FEAR! The House Republicans have now officially said to hell with it all and are going full metal 9/11:
Has anyone told these guys that we intend to put them in prisons, and not just release them in the wild? Love the music, too. I couldn’t figure out if it was a performance I should know or if it was from Lord of the Rings or one of the Call of Duty soundtracks.
*** Update ***
Only the names change.
A clown, a turd, and 9/11. — the Republican Rudy-To-Shoes playbook
OMFG. Nobody has shown those plane videos in the past few years. They have seriously gone off the freakin’ deep end. Please, make it stop! Somebody! Teh Stupid. It is too … stupid!?!?11
On a serious note – is there not anyone in the GOP who says “wait a minute, guys. Maybe we shouldn’t be doing this…”?
And if I hear that “9/11 changed everything” crap again, I’m going to hurl. For the vast majority of Americans, 9/11 didn’t change anything. We mourned. We hugged our families a little closer, and then we went about our business. It’s not like we suddenly became shell-dwellers.
Maybe for some of those idiots in the white house it “changed everything,” but I don’t see it having affected the entire nation that way – unless you count having to take off your f**king shoes and belt at the airport as “changing everything.”
Goddamn, that’s embarrassing.
I’m glad they played that footage, I had kind of forgotten about 9/11
so…. only Gitmo can hold them? there is no other 5×8 concrete structure in the world that can do the job?
Apparently. This place always looked pretty badass to me, but evidently the GOP knows that it’s just a country club and anyone can just walk out anytime they want.
It’s only a matter of time until we have to put their rabid asses down.
James F. Elliott
Oh my god! How can we survive with terrorists held on our shores! Next thing you know, we’ll be holding our murderers and pedophiles and rapists here instead of shipping them off to Quebec or Australia or… or…
@James F. Elliott: I’m thinking we could use Georgia as a debtors prison.
@cleek: i think the super-secret forcefield that holds them in only works OUTSIDE the fifty states. so if TX does leave, they can absolutely go there!
Music isn’t from Lord of the Rings, COD, and though it sounds a bit like the score from Crimson Tide, it’s not that either. I think someone was just trying to ape the chorus remix of Clint Mansell’s Requiem for a Dream score that was used in The Two Towers trailer.
I’m only 27, what was 9/11 again?
Anyone remember Jon Stewart’s brilliant take on this–he reviews the various serial cannibal brain stem eating monsters we already have locked up and he puts them up against the Al Quaeda guys. It was very funny. Less funny when I saw the pictures the GOP is putting up and realized that I think we already drove some of those guys insane, didn’t we? They aren’t really supposed to be able to do more than sit in a corner and pick at their sores by this time. Plus, of course, some of them are basically goat herders and limo drivers and not masterminds of anything.
Jesus wept. The music was scary, though, I’ll give ’em that.
James F. Elliott
@demimondian: I’m more in line with the George Carlin solution: Start walling off states we don’t like, stick the killers and criminal sex freaks in there, and put the whole thing on pay-per-view!
The very idea of Osama bin Laden being held on these blessed shores is terrifying. Oh, wait, they didn’t capture bin Laden? Carry on.
But with so many Republicans looking at long prison sentences, the must be afraid of their new neighbors.
“How does closing Guantanamo make us safer?”
Well, how does keeping Guantanamo open make us safer? It’s not like we’re holding Superman prisoner and Gitmo is the one place that’s made of fucking kryptonite.
A maximum security prison is a maximum security prison. You think Old Fat and Hairy Guy there is going to smash through the walls like the goddamn Hulk?
Florence Supermax facility, just outside of the Evangelical Vatican of Colorado Springs. Yet none of them are scared of all the terrorists and murderers currently housed there. I guess Focus on the Family never got the word that they’re supposed to be scared of that facility. That city is deeply Republican controlled, but somehow in reality they’re not bed wetters.
I don’t think this is a winning strategy for the Republicans, even their sheep aren’t really afraid.
Should mention that prison puts Guantanamo to shame in its security. They have a better chance swimming from Cuba to Florida then leaving the great Colorado Springs area alive (let alone out of their giant concrete block of a cell.) What with NORAD and the Air force Academy next door.
I wonder what the families of the people who died on 9-11 think about the GOP using that footage for propaganda. I doubt they are at all happy about it.
All of them are in a race to the bottom to see who can do the most disgusting, exploitive shit in the name of a few poll points.
US prisons would eat them alive. Plus, from where do you have a better chance of escaping, a supermax in Colorado or a tiny base on the same island as the Greatest Commie Threat Evah!!
Remember Ann Coulter’s line about the 9/11 widows? “I have never seen people enjoying their husbands’ death so much.”
Maybe she’ll revise that after seeing the 9/11 porn in that ad.
Joshua Norton
i’m gonna sing the doom song now ! ……..doom doom do-do-do doooommm…..
When the music started playing, I kept expecting to hear the movie preview narrator say, “In a world…” and start in with whatever crap Michael Bay or Jerry Bruckheimer movie is currently being peddled.
Blue Raven
Yah, but if that sort of footage had been used before 9/11 and it saved a life, wouldn’t they feel better knowing that?
And it’s amazing to realize that lifting wingnutspeak from a local rag’s letters column (which I did up there with a swap of “footage” for “extraordinary interrogation”) just barely works as parody. The accuracy levels turn it into satire.
@Evinfuilt: Those prisons are actually near Canon City, my dad’s hometown. There is nothing but high mountain desert and mountains for 40 miles in any direction…then you hit Pueblo. Damn straight they have a better chance of escaping from Cuba.
What I really enjoy is when wingnuts flog 9/11 like their dicks on a lonely Saturday night, and then turn right around and wish another attack upon New Yorkers… because they’ve forgotten the lessons of 9/11 and don’t vote Republican.
Joshua Norton
Hell, I live in San Francisco and I’d happily start a petition to ship them to Alcatraz. It’s one way to get the Feds to clean up that dump.
harlana pepper
i have to say, all this gitmo stuff and torture stuff coming down now on the teevees, it’s just such old news to me, i’m like (yawn)
Tonal Crow
The GOP are indeed from The Lord of the Rings; the acronym stands for Glob Olog-hai Pushdug, or, roughly, “foolish shit-filthy trolls”.
Not that it’s in any way counterproductive to exploit a national tragedy one more time after shamelessly exploiting it for seven years. And of course no one now thinks that the same tragedy might have been prevented nor does anyone in any way consider that it was used to justify a ruinous war. Somewhere, Republican operatives are cutting together the Terri Schiavo videos in a way that proves that she could have won on Jeopardy.
Their problem is that they don’t realize that the frikken sharks with lasers on their heads are as fictional as the national security credentials.
@Awesom0: He died a while ago, alas.
“Vote Republican” is the lesson of 9/11. After all, they were in every leadership position when it happened. Amiright?
I’d give her even odds if the other contestants were Doug Feith and Sarah Palin.
schrodinger's cat
Slightly OT, interesting discussion about India and Pakistan over at Matt Yglesias.
Pakistan’s army and its intelligence agency ISI, which have been and are obsessed with India, were responsible for propping up Taliban, if you remember Pakistan was one of the three countries that recognized the Taliban government before 9-11. This obsession has led to Pakistani leadership propping up assorted fundamentalists and terrorists groups, mostly as an irritant to India has led to the situation we are in right now. Pakistan’s obsession with India is like the wingers obsession with liberals, if it annoys India then it is good and has led to some extremely self destructive decisions over the course of the last 60 years, unless this mindset in Pakistan changes the Af-Pak problem is going to be intractable for the Obama administration and that is easier said than done.
Got a solution. Fits in with stimulus spending and “real” America’s dislike of the commie left coast. Pelosi too and all the other elitists. A shovel-ready project.
Rebuild Alcatraz. Then when Zubaydah and KSM inevitably escape and swim to San Francisco, they’ll fuck with the gays. What Gooper couldn’t get behind that? Jesus would approve.
@r€nato: win
What a bunch of bed-wetting pansies.
@r€nato: Win! Though I’d add Bachman as well.
I love the meme that “when we hold these guys in the US, terrorists will want to strike those states”.
Right. Because an Al Qaeda which wanted to retaliate for America imprisoning their chauffers weren’t going to do it as long as we imprisoned them outside our borders.
Now I know why Al Qaeda has been mounting strikes against Havana. Morons.
I saw the pictures the GOP is putting up and realized that I think we already drove some of those guys insane, didn’t we?
When I saw this sentence, I couldn’t decide if you were talking about the Gitmo inmates or the GOP. Works either way, doesn’t it?
No one is picking this stuff up, not even Halperin. It’s not going to work.
The terrorists are less than 90 miles from our shores! And they are pointed directly at us!!
(Doesn’t it just encourage Al Queda when they see videos like this, demonstrating our leaders are still wetting their panties seven years later?!)
@Balconesfault: Exactly, which is easier for a terrorist to infiltrate and find anti-American support? Cuba or Kansas? And imagine Chavez’s glee if he somehow aided it all.
Right – no reason for the public to suspect that had many of the Clinton era anti-terrorism programs not been shut down in January 2001, pending further review of a Dick Cheney task force to wrap up sometime after star wars funding is reinstated and a comprehensive plan to deal with the stem cell research menace was arrived at … a particular tragedy might have in fact been prevented.
Oh yeah. And the DOJ launching a sting of hookers in New Orleans in the summer of 2001. Priorities, and all that…
One would think, comfort to the enemy and so on. Further, the primary goal of terrorism is psychological terror, so the GOPs are doing their job for them. It’s certainl logical that the GOP is directly aiding the terrorists.
I want them out of that candy-ass Club Gitmo and into something secure!!
(Warning: links to Rush)
When this stuff comes up I’m reminded of Bush’s response to “Bin Laden determined to strike in U.S.”
If Bin Laden led the UAW, that would have gotten his attention.
Guantanamo Bay only has one advantage over any supermax in the US—it’s not actually inside the United States. That was one of the bases in the Bybee/Yoo/Cheney game of Calvinball—the prisoners were held outside the United States, and therefore were not entitled to the full protections available to prisoners held inside the US.
Since Obama’s trying to wind down the Calvinball, he doesn’t need Guantanamo anymore, and is trying to close it. The Republicans are running around trying to quickly add new rules to keep the game going. (“No, you can’t close it! It’s Friday! Major international detention centers can only be closed on Wednesdays when the moon is full!”)
If OBL led the UAW, we’d have had 7 years of Nationalized Health Care paid for by the looted treasures of the various political clans.
This isn’t the same track (most removed for RCIA copyright violation), but I’m 90% certain that the music is from Transformers.
FWIW, this is the only appropriate way to watch that piece of shit film.
Yeah, or a welfare mom. OTOH, the magnitude of the terrorist threat was clearly demonstrated when all of those tax cuts failed to solve it.
Tonal Crow
That’s the best use of the term “Calvinball” I’ve ever heard.
I’m a little concerned about how many people will actually take this crap seriously. For many people, ominous music and 9/11 footage is enough to scare the beejezus out of them.
@DougJ: It’s all over Faux News, though, right?
Someone should let the republicans know that 11/4/08 changed everything.
Stop knocking Faux News! Do you have any idea what kind of heroic multitasking it takes them to run a network with so many GOP dicks in their mouths?
Joe Biden’s finest moment in public life was exposing the fraud known as Rudy Giuliani.
For more on America’s phony mayor see
Fox News slogan progression …
“Fair and Balanced”
“Fair, Balanced, and Accurate”
“Fair, Balanced, and Accurate … No, Really – Don’t Laugh”
“Amongst our weapons…”
@Zifnab: Actually, yes. They’re running a “special” on it tomorrow night. The “OMG the terrists is coming to our shores” bit, not the “I’m a pantwetting pussy” part.
The Cat Who Would Be Tunch
Being that I’m a visual person by nature, I really did not need that image seared into my mind. Especially on a Friday.
Freedom is Slavery
War is Peace
Diversity is Sinful
Ignorance is Strength
Vote Republican
Palin/Bachmann 2012
The Dimmer Twins
You know, I just watched the clip (I thought John was linking to the other one–the one rachel maddow parodied already). Just from a communicative standpoint I would score it a “fail.” All those guys are described as “captured” and to most readers/viewers that means “rendered harmless.” And then the “closing” part of guantanamo–they don’t actually say “these guys are going to be released into your community” (they save that for the other ad). I guess I think this ad, like the other new gop ads, fails because it doesn’t offer the viewer any kind of catharsis. I know their intention is just to scare the bejeebers out of people but at the end of the day your add money is wasted if the person doesn’t a) pick up the phone or b) write a check. Here the person is just left panicking with the option of logging onto the computer and going to a web site. Its not satisfying. And I don’t think it will have a very good effect on GOP numbers or fundraising. Its too indirect.
@James F. Elliott: Utah first.
Hey, I know that music. It was featured prominently in a live clown show I saw in the theatre. Here is the perfect intersection of republican stupidity and clown shoes.
@The Cat Who Would Be Tunch:
Hmmm, I guess that it’s good then that I didn’t share my original thought that if GOP dicks were made of brass then the average Faux Newser would look like a calliope.
Mark Halperin, journalism’s gift to mankind, reports that Michelle Obama left the White House for lunch to have a hamburger.
I smell a Pulitzer Prize and a Polk Award for Halperin.
I hope my governor, Rick Perry, plans to seize Guantanamo when we reestablish the ROT (Republic of Texas). That way we have a place to send the liberals so they won’t disrupt our otherwise loyal Texas prison population.
JK @ 69
Pulitzer my pud. Not a single word on condiment choice.
How long does it work, though? Until they’re transferred and invisible, in prison.
How do they make this stay scary? “This person could escape at any time”.
Shuffling along in white socks and plastic sandals, ankle-bound, a corrections officer at either side, they’re going to look like any other prisoner, if anyone looks at them at all. In 2 weeks they’ll be invisible.
Serial killers are scary. How often do you mentally run through the serial killer roster, and tick off the states they’re in? Haver you ever in your life heard of a state refusing a particular prisoner based on safety concerns?
To refuse a prisoner is almost an admission your state is run by hapless ninnies.
“Not us. No sir. He’ll definitely escape if you house him here”.
When do the Republicans plan to propose sending ACORN voting terrorists to Guantanamo?
I rest my case.
It would certainly give a new ring to polishing their knobs.
Never mind that, why is Halperin not reporting on Michelle Obama’s appearance on the liberal extremist television show “Sesame Street”? Why is the MSM trying to hide Obama’s links to monsters?
Music is from Carmina Burana by Carl Orff. It’s a series of secular songs written in Latin. This particular song is “O Fortuna.”
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
@Bootlegger: There is nothing but high mountain desert and mountains for 40 miles in any direction…then you hit Pueblo.
Oh noes – they will get our stockpile of helpful public service documents!
In other words, America can’t run prisons any better than Yemen. Why do Republicans hate American prisons?
Rick Taylor
It’s things like this that have destroyed what little respect I had for the Republican party. They have no principles, qualms whatsoever about undermining the Democratic president through transparent absurd fear tactics. They’ll do or say anything.
Kay, it’s worse than that. You’re basically saying you don’t want the federal funding to hold them. Turning down free money for a state prison? Now that’s unheard of.
GOP = Gaggle Of Pussies
OT: This should be fresh (via Steve Benen):
Three of the leading dickheads in the Republican party all on teevee the same Sunday. I’m guessing that Sarah Palin was booked.
John McCain ran a disgusting fear mongering campaign and inflicted Sarah “The Moose Killer” Palin on the public. He needs to retire and STFU.
Dick Cheney needs to retire to the natural beauty and majesty of the Wyoming landscape and STFU.
Sam Jack
Did anyone else notice that they’re using Obama’s font? The text descriptions of what each terrorist did are in the Obama campaign font..
Tonal Crow
Into which jail?
Is it too much to hope for McCain to crash a plane onto Cheney who shoots Gingrich in the face who topples over and crushes McCain as he climbs out of the wreck?
The music, by the way is the “O Fortuna” section of “Carmina Burana” by Carl Orff – who, as it happens, was an unapologetic Nazi.
@JK: @Tonal Crow:
Not to mention serial adulterer Gingrich. These guys are The Three Stooges of American politics right now and the networks’ lavish gift of airtime says more about them than it does about Larry, Moe, and Curly Joe.
That was Ed Rendell’s line for turning down stimulus. It’s like state government malpractice.
I know it’s based on fear, and you’re supposed to react, not think, but you do have to wonder how many times they can use that.
The country seems a little grimmer to me, since we found out our entire economy was teetering on a pile of bad paper, but in a good way.
A little more skeptical. A little less likely to buy irrational fear, and run around screaming.
“Sober” is the best word I can use to describe it. The current climate, or temperament, if you like, suits me better.
It’s more like “Fuck a bunch of terrorists, I’m losing the house!”
Gosh! These videos are frightening! And on top of that I’m out of Dijon mustard.
Equally fitting that Sarah Palin’s line from her convention speech that “We grow good people in our small towns” is a quote from Westbrook Pegler. Pegler was a columnist who lamented the failed assassination attempt against FDR in Miami and expressed a hope that RFK would be assassinated several years before it happened.
(Sources: The GOP Loves the Heartland To Death, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122100226859616967.html?mod=hpp_us_inside_today ,
September 10, 2008; Governor Palin’s Reading List, September 15, 2008, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-f-kennedy-jr/governor-palins-reading-l_b_126478.html )
@Becca and @neil:
You’re responding to the wrong ad. The one on the previous thread used O Fortuna; the ad John embedded in this post uses different music (which sounds quite a bit more recent).
I think Colbert should do a new segment along the lines of his “Better Know a District”. How about “Better Know a Detainee”?
We could go beyond just the pics (and scary music) and get more familiar with where/when they were apprehended, where they’ve been held, what they allegedly did, and whether there is any evidence to support the allegation. Heck, maybe some would agree to appear on the Colbert Report just like the fun-loving representatives do.
Guess so – I’d seen a clip last night on Maddow so didn’t play this clip here at work – I assumed it was the same one. I stand corrected.
Maybe they realized Orff’s Third Reich connections and thought better of it…..
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
@kay: I know it’s based on fear, and you’re supposed to react, not think, but you do have to wonder how many times they can use that.
It never fails! Just ask President Giuliani.
The ad pretty much depends on its viewers not thinking.
21% of American voters will go “We got our mojo back!”
Little Dreamer
@schrodinger’s cat:
Hmmm, perhaps this is an appropriate time for this?
Kashmir (Led Zeppelin)
Oh let the sun beat down upon my face
Stars to fill my dream
I am a traveler of both time and space
To be where I have been
To sit with elders of the gentle race
This world has seldom seen
They talk of days for which they sit and wait
All will be revealed
Talk and song from tongues of lilting grace
Whose sounds caress my ear
But not a word I heard could I relate
The story was quite clear
Oh, I been flying… mama, there ain’t no denyin’
I’ve been flying, ain’t no denyin’, no denyin’
All I see turns to brown, as the sun burns the ground
And my eyes fill with sand, as I scan this wasted land
Trying to find, trying to find where I’ve been.
Oh, pilot of the storm who leaves no trace
Like thoughts inside a dream
Heed the path that led me to that place
Yellow desert stream
My Shangri-La beneath the summer moon
I will return again
Sure as the dust that floats high in June
When movin’ through Kashmir
Oh, father of the four winds, fill my sails
Across the sea of years
With no provision but an open face
Along the straits of fear
When I’m on, when I’m on my way, yeah
When I see, when I see the way, you stay-yeah
Ooh, yeah-yeah, ooh, yeah-yeah, when I’m down…
Ooh, yeah-yeah, ooh, yeah-yeah, well I’m down, so down
Ooh, my baby, oooh, my baby, let me take you there
Let me take you there. Let me take you there
If they are subject to the Geneva conventions, we can’t try them for crimes unless you’re talking war crimes. To try them in our federal courts under U.S. law would be a war crime itself.
We cannot detain them in the U.S. indefinitely. This was the ruling in the Zadvydas case a couple years ago. Holding them longer would be a knowing and intentional violation of the constitution and permit them to sue the government for damages in federal court – and to win their freedom.
We cannot send them to a third country if we have reason to believe they may be tortured. This is where Bush’s making every single country in the world hate our guts is killing us; without him, no doubt Germany and France and others would be willing to step up and help out.
Nor does holding new captures at Bagram alter the legal equation because the effect of earlier Supreme Court cases is to hold that the Constitution applies to those captured on the battlefield. Yknow, at least when they aren’t dead members of blown up wedding parties.
The solution, of course, is that many of the individuals currently held, if we believe in the rule of law, *must* be granted asylum in the United States. Individuals captured on the battlefield *must* be turned over to the host nation immediately or they will land in this legal minefield. There are no other solutions that are legal under U.S. and international law.
@aimai: I saw that. Jon was brilliant. “If there’s one thing America does well, it’s imprison people.” “I’ll take the American brain-eater guy over a terrorist any day. USA! USA!”
The music was not terrifying. I have dreams that are more terrifying than that video.
@gbear: Hahahahahaha! Eat it, bitches! No, they know the election changed everything. That’s why they’re recycling this crap.
Little Dreamer
I think that’s exactly what the wingers are aiming for.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Oh, their mindset will change. It will change just in time for Islamabad to make a few token, superficial, desperate changes before it’s overrun by jihadis. That’s really why the sane elements that remain in Pakistan’s government are royally boned: the ISI has effectively broken away from the central government’s control and now operates as its own state-within-a-state. The ISI leaders live in their own little world, where the logic of India as the preeminent threat can never be challenged, and the President simply doesn’t have the power he would need to change the ISI’s policies, much less to rein in the whole organization.
Little Dreamer
which would be all fine and acceptable and tolerated as an internal problem far off in another part of the world (for us), if not for the fact that there are nuclear weapons involved.
@Little Dreamer:
From what I hear, the nukes are at least somewhat secure – although believe me, this is my number one concern as well. I didn’t get my Masters in Nuclear Nonproliferation for nothing. :p
But yeah, word is that they’re being secured. The strategic nukes likely all have launch codes and numerous other safeguards, so there’s little change of a rogue or accidental launch. The real worry is left-over fissile material, or perhaps discarded warheads technology. I expect the CIA or another intelligence agency is hard at work helping to secure that stuff as well.
edit: Also, Krauthammer sputters:
What an idiot.
Sorry, forgot to link: http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=MjU4MzZkOGVmZTBhMjhmZTAzNjQyNGZlY2FhMjM2ZmY=
The music is “O Fortuna” which was used quite prominently in that movie “Excalibur” about King Arthur.
In the movie, the song symbolized the magic and triumphalism of the sword. It wasn’t really meant to signify “Oooh, spooky scary”.
Little Dreamer
You mean scimitar, don’t you?
Tonal Crow
Have the Republicans become a serious party yet? All they seem to do is hang around talking Coulter and wearing ginormous clown shoes. But maybe that’s their definition of “serious party”. Lincoln’s tachometer isn’t going below redline anytime soon.
Tonal Crow
@Tonal Crow: Moderation? Now what? Does “C*ulter” trigger it? “Kra*thammer”?
Oops, my bad, that is not O Fortuna. Tried to use Shazam to see what the song was, failed.
Must be from some movie soundtrack though.
Little Dreamer
Sure sounds like O Fortuna to me:
Tonal Crow
@Tonal Crow: Oh, never mind. I tripped over the “shœs”.
Little Dreamer
Existenz, the track that is most often heard is from Trans-Siberian Orchestra, but there are several renditions of it on YouTube. I just found one that proved it is the song you were thinking of. The history of the song goes back to a piece called Carmina Burana written by Carl Orff.
Interesting note found on the Wiki for Carmina Burana:
I find it interesting that wingers decided to use this piece now that their side is basically not “reigning” anymore and they are so unhappy with their lot that they’re considering secession. They are “without a kingdom” seemingly.
You might be thinking of “The Seventh Seal,” by Ingmar Bergman.
Mike Mundy
As others have pointed out, the background music is from Carmina Burana. Again, Wikipedia has more:
“Orff’s association with the Nazi Party has been alleged, but never conclusively established. His Carmina Burana was hugely popular in Nazi Germany after its premiere in Frankfurt in 1937, receiving numerous performances.”
Notorious P.A.T.
“In a world were the only rule is: there are no rules. . . one man will take on the system. . .”
Did anyone else notice how at least two out of the three people they showed as dangerous terrorists were people we KNOW were tortured at Gitmo? That’s really scary, all right: seeing images of people who were/are mentally ill who were tortured by the United States.
As others have pointed out, the background music is from Carmina Burana.
In the update, yes, but some people were trying to identify the music in the first video.
We cannot send them to a third country if we have reason to believe they may be tortured. This is where Bush’s making every single country in the world hate our guts is killing us; without him, no doubt Germany and France and others would be willing to step up and help out.
Look at how you treat countries such as UK or Spain over the cases of former detainees from those countries. Looks like they are expected to cover up your legal messes, or see their relationship to the US suffer if they try to pursue justice. Not exactly confidence-inspiring.
Sounds like bondage kit. erm I mean Kit Bond’s handiwork of overblown hysterical hyperbole.
Oh noes they gonna ‘scape from Supermax!
Never mind that Nichols, Richard Reid, Zac Moussoiui et al are actually in US prisons.
You know real terrorists. In real jails… away from the general populace.