By now everyone has read the NY Times piece in which we are informed that the same Spanish judge who put out the warrant for Pinochet is looking into the possibility of bringing charges against six Bush administration officials. Go read the whole thing, but this part made me laugh:
Mr. Feith, who was the top policy official at the Pentagon when the prison at Guantánamo was established, said he did not make the decision on interrogation methods and was baffled by the allegations. “I didn’t even argue for the thing I understand they’re objecting to,” he said.
I believe that the last eight years the response to that would be: “If you haven’t done anything wrong, you don’t have anything to hide.”
Amirite, Mr. Feith?
Bill H
"intelligence and military officials will no doubt hesitate to fully prepare for those contingencies in the future"
One would certainly hope so, if such preparation consisted of authorizing torture.
Isn’t Doug Feith more commonly known by the title "World’s Most Stupid Man"?
The fact he gave such a weaselly, defensive response to the charges gives me hope that this case may actually go somewhere.
used to be disgusted
If I were Yoo, Feith, or Addington, I’d go on a European vacation right now. Last chance — so soak it all in.
@Bill H:
You are correct sir! It is the duty of all patriotic Americans in the time of the War on Terra to submit to their government’s efforts to stop the terrorists, up to and including cavity searches and mind probes.
Cap'n Phealy
That would be "Stupidest Fucking Guy On the Planet". The winner and, apparently, still champeen….
Mr. Feith, Befehl ist Befehl ceased to be a valid defense at the Nuremberg trials.
Nice to see the justice system in this country finally taking the rule of law seriously. Oh wait….
Still, it gives me some hope that these thugs will be held accountable in my lifetime. Taking 24 countries off their travel itinerary is a little justice, long overdue.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Unthinkable? Ya mean like letting some slimy fat turd overturn the principles of the nation because they’d had a fright? Can’t have that.
Comrade Stuck
@used to be disgusted:
It had better be New Europe and away from the Hague. Maybe Belarus, where they like to torture DFH’s just for fun of it.
For a different perspective, please go to:
Why didn’t they make it a lucky seven by including Cheney? He’s as deserving as anyone on the list.
OT: photoshoppers are running amok with the republican budget plan at Driftglass. Pretty funny (you might have to scroll down to see the cover treatments).
perception manager
As Ed Meese, Alzheimer Reagan’s attorney General used to say:
"Why you must be guilty. Otherwise, why would you be hanging from that tree?"
Leo v.2.0
That is some A-1 grade snark. I heartily approve.
I love the "crusading investigative judge" instead of activist judge right in the second paragraph.
The Moar You Know
@gbear: I think, although it’s contrary to American principles, that everyone’s in common agreement that Cheney doesn’t need a trial. He’s guilty. I’m not sure of what, exactly, but he’s guilty.
gocart mozart
At least the Spanish judge has not ordered an invasion of the U.S. to take these criminals by force, killing several thousand civilians in the process. That would be wrong. Well, unless it was Panama and this was 1989.
gocart mozart
If a foreign government had tortured several Americans and imprisoned them for several years without trial, would most Americans object to the prosecution of theses foreign leaders?
Do you doubt that American wingnuts would advocate indiscriminate bombing instead?
I’m genuinely curious how Chaney and the Torture Caucus are going to respond to this. Ignore it at first, I’m sure… and then, I guess, Spanish fly will become Freedom Fly and so forth. But after that, I just wonder.
gocart mozart
As a practical matter, they won’t show up for trial and therefore if found guilty, they will only have to forgo any trips to Europe in the future for fear of arrest warrants being served. The U.S./Obama will not extradite any of them. See Polanski, Roman for reverse precedent. Although, It may be enough of a reason for Yoo to lose his job maybe.
Is there anyone who remains under the impression that hypocrisy is not America’s favorite pastime?
@gocart mozart:
I wouldn’t bet on it, though it would be nice to see.
In a world filled with right-wing bloggers, there’s a lot of competition for that title.
But even that outcome would be pretty darned satisfying. If you can’t jail them, at least fuck with them.
US v. El Salvador. No, that’s not a lead-in to discuss war crimes, though it should have been. Instead I refer to the world cup qualifier now on the teevee. The Salvadorans just went up 1-0 in San Salvador and the cheering in the stadium surely must have registered on a seismograph. Its not uncommon for batteries and bags of urine to find their way on to the heads of American players.
@Bootlegger: Well, at least the fans in Philadelphia can feel better about themselves.
gocart mozart
I agree with gbear, if all else fails, at least fuck with them.
As I’m employed by the same folks as Yoo, my guess is that is a precedent that the faculty would not like to set. One of my lecturers was found out to have gotten his PhD from a diploma mill. The administration refused to let us terminate him because the PhD was not a requirement to teach the course he was teaching. When we pointed out to them (with the kinds of superlatives that you’d find common on the board) that he was hired to teach ethics, and that doing so effectively should be nigh impossible in light of the fact that he fucking lied about having a PhD, they didn’t care.
So long as not having a warrant for war crimes against you isn’t a requirement of employment (it’s not) then Yoo will be fine. Of course, the California Bar may well decide that such a warrant is incompatible with being a lawyer in this state, and if he loses his license to practice, then he’s out in a cold minute, but UC won’t kick his sorry ass out, even if he’s supposed to report to the Hague.
gocart mozart
This from the NY Times article linked above is interesting.
@Martin: The fact that they would hire the little fucker in the first place makes that unsurprising. I mean, I’m not a big believer in blacklists, but what exactly is the pressing need for Yoo’s demonstrated brand of legal expertise (that would be amoral bootlicking).
The thing is, they never thought this day could possibly happen. Remember, "We’re an empire now…"
Just like Wall Street,they were the Masters of the Universe.
I doubt they’ll ever be brought to justice but having them live in fear for the rest of their lives would be good.
Fear is the mindkiller.
gocart mozart
This from the NY Times article linked above is interesting.
gocart mozart
Sorry for the double post. I made the block quote edit from three point range but alas, it was after the buzzer.
@gocart mozart: You never, ever have to apologize for Blockquote Fail at this farkakte blog!
gocart mozart
Be careful what you wish for Mukasey.
Here comes the part where we argue that we don’t subject ourselves to the World Court… because we’re… well… we just don’t subject ourselves to the World Courts like we demand of every other sovereign nation. We’re special. And we’re doing God’s work. So there!
gocart mozart
So Charles Taylor’s son is named "Chuckie". Is he like the "Dubya" of Liberia?
Hey John, where are all your commentators at? Anyone, anyone, Beuller?
@gocart mozart:
I think a lot of people are hanging at the open thread.
Now I get the Costa Rica story.
@valdivia: nah, mostly just the same 5 people. But B.O.B. decided to show up, although all he can talk about is pie. That guy is obsessed!
but I saw him praising Beck and his meetings. So is he a spoof or for real?
@valdivia: Don’t know, don’t care. Juicers spend too much time feeding trolls, anyway.
I get the feeling these foreign judges won’t be impressed with the Bush Gang’s quoting of Jack Bauer as one of the main sources for their defense.
gocart mozart
Q. What’s the difference between B.O.B. and a spoof?
yeah I get that. just sometimes I have no sense if I should laugh or get annoyed. better laugh all the time no?
@valdivia: Nope. Just put him in the kitchen, and let the surreal conversations free!
@valdivia: It’s the gift that keeps on giving…just like herpes!
It should include the new crew at Justice and DOD who are continuing the old junta’s policies, like the illegal occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, and all the other little illegal black ops around the world (e.g. Africa, Phillipines). Give ’em a year and if all the people we seized aren’t home, start drafting indictments.
The real downside is there’s no death penalty in Spain. Too bad they can’t be tried in Spain, and then we send them to some country that doesn’t just pretend to be all Jack Bauer. Y’know, the same way the US handles all its other sticky problems, by outsourcing.
How’s that for a comment ‘ripped from the headlines?’
Tyrants do repeat themselves. I wonder how many inquisitors have asked this question throughout history?
@gocart mozart: They may not even have to forgo trips to Europe. After all, Garzon tried to target Kissinger (re possible connections to Operation Condor) in 2002 when Kissinger was scheduled to visit the UK, with no results.
gocart mozart
Yeah iluvsummr but it is somewhat risky.
I have been saying for 6 years now that these people will eventually be tried if they live long enough, and I see nothing to make me change my mind. The gradient is entirely against them; as more comes out (as it will), the pool of people willing and able to stand up for them will shrink.
It’s hard to predict and I predict that it will be surprising when it happens (maybe a foreign trip they think is safe, maybe a foreign criminal this or a future President wants badly enough to trade for), but it will happen.
American Exceptionalism IS codified hypocrisy.
Yet somehow that escapes most of its proponents.
Tony J
I await with delicious anticipation Bachman Wingnut Overdrive parachuting into Glenn Beck’s Doom Bunker to explain how this totally proves that the Formerly White House is in cahoots with Spain’s Communistic Junta to let the UN send swarthy, heavily-armed Marxists to hunt patriotic conservatives through the burning ruins of America’s cities. Just like they did at Guernica!"
YMMV, but that would make me hug myself so hard pee would come out.