Eric Cantor’s crew wasn’t going to waste their time listening to boring old professorial talk last night:
And you all thought Washington wasn’t sexy: the office of ambitious young House Republican Whip Eric Cantor has confirmed to your Wonkette that instead of watching President Obama’s boring press conference last night like the rest of us dingbats, Cantor and a bipartisan group of legislators attended the Show Of The Century at downtown’s Verizon Center: a Britney Spears concert. If our children weren’t so concerned about future deficits, what would they think of this!
While we only asked Cantor’s office if Cantor himself attended, they were sure to include in their response that vulnerable Senate Democrats were also there, plus regular Democrats, and that Obama has also been to the Verizon Center before for a night of leisure.
No idea if this is true, but if it is, it would be pretty funny. Also, family values!
El Cid
Oops! He did it again!
Wile E. Quixote
Why is a 45 year old man going to a Britney Spears concert?
The Populist
Questions galore for Rep. Cantor:
1) Are you gay? What straight male your age goes to a Britney concert (not that being gay is bad, you people seem to think so and I want to ask it!)? If you aren’t gay (not that there is ANYTHING wrong with that!) then you must be a pedophile and wanted to check out the pre-teen girls in their slutty get ups.
2) Family values ain’t what Britney is about. Shouldn’t Cantor be attending a Ted Nugent or Three Doors Down concert?
3) Why is it you fuckers can’t come up with a legit counterargument to the ‘dreaded’ Obama budget? Why is it you do everything to obfuscate and bullshit Americans into the idea this man is a fraud and liar yet you have NOTHING. NOTHING whatsoever to fix the country with.
Nice one, Doug! To be fair, Cantor does have kids…although the girl is 18 and the boys are 20 and 16…
So the question is, which is creepier…Cantor going to a Spears concert alone or chaperoning his 16-year-old son? Because if the condition of going to a sexy concert was going with my dad, I would be ashamed of myself and laughed at in school…
maybe he’s hoping her hoohah will peek out fromundah her skirt, again.
or maybe he just likes to dance !
@Wile E. Quixote: Why is anyone going to a Britney Spears concert?
jprice vincenz
For all their problems (i.e., drugs, mental illness, teen pregnancy, divorce, etc…), the Spears family has been pretty constant about their christian conservativism and their repub politics. The "family values" hypocrisy doesn’t surprise me anymore; that Cantor admitted to being at one of her lip-synch shows, with Dem beards aside, is probably the least of his hypocritical vices. I’ll bet within two years, you’re posting about him and …?
Democrats did it TooOOOoooOOOoooOOO! And they are worse. Also.
I want Cantor to give the next rebuttal to the President. Please, please, pretty please. We need someone who can seriously compete with Jindal in the "Wtf, why are you allowed to breed?" department.
Defensive much? Seriously, why would Cantor’s office even answer the question–it’s a stupid one–but to get antsy about it too? Damn.
Comrade Dread
Maybe Bob Dole invited him.
The Populist
I love the right. SO if a Dem does something you despise, why are you doing it? Do you have the ability to say no?
So now it’s just nameless "Democrats". I’m guessing that there weren’t actually any Democrats there, and that Cantor was the sole Congressional member on this particular junket.
joe from Lowell
Eric Cantor now has to worry about being beaten up by 13-year-old boys.
Like the guy doesn’t have enough on his plate.
Oh Noes!
They wouldn’t fire him would they? I would has a sad if they did.
Britney: "I’m a slaaaaaaaave for you" Also, "Everybody wants to IF YOU SEEK AMY." (ZOMG, how cute is that?!)
I do a great Britney; I would kill at parties.
big woo
I still don’t understand the concept of Britney Spears.
Jon H
It’s too bad they didn’t ask Cantor if he was seeking amy.
The Moar You Know
@The Populist: This may explain Larry Craig.
The Moar You Know
Let me just state for the record that I heart Eric Cantor big time and I hope he never leaves the GOP.
He’s the gift that keeps on giving.
Jen – they were talking about this on GMA yesterday morning and I have to admit to being completely and utterly dense in not having a clue about what they are implying. No matter how I pronounce the damn thing I can’t make it into anything untoward (or is it some sort of slang of which I am unaware). Help a poor old lady out here. I also learned that a song called "you spin me round" is at the top of the charts and is also talking about oral sex. This sounded like a song I remember from the 80s "you spin me round baby, right round like a record baby right round, round round" if that is talking about oral sex "YUR DOING IT RONG"
Comrade Dread
Or Eric Cantor if he’s actually going to a Britney Spears concert and not just looking up pictures of her on the internet.
If – F
You – U
See – C
kAmy – K Me
Comrade Dread
Takes a bit of word play to get. Funny thing is I probably wouldn’t have spared enough time on the artist or the song to figure that out, had not the media and parents groups bitched about it incessently.
PS) edit got me, I checked out the right round lyrics and yeah, they changed them, so that one I get. I still can’t figure out the Britany thing though. HALP!
Neil Morse
Hey, Litlebrit, I’ll spell it out for you.
If = F
See- = C
-k A- = K
-my = me
Simple really.
Mike/Comrade thanks, damn its sucks getting old and being out of touch, but this smells like playing records backwards and getting satanic praises.
I still wonder if the real point of Madame Pelosi forcing that vote on the 90% tax increase was to trap goopers into voting for it and not to actually pass the bill to the Prez.
Grumpy Code Monkey
I’ve mellowed on most ’80s musical atrocities, but that song still sends me into fits of homicidal rage whenever I hear it. I can’t explain exactly why I hate it with the white-hot intensity of a thousand burning wingnuts, but I do.
Oooh, maybe we can get Cantor to go to a Dead or Alive reunion concert; that would be fun to explain to the folks back home.
Comrade Dread
Strange, all of the records I listed to backwards just told me to buy more records.
Isn’t this just further evidence that, for the GOP, it’s always 1999?
The most important thing in the world is whether politicians got blowjobs, everything’s just fine if we cut taxes, the Republicans will always be in the majority cause they understand th’ Heartland, and that Democratic guy is just soooo booooring. Look at him up there caring about policy and all. Blah blah blah, Mr. Boring Guy.
guest omen
from thinkprogress:
In recent weeks, congressional Republicans have been critical of President Obama for doing anything that isn’t directly focusing on the economic crisis — such as going on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno or filling out his NCAA bracket. House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) even called Obama’s decision to overturn the ban on embryonic stem cell research a “distraction.” However, Wonkette reports that instead of watching Obama’s prime-time press conference last night, Cantor decided to pursue his own distraction — the Britney Spears concert.
and hegemon points out cantor criticized obama’s presser without seeing it. this, after all last week cantor complaining about democrats voting for the stimulus without reading the aig provision.
Every time I think parody is dead, they dig it up and kill it all over again.
Ricky Bobby
Wow, this is pure awesomesauce. Hold the damn mayo, just awesomesauce please!
P.S. – Go Cantor go! Did ya get me a concert T-shirt?
I had the chance to talk with David Lee Roth a few times back in the mid-Eighties. I asked him what he thought of the BS about playing records backwards. He said that he put a backwards message in several cuts. The message was "Get good grades. Obey your parents."
@guest omen:
Another cognitively dissonant note from the party whose last prez spent 1/3 of his time in office on vacation.
Just a t-shirt?
Again, I am so bored with the GOP. Their policies suck, their representatives suck, their clothing and music choices suck.. It is just a vortex of infinite suck
God help Cantor’s supporters the day he learns how to play the flute or they learn that Brooklyn has a bridge .
C Nelson Reilly
Mandatory Britney cover song here
Just a thong?
Laura W
I have just had an epiphany and naturally feel compelled to share it here. I’m watching KO and just saw another clip of Jindal speaking last night. Every time I see a clip of him I get the impression he is sloppy and unkempt. Never gave it a ton of thought until just now when I realized that he did not have his jacket buttoned, so as he was yakking away at the podium, his jacket was sort of flapping around in time with his mouth.
I immediately googled bobby jindal needs to button his jacket because I was willing to bet the rest of my bottle of wine that he did NOT have his jacket buttoned in late Feb. when he gave that memorable "rebuttal" to Obama’s first speech. And I found this at #1.
There is a very important lesson here, much like the presence or absence of the flag pin for Obama.
I’m going to file this under: "I obsess over these things so you don’t have to."
Years ago, I had a scratched up Beatles White Album. On the song "Revolution #9", if played backwards, you were supposed to hear the words, "turn me on dead man." According to the weirdos that thought Paul was dead.
The phrase "number nine, number nine" is continuously repeated in that piece. I had a cheap record player and tried it. What I heard was something like. Ner-nee-oh-uh-uh, ner-nee-oh-uh-uh.
I don’t know maybe Paul really was dead and I wasn’t taking the right drugs to hear it.
Cantor was just fund raising.
The next fund raiser will be with Vitter in New Orleans.
The Moar You Know
Let me just state for the record how glad I am that Britney has finally abandoned all pretense of being anything but a sex toy for the masses. No faux artistry, no complex dance numbers, just songs about how everyone wants to fuck her.
If not for video, her monotone, gravelly voice would insure that she’d never make it through the first fifteen minutes of a recording session.
Come to think of it, Cantor kinda does look like the type to hit on the babysitter as he drives her home after a tame date night with the wife – the mock turtleneck gives it away and he does have that pervy vibe…
Then you have never been a seventh-grade girl obsessed with the infinite worldliness, drama, and glamour that is the ninth-grade Popular Girls’ lunch table.
Unlike Eric Cantor, who is totes THERE.
Jay Severin Has A Small Pen1s
He’d never turn down a chance to look up a young woman’s skirt to see her veejayjay.
A story? Why? Anytime a 45-year old goes to a live music show with drums and bass and lots of speakers, a rock n roll angel gets his leather wings. Rock on Cantor!
You’re still a dweeb and a jerk tho.
Dude! I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. How about a warning with links like that?!
Well, he is dead now, if you’ve listened to his last couple of CDs. He’s making a determined effort to unseat the Rolling Stones for the "Dead at 30, buried at 80" award.
Col. Klink
My guess is Cantor took Britney’s ‘If You Seek Amy’ song a little too personally.