Alaska Republicans are pretty funny:
The Alaska Republican Party further believes that current Senator Mark Begich should resign his position to allow for a new, special election, so Alaskans may have the chance to vote for a Senator without the improper influence of the corrupt Department of Justice.
Gary Condit called. He said to SUCK. ON. THIS.
Comrade Dread
Yeah, it sucks to be on the receiving end of George Bush’s fuck ups, don’t it, Republicans?
They so funny, they think totem pole a-live!
harlana pepper
Can we just forget Alaska is even on the map?
Stephens can run against Lisa Murkowski in 2010.
harlana pepper
Ted Stevens in a pair of ruby red Sergio Rossi pumps
Yeah, and I thought Bush should have resigned in 2001 and allowed Floridians a chance to vote in a fair presidential election.
The Alaska GOP can suck on it, just like the rest of us had to the past 8 years.
Tax Analyst
They should have done like Tedesco did and filed one of them thar "pre-emptive lawsuits" asking the court to say they won even if they didn’t.
Hey, what happened in that election anyway? I’ve been kinda busy and forgot to check on it.
Yes, I’m being very lazy here…OK, I’ll go check on it myself.
Yes, well, obviously because the Obama DOJ decided to drop the charges, that means that the extra level of Stevens’s house has ceased to exist. Stevens is as pure as the driven snow.
Oh good gawd that’s the funniest thing I’ve seen all week. It’s Thursday, so that’s impressive.
@Tax Analyst:
TPM says that Tedisco actually pulled ahead this afternoon, according to the official count. Murphy is back up by six now. So count on waiting a few weeks for the result.
Joshua Norton
Ted Stevens was "innocent" just like OJ was. If he went through a retrial, they’d have nailed his ass to the wall one more time. It’s obvious he was guilty as charged.
If the Alaska GOP wanted Alaskans to have the chance to vote for a Senator without the improper influence of the corrupt Department of Justice they could have had someone other than Stevens running.
Ed Marshall
I remember monitoring Free Republic back in 2001 and the front page had this really shitty animated .gif of Condit in the front. After September 11th, I kept wondering when they were going to take the stupid thing down…and I swear I remember thinking the same thing during the 2004 election. I had to go check FR because I wasn’t positive it wasn’t still there.
So the Alaska GOP explicitly states that the Bush Department of Justice was corrupt?
Can we call this progress or shall we just file this under "talking before thinking"?
Bush DOJ: "The first man makes a move, the Senator gets it!"
The former governor of Illinois may want a piece of this action in the future (Ex-Illinois Governor Is Indicted on Corruption Charges).
"Uh, now that Stevens isn’t going to jail, can we just invalidate the last election?"
Bad Horse's Filly
OT: Meanwhile at the G-20, Michelle Obama gives her secret service guys a little adrenile rush as students swarm to hug her.
MIchelle at school for girls
So great to see how excited those girls were, but I was amused by the SS, they seemed a bit anxious, though relented when she gestured she wanted to cross the stage and hug even more girls.
Shailagh Murray called in to say they should have a re-vote.
Wasn’t Stevens the one who made the choice to push his trial up before the election?
You gotta read the comments at the Anchorage Daily News. They’re all, "God bless you, Uncle Ted! We owe everything to you! You’ve done so much for this state!"
This state filled with whiny titty-babies on the federal dole who love to brag about their rugged frontiersmanship. Um, no offense to normal Alaskans.
Yeah, I guess there must be a couple.
Heh. Even Caribou Barbie is now calling for a re-vote.
Bwahahahahahahahaha. Oh god. Oh god it’s too much. Teehee. Ho ho ho. So good. *sob* *sigh* *giggle*
Did he then pass the phone to Gray Davis and Don Seligman?
Comrade Darkness
OT, just ordered a furminator from the handy link on the left.
You’re welcome. And . . . no, thank YOU.
To get these Baked Alaskans to just STFU maybe we should just put the bug in the Obama’s ear to grab the State Big Oil subsidy checks that go to the state and stay in the state and turn them into Federal Big Oil subsidy checks to offset the economic shit storm that assholes the likes of Ted Stevens helped to perpetuate for the last 40 years.
I think the Feds clandestinely used Alaska and Texas as toxic waste dumps back in the 50’s which has resulted in the mutant "The Hills Have Eyes" level of political sophistication and thinking demonstrated by the dominant political party in both states, i.e. The Republican Party. To call them retards is to disparage the handicapped, and apologies in advance to any reasonable, sane folk in both states. They’re just fucking political mutants and should be dealt with as such. With BFG’s, Swords and Magic. Reason obviously isn’t working. Power Up bitchez!
Doesn’t seem to matter which state, they bring the comedy. How many seconds did it take for Begich to say “Thanks, but no thanks” to that retarded suggestion/request/demand or whatever.
Phoenix Woman
Yes, and then Eliot Spitzer had some sweet nothings for Toobz and the Alaska GOP as well.
Those Alaska Republicans are a hoot. Don’t they remember Stevens got a goddamned *bounce* in the polls for that election after he was convicted?
If he’s not convicted, he’s not going to get so close to getting reelected. Whether it was a sympathy vote or a defensive vote or some kind of screwed up "He’s corrupt but he’s corrupt for us!" mentality, doesn’t matter. He got convicted, and got surprisingly closer to getting reelected.
Also, it ain’t like he didn’t do the shit he was accused of… which was pretty obviously corrupt.
On the other hand, we *do* have Alaska Republicans to thank for Sarah Palin’s shameless lying. I’m not sure if I’m rooting for her to save us from Newt Gingrich in 2012, or the other way around.
Yeah, just like we got a do-over when the five corrupt Party Uber Alles Repig bastards on the Supreme Court bent the election into Bush’s lap in 2000.
Enjoy your trashed reputation for life, Sandra Day O’Con-Artist — I for one will never forgive and never forget your treason when you sold out your country for your political party because you didn’t want a Dem president choosing your successor.
Zuzu's Petals
Sure, let’s do a re-wind and let the Senate vote to kick him out on ethics grounds instead.
@Bad Horse’s Filly:
I noticed that, looked like they were afraid she was going to take a header off of the stage.
Why have the charges been dropped?
@Prospero: Prosecutorial misconduct. Holder reviewed the case and assessed that evidence was withheld from the defense.
Prospero, because Bush’s Justice Department withheld evidence. Prosecutorial misconduct is a bad thing, and Holder wanted to send the message that it won’t be tolerated.