I predicted a freak-out about Plan B, but I didn’t think it would be this funny:
So guys, if you screw a 17-year-old and “forget” to use a condom, remember: Nothing says “thanks a lot, you cheap whore” like the gift of Plan B!
Alternately, your readers could stop screwing minors.
Kinda like if you are not wearing a burka then you’re just asking to be raped.
Plan B? Burkas!!! It’s teh scary brown people at it again!!
Do they sell Plan B to guys? Serious question.
The Moar You Know
Ahhh, the old “respect” canard. K-Lo tried this one a few months ago, resulting in much unintended lulz when she basically admitted she was a permavirgin.
Thank the God I don’t believe in for that. She should not be allowed to breed.
I thought she was just saving herself for that dreamy Mitt Romney.
Warren Terra
Dork, I believe the plan is to sell it over the counter, so the answer would be yes. They also sell tampons to guys, and condoms to gals.
Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t R.S. McCain anti-choice, and of the opinion that your paramour should be forced to carry to term? And that’s not starting with all those religious nuts who oppose the pill, let alone those who fulminate against all forms of birth control …
Is she still a whore if you were responsible enough to use a condom but it broke during usage?
The mind reels.
Politically Lost
Because sex without procreation is just, dirty…
Whereas having her bear the child gives any conservative the right to castigate her as a slut and an unwed mother. It’s the gift that keeps on giving because eventually she’ll graduate to welfare queen” and “taker”.
I think it’s more likely that they’re beating off to the idea of having sex with a teenager than actually doing it.
schrodinger's cat
I didn’t find the freak-out funny, just disgusting. It is obvious from your block quote that the person writing it (McCain) has little respect for women.
kid bitzer
you do know that this is stacy mccain, neo-confederate and apologist for racism, right?
duncan black has been on his case for a while–he’s a white supremacist whack-job. you can google “robert stacy mccain” at eschaton. or see what dave niewert has said about him, as part of niewert’s right-wing fascism watch. this guy is a straight-forward white supremacist.
of course, at least that means he’s sincere about protecting the purity of our women-folk.
Sex without procreation is dirty unless it has been vetted by lawyers, sanctioned by the White House and perpetrated on prisoners.
Then it is a laugh riot of a frat prank.
Jay B.
And alternatively alternatively, you could be a 17-year old who wants to have sex with another 17-year old and not think of her as a cheap whore!
What a staggering douchebag this guy is. And typical for the assholes on the right.
Plan B is a pretty clever name actually, because sometimes, in passionate/intimate moments, Plan A goes out the window. It’s not optimal, but it shouldn’t torpedo your life.
Robert Stacy goes Greenwald with his updates:
You can stop right there, Bob. It doesn’t matter what comes next, because we can excoriate you all day without getting tired.
Surabaya Stew
Actually, the age of consent in New York State is 17. Just saying…
Republicans are really doing a great job boosting their popularity with the ladies.
They better hope they can roll back voting rights.
From his lips to Levi’s ears.
(Wait, that’s different… right?)
Jay Andrew Allen
It is obvious from your quote that the person writing it has little respect for women.
Well, duh. His last name is “McCain”.
@The Moar You Know:
It the first part of your quote here is to be believed, then the second part is like saying vegetarians should not be allowed to eat meat.
fixd for accuracy. It would still be seen as terrible if democrats did any of that stuff. IOKIYAR.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
Those girls were asking for it by bringing Ibuprofen into school. It’s like they were begging for it.
joe from Lowell
I guess the possibility of having sex with somebody without considering her a cheap whore never occurred to him.
And you say this “gentleman” is a conservative? How terribly surprising.
Comrade javafascist
John’s post title = win
schrodinger's cat
I had never heard of him before, and now I will keep away from anything he writes. Thanks for the info though.
Thinking Outside the Box
Best un(?)intentionally funny title in a while.
Also, this:
Wins. If I was on the receiving end of that, I’d take it as my cue to retire from public life.
They do.
He’s updating rapidly trying to justify his quote. It’s interesting that he won the Malkin award. That’s such so much. The GOP should split and let the whackos form their own party.
You don’t need no stinkin’ Plan B if you’re really thinking outside the box.
Think about it.
The Moar You Know
Bristol Palin. That is all.
Yes, you only have to be old enough to buy it, men and women.
wasabi gasp
I get the impression that all of what Robert Stacy McCain knows about sex has come in second hand.
That should be around 2050, don’t you think? I mean, there’s such a rich vein of douchebaggery there that the mining will never stop.
kid bitzer
here’s a link to eschaton’s coverage of this mccain:
and here’s orcinus on his secessionist links:
@wasabi gasp:
You mean he’s ambidextrous?
Someone should tell him and his “guys” that after their typical widestanding stall dates, Plan B doesn’t help. Nothing says “STUPID” quite like giving Plan B to Stevie afterwards.
wasabi gasp
@Dennis-SGMM: He holds a pool of knowledge.
Warren Terra
I always thought common practice was to use the dominant hand (right hand for righties, left hand for lefties, not some other meaning of “dominant”)?
Or maybe he even falls below par as a wanker?
1. We will not let the government tell us what to do-except women, they need to be protected from themselves
2. We will not help prepare women for those difficult situations by teaching them the facts on sex and birth control.
3. We will not support ending unwanted pregnancies-no matter what.
4. We will not support and provide opportunities to the women we refused to educate or allow to end their pregnancies.
How do they convince themselves?
That’s the second erudite conservative I’ve heard use the word “Fungible” in the last 8 months. The Other?
Methinks there is something clinical in their shared fractal wrongness.
This is no defense of McCain’s idiotic hyperbole regarding use Plan B drug, but as far as the FLDS raids were concerned, there’s quite a few liberal bloggers-at least down here in Texas-who wouldn’t really disagree with his position on that. So as far as criticisms of his view on women go, his view on those raids isn’t something that I’d include.
Dr. Squid
Shorter Robert Stacy McCain:
Rape victims are sluts.
@wasabi gasp:
I see. So his sex life is in his own two hands.
Dr. Squid
@Warren Terra:
Methinks he pours beer on his hand so he can get his date drunk.
Party pooper.
For some reason what I’m stuck on here is the practical issues. The author seems to be objecting to the availability of Plan B to 17 year olds without a prescription. But then he also seems to be suggesting the man will be buying the Plan B. If that is the case, then why does it matter how old the person who will be taking the Plan B is? As far as I’m aware men over 18 were allowed to buy Plan B without a prescription even before the rule change.
I’m also slightly startled by the author’s strangely specific instructions on how to seduce a 17-year-old.
So if he uses a condom does that also make her a whore? Since the purpose of contraception and plan B is prevention of pregnancy.
Most of the relevant points have already been covered in this thread. Still, it seems worth noting that RSM is confusing “whore” with “slut”. This is a distinction he should probably get clear in his own mind before he lands himself in one of many easily-imagined forms of trouble.
Uncle Glenny
But the couple cannot discuss it over the internet if one is under 18, right? Wasn’t that the legislation Foley helped to champion?
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
@Incertus: I think it’s more likely that they’re beating off to the idea of having sex with a teenager than actually doing it.
Bingo. Sorry, patriarchs – you wasted your youth being a prude, and you can’t have it back.
Shouldn’t it be:
Thinking Inside the box?
Thinking about the box?
I’m thinking logic isn’t is strong suit.
He says:
Translation: He’s talking to other guys who can’t get laid unless they get some girl liquored up enough to not remember what happened the night before.
Also, someone should tell him anecdote does not equal evidence…especially when the anecdotes are coming from a bunch of mouth breathers…
The bigger question is this: Why does a girl who decides to use contraception (either after or before sex) have to be a whore? Why does she have to be a whore at all?
Further more, has this idiot not considered the fact that not only cheap whores whose dumb ass sex partner “forgot” to put on a condom use Plan B. I’ve known married women who used Plan B because they skipped a few bc pills and wanted to be extra cautious. I’ve known ppl in LT stable relationships who just really didn’t want to get pregnant.
Also: What separates an 17 y/o using Plan B as a “cheap whore” from the 18 y/o?
Me thinks that he thinks that all women, regardless of whatever age, who have sex to recreational purposes are “cheap whores”. Indeed, that’s a fundamental pillar in their ideology.
!!!!! My jaw just hit the ground. The notion that young women PREFER to have the risk of pregnancy every time they have sex, in order to ensure commitment, is insane. The idea that the only thing that would ensure a permanent commitment is a pregnancy is insane. The idea that, conversely, a man wanting to prevent an unplanned pregnancy automatically DOESN’T want a commitment is insane. This dude fails at logic like nobody’s business.
Is he saying that these guys plan on forcing the women to take Plan B against their will? I mean, if she takes it willingly, maybe the men should feel demeaned because she doesn’t want to “risk a permanent commitment” with HIM!
Why in his world is everything the man’s decision?
Actually its because fundy anti-choicers have to pay for sex, so that’s the only kind they know of.
Or else he sits on his hand until it falls asleep so he can have an anonymous experience (writing from work so wink-wink-nudge-nudge verbage and no link. I think the name for it ‘the stranger’).
Because of the penis, that’s why.
Right. That’s why, you’ll notice, he doesn’t even address us.
I can confirm this.
Iowa Housewife
It makes me sad. Why is it around the world a woman’s virginity is more important than her.That an unwanted pregnancy is her scarlet letter. Why can’t we as a society believe women can actually think for themselves.
Re FLDS, read the book “Escape”.
Iowa Housewife
Apparently in my old age I have forgotten how to use question marks?
1. Because man’s honor triumphs woman’s sluttiness that brings shame on family! Shame! Shame! Shame!
2. She’s a slut! Slut slut slut!
3. Barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, bitches! Also Shut up, that’s why!
/rabid wingnut
Or, they could try to see women as something other than cheap whores.
Of course, maybe cheap whores are the only kind of women these guys can get to have sex with them.
Well, Betsy, how else is a cheap whore supposed to upgrade to child support succubus?
You make a strong point. That, or baby-killing abortion lover.
Every Republican knows that women can’t be trusted with their own sexuality, therefore Plan B only exists for the carnal benefits of men who of course routinely take women at will.
Not being a Republican, I now see I’ve been doing it wrong the last 20-odd years.
Ash Can
The long and short of it is that this putz honestly does not like women.
LOL! Ya think?? Asshole. Also.
It’s a shame he’ll never be able to know that women don’t take the morning-after pill for fun, and that nobody would routinely take it, since IME, pretty much nobody likes spending three days with one’s head over the toilet, getting one’s period suddenly, and that gut-wrenching interval of time where one is thinking, “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, is this actually going to work, or not?” I’d really enjoy it if he could. I’m not one of these nice liberals, and I figure antifeminist stupid should hurt as much as possible.
Tangentially, I don’t see why anyone who was okay with the sale of condoms wouldn’t be okay with the sale of Plan B, since all Plan B is, is a chemical condom for women. If you’re a woman and you haven’t already ovulated, taking Plan B will ensure that you don’t suddenly wind up with female gametes in your reproductive tract that you don’t want there . If you have already ovulated — and there’s usually no way to be sure — taking Plan B pretty much ensures that you’ll wind up pregnant, because it contains the exact same hormone compound they give to women who’ve just had IVF, to increase the chances that their pregnancies will “take.” I have to chalk up lingering resistance, then, to a wingnutty belief in Sperm Magic™, misogyny, the idea that Plan B is an “abortion pill” (not even close), or some or all of the above.
Church Lady
Looking at it from a mother’s perspective, I’m a little torn on this. On the one hand, if Plan B keeps even one teenage girl from an unwanted pregnancy, that’s good. On the other hand, my kids couldn’t get medical attention without my permission, sans an emergency, while under 18, and this is a medication with some adverse possible side effects. Heck, as minors they couldn’t even purchase certain over-the-counter cold medications.
When I was 21, and my girlfriend (now my wife) was 20, we had a condom break. Planned Parenthood and Plan B were our only recourse. We’d been safe, we were responsible, and yet shit happened.
The hell with anyone who would have mandated we have a child because of a bad batch of polyurethane.
Laura W
Here’s a perspective to consider: speaking as a woman who has used abortion (long ago, at this point) more than once due to failed barrier methods (sponge, diaphragm) and an inability to tolerate Teh Pill, I almost fell off the couch one night back in the late 90s when I realized that had I chosen not to terminate, those men would probably still be in my life, simply because we’d comingled genetic material and created a life that we were now both responsible for.
You forgot:
5. We will provide as little support in the way of job training and day care to the women who gave birth to children they didn’t want
6. We will justify this by citing their “bad choices” (all the choices we made for them after that don’t count)
7. We will talk incessantly about the ethics of abortion, but not even consider that there might be ethical pitfalls to adoption (boy howdy, that’s a big one, too)
8. We will refer to all of this as “equality of opportunity,” because “Junior Anti-Sex League” isn’t quite Orwellian enough (despite being, you know, ripped straight out of Orwell).
Comrade Nikolita
Precisely. I was 21 I think when my boyfriend and I had a condom break. I was on the Patch at the time, but I went and got Plan B anyways just to be safe. And whether it be due to the Patch working correctly, or to the birth control I was on, I didn’t get pregnant (much to my boyfriend’s relief).
I did post in that douchebag’s comment section. I also noticed that some people commenting on his post seemed to think that his writing was satire. Did anyone here think it was satire?
Iowa Housewife
@Comrade Nikolita: I saw that satire comment too. Alls I can say is WTF? Satire,no. Misogynistic, most def. Fucked up, hell yeah.
@Laura W: But Laura W., no female would ever voluntarily have sex with a man she didn’t want to spend the rest of her life with! Right? RIGHT???
Church Lady
@Laura W. –
I’m sorry that you have ever had to face that decision. It probably wasn’t easy. No matter where anyone lies on the issue, it is not an easy decison to make and it’s something you never forget.
Laura W
@Church Lady: I appreciate your empathy but I always knew I didn’t want kids, so I was more upset that the “preventive” methods available to me at that time were so ineffective and that I was apparently as fertile as a rabbit.
I had the good fortune to have a health insurance plan that offered voluntary sterilization for a $5 co-pay. A tubal ligation was my 30th bday gift to myself. I don’t ever dwell on it or regret a thing. As I said, I feel relieved that the men involved are no longer in my life solely out of some sense of shared “duty” that outlived (interesting word choice) whatever relationship we had at that time.
stop screwing minors
Well, R.S. McCain’s from Georgia. Sixteen won’t get you twenty there … and when ol’ R.S. was 18, fourteen wouldn’t either. He may well have been brought up to think of a 17-year-old as a old maid.
If the girl’s a whore for her willingness to have casual sex with you, what does that make you for your willingness to have casual sex with her?
OK, so the term “whore” isn’t so neatly symmetrical here, but that hardly means there isn’t an apt answer: a complete ass-hole jerk.
“Alternately, your readers could stop screwing minors.”
Oh that is Gold, My morning coffee just came out my nose