Some quick links:
1.) This Venn diagram made me laugh out loud.
2.) The birthers got slapped down by a judge. Again.
3.) Don Siegelman’s conviction mostly upheld.
4.) The Republicans really are trying to bring back the golden age of Hoover, proposing a total spending freeze.
5.) Obama will overturn the Bush stem cell decision, causing K-LO to state “Another Shot at Life from the Obama Administration.” Given her antics this morning, I want everyone to take a good look this picture:
Attention humans: After that point in your “life,” K-Lo ceases to give two hoots in hell about you. There is a reason they call it the “culture of life.”
6.) Matt Taibbi was on Hardball tonight, and his facial expressions were of visible disgust the entire time he was on. Update- video here:
7.) Don’t forget Real Time with Bill Maher is on tonight.
8.) The Unitarian Jihad name generator is still funny.
9.) An almost live action shot from the Tunch Cam 2009. Apparently we are still crabby:
I grow more convinced he is going to kill me in my sleep with every passing day.
10.) Bernie Madoff is probably going to plead guilty. If you got screwed by Madoff, it is your right to be heard.
11.) If CNN runs one more story or has one more comment about Michelle Obama’s arms, I may lose it.
If you have anything to add, here is a shiny new thread.
Also, BSG tonight, I believe.
Tunch has clearly been looking at his portfolio and is not looking forward to being switched to the generic diet cat food.
A Tunch caption….
And Trading Places is on Bravo.
I think you may be right about that cat, John.
Just Some Fuckhead
Sick of yer cat, d00d. Post the puppy pic I sent you.
Tunch sez:
See my sixth ring? Yeah, bitches!
Blue Raven
Remember how Friday became Bush II’s favorite day to do major paper dumps that contained his latest foul-up?
Notice how Obama keeps using Fridays to reverse the effects of Bush?
Dude has style, that’s for sure.
Just Some Fuckhead
Stand up and demand the golden retriever puppy picture, commenters of the world. We deserve better than a surly maladjusted cat.
Man, I’d have bet serious dough that the Pickler was a birther herself
the other Steve
Hey this site looks better on my mobile!
Taibbi’s Hardball appearance here
Video also illustrates how "lost" people like Matthews and Carlson are on policy issues such as stem cell research.
Speak for yourself – that cat’s grown on me. Reminds me of my surly, maladjusted spouse.
Not to mention my 20 pound surly, maladjusted cat.
Davis X. Machina
If you’re not surly and maladjusted, you’re not paying attention.
watching david brooks on pbs complain that Obama isn’t spending enough time helping his wall street friends. "health care, education are all good" he scoffs "but the financial crisis could take him down"
What a fucking twit
John Cole
Send me another damned picture of you golden retriever and I will post it just to shut you up.
The Palin Baby Name Generator is also pretty funny.
Just Some Fuckhead
@John Cole: I sent you two already and that wasn’t afuckingnuff?? Why don’t you just ban me already, hater.
@bayville: Tweety is proof that this isn’t a meritocracy. What a dim bulb.
Ash Can
Tunch is just telling you what you can do with that lovely diet you put him on.
Just Some Fuckhead
Here, Laura. Gotta go now, my son wants me to play on the arcade machine with him and John has totally harshed my mellow.
Church Lady
Taibbi didn’t look particularly disgusted to me. He looked the same as always – 95% pompous asshole.
Comrade Stuck
@John Cole:
Good luck with dat.
Tunch is just expressing his opinion.
A movie that is strangely apropos all over again. Love it.
Rick Taylor
Via TPM, a highly readable article on AIG and what should have been done; the best I’ve come across so far. Go read the whole thing if you haven’t already.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Step 1: Tell Ton-ch the execs of CNN keep overripe fish in their pockets.
Step 2: Take him to Atlanta and let him go.
Step 3: Cover your ears until the blood curdling screams die away.
Step 4: Take happy, well fed cat back to WV.
I have looked Tunch(‘s photo) in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy. I was able to get a good sense of his soul. He’s a cat deeply committed to his appetites and the best interests of his taste buds.
Between Tweety and Olberman I think the two of them put in about 15 minutes a night of show prep combined.
Speaking of MSNBC, David Frum calls out Crazy Boy Mark Levin: ""You’re no Rachel Maddow."
Wingnut Civil War heating up.
Dr. Squid
The first and probably last awesome bit of writing from the Nit Pickler herself.
Tunch is just rousing himself from his food induced coma. He’s starting to feel his feline. Get thee to a Petco, procure some new toys, and work him out.
@Just Some Fuckhead: I know that was for Laura, but I clicked anyway. Now my toes are tapping in the strangest ways. Stop that.
Well, I bought a fuminator for my 2 cats. I can now stuff my own pillows, get rid of the lint trap in my dryer, and cure balding. Wow.
schrodinger's cat
Caption for the almost live-action shot of Tunch
I iz on Ur futon, plotting Ur doom
@bayville: I don’t ever catch Olbermann simply not comprehending what people on his program are saying but pretending he does. Matthews has a capacity to fill in so much of his own meaning into what his guests say that very little of what his guests are saying remains. He’s this amazing kind of dense, like he’s made of Tweetyarinium, so dense it’s a fissible material.
Umm, Taibbi + Friday Night Lights = ecstasy
To probably misquote Barney Frank, "They believe that life begins at conception and ends at birth".
To be fair to K-Lo, she cares about your "life" for a little bit longer than is shown in the picture. The pic is of a single blastomere at the 8-cell stage being withdrawn, maybe for stem cells, or more likely for pre-implantation diagnosis. ES cells are also harvested at the blastocyst stage, which is a bit later, and K-Lo still cares about blastocysts, although I doubt she knows what one is.
Here’s a picture
It’s pretty cool looking, and it doesn’t have a cell phone.
Robert Sneddon
Y’know, every time you put up a picture of Tunch with his mouth open, this is what it brings to mind.
@schrodinger’s cat: Since we’re captioning… I recognize that look.
That’s my Clio’s way of saying Hi Themis!
Well, she doesn’t actually call me Themis, because, ya know, that’s a screen name and she can’t read. (at least I don’t think she can read) She usually calls me Mommy, but only in a meow that I understand. At least that’s what my friends tell me. Not the real ones, the imaginary ones.
Damn, the drugs are wearing off…:)
Will Danz
I love how Matthews and Margaret Carlson pretend that Taibbi said something outrageous re stem cells, and "disagree" with something HE NEVER FUCKING SAID.
All he said was that the Bush policy was complete bullshit, and yet they both put on some ridiculous act that he wants to use embyros for skeet shooting. How absurd. He was saying exactly what they said, which is pure common sense — but it’s part of the Beltway idiocy that Carlson and Matthews have been part of for years that everyone has to prove they’re "centrist" in some indefinable way.
They’re explaining what "Nationalizing" the banks would mean on Maher. Nobody wants to do it? So sayeth the CNBC losers, why would anybody in the financial sector want to go straight to the government doing the inevitable housecleaning when they can string us along for billions in handouts first?
And now it’s mosquito eating fish. Interesting.
UPDATE: hanged in the stock exchange with balls in their mouths again. I remember when Maher said he voted Republican because he wanted an old man to look after his money. How times change.
Wile E. Quixote
I just looked at a picture of K-Lo. I had never seen one before. Not only is she mean and stupid, but she’s also fat and ugly. I had figured that she was one of those conservative women like Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin or Michelle Malkin whose male followers saw starbursts, and then carefully cleaned them off the upholstery and washed the lotion off their hands before their ugly wives came home and caught them. But nope, K-Lo is ugly, fat too. She’s like Rush Limbaugh, in drag.
re: the Taibbi video…has anyone really addressed the Republican’s "11th Commandment"? It seems to have been accepted by just about every Republican for the last 20 years and it’s a corrupt and awful principle for the country. (Not necessarily Republicans, obviously)
Even their bible is damaged goods.
Oh dear lord, the CNBC bimbo on Maher just announced that the top 5% pay 60% of the taxes and attributed that to the progressive tax structure. As of 2001, that same 5% owned 70% of the wealth. It’s unfair, all right, but not in the way they think.
I know there are Serenity/Whedon fans in these parts… go here to vote to name part of the space station "Serenity."
Laura W Darling
Montysano! I just finally clicked through your Obsorne link on previous thread. I have that whole concernt on VHS tape packed away somewhere. An amazing show that I will never forget.
THIS was the most memorable tune of all for me, along with a couple that Jewel did with Melissa. This one is just S-E-X-Y!
Rick Taylor
And a comic here making fun of the Republicans wailing about the costs of Obama’s plan.
I took my JRT to the park tonight for our first 2 mile walk of the season.
He is asleep on my bed. Snoring. Dogs are the bestest.
fixt for accuracy and threat level.
schrodinger's cat
themis @ 37
He does seem like he is saying hi.
Laura W Darling
@Just Some Fuckhead: You can totally blame Montysano, and XM Coffeehouse, for this. (Not that I don’t love it to death.)
Foolish Games
Rick Taylor
This is a great web-site. Now an article making fun of conservatives who’ve blamed the last part of the stock market crash on Obama. He applies the same standard to the Bush administration, and discovers Bush was mostly responsible for the 2000 tech crash. Oddly, I don’t remember us BDS addled liberals trying to blame Bush for the stock market crash then, the way conservatives are trying to blame Obama now.
J. Michael Neal
That’s why I keep sending him pictures of a happy, well-adjusted cat, though not well-balanced, since he’s short a leg.
Church Lady
Can Cory Booker move south and become my Mayor? I’d gladly spearhead a committee to bribe him to make the move.
Church Lady
OK, I didn’t use the s word and I didn’t use a bad word, so why, oh why, am I in moderation? It’s a plot, I tell you, it’s a plot.
Done. Looks like "Serenity" is running away with the vote (89%).
Speaking of which, I bought :Serenity" on DVD and I understand that it’s a continuation of Whedon’s "Firefly" television series. I very much enjoy "Serenity," is it worth it to buy the "Firefly" DVD set?
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
11.) If CNN runs one more story or has one more comment about Michelle Obama’s arms, I may lose it.
I totally agree, but breathe! You made it through the ’08 primaries. You can make it through this!
Jay Severin Has A Small Pen1s
The jokes on J-Lo
The only embryotic stem cells eligible are those from dead brown babies that we bomb
Brick Oven Bill
I am being drawn to the ‘birther’ camp.
#1: Why would the President pay a lawyer, when he could pay $10 and get a physical copy of his birth certificate in a few minutes, putting this all to rest?
#2: Robertson is a civil rights judge and is President of Southern Africa Legal Services. Here is the 501 C3 pdf . This is a $7 million organization, publically funded. This may be a conflict.
#3: The whole defense, as I understand it, is that some Hawaiian official stated that he saw the birth certificate, but did not state where Obama was born.
#4: The ‘electronic copy’ has the certification number blacked out, and states that any alteration makes it invalid.
#5: The father’s race was listed as ‘African’ when ‘African’ became a term used to describe ‘race’ in the 1980s. Caucasian was to Europe as Negro was to Africa in 1961 Hawaii.
#6: “This is not about that sheet of paper” is the Fight the Smears defense. But, in reality, this is about that sheet of paper.
Analysis: If there is no birth certificate, this is likely a Clinton/Wall Street power play. Perhaps the defense contractors are in on it which would explain Afghanistan.
Someone has either the birth certificate, or the records at Columbia, indicating what the truth is. Obama’s main error was putting out what looks to me to be a poor quality-fake early, which he now has to live with.
Obama wants to retain his power, and is potentially compromised. This may be why all of the Wall Street bailouts continue and we are not allowing the banks to go under. This will destroy much of the economy as we know it, and potentially the currency. No sane leader would want to be associated with the decisions that will have to be made in the coming months.
And then, as things near the bottom, the Columbia documents, or the real birth certificate will be leaked. And who will be there to put things back together? Hint: Probably someone in high office, currently maintaining a low profile.
@Brick Oven Bill:
You remind me a lot of Nancy Luft, who believes that Russian Sputniks caused the American Civil War.
I’m quite serious. About Luft, and about you.
Sigh. I tire of the weekly Adama meltdown. Maybe Galactica would be in better shape if EJO hadn’t chewed so much scenery.
@binky: And the name Serenity fits with the other two modules as well, Unity and Harmony.
Yes. The only bad thing about buying "Firefly" is the depression that occurs when you realize there will be no more stories about those characters.
J. Michael Neal
You need to find a video store open 24 hours a day, and buy it in the next half hour.
Bill, this is for you.
Comrade Stuck
You can watch the Firefly episodes free on Hulu. And Serenity was on Netflix instant, I think.
@J. Michael Neal: @Comrade Stuck:
Thank you all. Ordered the set from Amazon. Until it arrives I’ll catch the episodes on Hulu.
I ordered a furminator from Amazon last week for my two cats and it’s on the way. I am now in the process of writing out my will.
Tunch is saying "Talk to the paw."
Serenity is good. My friends and I went into a deep conversation about the Operative after we watched it. We were trying to figure out the philosophy he lived by. Huge fan of Firefly, I was pissed when they canceled it. John Doe, as well.
That is some straight talk right there folks. Love that guy.
Mike in NC
Brick Oven Bill and the Birthers would be the name of a very cool band.
Mike in NC
We got one last week and the damn thing is awesome.
John S.
Good old BOB. Starting with a conclusion and working his way backwards through evidence and towards a hypothesis. Just like a good little conservative.
And remember BOB, you’re "drawn" to the birther nonsense like a vulture is drawn to a rotting carcass.
OK. So the SO and I decided that with the KITTEH and the Furminator, we would also need an air filter, and, lo, there was a(n) HEPA filter pimped by the John-Coles-of-the-left.
So I am left with this large box, and not wanting to waste it, I start cutting and taping, and eventually, I come up with a Cat Palace (mind you, never a "Cat House," but the sharp individual will notice the extensive use of structural Gaffer’s Tape. Needless to say, Princess approves.
Then I spied an ordinary ball, an empty box, and a new toy was born. Again, the response was enthusiastic.
Now let me assure you, it’s not that I am being thrifty in the face of financial crisis, I am just cheap!
Brick Oven Bill
I have read your link TheOfficialHatOnMyCat, and enjoyed it. I recall that you have mentioned that you are not a heavy drinker. I predict that if you were to mix six ounces of Everclear with two cans of Red Bull, chug it, and chase with a swig of Yagermeister, you too, could write like Ms. Luft.
I would enjoy that exchange.
John S., I had hear Berg present his case in the fall, and it sounded pretty solid. Looking at the information and the defenses make it more convincing to me.
Judges throwing out cases has little to do with the facts of the case, in something of this magnitude.
Bob In Pacifica
The link above about Siegelman takes me to something about Andy Card.
Try this one for the rest of the story.
Comrade Luke
That Hardball video tells you so much about the Village.
They can’t understand how a decision could be easy. They mock Taibbi as some sort of simpleton, then proceed to largely agree with him.
And Margaret Carlson – what a tool.
I’d be dead, Bill, but thanks for the recipe.
I’m a walking medical experiment. I’m afraid that would finish me off.
That’s right, Bill. Judges should not be allowed to, well, you know, judge things.
Who judges the judgers, anyway?
Brick Oven Bill
Well then don’t do that TheOfficialCatOnMyHat, I kind of enjoy the banter.
Brian J
I really liked "Real Time" tonight, even if I disagreed with one part of it. It was pretty interesting, and of course Erin Burnett is just one fine looking woman, but I didn’t like how Maher created a false dichotomy between growing economically and just being. It’s possible, though not necessarily easy, to have a good, healthy capitalist system without the corruption and greed we’ve seen rampant throughout the system.
@Brick Oven Bill:
Well, it would only be for a while. Once you get settled into the fires of hell, we’ll be swapping stories again.
Brick Oven Bill
"This case, if it were allowed to proceed, would deserve mention in one of those books that seek to prove that the law is foolish or that America has too many lawyers with not enough to do," U.S. District Judge James Robertson said in his written opinion.
sounds like it could come from the mouth of a President of a $7 million race-based African legal advocacy non-profit corporation, that is funded by taxpayer money. Which it did. The AP write-up could have come out of the Soviet Union.
Who selected the judge? Berg’s points are solid and should be heard, in my opinion. More telling than Berg’s offense is Obama’s defense.
‘This is not about that sheet of paper.’
You think that’s awkward, wait until they inevitably start talking about her legs. The day she’s photographed wearing something short again, I wouldn’t be shocked if you WANTED Tunch to eat you.
@Brick Oven Bill:
As a friend, I’d caution you against turning your tenure here into a Birther thing. It’s a loser, Bill. Nut fringe.
( twirls finger near head )
( whistles Twilight Zone theme )
People will just think you are an oddball.
I’d get off that thing, honestly.
Focus owner to Focus owner (okay, mine is traded in, but I bought one of the first ones back in 2000) ….. don’t get wrapped around that birther thing too tight.
Nedra Pickler wrote that?
so she’s not a GOP stooge… she’s just a pissy Wonkette wanna-be trying to suck up to those in charge ?
Can’t wait to see what this site looks like on my new netbook. I just can’t WAIT, I tells ya!
Brick Oven Bill
If I do get arrested this weekend, I will attribute it to this birth certificate debate. I will claim that The Man is trying to shut me up. This is all I will scream in the booking video;
Birth Certificates! Don’t Tread on Me! Birth Certificates! Kenya! Give Me Freedom!
I have not decided if Wolverines! would be counterproductive. I shall have another Friday night cocktail and ponder this.
I would like to thank John Cole for providing a solid legal defense in case they come for me.
@Brick Oven Bill: You won’t get arrested, Bill. We are invested in your freedom. We are not free if you are not free.
mr. whipple
the cat?
Done! However, I did have to LOL at the people suggesting "Colbert" and "Xenu".
@schrodinger’s cat: Sorry to say, welcome to my world.
Although given your name, Clio is doing better than you. For now…
@gbear: I’ll name you as heir if you name me…
Socialists in communism or something like that…
Or we could all invest in band-aids… Capitulisismsism or something.
skippy reviews watchmen.
You do realize he has the piece of paper. Surely he’s had to present it to numerous government agencies by now. He’s also sent it to various members of the media who have posted it, yet that’s not good enough. The case has gone before multiple courts and been tossed out *aggressively*, yet that’s not good enough.
IOW, you won’t be happy until he sends it to you personally.
So, it’s not $10 for a piece of paper. It’s $3B for a copy for every person mailed personally to them.
Wile E. Quixote
Bill, Where do the squirrels fit in with this? Will Sully Sullenberger be able to take over after the truth about Obama’s birth certificate is revealed, or will his reputation be tarnished as well?
Common Sense
Google is broken.
Can’t check my gmail.
Can’t read the Birther link.
Can’t google a thing.
@Brick Oven Bill:
Bill, do you know what you get when you tax the shit out of a Republican?
Nothing. There is nothing left.
I am not making this up.
Wile E. Quixote
I’ve bought this up before but I would like to get cats. Two, plural, so they can keep each other company while I’m at work. There are several local shelters to choose from but I really don’t know anything about the process. All of the cats we had in our house when I was a kid were kind of inherited. Where do I start? I like cats, they seem to like me but I’m pretty clueless as to how to raise one from a kitten, and I view having a pet to be almost as serious a responsibility as having a child, so I want to do it right (the pet thing, I’d like to avoid the kid thing and just remain a favorite uncle).
@Comrade Luke:
I think Margaret is a bit miffed at MSNBC, she keeps getting put on with Keith for the fluff stories he does last thing – Palin, Blago, etc.
You can see her force a smile when asked to comment on the crap that Keith usually covers with a comedian.
I need links…
I’m listening to Counting Crows… alone.
I’m starting to miss Jennifer Aniston. And I’m a girl.
Brick Oven Bill
Martin; The only thing provided, to my knowledge, has been the electronic copy of the “Certificate of Live Birth”, which is flawed, in my opinion. The certificate number has been blacked out and there are other problems.
This is the documentation that CNN referred to when they mocked people like me. I hereby offer to make a $100 donation to the charity of President Obama’s choice, and cover the $38 birth certificate fee (I think mine was less), to get it mailed to me. I will even donate 40 hours of community service time as a civil engineer, at no cost.
I would like to see his birth certificate. A paper copy. Because if he does not have one, the Executive of the United States is compromised. I live here.
Seigelman–check out Scott Horton at No Comment. He knows more about this case than just about anyone and he clarifies what is going on.
I surfed through Hannity and he is making a big deal about Obama dissing Brown with a lousy gift and some other things. I can’t find anything on it outside of Foxnews and a post at Wonkette.
So, you think a reasonable remedy here is to send you a paper copy of the birth certificate.
There are 100 million households in this country. That’s $1B in birth certificates – and something the government shouldn’t be paying for. Obama doesn’t have $1B. What is your alternative?
And if you are going to demand this from Obama, you have to demand it from every president. There is no more or less evidence that Bush is eligible than there is that Obama is, so are you prepared to make this a standard feature of every election?
Brick Oven Bill
OK Martin, then have Obama send a single copy to his legal council, who can present it to the court, and put this behind us. I will still pay the $138, and provide 40 hours of community service.
Comrade Kevin
"I’m Sarah Palin. Now show me the launch codes"
Just Some Fuckhead
@Martin: Good luck on getting a birth certificate from at least 23 presidents that don’t have one.
The only people authorized to validate the birth certificate have already verified its authenticity for the record. If you don’t trust them, then you can’t trust what is presented to the court, because they are the people that verify it for the court.
Just Some Fuckhead
BOB, don’t accept the mark when they come for you. Hold out for the beheading.
Yeah, no kidding. Not to mention the fact that even today you can be born outside the US and still be President, but they’re willfully obtuse to that fact as well.
@Brick Oven Bill:
That reminds me, BOB — where have you posted your long-form birth certificate for all of us to see? Flickr is free, you know.
Johnny Pez
I think it’s interesting in a gruesome way to watch the Brain Eater operating in real time.
Tinfoil, BOB. It’s the only sure way to keep the Alpha Centauri aliens from beaming messages into your brain.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Martin: I’m not sure BOB is willfully obtuse. We’re talking about a guy who can’t eat pickles because his head won’t fit in the jar. Who took the Pepsi challenge and picked Jif. Who returned a bag of M&Ms because they were all Ws. Who stares at his orange juice intently because it says "concentrate".
Mmm. Making myself hungry.
Brick Oven Bill
“The only people authorized to validate the birth certificate have already verified its authenticity for the record.”
The American people should not have to defer to bureaucrats to know if their President is legitimate. Even the ones who did not go to college Martin.
Do you know who you sound like?
Johnny Pez
@Brick Oven Bill: Yum yum, says the Brain Eater.
How do you know that the birth certificate that Obama pays the $10 for wasn’t forged before it was given to him?
Sorry, Bill, you have to trust somebody. Unless you find a way to go back in time, witness his actual delivery and stalk him for the next 40 years, you’re gonna have to trust a bureaucrat. Besides, if you don’t trust the bureaucrats, why does it matter if he’s a citizen or not – you wouldn’t trust him either way.
Look BOB, we all know you’re actually an illegal Iranian plant who snuck into this country through Mexico and forged all of your papers. Your secret agenda of Mandatory gay abortions performed by winking toothless lesbians has been discovered. You must fly, fly to the safety of social ism Canada!
Brick Oven Bill
Sorry, Bill, you have to trust somebody.
I trust very few people Martin, as a consequence of having my initial on the truck.
Produce the Birth Certificate. And America will compare it with the Certificate of Live Birth. Mine took four days. I did not pay any lawyers.
Then it can’t be proven to you. At least admit that. And if it can’t be proven to you, then stop asking that Obama try. Bush couldn’t prove to you he was a natural born citizen either. So just accept that the validity of your presidents will always be in doubt and stop singling Obama out for this treatment.
More than enough people have weighed in on the issue – from officials in Hawaii that have the original in hand to others that have demonstrated that the birth certificate isn’t even needed due to his mom being a citizen, which is not in dispute by rational people.
Zuzu's Petals
@Brick Oven Bill:
Wow, you can’t even keep up with conspiracy theories. There’s a surprise.
Here’s a copy without the serial number blacked out. It’s a paper copy. It has a raised seal. It has the proper signature and is on the proper paper.
It’s not even fun dissing you when you’re so stupid.
Conservatively Liberal
I see the scratchy old record is still skipping on the same old song.
birth certificate… birth certificate… birth certificate… birth certificate… birth certificate… birth certificate… birth certificate…
When ignorance is embraced with a response, the response only serves to legitimize that ignorance. BOB is a crank that is fun to read and a bore to engage. You know it ain’t real, it’s just an illusion and you can’t beat an illusion.
Pretend it is a pig farm here, don’t wrestle the pigs. Even if you win you both get filthy but only the pig is enjoying itself.
If ignorance is mud, BOB happily wallows in it. I’ll watch. ;)
Zuzu's Petals
@Brick Oven Bill:
Nope, you want to defer to a judge. Who would look at a piece of paper and deduce that it is an authentic document. Of course he or she would have to rely on the word of individual presenting the document that it was authentic. Maybe he or she would ask the issuing authority to confirm that it was authentic. Hmmm, just like that issuing authority has already done.
Not to mention, BOB, that the blacked out section to which you object with such intensity was likely blocked on the original after it was scanned in. After all, it is the original certificate that cannot be altered, not an electronic copy. In addition, remember, birth certificates are only available to the individual or a designated guardian. That blacked out part is probably the certificate number, blocked for confidentiality purposes.
Hmmm, this reminds me of a client, a real gooper, who came to me one day last summer to tell me that someone had performed a ‘forensic examination’ of the electronic copy of Obama’s birth certificate and deemed it a fake. I searched, found a reference to some obscure paper from Israel, which referenced an investigation by ‘techdude.’ The whole thing was published on AtlasShrugged and Texas Darlin’ Hadn’t you all heard? Techdude and Polarik, no less, have declared it a fake, so it must be. After all, Techdude and Polarik have the highest of self-proclaimed, unauthenticated credentials, and are certainly a credible sources.
Meanwhile, Dr. Neal Krawetz, tried to refute the excellent work of Techdude and Polarik here: Refutation of Birther Document Analysis
BOB, he’s a citizen. Really, he is….. Do you really believe the Republicans would not have used it against him before the election if he was not? Can you honestly believe that ‘techdude’ and ‘polarik’ have greater resources than the Republican Party operatives. Please, dude, get over it…..Fold the tin foil into a cone shape and place it over your head
Brick Oven Bill
Annenberg presents a blurred document, and close-ups which do not correlate, which makes things worse, in my opinion.
Just show us the damned document. Annenberg was a financial backer of Obama. Obama now gives Annenberg money. I will pay the $38 and make a $100 donation to charity.
I will even donate 40 hours.
I’ve started taking a liking to Bill as have others here, and while I don’t mind most of his excursions as absurd as some of them are, the birth control one is really going to turn people against him. I’d rather that not happen.
@Wile E. Quixote:
Call the shelters in your area (or check out their websites) to see what their adoption processes and costs are, e.g., do the cats come spayed/neutered, vaccinated, microchipped, etc.? The shelters here have pretty detailed info on their cats, observed behavior & history (if available): gets along with other cats/dogs/children, how sociable, medical issues, etc. Some have a room where you can spend a little time with the cat before deciding whether it’s a good match for you.
In many cases, the shelters will have already-paired cats that are used to each other (having been found together or given up by a previous owner). That seems like a good way to go if you know you want two. I’d skip the kittens, too, and go for adults.
Blue Raven
@Brick Oven Bill:
Dude, dude, dude. The comedy sparkle you used to have is gone. The surreality of your posts has turned into insanity. I’ve never seriously considered using the goat filter against any poster here, be he troll, spoof, or a mere asshole. Until now. I want to laugh when I see your name, Bill. I used to. Now I wince.
Brick Oven Bill:
Even though Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, at the stated date, and there is both the Birth Certificate and the newspaper notice to prove that…
It doesn’t matter.
He just won the election, has been confirmed by the senate as President, and has taken the oath as the 44th President of the United States.
Even if he pulls a mask off and turns out to be Old Man Withers who runs the amusement park, the only way he can now be removed from that office is impeachment. Na Ga Ha Pen. The last president was appointed by the Supreme Court in a decision they were so ashamed of they stated that it wasn’t a binding precedent on anyone, and he still managed 8 years. They’re not going to remove a guy who actually won.
So guess what – not only is the birther thing stupid, it’s irrelevant, because you and all the other birthers don’t have any power anymore. Go bake some pie in that brick oven of yours, insert said pie in mouth(which, given the recent insert of pie, could be referred to as a "pie hole") and shut your pie hole.
Birthers are the new Truthers
If you don’t know that, you haven’t been paying attention
When did Margaret Carlson turn into Edna from the Incredibles?
I thought we are supposed to now believe that he is not really President because Roberts flubbed the Oath of Office.
Personally, I always assumed he was part of the Lizard People conspiracy. Their birth certificate fakes look real though, so now I am leaning toward some type of Islamofacist explanation. Though it could all be part of the homosexual socialist agenda as well, which dovetails nicely with the AntiChrist theories. I predict that instead of Eastern Europe birthing the antiChrist, the prophecy will instead have been misinterpreted and meant to say Eastern Africa.
I have a map. I know the truth!
1. Don’t you people ever sleep?
2. OMG, @mistermix, that is SO TRUE. LOL.
3. Great picture of Tunch. Crabby is putting it mildly.
4. That Venn diagram made me laugh, too.
5. Everything I know about the reimagined BSG (I miss the original), I learned from Wikipedia and Slate.
6. How about Michelle Obama’s arms, eh? Those are some biceps she’s sporting!
7. Bernie Madoff should be tarred and feathered on live TV.
8. If you lived in the NYC Metro Area, item No. 1 (probably 1 – 3) would be about A-Rod.
9. Why do lists like these always feature 10 items, not 9 (or fewer)?
If the lead paragraph in you column is this…
…why should I give a crap what you have to say about those "Socialist" Democrats, the global economic meltdown and the glories of free-market capitalism? Huh, Mona Charen?
Ash Can
There is no way BOB isn’t a spoof.
@Brick Oven Bill:
America’s already satisfied with the proof that’s been given, BOB. It’s just the fringe nutters who need a way to rationalize their denial that don’t. But please, do keep wasting everybody’s time with your "deep concerns."
mama whiskers
Cat model! Did someone say, "cat model"!
Tunchie, Tunchie, wooga-woogums! I love yer "smile" an I wanna squeeze u
Some loudmouth atheist getting schooled by Kathie Shaidle on canada tv (who knew they even had tv up there?)
I had a dream last night that someone was planning to bake a 200 pound turkey, and thought that it would be done in 50 minutes because of something they’d seen on the internet. I told him, in the dream, that he’d better get that turkey in the oven right now.
mama whiskers
Erhm, because you need a lawyer to "certify" the certificate, so to speak. You can claim you walked into the appropriate government office and obtained a certificate which the people who are still obsessing about this will reject as fraudulent. A lawyer will make sure that all i’s are dotted and all t’s are crossed in the chain of possession so that there can be no legal question as to the authenticity of the document. That would put all your remaining questions/issues to rest, supposedly.
I takes at least 3 days to properly cook a 200lb turkey, and that’s not including gravy. The problem is, you really can’t believe in internet recipes. Just try to find a decent banana bread recipe online.
mama whiskers
Did anyone see Maher’s film about religion? Just wondering what it was like.
Oh, and, buttermilk dressing. I got my recipe for fresh buttermilk dressing (no packets of Hidden Valley) that I use alla time. I got that off the intertrons.
mama whiskers
I find Taibbi irritating at times for various reasons. But it’s really funny that Tweety is acting like he has *never* heard anyone refer to Rush as a fat, drug-addicted idiot. Either he’s pearl-clutching for the camera or, once again, has been much too long in the Beltway.
I think the reason Tunch looks so belligerant is that he ate the President’s birth certificate. And a cell phone. And most of the contents of Bernie Madoff’s refrigerator.
Ellid, now known as Sister Hand of Unassuming Serenity
aka Krinkle Bearcat Palin
@mama whiskers:
What, like salad dressing, or turkey dressing (which many people call "stuffing")? Because if its salad dressing, that sounds gaggy; salad should be dressed with a bit of oil and a tasty vinegar and some salt and pepper and maybe a sprinkle of toasted sesame seed.
But buttermilk in a turkey stuffing intrigues. Is cornbread involved? Do tell.
Back to Tunch, John. Have you considered that he is so crabby because his joints hurt due to his increased weight. That is true for humans as well as cats. Keep him on that diet, maybe start anti inflammatory medicine as well. I am not a vet but I sleep at Holiday Inn alot.
I’m telling ya, John, don’t even think about introducing a grown-up cat in your house.
Tunch is used to be an only child, and as you well know, you live with him, not the other way around.
A tiny, defenseless, kitten, might get Tunch’s reluctant acceptance. A grown-up cat? Forget it. Unless you are willing to play arbiter at all hours of day and night.
Zuzu's Petals
@Brick Oven Bill:
You have surpassed yourself with this one. A "blurred" document? Close ups "do not correlate"? Where and in what respect? Be specific.
Your "Annenberg" claim is even lamer than usual. The Annenberg Foundation, founded by two Republicans, has given hundreds of millions of dollars to thousands of nonprofits over the years. In the early ’90s the foundation granted $500 million through the Annenberg Challenge to nonprofits in cities across the country for eductional projects. Obama was on a board of directors that included Republicans for the Chicago organization.
And Obama "gives money to Annenberg"? Really? Proof please.
Zuzu's Petals
Got interrupted before I could add this to prior:
The Annenberg Foundation, along with various other foundations and federal agencies, funds the Annenberg Public Policy Center at U Penn, which sponsors Fact Check. Fact Check has its own directors, and its work is separate from the policy center.
Obama has never been affiliated with the foundation, the center, or FactCheck.
Oh, and by the way, Mrs. Annenberg endorsed McCain in 2008.
Zuzu's Petals
@mama whiskers:
It’s one of those stupid memes along the lines of "If the SBVT is lying, why hasn’t Kerry sued ’em, hmmmm?" Or "Why can’t I hold his actual records in my own hot little hands, hmmm?" No amount of information will quell the idiocy.
Obama has to pay a lawyer because nutjobs keep trying to sue him IN COURT.
He already has provided a copy of his birth document, one that contains all the relevant information included in the "long form" Hawaii birth certificate:
Hawaii Certificate of Live Birth, 1963
Perhaps the birthers want to know what his mother’s maiden name was? Doesn’t matter. No matter what’s provided, it will never be enough.
Will Danz
"Brick Oven Bill" is a parody of a wingnut moron. There can be no other explanation.
@Will Danz: Bill is harmless Brick. Take him in the spirit in which his oven was offered.