Has anyone seen the movie Earth?
Also, I have babbled about this several times in open threads, but I have finally found a hand lotion that does not make my hands feel greasy when I use it. It is called Borage Dry Skin Therapy Lotion – 8 oz, and it is a little pricey (like 12 bucks in my grocery store) and leaves your hands smelling like an old bar, but for once I can use lotion without having my hands slippery for an hour.
And yes, I fully expect to be called prissy again.
Shouldn’t that be “Has any one see the Earth?”
Which one?
Thank you and good night everybody!
You ever try Glysomed? Works wonders. Aveeno intensive hand therapy or whatever it’s called is also pretty good.
John Cole
@YellowJournalism: I tried aveeno. It left my hands feeling waxy.
My girlfriend uses that because it contains no petroleum jelly, which I think is why your hands aren’t slippery for an hour after you use it.
She says to let you know that they sell large bottles at Whole Foods.
I think John’s talking about the Disney movie.
Polish the Guillotines
John, you’ve officially mock-blocked this entire open thread.
Also, do you mean Earth the band? I’ve never seen them live, but I do like them.
Charlie Rose interviewed one of the co-directors the other night.
It’s a very good segment considering Rose’s capacity to be annoying
Steve V
The Earth guys also gave a great interview on Fresh Air on Wednesday.
I recently bought an old style stainless steel “safety razor” that takes real razor blades. The shave is better than one of those quad blade craptastic things they sell for a barrow full of Wiemar marks – sorry, I mean “dollars”. My dad used one of those things when I was a kid. He never gave it up. Now I know why.
BTW: I bought 100 blades for $16 bucks. That’s enough to last me a year. And the razor itself was about $30. Those disposable razors are a total scam.
When the ex was being treated for colon cancer, dry skin was a result of chemo. Whole Foods has a large section of lotions and soaps that work well and don’t smell.
Where I volunteer they were donated tea therapy soaps that I could purchase for one dollar a bar. Needless to say, now other soaps cause me to itch and somehow I just can’t morally pay five dollars for a bar of soap.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Real men use Corn Husker.
Uncle Glenny
There’s some stuff I always wanted to check out which as the logo “Mens et Manus” (Mind and Hand – text on the MIT seal), but I never did.
I suspect it would be greasy, however, since it’s not latex safe.
One of those things to go on display with things like empty bottles of Gosling’s rum and Newton Vineyards wine, and if I could ever find it, the large advertisement for a VAX (vacuum cleaner).
Laura W
@blahblah: Thank you. Every time I hear this on my iPod shuffle on my daily walks, I think: “When will I ever get the chance to post this in a Friday night open thread?”
Razor Face.
If you’ve seen Planet Earth, you’ve seen all the footage. But I’d still like to see it on the big screen.
Actually, I’m dying to take my son to it, but he’s just too young for a theatrical film yet.
@kommrade reproductive vigor: I went looking for what corn husker was.
Either Urban dictionary is a spoof site or …
‘Old Bar Smell’ room freshener would be a hit in dorm rooms worldwide- sure as hell beats that mildewed clothing smell. Thanks for the idea!
Eucerin has a variety of products. I like their
Face (SPF 15) and some of their hand products.
Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Oil bar soap. I hardly ever had to use lotion, which is saying a lot since it was winter.
@kommrade reproductive vigor: I was going to suggest Corn Husker’s Lotion as well. I know some farmers who use it, as they tend to dry the hell out of their hands. Plus, the container seems to pass the minimal “manliness” test. And, if I recall correctly, the smell is anything but feminine.
Let me guess: you also eat Uncle Sam cereal.
Glysomed’s great stuff. If your hands are in really rough shape, try this: mix sugar and olive oil to a paste, and rub it all over your hands for a good three minutes or so. Rinse it off with lukewarm water, pat your hands dry, and coat them with Glysomed. Throw a pair of loose gloves or even socks on your hands and go beddy-byes. In the morning, your hands will be like a baby’s bum. The husband is a stonecutter, and in winter his hands get so dry that they crack. I browbeat him into that treatment every so often, and it works a treat.
As an aside, the olive oil/sugar thing makes an awesome body scrub in the shower. Just make sure you have a non-slip mat though, or the paramedics will be admiring your smooth skin as they bring you to the hospital to get your bones set.
@Paula: how much?
@Krista: Thanks. Definitely will try that.
ford powers
try this:
not slippery – or prissy. though worrying about your hand lotion……?? just sayin.
OT for anyone in upstate illinois tomorrow
C’mon John. Go full out prissy and have a parrafin dip.
There are the best!
Dry skin is not prissy. Some folks just have dryer skin and it’s no big deal.. Suck it up, John. Tea therapy soap is great though. i filled my son’s stocking with it.
The netflix movie this week is The Wrestler, hopefully it’s worthwhile.
“Back in my day, silver dollars had pictures of bumble bees on them!”
Well, while we’re on dermatological tips, does anybody here have any tips for keratosis pilaris? I’ve tried Lac-Hydrin, but am reluctant to use it now that I’m preggers. Any natural remedies out there?
Fair enough- but I’m probably younger than you. Apparently I just sound like I’m 28 going on 82.
Krista – my great aunt (an old fashioned witch) recommended elder flower tea for any type of skin problem. When I was a teenager it worked like a charm on my acne.
I highly recommend Trader Joe’s Oatmeal Almond bar soap. Cheap and very kind to the skin. Doesn’t leave it dry and itchy at all, in my experience.
Three possibilities:
1. bear grease (what my very rural grandmother recommended when i was a kid)
2. bag balm
3. something with shea butter in it
@Krista: Wikipedia recommended milk baths, due to the lactic acid.
is this the one where the baby bird jumps out of the nest too early and then bounces off a pile of leaves instead of going splat?
@LD50: Metal men use Husker Du.
Updated to re-affirm that old metal bands use it. I was barely post-toddler at the time.
Udderly Smooth Udder Cream. Found out about it during my machinist days. Works good, unscented, not greasy.
Although Adama Sr’s pilot name was Husker. But still, he’s old. Also.
Saw Earth with my young kid and was relieved that they cut away whenever the predator caught the prey. I don’t want to deal with kiddie nightmares. Overall, the movie was good for a matinee.
WaPo has a great story of how 500 HS students showed up to counter 7 Westboro Baptist Church anti-gay protestors.
aren’t lotions cheaper at drug stores or target? seems to me grocery stores have a higher mark up than usual for toiletries.
I second the Bag Balm recommendation. My aunt swears by it. Have given it to people struggling with various skin complaints and they love it.
At a farmers market I recently bought some of the Balm of Gilead from these folks: http://www.australianscent.com. It’s become quite popular in our house. You don’t need much at all. Does have shea butter in it, among other good things.
Fuck the movie, go out and get the box set narrated by that old British guy, not the Americanized version narrated by the Alien chick.
It’s fucking amazing.
Sir David Attenborough?
I have really dry skin and I’ve found that the best thing to do is after a shower, before you dry off, douse yourself in baby oil or Neutrogena Body Oil, stand in the shower stall for a couple of seconds and then dry off.
Works great and I don’t need to use lotion. Helps condition when shaving your legs too.
Just don’t use the towel that you dry off with to wrap your hair… the oil will get in your hair.
He’s an old British guy, right?
The only one I know by name is that Obi Wan dude.
I usually just eat the box and throw out the cereal. Better flavor.
@Betsy: Thanks. Many, many years ago, in fact decades ago, my older son now 32 had a case of chicken pox that would have won contests on how many spots can be on one body. The doc said don’t touch it just let him sit in an oatmeal bath. Although it was pretty gross, it did help relieve some of the stress. I forgot about the miracles of oatmeal.
@Krista: Try shea butter. Hated using the unrefined version as a child in Nigeria cuz it had a strong scent, but it worked for just about every skin condition I had. The Body Shop has a shea body butter.
The Dangerman
OK, you’re going to think I’m shitting you, but I understand “Oil Pulling” (nothing like “drill, baby, drill) is supposed to work on “keratosis pilaris”. Google the two phrases, find a site on it, and wonder “how in the fuck would that work?”.
Apparently, Sesame Oil is best and the body absorbs something transdermally (or whatever it’s called when it is absorbed under the tongue; hey, give me a break, it’s Friday, and I didn’t go galt on the margarita).
Since there are a lot of neti pot fans out there, I bet we have some oil pullers here, too. Come on, we won’t call you prissy.
Am I reading this wrong?
Appeals court rules Gitmo detainees are not “persons”
Can someone please explain what this means? It was my understanding that the SCOTUS reversed the district court’s decision and sent this back to the Court of Appeals to reexamine.
Now the Court of Appeals, ruled today that the detainees are Not “Persons”.
WTH! I’m lost…
ethan salto
I heard on the internets that John Cole is actually a fearsomely wily eighty-one year old woman named Mabel.
I can’t link to the WaPo story because I’m on my cell phone. It should be in the Metro section.
I found the following story at the WaPo:
Opposing Students Overwhelm Anti-Gay Protest
Even better is to use the Johnson’s (or generic) baby oil gel. It’s not as messy and doesn’t get everywhere. The one with Aloe is great.
@Marcus: How lame is it that WBC is protesting a dead poet? Pathetic.
Thanks! I am totally going to try that. I almost fell on my ass in the shower the other morning by slipping on an oil slick. It sounds like the gel will prevent that.
I had an allergic reaction to laundry detergent that took me a while to figure out and found this process brought me great relief from the itchy rash that has taken forever to go away.
Now I am addicted to the silky softness.
Zuzu's Petals
Borage oil is great for your skin. I found out about it during an expensive facial, where she applied borage oil straight to the skin. Said I should use it outside and inside, as a dietary supplement. She was right…I use it regularly now.
Interesting read
How Bush’s Torture Helped al-Qaeda
Nice finds from YouTube
Radio Free Europe (Live) – REM on Letterman
Virginia Plain (Live) – Roxy Music
I’m the Man (Live) – Joe Jackson
Mr. Stuck
I think it’s a Constitutional term meaning persons on American Soil. Makes all the difference on application of constitutional rights of non-citizens.
Though it doesn’t make since since the Supremes have already ruled that Gitmo is to be considered US soil for the prisoners.
If this is wrong, BJ legal eagles please come to the rescue.
Laura W
@The Dangerman:
Oil pulling and oil swishing support forum on CureZone.
I’ve referred to CureZone for many things over the last three years and find the info there to be exceptional. Not read up on the oil pull. Just know it’s there.
So this is what Friday night now looks like on BJ? 61 posts revolving around John’s dishpan hands? I think the poster at #55 nailed it. You should’ve had a Margarita, or four, John. At least then you would’ve come back funny and rowdy. Not dry and chapping.
I would want to read the actual decision and not what Raw Story has to say about it. Pity they don’t provide a link. People on the internet come up with all sorts of wacky interpretations of court cases.
I had forgotten about this act of intellectual dishonesty from Newt Gingrich
Last year, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich appeared in a “We Campaign” advertisement for former Vice President Al Gore’s Alliance for Climate Protection to promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Speaking alongside Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Gingrich said, “We do agree, our country must take action to address climate change,”
Source: After Appearing In Gore Ads Last Year, Gingrich Now Decries Green Economy Bill As ‘Path Of Destruction’, http://thinkprogress.org/2009/04/24/gore-gingrich-global/
@Mr. Stuck
That was my understanding also. I thought the SCOTUS already ruled on that. Hmm… It sure would be nice to read the news just once without having to pick my jaw up off the floor.
Zuzu's Petals
Try exfoliating with dermabrasion crystals and unscented soap, if you’re not already.
Another takedown of Amity Shlaes from The Edge of the American West blog
Yes. It’s a duckling. And every time I see the commercial I think, “How the fuck did a duckling get up in a tree?”
Waterboarding Demonstration Video
I just want to say I’m really enjoying the new ads around here, and particularly, the young lady who is now presently stripping on my monitor as I type this.
Also I like Gold Bond ultimate lotion, which I find to be both effective and non-greasy. Or alternately, bear fat.
So the 60-grit sandpaper isn’t a good idea, then?
I just figure that by the time summer rolls around, I’m going to be rather leviathan in stature, and thus, miserable. So, if I’m going to exercise my right to bare my arms, it’d be nice if I didn’t get the constant commenting of “You have a sunburn!”, followed by my exasperated “No, I do not have a sunburn. My skin is like this year-round.”
For such a common condition, you’d think more people would have seen it.
I’ve looked into oil pulling (sounds pervy, doesn’t it?) and it seems rather…gross. I might try it if I get desperate, though. I’ve also heard that shea butter, milk and/or coconut oil work. So, if I don’t get rid of the KP, at least I’ll smell like an exotic dessert.
The Dangerman
WTF? I’m getting ads for cures for hairy backs; this isn’t fair.
@MikeJ: Go to this link http://www.scotusblog.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/rasul-ii-4-24-09.pdf
Krista, you can get exfoliating gel from Paula’s Choice, only on the internet.
She has fantastic products, and it’s hard to find some of them anywhere else.
Baking soda also makes a good scrub.
Brick Oven Bill
Today, it came to my attention that one particular Senator believes that off-shore wind has the potential to provide more or less energy independence for America.
To judge the validity of this particular Senator’s belief, it is useful to look to Denmark, a world leader in wind power.
El Cid
@blahblah: I’m sorry, but the budget multipack triple blade razors last me at least a week each one, and never ever cut or leave raw skin.
@Marcus: Here’s another writeup of the case discussed in your Rawstory link
DC Circuit again rejects suit by former UK Guantanamo detainees
Laura W
Someone (JK – God/Goddess? of links) snag Rachel’s last segment tonight. Very entertaining.
Maher up next. I can’t believe I remembered to remind myself, what with all this fascinating hand lotion advice for John.
Is this really what Friday nights at BJ have come to? Christ.
BoB, can’t you just talk to us about teleprompters? I say stick to what you’re good at.
Forgive me for self promotion… Knowing how much you lot love furry animals I suspect you might not mind in this case…
I’ve finally loaded a selection of my photos from Singapore Zoo. I think some of them are quite good, and there’s a good selection of animals, including this kitty…
You probably don’t process oils and Vit D properly. My hub and son both have it. The sun works the best to get rid of theirs, but in the winter big doses of fish oil, flax oil and Vit D3 (not regular cheapo Vit D) help.
The very first thing I notice is that this is a case that this court had already ruled on, and then the USSC struck down their decision. So they’re pissed off to begin with, and probably looking for a way to get their original decision back.
Now I need to go read more than the first para, but I’ve had a Manhattan and am starting my second glass of wine and Goldie Hawn is on teh teevee box.
Thanks for the link(s).
John Cole
Sorry, just feeling tired and worn out after the week. I can’t always be lively, you know. Where is JSF tonight?
If you want slow, I am lying here on the couch eating crystal light popsicles and petting the cat while trying to finish BSG.
Love the otter photos!
@Brick Oven Bill:
what percentage does denmark use?
@Marcus: You’re welcome
Who needs to go that far?
Hook up Rush Limbaugh and Malkin to a windmill and we’d power the entire East Coast.
Someone is in need of a PS2.
Hmm, Cole reviews lotion and worries about being prissy:
That house in the film was in West Virginia, wasn’t it? If anyone visits Cole and is offered to go in the basement to see his train set, don’t fall for it!
Yeah, followed the footnotes. The court is saying, “Fuck you”to the supremes. In as close to that language as most judges ever get. Basically they say, “we decided this once and neither you or your ‘constitution’ is gonna change our minds.
@John Cole:
Which of these shows was the funniest?
Cheers, Frasier, or Seinfeld
Laura W
@John Cole:
Not sure…might be some intertubes snafus in progress…Pirates coulda took him… but I also think he might have broken up with both of us.
Neither one of us deserves him, you know. It would serve us both right.
Dead as hell around here without him, though.
John Cole
@JK: Trick question.
Frasier wasn’t funny.
Library Grape
ok, so maybe this is the scotch talking but i just wanted to say how much i love the commenter community here at balloon juice. with the exception of the occasional unavoidable troll (BOB!), you folks really are some of the smartest, nicest folks i’ve come across in the blogosphere thus far. i’ve read blogs for a long while now and only discovered balloon juice sometime last year during the election cycle. john and tunch’s work here helped inspire me to start my own blog and can’t thank all of you enough for showing me that not all comments sections need be a seething mess of trolly psychotic silliness. love u guys.
Michael D.
I was just going to call you a fag.
Michael D.
Speaking of skin creams. This one is prescription….
If you have psoriasis, ask your doctor for a medication called Fluocinonide. It’s cheap (about $10 a tube with or without insurance) and will last you about 4-6 months (if you only have a couple affected places on your body)
I have mild psoriasis – on my left arm and outer left thigh – so I don’t know how well it would work for the serious stuff. I apply it a couple times a day for 2-3 days. After that, the psoriasis goes away for about 3-4 weeks. Then I do it again.
I have never had a medication in my life that works consistently. This DOES.
So says the King of Brain Farts.
@Michael D.:
Is this Emollient Night? Or are you just rubbing it in?
Actually, thanks for the tip. I will try that stuff.
@Library Grape:
You’re raisin an interesting topic there.
Hey, some people do ointment material, I do puns.
Denmark could easily become self sufficient with wind power. That is, if I could get rid of the bad dreams. If I could, they’d have infinite space to put up turbines.
Of course the windmills only work when the wind is southerly. I am but mad north northwest.
@Michael D.: Well, in the original comment I was going to call him a “prissy queen,” but then I figured that he hadn’t quite achieved the status of royalty, as it were.
you mean corporations have more rights than actual people?
@John Cole: I’ll take that to mean you consider it a toss-up between Seinfeld and Cheers.
@MikeJ: One of my favorite quotes!
“O god, I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams.“
Just read that again. That just might be the funniest thing ever posted here.
is that the upper, or lower, arm?
@Library Grape:
Ya got me good with that one.
I’ll have to break down and log in to leave comments sometime, but I understand it being troll protection.
John Cole
@JK: Been so long since I really watched cheers, I just can not honestly say which one is funnier. In my memory, both are great. But I really did love Cheers.
Another show I loved was Hill Street Blues.
@John Cole:
Early Frasier wasn’t bad, great ensemble. But then they started doing that quasi-serious material that sitcoms fall victim to. Mistake.
Hulu.com has all the Hill Street Blues episodes.
kommrade reproductive vigor
@omen: You’re thinking of the wood ducks. They weren’t jumping out early, they were just following wood duck SOP for leaving the nest.
If they ever give a prize for film footage that makes everyone go Eeeeee! like little girls, that will win. 2nd place will go to the owlets. (Yes I have PE on DVD, wanna make something of it?)
US corps in US courts (or specifically in the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit) , yes.
What I wanna know is, is Kathrine Toomey (from Baach Robinson) related to Jenny? I lurve Tsunami and I used to annoy the fuck out of people playing that Liquorice album.
Brick Oven Bill
To understand national energy policy, one needs to understand that 83% of work performed in the US is performed by electricity, and 17% is performed by liquid fuel. This 17% includes most all transportation however.
Wind can produce electricity, and is currently subsidized at $23.34/MWh. This is in comparison with a natural gas subsidy of $0.25/MWh and a nuclear power subsidy of $1.59/MWh.
The bigger problem with wind, besides its inefficiency, is that is supply-based instead of demand-based. Power is produced when the wind blows, as long as it does not blow too hard. This makes it hard to balance an electrical grid.
Over the hand lotion thing? That’s not prissy, it’s just effeminate.
Laura W
Young orangutan is mesmerizing.
@John Cole: I’m basically on the same page as you. The question came to me when I saw your trivia question post yesterday.
Don’t know if you were a fan of The Shield, but their series finale, especially the silent final scene with Vic Mackey all alone, was the best single episode from a drama series I’ve seen in over 30 years of watching television.
Comrade Kevin
@Tattoosydney: Nice pictures! I have some zoo photos of my own, from San Francisco.
Brick Oven Bill:
That sounds kinda dirty, BOB.
Prissy? No.
Metrosexual? Yes.
Somebody has been google-grazing again.
Steve V
Hey JC, I just noticed my wife uses that borage lotion and she loves it. Good choice!
@Brick Oven Bill:
what happens when the wind blows too hard?
Library Grape
@WereBear: is that the reason the commenting at my blog has been light lately? u can comment without logging in too — just comment and type in your name below the comment box
Are there any fellow New York Yankee haters out there tonight?
Down to their final out in the ninth inning, Jason Bay drilled a game-tying two-run homer to center field off Yankees closer Mariano Rivera to force extra innings at Fenway!!!!!
Brick Oven Bill
I have run electrical production plants and it takes the better part of a day to start one of these things up from cold iron. The wind is more fickle, and can stop whimsically. In this way, the wind is like a female.
The iron of a traditional steam power plant is not whimsical in this manner, and thus must be kept hot, to make up for its feminine counterpart, the windmill. This is exactly why, despite Denmark’s investment of “20% wind”, Denmark’s iron has not been released from service.
“ Flemming Nissen, the head of development at West Danish generating company ELSAM (one of Denmark’s largest energy utilities) tells us that “wind turbines do not reduce carbon dioxide emissions.” The German experience is no different. Der Spiegel reports that “Germany’s CO2 emissions haven’t been reduced by even a single gram,” and additional coal- and gas-fired plants have been constructed to ensure reliable delivery.”
“Indeed, recent academic research shows that wind power may actually increase greenhouse gas emissions in some cases, depending on the carbon-intensity of back-up generation required because of its intermittent character.”
I suspect that Der Spiegel’s assertion is based upon the fact that quick-start power sources, such as diesel generators, and gas-fired turbine generators (20s% thermal efficiencies), are used in place to traditional steam sources (30s% thermal efficiency).
@Brick Oven Bill:
that’s odd you think strong winds would be a problem because gale force winds provided spain 40% of their power, setting a record.
The one thing I want to see in baseball more than anything else is for Mariano Rivera to give up a walk-off Grand Slam.
Bill, doing a valve job on your Honda generator is not “running an electrical production plant.”
Greatest game ever.
Always. Grew up in NY. Hate the Yankees with every fiber of my being. Went to only one home game the whole time I lived there and the fans booed the Yankees at least 3 times, even though they won.
Comrade Kevin
I’m sure there is someone reading who will appreciate this picture I ran across earlier.
@MikeJ: Last year, I heard a stat that the avg Red Sox Yankee game runs 45 minutes longer than an avg MLB game.
El Cid
Oh. This is great. Just awesome.
Because, you know, we didn’t have enough to worry about already, we got to make it the god-damned Apocalypse: new swine flu jumping from human to human, killing dozens already in Mexico and it ‘may already be a global pandemic’, unstoppable and already spread worldwide.
Well, just fuck it. Fuck it all. WTFF?
Yeah, that’s the way I read it. One has to wonder how this will sit with SCOTUS, they have to know this is headed back up.
@Martin: Nice to make your acquaintance. The obscene cost of the new stadium plus the signings of Sabathia, Burnett, and Texiera have me rooting harder than ever before for the Yankees to fail in their quest for another WS title.
@HitlerWorshippingPuppyKicker: Thanks for the link. The end of that Game 7 gave me one of the greatest adrenaline rushes I’ve ever experienced.
@El Cid:
Yeah, that flu thing stinks. I’m not all that far from Mexico and live in a very Hispanic (mostly Mexican) neighborhood, so I figure we’ll see it first. Sigh.
El Cid
@Violet: We need an asteroid too. And maybe an earthquake. And then a nuclear reactor could melt down. You know, more fun stuff.
@JK: The stadium is absurd, but not surprising from Steinbrenner. $2500 per seat per game for dugout seats is just unbelievable. The most expensive at Angel Stadium is $215, for the same seat.
Brick Oven Bill
There is one application in which wind power is a very valid power source. This is in mountainous regions with plenty of hydroelectric dams. Electricity from dams can be quickly created by opening valves, and admitting water to turbines. No heat is required.
In these regions, the electrical grid can be fed from the wind when the wind is blowing, and from the dams when the wind is not blowing. Wind in these cases is a very logical power source, as is the case in Scandinavia. Denmark sends much of its wind power to Scandinavia, but nonetheless remains a net energy importer.
In the majority of cases where you have to back up wind with fossil or nuclear plants, wind power is a net negative. Such is the case in America. This Senator’s view is thus invalid.
This is one more reason why you should maintain a family supply of food.
@MikeJ: Nice win.
One of my all-time favorite Yankee highlights was the post-game wrap-up following their playoff elimination a few years back by the Detroit Tigers. The head Yankee announcer Michael Kay was seething with anger at their elimination. He looked and sounded like someone who had just lost a $10,000 bet and watched his dog being shot.
@Brick Oven Bill:
Fuck the Red Sox. I don’t care what happened tonight, they suck. They always have and always will suck. They drown in their own suckitude. In fact, they are worse then Dick Cheney. Fuck’em.
That Series will be hard to top. We allowed the Yankers 14 runs in 7 games. Total.
I got to go to Game 2. Greatest thrill in this fan’s career, for sure.
Ah, Post Drunk nite. Always a good time.
@El Cid:
Don’t forget hurricanes. And wildfires. Good times.
Johnny Pez
Yeah, great quote, except that it’s from MacBeth, not Hamlet.
@Krista: @Laura W:
Thanks – the orangutan was posing quite consciously, but the otters were very hard to get standing still…
@HitlerWorshippingPuppyKicker: It will definitely be hard to top the drama of that series. You’re lucky to have had a chance to witness one of the best series in history.
@Comrade Kevin:
I’m not sure what that lemur is doing to the other lemur, but its a very cute photo (as long as you don’t think about it too much).
the wind. It blows like a woman.
I know. I vowed never to complain about anything in baseball again after that. And I have seen some great stuff over the years, living near three ballparks (SF, CA and AZ).
Don’t tell BOB. He is easily stimulated.
@Johnny Pez: ‘fraid not. Hamlet Act 2 Scene 2.
J. Michael Neal
@Comrade Kevin: I’d like you to win another game, so that the Ducks are a bit winded before we play them. I’m not very confident that you can do that.
J. Michael Neal
@Tattoosydney: Lemurs are a hundred pounds of cute in a ten pound body.
@J. Michael Neal: Actually, that looks to be ten pounds of cute in another ten-pound body.
@Johnny Pez: Just checked out COTL #89. Great job.
Hurrah! Now we just have to wait for one of our trolls to complain about the multi coloured buttsecks.
Mission To Marzipan
@Tattoosydney: I find the the multi coloured buttsecks appalling! Heathens!
@Tattoosydney: Awwwwww their tails almost sorta form a heart. Must be love!
Edit: Let me among the latest to say “WTF happened to p and not-p? WTF is wrong with this abortion of a blog now?”
I’ve reached comment #20 and realized this is a chick thread.
Night all
Coded messages!!
Sorry, I will endeavour not to do anything which might cause you to criticise. The spelling of words that way is very much at the centre of my identity – a virtual catalogue of words that are my favourites and add colour to my use of language. Perhaps though, I shouldn’t over-analyse.
The Detroit “owned by Ford” Lions have signed Stafford to a record contract. I hope he’s the real deal, because otherwise he is set up for Record Epic Fail. How did this end up my favorite team…sigh.
Comrade Nikolita
Neutrogena has a really good hand cream with a special “Norwegian formula” because apparently fishermen use it and it works really well even for them. The downside is that it takes a long time to absorb into the skin, but once it’s in, it works really well. if you’re not going to be eating/drinking/kissing for awhile, it works wonders on chapped lips too. I actually don’t use chapstick anymore because I find it just dries my lips out further.
Joshua Norton
It usually takes a while for the low blood sugar, low self esteem and mixing red wine with the dog pain killers to kick in.
Marzipan buttsecks. Interesting.
Comrade Kevin
@Tattoosydney: They were indeed doing what you thought they were doing. I wasn’t even trying to get lemurs doing it, but that’s what I ended up with.
Comrade Kevin
Do any of you ever watch Craig Ferguson?
Blue Raven
Aw, you Yankees fans are so goshdarn CUTE when you’re bitter.
[toddles to bed humming “Schadenfreude” from Avenue Q]
Robert Sneddon
Comrade Kevin @ 175: an acquaintance of mine is a reproductive biologist of some note. Many years ago the local zoo’s Large Mammal keepers let him know that they thought their pair of rhinos were in breeding fettle. Back then no-one had ever gotten pictures of that particular blessed event so he hurried over to the zoo with camera and tripod and set up at the rhino’s enclosure. Sure enough the two rhinos started performing, he started snapping and a little old lady started beating him around the head and shoulders with an umbrella, loudly demanding he stop taking “filthy pictures!” To his credit he kept shooting while trying to explain to the irate old lady “But Madam, I’m a scientist!”
@Comrade Kevin:
Awww. How cute.
Anne Laurie
I recommend that anyone with itchy-skin problems check the ingredients in their laundry detergent. My personal favorite at the moment is All’s ‘allergen-free’ variety, although there are no doubt many fine organic whole-grain free-trade equivalents. (Tide and Wisk, on the other hand, are notorious itch-inducers.) Also, stop using fabric softeners, especially the dryer sheets… those resins which render textiles sweet-smelling & wrinkle-free also cake up the human carapace.
As for emolients, if you can stand the loss of hipster-slash-manliness cred, Avon does an excellent African shea butter formulation that’s non-greasy and smells like old-fashioned butterscotch toffee:
whipped body balm
and it’s even on loss-leader now, 5 tubes for ten bucks…
A Mom Anon
Burt’s Bees. I have chemical sensitivities big time and this is really one of the few product lines I can use that doesn’t make my skin into a mess. Just plain cocoa butter(in the push up tube,99 cents!)works nice too. They even make a chemical free sunscreen.
harlana pepper
OT, but I’m not sure how long we want to discuss John’s hand-dryness vs. moistness.
Here’s what John can look forward to should he decide to pick a pal of the canine variety for Tunch.
Also, more pirates! Avast!
harlana pepper
Aye, A Mom Anon! I have the cocoa butter sticks and they are great unless I have to pick up something and then it smears whatever I’ve touched. I used to use it in the evening when I was just sitting around in front of the teevee, not touching anything. Hee.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
John’s use of the word “prissy” started this earworm for me, even though that word never appears in the lyrics.
Greasy hands are a danger to books etc – not “prissy” at all imo.
I don’t generally have a problem with chapping, not even when I was doing pottery and scrubbing my hands with a brush after – but when I worked as a frame contacter in a printshop (not sure if this position exists any more in the digital age!) we had to clean the negatives and the glass constantly and I mean *constantly*. The cleaning chemicals left my hands bleeding after a few days (which put more spots on the glass and films, rinse, repeat) but of course hand lotion was right out, since that would just put even *more* smudges on the glass.
Then I discovered Neutrogena’s Norwegian Formula concentrated hand cream, which a) really is non-greasy and b) really does work extremely well and c) really is concentrated, meaning that one tube can last months of daily use. It doesn’t smell like anything, either, if you get the unscented version – which I recommend because anything with fragrance tends to sting if it gets into cuts/cracks etc.
Brian J
I’m not sure where the line between trying to be comfortable and/or looking good and healthy and being prissy is, but it doesn’t sound like you’ve crossed it. For whatever reason–the change of seasons, some sort of skin issue beyond my control, my skin changing because I’ve lost a lot of weight recently, or something else–the skin on my face, particularly on my chin and around my mouth, was getting to be very uncomfortable and crappy looking. I bought some products in some store and they seem to have worked, for the most part. There’s a little part that still gets drier than I’d like, but at least it doesn’t feel like someone rubbed my face with sandpaper for an hour straight. And considering the crap that most have to endure on a day to day basis, feeling like crap because of dry skin isn’t something that should be ignored.
@Tattoosydney: Fair enough. I have no defence to offer.
I was almost prescribed that recently, but since I’m pregnant, my doctor wanted to hold off. I guess it’s pretty potent. I got a new one that starts with an “A”. (Can’t remember what it is for the life of me.) I’m picking it up this afternoon. We’ll see how it goes!
Hey congrats, YellowJournalism! When are you due?
September. There’s so many of us pregnant ladies on this board, there must be something in the Obamajuice we’re drinking.
@bellatrys: Seconded. Neutrogena Hand Cream is the shit. And it’s a lot cheaper than $12 a tube.