It occurred to me that besides Laura W. (whose ads are prominently on display) and August J. Pollak, there are a number of artists who frequent this website. Let’s have a roll call, and put your links to your wares in the comments. The best way to support the arts is not more funding for the NEA, but for buying art that you like.
Let’s help our own.
I’m shy, someone else go first please.
kid bitzer
there are a number of artists who frequent this website.
uh…are you including bullshit artists?
Shawn in ShowMe
I don’t have any art to sell but I did do a series of political cartoons last year at Digital Smack.
Ron Beasley
Just Pictures
Paul L and BOB are not one of us.
I have some really gorgeous photographic images of the southwest and of Italy and Switzerland. I specialize in panoramic images in case any of you like that format.
I’m working on a re-vamp of my website which should be ready by later this summer. That will include an online store where you may purchase prints… but until then you can see them here and here and here.
I make my prints with a very nice professional quality printer, the Canon ipf5000. I usually print on heavyweight satin photographic paper but I can take requests if you are geeky enough to prefer a different substrate.
Once my site is overhauled, I may even buy some ads here…
Comrade Darkness
Let’s help our own.
Dude, you are such a leader, man, it makes me cry.
someone mentioned drunk blogging . . . I’m glad, I hate drinking alone.
Um…I do theatre here and here (being the token guy). Not much good unless you’re in the Seattle area.
For better or worse, I’m afraid BOB is kinda one of us. I mean, let’s face it: many of us have posted our best comic material in response to BOB.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
None of my stuff is online. Maybe I’ll put something up by the end of the summer.
in canaduh
i take pictures
Just Some Fuckhead
Art is for sissies.
when i’m not fighting crime as “cleek”, i’m a small, independent, struggling Windows software developer. is programming art? many programmers think it is.
but since it’s a commercial enterprise, i won’t whore it here.
i do take pix and i dabble in experimental music now and then.
Just Some Fuckhead
Which reminds me, my birthday is coming up in a coupla weeks and I’d love one of those birdhouses from Laura’s site if you all wanna pitch in and surprise me.
Oh shit, that’s what I forgot to do– get drunk! No wonder I’m not getting anything done.
I make little comic books, some of which are for sale. And silly drawings which are free. And I run this little store for some friends who do that kind of thing too.
I can also do bullshit but I don’t have any samples, you’ll just have to trust me on that one.
@cleek: I’m willing to look at what you do, too. I’m frankly more likely to buy it than I am anything of Laura W.’s — although I gotta say, Laura, that I do love the blue china teapot.
Art is why I get up in the morning
but my definition ends there
it doesn’t seem fair
that I’m living for something I can’t even define . . .
Here are a couple of photos of an unusual project I recently completed. It’s an architectural ornament. I do decorative painting. This was really fun to do:
@David: Holy crap man, you should sell those. I’d buy one in a heartbeat.
Corner Stone
I’ve gotta admit here – I’m looking for a person who can bring this element.
But I’ll take the teapot too.
Brick Oven Bill
As has been previously disclosed, I have served as the resident lounge act at a small Chinese restaurant in a small Western town. Back then I had many fans.
More recently, with the ban on oil shale development, and collapse of the construction industry, I have again picked up the guitar. I have been practicing and it is noted that my guitar and vocal skills are now achieving glorious new heights, which I have not yet revealed to my Glenn Beck friends.
However, I am willing to travel to your living room and play guitar for you in accordance with the following fee schedule: Northeast-$750; South and Midwest-$1,100; Missouri river and west-$1,450. I will, however, not provide services for SGEW under this fee schedule. Her price is $1000 extra.
As an alternative for those worried about swine flu, you can send me a $20 bill with the name of your favorite song written on the back, and I will play that song here in my basement on your behalf. Contact me on the brick oven web site.
Church Lady
I love it! When I looked at the first photo, I thought it was a headboard, which it would actually be excellent as. After seeing the one of the piece mounted in the doorway, I also immediately thought of window cornices. I deal with a number of interior designers and I think your stuff would interest a number of them. If you have a website, post it here and I’ll pass it on.
I’ve contributed to two artistic endeavors during the last year: I crocheted pieces for the Hyperbolic Crocheted Coral Reef and I was a member of the group who produced a Water Tower Cozy in the guise of a pencil.
I have art.
@Brick Oven Bill:
for that gratuitous, spiteful and wholly unnecessary slap at SGEW, I wouldn’t give you 5 bucks even if one of your performances had the power to magically grow my cock another 3 inches.
(not that I need the help, anyway…)
Texas Dem
I doodle stick figures during staff meetings at my company. Am I an artist?
Mr. Stuck
Where are you Vacuumslayer? The best digital artist we have. I just take pictures but used to draw horns on Dick Cheney photos, but why bother anymore.
Oh – so good. Another piece for my B.O.B. scrap book. Again – write your novel already. You’re the next John Kennedy Toole, I swear. If you don’t publish soon, I’m going to rip your stuff off as a character study for a screenplay or something.
Aw, why be like that, man? Come on, we could jam.
Corner Stone
Please check out my celeb/entertainer portraits, “FAB FACES,” at
You’ll find Bill and Hill there, along with Marilyn Monroe, Bette Midler, Cher, Sinatra, Madonna, Judy Garland, and about 65 others.
No Obama yet, but I’m working on it.
Oh, and I gleefully accept commissions.
Please let me know what you think of my work!
Brick Oven Bill
You never revealed that you are a musician, SGEW. Now that I know this, the standard fee schedule applies for you too.
Let me know, and then I will figure out how to accept credit cards.
Old school silver-based B&W, stumbling around in the dark, the way the FSM intended photography to be. I do the occasional art show, and am currently printing for my first gallery hang. Sorry for the crummy scans; getting high-quality drum scans of medium format negatives is brutally expensive. Besides….. these are meant to be seen in person, hanging on a wall.
Douche Baggins
My wife is an exceptional wedding & event florist. If you’re in the Denver area and want to leave your event saying, “Yeah, that person I married is all right, but did you see those FLOWERS?”, my wife’s the man for you. Website with photos is available; contactez moi.
@Brick Oven Bill: I play punk/bluegrass/thrash/folk/experimental music on a rebuilt acoustic resonator, mic’ed through a hacked feedbacker pedal.
I don’t think you would like it.
Mr. Stuck
@joeyess: DFH should be the John’s theme song.
forked tongue
Paintings and drawings by moi.
here it be
My husband is a painter —
@Mr. Stuck: I miss the hummingbirds in Santa Fe. I could watch them for hours.
My attempt at being artsy:
Mr. Stuck
They are a wonder of nature!
Mr. Stuck
@forked tongue:
I think my cervix just winced.
A couple of photos of my cat:
Just Some Fuckhead
Stuck, how long will it take you to catch ’em if I order a dozen or more? And do you take paypal?
I do some landscape photography.
Thanks for letting us hawk our wares, John.
Mr. Stuck
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Send cash and I’ll see what I can do.
Who’s berd and bee? It’s a dangerous thing for me to get on etsy, there’s just too much awesome there. Last time I ended up with a bunch of soy candles, a little girl’s pillowcase dress, and some adorable, probably impractical, felt kimono-style baby booties. I really want to click that ad, but must…avoid…etsy.
John, the first rule of artist club is that it is unseemly to refer to oneself as an artist… ok, I just made that up, and mentioning it seems unseemly, but there you go. A better question might be, what kind of projects do you do that might be considered artistic?
For me, I’ve failed at all of them, so it’s easy for me to abide by the totally made-up first rule of artist club, there is no downside. For others who don’t fail, disregard what I say and keep doing what you’re doing, but stay away from the berets, clove cigarettes, and black turtlenecks.
By the way, after failing in a bunch of areas not limited to the arts, I plan on expanding my portfolio and entering white boy who can’t rap area soon… kind of exciting, to be honest. I’ll be glad to post a link to the song when it’s done, if anyone’s interested. All I got so far is a rough first third…
Uhm in the fall of 2006, I started using Sony ACID to put music behind Olberman’s Special Comments before he devolved into the denigration of those who would denigrate Mrs. Princess Perfect.
I got to his ripping of Giuliani, but then stopped. Here are three from 06-08. They are definitely dated now, and I have 18 others varying from Rumsfeld invoking liberals as Nazi-esque in front of WWII vets to the right-wing faux outrage over Kerry’s joke about getting stuck in Iraq as a slander of the troops.
Mr. Stuck
I took several photography classes in college and did the whole darkroom thing. It was a lot of fun but time consuming and expensive. Even though digital has come a long way, there is still something about film that can’t be reproduced with digital. My hat is off for those preserving the old ways.
Montysano (All Hail Marx & Lennon)
@Alex: Great stuff, Alex. What kind of optics do you use to do that?
robert green
unless you consider “waiting” art, or for that matter any of the myriad lifetime movies that bear my name art, then i am fail at art. but my wife…she is good at it.
i can’t tell you just who exactly, but her next subject on monday is the king of kings when it comes to epic fail RIGHT NOW zeitgeist!!!111!!!!!
support me by buying the straight-to-DVD sequel “Still Waiting”, which is…well, it’s fine. just buy it.
@Mr. Stuck: Tell me about it. I had to take on an extra job in college just to pay for all the supplies in my photography class. damn you film for being so expensive, damn you to hell!
@Phil: I hiked Mount Purple, the Black Valley and some of the rest. After looking at your pics, I should have made it up to the Cliffs of Moher.
But my sherpa would have made me walk the edge. Scary.
The Moar You Know
I would love to share with y’all, but can’t do so without compromising my anonymity. Maybe one day – but it’s not today.
I’d like to advertise for my blog since, obviously, leaving 1,000 comments here has not done the trick.
I do some painting, but I mostly lurk here.
Mr. Stuck
You “do some painting” very well!
@Jackmormon: As someone who’s had an irrational fear of dinosaurs since Jurassic Park came out, some warning would have been appreciated. :p
bah, why do comments flogging one’s sister’s artwork get bounced? flog, flog, flog. no really, it’s great.
Mr. Stuck
Some fabulous macro photography!
I’m a poet, and the poetry editor of The Rumpus, an online culture magazine. And when my book comes out next year, I’m going to be positively obnoxious about pimping it. Fair warning.
Damn Jackmormon, good stuff. The patience painting jumps out the most for me, but all look solid. Nicely done.
Well, while we’re at it-
Floggin’ my friend Keely’s work!
@Xanthippas: Maybe cleek can code up a posting bot to do all the work for you, and Texas Dem can take over marketing.
[Blushes, relurks]
Thanks! I was going to say the same to you- that’s a fantastic portfolio you’ve got.
I mostly shoot with Canon’s MP-E 65mm macro. It’s an uber-specialized lens for the very, very small.
3D artist (and technical artist) for video games. New site in route, old one here: kdaugDOTcom
Corner Stone
I’m pretty sure that after the quadrupling effect your cervix is safe from a strong 4 inch mashing.
Mario Piperni
I do political illustrations over at Mario Piperni dot Com
Corner Stone
@Jackmormon: Damn but I enjoy a lot of that.
I am a “musical” artist. I dj for a freestyle community dance called Embodydance in Santa Fe. Loosely inspired by Gabrielle Roth’s 5rhtyhms. Google it.
Our website is
It is therapy, church, community, silliness and exercise all at the same time!
I am a “musical” artist. I dj for a freestyle community dance called Embodydance in Santa Fe. Loosely inspired by Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythms. Google it. Some call it ecstatic dance. Deal with it.
Our website is
It is therapy, church, community, silliness and exercise all at the same time!
Let’s try this one:
And again, new one should be up on Monday.
I am an artistic director for Embodydance Santa Fe.
We are a community freestyle dance. A combination of church, therapy, exercise, community, and cuddlefest all in one! I create musical programs fashioned loosely inspired by Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythms.
Deal with it.
Montysano (All Hail Marx & Lennon)
@Jackmormon: Great work! I love “Lady in a Landscape”.
ASH # 41 —
I went some place with those photos …amazing discipline yet sensuality…very much enjoyed..
Actually have enjoyed many of the photos — all very special and unique in perspectives.
Crazy to put together the good thinking and writing with the incredible ability to see the world — really SEE the world…
I am very impressed…it is difficult to let yourself come out in art and to have the discipline and confidence to develop a dialogue with the world through the visual arts — very very courageous
Let me add an appreciation for the painting — JackMormon — really emotionally accessible to me —
Thank you all for sharing your deeper selves…
Comrade Nikolita
I don’t have any art to sell, but I do make handmade jewelry that I sell online with a friend of mine in Singapore. For anyone who might be interested, you can view our blogshop here:
I do have a Deviant Art account though, where all of my jewelry is posted, in addition to my old art, photography, and other creative outlets:
So you’re saying BOB is like the grain of sand around which the pearl coalesces? I can sort of buy that. (Samuel Adams Black Lager +3)
Comrade Nikolita
Apparently my post got eaten? If this double-posts with my last attempt, this one can be deleted.
What I was trying to say was, I am not an artist but I do make handmade jewelry. I share a blogshop with a friend of mine in Singapore, and together we try to sell our jewelry online. You can see our site here:
In addition, I have a Deviant Art account where all of my jewelry, photography, and old art are posted:
Lastly, thanks for this plug thread John. :) It’s a really good idea.
Comrade Nikolita
Apparently my post got eaten? If this double-posts with my last attempt, this one can be deleted.
What I was trying to say was, I am not an artist but I do make handmade jewelry. I share a blogshop with a friend of mine in Singapore, and together we try to sell our jewelry online. You can see our site here:
In addition, I have a Deviant Art account where all of my jewelry, photography, and old art are posted:
Lastly, thanks for this plug thread John. :) It’s a really good idea.
@Alex: My stuff is completely dependent on being lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time, and having a camera and tripod handy. It’s great when it works, very frustrating when it doesn’t.
I wish I could do something in the visual arts, but alas, my gift is in the word–written and spoken. I write and I used to perform. I want to get back to the latter and really start pushing out the former. Let me know when you set up a writers’ thread as well, John.
Mr. Stuck
Just when you thought our politics and Greater Wingnuttia couldn’t get any whackier, it does.
I never know if I count as an artist or a dabbler (and I already blogwhored my photos on here last weekend), but I dabble in pastel chalk drawing and photography (particularly animals and flowers)…
Just have to say, I’m amazed at the skill and range of stuff that Balloon Juicers do… special callouts to Ron Beasley, Hob, Montysanto (VERY nice), Mr. Stuck, Jackmormon and in particular Alex’s ants – simply wonderful.
Ben Tripp
Heck, I’ll jump in. Gave up political satire and now just make pictures of people. They’re not for sale… Just download ’em.
Ben Tripp is my site… I already posted this, but didn’t see it come up. Drunk blog reading.
This stuff. Write “going galt” or something B-J related that makes me laugh in the note to seller and I’ll throw in a free gift.
SGEW: Given the spooftroll’s level of psychosocial development (9-year-old neanderthal) I think you may have a “secret admirer”. If this were the meatverse, he’da th’owed a rock at yore haid….
So many lovely artists! My art is the written word like asiangrrl and Incertus. And, like Incertus, when my book gets published I will shamelessly hawk it.
i have a poetic license (issued by a poetic justice). i also am a licensed quantuum mechanic.
i try to live my live artistically in every respect, tho i don’t have wares to sell. but i am an actor, and i would appreciate any and all of you clicking on my commercial on the jimmy dean sausage website to help me accrue more hits.
I make jewelry, make commercials and did a web comic called homely with my mate. No pics of the jewelry since I took down my etsy shop. Homely should be back after summer along with a new cartoon I’m developing. Sometimes, I even sleep.
Those are beautiful! What are you shooting with, 2 1/4 or a 4×5 camera? None of those are toned? Did I mention I do photography too?
I build Lego models.
Mostly spacecraft or sci-fi stuff of one variety or another.
Illustrator and cartoonist of things for the KIDS! Because they’re alright. Sometimes.
My husband makes civic signs, monuments, memorials, pet headstones, etc. out of sandstone. It’s all custom work, and he does a beautiful job.
House sign
House sign (close-up)
Business sign
Small jobs can be shipped. For larger jobs, we can arrange for personal delivery anywhere within the Maritimes. If you’re interested, contact me at redkitten1975 at to get his website and contact info.
I make music. On my own as New Lands and in a band called The Vera Violets.
Does being a self-published writer count?
kinda late to the party here…
i’m a musician with my own record label (ingot rock). i perform solo as lonesomerobot – imagine that – and in a couple of bands: the sleep-ins & the raydons.
i do also like photography.
Joey Maloney
I’ve been working in glass lately, but I don’t have a website for that yet.
Blake Himsl Hunter
I am a freelance artist and also do a web-comic.. Here is a link to my etsy store.
i feel guilty enough as it is for putting a joke about sodomy on the side of this site, so it’s nice to see others work. HOB (comment 15), your “silly” drawings are pretty cool…
Music and Architecture
I design and make hooked wool rugs. This is a traditional fiber art form and I create commissioned pieces for people. I have had my work featured in Rug Hooking Magazine and have written articles for them as well. (I know, there’s a magazine for everything, isn’t there?)
My website needs to be updated, but you can see examples of my work here:
I’m going to be a featured artist in a local art gallery in June.
Yes. :-)
Laura W
@donnah: Your work is extraordinary! God, the skill and patience that must take.
Three French Hens delights me for the bright colors and animal aspects, but your Women of the Congo is mind-blowing.
Gorgeous work.
@Laura W:
agreed. that’s some great stuff donnah. i wish i had a place to put that rooster!
Oh, thanks so much! I seriously need to update my website to show some of my more recent pieces. I just finished a very cool flamingo rug for a client. Next up, a golden retriever portrait and then a floral.
Women of the Congo will always be a touchstone rug for me. While I sell a good many of my rugs, that one will never be sold.
Thanks again!
PS: Laura, your work is amazing, too!
Laura W
@donnah: Donna, I’d love to see the custom flamingo if you can store it online and link to it from here?
(Thanks for the compliment.)
I tried but was labeled Spam.
Comrade Darkness
@Genine, Hm, in that case, I’ll offer custom fiction. Send me bullet points outlining your personal background and that of your associates, along with a check, and I’ll send you back a 5000 word story where you take over the world and crush your enemies.
in canaduh
cool :] some of you BJ’ers check my link, thanks
Thomas Levenson
I’m a writer (new book coming on June 4 on Isaac Newton as a currency cop and death penalty prosecutor) — but for visual arts, my wife does the heavy lifting — oil painting, IMHO gorgeous stuff, on wood. (Also television and film production design, w. a couple of Emmys to her credit, if anyone needs such work in the greater Boston area.)
MR Bill
I can’t find any images of my work on the net.
Here are some links to some articles I wrote for Fiberarts Magazine.
I work in fiber, have done commissions, and sorta stopped when my late ex went off the rails and I needed a ‘real job’. I did a major Fiber Hanging, “Three Pennants” for the Atlanta Braves Stadium, Turner Field, in 2001, and may finally have a commission for a major work for a hotel in Tennessee.
The Braves and State of Georgia have both taken images of their collections offline.
Email me and I’ll send you some pics:
[email protected]
I just never got the website thing together.
douglass truth
How did you know we were out here? I’m Douglass Truth, and I’m an artist. I confess.
Here is a small sampling of newer rugs I’ve hooked, including the Flamingo Rug.
Oh, nuts. Maybe this is better.
I am so impressed with the artists that visit this site. Thank you for sharing your wonderful works with me.
Ben Tripp
Hwdy all, and thank you, John, for the opportunity to share my work with this community.
The debut record from my group, nikkos & the extraordinary renditions, is called “Red, Black & Blue” and is now available for FREE download:
Ash Can
I second JL. Fantastic stuff, everybody! Thanks so much for sharing.
@AnneLaurie: Bill is a very conflicted man. I truly hope I have given him no . . . confused? . . . feelings.
Linda Bacon
Billy K
I do this crap:
We call it “upbeat Celtic.” A bit more traditional than the Pogues, but much livelier than typical Celtic stuff.
Long-time lurker, longer time painter
Comrade Darkness
@MR Bill, is your friend in that case. Unless you own no rights to the imagery at all.
Long time lurker, yellow dog Democrat
long time lurker
MR Bill
Comrade Darkness, I’ve tried to upload stuff to flickr but it won’t for some reason. I can try again…
Dom Phenom
my first comment. i’m a constant lurker, and read the site almost every day.
i do this stuff. live r&b dance party music. it’s totally art:
Excellent Gentlemen
hopefully some of you will take a listen.
I mostly lurk (and I haven’t updated my website in ages), but I do make jewelry:
John Cole
@Dom Phenom: How do I buy an album. Can’t find you at amazon.
I listened to half of a song at your myspace and then found Get Down Baby at youtube. The music you make is right in my wheelhouse.
I have not been this excited about a band since Dag. Where do I buy?
Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion
I’m not aware enough of all internet traditions to do the cool “here” embed link, so I’ll just list my urls., and (sadly) the best slide shows of my stuff are at I do customized woodburning on instrument n’ stuff. Like a bio of the musician, their influences, beliefs, etc. Anyway. If this thread isn’t already dead, please check it out when you get a chance.
MR Bill
Dang Comrade I tried again and it worked. I also found the page on the Georgia Council for the Arts site with a piece on it. and here is the flickr set
Thanks for reminding me about this…
MR Bill
Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion, I hope this thread isn’t dead, the ‘triqueta’ (sp?) is neat, as well as the rest.
I have a way of getting to relevant threads late, and, were I a viking I would be called “Slayer of Threads”….
Bill, your work is amazing. I love the technique; it must take quite a while to create those pieces…
MR Bill
Ah donnah, I am a very boring fellow.
I just released an album on iTunes! It’s a bit Beatles, a bit Randy Newman, and a bit kitchen sink. You might like it!
Not mine, but my son’s.
does music count?
Cus i play bass for an old time band called the Dill Pickles. “old time music for the new Great Depression”
joe dauz
Whats art any way – Gallery – webthings – TaintedMedia
joe dauz
anna missed
paintings,( political & otherwise).
anna missed
photographs, (political &otherwise).
Some of my paintings(currently working on another):
Lurk a lot, talk little. Maybe that’s a good thing. I’m a progressive trapped in red Virginia. I don’t know if what I do is technically art but I’ve participated in shows that billed themselves as art. If I have to cut off an ear to get a union card, I’ll do it.
Chris Johnson
Heh. I was too busy working to catch the thread :D
I’m the one who did the Furry Ann Coulter Parody, and if you are very brave or very pervy you might read my comic
I record music, but I fail at normal, so the only music I do worth a damn is totally demented noises. I’ve got a lot of it up at ‘furaffinity’- here’s a burst of strangeness-
…and here’s a guitar amp tone test, I can do this sort of thing indefinitely-
…and here’s a bit of ordinary rocking the fuck out-
…and this is a sound portrait of life during the Bush Administration :)
And this is my day job-
dr. luba
Overslept today, so I’m late to this thread. That and I’ve been trying to figure out what’s happening with Chrysler. It’s a big deal around here (Detroit), what with friends and family working there or with suppliers. A few damned hedge funds screwed the original reorganization deal. Let’s hope THEY in turn get totally screwed in the bankruptcy. Or drawn and quartered and their heads placed on pikes as an example for others.
Anyway, I make pysanka, aka Ukrainian Easter eggs. I don’t sell them, but have created a damn fine web site about them. (National symbol of Ukraine and all that.) Not tht there’s that much competition. Still, have a look sometime and drive my counter up.
dr. luba
BTW, clicked on a few other commenters’ links. Lots of talent out there. I wonder what would happen should Red State post a similar request/offer……Orrin Hatch tribute videos? New Right Brothers material?
John Sundman
My three novels–
Acts of the Apostles (about nanomachines, neurobiology, Gulf War Syndrome and a Silicon Valley messiah)
Cheap Complex Devices (a storytelling contest between two AI constructs)
The Pains (the story of Job re-imagined in a universe that mixes Orwell’s 1984 with Reagan’s 1984)
Are available for free download from my site wetmachine.
Printed copies available for purchase there also. Kindle coming soon.
dr. luba
OK, here’s the correct link. Don’t know if it’s me or the site. No caffeine yet today. If it doesn’t work this time, just click on my name above.
Correct link.
dr. luba #153.
Don’t you mean the Self-righteous Brothers?
I run a record label as well as produce for a few different labels.
Here’s some links:
I’m also a graphic artist and painter for motion pictures and television:
kevin O'Malley
I write and illustrate children’s books
Dom Phenom
@John Cole:
The album comes out May 23, and we’ll have the tracks on itunes, cdbaby, etc, in another week or so. In the meantime, we give out a three song CD at all our shows for free, and I can just email you those tracks if you like. Thanks for the support!
Surprisingly, I do comics.
With a name like mapaghimagsik, how can they not be funny.
Your stuff looks really good!
My online gallery is here.
@Mr. Stuck:
Hey there! Just pimped my gallery–thanks for the loverly compliment!
@Dom Phenom:
Really? Could we have a reminder post when they hit? Say what you may about iTunes and the like, it does make it a lot easier for me to pick up stuff like this when we get our attention drawn to it…
always late to the party, I’m an artist what can I say…..
Elizabeth W. Gibson – painter of all things furry and some other odds and ends
Elizabeth Lyne
I make handmade jewelry with pearls and stone. I didn’t make much new work in 2008 because my “jewelry time” was spent as a regional coordinator for MoveOn and on the Obama campaign. I’ve now completed a number of house projects (which were on hold) and plan to get back into jewelry in a big way soon. Oh, BTW, I have a full-time job that is not jewelry so “jewelry time” = “my free time” so I only make things that are special to me.
Born to be Worn
Ms Gibson, your work is stunning.
@Blake Himsl Hunter:
Awesome stuff. Lurve it.
Elizabeth Lyne
Holy Moly! What talent! Do you work from photos? I’d love to have a picture of my dog some day.
dr. luba
Self-Righteous Brothers–that would be the perfect name for a Red State band. But no, I refer to these morans:
I played metal. Kinda. It was the 90’s.
I’m usually just a lurker here (and a few other of the “progressive” sites), but you grabbed me with this one. You can see my art work at:
Of most interest, for those readers here, would by my installation piece “Bright Guilty World” (check under “work”), which deals the question of torture, and the essay “Re-inscription and the Control of Meaning: America and the Signification Logic of Torture” which is my thoughts in regard to these horror of these things (listed under “texts”).
By all means, support your local artists, buy works, go see local plays and film festivals. But considering the NEA funds those things, normally indirectly, it’s not an either/or thing and you should support both. Regardless, support the arts.
Amen. Especially my arts.
Been a lurker here, but was caught by the title. My work can be seen at:
Of interest to those here would be my piece “Bright Guilty World” (under “work”, and part of my more political pieces) about human rights and Abu Ghurayb Prison, and the analysis of the 2002 torture memo “Re-inscription and the Control of Meaning: America and the Signification Logic of Torture” (under texts) related to this piece.
Hope you like all of the stuff, though. Have fun!
Damn, I’m late. I only catch up here every three or four days lately (though it’s my first blog to catch up when I get the time).
I use Photoshop to “develop” photographs, usually about 10-20 hours per shot, usually into 2-foot prints, and usually “starring” amateur models (though it intends to be quite different from normal/average model/portrait photography). Been semi-dormant for a couple of years but getting ready to wage a big comeback (and with more diversity).
Get a sneak peek at my new archives now, or check out the overhauled home page in about a week. It’s almost ready.
Thanks, John! I’ll be singing your praises on my new blog too!
Deborah Testa
More of a skill, but there is some art and some craft involved: I do SAS data analysis:
Handmade original design wooden toys have been in business for over 25 years can be seen at <a href=”/” or
Since I couldn’t seem to get the links to work the sites are grandpa johns wooden toys on either hyenacart .com or
Mr. B
So, I’m a somewhat longtime lurker, but this thread has inspired me to make the leap. Not for myself, but for my wife who is a jewelry designer — and although I may be biased, a pretty damn good one IMHO.
Anyway, I’m always looking for more exposure for her work. Enjoy!