Another Ginny and Guesly picture:
And someone’s cat passed out cold:
And here is someone’s pooch:
I’ll be back later, have at it.
by John Cole| 61 Comments
This post is in: Cat Blogging, Dog Blogging
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All that napping…making me….sleepy….
David Hunt
I’d say the cat thermometer reads about 40 degrees…
And now, birds stealing ice cream. (via cleek)
The Moar You Know
Awww, it’s a catball.
The Moar You Know
@Cris: That is hysterical.
Oh my goodness, those puppies…
@Krista: You sure that it’s just the pictures making you tired? I slept the first four months of my second pregnancy.
G&G are incredibly cute, and somehow manage in every recent picture to look so completely scruffy that you know they have been hard at work getting up to no good.
I have a catball who sleeps curled up in the crook of my arm at night. Our pup learned a similar behavior; sadly, he has not yet learned how to sleep on the same bed with the cat without trying to tackle the cat.
schrodinger's cat
Time for a new Tunch update, what is he up to?
This is certainly good news.
For more info go to MSNBC
Speaking of cats, have you seen this anomaly, a truly ugly cat (never thought I would hear myself saying that).
I’m not as bad as I was during my first trimester, but yeah, I do sometimes still go to bed at 7:30pm. :) But I’ve always really enjoyed my sleep, so I can’t really chalk that up to being preggers.
Here’s a story that needs to get more play–slavery in Florida. It’s been on a low boil down here for years, with a few busts now and again, but we can’t get the legislature or the governor to actually say anything about it. We’ve had people go to jail over this in the last couple of years, but few people seem to even know it’s happening.
I swear to god, I can not take anymore of Pat Buchanan screaming on my tv. God almighty he is so annoying.
Here’s hoping that the congressional committee allows them to substitute a code word or a number for "I do not recall…" lest the Bushies go all hoarse.
Gaining weight?
Again speaking of cats I have two Arnamade and Con who are not part of the "family" of indoor cats, so they basically stay outdoors, they are both boys, Arnamade cannot be fixed (his balls are not where they are supposed to be) and Con is fixed. Anyhoo, it has been colder than cold of late, and I was worried about my boys (even though they can get into the garage to keep warm) but they insist on staying by the front door so I built them a bed a nice cardboard box with a quilt in the bottom, this morning I went out front and there was the two boys in the box all snuggled up with each other keeping each other warm. Did my heart good.
Josh Hueco
A deuce, deuce-and-a-half…
Your cat could be the next Senate Majority Leader!
Michael D.
Awww, that’s my baby girl, Charlotte, lying on the couch with my partner. She is a cat at heart. Just less fat.
Josh Hueco
Oh my God, that’s terrible. 12 years in prison for slavery? Are you fucking kidding me?!?
Ditto I am quite happy to hear screaming about the plans but I want to hear an alternative, you got one? No? Then STFU. The republicans are screaming about opposition and yet have not yet come up with an alternative idea other than "squawk tax cuts, tax cuts" it didn’t fucking work before why do you think it will work now, come up with a serious, has a chance of working alternative plan and the grown ups in the room will listen to it but if all you are going to do is squawk tax cuts, tax cuts then you know you get to sit at the kids table. For fucks sake, when will these people get a clue?
Laura W Darling
Speaking of cat art, something I have a nice bit of…this little collage arrived today, courtesy of a lovely artist I found on
I really dislike tattoos. A lot. However, the cat is definitely my Annie (you can verify with the photo next to this one in the stream); I do like mixed media stuff, especially if it hangs on the wall; you can not dispute the Mark Twain quote; and "EMMA" is etched in the tattooed belly of the kitty. That is my grama’s name, and she turned 94 today.
Some things are truly meant to be.
The Populist
Man oh man are gulls aggressive.
schrodinger's cat
I thought he was on a diet and losing weight.
Wile E. Quixote
OMFG, that is one ugly cat. I wonder if the other members of the litter died when they opened their eyes and saw themselves in a mirror? Until I saw that ugly critter I had thought that these critters were the ugliest cats around. Bald is not a good look for cats.
I need confirmation from an unbiased source.
Wile E. Quixote
Or if they’re in Rush Limbaugh’s pocket your cat could be Chairman of the Republican National Committee.
Some of you all may want to check out this new website by the DCCC concerning all the GOPers apologizing on their knees to El Rushbo. It’s basically a "create an apology to Rush on behalf of Steele (or another)", check it:
@Laura W Darling:
Laura why is De Burgh on that cat? Are they talking about Chris De Burgh, one of my favorite artists of all time?
@Josh Hueco: That’s it. Freaky enough that we’re dealing with slavery in the 21st century, but that that’s the total penalty? Damn.
Screw the dogs, show us Tunch.
Tunch’s new nickname: Generational Heft.
Josh Hueco
I know. For something that’s in the damn Constitution, only 12 years.
Michael Scherer
Tunch isn’t fat. Making you think that he is is just part of Team Obama’s Petty Tunch Strategy to distract you from the real issues.
schrodinger's cat
That’s harsh, Tunch is in shape, round is a shape.
Laura W Darling
It’s funny about that…Aside from the EMMA connection that closed the sale for me…a very significant man in my life goes by "Brugh". I saw his name in there immediately, but I think if this was hanging on your wall you would see your De Burgh.
(I could email her and ask the origin of the tattooed body, I suppose.)
You want the Gus? You can’t handle the Gus!
(He’s not cleaning himself or anthing, that’s just how he likes to sit.)
Shorter Hardball For those of you who missed it (justifiable):
Concerned Matthews is concerned. That is all.
Thanks. I have been wanting to know what the shows said and I am stuck at work. So he is being a troll? Anything specifically worrying him?
@Laura W Darling:
Sorry that tattoo says ‘de burgh” (I went back and checked) BTW Limbaugh challenged the President to a debate, like the leader of the free world is going to debate a drug addict from Florida…
Laura W Darling
@Litlebritdifrnt: I realize what the tattoo actually says. My point was that along with my grandma’s name I "saw" the name of someone else really important to me in it, like a Rorschach, you know?
I googled De Burgh. There is more than one, so my other point was that if this were hanging on your wall, of course it would make you think of your favorite artist in the world.
I think you read me too literally.
@Incertus: Thank you for linking to the article and kudos to Gourmet magazine for writing an article on the plight of the migrant workers.
@David Hunt:
Heh. Nice to know there are others out there who understand the concept of a cat thermometer.
"Live Shrimp" position which indicates summertime or too warm (78 degrees)
"Pike Position" indicates just right: 72 degrees.
"Cooked Shrimp" or "Tucked Sphinx" which suggests about 65 degrees.
And seen here, the rare, indoor "All Ball" which, as you suggest, is around 40 degrees.
@Wile E. Quixote: Cute is only fur deep, I guess.
Florida Penal Code Section 787.01(1)(a)1. defines Kidnapping as:
Seems like the slavers could have been charged with multiple counts of kidnapping. A person might get the notion that some DA’s are intimidated by big Ag.
@Laura W Darling:
Laura – I am talking about Chris De Burgh, of Lady in Red fame (which to be honest is the most crappy of all his songs EVAH) Anyone who has followed him, (as I have through the years) he is the most incredible of story tellers, a pure "bard" in the purest sense of the word.
For example
Laura W Darling
@Litlebritdifrnt: Lilbit…I got what you were talking about. I followed your first link. Perhaps the name in the cat tattoo does refer to him. I do not know. I got the sense the tattooed body portion of the collage was vintage and sourced from some image not of the collage artist’s making.
My point was I saw in this piece many things that drew me to it, for my own personal, emotion-based reasons, as is the case when anyone selects art for their home.
@Dennis-SGMM: Are you suggesting that the fine upstanding people who prosecute crimes in Florida might be influenced by big business? Someone, hurry, fetch me my fainting couch!
Horton Foote, the playwright, has died at the age of 92. Foote, who wrote "The Trip to Bountiful," and "Tender Mercies," is probably most widely remembered for his adaptation to the screen of "To Kill a Mockingbird."
It is hard to believe. On a side note, wasn’t agricultural slavery a sub-theme in one of Carl Hiassen’s mysteries?
@Michael D.:
Michael, I recognized your Charlotte by the color of your wall paint. That shiny black looks great against the pea green. : )
Wile E. Quixote:
And that is why you should never let your cats read Ayn Rand.
this is my dog, oscar — he stars in this movie about how we all need to keep reaching for our fondest dreams:
sorry here’s the link
@valdivia: You’re probably not on the thread anymore, but I wanted to respond–Matthews is concerned that this targeting of rush (his framing, natch) smacks of Clintonian politics, which he thought Obama is above and yadda yadda bleh blah.
How are going to get healthcare passed with this partisan baiting?! and so on.
@midge: Thanks
thanks! I was checking I guess the Scherer meme made it full circle today.
For all of you all not in the science blog loop via Questionable Authority, this seems like a good place to point out some of the stupidity regarding science that’s at least partly coming from a Democrat.
Seems there are multiple anonymous holds being put in place on the confirmation votes for John Holdren for the presidential science adviser and Jane Lubcheco for head of NOAA. The one that has been identified (though not confirmed by him) is Sen. Menendez, who apparently thinks we’re being too nice to Cuba so Obama should have his top people working for him who know about science confirmed.
@Litlebritdifrnt: The only person I ever met who owned a Chris de Burgh album was a Soviet high school student living in Moscow in 1989. He had The Getaway, and loved the track "The Revolution."
hoi polloi
I’m claiming the catball. Her name is Calisto (from Xena not Ally McBeal).
I like the cat thermometer idea. Our apartment does get cold but I think 40 degrees is too low. I’ll start taking readings.