology "Ooo look what we’ve got and you don’t!" bullshit will not entice anyone with half a brain cell to take that loud fat sweaty drug addict off your hands.
By the way, have you seen our skinny brown guy with a funny name –
Ha, ha, they’re all running off to form a protective ring around Bobby Jindal.
The Democrats are spoiled for choice when it comes to potential Obama-adverseries. Anytime you can choose between a racist pill-head (Rush), a mental invalid (Palin), and Mr. Rodgers (Bobby J.), the next election is yours to lose.
I also think we need a Muppet. Any political organization … nay … any human endeavor whatsoever … can benefit from having a House Muppet.
I personally think we should choose the Swedish Chef. His foreign-ness will scare the angry white man s***-less, and that is just fun to watch.
It would start by finding a Democrat. That is going to be very hard to do.
If you want a Liberal to represent the party, pick from your 500 available options. They will fail.
The last true Democrat available to you was Zell Miller. The rest go ebb and flow.
Play with any northeast coast, west coast democrat or republican and you will lose. They do not represent America, they represent $$$ and asses.
You being the fools you are, are just so scared of a radio host and not your own elected government.
Wilson Heath
Rush has finally displayed what exactly he is to the G.O.P., and it isn’t simply that he rallies the troops or has a well-packaged set of ideas that have facile consistency. He is the keeper of standards, the censor of the party’s ranks, and the one in charge of the propagation of the party faith. He is the Grand Inquisitor.
I think we’ll do just fine without our own, thanks,
Freepers, Why Libs Will Never Have A Rush Limbaugh:
No further comment.
Comrade Darkness
@JWW, whoever is in charge of spoofing tonight is rolling. Predictable, but rolling.
Plus he wields a cleaver. Good thought. At least our party muppet is not the mahna mahna guy anymore. (Don’t click on the link unless you’re prepared for the ear worm). I love that dude, but he was not winning us any elections.
That’s so true. In, you know, the old 1864 Confederate sense.
Replace "scared of" with "contemptuous of" and you’re a bit closer.
It honestly cracks me up that when people call Rush like they see him (i.e. a bloviating, hateful crackpot with delusions of grandeur), the dittoheads immediately say "You’re just scared of him!" I can point out that catshit smells bad, grass is green, and that Tilda Swinton looks like an attractive alien life form. Doesn’t mean I’m scared of any of them. (Except maybe for Tilda…)
Remember when the Democrats were criticized for being "too sensitive" and "demanding apologies" when politicians used, for example, racial epithets?
Who are the babies now?
kommrade reproductive vigor
[Blinks] This is the DCCC. The fucking DCCC has figured out how to point, laugh and even snark.
I am gobzzzmacked.
Joshua Norton
And no could ever have predicted that Steele could melt at room temperature.
Man, I wish Al Franken was being seated right about now. Fucking scumbag Coleman.
John Cole
@JenJen: I love the ‘coming soon’ next to Cantor.
@Wilson Heath:
Torquemada. I like that for a description of Rush.
Yep – this was awesome. If Democrats can grow a thick skin, play long ball, and learn how to subtly (or not) mock the idiots on the other side (see Obama, Barack) I will probably fall over and die from shock.
Joshua Norton
If you’re using the Fox News Comedy Hour as an example of "rapier-sharp response and analysis", than I whole heartedly agree. One usually has to attend a wrestling match to enjoy such examples of right wing witty satire and banter.
Hey Tilda is da bomb, I mean really is there another actress out there that can do what she can do I don’t think so. She played Gabrial in Constantine and knowone knew what sex she was supposed to be… you gotta give her kudos for that
I thought it was right nice of the conservatives to take time out from eating their own young to give us advice on who – or what – we need.
Comrade Darkness,
The one rolling is me, I just got paid and in the town where your ole lady gets paid well. As for spoof, it’s really poof. That’s what what you think you here when you slide the key in your front door when you get home from work. Why is it that there is only one window open in your house when you get home?
Is that predictable or maybe a regular feeling for you?
kommrade reproductive vigor
Is your blade as sharp as your tongue?
Is yours as dull as your wits?
Ash Can
Afraid of Limblow? Not really. Cautious, maybe. He’s sort of like a cow — if he steps on my foot, I’m probably looking at a couple of broken bones. But if I stand just so, and push…
I’m in absolute agreement with you. She’s an awesome actor. She just seems somewhat…otherworldly, I find. Not that this is a bad thing. Perhaps someday her brethren will come to Earth and take over the planet, and the world will have much better acting, much more interesting clothing, and much less lipstick. :)
Oddly enough, since Bush left office I’m much less afraid of my government.
@John Cole: Oh, and you know it’s coming soon, too.
Interesting, how the Dems seem to have discovered their sense of humor and a set of ballz, no? I think Rahm’s rubbing off on people. Not in a dirty way, mind you.
mandarama, Eager Minion
He packs heat, too. He could be useful against the Chairborne Uprising that Glenn Beck is planning.
Comrade Darkness
You[,] being the fools you are, are just so scared of a radio host…
The secret of life is to appreciate the pleasure of being terribly
— Oscar Wilde
You have yet to prove anything beyond lost, dazed and confused or highly misoriented. You have your own fears let alone anyone elses.
Comrade Darkness,
I should have not been so hard on you. I understand that any child that was breast fed til the age of 18 should be considered a special and well educated man.
By the way, what a spoof?
he can rub up against me whenever he wants….
Well now you’ve gone and spoiled the fun mental image that I had…
kommrade reproductive vigor
Yes, leave the teabaggery to the fReichtards.
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
Er, I was being snarky. I thought the Freeper quote’s idiocy was hilariously self-evident without further elaboration.
Comrade Darkness,
I see you know absolutely nothing of Oscar Wilde, deception is only the deception of you own self or of that perceived, not or reality.
You know, I was just out back with one of the dogs, he chose the tree he wanted to piss on by smell and instinct. I myself walked up to a tree and chose which one to piss on as a matter of convenience.
You really shouldn’t speak about your mama that way.
Your devastatingly witty riposte makes it clear to me that the only course left is to chamber one last round and take the honorable way out.
So where do I send the bullet?
Is that from Edmund Burke?
@Laura W Darling:
Ummm, I still use Midol (or Pamprin). It’s not just for pain. It helps with the bloating and the moderate moodiness to blaring bitchitude that accompanies that, ahem, time of the month.
I do find it funny this is the first time you have gathered any balls to respond. It only took several of your so called minions to be crass before you could do so. I feel so relieved. No it was not Edmund Burke, I just pay attention to what is going on around me.
Mail it to your mother, she will know when the time comes to send it back to you. I let us hope it is not a misfire.
I do like your sense of humor… I don’t know what it is based on but I do like it. Most of the closet people that frequent this blog would be calling for a ban or an investigation.
I find it okay, that’s the 11B way.
Mike in NC
Then you fucked the doggie and were joined by the Attanut the goat fucker and Brick Oven Bob to compare wingnut notes. Mission Accomplished for the evening!
Shorter JWW: Your wit is no match for my snit.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Man, a guy can’t even throw out random quotes from lame movie round here any more.
I found your dog quote to be genuinely inspired. Your usual spoofery is not of that high a level.
Mom’s long dead – just like your cerebral cortex.
Mike in NC,
You are so refined, I don’t think I can compete with your intellect. I feel totally defeated and ashamed. Please show me mercy.
You obviously do not learn too well from all that attention you pay now do you? What you seem to claim to be the lay of the land does not seem to reflect the facts available for consumption.
Maybe your observation skills are not as keen as you believe. Or maybe you’re a douche. Or maybe both.
Can we have North Dallas 40 (or whatever) back please? He was inflicted with a good dose of teh crazee which at least made him fun.
@kommrade reproductive vigor: Damn, never saw that one. My bad.
As you know, everything I post is under moderation from your God. Nothing gets past him(that being JohnC).
I also see I am able to have some fun in the pay to catch fish pond. You are all landlocked, don’t see it because the pond is big and you are small fish moving from lily pad to lily pad. There are no predator fish, your owner does not allow such. But being in a private pond, well fed and protected, I can see freedom.
When a water bearing bird lands in your pond, and you eggs collect on its legs, then are born in an unprotected water source, they will seek to hide. They will only become part of the food chain.
For the WIN!
We still have BOB. I don’t that anyone will ever top the Psychologically Formative Spectacular Lesbian Chinese Restaurant Fight for bringin’ the krazee.
No Really,
I’m just spoofing you all. I really did vote for Dennis, I wanted him to have a chance to know his mother. Not the two dads that raised him.
I use Midol, and Goody’s for headaches. The common magical element for me appears to be the caffeine.
Back onto Rahm (not in that way either), I do like the ‘tude. I’m as much of a lefty bloggy lover as the next gal, but I’m always a pragmatist at the end of the day and I thought this was amusing, and probably fair. (I saw Krugman’s response, too, but I still think Rahm Emanuel is probably somewhat knowledgeable about the practicalities of getting legislation passed…)
But BOB is just too polite and straightforward. Like a crazy Bob Newhart. Sure what comes out of his keyboard is crazy, but hes still just the straight man.
And I must admit I havent seen ‘Psychologically Formative Spectacular Lesbian Chinese Restaurant Fight’ before. Is that a real poster (or some inside joke I should be ashmaed for not knowing)?
I do not think this means what you think it means.
Yes I know what it means and, in regards to his delivery method, I still believe it to be apt.
He has a simple, earnest delivery. No emotion. No embellishment. As if he were just reading names out of a phone book.
Now his ideas….nothing straighforward about them for sure.
Laura W Darling
Or the J. Peterman catalogue:
The shops in Zurich, or on upper Madison or on Old Bond Street…the kind of shops where you have to ring a buzzer to get inside, have wallets these days made of ostrich, sea snake, lizard…and once in Hong Kong I actually saw wallets made from chicken feet…all costing so much that once you buy one you have nothing left over to put in it.
Doug, now I feel I owe you an apology for mentioning Midol.
J. Michael Neal
BOB definitely rates three and half Alans on the Keyes Scale.
Jon H
and once in Hong Kong I actually saw wallets made from chicken feet
Just today I saw a place selling purses made out of a cane toad.
WARNING: This post may affect your psyche! It may burn upon the retina of your mind images you CANNOT erase! Proceed with CAUTION!
It’s… yes, it’s a real post. From BOB. In apology for a joke he made, and which he was called on, regarding a "catfight" between Malkin and Michelle Obama. Here:
@JGabriel: Ahh, finally and inadvertently clued in on the Chinese Restaurant reference!
Lounge acts and bra-ripping catfights? That sounds like one whack Chinese restaurant. I imagine that topic was covered in a previous thread.