John King asks Dick Cheney “Is the president of the United States trying to brazenly deceive the American people?”
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by DougJ| 69 Comments
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John King asks Dick Cheney “Is the president of the United States trying to brazenly deceive the American people?”
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Hmmm! What was Mr. Cheney’s answer?
Big East RULES OK (Apologies to Mr. Ackerman)
wow…that’s sort of awesome.
Who was next on their panel? Madoff with his 10 top investment tips of the week? Ken Lay talking about good corporate governance?
I know it was naive…but I really did expect some minuscule semblance of shame and repentance on the part of the criminals who drove this nation off of the cliff.
calling all toasters
That must be a leftover question from 2001 or 2002 or 2003 or 2004 or 2005 or 2006 or 2007 or 2008 that he just never found the time to ask before.
Leelee for Obama
I only watched Bob Schieffer today, figuring he’d be tougher on Summers than he was on whoever last week. Win! He was almost journalist-like, but only because it was the President’s Economic Advisor. There was no Republican to suck-up to.
Left all others in the dust, and feel strangely liberated. Next week, not even Bob.
In my zeal, I forgot to watch Fareed, so hopefully I can get a transcript of the Freeman interview.
Answer, no they is not learning. Am I right?
An article in the NY Review of Books comes out with detail about the torture of detainees and John Effing King is asking whether signing a bill with earmarks in it reaches the level of brazenly deceiving the American people? Fuck him in his stupid ear.
…. I’m starting to this some of these guys are just getting paid on the side to make Drudge look intelligent.
El Tiburon
Cut King some slack.
For those who don’t remember, King was the guy who grilled Bush continuously during the lead up to the invasion of the Iraq War. He confronted Bush at every chance about the claims of WMD and yellow-cake. King, almost by himself, caused the invasion to be stopped and Bush to be impeached.
It was brutal.
Now excuse me. My unicorn is pooping gold and Jennifer Love Hewitt is naked in my bed.
Maybe John King figured that Cheney had some special expertise in the matter of ‘brazen deception of the American people’.
I’m entirely sincere when I ask: is there any f-cking way we can charge these g-dd-mn talking heads on CNN and FOX and MSNBC (every network has these brain-dead morans) with fraud and have them carted off in handcuffs, or better yet straitjackets? HOW THE F-CK CAN WE VIEW THESE FRAUDULENT IDIOTS ANY OTHER WAY WHEN THEY STILL ACT LIKE CHENEY (nationwide popularity at 12 percent and falling, which HAS to be cutting across all party ranks!) IS GOING TO TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT ANYTHING?!?!
*skull implodes*
Anton Sirius
I hope that, when Skynet finally becomes sentient, King’s magic wall eats his stupid head.
I’m not cutting John King any slack. Look at his wording. He used "brazenly".
It would be bad enough to phrase the question with just "trying to deceive" but the inflammatory adverb "brazenly" is very telling.
CNN = Faux Lite
God forbid he lose "access" to Cheney. Does anyone believe anything that man has to say?
El Cid
Well, at least he picked an expert in brazen deceit [of the American people] to ask.
*Also, King should have used the opportunity to see what Cheney’s intelligence sources told him about Obama’s ability to be simultaneously born in Hawaii, Kansas, Kenya, and Indonesia with Bill Ayers.
John Cole
LOL he was quoting Human Events, which is like an edited version of Wingnut Daily or CNS News.
Too damned funny.
It took a President Obama before I understood the Clinton rules.
John King to Dick Cheney:
So, Barack Obama: worst president, or worstest president.
John King reads Human Events every week. Wow. That is good to know. Gotta say, the liberal media’s been clearly revealing their explicit and implicit biases in covering this crisis. Bush WISHES he had had it this good.
And the not-so-dumb one, too!
Completely OT, but have you guys seen the skateboarding bulldog?
I wuv him!
Zuzu's Petals
@calling all toasters:
John King reading Human Event every week explains a LOT. I mean by comparison reading stuff on dailykos is tame. Yet you will NEVER hear of a "serious journalist" aka Villager quoting from a dailykos post, but Human Events what with Ann Coulter, Dick Morris and Eric Erickson as regular contributers, sure they are the PERFECT media outlet from which to derive a question about the President. I am sure that article King was referring to was sandwhiched between one accusing President Obama of being Kenyan and another claiming he is setting up FEMA concentration camps. If I ever needed any more of a reason not to watch that asshole he more than provided it today.
Um, not to be stupid, but why is anybody interviewing Cheney as if he is an authority on anything? What, Dan Quayle wasn’t available?
zoe kentucky from pittsburgh
Wow. That question doesn’t even qualify as a softball question, it’s more like he set Cheney up with a tee-ball and a bat with a 30 inch circumfrence.
That question didn’t do Cheney any favors, it just made King look like a total and complete idiot. Does he not realize how negatively Americans view Cheney?!??
BTW, for a man with circulatory problems, Cheney’s face looks a smooth and pink as a baby’s behind. I’d like to have his beauty secret.
To Cheney: Dude, tell your make-up boy to cut back on the rouge.
kommrade reproductive vigor
I hope none of those fucktards thinks this will advance the Republican agenda. "Hey, let’s get a guy no one likes, a man who is as warm and personable as a frozen uranium suppository to trash a really popular president!"
Huh. On second thoughts I hope this is part of their cunning plan.
@Martin: Uppity president or uppitiest president?
He regularly has babies’ behinds grafted to his face. Duh.
I though he just commanded the skin to stay there through sheer force of evil will, a la God-Emperor of Dune.
Grace Nearing
Paul W: All you can do is not watch, tell the networks why you’re not watching, and point out what new sources of news you’ve turned to. The thing is, some of these programs have miniscule ratings. Seriously, "SpongeBob SquarePants" consistently outdraws just about everything else on non-pay-per-view cable, especially the news programs. They really don’t want to lose you. Tell them you’re no longer going to watch the same old sadly inept reporters and pundits battle it out over the same old 10-cm square patch of meaningless process-turf wars or asking and answering the same old brazenly leading questions.
Mike in NC
Bob Schieffer once admitted he regularly golfed with GWB, fellow Texan and all that, and his brother also has close business ties to the Shrub. They ought to run some sort of disclaimer at the bottom of the screen whenever these GOP Villagers step in front of the camera.
kommrade reproductive vigor
@Mike in NC: Makes sense to me. When physicians write articles they have to disclose their ties with drug manufacturers etc.
Of course with some of these Bush kissing schmucks they’d need an entire screen. At the very least watching them sputter about why that wasn’t necessary would be amusing.
Why is either fuckup on my television and not in a common grave where they belong?
used to be disgusted
I’m still laughing from El Tiburon @8. "It was brutal . . ."
Hey, I missed the interview this morning. Was John King asking Cheney about Obama’s birth certificate, whether Obama is a socialist, whether Obama pals around with terrorists, or all three?
By contrast, 60 Minutes’ interview of Bernanke was quite positive, I thought. Humanized him and gave him an opportunity to speak to the public.
To be fair, here’s the whole quote:
A generous interpretation would be ‘do you agree with this wacked-out publication’s characterization?’ Not unlike the question "Do you, like Rush Limbaugh, want the president to fail?"
"To brazenly deceive." Is it OK to fucking split infinitives now?
@Raenelle: Actually, yes.
Comrade Jake
You guys missed the best part of this, due to Cole’s truncated clip. Cheney’s answer was: "Well, I think they’ve taken liberties, with the arguments." He proceeded to state that it’s troubling that we’re not seeing any tax cuts in their plans.
It’s like a show from bizarro-world.
It’s interesting, because that isn’t what Obama says. He doesn’t say that we have to follow what is a fairly standard Democratic policy agenda on health care and energy because of the economic crisis. He says we have to follow it despite the economic crisis. He was very clear on health care and energy during the campaign. He always drew the connection between health care, energy and the economy. That’s Democrat 101.
Obama ran on this stuff. All of it. He ran on this stuff for a full year and a half prior to the financial implosion. The conservative argument hasn’t been that Obama is ramming through a trojan horse of policy on the economic crisis. The conservative argument has been that he should delay or abandon his stated policy goals BECAUSE of the economic crisis.
This is a whole new level of dishonest. They’re now going to claim he wasn’t elected on this 4 pillar domestic platform? Tax code, energy, health care and education. That’s what he ran on.
@Comrade Jake:
I think conservatives are going to go to their graves denying that a Democrat won a decisive victory running on a textbook Democratic platform. That this Democrat intends to pursue it despite being handed a complete melt-down of the financial system must make them really angry. Obama intends to pursue this agenda because, um, he ran on it and he actually thinks it’s the best course.
Obama didn’t have to get this stuff in using a trojan horse approach. He listed the 4 elements about 80,000 times, all over the country, over 2 years. If you weren’t listening to Obama, you could listen to the same, from Hillary Clinton, or really any Democrat
Has been ever since Star Trek came out.
Splitting infinitives should be always be allowed. Always.
Ah, I do love that Cheney is doing the honorable thing and keeping quiet, like every other outgoing President or Vice President, rather than showing up all over the media offering partisan attacks against the people that just took over the executive branch.
Oh wait, that’s exactly what he’s doing? my bad.
Cheney has caused me to really really work on my Happy Thoughts.
How can a person be so much like a Bond villain in real life?
gil mann
Guys, he’s not saying the president of the United States is trying to brazenly deceive the American people, he’s just asking . Sheesh, buncha kneejerks.
Honestly, though? I just assume anyone in public service who’s not wearing a sandwichboard with a passage from Revelations on it is lying to us. What are they supposed to do, admit how bad it’s are gonna get?
J. Michael Neal
You Latin fascist.
gil mann
Of course what I meant to say was, "how bad it are getting."
It would have been irresponsible for him not to.
what the fuck is a split infinitive?
to go: infinitive.
to go boldly: infinitive with adverb.
to boldly go: split infinitive.
Thank you. I’m going to expectantly read on.
The cable news channels in particular are desperately attempting to rehabilitate their liberally tarnished reputations after the "in the tank for Obama" love fest before the election by conducting these
deep, slow, pierced tongue enhanced blowj.., er,meaningful, in depth interviews of various GOP/NeoCon asswipes on a regular basis.I mean, come on, who would actually give a fuck about access to Dick Cheney unless he’s been tried, convicted and sentenced and it’s 20 minutes before midnight. 88% of the American people don’t so why is this cancerous lesion on my cable TV that I’m paying for?
Comrade Darkness
@demkat620: Um, not to be stupid, but why is anybody interviewing Cheney as if he is an authority on anything? What, Dan Quayle wasn’t available?
There is a bit of a difference here. Cheney was running the shadow kleptocratic regime in charge of stealing everything and torturing everyone who noticed, and Quayle was in charge of not trying to wear his shoes on his hands as gloves.
Leo v.2.0
Off topic:
Anyone see this Fareed Zakaria column?
He calls out the Washington Post by name, too. Sounds like a blogger.
Comrade Jake
@Leo v.2.0:
I had not, but thank you. Zakaria’s arguably the only reason to pick up Newsweek at all.
@gil mann:
Jon Stewart handled that about two and a half years ago. One of his finer moments, I believe.
These guys were all talking about how Bush "brazenly" reversed his pledge to treat CO2 gas as a pollutant (and thus to combat climate change) almost instantaneously when he took office?
And it’s worse than that. Then, Bush was not responding to a Congress who was determined to strip CO2 protections from the EPA.
Obama is faced with a Congress who insists on sticking earmarks in every bill. He can sign, or he can veto. Veto means longer delays in trying to save the jobs of millions of Americans. Yeah – that’s worth small fractions of the bills being written up as earmarks for things Congress would probably find a way to fund otherwise if denied this means.
I’m sure King only asked Cheney the "is Obama a brazen deceiver?" question after he’d taken the opportunity to find out all there is to know about Cheney’s personal assassination squads…right?
El Tiburon…i believe you mean David Gregory. they look a little alike. as i remember it, it was David Gregory asking the hard questions, not John King.
There was a link in that comment to a Daily Show video where Stewart eviscerated the media’s use–especially Fox News’s use–of the question mark to make ludicrous statements somehow acceptable. He called it "the Cavuto." Don’t know what happened to it.
While slightly off-topic, but somewhat relevant to the conversation — I noticed a few posts questioning why Cheney decided to come out of his undisclosed hiding place.
As most have noticed several of Bush’s loyalists including Dana Perino, Ari Fleischer, even Darth Vader (Dick Cheney) have been out in full force revising history. I suspect the reason has to do with Bush’s presidential library. Apparently he is having a difficult time raising a mere $300 million needed for construction costs. Presumably they think enough time has gone-by to bend reality and the public will believe it.
Brazen is a word I’d ascribe to the revisionists’ for even thinking the public is that forgetful, that ignorant and that easily fooled. Granted at one time their antics worked because an unsuspecting, unaware public trusted the president to be forthcoming. But Bush wasn’t. Instead he used prevarication and deception to hide an agenda that he knew would be rejected had the public known.
Once the public realized what had been done Bush and his apologists lost all credibility. No matter how much they try to revise history or bend reality it will not work — not this time, not in the future and not with the general public.
Whether economic conditions and/or a disastrous presidency, combined or singularly, account for the difficulty to raise money is not clear …
But ………
one thing for sure: [to drum-up donors by]
sending Dick Cheney, the least believable and least trusted person, to lend credence to the last 8 years is a sure way to dry-up funding instead.
If true, Bush will rue the day he lured Cheney out of his undisclosed location.
Alternate John King: "Does the president still beat the First Lady?"
I couldn’t disagree more.
I find Ari Fleischer to be equally as untrustworthy as Cheney.
Cheney’s got a much blacker heart though. And claws!
@El Tiburon:
LOL- Funniest damn thing I’ve ever read. Good job. I was so pissed about John King and that alleviated some of the pain.
I don’t disagree at all, I’m just suggesting that King was echoing the ‘brazenly deceive’ line from the rightwing pub not because he agreed with it (although of course he might) but to see if he could egg Cheney into saying that HE did.
Chuck Butcher
For a second I thought I had something witty to say, then it went away somewhere…
I’m 55 yrs and I’ve smoked Camel straights since I was 18 and I’m in the 3rd day of quitting and on top of that giving up strong black dark roasted coffee to the tune of 1 gal / day. My faculties are seriously scrambled. The coffee has to go because it requires a cigarette and unfortunately that is my version of "ritalin."
Arachne: I’m just suggesting that King was echoing the ‘brazenly deceive’ line from the rightwing pub not because he agreed with it (although of course he might) but to see if he could egg Cheney into saying that HE did."
Of course the repetition ploy was certainly not to drill the phrase into millions of soft-headed viewers. No, no, no! It was a rhetorical back-bending triple twisting gainer being attempted, not the simple swan dive it turned out to be. Good for you sussing that one out of the rubble.
Teh Media is LIBERAL too.
@Comrade Darkness:
You magnificent bastards. I will have to stop reading this site for a few weeks. This made me laugh so hard I almost busted a stitch.
El Tiburon
Either your sarcasm radar is broken – or mine is.
bob h
Cheney’s face looks a smooth and pink as a baby’s behind
Actually, Cheney looks vaguely posthumous to me. I wonder if he will be around that much longer.