Still have not heard of any confirmed cases of anyone “going Galt,” so I thought I would pick up the slack. Here is Tunch quite clearly going Galt on the couch:
Consider this your open thread.
This post is in: Cat Blogging, Open Threads
Still have not heard of any confirmed cases of anyone “going Galt,” so I thought I would pick up the slack. Here is Tunch quite clearly going Galt on the couch:
Consider this your open thread.
Comments are closed.
Josh Hueco
Oooooh, the way his eyes look all-black in that first pic…so spooky and way cool!
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
Here is Tunch quite clearly going Galt on the couch:
Oh, dear – but it won’t be noticeable at all if you clean it up quickly and give it a good shot of Febreze.
Clearly a titan of industry.
schrodinger's cat
Tunch kitteh has cattitude!
Tunch has nothing to prove. He knows the world revolves around him.
Splitting Image
Are you sure about that? I was under the impression that Standard & Poor’s went Galt seven years ago.
I’ll see your Galtish Tunch, and raise you a fully extensible Momo.
L-dub: You know that this was all for you.
Hallelujah. Between the poor downtrodden and terrorized hedge fund managers and discovering that eating a burger is an action fraught with political consequence, I really needed a Tunch fix. And I’m not even a cat fan. Though I must say, he really is sorta cute. For a cat anyway.
El Tiburon
A reimagination of Captain Quint’s famous dialogue on board the Orca from the movie Jaws:
“Sometimes Tunch, he looks right into ya, right into your eyes. Y’know, the thing about Tunch, he’s got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes.
When he comes after ya, he doesn’t seem to be livin’ until he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white, and then – aww, then you hear that terrible high-pitch screamin’, the carpet turns red, and in spite of all the poundin’ and the hollerin’, they all come in and rip ya to pieces.”
love Tunch.
and can i say–if this is going Galt when can i join the movement?
Cap'n Phealy
I’m going Tunch. It looks much more fulfilling.
This is a town that could truly benefit from Going Galt
Laura W
@AhabTRuler: HA! I raced off to your flickr account even before you added the extra sentence on the edit! Of course I had to scroll through them all. Again. Loved her examining the victim, and the loaf kitty! She is just so regal and gorgeous and elegant. Stating the obvious.
She inspired me to go upload a few of my geriatric (one of the two) Bianca. Here is her “Tucked Loaf” pose. Look at the photos on either side of this one for more Tucked Loaf and also a neat photo of her with my newest art purchase from etsy. It’s a white cougar face that hangs on the wall. COOL!
That’s Tunch going Galt? I could have sworn it was Jonah Goldberg.
Common Sense
Reason #1,010 that dogs beat cats in every way
Imagine the conversation with your cat in this scenario:
John: Tunch, together we can beat this vicious mountain lion
Tunch: What do you mean we, kemosabe? That’s my kin you’re threatening. I’ve been wanting you for dinner for years.
Was anyone besides me unaware that Dylan Rattigan (sp?) left CNBC for a morning show on MSNBC? I might enjoy that, I think. He was the only person on CNBC that I ever thought made a lick of sense. How that will translate in a different context…well, we’ll see.
Daily Dose of Republican Stupidity
Ed Gillespie, former RNC Chairman: There wasn’t a single woman of comparable ‘temperament and intellect’ to Samuel Alito.
John Thune (R-SD): A gay Supreme Court nominee ‘would be a bridge too far right now.’
Tunch knows how to go Galt, cute style. Pic #1 totally edible.
JK: Guess Thune forgot to tell those radicals up in Maine.
Joshua Norton
Don’t you really have to have something to go Galt from? Laying on the futon has always been his primary occupation.
That first one is a real winner. Thanks, John.
i don’t know…tunch doesn’t look like he’d even consider spouting a 70-page rant.
There’s another nice one there about Lindsey Graham saying:
1) Wasn’t Palin first promoted by a blogger?
2) Heaven forbid that the
serfspeople actually have a say in the running of the country rather then the aristocracy.You know, in other countries where I have lived the body politic was actually concerned about getting citizens more interested in politics, not openly hostile to the idea.
@Laura W: This one of her is 15MT of cute, but this picture of dear Walter is the Tsar Bomba of cute
for Just Some Fuckhead:
status = don’t know yet. will know tomorrow. hopefully.
I can understand this. The more Americans get involved in politics, the worse things get for Republicans.
In fairness to Graham, he probably does consider her selection a mistake.
Mr. Stuck
Wingnuts Go Galt — Tunch Shrugs.
dunno ’bout no Galt, but that is one fine looking puttytat.
PenCap chatter:
Geno Malkin has his best performance of the series (maybe the playoffs), so far, and is rewarded with his first goal of this series (and a hugely important goal, at that). Funny how that works, huh?
@Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist: Ha! This was funny.
@AhabTRuler: Yes, Walter may be one of the cutest kittehs evah!
John, Tunch is not going Galt at all. He is working really hard at showing elaborate disdain for you. I think he succeeds.
Mr. Stuck, hahahahaha! Love it.
Going Galt must mean swatting at toy mice. Tunch is getting his Galt on, for sure.
@geg6: Thune is just another useless Republican tool.
@Calouste: That’s doozy of a quote by Graham.
I can’t remember the name of the tv program but I did see an interview several months ago with the guy who started a blog promoting Palin as a Vice Presidential candidate.
Left Coast Tom
I think there’s a few hedge fund managers that should Go Galt. For the benefit of the rest of us. Thankfully they’re being named so we can tell them personally, and hurt their feelings. Which appears to be the only thing they were truly afraid of.
Somehow I doubt Tunch is as feral as they are.
I look forward to this being cited as an example of the “threats” that these Wonderful People face, just as they previously cited a comment that their activities should be criminalized, or a comment from someone called “jerkhoff”. Please, cite me in a court filing so I’ll have an open invitation to respond.
Laura W
@AhabTRuler: Yeah, thanks. He died two years ago next week and just yesterday when walking the back of my property I realized I could finally walk the property after my walk and not think of him and mourn. It has taken two years for that painful loss to heal over. Man. Cats! Heart thieves, one and all.
Here’s an article about the SOB who promoted Sarah Palin for Vice President
Sarah Palin, Web Invention
How a college sophomore put Alaska’s governor on the map
@Laura W: Walter was your cat? What a gorgeous boy he was. RIP, Walter.
Common Sense
@Mr. Stuck:
Laura W
@asiangrrlMN: Yeah, thanks. He was very, very special but I don’t want to talk about him too much on this site because John will forget that he’s dead and front page mock him again for being fat.
That’s a whole lotta cat.
Hunter Gathers
It was Colbert.
Laura W:
Jeepers, I’d completely forgotten about that one. Hilarious. That’s even better than the Hamsher smackdown (which I won’t link, partly to leave John with some shreds of dignity, but mostly just because I’m lazy and it’s a pain in the ass to find anything on this site).
@Laura W: Ouch. Double ouch. Looks like John had a mental brain fart. Walter was still a beautiful boy in all his fluffiness–he doesn’t look fat to me. We are blessed to be loved by our cats, but cursed because they are with us for a relatively short-span of time.
I’m coming to the conclusion that Rush is a crypto-progressive. His actions can only be interpreted as an attempt to destroy the Republican party.
@joes527: Or that’s he’s still fucking high–on drugs and on his own sense of self-importance.
Now that’s just twisting the knife.
@geg6: Wait until the day Obama has to use a public restroom. Imagine the political ramifications of pundits having to decide whether or not to look over the wall.
@Laura W: Walter was quite a handsome dude. Tunch looks so much healthier that he did just a few months ago.
@El Tiburon:
You’re gonna need a bigger couch.
@JGabriel: Ok, I am trying to find said smack-down. Can you at least tell me what it was about?
calling all toasters
I thought “Going Galt” was when you refuse to flush, on principle.
Common Sense
The Jane Hamshers of the Left were attacking the troops, except Jane never made the attack John accused her of (read post #9). Johns defense? He wasn’t accusing Jane Hamsher, just the Jane Hamshers of the left. That must be the longest thread in BJ History
I love ya John.
It’s the birth of the phrase, “the Jane Hamshers of the left”. John was still in his transition period from winger to moonbat; i.e., it was after Schiavo, but before registering as a Dem.
Anyway, Jane called him on the comment, because he accused her of supporting something which she never said she supported, and then his own commenters turned on him. Pretty funny shit, especially John’s attempt to use Russell’s set theory (a set can’t contain its own label) to justify himself – I don’t think he actually mentioned Russell, just the principle.
The Cat Who Would Be Tunch
My God, has Momo been taking pilates classes?
Lame joke aside, have you been able to take Momo out for a walk without the need for a leash?
Ash Can
Cats are the original, prototypical Galts. They’re what Ayn Rand and her pathetic wannabe characters all WISH they were.
joe from Lowell
He always gets that pissed-off look when you take a picture of him.
Hmm, 9 posts between 10:00 and 10:20, but only two posts between 10:20 and 10:40. Looks like everyone followed Common Sense’s link .
Y’know, I tried to spare John that.
You guys are mean.
(BTW, Hamsher doesn’t join the comments of that thread till somewhere in the 140’s or 150’s.)
Common Sense
Well, I’m back at least. That really is the best BJ thread ever. I particularly like the comparison of John and Jane to a married couple.
Anyway I’m off to watch the Rockets shock the media again. Never underestimate the heart of a Champion. Back in a few.
Roger Moore
@Common Sense:
You need to check on the update. State wildlife officials are now saying that the dog was the aggressor and there’s no evidence the mountain lion was going after its owners. A cat would never do something that stupid.
lost in GA
Great pics. Just awesome.
@Common Sense: Oh. My. God. My head is a’splodin’. I am really glad I came to this blog in the latter stages of its incarnation. I think I would have given up at that time. Not because of John so much (though, he was being an asshole in the specific point of using Jane’s name without including her), but because of the commenters. That Darrell….wow.
That Jane Hamsher sure flamed out, didn’t she?
@JGabriel: See what you started??????
tripletee (formerly tBone)
Going Galt? Sorry, don’t see it. In that first pic he looks one trapezoidal lunch tray away from hitting on BoB.
Common Sense: Yeah, it’s long, but there’s a lot of gems in thread. My favorite was Jane’s disbelieving response to John’s set theory justification:
Moi? I didn’t bring up The Dead Cat Mocking, or provide the link for The Hamsher Smackdown. How am I getting the blame here?
I think there were multiple actors in this.
@tripletee (formerly tBone): Bwahahahaha! Funny.
@JGabriel: Whatever happened to the Ben guy?
Oh, and I didn’t read the whole thread. Too much craziness even for me.
JGabrielBecause you’re the one who mentioned Hamsher and got me obsessed with it. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. How many of the personae were DougJ? Were both Steve and Darrell him?
The Cat Who Would Be Tunch
@Common Sense:
Oh shaddap, dog lover.
Holy crap, there are some real nuggets in that thread. Also, it was really funny seeing DougJ in his “spoof” mode since I only had only heard about it in the comments but never saw it.
@The Cat Who Would Be Tunch: I haven’t tried w/o the leash, it is just too dangerous. But she has been out a couple of times on the leash. She still thinks the outdoors is OK, but nothing to get excited about.
tripletee (formerly tBone)
That was pretty par for the course back then. Darrell did not bring out the best in everyone. Possibly it was the way he liked to call people “lying sacks of shit” while bald-faced lying for the entirety of a thread.
Palin was “discovered” and promoted to the McCain campaign by Bill Kristol. Just another highlight in Kristol’s long history of FAIL.
Goldberg’s fatter.
@tripletee (formerly tBone): Yeah, I saw that. Plus, his astounding ability to repeat the same line over and over.
It wasn’t DougJ, was it?
And less intelligent.
Wow. I only came to this blog during the last election, and had not yet been exposed to the glory that was that thread. I couldn’t read the whole thing – gotta sleep sometime, ya know? But that was pretty amazing.
Poor John. I’m grateful that my worst moments are not preserved on the internet for eternity.*
*that I am aware of.
I arrived after the “Jane Hamshers of the Left” thing as well. It looks like it was a hoot, though.
And I LOVE the pictures of Tunch. I want to give him nums! I think John should commit to posting Tunch pics at least once a week.
@Betsy: Well, you’re young, Betsy. Give it time.
tripletee (formerly tBone)
Nah. For a while the prevailing theory was that it was John. But I think everyone eventually decided that that kind of deranged, obsessive output could only be produced by an actual deranged obsessive. Or a heavily-medicated chimp and some Rush Limbaugh macros.
@tripletee (formerly tBone): So which of the multiple-personae were fabricated by DougJ? I can’t believe how far left John has moved over the years.
Common Sense
@The Cat Who Would Be Tunch:
I honestly thought you were ppgaz part 10. Who the hell is he now?
@Roger Moore:
I call bullshit. Justa buncha cat loving wildife officials scared to rid the world of that menace. Report they got my ass.
Well, obviously, the Post fired his ass. After that, I really don’t know. I think he got married to another wingnut. You can try Ben’s Wikipedia entry for more info.
But keep in mind Wikipedia’s legendary accuracy – for instance, I just found this gem today:
tripletee (formerly tBone)
In that thread? I don’t know. Most of the spoofs he confessed to were after he outed his original DougJ persona.
@Laura W:
Re your Flickr pictures: Had to laugh at the one AnniePizza2. It reminds me of my old (now deceased) black cat Simba, who looked a lot like Annie and got that same B. Kliban “face gets crazy” expression when shit was goin’ down.
Common Sense
By far the best Darrellism was “It’s who they are.” I’m pretty sure he used it in that thread.
Liberals are America haters who are the real racists. But they can’t help it. It’s who they are.
@JGabriel: Yeah, the great Wiki–a paragon of truth. Whatever. I don’t care that much. Just idle curiosity.
@tripletee (formerly tBone): Ah, ok. That thread is priceless.
Common Sense, yeah, I saw that in the few posts of his I read. He makes a certain current troll seem, well, tame.
@Joshua Norton:
@ the Jane Hamisher thread. Classic! Lots of ol’ school names in there: Pb, Darrell, Pooh, ppGaz. Nice stroll down memory lane.
Wasn’t someone asking the other day if a thread had ever reached over 500 posts? heh
Common Sense
There was even a pluk sighting.
BTW Rockets overcame a perfect 1st by the Lake show to take the lead. This is gonna be a helluva series.
I love Eugene Robinson, Pulitzer Prize winner writer for WaPo. He suggested that some Dems go over to the GOP side to help out the GOP. He had noble intentions, but I thought, it would be a perfect way to infiltrate. I could switch over to the GOP, spew their rhetoric with passion, get promoted as a token, get elected, and then–BAM! Infiltrated!
Are you sure you won’t get warped by the corrupting evil that would surround you? My conception of GOP headquarters has always been somewhat like Mordor in “Lord of the Rings.”
As do several small moons.
(Dammit, I can’t be mean to him… he’s so cute!)
Just Some Fuckhead
Thanks for the update, Cleek. Is there a story behind the extra day?
tripletee (formerly tBone)
@Common Sense:
Actually, that should be:
It wasn’t a real Darrell rant unless it had a missing period somewhere.
@Thankovsky: Yeah, true. “I crossed over to change the party, instead, the party changed me. I am only good for birthin’ and cookin’. I better get crackin’.”
@Tattoosydney: Fake hubby! I need some uplifting jams. You got anything?
General Darrell Question, so when did he completely disappear? I think I need to read the Schiavo archives.
Except with Haley Barbour on the throne … y’know, you’re right, it’s exactly like Mordor.
Hmmm. I’m not sure… I’m at work, so I don;t have my Itunes reference library here… let me see….
@Tattoosydney: Oooh, don’t do it at work. I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble. We have little asiangrrl and little Tattoosydney to feed, so you damn well better not get fired!
Off the top of my head:
Or this?
Or this… It’s Kylie, but it’s also Chemical Brothers, and it builds to about the 5.30 mark…
@asiangrrlMN: Last two.
Thanks, fake-hubby. I’m listening to the first two right now. I love Bjork and her crazy ass!
Wilson Heath
Feh to Tunch going Galt. There he is, working hard to contribute to the world his genius for being surly and misanthropic.
If he were to go Galt he would go friendly, cuddly, good natured, obedient, and sweet — that’s how cats go Galt.
If you want to get REALLY deep into Tolkien, I could make some “Strom Thurmond = Morgoth” analogies. Most of that would rest upon the fact that both were alive at the dawn of time, and both were supremely evil, but hey. It’s an analogy. :p
@Wilson Heath: Really???? Then my cats have been going freakin’ galt all this time and I didn’t know it!
@Tattoosydney: This is a very sexy song. I wanna cut off my hair now! I love them dancing with their new ‘dos. Very catchy song.
Good luck.
@Tattoosydney: So, according to you uplifting means hot, hot bods and supertight remixes. Ok, works for me! That Kylie sure has a set of…lungs on her. She’s about to embark on her first American tour. Yes. Nice lungs.
Now I’m groovin’ to the Good Luck beat. Wait, a song about prison is supposed to be uplifting?
I can’t edit my own comment? TS, I like the singer of Good Luck. She’s cute.
Pretty much.
You can get a very good view of her back-lungs in little gold hot pants in this video. Note: Those hotpants are currently in the permanent collection of the Powerhouse museum in Sydney. We love our Kylie.
When your abusive husband is the one going to gaol, yes.
Johnny Pez
I sort of went Galt a few months back. My bank charged me $22 for a four cent overdraft, so I just closed down my account. Since all the banks are the same way, I haven’t bothered opening an account at another bank. I am bankless and loving it.
@Tattoosydney: Gah. Gah, gah. Is Kylie actually wearing clothes? It doesn’t seem like it. Lordy, lordy, lordy. I can see why she’s a national treasure.
As for your last point, yes, this is true. Either way, I like the singer, and I like the song. Good choice!
@Johnny Pez: Now THAT’S fucking goin’ galt!
Usually, barely.
And when Tunch walked back out to survey the new world before him, he drew a catnip sign in the sky.
Good times. I’d like to find the thread where Darrell tried a “Jane Hamsher of the left” – style stunt with me, and I got into it with him, much to the delight and entertainment of all.
Ah yes…found it.
That was a great thread — The Easter Bunny, polyamory, Rick Santorum, gay marriage. A little something for everybody.
Johnny Pez
I’m going Galt because every comment I post is a miraculous alloy.
Damn. That cat is fat.