It’s amazing how much the Mike Allens of the world repeat right-wing memes:
ALLEN: I think it’s a big story — I don’t know, I think some bureaucrat who wrote this report like misstated in a way that doesn’t comport with your or my observations about the real America. I think it was somebody, who written inside the Beltway, who maybe has fantasies about what happens outside in the real America. But I think it was obviously overstated that I can only get so like excited about that.
He’s describing the DHS delusional fantasy that right-wing extremists might do things like shoot policemen.
Taibbi is awesome:
mean little dunce. hah!
or law enforcement officers, or liberal talk radio hosts, or doctors who perform legal abortions, or queers, or queers and abortion clinic personnel, or just any old liberals they can find, or government workers and any random gathering of innocent citizens.
But hey, some liberals said bad things about George W. Bush, so who can really say whether the left or the right is more prone to violence?
I object, this is an insult to innocent Hippos everywhere.
Cat Lady
And this is an insult to mean little dunces everywhere.
My Prius rolls on dubs
Let’s see… I go to church every sunday with my wife and kids, own my own home, drive a 4×4 dodge, grew up in a rural community, own a couple rifles, and own my own business. Am I a real American yet?
BTW, I’m also a lifelong Dem, social liberal, college educated, approve of gay marriage, HUGE Obama supporter since 2004 and despise ignant racists. Am I not a real American now?
P.S. – I’m white, if that helps narrow it down for the right wingers out there.
schrodinger's cat
And how does Mr Allen define "real America" and who are these "real Americans" he speaks of. Since he is a Beltway reporter, what does that make him?
The hippo is not insulted if the act was involuntary on his part, perhaps the text should be ammended form "fuck an hippopotamus " to "rape an hippopotamus "?
for fuck’s sake, are we back to the real America bullshit?
Allen is one of the most obviously biased right wing hacks in the MSM today. He is in the same neighberhood as Ron Fortier (sp?) of AP and Solomon, who was with, I think the WaPo (and AP I think before that) before leaving the MSM for the Moonie Times.
PS, I don’t have time to look them up but he wrote some real hit pieces back when he was at the WaPo that you would think if they cared about the product they put out would have got him canned.
I live in "Real America". Judging from the "Real Americans" that have been writing and calling into the local papers bragging about their memberships in militias and the farms that have been turning into "gun clubs" which remind you more of training facilities I think we should be concerned about right-wing domestic terrorism. It always amazes my how much these people hate Islamic terrorism when they seem to have so much in common with their lifestyles and tactics.
Somebody brought it up in Last night’s Open Thread, but the Onion’s new front page story is Comedy Gold.
A "real American" because he speaks truth to power.
Also, everyone he talks to is like him, therefore he is one of them.
Please Lord Obama Vetanari, throw them into the scorpion pits.
I don’t live anywhere near "real America."
The best thing about living in northern New Mexico is how close you are to the USofA. An hour’s drive or so.
Same thing with the 21st Century…
Just Some Fuckhead
I think Mike Allen misstated that in a way that doesn’t comport with your or my observations about the professional bureaucratic class in Washington.
The hippo called and asked if Ann could send a picture.
When he’s not writing drivel, Mike Allen is sticking his head up the rear-ends of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck.
@r€nato: Oh yeah, well at least the right wing guys don’t blow up buildings full of innocent people like the lef… oh wait…. nevermind.
Turnabout is fair play. I hope the
wingnutsreal Amurrikans get a chance to learn how the boot tastes. I hear it tastes earthy, a lot like teabag, but with a stompy texture and a fruity shoe-polish bouquet.Thom
The commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars defended the report:
Comrade Dread
I don’t think I can take four to eight more years of this.
I don’t think these people truly understand that there are a lot of angry unemployed folks out there with a lot of time on their hands just waiting for someone to tell them who to blame for it and stoke the fires.
Either that or they truly don’t give a damn if someone snaps and does something horrific.
I’d like to think it’s the former, but I honestly don’t know anymore.
Maybe these cretins truly do believe that any government not run by a Republican or on Republican terms is an illegitimate usurpation regardless of how many people voted for it and regardless of how many people support it.
Tonal Crow
For those who like teabaggin’ and can’t wait to fight some tyrants, have at it.
Bill Teefy
But Anne would have to be the top, not only because she’s Anne, but because she is so practical.
I can.
If for no other reason then the inevitable backlash against the Right when their wackos fire the first shot.
And then the glorious purge begins.
And Americablog has the best bit yet:
The Moar You Know
@Comrade Dread: Umm, a few people already have. You’ll notice that those stories have been smothered faster than a baby delivered in a high-school girl’s bathroom on prom night.
Thadeus Horne
Anne probably would demand the top. My question is: Where are you going to find a hippo that would fuck her??
A giraffe..maybe…?
Some real real America for Allen: LINK.
Some real real America for Allen: LINK.
I never want to see the words real and American next to each other again. Please. Make it stop.
@Comrade Dread:
We’re less than a hundred days in, and you’re already feeling the "Clinton Fatigue" that got Bush elected in 2000.
@NonyNony: No, it’s more like moran-fatigue, but I got pretty inured to it over the last eight years. It’s actually a little easier right now because the morans don’t have much in the way of actual power, so it’s fun to mock them, since all they can do in response is flail wildly.
More "Country First" moments from the Party of Lincoln.
Wile E. Quixote
@Matt Taibbi
That would have to be an extremely docile and compliant hippopotamus.
Mike Allen was Karl Rove’s personal tea-bag holder for eight years.
He’s despicable.
Real America is the salt of the earth.
Real America is the common clay.
You know…
@Dennis-SGMM: Salt and clay? Isn’t that the recipe for Play-Doh?
@Dennis-SGMM: Morons.
I don’t really know the details, but my impression is that the Right in Israel didn’t suffer too much (domestically) after they assassinated Rabin.
@Comrade Dread:
We already know who to blame: the banksters.
Dumb**** teabaggers either appear not to know, or aren’t really clear about it.
As to firing the first shot.
Let’s see.
There was Adkisson killing liberals at a UU church last year.
There was the Black church in Springfield Mass burned on election night.
There was Keith Luke in Brockton Mass who went on a murder spree targeting immigrants and gays.
There were the two white supremacist wingnuts who were planning on killing President Obama, but who the Bush DOJ pooh-pooed.
The trust fund Nazi in Maine who was dispatched by his wife but who was planning on making dirty bombs.
Then that tool cop killer in PA.
They’ve been firing lots of shots.
Tonal Crow
@GSD: Yeah, not to mention the 19 religious ultraconservatives who killed 3,000 people in 2001.
Were those real Americans the ones calling Obama a Muslim terrorist at McPalin rallies?
Who’s in charge of DHS? Is Skeletor still running it, or did they bounce his ass out?
Napolitano is in charge right now; most of the leadership below her are still holdovers from the Bush administration.
In real America, we do not cover up the name of Christ simply because an invited President is offended by it.
..or shoot guns wildly.
Mike Allen is just another yappy beltway dog that rolls in shit to cover his scent.
President Obama just released a statement to go along with the release of the OLC memos. To say its dissappointing is a GROSS understatement. He would have been better off not saying a word.
It was torture but they’re not going to prosecute the torturers.
Obama and Holder deserve a flogging for this.
We are a nation of laws and need to start acting like one.
and Brightfart weighs in….
from the sludge report
Ooo, that’s good news. We all know that Obama has lots of room for improvement, but OTOH it’s nice – and this could apply to any president in my lifetime almost as well as to GWB – to have a president who isn’t pandering to theocrats by festooning himself with superstitious imagery and hiding behind crosses. He’s Christian, fine, I wouldn’t expect anything else, most Americans are; but the way he chooses not to throw it in our faces shows unusual respect for both non-Christians and the Constitution.
John PM
I was just reading some of the first comments at Greenwald’s site and many commentors are disappointed with the statement. I am glad the memos are being released, and I am glad that these torture techniques will not be used under an Obama administration. However, if these torture techniques were so bad that they cannot be used going forward, then they never should have been used in the first place. The use of these torture techniques was against the law, and the lawbreakers must be punished. If they think they were justified in using these techniques, then let them argue that. But they must be forced to defend themselves.
Tonal Crow
@UnWisdom: In real America, we do not promote religion over nonreligion, nor one religion over another. In real America, we obey the real American Constitution. In Wingnutika, on the other hand, up is down, slavery is freedom, and all that which is not prohibited is mandatory.
@Tonal Crow:
"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States."
I think that’s just crystal clear. I’ve always wondered why they don’t get it.
A Ghost To Most
I hear hippos can open their jaws 180 degrees – that should be big enough to handle Ann the C.’s "teabag"
When I went to Catholic school in the 60’s, our parish had an "auditorium / chapel" complete with Stations of the Cross with panels that they closed when the room was used for band concerts and such. Guess they were ashamed of them.
I think it’s more projection. Jindal just said that "we" shouldn’t question Obama patriotism.
I wasn’t, and I don’t know that it’s standard practice among regular people to "question" the President’s patriotism. Most of us don’t think we’re in a position to "question" other Americans on patriotism. Bobby Jindal is?
Comrade Dread
No. I’m not feeling any fatigue with Obama. The guy’s only been in office for three months. I expect plenty of disappointment from him over the next three years, 9 months, but so far, I don’t really see all that much to complain about aside from DOJ’s state’s secrets claims and his DEA’s continued medical marijuana raids.
Well, and I’m not that happy about bailing out bankers. I’d just as soon bury them up to their necks near fire ant hives and let nature take its course.
No, I’m tired of the right-wing idiots. And as someone who used to be a Republican, that’s saying something.
Even during the Bush years, there used to be a handful of conservatives out there who were still in touch with reality that gave me some hope for the right. Now, I think all of them are silent or have left (been purged) from the party and are hanging out with Democrats or Libertarians.
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
@KG: for fuck’s sake, are we back to the real America bullshit?
No. It never went away.
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
@Comrade Dread: there used to be a handful of conservatives out there who were still in touch with reality that gave me some hope for the right. Now, I think all of them are silent or have left (been purged) from the party and are hanging out with Democrats or Libertarians.
This is true, except for the part about Libertarians.
Tonal Crow
Well, see, in Wingnutika, the phrase "support this Constitution" reads "support the fatwas of Pat Robertson, James Dobson, Jerry Falwell, or any other duly-designated mullah" and "but no religious test shall ever" reads "and our religious test shall always".
Wingnuts just read…differently.
@Wisdom: Nor do we believe stupid CBS reporters who think "IHS" is "the name of Jesus." Have they not heard of The Google? And I’m another Catholic hs/college/law school grad (Notre Dame, of all places!) who’s just fine with the Pres not getting all Jesus-ey on me.
The Real America. That phrase is so played out. If they are the "real America", then I will buy the zircon every time. No, wait, fuck ’em. MY America is the real one–not theirs. I think we proved it during the last election.
As for the White House requesting that religious symbols be covered up when the President of the (non-Christian-based) United States is speaking, works for me!
@Comrade Dread: What I want to know is, when can Blue America hold a convention and decide to secede from Red America? Because I for one am tired of subsidizing their asses and being called a parasite for my troubles. I’m done with reruns of the Scopes trial and Loving v. Virginia II: You Don’t Bring Me Flowers Anymore.
This country needs a divorce. They can have their dysfunctional third world wonderland if that’s what they want. The country couldn’t afford to split up 150 years ago, but we’re no longer living in the age of great European monarchies, and republican democracy will survive the dissolution of the Union just fine, thank you very much. They want to take their toys and go home, I say fine: let the fuckers go. We are better off without them.
Gee, the ‘Pukes have been calling for Obama’s assassination for over a year now on national tee-vee. Even the FuxSnooze anchors join in. And DHS is only catching on to this NOW?
I’d say they got a free pass, so far. But Gitmo is still there, y’know, right-tards.
And guess what? We’ve got photographic evidence: TEABAG IS THE NEW DOUCHEBAG!
Just Some Fuckhead
Yer pretty fucking cocky for just finally having gone blue.
@Just Some Fuckhead: wha?
Surreal American
I have lived in Flyover Country my whole life so far. In some of the reddest red states ever, I might add. However I don’t qualify as a Real American because I don’t vote Republican, don’t have trucknutz on my vehicles and I don’t crank up Lee Greenwood songs to 11 and shout "USA!", "USA!" everytime America finds itself in an avoidable or unavoidable military engagement while a GOP president is at the helm (when a CW artist finally gets around to penning an anti-Somali pirate tune, someone please alert me).
Although I’m not overly fond of paying taxes, I’m not a raging taxophobe to the exclusion of fiscal and economic sanity.
Hence my moniker "Surreal American." It describes how I’m American enough when I’m overseas with a valid passport but apparently not "Real" enough for a Palin rally participant.
Just Some Fuckhead
@jenniebee: Virginia? When it comes to red states, there go we but for the mendacity of Jim Gilmore.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Surreal American: Okay, but trucknutz are kinda cool.
Mike in NC
Wizz-dim, you troll, there’s a little thing called the separation of church and state. Try looking it up sometime.
Surreal American
@Just Some Fuckhead:
If only trucknutz had played a significant role in the tea bagging protests. Only fitting.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Surreal American:
I can only imagine how funny that woulda been.
I have a major crush on Matt Taibbi. LOL! That man is just so freaking funny.