Larison just rips Captain Ed to pieces for his latest burst of idiocy, and If Captain Ed had any shame, he would put up a post apologizing for being so stupid. Even though Larison is completely right and Ed completely wrong, expect Ed to keep repeating this nonsense from now until the end of time. It isn’t about the facts, it is about the narrative, and we will be hearing about all of Obama’s nonexistent foreign policy gaffes from now until when the Petraeus/Palin ticket is formed.
And for the record- the first time I saw the “Obama lost Kyrgystan stuff” it started with none other than…. Michael Goldfarb and the Weekly Standard. Just expect them to keep repeating it until it becomes one of their undeniable truths, just like blaming Obama for the stock market drops that occurred during President Bush’s term. They have their story, and they are sticking to it.
Leelee for Obama
In some circles, this is considered clinically insane behavior. However, in the world according to Goldfarb, Captain Ed and the Bush guy who said, "we are creating our own reality", this is how a dedicated partisan fights.
The truly scary stuff is only just beginning; c-span had a Bush Love fest last night that I just couldn’t watch, and this AM Dana Perrino is on WJ giving her opinion on Obama’s Presidency, and GWB’s post presidency
Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot!
kommrade reproductive vigor
You’re citing unAmerican history. These wanks are implementing RealAmerican(TM) history:
Prehistory: Kar-Tur, History’s Greatest Monster ruled the world and terrorized everyone with sweaters and lowered thermostats.
1st Era. Reagan slew the Kar-Tur, and all was well in the world.
2nd Era. Hooray! Permanent Reagan-Approved Republican Majority 4Evar.
4th Era. Nothing is known of this era. Kar-Tur’s spirit destroyed the records and wiped the memories of everyone except a few DFH’s. Guess Clinton was still in office.
5th Era. OMG OBAMA RUINED EVERYTHING! RealAmerican’s(TM) Galt into the wilds until the United Socialist Republic of America crumbles and they return to rebuild the shining shitty on the shill.
Who is going to break it to these Galters that the GOP dumped nukular waste in all the good hiding places?
It’s obvious that the Russians are just saber-rattling, and it’s premature to conclude that the Obama administration has blundered somehow in response.
That being said, President Obama MUST respond at some point, or the saber-rattling will escalate into tangible military provocations as the Kremlin gains confidence with the lack of opposition.
With the worldwide economic crisis possibly worsening throughout the year, and country after country descending into strife and chaos, now is not the time for hand-wringing and pleas for any "let’s be friends" hugging that liberals prioritize over military action. Obama better figure out how to rattle his own saber, otherwise our enemies will conclude that America would be willing to live on its knees than die on its feet.
And yet how does Mr. Larison continue to self-identify?
El Cid
The moment I read the article I knew this would happen.
Despite there being no actual bases and no actual bombers planned to be based in either Venezuela or Cuba, it would become an instant staple of right wing shoutblather that now Obama was lettn’ the damn Russians put bombers right off a’ coast of Miami!
Obviously this is time for a militarist uprising by basement dwelling Cheeto miners to follow Chuck Norris to Texan independence.
There in lies the rub: This word shame, they know it not.
El Cid
@kommrade reproductive vigor: You left out the part when Reagan’s tears at seeing how beautiful Morning in America was carved the Grand Canyon!
kommrade reproductive vigor
@El Cid: Silly! The Russians are there to protect the oil rigs China put in around Cuba. And Venezuela. Really the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico have been wall to wall with reds for years but don’t expect Obama to protect us from his friends.
Yes, it is obvious that we are on the brink of nukular combat, toe to toe with the Russkies.
I have to say I’m very disappointed with Obama. The wingers told us he would establish an Afro caliphate, and here were are almost two months into his reign and my neighborhood has no new minarets. This is not change I can believe in.
A Squirrel
Poor Ed. I laughed out loud when I read that Larison passage. I actually thought to myself, "I bet John Cole will like this". Sho nuff.
John Cole
@A Squirrel: It was awesome. Almost as good was his take down of the “other” McCain.
Cruel Jest
Little known fact: 9/11 actually happened during Clinton’s term. That people believe it happened in 2001 is a liberal media propaganda coup.
Also, Massachusetts has WMDs because of gay people.
Is "We Surround Them" the new "Wolverines"? Jonah won’t respond to my email anymore.
Davis X. Machina
Recognize the Bros. Castro, open up the business and travel floodgates, and the regime there goes ‘poof’ in 18 months.
End of problem.
Of course, Capt. Ed and his ilk won’t like that, either.
El Cid
@kommrade reproductive vigor: Will this mean that the Russians will once again be only a few days’ drive from Harlingen. Texas?
All they’ll have to do is land in Venezuela and then drive unnoticed through Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Mexico, and, bam! We’re helpless, and Texas falls to Putin’s floating head, unless President of Texas Chuck Norris assembles the Glenn Beck divisions and We Surrounds Them.
Is he talking about those fucking DVDs or something?
Goldfarb is always excellent at backing up his claims, as is evident in this golden oldie with Rick Sanchez.
Steve V
I expect McCain to adopt Captain Ed’s analysis on this shortly.
Cruel Jest
@Steve V:
Holy crap! It is good news for McCain.
Mike in NC
Now would be a very good time for Texas Gov. Perry to reconsider turning down the federal stimulus money. He could raise a legion of the unemployed and arm them with pitchforks to defend the border from all those Mexicans and Russkies.
@El Cid: I don’t think anyone can fight their way past the Mexican drug warlords at this point.
Faux News
Leelee: I made the mistake of actually going to the Capt. Ed site and reading the comments. Talk about batshit wignut insane! It was like the Freepers but on crystal meth.
These people are pathetic and clearly have no lives other than their online WOLVERINES! commando squads operated in their parents’ dank, dark basements.
@kommrade reproductive vigor: We have always been at war with Eastasia.
Seriously, POTD. Full of win, etc. As Orwell said:
Hard to read Republican’s readings on current events or Amity Shlaes "history" of the Depression as anything but an attempt to wipe the last 50 years of historical understanding from the books and replace it with one more favorable to conservatives.
Some people, when they find themselves in the wrong, re-evaluate their beliefs and change course. Conservatives, not so much.
@Atanarjuat: Booty call Attanut!
Yes, rattling sabers at each other, that is without a doubt the best way to handle foreign policy. It’s worked so well in the past. Living with the constant threat of global nuclear annihilation and trillions spent on weapons to fight such a war that we never want to happen (can’t rattle a saber without a saber, amiright?) is so obviously a better strategery than stoopid peace.
We made ’em, we own ’em, they are our problem.
And I, for one, welcome them as our new overlords.
Obama will be remembered as the Neville Chamberlain of "Cuban Missle Crisis II, Wingnut Boogaloo".
We can thank the American gun lobby and the NRA for their great efforts at supplying and arming Mexican drug gangs.
America first!
@calipygian: The Army Times is clearly a left-wing tool of the Bolsheviks.
kommrade reproductive vigor
@Davis X. Machina: No, no, no. That’s Phase III of the nefarious plot to make American’s think so c i a l ists* aren’t the blood thirsty, Bible hating, Christian buggering monsters that they are.
And then, and then, after he defeats all the commies with a round house kick, President Chinless Kungfu Hack would break down the gates around the White House with his bare fists of fury and – and, oh! All the guards would bow down to the real president and throw the So ci al is t* usurper into the Potomac, AND the statues of Lincoln and Jefferson would weep red, white and blue tears of joy.
Between you me and the wall, I’d love it if all those bugfuckers Galted down to the border and got into a bit of strife with the drug cartels. Look on the bright side boys, they’re using RealAmerican bullets to tear you a new asshole!
Seriously, someone please tell me these fuckers were furious when Bush stuck his nose up Putin’s ass and caught a buzz from the sweet flowery scent of his soul. It would restore some of my faith in the human race.
*To appease the #%&* filter, that’s why.
Kirk Spencer
Ed Morrissey has consistently mis-stated history and facts for so long that any time I read a post under his name I assume it’s wrong till proven otherwise. Once in a while I’m mistaken in this (for example, he was also offended at that Seattle cop beating the 15 year old), but for the most part it’s served me well.
I don’t think I’ve made it plain enough. Try it this way — I trust Michelle Malkin to be more honest and accurate.
Leelee for Obama
@Faux News:
This is all true, Faux. I cannot bring myself to read their stuff anymore, because they really make me feel nauseous. How did the Birchers allow themselves to descend to this previously unknown level of Hell? One would think most of them still have some health insurance and could get some kind of thorazine-like medication, no?
My only consolation is that they are likely too frightened of their own imaginings to venture far from their keyboards-weapon of choice, I hear.
I’d love for them to have to live even my ordinary, not completely deprived life for a year of two, and find out that imagined enemies are far less threatening than real ones that you face because you don’t have a choice.
Putin thinks Chavez is a fool, he will never, I repeat, never, put any of his military force anywhere near the control of a man he does not trust or think he can control. This is all left over from last year’s military maneuvers, which was showboating and still is.
vishnu schizt
Like Cap’t Ed and atnarajizz said, we need to act tough here against these commie bastards!!!!!!!!!!!!! I personally have just performed a three part dance series entitled "Fuck you Putin!". I’ll be sending the tape to the White House. As I said it consists of three acts each one designed to show just how pissed off we are and how we, the United States of ‘Merica, ain’t gonna take no shit from some vodka swilling, army pants model with a penchant for horses, mountain streams and tucking his pants in his boots. Jesus Christ what a fucking Faggot! Ahem.. back to the dance act one is an african stomping act set to drums where I stomp the shit out of one of those russian "pregnant" dolls eventually kicking the remains in to a vat of boiling acid (actually dry ice and my pasta cooker draped with the US flag). I’m dressed as a Masai with the costume made out of Obama bumper stickers. Second act I perform a series of ballet moves while dressed in a pink tuu tuu to demonstrate our nimble female inspired foreign policy. In this I jump over a clumsy, fat man dressed as a Russian bear several times, he tries to grab at me an poke me with a "missile". In the final act, I perform a series of deft Tango moves where eventually I bend a crossdressing man in a red, white and blue striped sweater (like hugo’s) and short skirt, with Che’s beard and beret over and show him who’s the man around here. I suggest Obama perform this on the White House lawn. There’s doing something bitches!!!!
Comrade Darkness
@kommrade reproductive vigor Between you me and the wall, I’d love it if all those bugfuckers Galted down to the border and got into a bit of strife with the drug cartels. Look on the bright side boys, they’re using RealAmerican bullets to tear you a new asshole!
Kind of a Bay of Pigs II you mean? Gosh it must have been quiet on the right in those days after that particular bit of self-selected idiocy. MMmmm.
Added: I can’t top Vishnu and should not be soiling this thread after his pure white genius.
@vishnu schizt:
A Squirrel
@John Cole: "Please, stop pointing the intellectual bankrupty!" LOL
Captain Ed is so douchey because you know he knows better, but his assimilation into The Movement is now complete. He knows where his bread is buttered.
Just Some Fuckhead
@vishnu schizt: lmfao
Amazing savagery; you usually don’t see Larison going on the attack with such verbiage.
This is very true. His stuff at Captain’s Quarters was, for the most part, well-thought out and showed independent thought. Since he went to HotAir, he seems to have abandoned critical thinking. He’s an attack dog now.
For these people, the Bush Administration started in 2002 (well, September 12, 2001, to be precise) and ended in 2007 (November 30). You have to understand that, or nothing else they say will make sense.
Of course, even if we allow them to call 2001 the Legacy of Clintonism and 2008 the Prelude to Obama, that would still leave their guy a failure of historic magnitude–which is why so many Republicans just want him locked up in the attic, as far from the national stage as possible. I imagine most of the remaining dead-enders will be on board with this program soon enough. "He wasn’t even really a conservative, you know. We distrusted him from the start."