Watch this Bob Wright/Mickey Kaus bloggingheads discussion about JournOlist, and tell me there is something principled in his argument, because I am not seeing it. All this is was Mickey Kaus being upset and jealous that he was not invited to the group, and Kaus gives up the game with the Felix Frankfurter analogy. Mickey wanted an invitation to dinner, he didn’t get one, and so he had to trash things.
For the record, I am starting a secretive email list called the “Johnolist.” Everyone is invited, except for Mickey Kaus. I expect to talk a good bit about sex with barn animals and the management of TNR.
Sweet Lord, does he have a face made for print. I nearly broke my laptop throwing bananas at it.
it has already been established that Kaus is a asshole.
why is more proof needed?
I’m on the No Homers list.
Who controls the British Pound?
Who keeps the metric system down?
We do! We do!
Echoing MikeJ, you could name the list "The No Mickey’s Club," and invite someone else as the solely-allowed Mickey.
Who robs cave-fish of their sight?
Who rigs every Oscar night?
We do! We do!
At some point, the Zeitgeist decided it’d had enough of Mickey Kaus. And there’s no appeal– dogs bark, caravan, etc.
Warren Terra
You did see that the New York Times ran a story by Kaus today, right? Top of the page, front of its section, full color picture, the works!
The headline? "How I Learned to Love Goat Meat"
Unfortunately, the byline has been given to someone else and the rest of the story is oddly culinary, but those are probably just copyediting problems.
P.S. and lest you think I’m joking, just consider this actual quote from the story:
P.P.S. And I beat Brachiator to the punch by an unknown number of seconds!
Actual New York Times Headline: How I Learned to Love Goat Meat
I am intrigued by your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
There’s no shame in using goats in a culinary application. Kaus’s shame comes because he fellates them.
As I mentioned earlier, I ate coffee braised goat just last week at:
El Tiburon
I’d rather be forced to sex-up Ann Coulter with all the lights on.
I just don’t get Mickey Kaus. Why is he well-known in the first place? He’s an idiot and he’s an asshole. His blog is unreadable even though I like the idea of it.
Because he calls himself a liberal but manages to disagree with every single thing the Democratic party does. Which you wouldn’t think would be that notable. Heck, I’m a liberal and I disagree with about 90% of what the Democratic party does. The wacky thing is he thinks they’re too liberal.
Warren Terra
My contempt for Kaus is largely unbounded, but I actually have enjoyed many of the Wright/Kaus Bloggingheads because (especially back in Spring 2008) so many of them consisted largely of Wright mocking Kaus to his face.
Well, that’s what he’s well-known for . . .
Everybody at TNR does that and most of the other people at Slate do it too. How does that make Mickey special?
I do like the idea of his blog a lot — skeptical, independent, idiosyncratic. But he’s just not that good at it. He stakes out positions on the basis of emotion rather than logic. Why would anyone want to read that?
Can I subscribe just to the sex with barn animals feed?
I was thinking that George Costanza and Cosmo Kramer were involved in a tragic teleporter-fusion accident.
OT: Rosanna Pulido, Republican candidate for Rahm Emmanuel’s old Illinois-5 Congressional seat has been a frequent poster on Free Republic under the handle "chicaoglady."
Some gems:
She has offered the usual non-apology apology for her "crude joking." Move over, Michele Bachmann.
Progress Illinois has the story.
Mickey Kaus. What happens when Adam Corolla and Lothar from The Rocketeer have a baby.
Argue with me. I double dog dare you.
I don’t totally disagree with Kaus’s point. I once wrote for a blog where, when people argued, the posters would say “let’s take this off-line” (meaning emailing each other about it), and I thought that ran contrary to the idea of a blog.
The problem is that Kaus is just way too fixated on this issue. Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill.
Warren Terra
I fail to see a molehill here. This is closer to making a mountain out of a valley. I’d be surprised if a group of like-minded internet-savvy people didn’t have round-robin email threads that they didn’t share with the public.
It’s OT, but have you seen the pix of the Obamas and the Queen?
Our royal family makes theirs look like a couple of people shopping at the consignment store.
John Cole
@Dennis-SGMM: I would not be surprised if it turns out she is a poster at NoQuarter.
Warren Terra
She’s a tiny old woman, sure enough; but what I find really funny is the idea of the Obamas with her husband Prince Phillip, who’s got a huge number of famously gaffes expressing prejudices against and stereotypes about racial minorities and the disabled. Heck, Phillip has said nasty things about the Scots, let alone people who look different fro him (and his comments about people who do look different from him are unsurprisingly worse).
Sadly, I’m sure even he won’t be dumb enough to say anything this time.
John Cole
Why should anyone be forced to include Kaus in their conversations? Why can’t people have a private email list to talk about things in an informal setting? Why is any of it Kaus’s business?
@Warren Terra:
Well, even though he is the Duke of Edinburgh, he was born in the Greek-Danish royal family, so Scots are rather different to him.
Look, if its going to be about TNR and Sex with animals shouldn’t mickey be the *only* guy on the list?
I love that Mickey can’t understand why people aren’t leaping to Marty Peretz’s defense. And the way Bob consistently runs rhetorical circles around the Goatsucker.
schrodinger's cat
I will subscribe only if you include frequent updates of the Mighty Tunch.
It’s not his business. But I can see how he might think that it goes against the idea of the openness of blogs. Why not true your ideas out on your readers instead of your chums?
I’m not saying I agree with him. But for someone like him, who really does write whatever is on his mind on his blog (and often what is on his mind is stupid), I can see why he might have a complaint.
That’s all.
Johnny Pez
@DougJ: So, you’d like Kaus’ blog if only it wasn’t for Kaus posting to it.
So say we all.