I don’t know who it is filling in for Bob Schieffer, and maybe it was the two guests (Grassley and Barney Frank), but it just seemed to be a completely different show and much better than the usual nonsense. I will have to read the transcript (I was cleaning and only sort of paying attention), but I don’t remember getting chest pains once.
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I agree that it was better. The host was Harry Smith who hosts the weekday morning show.
The host may have been somewhat better, but the questions were just as stoopid.
I’m just now watching the show. I was pleased that Grassley did not jump on the "fire Geithner" band wagon.
While flipping channels, I heard Gregory ask whether or not Obama came across angry. What was that about?
Throwin Stones
I know this is no new observation, but listening to the smug George Will makes me want to punch something (preferably him right in the nose). The context of what he says doesn’t even matter, it’s that pompous sneer and attitude.
The upcoming 60 Minutes interview where he responds to Cheney?
@smiley: Obama should be angry at Potter Dick’s comment as should the American people.
Totally off topic…but my wife just started a new blog about pregnancy and the effects. If you or any woman might be interested, please feel free to check it out:
Thanks in advance.
I just finished the Matt Taibbi piece in Rolling Stone, and I’m feeling a bit queasy:
Yeah, I like Obama. I worked to get him elected. But I’m starting to wonder if he’s not just another of the "small class of connected insiders" of whom Taibbi speaks. Surely Geithner and Bernanke are.
I knew the Fed was powerful, but had no idea how truly omniscient it is. Also.
Here’s a link to Face the Nation. http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=4882515n
Aunt Moe
The terrific show this a.m. was MTP. Two governors and Bloomberg defty dodged Gregory’s inane (and hostile to Obama) questions, while actually offering information to the viewers about what’s happening and what we need to do about it. All three by the way – Rendell, Schwartzeneger and Bloomberg – expressed absolute admiration of and confidence in Obama and Geitner.
Gregory, in the face of this, began just about every question with "But . . ." What a tool.
I do not think that is it at all. I think he is being played by Geithner and Summers. He has always heard they were smart and the right people for the job and he bought it. I’m sure he felt like if he put in someone like Krugman the villagers heads would have exploded. Remember what was going on at the time–at the time it happened he (Geithner) seemed like a logical choice, because everyone hated Summers so he went with Geithner. I’m sure if he had picked someone else they would have called him a socialist the first day rather than a week later. Maybe I’m wrong, but no matter how smart Obama is no one or very few people understand this shit and the powers that be like it that way. They love rolling their eyes because we do not understand it–hell, they probably roll their eyes at him.
Personally, I really feel for Bob Schieffer. He goes way back to the pre-Reagan, pre-Nixon days when national politcians weren’t ignorant sociopaths babbling incoherent lunacy in a frantically failed effort to convince the viewers that white is in fact black and day is in fact night. I get the feeling Bob Schieffer finds himself confused and nonplussed when faced with empty-headed goofballs who gibber demented twaddle — people like, oh, say, Newt Gingrich blaming the Columbine shootings on teaching evolution, or Ronald "The Great Communicator" Reagan blabbering that "forest fires have created more pollution than all the smokestacks in the world" and "facts are stupid things," and more recently Sarah Palin explaining that she reads "all the magazines" (including Wooden Boatmaker and Transactions of Algebraic Topology and Knitting World, I guess) and she’s qualified to lead the country because she can see Russia from her house.
I think Schieffer’s brain seizes up and goes into vapor-lock when he hears this kind of abject idiocy spilling out of the mouths of the Jeffrey Dahmer wannabes who traipse through his show, and he probably thinks to himself, holy crap, I could have chosen that animal husbandry major in college instead of journalism, and I’d be somewhere in Iowa jerking off a bull right now instead of sitting here humiliating myself like this. And I think Bob Schieffer sort of gets sad and blanks out and loses track of things, y’know? So those Meet the Press sessions aren’t quite what they could be.