I am so sick and tired of being lectured about the morality of using embryonic stem cells by folks whose only problem with torture is that we don’t have clearly defined rules for when to use it.
Count me as completely uninterested in your views on morality, Dr. Krauthammer.
The Moar You Know
What would be cool is to throw Krauthammer feet first into a woodchipper, and then we could extract stem cells from the resulting goo.
Hey, I don’t know if those stem cells would be good for anything, I just think throwing Krauthammer into a woodchipper would be cool.
If Iran puts their nuclear weapons labs side by side with their invitro fertilization clinics, can we risk bombing them?
Jay Severin Has A Small Pen1s
Same with dropping bombs on innocent children…whose only real crime is being born in a country that has some bad people in it. With all the rightwingers complaining about how bad some of the people in our country are AND how some of our crimes are now severely impacting the health and well-being of other nations (mortgage fraud, financial crimes, etc) whose to say we don’t deserve to have our brains beat in by people who feel we are a drain on the planet. I think 20% of the people in our own country would like to destroy it now. Why should they be surprised by people outside the US wanting the same.
Jesus was tortured and executed by the state. Why Christians would think it’s okay to support our state doing the same tells me they have learned nothing from his story. When his story is the core of your being…you are an empty and soulless fucktard.
@Jay Severin Has A Small Pen1s:
Goddammed straight! The inconsistency in their morality belies any claim they have to being moral individuals.
That’s obvious by their most prominent symbol – the cross. The revere the torture instrument. Not sure how Jesus will feel coming back and having all of his followers clutching crosses. I wouldn’t want to be reminded.
Besides, the obvious answer to what to do with frozen embryos is to throw them in the dumpster, not use the stem cells in scientific research. It is the only moral thing to do.
@Jay Severin Has A Small Pen1s:
I doubt he cares about the issue at all. He’s just giving a reach around to the Israel First Christian Right for their undaunting support in killing Arabs and Muslims.
@Jay Severin Has A Small Pen1s: You can’t really aim an explosion. Bombs are, by design, going to produce a lot of collateral damage.
In some ways, its the most horrific of weapons. You have almost no control over who gets killed when the best way to eliminate your target is to create as much carnage in as wide a radius as possible.
But, politically, it has become the perfect tool. Drop a bomb on the "bad guy" and get your PR man out there to say, "Oops, our bad." Everyone knows that bombs are sloppy devices, so if a few dozen innocent civilians are brutally slaughtered… oh well, we anticipated that would happen. Move along, move along. Compare that to the uproar over Hadditha.
Dropping a couple million extra dollars to make bombs "smart" makes you feel better, while padding the wallets of the military industry. And since you don’t risk any American lives delivering the payload, no one back home has any reason to complain. :-p
In the article he praises W for a sound and reasoned moral argument that takes into account all sides of the issue.
This is all you need to know about The Kraut’s moral judgment.
The Other Steve
I’m afraid I cannot support that act. Tossing him feet first into a woodchipper is torture.
Head first would be more humane.
I’m not sure saying No to human cloning is an ethical stance as Chucky suggests. It could easily represent a policy decision based on the fact that our entire society and its laws are based on systems that rely on the ability to track one’s origins, paternal and maternal. A man without a birth certificate is no man at all, etc.
These people signed off on Cheney’s 1% Doctrine (Even if there’s just a 1 percent chance of the unimaginable coming due, act as if it is a certainty. It’s not about ‘our analysis.’ It’s about ‘our response.’) as sufficient reason to do anything to anyone anywhere. That deeply flawed and amoral stand doesn’t seem to preclude them from trying to sell the rest of us their "morality".
e.e. cummings sums it up:
Wayne T
Can we waterboard stem cells?
Mike in NC
Dubya never met an issue that had more than one side. Makes being "The Decider" that much easier.
Not exactly accurate. They want to remember what happened and why, which is different that "revering". But this is an argument that has taken place within the Christian world as well — a number of Christian protestant denominations do not display a cross because they believe the focus is wrong. These include Quakers, Mennonites, and the various anabaptist groups, including some Baptists.
Also, stepping out of my Christian persona here, may I say screw Chuck and all other torturers. They get to go on my leaky boat in the middle of the ocean with the hot sun beating down, no water, no food, and occasional small explosions and hot fires to keep them interested.
The Other Steve
Did you see how Laura Ingraham is working to attract women back into the Republican party by calling Megan McCain fat?
They want to remember what happened and why, which is different that "revering".
Paul L.
So if there are no major advances in embryonic stem cells research during Obama’s term, can I blame him for not preventing deaths?
As Obama has cut funding for alternative adult stem cells research that have led to a number of new cures .
Hmm, Megan McCain or Death Stick 2.0…the only downside to MMc is that when she takes you home to meet the parents, you have to put up with being felt up by her dad. With Ingraham, you have to worry about her cheekbones slicing your face up when you go in for a kiss.
Bob In Pacifica
As we used to say in New Jersey, "I got yer stem right here, Chuckie."
Bullshit. Prove it or shut up. Stop pulling it out of your ass.
It is part of the conservative playbook – say the lie often, and then whine about the right to "free speech" when somebody calls.
During the Schiavo affair (which snapped me out of wingnut complacency), I had the audacity to criticize a lie being propagated by somebody who I’d actually met in the past and done some favors for. Thing was, he knew it was a lie when he was busy propagating it. His response to my criticism was along the lines of "you just want to crush my right to free speech".
@Paul L.:
Can we do anything to stop you?
Tell you what, if there are no further breakthroughs in stem cell research in the next eight years, I will eat a live fetus, just for you.
Well, OK… it looks like we have a middle ground here.
The only ‘enhanced interrogation technique’ the U.S. should condone should be the smashing of petri dishes of embryonic stem cells, with heavy mallets, over the naked bodies of terrorism suspects being detained indefinitely.
We need to really smash those petri dishes hard, so that there is no chance for those cells to be used for life-saving research AND so we can inflict enough pain to get these terrorists to tell us where the bomb is.
Wingnuts should thank me.
Paul L.
Here you go. No doubt you will follow the progressive playbook and dismiss this as from a "wingnut" site and not address any of the arguments.
Obama Kills Stem-Cell Research – Unless It Kills Embryos, Of Course
@Paul L.:
That executive order simply doesn’t say what you think it says. Again, you’re pulling it out of your ass.
Frickin’ idiot. An F on reading comprehension.
Lenny Bruce: “If Jesus had been killed twenty years ago, Catholic school children would be wearing little electric chairs around their necks instead of crosses.”
The Populist
Yep, add to that these asshat’s lack of caring for the BORN in this country. Shit, go ahead lady and have that child! Once it’s born and pooping, crying and spitting up and mommy doesn’t want it, these clowns cut the education funding and other important things for kids at risk.
Oh and don’t get me started about the right’s love of war and executions.
Party of life? Nah.
@gnomedad: Or, as Michael Mittermeier said, "I wish Jesus would have been drowned, the churches would look a lot nicer with all the aquariums instead of crosses."