I guess this is, sadly, not very surprising:
In the Fox News segment, widely aired on the Internet, Mr. Gutfeld said the Canadian military “wants to take a breather to do some yoga, paint landscapes, run on the beach in gorgeous white capri pants.”
“Isn’t this the perfect time to invade this ridiculous country?” he said. “They have no army.”
[….]“I didn’t even know they were in the war. I thought that’s where you go if you don’t want to fight — you go chill in Canada,” he said.
Four hearses carrying the flag-draped coffins of the latest Canadian soldiers killed in Afghanistan are receiving a police escort along the Highway of Heroes.
[….]The deaths bring to 116 the number of Canadian soldiers who have died in the Afghan mission since it began in 2002.
No US ally has lost more troops in Afghanistan than Canada.
Update. I missed this part of the Globe and Mail piece the first time through:
Mr. Gutfield, who is also a Huffington Post blogger, author and magazine editor who previously had stints at the helm of Men’s Health, Stuff and Maxim UK, refused to reply to an e-mail from The Globe and Mail sent to his personal account requesting an interview (as well as a short game of Canadian trivia). Instead, he forwarded the message to a Fox publicist, who responded on his behalf.
I’m not the biggest fan of the HuffPost, but why on earth would they let someone like this clown blog there?
Update update. And here’s what Gutfield wrote in his Twitter account about the incident:
My apologies to the Canadian military, they probably could at least beat the Belgians.
Comrade Stuck
“Isn’t this the perfect time to invade this ridiculous network?” I say. “They have no decency.”
Gives new meaning to the term "Ugly American"
I’m looking at you, Greg.
Via a diary on the GOS Rec List, it seems that the Fox host has been forced to issue a mealy-mouthed apology:
"Misunderstood". Right. Still, it does serve as a data point that it is theoretically possible to get Fox News to back down from some asinine thing that one of their hosts has said.
I don’t know which is worse.
That they went, or that their support is belittled by the idiots in our country.
It’s particularly an a–holish move because we’re there cleaning up after that very large army that was whisked off to the central front in the GWOT in Iraq. They are great troops but more and more Canucks are getting tired of seeing them come home in closed coffins from that conflict that will never, ever end, maybe not even if they get a few decades with no foreign troops on their soil. SNAFU, indeed.
Here’s the story on some of the first Canadian troops killed there, BTW-
It’s shallow consolation, but at least one of those idiots lost some money:
Colonel Danite
It’s difficult to imagine a more ignorant, vile group of people. Do you think the right wing talking heads will condemn these idiots for disparaging one of our allies? Remember that those people werethe ones who wailed when someone dared mention that a member of the Iraq War "coalition of the willing" might only be contributing 10 or 20 soldiers.
I’m an occasional poster here; I imagine it is only the Canadians here who recognize what my login name refers to.
Suffice it to say that I have never been as disgusted with Fox News as I am right now. Words fail me.
Fox is to humor as lead is to balloons.
mr. whipple
Red Eye: worst people in the woooooorld!
gil mann
Jim Treacher sure hitched his wagon to one helluva star.
South of I-10
I couldn’t even watch the whole clip. Arrogant and ignorant, great little show they have there.
this is the show that called obama halfrican-american.
canada will have their revenge. their banks are more solvent.
Non-apology apology. What an asshole.
"I’m soooo sorry the rest of the world is too stupid to ‘get me’ and my humor. I’m soooo sorry that everyone misunderstood that when I was making fun of our military allies, what I really meant was…what I really meant was…Hey, look over there! Missing white woman!!"
I’d like to throw in that US troops killed 4 Canadian soldiers as a result of sheer incompetence and a lack of care to duty in 2002.
Canucks didn’t go on the air and shit all over America for it.
John S.
Wow, Greg Gutfeld is still an asshole.
And in other news, water is still wet.
This is somehow suppose to show that Canada is stupid and lame, but really, which country would you rather live in?
Is it really a selling point for our nation that our police drive "heavily armored cars" and wear bulletproof vests?
Edited to add: I see leo made the point before I did.
lilly Von Schtupp
Frank, it’s more MANLY!
Yeah, but it’s past time we started calling these morons out, because the vast bulk of American citizens doesn’t pay very close attention. One reason Rush Limpbaugh has become the "leader of the Republican party" is that Rush isn’t too fastidious to speak every fReichtard talking point ten thousand times, until even the least attentive voter picks up a vague idea that there must be something dreadful involving Obama’s birth certificate, or they wouldn’t keep hearing those words filter over the airwaves in every coffee shop, oil-change joint, and bus station.
Davis X. Machina
Vimy fucking Ridge.
I’m embarrassed to be an American somedays.
I’ve honestly gotten to the point where absolutely nothing on Fox News will surprise me anymore. Nothing.
Wow! I barely made it through that clip, what a bunch of dickholes
I just wondered if these guys know that the US record in armed conflicts with Canada is:
Canada – 4
US – 0
And that "ridiculous country" didn’t wait until a year and a half after Hitler invaded Poland to send an expeditionary force to Europe to fight the Nazis, either. If not for the Canadians, we’d all be speaking German now, singing "Deutschland, Deutschland, uber alles…"
Comrade Stuck
I’d have moved to Canada a long time ago, if it weren’t a dern nut freezer. I like about everything Canadian, even Hockey, if I had a clue.
Though they can have the shuffleboard on ice with those silly brooms.
I’m afraid of Americans.
Joshua Norton
Fox is to humor as
lead is to balloonsFox is to news.Makes it even worse.
I’m afraid of the world.
Right, like all those horror stories about the hellish nightmare that is living in "old Europe" with socialized healthcare, generous unemployment benefits, universal day care, paid family leave and 4+weeks of vacation time!
I’m sorry, where was I? Oh right, Europe is an absolute pit.
I Don’t know why they didn’t want Doug Benson in Edmonton. I’d pay to fly all of them up to give a show at the barracks.
Hell, I invited all of the up to meet the boys. I’m sure that they would show the redeye folks a good time.
Fox is to news as melamine is to milk.
Ditch Digger
I’ve long been numbed to internet outrage, but i really want to punch these guys in the throat repeatedly.
For more wingnut craziness, Cogitamus posted this video on wingnuts, that I like to call By their Pissing Shall Ye Know Them. Nobody’s going to make a Sitzpinkler out of this guy, nosireebob!
Canadians a pushover?
Please, someone, send us a few educated winguts. Here’s a data point for Mr. Gutfeld:
July 1, 1916: The Newfoundland Regiment, 25 officers, 775 soldiers, at 9:15AM, leap out of trenches in the first assault wave at the Battle of the Somme.
Next day, roll call: 68 men still present.
Though I’m not a Canadian, I’d invite Mr. Gutfeld to open his piehole with this crap in the presence of a Mountie or two. The results would certainly be entertaining.
Bad Horse's Filly
Drop them unarmed into the ugliest area of Afghanistan. Oh, hell, arm them. See what good it does them.
Mr. Gutfeld has the right to say this because, proud and patriotic ‘merken that he is, on September 12, 2001 he bravely enlisted and was one of the first on the ground fighting for freedom in Afghanistan. Oh, wait…
@Davis X. Machina:
Dieppe. That right there qualifies the Canadians as some gutsy SOBs.
But should we really be surprised that Fox only supports American soldiers and spits on our allies?
So we’re to quoting Bowie lyrics now, huh?
Dear Canadians,
We have assholes here in America. Sometimes, some of them get TV shows, especially at ass-crack-o’clock in the morning on Fox News. Sorry about that. We still cool?
Love, America
See, this is what happens when wingers attempt comedy.
Wingnuts can’t remember who was President 3 months ago when all the market-destroying economic malfeasance went down, and are busy trying to blame the Depression on FDR, so I think the "educated" ship has sailed, my friend.
kommrade reproductive vigor
In other news, several members of the Canadian Forces stomped Mr. Gutfled until he was reduced to a vile smelling oil slick. They claimed they mistook him for a large cockroach and apologized for the misunderstanding.
Gott im Himmelreich, jenniebee.
Sitzpinkler? That man is a pure, grade-A wingnut. And he was in Germany for "for three months" so he should know!
Perhaps he could ask some German men about whether they pee standing up. Again: the result might be entertaining.
PPCLI – the Canadian military is a great fighting force when our guys aren’t busy killing your guys through gross negligence. Too bad about 2 Commando in Somalia, another disaster that should ultimately be laid at the feet of US Republican leadership.
I love it how these guys in this clip who have never worn a fucking uniform (except, perhaps, a fast food logoed polyester top) are seeking joy in denigrating the distress felt by those who have actually had the guts to serve.
Send these dregs of the sewage treatment process to Afghanistan. Or a Canadian veterans’ hospital. Or to a session with a real yogini. By the end of the hour it would be the Nut Salutation, because they would be namaste-ing their eensy-weensy sacks from afar.
Fixed. And heaven help those American soldiers should they be injured. Then Fox News has no use for you.
Joshua Norton
Wingnutters flock to the strangest tangents like pigeons to breadcrumbs, and just don’t let it go. As I recall, Mann Coulter once declared that Canada was lucky the USA let it exist.
Ah, how does that go again?
-America First
These asshats don’t do patriotism. It’s nationalism all the way. Torture? It’s okay as long as you do it while wrapped in the flag. Bunch of Canadians die helping us? Fuck ’em, if they wanted to matter, they’d move to Michigan (or Israel). First and fourth amendments? Pre-9/11 mindset…
steve s
Remember Fox’s attempt to do a conservative version of the daily show? It lasted 13 episodes.
steve s
redo to try to get the formatting right:
Remember Fox’s attempt to do a conservative version of the daily show? It lasted 13 episodes.
Fucking assholes. Fucking ASSHOLES. Wow, I’m actually gritting my teeth in rage. Casually dismissing the sacrifices of Canadian troops and sliming them all with "they’re such effete sissies" innuendo at the same time. Real classy, Greg.
I’d be willing to contribute to a fund that hires a busload of Canadians to pay a little visit to this show’s set, armed with hockey sticks, and put all four of these unctuous little shits into intensive care.
What’s really galling about the whole thing is that Canada volunteered to go to Afghanistan out of sympathy and support for what Americans went through during 9/11, but instead of the U.S. putting full support behind that mission, they went off to Iraq and put Afghanistan on the back burner. If the U.S. has kept its focus on Afghanistan Canada would not have worn down as they are now, and public opinion in Canada may not have turned against military involvement there.
Oh cool, there’s another Sitzpinkler Sermon where he goes after Little House on the Prairie for not being "manly" and claims that Michael Landon died of AIDS.
Joshua Norton
If any of these chest beating pea-brains ever had to back up any of their words, they’d wet themselves. Then you’d have to tear down their house around them to get them out from under their beds.
Comrade Darkness
their banks are more solvent.
Wait a year, then we’ll see. Their banks are heavily invested through subsidiaries around the world and it’s not clear how much their domestic operations are at risk from their international exposure. It will depend on how deep this thing goes. I went looking this weekend for a Canadian bank to diversify into while the dollar seems unusually buoyant and wasn’t terribly impressed.
They also were not terribly clear about foreign-sourced deposits in Canadian dollars being guaranteed. The FDIC site has that front and center and in comparison the CDIC’s language is a bit hedging.
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
That’s exactly right, tousjoursdan. Basically, it’s as though the U.S. and Canada are two buddies at a bar. Someone comes up and sucker-punches the U.S. and a fight breaks out. Canada leaps in to help his buddy. He’s heavily outweighed and outnumbered, but is doing his best, when he looks over and realizes that the U.S. has gone to the bar down the street and has sucker-punched someone there.
"WTF?" doesn’t even begin to describe the reaction that most of us had when the U.S. decided to go on its little Iraqi adventure.
And as for Gutfeld…that little bitch better hope I never see him face to face. I’d leave that miserable little waste of oxygen lying on the sidewalk, choking on his own blood. My grandfather (rest his soul) was a Canadian veteran, and I’ve been to Vimy Ridge and I saw row upon row of graves of Canadians — most of them friggin’ kids.
That "apology" was pathetic, and everybody here knows it.
I’m all for a program of "extreme rendition" of douchebags like that to the countries they insult, even if it raises our standing in the world only marginally.
If you think their Canada jokes are not funny, just wait until you hear their fresh and timely jokes about the French.
After that, they’ll have a hilarious skit showing homeless people being used as public urinals, and then Greg Gutfeld will punch a pregnant feminist in the vagina.
Who says right-wingers don’t know comedy?
face it, the guy is actually getting some publicity for once in his career and he’s gonna ride it for all it’s worth.
One possible consolation: unlike between, say, 2001 and 2006, it’s the third-string Fox boys who are pulling this 11 on the manly scale of absolute gender stuff, not the first-stringers like Brit Hume.
At least with respect to this story.
Wouldn’t need a busload of Canadians, Rob Furlong would easily suffice. Former Canadian sniper, he holds the record for longest confirmed combat kill. Took out an AQ fighter carrying a RPK at 2430m, about a mile and a half shot. Did so in 2002 Afghanistan probably about the time Gutfield was going through 101 Fighting Keyboardist basic training.
Could those jackasses in that clip be any smaller pissants?
Mike in NC
@ #8 ppcli
Might that be Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, one of the most distiguished regiments of foot soldiers in the Second World War? A record in Italy that was unsurpassed. Farley Mowat, etc.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Only if you beat the piss out of them.
re: Furlong*:
What were you saying about Canadian cops Mr. Gutfled?
*Could he possibly have a more appropriate name? No.
holy shit.
I’m trying to translate that to a sports analogy. Isn’t that kind of like putting a hoop in the end zone and shooting a 3-pointer from the 50 yard line?
R. Porrofatto
It’s for assholes like this that the French invented the phrase un tas de merde.
(Actually, I don’t know if the French invented "piece of shit" but it would certainly be fitting for this specimen if they did.)
Fred Phelps is a Con Man
spread the word.
Davis X. Machina
Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry. Didn’t have to look it up, either.
Up heah in Maine, we keep an eye out for our neighbors, and appreciate it when they keep an eye out for us. Until recently, in the big mill towns, you could usually find a Royal Canadian Legion post, or at least one co-located with the American Legion. Had a few beers once with someone who was a mortarman with the North Shore Regiment in Italy…memorable stories of Cassino, the Liri
@r€nato: they like to talk about how wussy the French are, but I notice they never tell a para that to his face.
America is basically Peter Griffin. Dick Cheney is Stewey.
These guys remind me of the punks in Witness who smeared ice cream on Alexander Godunov’s character. Ignorant, effete thugs.
Tom Levenson
Sometimes I come here just to watch the experts insult with precision. It’s a pleasure. I used to think English was slightly under equipped when it came to invective. I do so no longer.
Yeah, best to ignore him.
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
The Moar You Know
I’d like to turn Mr. Dumbfuck there into the middle of the ice at a hockey game, after playing his "humor" on the Jumbotron. It would be interesting to see if they could clean his remains out of the rafters.
Seriously: on behalf of my country, the United States of America, I apologize to both the nation and citizenry of Canada. This is not right. Sadly, I am not in a position to either force a real apology from this meat-based doorstop or have him executed for the offense he has committed, so this apology will have to do.
J. Michael Neal
That’s an insult to Jimmy Page.
Ash Can
::points upward::
What Moar You Know said.
I’m a McGill grad. I’m a Canadian Studies major. I know the significance of Dieppe et al. I’ve also traveled in Europe, and chatted at length with Belgian war vets and their descendants.
I believe in an afterlife. I believe what goes around, comes around. I believe in karma.
I would not want to be in Mr. Gutfeld’s shoes.
Wile E. Quixote
Greg "Right wing shitbag coward" Gutfeld
Corrected. What a piece of garbage. What a totally worthless piece of garbage.
I especially like tough-guy Jonathan Hoenig: "We’ve been soft for too long. I mean, let’s win this war".
Jonathan’s only problem is that he’s too much of a pussy to actually fight.
Michael D.
I don’t think this is typical of the attitude toward Canada, but every time I hear criticism like this, it disgusts me. Size-wise, Canada is a large country. Population-wise, we’re small.
We fucking give all.
Fuck those who condescend. Fuck them. The lives of Canadians are worth every bit as much as those of Americans. Fuck those who think otherwise.
Fuck them.
It’s no wonder people fucking hate Americans. What a shitty fucking attitude. And honestly, That’s not fair either – most Americans are smarter than this. But fuck those who think Americans are the only ones doing anything and are the only lives worth mourning.
Fuck them. We’re there for YOU – not vice versa.
Fuck those who think in percentages and who think because 4000+ Americans have died that it outweighs the number of Canadians and others who’ve died.
F.U.C.K. Them.
P.S.: I’m not pissed at B-J commenters. I’m just tired of people who discount the Canadian contribution to this effort. I’m sick of it. Fucking SICK of it.
You’re fucking LUCKY Canada is on your side. If not, you’d have a lot more enemies you fucking fucks.
I don’t think he’s actually posted there in a few years. When he did, though, it was kinda wierd. The blog portion was accessed by clicking on his profile. That’s where he wrote it. The main blog area had some meaningless stuff in it.
2nd Battalion PPCLI was awarded a United States Presidential Unit Citation for its stand at the battle of Kapyong. April 22-25, 1951.
Man, what fucking assholes. I’d beat the shit out of them too if I ever saw them.
And yeah, the Canadians deserve a sincere apology.
People are right to point out Vimy Ridge and Dieppe. Those little Fox weenies should also learn about the First Special Service Force, a combined US-Canadian unit in WWII that was as tough as they came.
Actually, he joked the Canadian government, and the way in which it has allowed it’s military to go to shit for lack of funding and support. And then went on to say he respects anyone who serves their country.
Does it ever get old in this echo chamber?
Surreal American
Anytime you see Monica Crowley on a TV "discussion" panel, you just know you’re watching the 21st Century revival of the Algonquin Round Table (/sarc).
Why not a non-apology from Gutfield? After all, he is the host of a non-comedy show that’s broadcast on a non-news channel.
A little late at this point for him to show genuine regrets or anything else genuine, isn’t it?
*about the
Watch yourself. I had to edit that comment.
Oh, for fuck’s sake, now I’m *really* pissed off.
I’ve spent some time over there in Flanders, wandering around the WW I battlefields. I’ve seen the place where the Germans first used Mustard Gas in the war, against the Canadians. In fact, they are the only ones who held the line against the Germans near Ypres.
There are more Canadians under the ground in Belgium than there are working neurons in Gutfield’s head. What a horrible, horrible man.
Fuck him. I’m an atheist, but if there is a Hell, it is for the Gutfields of the world.
Mike S
I’ve tried watching that show a few times. It’s not at all funny.
Actually I don’t get why Redeye and that other FOX show suck so bad. The conservatives I know are funny as shit. Yet redeye and 1/2 hour news hour just make them all look less funny than grass growing.,
Well, I am absolutely shocked that an unfunny libertarian conservative apologist asshole would make a stupid comment.
Surreal American
@Michael D.:
As an American (albeit not a "real" American but a surreal one), I do not belittle the contributions of any U.S. ally, especially those of the Canadians.
Honestly, I do not know where this idiotic (and unjustified) chauvinism of our Wingnuttia denizens comes from.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
And then there are the self-hating Canadians. I switch back and forth between the CBC and Toronto talk radio when I work at home (CBC when I feel serene, talk radio when I’m spoiling for a fight) and this has already come up a couple of times. One libertarian host called it comedy and nothing to get worked up about, and the morning show conservative thought it was awful, but something we set ourselves up for by mentioning taking a break. (Of course, this is the same guy who plays the most mawkish, craptacular soft-rock tribute to Canadian soldiers every chance he gets. Don’t make me hunt it down and link to it.)
Per capita, Canada has lost more soldiers (116) in Afghanistan than the US has (669). Incidentally, this kind of ratio was true for WWI and WWII as well.
The non-apology apology from Gutfeld was insincere at best. He said he "didn’t intend to disrespect" the Canadian armed forces or the RCMP, but that’s exactly what he did intend. His Twitter tripe just proves it. He’s an insincere, smarmy, smug ignoramus.
I’ll tell you, if I ever meet the guy, I’m going up on assault charges myself. Not that I particularly feel compelled to defend the honour of either the armed forces or the RCMP, but the trivialisation of Canadians yet again sticking our necks out for Americans and getting no recognition rankles quite a bit. Also, he made an enemy of me by using the most misogynistic insults possible. In case you didn’t catch the subtext or the vocal mannerisms, he and his scabrous crew of panelists basically said that the Canadian Forces and the RCMP are a bunch of faggy faggy sissy girly fags and that kind of crap gets up my nose.
It’s bad enough to insult soldiers and police officers who, people like them have been telling us for years, are ostensibly fighting for our freedoms; it’s quite another kettle of rancid fish altogether to insult them by calling them women.
Steve V
Yeah, I’m pretty sure his HuffPo stint was short-lived. It’s pretty lame he can still be referred to as a HuffPo blogger when he’s been gone for years. HuffPo should say something about this, actually.
I’m mad!!!111!!11!!! See me roar in righteousness. Jesus Christ, grow a sense of humor. Good on Gutfield for not bending over for such idiocy. Some of you people are seriously unbalanced. The Canadian servicemen I work alongside are grownups, they wouldn’t throw a hissy fit over a comedy show.
Moreover, they actually by and large agree with Gutfield. Because *shocker* on a day by day basis they deal with the bullshit of being used as political pawns abroad while not being supported financially. They know their government supports them on the cheap – with less defense spending per capita than any country in NATO but Luxembourg. Their equipment is falling apart. Their government should be shamed. Not Gutfield.
That crack about the Mounties is actually wrong, and has been for awhile. The horses & red outfits are ceremonial stuff, when actually on duty they look like any other cop now — right down to the guns.
The man behind Project Grizzly is not amused.
What these gasbags don’t realize is that Canada has done much more in Afghanistan than provide troops and die on the battlefield. While watching us abandon our commitment to Afghanistan for another little adventure in Iraq, they’ve tried to do the state-building we were supposed to do. And now, Canadian diplomats going around American universities, convincing the public that Afghanistan is still a worthwhile endeavor and that donor countries should continue to invest.
Fucking ingrates.
Canada in next to Alaska, no?
Think about it.
At least reading this thread has made this canadian a lot happier. It’s good to see how many Americans actually do appreciate the canadian contributions to Afghanistan and to democracy.
@Michael D.:
Wait, don’t you live in the US, sucking off the teet?
If you don’t like it go back to your godforsaken frozen wasteland, huddle up in your igloo munching poutine and kiss your queen’s saggy ass.
And take that hideous Celine Dion with you.
Jim Treacher
Aw, you remembered. I haven’t posted to the Daily Gut in quite some time, but I like Gutfeld and his humor. Now that he’s apologized, it’s time to move on. I like these new rules!
Phoenician in a time of Romans
I thought that’s where you go if you don’t want to fight — you go chill in Canada,”
I believe that would be the Texas Air National Guard…
No one has ever accused Canadians of being especially bright visa-vee world affairs. Canadians are not unlike West Virginians, the smart talented people go to the US to make money and the not so smart children fight in other people’s wars.
Where does this wingnut idea of pansy-ass Canada come from anyway? Sarah Palin, Governor Starburst herself, comes from Alaska, which is full of manly men who spent their time shooting wolves, wrestling bears and chopping down trees in a manly way. Whereas, right next door, Canada is full of the Nathan Lane character from The Birdcage. WTF?
Gigantor Minisculus
No, it’s much, much harder than that. With the wind, he was aiming 22 feet away from his target. The bullet would have dropped nearly 100 yards in the 4.5 seconds it took to get there. It was a mile and a half away. It was quite an achievement. And of course, snipers don’t just kill one person, they also freak out everyone else around the dead guy, so he was really helping with the AQ fighters in Afghanistan. Many people are uncomfortable with sniping, but he really did save American lives.
The thing that struck me about these obnoxious comments is that some conservative speakers seem to believe that because they support the military, that that gives the same stature as someone who is actually in the military. If a U.S. Army guy wanted to dump on the Canadian Army, well, he could be right or wrong, but he has earned his right to have a strong opinion.
I guess you see the same attitude with sports fans where "we" beat the Knicks or the Yankees or whatever, while some of the "we" members train year-round at their sport, and endure a lifetime of struggle trying to get the skills and endurance to excel, while others in the "we" are still trying to find the best way to open the Cheetos bag.
Aren’t they the ones to ever launch a successful invasion of the US and burn down the White House?
Zuzu's Petals
I stayed at the Union Club in Victoria, BC a couple of years back. Above the mantle, in a place of honor, is a large plaque with the name of the war dead. They damn well don’t forget.
Zuzu's Petals
I choked with laughter over that woman worrying about Palin, "who is on the front lines of … RUSSIA!"
No. That was the Brits. Canadians are still a Brit colony or a US colony. They get all whiney about how special they are, but when it comes down to it, all the smart canadians go to the US to make money and all the rest live in igloos and enlist in silly wars.
Personally, I’m sick of Canadians and their "We got killed lots in WW2" and "National health care, we have it!".
Fuck em, what have they ever done for me?
Zuzu's Petals
@R. Porrofatto:
Speaking of the French, it used to piss me off no end to hear the nutters mock them as "surrender monkeys."
I guess they never studied history. Else they would have known that 92,000 Frenchmen died during the Battle of France, and another 58,000 died later on the Western Front. Not to mention the 20,000 or so who died in the Resistance. Oh yes, and the 5,000 or so who died fighting the Japanese in Indochina.
I read some more of that guys tweets and it has to be a spoof.
Michael D.
Do I live in the US? Yes.
Am I suckling off the teet? Hardly. What I pay in taxes every year would be a decent salary.
Michael D.
@Mako: Yeah, we’re a pretty dumb lot. Not many accomplishments for us Canadians. Except:
And on and on and on….
Oh, and that robotic arm, without which the Space Shuttle program would be useless? That didn’t just appear out of thin air, either.
Comrade Nikolita
and @ Krista:
I agree with you both. Personally I support the troops and the hard work they’re doing overseas, but I don’t agree with them being sent there. I’d love to see our troops back by the end of 2009 or 2010 at the latest, because enough is enough. This is America’s war, they can deal with it.
On a lighter note, I just want to say thank you to the Americans who have renewed my faith in my neighbours to the south. I originally read about this story on Fark and was pretty pissed – it’s nice to see there are still some decent people south of the border.
Michael D. — don’t even bother with Mako and his…ilk. Anybody who thinks that it’s okay, or even funny for an American to insult and mock an ally — an ally who has had sons and daughters die on America’s behalf — well, their sense of humour is not exactly what I would call mature. They’re like those cheerful assholes who always take a joke three steps too far, and then when people get pissed off, whine "Jeez…cancha take a joke? Where’s your sense of humour?" And they utterly fail to notice that nobody else is laughing.
People like that can’t be argued with. All you can hope is that they someday have a truly humbling experience that knocks a little bit of empathy into them — hopefully via a blunt object.
Zuzu's Petals
This from someone who actually wrote "visa-vee."
Terry C - Indoctrinated
In the Fox News segment, widely aired on the Internet, Mr. Gutfeld said the Canadian military “wants to take a breather to do some yoga, paint landscapes, run on the beach in gorgeous white capri pants.”
“Isn’t this the perfect time to invade this ridiculous country?” he said. “They have no army.”
Has this moron ever been to Canada?
Can he even find it on a map?
What a fucking asshole.
Canada basically held the line in Afghanistan once we got distracted by the pretty shiny object in Iraq. I have relatives on my wife’s side who’ve done multiple tours there with the Canadian special forces and it is not fucking pretty.
Fuck you, you fucking fuck.
Well, the least defense spending in NATO would be Iceland, for the simple fact that they don’t have an army.
But Canada is 7th or 8th in defense spending per capita in NATO, behind the US, the UK and France, but ahead of Germany and Spain and a whole host of Eastern European countries.
Next time, use facts to combat your xenophobia, although that might be a scary thing to do for you.
Tim F.
Wingnut 1:
Everyone here thinks that Gutfeld was criticizing ordinary Canadian troops, when he would obviously never do any such thing.
Wingnut 2:
Pace Gutfeld, Canadians are loser pussies.
This more or less reflects the wingtard response to every embarrassing right-of-center media figure. I would buy that [Rush/Hannity/Coulter] is irrelevant and/or misunderstood if such a large fraction of the GOP’s base didn’t reflexively jump off a cliff to defend whatever moronic thing they just said.
Just when you think these cretins can’t sink any lower…
Another strong case for bringing back public flogging!
Well, c’mon, except for the pissant countries like El Salvador, Poland, Ukraine, and Tonga that Bush used as a fig leaf to gin up a fraudulent "coalition" in invading Iraq unjustified and unprovoked. Screw them for their part in the big fraud. How the UK got duped into that one is beyond me but it’s good to see that the WH is getting its digs in on Brown, and good too to see the Pres reaching out to Chirac and looking forward to working together with him over the next 4 years. Time for some paybacks.
Monte Cassino, too, if memory serves. Oh, and Canadian diplomatic staff sheltered some American foreign service people during the ’79 Tehran embassy seizure.
But your typical right-winger is too goddam stone ignorant of his own history, let alone that of his neighbors, to know such things.
>canada will have their revenge. their banks are more solvent.
Amerida is coming folks, jes you wait.
BTW, Greg is free to enlist and go to Afghanistan.
@sglover: Excuse me, pardon me. I think you’ll find the ‘typical right-winger’ has gotten all the history they need from Chuck Norris and Sylvester Stallone movies. Oh, and lest I forget, "Wolverines!!!" Assholes!
Ted the Slacker
For accuracy’s sake, I think Britain has lost more troops in Afghanistan.
But Gutfeld is pure maggot, a Fox groupie and shameless pigfucker.
A Hermit
Here’s a couple of new words for Mr Gutfeld to add to his limited vocabulary:
@Mike in NC: According to Wiki, Mowat served in the "Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment", but whatever. "The Grey Seas Under" is one of my favorite books of all time. Somewhat surprised to see the reference to ole Farley.
@Gigantor Minisculus:
I am damned if I can think of a more useful asset in city-based combat than a well-placed sniper. Of course that’s probably one of the reasons people are weirded out by them; the wingnuts and their ilk seem to think that war ‘should’ be men lined up face to face and shooting at each other.
Fuck You
At least Canada wins it’s battles (including burning down the White House), unlike that clusterfuck Vietnam….big bad superpower gets it’s ass handed to them by a bunch of pajama wearing peasants…..that’s what happens when you start bogus wars for profit…asshole.
Fuck You
Fuck you mako you despicable piece of shit.
Your stupid ilk can’t even outwit a 5th grader and the real morons sit on their couch watching and call it prime time television….
We should have told you to Go Fuck Yourself when your airplanes needed safe haven when Bush and Cheney pulled their treasonous act on 9/11…
At least I know my country isn’t the most vile and hated in the world, unlike the absolutely factory of shit you hold dear to your shitty little black right wing heart with your Faux News and your crashed capitalist nightmare and your torture and criminal Wall Street.
Juno Beach – you little bitch
@Fuck You:
But tell us how you really feel.
Northern Observer
FY has vented his spleen so I don’t have to, but I have to say Mako, you’re on really thin ice bragging about the land of opportunity these days as the place where Canada’s best and brightest must go to make it in this world.
Anyone who has been paying attention to the stats knows that the flow has reversed, and will likely continue to do so. US professionals are sooo tasty, keep em coming. As for true adventurers, because that is part of the Canadian essense – the courreur de bois ethos, they are more likely to aim a little farther and higher; China, London, Africa, etc…
My favorite anecdote on this was right after the merril, wamu, lehman meltdown, the financial post interviewed the head of ScotiaBank, one of Canada’s big banks, about snapping up American assets now that they are so cheap. His answer was no. There are nothing but problems in America’s banking future. So what are you doing, the journo asked, oh he was off to Thailand to look at aquiring the number 2 bank in that country with a second meeting in Shanghai about banking opportunities in China.
You don’t even measure up anymore Miko.
Got a lot of remedial to do before you can brag again.
Comrade Kevin
@Joshua Norton:
I believe it was actually Charles Krauthammer who said that.
@Comrade Kevin: For all intents and purposes….same thing!
Jon Chinn
God is an American. I’m afraid of Americans.
David Bowie and Brian Eno "I’m afraid of americans."
Oh, but you don’t understand that classic humor straight out of the American Spectator style sheet. Hippies, hippies always smell a-ha ha ha ha ha. And Europe is being destroyed by all its foolish socialism a-ha ha ha ha ha. The french are cowards ha ha ha haha. And the style sheet is from 1975 ha ha ha ha ha ha ….
I find it quite funny that the people that write here condemn the American military all of the time,yet get peeved when some other countries military is debased. The Canadian military does a great job and should be honored for what it has done and sacraficed. It is still ironic however.
Why don’t we just call his show Brown Eye?
I served seven years in the U.S. Army and trained with many Canadian soldiers.All I can say is, I’m gald they are our allies and not our enemies.Great soldiers…
Loved the comments!
Maybe I’m too thick-skinned or insensitive, but I would have just viewed that whole segment as nothing more than a not-very-funny effort to riff on a vaguely amusing sounding proclamation…. EXCEPT THAT IT WAS ON A SUPPOSED NEWS CHANNEL.
Mainstream media wonders why they’re getting kicked around, but I see questionable decisions like this all the time. Of course your credibility is shit with the American people – you keep programming your channel or laying out your newspaper in a way that makes it hard to tell whether you’re presenting them with what is supposedly news and what is supposedly opinion.
‘visa-vee’ Mako the douchebag, Canadians shouldn’t take him too personally. Wingnuts are all expected to hate every country in the world except America and Israel.
Yeah, American pretty much sucks these days. Bush wrecked it. Not sure if we’re ever coming back. Doubtful.
John PM
@ImJohnGalt: #88
No shit! Not to mention how hard the Belgians themselves fought against the Germans in WWI despite the fact that they knew they were going to get slaughtered.
If New York City were ever invaded and occupied you just know that these little shits would be towing the party line for our new overlords. So what they have to say about war (or anything else) is worthless.
My feelings exactly.
North of 49
Joining the Mako pile-on, in answer to "What has Canada ever done for you?"
Remember the Cold War? NORAD, responsible for the joint defense of North America? The DEW line, the Pinetree Line, Bomarc missiles, fighter bases? All to shoot down Soviet bombers coming over the pole before they reached American soil, hopefully without triggering their nukes in the process. And where would those wrecks come down with all that radioactive material on board?
Canada, damn it. We were your fucking shield, you historical illiterate.
BTW, Mako’s a great name — for a brainless eating machine of low fecundity, in danger of extinction, and possessed of flesh considered poor quality because of its "mushiness".
Ash Can
If you were to actually READ THIS SITE before commenting, you wouldn’t look like a lazy moron to the rest of us. Too late for that, though.
Personally, I think it’s a bit of a sacrilege but what do I know.
@John PM:
Same about the French. About half of the French males of military age were killed or wounded in World War I.
Half. One in two.
nota bene
Let’s see a citation there, asshole. This is a familiar if extremely tired and utterly bullshit rightwing claim, so let’s see some fucking proof.
John Smith
Gutfeld didn’t make the remark about not even knowing Canada was in the war and it being the place where you go if you don’t want to fight. He also agreed with another panelist who said he has much respect for all those who serve in the military. And I’ve read worse said about our US troops by leftist columnists in the Globe and Mail with no apologies requested and none offered. Not that any of you give a shit, it’s Fox, so just pile on.
Hee. You actually think the Globe is leftist. I’d show you an issue of Now Weekly, but the good tarp is at the cleaners and I’m in no mood to wash your exploded brains off the floor.
@Tom Green Is Angry at Fox News (and Not Funny Angry) | Comedy Central Insider Blog:
That was great. Good job Tom Green. Everybody go watch this link
terry chay
He hasn’t been on HuffPo for about two or three years. I remember it during a time when Huffington Post was worried as being tarred “too liberal” so they added him with a “humorous right wing” voice.
His articles were greatly offensive even for a high school men’s locker room. It was that sort of humor.
I think they canned him but he figured out some way to keep posting secretly via his bio. Which he changed a lot since then.
HuffPo really needs to do something about this guy.
Marc with a C
You know, I fancy myself as a pretty funny guy who sometimes says outrageous things in order to get laughs. And I’ve said some pretty offensive things in the past.
Having said that, at least people KNOW when I’m joking, and if I end up offending people, then you know what I do? I apologize.
And not some bullshit apology like "I’m sorry you misunderstood me," but something like "wow, I was such an asshole. I’m really sorry, but I didn’t mean what I was saying, I was just trying to get some laughs. I won’t do it again. My bad."
That just pisses me off.
Marc with a C
Also: where do Americans get off on shitting on the military accomplishments of other nations?
I mean no offense, but comparatively speaking, the last time America truly experienced the totality of the horrors of war was in 1865. I’m not trying to minimize the American contributions to the war effort, but despite all the terrible things that went down in WWII, it’s not like American cities were destroyed, forests burned, populations massacred and relocated, mass conscription of all males between 17 and 60, or anything of that nature.
And then for Americans to go around shitting on the accomplishments and help of our international allies just begs the question: are you TRYING to make us look like assholes to the rest of the world? Just asking.
Dick Hertz
Simply let it be known that Fox News, as part of Rupert Murdoch’s News empire, is a product of Commonwealth news traditions like the odious tabloids and gossip sheets from which the Murdoch creature emerged, and grows towards the cravenness of his Sky news network in recent negotiations with the Red Chinese.
Fox News is for crazed scumbags.
Thanks for this. Here’s another take.
Bachman’s Turning Oversnide (to employ yet another BTO pun)
The Canadian military is not the least bit ironic.
There is no such word as "sacrafice". Also.
Irate Canuck
These comments are deeply saddening but hardly surprising.
I might lament that there are Canadian troops in Afghanistan (no one wins a war in those mountains…) but I have nothing but support for my countrymen who are there doing stellar work.
I suppose it would be crass to mention how many of the Canadian casualties our boys have suffered over there were caused by incompetence on the part of our Spam allies? Let’s just say that abroad the Septics have always had a poor reputation for checking targets.
Oh, and I love the constant assumption that Canada exists only at the sufferance of our neighbours to the south. The people who make such suggestions don’t read enough foreign history. August 24th 1814 might be a good place for them to start.
Canada… we don’t start wars but we do end them.
Iron Curtain
Canada didn’t exist then. You were British territory then. Ever since you gradually became a nation, we (meaning our government) hasn’t even had a passing interesting in invading you, Assholes like Gutfield aside.
Dear god, another truther…
Keep in Mind that Fox News is the least watched of the Cable News channels. The Wingnut conservatives are getting smaller and smaller.