Tomorrow the PJ Ads come down, so you all can finally stop complaining about that.
I have thrown up the Amazon link below to the left, and I am working on getting into a blogads network and dealing with the impossible feat of activating a google adsense account. Expect things to look a little funny tomorrow until I have the time to get things set up.
Also, this is why I was so happy with PJ media. I hate dealing with this nonsense.
*** Update ***
This is a test:
Tim in SF
I will miss the Joe The Plumber Reporting From the Gaza Strip ads. Those were a hoot and a half.
I’m going to miss the PJ ads. They really crack me up.
Comrade General Stuck
I was thinking about entering the "Generational Theft" contest but 20,000 dollars was well below my sellout price.
Bullshit. We’ve still got a solid six hours and we’re going to make the most of them.
Why is the "American Tea Party" ad up? The cartoon is badly drawn and there’s too much text. Who wants to watch PJTV? I can’t watch TV at work or I’ll get in trouble. That’s a silly ad. Why is Michael Patrick Leahy staring at me like that? It’s like he’s molesting me with his eyes. Oh god, he’s on here twice. I need a shower.
So what, if I click on the Amazon link first, you get a cut?
Even if I am buying dildos and butt paste?
Does this mean we can also start bagging on your Roger Simon (cf. dildo)?
Why are you taking the PJ ads down?
If they’re effective, easy, and revenue generating, then I don’t see the point.
A Squirrel
I will miss them as well. Maybe John can find some other nutty benefactor. The Red State Strike Force should start advertising for my amusement.
Complain? John, this was the only site I visit regularly that had them…now how am I going to know about Twitter, teaparties, ZONATION or Generation theft? Not to mention the occational alert as to which town the Malkin would be feasting on the blood of children that week…bummer…
Yeah same question here. If I use your Amazon link to access Amazon, does it help you even if I don’t make a purchase? or do you benefit only if I use your link and actually purchase something?
p.s. and regarding Pajamas Media, I use NoScript and it protects my sensitive eyes from being subjected to such vile themes.
I just find it hilarious that conservatives think fucking Twitter is the technological edge they need to get back in the game.
Oh, but they are the maximum suckitude. I wouldn’t promote them, even if they brought in funds. Would you promote Hitler if he paid CPM? Enough said.
Laura W
Wow. I just grabbed some wine and stopped in for the big going away party for PJTV. Definitely not the mood I expected to find in here.
Did I miss Joe the Stripper?
JD Rhoades
Dude, I LOVED the fact you were making money off PJ Media.
You were, right?
And IYDMMA, are you getting paid for the Amazon link? If not, how abut a little love for my buds, the independent booksellers at at Indiebound?
Comrade General Stuck
@Laura W:
The serious people will be around shortly to express their satisfaction.
I didn’t mind the PJTV ads. I thought it was rather funny.
But, whatever makes you happy John Cole.
I honestly don’t understand the point of Twitter. Seems like a standalone, repackaged version of Facebook status updates.
Comrade General Stuck
Every time I here one of the Man-0-Manly wingnuts say he just tweeted something, it brings a smile, if not a belly laugh.
Twitter is perfect for them, and the supply of paradoxical comedy.
I may do some wine-blogging later today, so get ready.
Laura W
And once I purchase something, do you know who I am and what I buy, cuz part of me would want you to feel grateful and indebted to me for my generous contribution to your financial welfare, but the other part of me would be very embarrassed if you knew what kind of music and books I buy. (Although, if you pay attention on Friday nights, you prolly know how sucky my taste in music is.)
PS to Ahab: Let me answer your question and save you the post. I buy all of my sex toys on eBay.
Exactly, Lev…when I first heard of it, I thought, "Oh, so it’s IM…you know, like we humans had back in the 90’s…"
Man I so feel for your indies, but at this point books are literally the least of what I buy from the big-A. I couldn’t live without it, and, honestly, it has saved me a shitload of money over the years.
I try so hard to support small and independent businesses, online or off, over mega-conglomerates, but I can’t give up my Amazon.
But I will definitely check out your link.
Laura W
No way! Well now we are talking party.
Don’t get creeped out by this but I thought of you today. I had to visit two wine shops/tasting bars to procure "decent" NC wines for a tasting on Thurs. I came home with nearly 3 mixed cases (11 of those bottles are for said work-related tasting). I looked for the Garnacha you loved and the closest I found (aside from my Las Rocas) was the Abrazo 2006. Was that the one you liked? Of course I didn’t take my notes with since I didn’t plan on buying reds for me. I did buy a bunch of summer whites for myself, however, mostly of the Sauv Blanc/Pinot Grigio varieties from various countries.
John Cole
I think if you buy something through amazon, I can access a report of what item was purchased, but it never tells me who bought what. I do know that the website earned about 20 bucks in referral fees on furminators.
@Lev: Well, here’s one use. Facebook status update probably would have worked too.
@John Cole: Based upon that, they should be direct advertising here.
I just lurve your shark-like business acumen.
[/lazy drawl]
Just saw your test ad for Moroccan mint tea. Already, the Amazon ads are more relevant to my life than all the PJTV ads that have come before it.
John T
Who buys tea from And who pays $15.32 for a box of mint tea? Or is that part of your "test"?
I wish I could afford wine. Hell, I wish I could afford wishes!
@John Cole:
So you get goodies only if the item you feature is clicked then purchased via BJ?
Laura W
@John Cole: So is that mint tea really linked and ready to roll? I love mint tea. I’ll click through and grab some since I promised Jake that I’d buy Eagle vs. Shark on his reco as soon as you went live with Amazon.
(Jermaine from Flight of the Conchords is the lead in the movie, which is pretty much all I need to know. Plus the trailer was hysterical.)
John Cole
@passerby: No. If you just click the generic amazon link below to the left, anything you buy will help here. I guess the specific stuff is for sites that are product centered. Like Manolo would want links to shoes, etc.
Laura W
@John T: It’s a 6-pack with each pack having 20 bags, I believe.
Their grocery dept. usually sells things in bulk. Or in quantities larger then one, let’s say.
John Cole
@Laura W: You need to be beaten with something if you pay 16 bucks for that. I buy the same stuff for like 4 bucks at my local store.
you have ads on here? who knew.
(firefox + adblock rules)
Sounds like we need some definitive Amazon rules from John.
Oops never mind. Question answered while i was writing.
And I have a furminator question. I need to buy a big one for my dog, who’s the heaviest shedder in the household. Will the big one work on the cats? Or do I need to buy the special cat one for them?
Laura W
@John Cole: While I would never turn down a little beating between friends
Am I the only person in here tonight that can READ?
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Laura W:
You buy used sex toys? I don’t know whether to say "Kinky!" or whether to say "Ewwwww…"
We patronize Good Vibrations. Interesting stuff, and my mother-in-law digs their catalogs.
John Cole
@Laura W: Apparently. That is a good deal.
BTW- I suck at shopping. I get tunnel vision for the item I want, walk directly to it, make sure it is what I want and near the price I think it should be, and then I leave.
When I go shopping with a friend who likes to take her time DOING GOD KNOWS WHAT IN THE GOD DAMNED STORE, I feel like I am being tortured. I know I am just in a store with a friend, but my internal monologue at the time reads like the diary of Anne Frank.
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Laura W:
What, no Biltmore Estate "wine"?
Those with firefox and adblock can add this line to your adblock filter to exclude BJ (i.e. John gets more $$$$ from ads):
Laura W
@Comrade Scrutinizer: In case you’ve not been to eBay lately, I’m guessing the vast % of their items for sale are new and not sold by private people cleaning out garages (or sex toy closets) but by huge warehouse type folks. And that is across all categories.
I thought it was here that I read an article re. the possible death, or certain decline, of eBay in terms of how far their current business model has strayed from the original? In case you missed my intervention-worthy attempts to pimp Kangoo Jumps over the weekend, the manufacturer’s site has the model I just got on eBay for $39.99 (new) for close to $300, I believe. I never buy a thing without looking on eBay first. There is fierce competition. But you want to read your seller’s feedback very closely. Many of the high volume sellers tend to be far more careless and unreliable in terms of good service because they are in it for the volume and don’t give a shit about their reputation or feedback scores in terms of the community policing that used to govern the site. I’ve been buying/selling there for 10 years and pretty much just BUY IT NOW over there these days.
I haven’t been paying attention, but if you’re taking down PJM/TV ads on our account, please don’t. Whatever makes this easiest for you is fine with me.
If you don’t pay for Roger Simon’s tranny porn habit, someone else will.
Comrade General Stuck
Geesh, here we go again. Another national democrat tax scofflaw.
Comrade General Stuck
Sex Toys Ebay ewww…. Who knows where they been.
@Comrade General Stuck: Wetsuits Ebay ewww…who knows where they been (unless you like yours "broken in").
@Laura W: I can’t handle 120 bags of mint tea.
Are we allowed to talk about anything? Can I say Michelle Obama looks great? That yellow and black dress for the landing in London is fabulous. And she now has a 78% favorable rating.
Is that the sound of a meme dying I hear?
Ok, I’m done now. Back to the tea bags.
There is only one site change I would like to see (other than a general one that the damned thing just work, which is ….. way out of bounds) …..
Put back the quick list of recent threads that used to live near the top of the front page, so that navigation is at least tolerable.
Tolerable would be like heaven compared to what navigating this beast is like now.
After using nice websites, this thing is like getting Brick Oven Bill when you were expecting Scruffy McSnufflepuss.
A whole new meaning to "new in box".
John Cole
@Comrade General Stuck: BFD.
I just got a letter two weeks ago that I screwed up my taxes last year and owe 500 bucks. I said “OK.” and I sent them a check for $500 bucks.
I’m tired of all this nonsense about minor tax errors. Geithner and Daschle were one thing, these other folks are just minor mistakes.
Laura W
@Comrade Scrutinizer: OH you HAD to ask about Biltmore, didn’t you? Actually, 5 of the bottles are:
Blanc de Noir sparkling
Pas de Deux sparkling
Winemaker’s Select Chenin and Sauv Blanc
Biltmore Reserve Sonoma Coast Chard
I know they source grapes from Napa in various %s, but at least 20% of the grapes in all of those come from NC, with the Winemaker’s Select having 80% NC grapes. I was told the sparklers really are the best product, and I trust the guy I dealt with on all of this. He’s really hot on their Claret, so next month if we do another tasting for this project, I’ll go fetch another half case from him with that and some West Bend. (His place is really nice! If I lived up there, I’d be annoying people at the wine bar on weekends instead of annoying people on this blog.)
dj spellchecka
recently read that the guy who put together financed the whole thing with a single google adsense account. and he’s loaded….good luck
@Comrade General Stuck:
Owing and paying taxes is not the same thing as being a scofflaw, you horse’s ass.
A scofflaw is somebody who deliberately underreports, or refuses to pay.
Like Wesley Snipes, or Willie Nelson!
Laura W
@demkat620: I’m sure you saw the slideshow over on HuffPo. The third photo in the sequence of her walking down the plane stairs in the black and yellow outfit made me wanna scream: Our First Lady Got Gams, Damn!!
Or, like this America First lunatic I used to work with who listened to Rush Limbaugh and joined up with some organization that advocated refusing to pay unconsitutional income taxes.
I think he ended up in jail for tax evasion.
Heh. Don’t know if they have Rush Radio in there.
Does it work with Marketplace transactions, as well?
Comrade General Stuck
@John Cole:
Seems like I remember several posts you made on the other dems with tax problems asking wtf is going on. That’s all I was saying and don’t care much about it. But how many now, 4, 5 or 6.
And most of these mistakes weren’t discovered until appointments were made. It looks bad and seems to be a little more common than it should is all.
Comrade General Stuck
OK. Maybe scofflaw was the wrong word, but I was thinking of the sheer number of dems who have had this problem.
Now Go fuck yourself , you rancid piece of shit.
@Comrade General Stuck: IIRC, many (some?) were self-reported because of the vetting teams going through their taxes with a fine tooth comb. As has been pointed out before, lacking evidence of intent to conceal or deceive, and subject to restitution, the cases in question are merely administrative violations.
Also, the only thing that it demonstrates is that the tax code needs simplification: everyone who makes more money than I do gets cut off at the knees!
@Laura W: Yes. And it’s nice to have a president people are excited to see.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
Damn. I can’t tell AdBlock to permit the ads from here because that add-on doesn’t work in the latest build of FF. Anyway, my Norton security suite has been blocking ads wholesale for years.
I think I’ll just throw a few bucks at PayPal from time to time. Tunch needs his kibble! (I’ve been feeding Peter Watts’ cats for a while, and I believe in spreading the wealth.)
Bonus: Watts shares some corporate research on vampires.
i agree but i think JC mentioned that this was not possible when the site was upgraded.
it’s hard for me to imagine why it’s not possible though.
but i dislike having to wade through all the posts just to get back to one in particular.
Yeah, the "sheer number" is a handful, and it has absolutely nothing to do with what you said. And "this problem" doesn’t mean anything at all, there is no defined "problem" here that I can see. People owe and pay taxes and assessments all the time.
Fact is, you shot from the hip and made a stupid post and got called on it, you smartass stupid jerk.
Own it.
Comrade General Stuck
\I already said Scofflaw was the wrong word. Too many Seinfeld reruns watched. It just popped into my head.
There are people in DC, watchdog groups who go over every high govment official with fine tooth combs, for BOTH parties, and I don’t recall it being such a problem as recently.
Of course it’s possble, it’s just another form of the query that produces the recent-posts list that they are using now.
John S.
Never mind that the story is on the AP, which is about as journalistic as Drudge under Ron Fournier. Like so many other bullshit memes in the media these days, they usually neglect to evaluate SCALE.
Let’s say you make $50k/yr. and end up owing $500 in back taxes. I’m inclined to think that’s an honest mistake on your part because why would you work so hard to screw the IRS out of 1% of your annual income? Sebelius and her husband owed $7000 for 3 years, which if they make $250k/yr. (Sebelius makes $105 and her husband around $150, other income notwithstanding) is a whopping 1% of their income. Tom Daschle owed $140,000 fucking dollars.
Like the Republicans bitching about 1-2% of the stimulus bill and the 1-2% of pork in the federal budget, this is a lot of bluster about a lot of nothing.
I submit a theorem – call it John’s Theorem – that as the percentage of any monetary issue approaches zero, the whining and inchoate anger exhibited by Republicans and/or the media increase at an exponential rate.
Comrade General Stuck
I don’t work for you — asshole and you are the police of exactly nothing. And since when have you owned any of the horseshit you’ve spread around here and been called on it. Fuck You once again RPOS.
Buy this box of tea or we’ll shoot this blog.
What is "it" and what "problem" is it being?
I know, I would have fired you a long time ago, you crazy motherfucker.
Comrade General Stuck
The real problem is you as the self appointed defender of any criticism whatsoever on Obama and dems, and calling anyone who has an opinion you don’t like, republican lovers or some such.
Otherwise, we have had any number of threads critical of the er honest tax errors by dem appointees, and I get slammed for mentioning another.
Do you really want to ruin this thread with more of your patented bullshit?
I got that letter last year, and they asked for $1700. I put in probably 80 hours of godawful tedious work and exchanged mail with them for a year, got a case assigned to the tax court, and got assigned to a settlement specialist. I just signed an agreement to pay $150, which was their way of saying they were dead wrong from the get-go. The alternative would have made me go to a tax hearing and prove my case to a comissioner.
I signed and paid the $150.
I sit here about a quarter mile from one of the busiest IRS offices in the country, and you can walk in there any weekday and find a crowd of people taking numbers and waiting to talk about tax disputes that be in the three-figure range as often as not.
If the IRS can create that much confusion around my $150 tax bill, imagine what they can do with the whopping amount of $7k.
All gist for the mill of potatoheads who sit around and go "Haw haw look at those Dems and their tax problems! Har!"
Really, Mister Scofflaw? That’s the "real problem?"
I think the real problem is that you made a stupid post and got called on it.
@Laura W:
Laura get yourself some chocolate mint and plant it in a pot in the garden (otherwise it will take over), brew some regular tea, and steep a stem of chocolate mint in it, chocolate mint tea is dreamy.
Comrade General Stuck
I guess you didn’t get to kick a puppy, so it’s this. You are one arrogant piece of work TZ and you will not climb on my back. Go play with your oil stocks to feel important.
Heh. If I have a patent on bullshit, then you owe me one hell of a royalty check, compadre.
I believe when you click the Amazon link it sets a cookie for a day or two and anything you buy in that timeframe gets credited to the site you came from. Or that’s how it was when I set up my associates account. Which was, like, five years ago so anything might have changed since then.
I’ll click it now and then, John. You give good blog, and I use Amazon pretty regularly.
Ah, so slamming you is the equivalent of kicking a puppy?
Really? I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were a defenseless little furball with easily hurt feelers.
Now, clean up that piddle you made on my rug.
Comrade General Stuck
@TheOfficialHatOnMyCat: @TheOfficialHatOnMyCat:
Cole called me on it in a decent way. You, otho, are another problem altogether. I think this is an Alpha dog pissing match in your sick mind. And it seems you’ve been waiting for the right opportunity. I’m just another commenter here and sometimes use a wrong word and have no desire to be thought of as anything else.
Your "calling" me on it (the word scofflaw) isn’t even in the ballpark of a sane response. You are the crazy motherfucker dude.
@Laura W:
Laura – I am a big fan of e-bay, my DH recently "lost" his tuxedo coat (I have no idea where, who knows where he left it) I was able to get a replacement suit for $61.00 compared to at least $150.00 in the stores around here. I have become a sheet Nazi, in that I will NOT sleep in sheets less than 400 thread count, I got two pairs on e-bay the other day 600 thread count egyptian cotton for 22 bucks a pair, that is what I would expect to pay at my local Family Dollar for 100 thread count sheets. I have been burned (once with an HP camera) but the money I have saved over the years has more than made up for it.
@Comrade General Stuck:
Ah, the "I know you are but what am I?" response. I didn’t see that coming.
Again, you made a stupid post and got called on it. How many more iterations of this exchange do you have in mind?
So to review, I was right, but I was too mean to you, which makes you the equivalent of a kicked puppy?
Does that about sum it up?
Comrade General Stuck
It’s a worthless product.
Nice try. It’s all you do calling people on things you don;t like. You offer nothing else but bitching about everything. The Blog, the hosts, and today apparently me. Never any "posts" of your own to make mistakes on. All criticism all the fucking time.
We can do this all night, and tomorrow if you want. You will still be an empty wanker./compadre
Comrade General Stuck
@Comrade General Stuck:
Like I said, all night and all day or until Cole pulls the plug;
That sound like a kicked puppy to you. Your move.
Nice try? You introduced the kicked puppy metaphor to this, dude. Not me.
Really? You mean, I was too mean in calling you on your stupid post, don’t you? Surely you can’t mean that all my thousands of posts here over the years have been about "bitching about everything," can you?
I mean, which parts of your nonsense am I to take seriously? Are trying to trick me?
Would you treat a puppy this way?
Comrade General Stuck
You started it and only you can end it.
And I didn’t make a stupid post. I used the wrong word to characterize it.
Why would he do that? Does he think the puppy needs rescuing?
Okay, I order you to apologize to me and stop posting.
That should do it.
You made a stupid post by using the wrong word to characterize it.
We just have a slight difference in interpretation here. Really, I think if you will just see this my way, Mister Puppy, we can resolve the whole thing.
Here’s a Beggin Strip.
Comrade General Stuck
This puppy might get kicked, but he keeps on a comin’ at ya tough guy/ Maybe you would like to try it in person? sounds like it anyway. It can be arranged and you can kick all you want.
Comrade General Stuck
I doubt you would have uttered a peep if Cole hadn’t first. There’s your courage. I used the puppy metaphor yesterday and you ran away. Came back though and not a peep/ that’s real courage.
Dead Man Walking
Comrade Darkness
Got anything for a sort throat, cuz I’d click all over that.
@Comrade General Stuck:
Ah, the physical challenge post. Another complete surprise.
Sure, Im in Phoenix, just tell me when you will be at the airport and we can meet for the big duel.
So you do actually see yourself as a kicked puppy?
I have to admit, I never thought that was possible. But, I’m just a persona, I’m not perfect.
@Comrade Darkness:
Gargle warm salt water. Then take your favorite pain reliever.
Chris Johnson
On the whole, I’d rather be reading Pajamas Media ads
Sorry, haven’t seen any Cole post on the subject.
Where do you get these crazy ideas anyway?
Sorry, you will have to point me to that, I have no idea what you are talking about. I am generally posting while doing three other things at the same time and have a really hard time following threads carefully over time. I sort of jump in wherever I am, and often am out of sync with the thread. Can’t do anything about it, my day is too hectic.
Comrade General Stuck
No duel. I’m just a kicked puppy according to you. It should be easy for ya. I like puppies. and I’ve been kicked one side up and down the other, but always get up and keep coming back for more. So the characterization does not bother me. My point is that is all there is to you,. Nothing else.
Comrade General Stuck
Liar, or you would have taken your shot yesterday.
Comrade General Stuck
Chickenshit liar/
Nope. I have not seen any such Cole post. I haven’t read this thread, really. Just spot checked a couple things and fired off a couple posts. Which is what I usually do. Gets me in trouble quite often because I get out of sync with the flow. But as I said, I usually don’t have time to do any better. This period right here is the first time today I have not had three other things to do at the same time, and I have just been totally lazy. I keep thinking I should eat something but I am too lazy to do that.
So, you are sitting there literally making up a story about what I am doing, based on no information at all, calling me a liar regarding something on which you have no information whatever, portraying yourself as a kicked puppy but also as a person who tells me to go fuck himself and also challenges me to a physical fight, all over … what?
What exactly is your complaint? And try to keep it to this particular item, okay? "You have been nothing but a bum your whole life" is not really in bounds here, know what I mean?
And as I said, I have no recollection of anything from yesterday that involves either you or a puppy, so if there is something I am supposed to respond to, you will have to point me to the item. Otherwise, you are just barking at the moon, if you will pardon the expression. Yesterday was a long day of computer problems, and a trip to physical rehab for me. Any posting I did was just a diversion.
Just Some Fuckhead
Seems relevant.
Notice they charged for it too. We could be on to something here.
Are you serious? You are going to call me a liar about something about which you have no information whatever?
Point me to the reference, you lunatic.
Shot at what?
WTF are you talking about?
Comrade General Stuck
Your just not worth the effort to respond to. There is nothing there but maybe a demented spoof. And that is how I will treat you forward.
If you want to read AGAIN what I wrote yesterday, then you will have to do it yourself. I don’t play games with liars, and no more with you. crazy fuck/
@Comrade General Stuck:
Once again, I haven’t seen any Cole post on the topic, nor do I recall anything from yesterday, and I certainly am not going looking for some damned thing from yesterday that you are obsessing about.
You’re a frigging idiot as near as I can tell, and prone to say anything at any given time. Which is exactly why I slammed you here in the first place, and why I will do so the next time.
Comrade General Stuck
Amazon and Ebay
offer promises of joy
Scofflaws steal it
Speaking of NC wine, the best wine store in NC (Carolina Wine) just went freaking bankrupt.
Crazy stuff.
Once again, never saw any Cole post on your gaffe, no recollection of anything yesterday that I could take to be connected.
Back to you.
Laura W
@DougJ: That surprises me. The two stores I was in today both had really good years last year and so far, 2009 is going amazingly well for them both. I was delighted, somewhat shocked, but we all know that in hard times, we don’t stop drinking, although we lower our comfort price point/bottle. Most of us.
But then again, there is not a ton of competition where these guys are located but for the grocery store chains. They are still about 20 miles from Asheville proper, and 30 miles from my town, so they have a nice geographic draw with very little real competition in terms of quality wine retailers who not only know their products, but also know how to service and dote upon their customers. I was stunned by how many very pricey CA Cabs and First-Growths the first retailer had in stock. The wine bar I linked to earlier is something I’ve always dreamed of owning. Nice retail selection, tasting/by-the-glass bar, and light food to go with. Dreamy.
@Laura W:
Keep talking about the wine and don’t make eye contact with those two in the corner pushing each other…
Comrade General Stuck
There is no back to you. There is nothing. You are attanut the spoof to me. I ignore you is my only back to you to you. No harm no foul. Just nothing from here on out. K
Laura W
@Tattoosydney: LOL!
Oh thank dog you are here. Isn’t that just the way every going away party goes?
How did it all go so wrong so quickly, TS?
Comrade General Stuck
I’ve left the corner. Big mistake staying in so long. Won’t happen again, I swear. And sorry to be complicit for spoiling this thread for everyone.:)
And I will be striving for better word usage.
Beggin strip?
You know, I don’t usually feel this way about things, but I think the key to a successful wine bar may be ambience. We have a new wine bar here in Rochester that I just love going to even though the selection of wine and food kind of sucks. It just feels like a wine bar — exposed brick walls, quiet but not too quiet etc.
If you open a wine bar, you have to promise not to show Fellini and Truffaut movies on mute in the background the way they do in some places in Manhattan. I really, really hate that.
@Laura W:
It’s not a real party unless someone has a screaming argument, and someone else gets caught snogging someone who isn’t their husband.
Laura W
@DougJ: Totally agree on the ambiance. And the ambience. When I walked in and saw the bar part, I loved it. Perfect height for bar and stools, perfect proportions in terms of how long and deep the bar was in relation to the whole room… nice bistro tables down the middle and against the wall, but it took a while to even notice them, it was all arranged so unobtrusively.
Lighting seemed dark at first in terms of the retail shelves, but I adjusted and felt really comfy in there. No brick walls, which I favor as well, but nice yellow paint and consignment art that went well with the place. NO tee vee. NO foreign movies. David Gray and Melissa Etheridge songs, I do recall. Not cramped nor crowded, yet not sparse or hollow feeling.
A perfectly-filled, perfectly-lit space, really.
Laura W
@Tattoosydney: Word.
I got so bored waiting for something interesting to happen that I broke open the Tim Tams! Ate half a pack of each flavor. mmmmmmmmm.
I expect to be awake 90 min after I fall asleep with a massive sugar/wine rev.
@Laura W:
Oh no! The Tim Tams have been breached!!
Bets on how long the rest of the packs last?
If we are reclaiming this thread: Look what I growed!
In fact, if you look around, I have pictures of my fish and other plants, for anyone that cares.
I’m pretty sure I have been to this shop!
My boyfriend had to drag me out, and I still managed to leave fingernail scratches on the door on the way out…
mmmmmm cheese.
The only thing that made me swoon more was the weekend food market in the Jordaan – a cheese lover’s heaven.
@Tattoosydney: I love the Jordaan, especially the fruit & veg market at the Noorderkerk. When the SO and I were there for new Years (the first time) we got the sweetest tangerines ever there. They were all over the city, places were giving them away. We called them "crack oranges," and they were perfect for a dry mouth, so to speak.
The funny thing about the Cheese shops: they were the only things that you could smell over the coffeshops. ;-)
I can’t believe the amount of time I just spent trying to figure out what that little spat above was about. Get a room next time guys.
Puppy treats. An obscure, but compelling, topic.
Okay, it’s not wine, but who can turn away from those little wagging tails?
I’m having Amsterdam pangs. I wish I was there now (although admittedly, I only have to wait till December till I am going on my fourth trip).
Amsterdam for New Year must have been fun….
Comrade General Stuck
It was about a pair of idiots and nothingness. Hopefully, this idiot has learned not to feed the troll idiot in the future.
If and when this idiot returns.
@Comrade General Stuck:
Hey, when are you going to point me to that big thing from yesterday that was so frickin important?
Or did you just make that up?
Little Dreamer
Weren’t you the one talking about how TZ is involved in an alpha male complex? Perhaps you should look in a mirror?
And, did I really read you correctly challenging a heart patient to a physical fight?
You want to talk about who is nuts Stuck?
I used to think you were pretty cool, no longer.
Comrade General Stuck
@Little Dreamer:
Well golly Rome Again, I’m shocked you would feel this way.
Little Dreamer
@Comrade General Stuck:
I’m sure you’re not, but, thanks for apologizing, oh that’s right, you didn’t.
Comrade General Stuck
@Little Dreamer:
Didn’t know about the heart problems, so I’ll be nicer. It could explain the Dementia for lack of brain blood.
Little Dreamer
No dementia, but there is some fatigue.
You really are being a total asshole.
Comrade General Stuck
@Little Dreamer:
Letting this go. Too bizarre.
Little Dreamer
@Comrade General Stuck:
You threaten a physical fight with someone online (a heart patient at that) and you’re calling MY behavior bizarre?
Really Stuck, go have a drink, or take a pill, or do what normal people do when they need to cope with anger.
Comrade General Stuck
@Little Dreamer:
I am not angry, don’t drink and don’t need a pill.
You really should let this go. It wasn’t your fight. Your attempts to rescue TZ is pathetic and bizzare for a political blog, and has been for a long time. You can have the last word and call me whatever. I will not respond, as I still like you, even though I’m no longer cool. The End.
Just Some Fuckhead
I think it’s cool they let you folks post from the psychiatric hospital.
Little Dreamer
Then don’t respond, and quit being so fucking dramatic.
If I was attempting to rescue TZ I would have been on during the time the fight was going on (he told me he was involved in a flame war while it was going on, I didn’t rush over to take his side). I wasn’t trying to get involved at all, and I didn’t respond until I saw you threaten a physical fight with a heart patient. I was not attempting to rescue him, I was pointing out how bizarre YOUR behavior was.
Chill the fuck out.