Tedisco conceded, btw.
It is just beautiful weather here today. I have no idea what I am going to do, but I think it will involve sitting on a deck somewhere. I might have to go galt on a margarita. Does that even make sense?
*** Update ***
Better grab some condoms and Plan B, because Republicans are loose in NY:
Hide the 17 year old’s.
*** Update #2 ***
I guess, technically, I did go Galt on a margarita. I talked loudly about it, told everyone I was going to have one, and then didn’t. Instead I just had some shrimp salad and a pellegrino.
That makes EVERY BIT of sense in the world.
Me? I’m gonna see a show a friend is directing and another friend is appearing in. (Mainly so I can keep my hide intact…)
Mango Martini, baby. With Tito’s Handmade Vodka.
Normally- No. But, in Juicerland it’s all good.
Hide all sharp objects and shoe laces from Mike Steele!
It’s great that Tedisco conceded, but the Franken Coleman saga will drag out until June.
The Minn Sup Ct justices aren’t exactly burning the midnight oil to bring a timely resolution to this case.
Makes more sense than going Margarita on a Galt.
David Hunt
Logically? No, not really. However, it makes huge amounts of sense in every other way.
As much sense as going Full Monty on it.
The district really was democrat socialist leaning before it wasn’t. Also.
But the Coleman slugfest goes on.
Why can’t the CIA make itself relevant again and knock him off?
You aren’t supposed to gibber until *after* the margarita.
Library Grape
sorry for the repeat from the last post but i wanted to make sure people saw it:
Have you guys seen the latest news out of the GOP? A slew of top GOP members of Congress have called for an investigation into the previous administration’s possible wrongdoing. I wrote a blog post on it at http://www.librarygrape.com/2009/04/breaking-top-gop-leaders-call-for.html
I would like to implore everyone to try Russian Standard vodka when they have a moment. I got hoooked on this stuff when I was an exchange student in St. Petersburg. I recently found out that it is now being imported to the States. Mighty tasty and not very expensive.
El Tiburon
Should try going Beck on a Screaming Viking.
Make sure the cucumber is bruised.
So, let me get this straight. In the time it took for NY-20 to campaign for, elected, recount, and confirm it’s Congressional Rep, the state of Minnesota still hasn’t managed to escape the legal black hole that is it’s Senate race.
Epic Fail, Minnesota. Epic Fail.
@Genine: might have to go galt on a margarita
Is Jimmy Buffet a Randian?
You listening, NORM, you freakin toad? The MN Supreme Court decided to go with Norm’s timeline and not hear oral arguments until June freaking first. Five more weeks of the Coleman roadkill campaign.
I’m going to hit all the grocery stores for their expired eggs and go set up a vending stand at Grand and Dale. It could be a small industry by late-May.
Jay Andrew Allen
Why the fuck not? It makes about as much sense as the rest of that book.
For the record, though, Galt would never “go galt” on a margarita, as that would cause him to lose control of his rational faculties, thus contradicting his ethical nature as man qua man.
Sigh. All those wasted years repeat-reading Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, and this is all I have to show for it.
Mr. Stuck
The State Within
A very good political thriller on netflix instant. 7 parts from British TV series, mesmerizing and NO torture/
@gbear: If I lived in Minnesota, I’d be livid at the behavior of these Douchebags sitting on the Minn Sup Ct. These justices are worthless, clueless SOBs
Hrm. So how’s the general Minnesota voting population feel about that?
“John McCain should have been elected President in the year 2000”, so says the oracle Chris Matthews aftering naming McCain the latest recipient of his Hardball award.
Laura W
@Library Grape: Glad I clicked through. Well worth it.
I wouldn’t go that far in insulting the MN judges, but they sure are being overly cautious about this whole thing. There is one judge who’s donated to Coleman’s campaigns in the past and I’d love to know how much influence he had on the June 1st decision. If Franken has the patience to get thru this then he’s as cool as Obama. The people who are donating a dollar-a-day to Franken until Coleman concedes are going to have to sell their homes, cars and kids before this damned thing is over.
Corner Stone
@Mr. Stuck:
Then what the hell good is it? Mister, why do you love Yurp and hate Amurka?
Grammatically, no – unless you’re planning to quit drinking. Otherwise, you want to go galt with a margarita, not on.
“Going galt on a margarita” does sound cooler though, if only because it sounds like “going postal”.
@demkat620: martinis are made with gin, not vodka and I will continue to believe this even under harsh interrogation tactics
Library Grape
@Laura W: thanks, glad you enjoyed it :)
@Library Grape: Well played.
@gbear: Given the current state of affairs, I don’t understand why no one in Minnesota doesn’t have a sense of urgency. This election is not going to be decided even after the Minn Court decision. Coleman’s attys will wait until the last possible nanosecond to file papers in Federal District Court. I’m hoping Franken can be sworn in by Thanksgiving.
Laura W
@JGabriel: I think “on” sounds cooler because it sounds like going Crazy On You.
Much like going postal.
I see that Cris has already said it, but it can’t be repeated often enough:
A Martini contains gin and vermouth. Nothing else.
Just because somebody pours some sweet minty crap into a martini glass doesn’t make it a Martini. If a cat gives birth to a litter of kittens in an abandoned oven, it doesn’t mean you can call the kittens dinner rolls.
Get your appletini off my lawn, by the way. And pull up your pants.
Sick of it, but for a million different reasons. Franken isn’t universally beloved around here either so a lot of people wish both guys would just go DIAF. I think most folks do think that Franken’s lawyers kicked Norm Coleman lawyers’ butts all the way around the block and then back again.
JK – I think Coleman wants to be able to keep his booth at the Minnesota State Fair.
Library Grape: Seconding Laura W above. Good post.
@Library Grape: I haven’t seen Jon Stewart for the past few days. Do you know if he drew a similar analogy?
Laura W
Is it possible to have two contenders for C (Q?)OTY in the same day?
I really enjoyed that whole post.
The weather is gorgeous here today, too. The “Panic At Tedisco” news only adds to the gloriousness of a perfect Friday. :-)
Mmmmm…. margaritas.
Leelee for Obama
@Library Grape: Grape, I feel so rick=rolled! Good stuff-wouldn’t it be nice if that had actually happened?
not far from Cafe Latte, right?
Leelee for Obama
@stickler: Apostate! A real Martini is only very cold gin with a twist. Vermouth is for pussies!
Library Grape
no, he hasn’t touched on the subject yet. ooh, maybe i should send them the link. i wonder if i can get a walk-on? :)
Or getting medieval on your ass.
At least not until they’re properly furminated, deboned, battered, and cooked for 35 minutes at 375 degrees F.
@Library Grape: Forget to say it in my last post. You’ve done a great job with your website, lots of good content.
Makes perfect sense. You achieve several margaritas, roam through the streets naked trying to teabag your neighbors pets, wake up in the morning in jail – and decide to withhold your achieving from the world from then on.
Have fun!
Montysano (All Hail Marx & Lennon)
For those with HBO, “Trouble the Water” is not to be missed. “It’s not about a hurricane. It’s about America”. Damn right.
Roger Moore
@Leelee for Obama:
No. A real Martini must contain Vermouth, just as it must contain gin. You can’t just wave a Vermouth bottle near the gin and call it a super dessicated Martini, or whatever other crap people talk about. If you can’t taste the Vermouth, you’re just drinking gin.
Library Grape
@Leelee for Obama:
No kidding. That will be the day we should all run out and sink our money into flying pig pork belly futures.
@JGabriel: I would instead recommend that you marinate in a strongly acid marinade overnight, and then rotisserie cook over a charcoal fire.
Think leg of lamb or guinea pig, only cuter!
Library Grape
Wow, thanks JK! I really appreciate the compliment. It’s a labor of love. There’s just so much stuff to get pissed off about these days! :)
@Cris: I wonder if the grand poobah of grammar and usage, William Safire, would give his seal of approval to the use of these phrases.
Tom Hilton
@Cris and @Stickler, I’ve ranted about that very point in this very forum…sadly, I don’t think I was able to reform anyone. Sigh.
@Mr Stuck:
I’ll Netflix it. Nobody does political thrillers like the Brits (well, and Costa-Gavras, but that was 40 years ago). Check out A Very British Coup, State of Play (the original), and of course the House of Cards trilogy.
If you can still taste the gin, you haven’t added enough Vermouth.
While that is also a tasty recipe for kittens, it’s not dinner rolls – which must always be baked.
South of I-10
I will have my margarita in hand in approximately one hour. We are in day two of Festival International de Louisiane, weather is perfect, music is great, wish you were all here. KRVS starts their live broadcast at 6.
@JGabriel: Yeah, but I’m not involved in the dissection of sense and reference, I just know tasty kitten!
Quite frankly, I rarely drink, and when I do it isn’t something as vile and nasty as a martini. Although I’d slit any of your throats in a heartbeat for a pint of Fuller’s London Pride from a cask right now!
Davis X. Machina
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
The last time I went all Galt on margaritas, I ended up giving my roommate Fountainhead.
I know we all love to complain about John’s WP plugins, but maybe he should consider one of the plugins that allow users to rate comments.
Montysano (All Hail Marx & Lennon)
@South of I-10: Damn South, I’m envious. I miss wandering around a place where black men wear cowboy hats, ride horses, and speak French.
I’m there.
It gets better: two of the justices recused themselves because of their involvement with politics. A third, though he’s a Coleman donor, has not yet recused himself.
Fuck William Safire! That crooked old bastard bought into Cheney’s lies about an Iraq / Al Quaeda connection and wouldn’t shut up about until 2 years after he retired. He’s a nattering fucking nubbin of nidjiotcy.
That sounds … sloppy.
Leelee for Obama
@AkaDad: My personal choice for COTD for this thread-one wonders whether Atlas might have shrugged at the sight.
Letterman Looks At Cheney’s Netflix Queue
Nice collection of Cheney jokes
From Joe Lieberman’s open mike night performance at Caroline’s
“We had hoped Vice President Cheney would be here tonight. I hope it’s not his back injury that’s keeping him away. Apparently, he hurt it moving some things out of his office. Personally, I had no idea that waterboards were so heavy”.
Source: http://thinkprogress.org/2009/02/01/lieberman-alfalfa-dinner/
What? No flame war over the salt-rimmed, blended, tutti-fruity crap that folks call margaritas yet?
@JGabriel: I second your feelings about Safire and was referring to him purely in jest.
Margarita? Drink mezcal. It saves time.
Tequila, Margartia Mix and Marishino Cherries. Shaken, not stirred.
@joes527: As long as it’s only tequila, lime juice (I’ll allow limeade), and triple sec, the blender is an acceptable flourish.
@Dennis-SGMM: I’ll be truly shocked if Al Franken is sworn in before Thanksgiving. Big bad John Cornyn has an Alamo siege like mentality about this seat.
Laura W
@Montysano (All Hail Marx & Lennon): Thanks for that. Need to go see when it’s on HBO, but I just hit the GUIDE button and find it ironic that “When the Levees Broke” alternates with “Recount” tonight on HBOW.
Maher’s got Howard Dean tonight. I’d better stick a post-it to my forehead since I’m sure to forget at 10EST, per usual.
GACK! I think I’ll stay with the roast kittens. At least I could probably keep those down.
Rep. Peter King (R-NY): “I think that Judge Bybee should be given a medal for what he did.”
Source: http://thinkprogress.org/2009/04/24/king-bybee-medal/
Laura W
@Cris: That would be very awesome because right now I have the overwhelming urge to rate the comment at #59!
Man. People are on their games today.
Library Grape
Bonus: “But it wasn’t tax day that made them crazy; it was election day. Because that’s when Republicans became what they fear most: a minority.”
Double Bonus: “Look, I get it, ‘real America.’ After an eight-year run of controlling the White House, Congress and the Supreme Court, this latest election has you feeling like a rejected husband… You’re not ready to let go, but the country you love is moving on. And now you want to call it a whore and key its car.”
South of I-10
@Montysano: tonight at the main stage (where the live broadcast is from) is Cherish The Ladies (traditional Irish), Ile Aiye (drum band from Brazil) and Grupo Fantasma (Texas Latin). Favorite band from last night was Locos por Juana from Brazil.
Dennis Miller: “Torture’s a subjective thing . . . I happen to view it [waterboarding] as the first shower some of these slugs in Gitmo have had in . . . years . . . .”
Source: http://www.newshounds.us/2009/04/24/oreilly_and_dman_miller_opposition_to_torture_its_a_liberal_thing.php#more
Is it too crass to hope for a Rodney on this King?
OT: I just can’t fucking believe “Is Obama doing too much?” is a part of our discourse.
Mr. Stuck
@Tom Hilton:
Original State of Play queued
Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.
Also, Lemon infused vodka with crushed ice on a hot day is one of the joys of life.
The real trouble with names like “vodka martini” or “mango margarita” is that they betray a serious lack of imagination. If you can switch the garnish in a Martini and name it something completely different, you really need to show some creativity when you switch out core ingredients.
Remember, the last guy couldn’t even get it right doing one thing at a time.
@Library Grape: One of my all-time favorite interviews Maher has done
The words “too fuckin’ busy” shouldn’t be in the President’s vocabulary.
Laura W
Well, when we tire of that we can always go back to: “Is the First Lady more popular than the President?”
(I don’t think OT exists in a Friday night open thread, BTW.)
@Montysano (All Hail Marx & Lennon): Oh, thank you SO MUCH for reminding me! I’ve wanted to see “Trouble The Water” since it came out, but it never screened near me. Didn’t realize HBO had picked it up!
Looking at their schedule, I see I missed the premier last night. :-( Ahhh, but HBO OnDemand is in the house! Yeah!
And after that, I’ll watch “Party Down” on Starz. Funniest new comedy since “Curb Your Enthusiasm.”
@TenguPhule: Yet he was successful at implementing a program of torture, widespread electronic surveillance on U.S. citizens, starting a fraudulent war, getting two right-wing judges in the supreme court, and reversing environmental protections. Republicans are great multitaskers when it comes to fucking things up.
Library Grape:
That one sounds like an instant classic. Like Colbert’s “Reality has a liberal bias.”
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge
Vocabulary mavens:
If a gin gimlet is called a “gimlet” and a vodka gimlet is called a “vodka gimlet,” why is a tequila gimlet called a “margarita” and a rum gimlet called a “daiquiri?”
Damn, a margarita would’ve been perfect with the weather here on the island, especially since I was playing tropicalia all day. (I went for a cold Blandford Fly instead, because of the ginger, and because I was grilling burgers.) Since I don’t speak Portuguese I could only sing along with one song.
It’s still not too late.
I made Limoncello (actually Limoncello verde) from the last of my limes this year.
It is wonderful straight from the freezer, otherwise it is too damn sweet.
Not sure what I’ll do when the new limes come in. Either try again with less sugar, or just forget the fancy stuff and lay in the gin and tonic.
I should not leave CNN on when typing comments. It creates miniature black holes in my brain.
Fuck it, I’m going galt for the rest of the evening.
Better no representation than elected representation? Yeah! That’s thinking like a Texan!
I live in a solidly red district with a complete shitstain for a rep, but I’d still be pissed to not have representation for 6 months.
Davis X. Machina
It’s got something I’m sure to do with having one working novelist as a PM (Disraeli), Parliamentary novelists like Trollope and Jeffrey Archer, and party leaders who hand out summer reading lists to their MP’s.
@The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge:
And a hickory gimlet called a Hickory Daiquiri?
Freed Pirate Hostage Accuses Limbaugh Of ‘Hate Speech’
Drink whatever you want to, we’re all gonna’ die:
Deadly new flu strain erupts in Mexico, U.S.
Nothing a bigger wall can’t solve.
Bad Horse's Filly
I saw a bumper sticker today that said:
S Stop
O Obama’s
S Socialism
And then I received a flyer in the mail (with a fake President Obama plastered all over it) telling me about a Revelations/End of the World Convention (oh, please, could the Rapture happen already so we could get rid of these people?)
Have I mentioned I hate these people?
Anyone know where I can get a
G Grand
O Obstructionist
P Party
I’m off for an evening of more work, so I’ll check back later see if anyone knows where I can get one.
What is this ‘we’, white man?
@Mr. Stuck: Have you ever seen A Very British Coup? I strongly recommend it if you haven’t seen it http://www.netflix.com/Movie/A_Very_British_Coup/60029821?mqso=80020215&partid=A_Very_British_Coup
Much more recently, there was The Last Enemy
@Tom Hilton: Speaking of Brit thrillers, have you ever seen An Englishman’s Castle from ca. 1980? It’s an alternative history where the Nazis won WWII and Britain is occupied. Insurgents are trying to overthrow the Germans by various acts of terrorism. Very relevant to today but evidently unavailable.
@Tom Hilton:
Or political satire. Please see Armando Iannucci’s The Thick of It, if you get a chance; it’s painful and hilarious at the same time, even if you don’t get all the sly references to real-life UK politicians.
@JK: I’m not a Limbaugh listener, so all the context I have is from the link.
Boorish? No question. But Hate speech? I’m not seeing it.
Drinking thread! I think I have mentioned this before but some of my fondest memories involve drinks of various types, a crackling dry martini with gin and vermouth (with two olives) in a hotel bar in Bali, a perfect (and I mean perfect) bloody mary in a rooftop piano bar in Hong Kong. A singapore sling in Raffles bar in Singapore, and something as simple as a chilled bottle of chablis, a loaf of french bread and some really good Brie at a picnic in France. Drinking Marsovin on a grassy slope overlooking Malta Bay.(the local Maltese red wine) when the number on the bottle (ie 1976) do not mean the year they mean the hour that day that it was bottled, Sipping single malt scotch on New Year’s night in Scotland listening to the piper as he walked in the room. A cold Tsingtao being drunk while hanging my feet over the side of a junk in Hong Kong harbor and watching the phosphorous gather on my feet, a warm glass of nondescript red French wine drunk in a breezy hanger in Dunkirk surrounded by hundreds of Dunkirk vets commemorating the anniversary with my Dad (a Dunkirk vet). An Asda special lager, drunk warm and straight from the can while hanging out with my Dad at his allottment, “just watching things grow”. I think we see a pattern here, however I am glad that I can actually remember these things!
The real down side is that another species has been removed from conservatives’ choice of sex partners.
“Margarita mix”? Is that what you kids call lime juice these days?
and to answer another question:
The daiquiri was invented in the 19th century and named for a village of the same name near Santiago, near the site of the Bacardi distillery. At least according to William Grimes’ Straight Up or On the Rocks: The Story of the American Cocktail. The American engineer who invented the drink was entertaining guests and had run out of gin.
@Davis X. Machina: Totally off topic if there is one, but Elizabeth George amazes me with her knowledge of Great Britain. Unlike Archer her novels are not about politics but you do get a feeling about the country side. Her book “What came before he shot her” moved me. It was shocking because I read a lot of British authors and she affected me the most.
Now onto more important news. Unlike John, I left the repub party years ago. Decades ago, I really respected members of the repub party such as Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., Rockefeller, Lindsay and others that believed in true conservative values. Reagan changed all of that.
Oooooh someone upthread just reminded me of one I had forgotten, horseback riding in the rain forest in St. Kitts, cutting down a bunch of bananas and taking them back to the poolside bar at the hotel for fresh banana daquaris, while eating the avocados we had also just collected. I love this thread!
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge
Was that derived from Philip K. Dick’s The Man in the High Castle? Sounds like it.
Mr. Stuck
Nope, Tom Hilton mentioned it too. May watch it after baseball game tonight. Lots of good suggestions, writing all of them down for future viewing.
Oops not on instant view. queued.
@The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge: Sounds like an interesting novel. Speaking of alternative history, are you familiar with Making History by actor Stephen Fry? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Making_History_(novel)
It won the Sidewise Award for Alternate History. Love your screen name.
Best press release of the day:
ADAMS, JOHN W, ATTSI [[email protected]]
TAMPA — The Florida Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans, will dedicate Tampa’s Confederate Memorial Park on Saturday, April 25th, 2009, at 2:00 PM ET. The day will begin with live entertainment and speeches at 10:00 AM ET and proceed with a formal dedication of the this new Confederate Park at 2:00 PM ET. Attendees will be treated to period reenactors, live music, including Nashville recording star Trey Jewell, and live cannon salutes. Attendance is expected to exceed 5,000.
For More Information Contact:
John W. Adams
1st Lt. Commander, Florida Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans
(407) 491-8225 (mobile)
The Brits actually have quite a history of alternate reality books about Nazis. Swastika Night came out in 1937, and was heavily promoted by leftist groups. Also check out It Happened Here a movie from 1966.
Tom Hilton
@Mr. Stuck: Just try watching it without thinking about the Republican war against Clinton…and remember that it came out in the late ’80s.
OK so now technically you are a wuss! Just kidding. Margaritas sound pretty good right now!
@Tom Hilton: Agree with you 100% about nobody doing political thrillers like the Brits.
Just checked out your website. Great job. That’s the third cool web site (the other two being those of sgwhiteinfla and Library Grape), I’ve discovered just from following the threads on Balloon Juice. Balloon Juice continues to prove its value on many different levels.
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge
It’s my Unitarian Jihad name. Go here and get your own.
I’ve got Fry’s book on my list. I’ll finish my list in the year 2525, but how much bigger will it be by then?
I got to drink booze at work today (well, champagne). It’s always a good day when they serve you alcohol at work.
Is every republican from Texas this stupid?
Not the plate tectonics doofus or rick perry. Some retard on chris matthews jumping from talking point to talking point like a frog on a skillet.
Tito’s and Russian Standard FTW!
@The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge: Many thanks for that link.
I hear you about reading lists. It’s even worse if you have additional lists for music to listen to before you die and tv shows and films to watch before you die.
@The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge:
Well, thanks for the earworm. This one’s for you:
Zager & Evans, The Year 2525
@The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge:
THAT has a wiki article which i just read. No relation.
In “The Englishman’s Castle” there are no Germans. Germany is referred to but everyone is British. It is very effective drama. I wish it were available here on some type of media.
What governs what titles eventually get copied to DVD and sold? I swear the BBC could make a lot of money off the quality stuff they have done over the years. Like back when Masterpiece Theater showed things that WERE plausibly masterpieces. I saw a version of Point Counterpoint that rocked but still no DVD version. And Therese Raquin with a very hot Kate Nelligan.
Common Sense
Any drink that includes “mango” is automatically disqualified as a martini.
Although an excellent flavored gin is available if you want to stay classic and still branch out.
Tanqueray Rangpur. Yum.
While we are discussing Gin, why is it that Hendrix tastes so much better with a slice of cucumber? No other gin does that for me, but I can drink Hendrix martinis extra dry with a slice of cucumber all night.
Common Sense
Oh and yes on the Russian Standard. Monopalova is scrumptious too, if I may say so.
Thanks for clearing up your Phony Galt Posturing! Now, that’s blogging we can believe in.
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge
Thanks for your investigation. I just went off half-cocked at the coincidence of “Germans won WWII” and the word “castle.” Nothing to see here.
Nevertheless, even though I’m not a Republican, I continue to say: “What everyone needs is more Dick.
Common sense:
Hendrick’s is pretty new, I think, and (or?) the American distributor must have noticed the cucumber flavor thing. I was offered Hendrick’s martinis with cucumber in three different bars in three different cities a couple years ago. Somehow I doubt that the bartenders got their ideas all simultaneously.
Oh, and Monopolowa rocks. How could it not? Slavic name, German spelling, reasonably priced, and made in Vienna. Reminds me I need to put my Monopolowa in the freezer for later. TGIF.
113 Litlbitdifrent —
OOOH that sounds good! When we lived in Brazil when I was little girl, we had avocados growing on the trees and my mother adored them. We had everything she could think of in avocado, from pancakes (not really) to millshakes (really). SHE never got sick of them but it took me a few years to like them again after we moved here,,,
Also had to chuckle today at a characterization of Obama’s meeting with top Republicans on Huffington Post where it was said that he didn’t let them forget about their vote on the stimulus, etc”
“Obama also offered payback for that goose egg[ vote on the stimulus by Republicans]. A major overhaul of the health care system, he told the Republican leadership, would be done using a legislative process known as reconciliation, meaning that the GOP won’t be able to filibuster it. ”
That is worth a drink in celebration, don’t know about you and I am tippling a nice merlot right this minute!
“It’s always a good day when they serve you alcohol at work.”
No disagreement there. Of course, working from home as I do presents the challenge of keeping work from play at least nominally separate — until Friday afternoon that is!
Chin, Chin everyone!
Easy on Norm Coleman, people. He is not stalling the installation of Franken, it is just and enhanced election process.
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge
Oh God, yeah. You just wrote Al Franken’s first joke about this whole fiasco. I know he has to keep relatively quiet while it’s going on, and maintain some dignity once he’s a senator, but the comedy possibilities in this whole thing are inexhaustible.
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
Better grab some condoms and Plan B, because Republicans are loose in NY:
Condoms, maybe. Plan B? No real need after teh manly man-on-man buttsecks, so shouldn’t be necessary.
Common Sense
Thank you for continuing to suck, Detroit Lions.
Janet Strange
@Bad Horse’s Filly: Zazzle. Make-your-own bumper stickers.
I have one from there on my front bumper that says, “Republican health care plan: Be rich or die.” (I stole the thought from some commenter on some blog.)
It’s amazing how often people comment on it. Everyone likes it – even my Limbaugh-listening, total wingnut relatives. I don’t really understand it, but . . . whatever.
Lose the apostrophe in “Hide the 17 year old’s.”
Thankyou. It has been bugging me, but I didn’t want to say.
Laura W
Take it from someone who tried her hardest to “help” with such matters for a long while. Even if you are first on the thread with the helpful corrections, you will just be told to DIAF, at best — ignored, usually.
Not worth the effort, or your vital life energies.
The typos and other errors are all part of the “charm” around here…like a creaking board in an old house that moans each time you step across it.
Or something like that.
Let it go. You’ll be happier. And live longer, probably.
Bad Horse's Filly
@Janet Strange: Thanks for that…this could be fun. Though I might lose the G.O.P. bumper sticker and instead go for: Do Not Meddle In The Affairs of Dragons, For You Are Crunchy and Good With Ketchup.
My old one faded and haven’t found a good replacement yet.
Pussy. I’ve had 1 gin & tonic, 2 chardonnays, and 4 SoCo & Diet Cokes. AND a Pellegrino!
Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they become soggy and hard to
Do not throw cigarette butts in the urinal, for they are subtle and
quick to anger.
“The Republican health care plan is YOYO: You’re On Your Own.”
Coined by ThymeZone.
There’s always the immortal quote from Guizot, minister to Louis Philippe (just before both were chased out of France by the 1848 Revolution):
When asked by a reporter what he could tell the poor, since in the France of that day, society was run by and for the rich. Guizot answered “Enrichez vous.”
“Get rich!”
Small enough to fit on a bumper sticker, opaque enough that nobody will have any idea what you’re talking about. Except adjunct history professors.