I was reading this Jesse Taylor post, and came across his description of the Conservapedia entry on President Obama, in which he claimed it had the “wingnuttiest introduction possible.” As a connoisseur of the wingnut genre and recovering wingnut myself, I had to dive in for a taste:
Barack Hussein Obama II (allegedly[1][2][3] born in Honolulu Aug. 4, 1961) is the 44th president of the United States, and previously served as a first-term Democratic Senator from Illinois (2004-2008). Obama and his running mate Senator Joseph Biden won the presidential election[4] after 23 months of campaigning, raising an unprecedented $750 million and spending over $700 million of it,[5] most of which came from anonymous donors. Post-election, Obama’s aides surprised some by indicating that he would make an unprecedented speech within his first 100 days from a Muslim capital.[6] Obama used his Muslim middle name when sworn in as President,[7][8] and chose not to use the Bible for his real, private oath. Elected by claiming he’s a Christian, Obama has since avoided attending church on Christmas and Sundays.[9]
Obama refers to America in the third person, as a foreigner would. In his first television interview after becoming president, Obama declared that “all too often the United States starts by dictating.” Earlier, when Obama gave his acceptance speech, he said “We may not get there in one year or even one term, but America – I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there.”[10]
That is 100% pure wingnut, alright. Pharmaceutical grade.
Seriously, that has to be spoof.
We are amused…
Roger Moore
I especially like the way that they manage to make the claim about him referring to America in the third person in the same paragraph that they quote him referring to it in the first person. Oh well, consistency was never a wingnut strongpoint in the first place.
Can we change "Wingnut" to "Clown Shoes"? If so, those are some giant Clown Shoes right there.
Barry Soetoro
How do they know that, and why is it bad?
This Conservapedia reads like a hate group’s recruiting tool. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn various hate groups like Stormfront.org link to the Conservapedia.
Davis X. Machina
My theory: Obama’s just trying to avoid a copyright hassle with Colbert’s "I Am America, And So Can You."
Me, I’m just happy to have a president who understands subject-verb agreement in grammatical number again. No longer is the question asked, is our children learning.
It seems to be dripping with a weird combination of envy and contempt. Ah, to be a Republican these days.. Haha..
Wile E. Quixote
"Pharmaceutical grade"? No, I think that this is pure quill Weapons Grade Wingnut, which is not only more pure but is also alliterative.
I dunno, if it doesn’t have any gay sex in it I don’t see how it’s going to get the kind of traffic the rest of conservapedia gets…
Yeah, that’s pretty much spot-on with the current talk radio slime stream.
Not spoof at all, unfortunately. I’ve seen too many of these same ‘arguments’ in recent discussions with wingnut friends (and friends of wingnut friends) — it’s only a matter of time before the WSJ editorial page picks up the drumbeat and starts writing ominous "questions remain" articles.
The Other Steve
Have you read Dr. Kate?
It’s mega awesome wingnutty.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
I followed that same link and was left slackjawed at teh stupid.
Strangely, I take comfort from that Conservapedia page on Obama. It would be one thing if Republicans/Conservatives only lied to Democrats and Independents. But they lie to themselves, too. And when you lie to yourself you never learn.
As long as Republicans keep insisting that Obama is teh Muslim the Democrats will keep winning.
The Other Steve
And one thing… Compare it to this:
Is it much different?
Ryan S.
Welcome to the right wing insanity that is Conservapedia, and they are deadly serious. That Mr. Assfly’s homeschoolers encyclopedia.
For the best of Conservapedia though you need to visit RationalWiki.
That’s because he’s The Manchurian Candidate. Duh. Conservapedia could tell you that. In fact they do…
@J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford:
This is a fairly concise summary of why the GOP is so screwed up right now.
When I was growing up, the argument was always "Well, the GOP may not be perfect but at least they stand for something – Democrats don’t stand for anything". I still hear people say that but it just makes me laugh – the GOP may stand for something, but who can tell what it is? You can’t trust them to tell you what they stand for – they’ve been lying for so long that I’m not even sure that they know what their "core principles" are anymore.
They just can’t coccoon themselves enough, can they.
I see a whole bunch of the guys just sitting around in a big circle-jerk looking at a pic Gov. Mooseburger winking while moaning "tax cuts, tax cuts".
The Cat Who Would Be Tunch
The right’s fascination with Obama’s middle name fascinates me. Posts like these always remind me of a headline I saw somewhere on the intertubes:
El Tiburon
When Conservapedia is taught next to Intelligent Design in all of our Government Schools, who will be laughing then, funny boy.
Rob in Denver
The behind-the-scenes discussion about the page are even funnier.
Barack Obama… a tricky manchurian muslim.
Don’t neglect to read the "talk page" for some really meaty wingnuttery.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
@The Other Steve:
I love how on "See also" there is a link to "George Bush finds men attractive."
Strangley, the link to "George Bush doesn’t care about black people" is missing.
"Pharmaceutical-grade Wingnut."
Comrade Stuck
Haramph!. What these wizards don’t understand is that he is referring to construction of the worlds first Wingnut Neutron Bomb, funded George Soros and designed by the two Al’s Gore and Sharpton. It’s a two-fer weapon to fix Global warming by targeting only wingnut gas bags.
Bwaa Haa haa ha beewaa tee ha!
joe from Lowell
When Conservapedia is taught next to Intelligent Design in all of our Government Schools, who will be laughing then, funny boy.
The students, I imagine.
Rick Taylor
Off topic (except it is "clown shoes"), but CNBC made the mistake of taking on Jim Stewart and so of course he responded, taking Jim Cramer to pieces. Really they should have kept quiet and hoped it would all blow over. Via Matt Yglesias.
Nope, that’s just good ol’ fashioned spoof-proof, weapons-grade, uranium enriched, titanium encased wingnuttery.
Seriously, dude, I tried to think of something to mock them with but I got nothing. Total mock-block®
@Ryan S.:
Strangely, I know there’s a game where self-styled Discordians try to write a passage that is as wingnutty as possible, but not so over-the-top as to become so obvious a mockery of wingnut thought that the piece gets yanked.
Which means that things that are being created as a mockery of conservative wingnuttery are getting internalized as "real" conservative wingnuttery and there are people chuckling when they hear Lou Dobbs or Glen Beck or Random Internet Messageboarder or whoever pass on some tidbit that they made up and stuck on Conservapedia themselves. We live in interesting times.
The Grand Panjandrum
@The Other Steve: It’s a well known fact that if W had not been the son of a former President, and his mother’s picture wasn’t on the dollar bill he would never have been elected the first time.
–Page Henson (Angie Harmon) to Ryan Turner (Charlie Sheen), in the film "Good Advice."
Who could resist this diagram from the TD site:
My favorite part is the question mark leading to market collapse!
You’ve only scratched the surface man. It’s wingnut all the way down.
See the essay: :Greatest Mysteries of World History
After some dicussion on the talk page with examples of Pre-Christian humor, the blog-owner Andy Schafly noted:
Andy, of course, is the author of this awesome piece of "humor".
I further direct you to Rationalwiki which is chock-full of records of the wing-nuttery,
different church-lady
Hey, at least the entry actually acknowledges the fact that he IS the president.
I’m sure someone will "correct" it soon to read "…is allegedly the 44th president…"
Actually what I think you mean is "Schedule 1 Narcotic Grade Wingnut"
Clearly that’s what Limbaugh’s been stuffing in his craw. More addictive than meth, but you can’t OD on it.
Brick Oven Bill
100% Wingnut? Those guys are amateurs:
Obama won the popular election by promising over a trillion dollars worth of new social spending, and pledged to fund it by raising taxes on only 5% of the population. He did not disclose that the proceeds of this tax would only yield $33 billion in new funding, covering less than 3% of his promises, when the Galt Effect is taken in to account.
Obama promised that he would not hire lobbyists, and then did. Obama promised to go through legislation line-by-line, and remove ear-marks, and then did not. Obama pledged to post legislation online for five days, and then didn’t because the legislation was, like, urgent, which is why he waited four days to sign it.
His first tax increase was on cigarettes, raising the cost of a pack of smokes by $0.60. His second tax increase was the act of printing money, deflating the currency. President Obama’s next proposal is the cap and trade tax, another regressive tax that will double the utility bills of working class Americans.
The President is currently funding several legal teams to counter a seemingly credible accusation by Philip Berg, and refuses to produce his birth certificate, which would cost him $38, according to a commenter named Martin at a Web-Site named Balloon Juice. This refusal to produce the birth certificate has been the subject of controversy, as, if he was really born in Hawaii, he could get in, like, 5 minutes.
Obama is known for his excellent tastes in wine, is an accomplished practitioner of the teleprompter arts, and selected Tim Geithner to run the IRS.
The Cat Who Would Be Tunch
@different church-lady: Please don’t give them ideas.
Sean Carroll
Nobody quoted this one yet??
Even better is the World Net Daily/Fox News fauxtraversy about Obama’s Wikipedia entry.
Let’s just say it doesn’t end pretty for the delusional side:
Heh indeedy, indeed.
Seriously.. is B.O.B. a spoofer or not?
After looking at Conservapedia I honestly can’t tell!
"Seriously, that has to be spoof."
Seriously, can they even be spoofed any more? No matter how far you walk it out to spoof them, if you look around you’ll see they’re already there.
Ash Can
Whew…I’d be careful about getting too close to that entry with an open flame.
Objective Scrutator
Conservapedia is right, you know. Florida has much to fear by these Commies preparing to invade it.
Poe’s law
My favorite part of that entry has always been "allegedly born in Honolulu…"
Not for the obvious reasons, but because the construction of the sentence makes his birth the "alleged" event, not it’s location. I’ve often wondered if the writer intended this.
The fact that it’s a possibility worth considering pretty much sums up the stupid that knows no bounds.
Warren Terra
OK, I’ll bite: for what would a doctor prescribe "Pharmaceutical-grade Wingnut"?
@Warren Terra:
When a rash develops after you see starbursts.
how about this comment: spoof or not ?
Pack as many bits as possible into a byte. That is some premium retardation right there.
To repair the damage caused by 18 years of indoctrination in our treasonous public education institutions and to counteract a lifetime of bias from reading the liberal media’s communistic anti-American lies.
Comrade Stuck
Is it really spoof when the spoofing is praised by the spoofed?
Your daily wingnut zenpuzzler.
Ryan S.
@NonyNony: Yes, but I would argue a sort of "Turing Test" phenomenon wherein if it is indistinguishable from the real thing then ipso facto it is the real thing. For instance lets assume that Rushbo himself doesn’t believe his BS but he is so good at it. Having accumulated such a following that it nolonger matters what he believes what is real is the persona that he has created.
@different church-lady: Didn’t someone point out that because the inauguration was twenty minutes late (or several days late, depending on whether you believe the whole bit about Roberts’s gaffe voiding the legitimacy of the Oath), Joe Biden was technically President during the interm?
How much spoof could a wingnut spoof if a wingnut could spoof wingnut?
@Davis X. Machina: I’m trying to clean out my email at work – starting a new job soon – and ran across this quote from Bush before he was president:
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
@The Other Steve:
Wow! That is crazy!
"Get out of the City. Head to a red state for your safety, to reduce living costs and take advantage of the independence of these states. The cities may erupt in flames and destruction and will be the first place any armed forces land. Come and find out why people live in the west…..yes I am shamelessly touting the non-populated portions of the Rockies…
We must place the powers of government into such hands as will secure for us the ends for which the government was first designed.
I assert that the time is now to move in a strategic way forward, and to take this on as the battle of our lifetimes.
Ah ha. Now I know one of the reasons I am here."
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
@J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford:
I formatted that better than it turned out.
Only in the same sense that the GOS differs from Fox News.
The main page of dKosopedia says:
Conservapedia, by contrast, tries laughably to bill itself as a "trustworthy" alternative to Wikipedia, a family-friendly encyclopedia that is far more reliable than the dreaded Big Wiki.
In the end what makes Conservapedia so funny and so worthy of mockery is that, much like the cartoon characters that make up its elected officials, they take themselves so very seriously that they’re entirely unaware of how ridiculous they are.
The fact that it’s run by Andy Schlafly is just icing on the cake.
For maximum fun value, Do yourself a favor and read their "How Conservapedia Differs from Wikipedia page, as well as their even funnier Bias in Wikipedia article. The emo butthurt that the admins have towards Wikipedia for the latter’s success just absolutely radiates off the page.
Some of it may well be. When Conservapedia first went up, it was deluged by pranksters mobying their hearts out by making edits that drew their humor value from being largely indistinguishable from actual wingnuttery. Ataranjizzmop could learn a few things there.
Dave Herman
I hear he’s skipped every Christmas since he was inaugurated.
Okay… quiz time.
Let’s take it as a given that there is an equally nutty left-wing fringe out there. (Code Pink? Peta? It’s all arguable, but let’s take it as a given it is out there.)
So. Compare Conservapedia with the most notable Right-wing pundits and media representitives. How far are they seperated.
Now compare the really far left with any liberal media representatives…
Okay. Compare and contrast?
Does anyone know if there are side-effects to being exposed to this much Wingnut at once? I mean, what if I get mugged on the way home from work? Will I be able to take the gun seriously after this?
Bah, double post.
Insert witty follow-up comment here.
Joshua Norton
I fully agree. I think all wingnut-rapturist-sociopaths should only live in non-populated parts of the country. I wonder how long it would take them to devolve into witch burning. Or even cannibalism when they realized the nearest Walmart was a couple hundred miles away. Probably somewhere between lunch and dinner of the first day if they combined the two.
Best quote of the entry
I think its reasonable to say that any sane person would have clicked away from the website at that point in the entry if they were looking for credible information.
Jon H
"OK, I’ll bite: for what would a doctor prescribe "Pharmaceutical-grade Wingnut"?"
It’s like ipecac for people who haven’t developed a tolerance.
Good turn of phrase, John. May I use that?
@Davis X. Machina:
[Edit: oops, M got away.]
Joshua Norton
"These are not the Liberals you’re looking for".
I never thought I’d live to see the day when "Star Wars" was considered to be a documentary.
@Joshua Norton
You weren’t very old during the Regan years, were you?
Pfft. You can tell where their priorities really lie by looking at the Most Viewed Pages. The top four are:
Atheism (4,717,563)
Main Page (4,476,883)
Homosexuality (3,275,051)
Barack Hussein Obama (1,024,631)
Teh Gheys are three times as bad as our Islamofascocommunist President.
Hard to say. "Troof" could be the evil spawn of troll + spoof, but it could also be racist patois for truth.
I like it better when the spoofs pick handles like Sandy Cooter.
@J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford:
"Get out of the City. Head to a red state for your safety, to reduce living costs and take advantage of the independence of these states. …"
Right; the red states are independent of everything but federal dollars. Absent tax money harvested in the blue states those independent souls would have to take turns pulling the plow.
@dmsilev: I just have to figure that most of those pageview counts are inflated by the rest of the world going to take a look for themselves and have a laugh. Real conservatives don’t need Conservapedia because God downloads this knowledge into their brains.
Rick Taylor
Oh my God, they even have wingnut math. There are pages about Fermat’s Last Theorem and the Axiom of Choice that largely make sense, but then there are passages that give away they don’t really know what they’re talking about. I had thought mathematics was at least immune to winguttia. To be fair, this is what always happens when someone who’s not a mathematician attempts to pontificate on mathematics.
I gave a talk on the Banach-Tarski paradox as an undergrad. It is not equivalent to the axiom of choice, though it depends upon it. The phrase "infinitely divisible parts" makes no sense, and the theorem is remarkable because it specifically shows how one may divide the sphere into a finite number of parts. I don’t believe the authors did not use the proof to criticize the axiom (I’ll have to look that up). And spheres are certainly Lebesgue measurable; I have no idea what they mean when they say "physical spheres" are not Lebesgue measurable.
OT, but could some of the financial whizzes here please tell me why Walmart would be downgraded for the possibility that legislation that hasn’t even been through a vote in either house yet might actually pass and despite it’s current very strong market position? And does anyone doubt that there just might be some political manipulation going here?
h/t Digby
Obama’s Fake Birth Certificate Reveals Huge Conspiracy!!!
"What is taking place is indeed conspiracy as in the sense a violation of the RICO Act. This involves the state of Hawaii and Occidental College, if not Columbia of New York and Harvard.
What requires explanation in this is a generation of crime in supplanting the United States for money. It is as simple as that in local government policy being fed huge sums of money at the behest of Ford Foundation incorporating globalist policy into American culture.
Barack Obama is simply the tip of this iceberg . . ."
Joshua Norton
Teh Ghey used to be number one. Either someone is cooking the numbers to make their site hits less embarrassing, or they’ve hit peak closet-case and are moving on to other crackpot interests.
Wile E. Quixote
"I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s an ethos."
They also appear to take the vaccine-autism link seriously and are really against SCHIP. Clearly, this is an organization consisting of nonpartisan health care professionals of the highest order who just don’t want to be in the AMA for whatever reason and not some kind of weird pseudo professional front for folks with a political axe to grind.
Comrade Kevin
@cleek: I would say that comment is a spoof, probably someone imitating a PUMA. Either that, or it’s Harriet Christian.
Sir Nose'D
Note to Barak Obama: Your secret Muslim-ness has been exposed.
Note to all future secret Muslims. You might want to pick a non Muslim-sounding name–vigilant Americans are vigilant!
Rick Taylor
I forgot the link for the previous.
Meanwhile this is just funny.
No, Wiles proof does not depend on the axiom of choice. And yes, I suppose the proof couldn’t be final if criticism is continuing on the internet, especially by people with high IQ’s. Marilyn vos Savant by the way had no idea what she was talking about.
@Rick Taylor:
I thought that "bigger tax cuts=more money for government" had already established the existence of wingnut math.
Eh. Poorly worded, but in context I can understand what they were trying to say. Use as many bits of the first byte as possible for data, reserving enough bits to signal how many bytes follow. More an example of bad writing than stupidity. There’s plenty of stupid over there to criticize.
@geg6: In related news: Dow up 379. Obamanomics a clear success.
Okay, you’re right, that’s even crazier than the post here. Damn you, Peak Wingnut! Why do you elude me so?
The Truly Informed usually turn to Dickipedia.
gypsy howell
@The Other Steve at 3:39:
Did you take special note of the…. ummm… flow chart in drkate’s treatise?
Definitely the work of a "beautiful mind."
God damnit Spotweld, I was sitting here thinking to myself "Y’know what self? I don’t think our opinion of humanity could get any lower!" and then you come along and post a link to a discussion so monumentally stupid that it defies comprehension.
Import me, dammit!
Conservapedia is good for a few laughs, and yes it’s difficult to spoof them…but not impossible. I bow to whoever it was that created the Conservapedia entry (now deleted) for "Pacific Northwest Arboreal Octopus."
* I used to amuse myself by visiting the Conservapedia statistics page to see what crazy things conservatives obsess over. It used to focus on various aspects of homosexuality as imagined in their fevered brains. Since the election, all has changed:
Okay, gypsy and TOS, get me off that Dr. Kate commentary crazy train.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Oh man. Scroll down to the picture and try not to lose it.
Conservapedia is basically the work of one guy, who happens to be Phyllis Schafly’s son.
The weird thing is that this guy went to Harvard Law School with Barack Obama.
And no, I am not making this up.
Mike in NC
Brick Oven will be along shortly to disabuse us of that notion.
@Max: My girlfriend used that in a Composition class last year to test her students on how to determine if a website was a legitimate source of information–you don’t want to know how many didn’t realize it was a fake site.
Bubblegum Tate
@Joshua Norton:
For a while, Teh Ghey pretty much dominated the Top 10–aside from the main page, it was all stuff about gays, buttsex, anal fissures (seriously), praying the gay away, the works. The only way the site could’ve been any gayer is if it actually showed gay porn.
Mike in NC
But she writes for Parade magazine! I’m told they’re trying to recruit Bill Kristol, too.
Jon H
Classic quote from a Conservapedia discussion page:
"However, I have grave doubts about whether your ‘fact’-mongering is carried out with the intention of helping to build up Conservapedia. Given the nature of these ‘facts’, and of your attitude, I suspect quite the opposite. "
Note, this is in response to a person who committed the grave liberal atheist crime of posting substantive comments about US literacy rates vs. Ancient Greek literacy rates.
Josh Hueco
Isn’t her son gay?
You’re thinking of Andy’s older brother John.
You know you’re dealing with acute, suppurating ignorance when you encounter people obsessing over the fact that Hussein is an Arabic name and don’t even realize that Barack is, too.
Barak (Baruch in Hebrew) means "blessing", and is a very common name in many East African groups. Suppose you knew somebody named David Schlomo Wasserstein. You’d say Schlomo is a "Jewish name", but so is David; it’s just more naturalized in English-speaking countries than Schlomo. The same goes for Barak among Swahili- and Luo-speakers (among many others) vs. Hussein, which is a more-or-less exclusively Muslim name.
Since wingnuts consider "Arabic" and "Muslim" synonymous terms, they should be obsessing equally about both names. The fact that they’re not shows how abysmal their ignorance is.
(Maybe Obama should have started spelling one or the other names differently to take the curse off, like Kirstie Ali; or is that the source of the "c" in Barack?)
I was just recently shown that a person can type in my address and immediately find a link that displays my name and the amount of money I gave to the Obama campaign last year, using teh Google as the starting point.
Similar to the information that was all the rage back in the days after Prop 8 was getting daily attention. Anyhoo …
Political contributions are not anonymous, they are amazingly public and pretty easy to track, apparently.
I am quite proud of my contribution to Obama’s $700m+ campaign war chest, small as my part was, and woe that it could not have been bigger.
Maybe he’d discover a sense of humor?
The Populist
Fact: Bush, Reagan and even the elder Bush referred to America in the third person MANY, MANY times.
Rick Taylor
The conservepedia page on the Axiom of Choice incorrectly stated that the existence of a nonmeasurable set and the existence of a basis for any vector space were equivalent to the axiom of choice. Someone who new what they were talking about removed these references, stating while the Axiom of choice was used in their proof, it was not actually equivalent to it. The original author expunged the edit and replied,
To be fair, you can find nutty statements about math in postmodern philosophy as well.
Tax Analyst
I like where she compares Obama to Jim Jones, David Koresh, Charles Manson and Hitler, among others.
Yeah, it’s so clear – you can just feel the evil from his menacing manner with his children. Especially the picture of him riding with one of his little girls in a bumper car at some amusement park.
The Populist
Notice all but one mirror conservative viewpoints and values to a tee? Don’t forget McVeigh.
As for Manson, he’s just a loony.
Well, the Conservapedia entry is pretty good, but I dare you to find anything that matches the sheer incoherence of the first wingnut comment I’ve gotten at my blog. It was so good I started a new post with it.
I just got my first ever incoherent wingnut hate comment ….
Hell, Nixon used to refer to himself in the third person.
Jay C
One can only visualize the scene at the next election in Hawaii when the precinct workers call out the voters for their turn at the polls:
"Ladies and gentlemen, I’m going to call your names now, and you will please respond clearly, so I can check your names off the roll…
Barack Takahashi Obama?"
"Barack Pulaski Obama?"
"Barack Smith Obama?"
"Barack Wong Obama?"
…"thousands" of them…..
Michael D.
I, for one, LOVE Conservapedia. Whenever I am feeling down, it always makes me smile.
I mean it. I read it all the time. I get almost as much laughter out of it as I used to get out of Calvin and Hobbes or The Far Side.
And it will distilled to even greater purity over the next 8 years.
Nope, the editors at Conservapedia are deathly serious. (But I suspect that many contributors are spoofing just to see how ridiculous a claim against Obama has to be before Schafley declares it too much. Apparently, nobody’s hit that threshold yet.)
Cpl. Cam
"Obama said the Muslim call to prayer is "one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset,"
I spent a month or so in Egypt once and even out in the middle of the godforsaken desert where we were stationed we could hear that nightly call to prayer. One of the most hauntly beautiful things I have ever heard.
Am I the only person amazed that the guy who wrote the article John quotes in his post was actually Obama’s classmate at HLS? I mean, WTF?
tom c
I wonder if that was a spoof. I hope the FBI wondered too.
Mike in NC
I did a quick Wiki check on Phyllis Schlafly just to make sure the guy who came up with Conservapedia wasn’t her gay son (John). No it was the other one (Andy). That right-wing nuts like Schlafly and Dick Cheney have gay childen is proof that God has a sense of humor.
@tom c: Conservapedia no longer has any text on the page with the title "Senate Democrats from States with Republican Governors".
Did you finally find something the nuts considered too crazy for primetime wingdom?
Behold, you have uncovered yet another wingnut Mobius strip: one-dimensional, infinitely repeating.
I wanted to replace every word in the Conservapadia with "penis", but couldn’t figure out how.
If any penis has any idea penis, please penis to this penis.