How revealing of his inner cultural biases. He thinks laughing at idiots proudly boasting their ignorance is immature, while purposefully ignoring the culture he lives in to the point where most ten year old boys know what teabagging is somehow a sign of maturity.
Ignorance is strength my friend.
Heh. Rachel can teabag me any time!
P.S. Public homosexuals? So they’re really het in private? I’m crushed.
It’s unbelievable to hear these Powerline dopes and dumbo Michelle Malkin squealing like stuck pigs over all the double entendre jokes made at their expense.
If they’re too stupid or lazy to exercise due diligence before labeling their "grassroots mass" protests, they get what they deserve.
Michelle Malkin is the biggest crybaby in the right wing nutosphere.
28 Percent
You LIEBERALS will make a joke out of anything we should have known better it would have been better if we had stuck with the original name Families Against Porkulus because we are FOR FAMILIES and AGANST WASTE and then there would not have been all this silly GIGGLING gettin g int he way of the message there is no joke you could have made then you can not make fun of a group called FAP.
I guess he thought President Obama should have pimp slapped Chavez. These people are so stupid.
Looks like Charles Johnson is back to his old self.
Y’know, sometimes I wonder what these radical right-wingers are thinking. Do they honestly believe this sort of petty, childish nonsense is going to win over people to their side?
@28 Percent: lol… My repub senator sent a memo about how he was against pork and in the memo mentioned how many nice parkways and pork he was bringing back.
Should I think that it’s funny in an ironic sort of way that I’m a gay man in my 50’s who didn’t know what the term ‘teabagging’ meant until a few weeks ago?
That is, I knew that it was physically possible, but I didn’t know it had a name. Live and learn.
I know we have a black president, but not all black males are pimps.
The Moar You Know
@28 Percent: You are a national treasure. Don’t ever change.
Lesbians teabag? Who knew?
@Svensker: If I can be counted as a lesbian because I’m attracted to women, then yes. If the posession of male genitalia DQs me from being a lesbian, then I guess not.
Fap, fap, fap. Fits perfectly with teabagging.
P.S. I didn’t know what teabagging was until a few weeks ago, either.
Shawn in Showme
Should I think that it’s funny in an ironic sort of way that I’m a gay man in my 50’s who didn’t know what the term ‘teabagging’ meant until a few weeks ago?
That’s what we’re here for. Unfortunately wingnutters don’t have anybody to stop them before they go off half-cocked. Heh, heh.
Should I think that it’s funny in an ironic sort of way that I’m a gay man in my 50’s who didn’t know
Maybe yer not doin it right?
Shawn in Showme
I know we have a black president, but not all black males are pimps.
Anybody can lay down a pimp smack. Well, provided their pimp hand is strong.
I believe the term for females who do the teabag motion is "taco bop". Don’t quote me on that, though.
@28 Percent: It doesn’t matter what you name you chose.
The bottomline is that many tea party attendees were clueless, knuckle dragging neanderthals.
If organizers cared about coverage of the events they would have urged attendees to avoid displaying signs, t-shirts, etc that compared Obama to a communist or a fascist.
I hated it when people called Bush a fascist and it’s just as despicable to do the same thing to Obama.
Michelle Malkin and Glenn Reynolds didn’t have a word to say about the disgusting, delusional rhetoric used at these rallies. They really need to pull their heads out of their rear ends.
Fucking hilarious.
Maybe yer not doin it right?
I’ll go out tonight and ask around.
@gbear: gbear, you just need to practice. Maybe the good folks of 2M4M can give you a hand….
Shawn in Showme
I can’t wait until the GOP salad tossing campaign. I’ll bring the ranch dressing.
I believe the term for females who do the teabag motion is "taco bop".
Eww. That’s so gross. I need to go lie down now.
Maybe the good folks of 2M4M can give you a hand….
2M4M has been the story of my dating life for the last few years. Every guy I talk to eventually gets around to telling me that he’s got a partner, but that’s OK. I’ll be amazed if I ever meet a bonified single guy about my age ever again.
"Taco bop". Is that like a terrorist bump?
IMO the 28% type of folks need a laxative.
I knew what teabagging meant, but had no idea that only gays and lesbians did it.
Didn’t Kid Rock have a song about it? Does that mean he’s gay? I’m very confused…
@JK: You do not know what you are talking about nobody was calling Obama a fascist it would be wrong to do that they are only saying that he is doing all the same things the fascists did like make great speeches and eat vegetables. You need to LEARN and EDUCATE YOURSELF before you speak next thing you will be claiming that there are calls for secession that is what the LIEBERALS are claiming but nobody wants secession they only want sovereignaty you would know this if you read the Constitution once in a while but you do not you do not care about FREEDOM that is why you should not be allowed to vote it only gets FASCITS SOC1ALISTS elected and that is not the WILL OF THE PEOPLE.
Shawn in Showme
Didn’t Kid Rock have a song about it? Does that mean he’s gay? I’m very confused…
I don’t know the song but maybe he was singing about a stint in the joint.
Well then whatever you do, do NOT google "Dirty Sanchez". Fuckhead made me look it up last week since it was new to me (praise Allah!) I prefer "Stinky Hitler", but that’s just me, being part German and all, probably.
@28 Percent: Okay now I know you are a spoof. Doug where are you? FYI Orgasms are kinda nice.
Instead of whining about dirty jokes, Republicans should clean up their own house and denounce the labeling of Obama as a socialist and a fascist.
The deafening silence from any elected Republican in response to the descriptions of Obama as a socialist and a fascist indicates that they’ve decided to jump onboard Ozzy Osbourne’s Crazy Train.
Crazy Train is the perfect theme song for the Republican Party because they’ve let themselves be taken over by the tin foil hat brigades.
@Krista: Makes me feel kinda gay but there’s nothing wrong with that.
Well, that would certainly facilitate the Stinky Hitler.
I’m grossing myself out to the max here.
I need to go walk around the yard in the beautiful sunshine and breeze now to clear my palate.
Er, so to speak.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Laura W: You DO NOT want to know what a Hot Carl is then.
28 Percent
@JL: It is wrong JL if that is your real name to call me a "spoof" it is not right I am a REAL AMERICAN and I have FREEDOM OF SPEECH maybe you have not heard of it but it is my right as an AMERICAN so you can SHUT UP about the "spoof" business it is not mature.
@JK: You do not know what you are talking about nobody was calling Obama a fascist it would be wrong to do that they are only saying that he is doing all the same things the fascists did like make great speeches and eat vegetables. You need to LEARN and EDUCATE YOURSELF before you speak next thing you will be claiming that there are calls for secession that is what the LIEBERALS are claiming but nobody wants secession they only want sovereignaty you would know this if you read the Constitution once in a while but you do not you do not care about FREEDOM that is why you should not be allowed to vote it only gets FASCITS SOC1ALISTS elected and that is not the WILL OF THE PEOPLE.
The run-on sentences are a nice touch that most people don’t think of, and the senselessly capitalized words are of course de rigueur, but the lack of any mention of ACORN came as a disappointment. So I’d give it an 8, but a little work can certainly take you to a 9.5 or a 10.
You DO NOT want to know what a Hot Carl is then.
Much less a Cleveland Steamer.
@28 Percent: Walk down the street and identify folks as real Americans or not, you spoof. By the way you do know the continents, right! Don’t forget you laxative.
Laura W, you just had to provide a link and I just had to to click it. Thanks.
28 percent has nothing to hide. He lives in a GLASS BOTTOM BOAT!
When Jonah Goldberg, a conservative pundit, praised Mr Obama over the dispatching of the Somali pirates, his e-mail inbox immediately overflowed, he said, with “snark and bile”.
Great. Just great. I guess I’m not as sexually adventurous as I thought.
Michael D. at number two explained it. It started out as frat boys putting their testes on a friend’s forehead when said friend was passed out from drinking.
Then, apparently, it was on Sex in the City. then, gay men stole it, and that’s the mini-history of teabagging. I learned all this from the interwebs.
Now I need a shower.
Back in my day it was called sitting on someone’s face. Sometimes with a numerical nickname.
BTW, how do lesbians get their ovaries outside their bodies?
You know, I’m pretty open to almost anything, but feces is a deal breaker. I know, I know, "my kinks are sexy, your kinks are disgusting" is stupid, but seriously…poop as a turn on? I’m just not seeing it.
OK. Cleveland Steamer just put me over the edge. I am never having sex again.
Actually, coming from food service I always thought "tea bagging" someone’s drink was something you did to a rude customer. You’d basically dip your balls in their drink behind the bar and then serve it to them and watch them quaff it down. It’s like a spitter or a sneezer, but much much worse. I didn’t learn this other definition until about a year ago.
BTW, you all know this, but if you don’t and if you want definitions of this stuff, the Urban Dictionary will fill you in.
If I were Scott Johnson, I’d just head down to the Local Grain Mill so I could dance it off.
@asiangrrlMN: Sex is good. And one person’s perversion is another person’s gross out. Still, I’m with you on anything to do with shit or piss. Don’t get it and never will. Or pain. Also.
Taco bop? I’ve always heard it called the clam slam
@28 Percent: Leave the run-on sentences to James Joyce. You are in some very deep denial.
The Republican Party has gone from zero to whacked out Looney Tunes in 2 months.
Don’t forget to take your meds.
@bago: I just recently discovered the Lords of Acid, and I am now addicted.
@smiley: sex is good–yes. However, after reading this thread, I am kinda grossed out. Which means, omg! The teabaggers have won! That was their master plan! To make sex so ugly and disgusting, we DFHs would swear off it forever.
Slightly OT (!): Has anyone wondered about the origin of the cartoon-bear Charmin tissue commercial about not leaving any tissue behind? Does your toilet tissue leave behind shreds of tissue on you ass after you wipe? And if so, how do you know? I would need at least two mirrors (or someone doing a rusty trombone on me) to know. My Dog, how competitive is the toilet paper market that that is how they try to distinguish their brand???
@JL: My original comment to 28% had to do with spending in the red states, My repub senator sent a memo about how he was against pork and in the memo mentioned how many nice parkways and pork he was bringing back. Somehow, I do think that he lives in my area since he did not respond to that comment. He might need two laxatives..
@smiley: I hate that commercial. I always mute commercials in the first place, but I can never mute that one fast enough.
P.S. That you so greatly for adding to my sexual vocabulary. No. Really. Why is it the names are often worse than the acts?
I guess no one has heard of the Philly cheese steak?
Does your toilet tissue leave behind shreds of tissue on you ass after you wipe? And if so, how do you know?
Not so much. I have that issue with my vajayjay if I use tp other than my Quilted Northern, Soft & Strong. And I know when I shower and find all sorts of stringy things up there.
God I’m glad you brought this subject into this thread. Finally something I can speak to.
@Laura W: Gee, I have a septic so I’m pretty careful on what I use; although, for the guest bathroom, I spring for the more expensive stuff.
@AhabTRuler: I’m thinkin’ it’s about time to change my posting handle on accounta’ all of the Christian conservatives who lurk here on BJ will prolly not want to buy any mosaics from me once they figure out I might just be "that" Laura W.
I do not recall any new Momo Sprout de Hopey y (et?) Changey photos this week. Is she now billing you for model’s fees?
Ed Marshall
It took a little arguing with some dolts, but Scott Beauchamp’s wiki page doesn’t look like a triumph of the wingnut so much these days.
I know not all black males are pimps. I happen to be one of them. I also know not all pimps are black males, just ask Larry Flynt, Hugh Heffner or the cat that runs the Bunny Ranch. Still evidently Charles Johnson wanted President Obama to walk up to Hugo Chavez and give him the business evidently. This after a week of sounding halfway rational. Just proves that the wingnut is strong in that one.
OK, Laura, that’s it. And Fuckhead, too. I looked up Dirty Sanchez and then clicked on felching. Ewwww ewwww ewwww. I think I wanna be a virgin again. Can that be done? (Should I ask Newt?)
The only reason I keep clicking "reload" is to find out if Cole found a little friend for Tunch yet, but I just learned more than I ever cared to about the various toilet habits of those who frequent this place.
In Tunch’s-Little-Friend news, I volunteer at the local animal shelter time to time, and there is a bright young woman who works there who is addicted to orange juice. The other day I brought up the frozen orange concentrate my mom would buy us when we were kids, and she looked at me like I was on crack.
Does anyone else remember the frozen concentrate canisters, or did I hallucinate back there?
Does anyone else remember the frozen concentrate canisters, or did I hallucinate back there?
Acourse. I actually have one in my freezer. It’s been there about 3 years so not sure the status of the contents.
@JenJen: Most oj that you buy in the store is from concentrate. Her look says more about her than you.
Laura W
@Svensker: Well, I just finally watched Colbert from Thurs night and he must’ve been reading BJ again because he had a Dirty Sanchez joke, complete with b/w photo of the guy! So thanks to Fuckhead the Fetish Freak I got the joke!
Not so much. I have that issue with my vajayjay if I use tp other than my Quilted Northern, Soft & Strong. And I know when I shower and find all sorts of stringy things up there.
God I’m glad you brought this subject into this thread. Finally something I can speak to.
Um… I’m a man and I don’t understand having an orifice where my balls are. I also have three sisters and I don’t understand having an orifice where my balls are. What are you doing with your Quilted Northern, Soft & Strong? Maybe you should try a cloth? (Dog help me, I’m about to be trashed.)
Just Some Fuckhead
@Laura W: If yer countin’ on Christian Conservatives keeping ya in business you better start working on some rapture and armageddon mosaics.
Laura W
@ Svensker 83
Now see! I had to run and look that one up!
But I think vajayjay balls need their own word since they are not butt-related. Let’s make it up now and go register it.
Or not.
How dare you suggest white people cannot be pimps! As a Caucasian-American I am offended and feel violated by your exclusionary assumptions.
@Laura W: Dingle berries is by far the more common term.
I am a relatively experienced man and I have no idea what "vajayjay balls" are. Are you making a joke? If not, please clue in the clueless.
Edit: Never mind. I looked it up at the urban dictionary.
Laura W
@smiley: I’m not gonna trash you, smiley. We can work this communication snafu out. I was responding to your inquiry: "Does your toilet tissue leave behind shreds of tissue on you (sic) ass after you wipe?", thinking you were truly seeking knowledge.
I was simply sharing my experience that yes, inferior brands do leave behind "residue", if you will. Perhaps "up" was the wrong preposition for me to use. Perhaps "within" or "inside" would have been more accurate. (If in fact that part of speech was a preposition at all as I used it.)
I can’t believe my life has degraded to such a point that I am even discussing this on a public political blog comment thread.
Just Some Fuckhead
We’re just lucky John wasn’t one of the "respected" bloggers.
@Svensker: Oh thank goodness, so it wasn’t just me. And if I were you, I’d free that canister from your freezer and go find a bottle of vanilla-flavored vodka. ;-)
I was! That’s why I asked! Thanks, but I still don’t get it. And as far as I know, I have shreds of TP hanging on my ass? Really (getting out at least two mirrors)?
was simply sharing my experience that yes, inferior brands do leave behind “residue”, if you will. Perhaps “up” was the wrong preposition for me to use. Perhaps “within” or “inside” would have been more accurate. (If in fact that part of speech was a preposition at all as I used it.)
“Up” wasn’t wrong.
I can’t believe my life has degraded to such a point that I am even discussing this on a public political blog comment thread.
It hasn’t been. I was just curious about the reaction about a commercial. Really. Now I know that some people actually care about the issue. Or at least notice the problem. As I have said, I’ve never noticed – but I’m a man.
Joshua Norton
you better start working on some rapture and armageddon mosaics.
@smiley: Smiley, you need to realize that 90% of what I write on here is tongue-in-cheek, playful sarcasm.
I wasn’t debating you, or bitching at you. I was just riffing on your funny post and having fun. Bantering.
That said, I am still not going to volunteer to inspect your ass for paper shreds.
@asiangrrlMN: Yeah, the only problem is that she knows it.
@AhabTRuler: Yeah, well, cats used to be worshiped as gods and goddesses, and they never forgot it. I have two of my own. Nothing is too good for my boys.
28 Percent, may I say that your faith in Bush is touching?
hahaha.. nice one, demi. An oral touch I’m sure.
Cal Gal
“I hated it when people called Bush a fascist and it’s just as despicable to do the same thing to Obama.”
Except that with his religulous corporatist militarism, Bush really was a fascist.
Cal Gal
He must be a mock troll. I particularly liked the 1 instead of a capitalized I in “SOC1ALISTS”
Is this guy using a typewriter on the Intertubes? How? I want to do that too!
@Cal Gal: Yeah, the “we get to spy on you while giving money to corps we liked while not regulating corporations so that they could profit while torturing people” bit, yeah. Other than using the government to offer no bid contracts to the people who left the corps in question to lean the government for the benefit of their corporations, there was no conflict of interest. Other than that, yeah.
Slightly OT (!): Has anyone wondered about the origin of the cartoon-bear Charmin tissue commercial about not leaving any tissue behind?
This, too, can be ascribed to teh gheys, specifically the “bear” community, most of whom, presumably, have rather hairy rear ends, upon which the lesser brands of tissue may become shredded and leave souvenirs.
He must be a mock troll. I particularly liked the 1 instead of a capitalized I in “SOC1ALISTS”
Is this guy using a typewriter on the Intertubes? How? I want to do that too!
28 percent is one of our most treasured spoof trolls. His writing is wingnuttage of the highest order – and often impossible to tell from the real thing.
However, I suspect that the “SOC1ALISTS” was to avoid the moderation filter which sends to moderation hell all messages that contain “so cia1is m”, “v1agra” and (oddly) the plural of a generic term for footware.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
Gays invented the female orgasm? I must be doing it wrong.
Michael D.
It’s funnier because teabagging is a straight college boy thing. We homosexuals co-opted it.
Michael D.
Billy’s dad is a fudge-packer. Totally worth your time!
How revealing of his inner cultural biases. He thinks laughing at idiots proudly boasting their ignorance is immature, while purposefully ignoring the culture he lives in to the point where most ten year old boys know what teabagging is somehow a sign of maturity.
Ignorance is strength my friend.
Heh. Rachel can teabag me any time!
P.S. Public homosexuals? So they’re really het in private? I’m crushed.
It’s unbelievable to hear these Powerline dopes and dumbo Michelle Malkin squealing like stuck pigs over all the double entendre jokes made at their expense.
If they’re too stupid or lazy to exercise due diligence before labeling their "grassroots mass" protests, they get what they deserve.
Michelle Malkin is the biggest crybaby in the right wing nutosphere.
28 Percent
You LIEBERALS will make a joke out of anything we should have known better it would have been better if we had stuck with the original name Families Against Porkulus because we are FOR FAMILIES and AGANST WASTE and then there would not have been all this silly GIGGLING gettin g int he way of the message there is no joke you could have made then you can not make fun of a group called FAP.
Lesbians teabag? Who knew?
Looks like Charles Johnson is back to his old self.
I guess he thought President Obama should have pimp slapped Chavez. These people are so stupid.
Y’know, sometimes I wonder what these radical right-wingers are thinking. Do they honestly believe this sort of petty, childish nonsense is going to win over people to their side?
@28 Percent: lol… My repub senator sent a memo about how he was against pork and in the memo mentioned how many nice parkways and pork he was bringing back.
Should I think that it’s funny in an ironic sort of way that I’m a gay man in my 50’s who didn’t know what the term ‘teabagging’ meant until a few weeks ago?
That is, I knew that it was physically possible, but I didn’t know it had a name. Live and learn.
@28 Percent: Heheh. He said ‘WASTE’.
"pimp slapped"?
I know we have a black president, but not all black males are pimps.
The Moar You Know
@28 Percent: You are a national treasure. Don’t ever change.
@Svensker: If I can be counted as a lesbian because I’m attracted to women, then yes. If the posession of male genitalia DQs me from being a lesbian, then I guess not.
Fap, fap, fap. Fits perfectly with teabagging.
P.S. I didn’t know what teabagging was until a few weeks ago, either.
Shawn in Showme
That’s what we’re here for. Unfortunately wingnutters don’t have anybody to stop them before they go off half-cocked. Heh, heh.
Just Some Fuckhead
Maybe yer not doin it right?
Shawn in Showme
Anybody can lay down a pimp smack. Well, provided their pimp hand is strong.
I believe the term for females who do the teabag motion is "taco bop". Don’t quote me on that, though.
@28 Percent: It doesn’t matter what you name you chose.
The bottomline is that many tea party attendees were clueless, knuckle dragging neanderthals.
If organizers cared about coverage of the events they would have urged attendees to avoid displaying signs, t-shirts, etc that compared Obama to a communist or a fascist.
I hated it when people called Bush a fascist and it’s just as despicable to do the same thing to Obama.
Michelle Malkin and Glenn Reynolds didn’t have a word to say about the disgusting, delusional rhetoric used at these rallies. They really need to pull their heads out of their rear ends.
Fucking hilarious.
I’ll go out tonight and ask around.
@gbear: gbear, you just need to practice. Maybe the good folks of 2M4M can give you a hand….
Shawn in Showme
I can’t wait until the GOP salad tossing campaign. I’ll bring the ranch dressing.
Eww. That’s so gross. I need to go lie down now.
2M4M has been the story of my dating life for the last few years. Every guy I talk to eventually gets around to telling me that he’s got a partner, but that’s OK. I’ll be amazed if I ever meet a bonified single guy about my age ever again.
"Taco bop". Is that like a terrorist bump?
IMO the 28% type of folks need a laxative.
I knew what teabagging meant, but had no idea that only gays and lesbians did it.
Didn’t Kid Rock have a song about it? Does that mean he’s gay? I’m very confused…
Before this silly Conservative Teabag Party thing came along, this is what I thought the term "Teabagging" meant. (A clip from the John Waters movie "Pecker")
28 Percent
@JK: You do not know what you are talking about nobody was calling Obama a fascist it would be wrong to do that they are only saying that he is doing all the same things the fascists did like make great speeches and eat vegetables. You need to LEARN and EDUCATE YOURSELF before you speak next thing you will be claiming that there are calls for secession that is what the LIEBERALS are claiming but nobody wants secession they only want sovereignaty you would know this if you read the Constitution once in a while but you do not you do not care about FREEDOM that is why you should not be allowed to vote it only gets FASCITS SOC1ALISTS elected and that is not the WILL OF THE PEOPLE.
Shawn in Showme
I don’t know the song but maybe he was singing about a stint in the joint.
Laura W
Well then whatever you do, do NOT google "Dirty Sanchez". Fuckhead made me look it up last week since it was new to me (praise Allah!) I prefer "Stinky Hitler", but that’s just me, being part German and all, probably.
@28 Percent: Okay now I know you are a spoof. Doug where are you? FYI Orgasms are kinda nice.
Instead of whining about dirty jokes, Republicans should clean up their own house and denounce the labeling of Obama as a socialist and a fascist.
The deafening silence from any elected Republican in response to the descriptions of Obama as a socialist and a fascist indicates that they’ve decided to jump onboard Ozzy Osbourne’s Crazy Train.
Crazy Train is the perfect theme song for the Republican Party because they’ve let themselves be taken over by the tin foil hat brigades.
@Krista: Makes me feel kinda gay but there’s nothing wrong with that.
Laura W
Well, that would certainly facilitate the Stinky Hitler.
I’m grossing myself out to the max here.
I need to go walk around the yard in the beautiful sunshine and breeze now to clear my palate.
Er, so to speak.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Laura W: You DO NOT want to know what a Hot Carl is then.
28 Percent
@JL: It is wrong JL if that is your real name to call me a "spoof" it is not right I am a REAL AMERICAN and I have FREEDOM OF SPEECH maybe you have not heard of it but it is my right as an AMERICAN so you can SHUT UP about the "spoof" business it is not mature.
Laura W
@Just Some Fuckhead:
You’re a fucking freak.
The run-on sentences are a nice touch that most people don’t think of, and the senselessly capitalized words are of course de rigueur, but the lack of any mention of ACORN came as a disappointment. So I’d give it an 8, but a little work can certainly take you to a 9.5 or a 10.
Much less a Cleveland Steamer.
@28 Percent: Walk down the street and identify folks as real Americans or not, you spoof. By the way you do know the continents, right! Don’t forget you laxative.
Laura W, you just had to provide a link and I just had to to click it. Thanks.
28 percent has nothing to hide. He lives in a GLASS BOTTOM BOAT!
OT (and about time) Jonah Goldberg experiences Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Great. Just great. I guess I’m not as sexually adventurous as I thought.
Michael D. at number two explained it. It started out as frat boys putting their testes on a friend’s forehead when said friend was passed out from drinking.
Then, apparently, it was on Sex in the City. then, gay men stole it, and that’s the mini-history of teabagging. I learned all this from the interwebs.
Now I need a shower.
Back in my day it was called sitting on someone’s face. Sometimes with a numerical nickname.
BTW, how do lesbians get their ovaries outside their bodies?
You know, I’m pretty open to almost anything, but feces is a deal breaker. I know, I know, "my kinks are sexy, your kinks are disgusting" is stupid, but seriously…poop as a turn on? I’m just not seeing it.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Laura W: Maybe a little.
28 Percent, may I say that your faith in Bush is touching?
all this teh gay and t-bagging makes me think of this for some unknown reason — gays, subversion, and Top Gun…..take it away Mr Tarantino….
OK. Cleveland Steamer just put me over the edge. I am never having sex again.
Actually, coming from food service I always thought "tea bagging" someone’s drink was something you did to a rude customer. You’d basically dip your balls in their drink behind the bar and then serve it to them and watch them quaff it down. It’s like a spitter or a sneezer, but much much worse. I didn’t learn this other definition until about a year ago.
BTW, you all know this, but if you don’t and if you want definitions of this stuff, the Urban Dictionary will fill you in.
If I were Scott Johnson, I’d just head down to the Local Grain Mill so I could dance it off.
@asiangrrlMN: Sex is good. And one person’s perversion is another person’s gross out. Still, I’m with you on anything to do with shit or piss. Don’t get it and never will. Or pain. Also.
Sit on your face.
Lords of Acid.
Taco bop? I’ve always heard it called the clam slam
@28 Percent: Leave the run-on sentences to James Joyce. You are in some very deep denial.
The Republican Party has gone from zero to whacked out Looney Tunes in 2 months.
Don’t forget to take your meds.
@bago: I just recently discovered the Lords of Acid, and I am now addicted.
@smiley: sex is good–yes. However, after reading this thread, I am kinda grossed out. Which means, omg! The teabaggers have won! That was their master plan! To make sex so ugly and disgusting, we DFHs would swear off it forever.
Slightly OT (!): Has anyone wondered about the origin of the cartoon-bear Charmin tissue commercial about not leaving any tissue behind? Does your toilet tissue leave behind shreds of tissue on you ass after you wipe? And if so, how do you know? I would need at least two mirrors (or someone doing a rusty trombone on me) to know. My Dog, how competitive is the toilet paper market that that is how they try to distinguish their brand???
@JL: My original comment to 28% had to do with spending in the red states, My repub senator sent a memo about how he was against pork and in the memo mentioned how many nice parkways and pork he was bringing back. Somehow, I do think that he lives in my area since he did not respond to that comment. He might need two laxatives..
@smiley: I hate that commercial. I always mute commercials in the first place, but I can never mute that one fast enough.
P.S. That you so greatly for adding to my sexual vocabulary. No. Really. Why is it the names are often worse than the acts?
I guess no one has heard of the Philly cheese steak?
Laura W
Not so much. I have that issue with my vajayjay if I use tp other than my Quilted Northern, Soft & Strong. And I know when I shower and find all sorts of stringy things up there.
God I’m glad you brought this subject into this thread. Finally something I can speak to.
@Laura W: Gee, I have a septic so I’m pretty careful on what I use; although, for the guest bathroom, I spring for the more expensive stuff.
Not a 3X post!
Laura W
@AhabTRuler: I’m thinkin’ it’s about time to change my posting handle on accounta’ all of the Christian conservatives who lurk here on BJ will prolly not want to buy any mosaics from me once they figure out I might just be "that" Laura W.
I do not recall any new Momo Sprout de Hopey y (et?) Changey photos this week. Is she now billing you for model’s fees?
Ed Marshall
It took a little arguing with some dolts, but Scott Beauchamp’s wiki page doesn’t look like a triumph of the wingnut so much these days.
Oh, hah hahhahhhahh. Really? Or did you make that up?
I know not all black males are pimps. I happen to be one of them. I also know not all pimps are black males, just ask Larry Flynt, Hugh Heffner or the cat that runs the Bunny Ranch. Still evidently Charles Johnson wanted President Obama to walk up to Hugo Chavez and give him the business evidently. This after a week of sounding halfway rational. Just proves that the wingnut is strong in that one.
@Laura W:
OK, Laura, that’s it. And Fuckhead, too. I looked up Dirty Sanchez and then clicked on felching. Ewwww ewwww ewwww. I think I wanna be a virgin again. Can that be done? (Should I ask Newt?)
The only reason I keep clicking "reload" is to find out if Cole found a little friend for Tunch yet, but I just learned more than I ever cared to about the various toilet habits of those who frequent this place.
In Tunch’s-Little-Friend news, I volunteer at the local animal shelter time to time, and there is a bright young woman who works there who is addicted to orange juice. The other day I brought up the frozen orange concentrate my mom would buy us when we were kids, and she looked at me like I was on crack.
Does anyone else remember the frozen concentrate canisters, or did I hallucinate back there?
@Laura W: How many photos can I post of her sleeping, waking, & thoughtful?
Besides which, not finding a job has been a full-time occupation lately.
Acourse. I actually have one in my freezer. It’s been there about 3 years so not sure the status of the contents.
@JenJen: Most oj that you buy in the store is from concentrate. Her look says more about her than you.
Laura W
@Svensker: Well, I just finally watched Colbert from Thurs night and he must’ve been reading BJ again because he had a Dirty Sanchez joke, complete with b/w photo of the guy! So thanks to Fuckhead the Fetish Freak I got the joke!
Mouse Tolliver
What, FAP wasn’t a dead giveaway?
@Laura W:
And thanks to your post about your shower habits I will always link you in my mind with dingleballs. :)
@Laura W:
Um… I’m a man and I don’t understand having an orifice where my balls are. I also have three sisters and I don’t understand having an orifice where my balls are. What are you doing with your Quilted Northern, Soft & Strong? Maybe you should try a cloth? (Dog help me, I’m about to be trashed.)
Just Some Fuckhead
@Laura W: If yer countin’ on Christian Conservatives keeping ya in business you better start working on some rapture and armageddon mosaics.
Laura W
@ Svensker 83
Now see! I had to run and look that one up!
But I think vajayjay balls need their own word since they are not butt-related. Let’s make it up now and go register it.
Or not.
OK…30 min countdown till GREY GARDENS on HBO starring Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore. Should be very good.
For all of the Drew fans in the house, including our host, as I recall…
Early Mornin Stoned Pimp
How dare you suggest white people cannot be pimps! As a Caucasian-American I am offended and feel violated by your exclusionary assumptions.
@Laura W: Dingle berries is by far the more common term.
I am a relatively experienced man and I have no idea what "vajayjay balls" are. Are you making a joke? If not, please clue in the clueless.
Edit: Never mind. I looked it up at the urban dictionary.
Laura W
@smiley: I’m not gonna trash you, smiley. We can work this communication snafu out. I was responding to your inquiry: "Does your toilet tissue leave behind shreds of tissue on you (sic) ass after you wipe?", thinking you were truly seeking knowledge.
I was simply sharing my experience that yes, inferior brands do leave behind "residue", if you will. Perhaps "up" was the wrong preposition for me to use. Perhaps "within" or "inside" would have been more accurate. (If in fact that part of speech was a preposition at all as I used it.)
I can’t believe my life has degraded to such a point that I am even discussing this on a public political blog comment thread.
Just Some Fuckhead
We’re just lucky John wasn’t one of the "respected" bloggers.
@Svensker: Oh thank goodness, so it wasn’t just me. And if I were you, I’d free that canister from your freezer and go find a bottle of vanilla-flavored vodka. ;-)
@Laura W:
I was! That’s why I asked! Thanks, but I still don’t get it. And as far as I know, I have shreds of TP hanging on my ass? Really (getting out at least two mirrors)?
@Laura W:
“Up” wasn’t wrong.
It hasn’t been. I was just curious about the reaction about a commercial. Really. Now I know that some people actually care about the issue. Or at least notice the problem. As I have said, I’ve never noticed – but I’m a man.
Joshua Norton
And probably put them on black velvet.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Joshua Norton:
Oh, that sounds gorgeous. They’ll sell like hotcakes with an advertisement in Focus on the Family.
Oh, for the days when snowballing was risque.
@JenJen: Concentrate canisters. Never heard them called that before, but yes, they do exist and you are not hallucinating.
@AhabTRuler: That cat is ridiculously cute.
Since we are posting Lords of Acid songs, here are my two favorites:
Laura W
@smiley: Smiley, you need to realize that 90% of what I write on here is tongue-in-cheek, playful sarcasm.
I wasn’t debating you, or bitching at you. I was just riffing on your funny post and having fun. Bantering.
That said, I am still not going to volunteer to inspect your ass for paper shreds.
@asiangrrlMN: Yeah, the only problem is that she knows it.
@AhabTRuler: Yeah, well, cats used to be worshiped as gods and goddesses, and they never forgot it. I have two of my own. Nothing is too good for my boys.
@Laura W:
Damn! At least i went for it, unlike when I was in high school.
Laura W
Best LOL of the day/night so far.
I always miss the best conversations on here…
@asiangrrlMN: Anyone that can’t take a snowballing is really unfit to comment upon oral affairs.
hahaha.. nice one, demi. An oral touch I’m sure.
Cal Gal
“I hated it when people called Bush a fascist and it’s just as despicable to do the same thing to Obama.”
Except that with his religulous corporatist militarism, Bush really was a fascist.
Cal Gal
He must be a mock troll. I particularly liked the 1 instead of a capitalized I in “SOC1ALISTS”
Is this guy using a typewriter on the Intertubes? How? I want to do that too!
@Cal Gal: Yeah, the “we get to spy on you while giving money to corps we liked while not regulating corporations so that they could profit while torturing people” bit, yeah. Other than using the government to offer no bid contracts to the people who left the corps in question to lean the government for the benefit of their corporations, there was no conflict of interest. Other than that, yeah.
This, too, can be ascribed to teh gheys, specifically the “bear” community, most of whom, presumably, have rather hairy rear ends, upon which the lesser brands of tissue may become shredded and leave souvenirs.
@Cal Gal:
28 percent is one of our most treasured spoof trolls. His writing is wingnuttage of the highest order – and often impossible to tell from the real thing.
However, I suspect that the “SOC1ALISTS” was to avoid the moderation filter which sends to moderation hell all messages that contain “so cia1is m”, “v1agra” and (oddly) the plural of a generic term for footware.
Johnny Pez
No, public as in publicly funded. It’s all part of the conSorospiracy.