Okay I am tired of running upstairs and chasing you guys….. I am tired, (obvious reasons) this posted the last time for the usual suspects to see it….
I am going to repost this cause everyone has obviously gone upstairs….
Some assembly required. I have a crafts table in the dining area. On that crafts table (brown paper for backing photographs, glue, etc.) I also have a shoebox with envelopes full of seeds that I have collected from my plants over the years. The cats have dragged some brown paper over to the box and it is now the primo bed in the house, however in order to fit in said box the cat has to sort of dissassemble his parts and reassemble them in a way that makes no sense. Exhibit A Max
I’m not much on the culture wars, but even I sense something is dramatically wrong with our society when there is an entire series called “I Didn’t Know I was Pregnant.” I can understand this happening once a year and there being an hour long special every year about these idiots, but a whole damned series?
The Kindle thing is groovy, but it’s still not like I could fucking afford one. Just sayin’. You’d think by now someone would get behind a Netflix-concept and give you the Kindle for free if you would just pay for the content. I’m nuts, right?
@John Cole: Umm, sadly, that show is in its Third Season, John.
Laura W
@John Cole: I have no idea what you are watching, or WHY, but switch over to HBO 502 now and catch the last half hour of The Memory Loss Tapes. I’m gonna beat this to death until….something.
You gotta see the last segment about the man who did a childrens’ teevee show for decades. It’s one of the most beautiful and poignant things you’ll ever see. Some people just seem “pure” to me, and he and his wife would be those kinds of people.
You stalked a defense attorney across the street into a bar demanding to know why you weren’t seated as a juror? And you weren’t happy until he bought you a drink and told you that you were too analytical?
(I like your style.)
Sorry the links got screwed up anyhoo, here is exhibit A, you can imagine the rest
@Litlebritdifrnt: Those are great pictures. I spent a little amount of time looking at your flowers and I have carpet roses also. Do you fertilize them? The reason that I ask is I bought a house last year that has several similar type of roses. I have been putting my coffee grinds around the bushes but I’m not sure that’s enough. Last summer I used a little Seven because of the insects but I’d prefer not to have to use insecticides.
have you heard the latest news about how the Bush administration and Halliburton are “Supporting the Troops”? apparently, Halliburton hasn’t been able to distribute enough water to our forces in Iraq — so our troops have been resorting to stealing water!
is there anything these criminally incompetent sociopaths didn’t screw up during the Bush years? first body armor and now WATER!?
I’m not much on the culture wars, but even I sense something is dramatically wrong with our society when there is an entire series called “I Didn’t Know I was Pregnant.”
I honestly can’t say that I’ve ever understood how someone can go the entire pregnancy and not know she’s pregnant. Yes, there are some women who are very irregular, and continue to have spotting, so the whole “missed period” thing wouldn’t necessarily apply. And if they’re already ample of belly, I can see that maybe they wouldn’t notice their figure changing.
But for the love of ponies, would they not feel the kicking? Early kicking could be misconstrued as gas, or as muscle spasms, but later on? No. I’m sorry, but when a 2-lb. human kicks you squarely and repeatedly in the cervix, how can you not wonder what the fuck that was?
Hmmmm I got totally stupid and ignored the question. Depends on where you are living, roses really don’t do well here in eastern nc but they sure love bananas, black spot is a serious problem, but I tend to ignore it, feed them nanas and they do well. Carpet roses are like weeds, they tend to do well no matter what you do to them, I have some in bloom right now that are spectacular, my advice would be to leave them the hell alone. NEVER EVER put pesticides, or herbicides or any other cides on your plants, A garden is about life, not death.
A garden is about life, not death.
I bet the aphids feel differently when the ladybugs start showing up.
Speaking of supporting the troops.. what’s up with the delay in the release of the pictures? They should have released it. I was hoping they would so that we could show what kind of depravity was going on so that we can fix it!
The silence is deafening here regarding Obama’s latest Bushian coverup. Feel free to chime in at any time, John.
The silence is deafening here regarding Obama’s latest Bushian coverup.
Hello wingnut troll.
That buzzing sound you hear is the BJ chainsaw taking your legs off.
what’s up with the delay in the release of the pictures?
Anyone’s guess at this point. Several stories saying several things.
Best Guess? The Pentagon is throwing another snit fit and Obama is choosing to go along with it for reasons of his own that will probably become clear in the near future.
Also, all these claims that they’re “less” horrible then the first round of photos is setting my bullshit detectors off en masse.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Actually I agree with that and only put on seven last summerr because they looked so sick. This year I cleaned out the beds of tall grass and ivy that the previous owners had growing in between. I don’t have a garbage disposal so I have been composting everything except for bones which I don’t have many of anyway. I eat bananas every day and if I cut up the peels will that be enough? I live south of you in the land of Perdue. Last year rain was scarce and we were under tight watering restrictions.
@BPC: Actually there was a discussion a few posts down.
@TenguPhule: The Pentagon is throwing another snit fit
I would have guessed the CIA was objecting. Why do you think it was the Pentagon?
@Krista: Denial. If a girl/woman is terrified of the consequences of pregnancy, then she may just block it out of her mind.
@John Cole: I don’t have cable, so I don’t know this show. However, I loathe reality shows in general and the depths to which most of them sink, so it doesn’t surprise me.
And we’re not even close to peak wingnut yet, TenguPhule. We haven’t even made past the first saddleback.
Litlebritdifrnt, One thing about living in Perdue country is that I’m within 20 minutes of some of the best hospitals in the southeast. If you are ever in need for a second opinion for DH, keep that in mind. I also have two excellent guest rooms.
So, it appears I will soon be a member of the Democrat Socialist Party. Good to know.
I will admit that during the Clinton years, I was in my early 20’s and more focused on beer pong than politics, but I have to ask the group…
Was the GOP this batshit during the Clinton years? or , as is my theory, Barack is black and not banging interns, so they are scratching at the walls to come up with stuff against him.
(I know they were hostile to Clinton (i.e Contract for America), but they really appear to be unhinged against Obama)
Why do you think it was the Pentagon?
At least two of the stories out attribute it to the Pentagon, which makes sense as these photos would allegedly implicate military personnel.
@Mark S.: Thank you for making it explicitly clear that your link is to Red State so I can ignore it.
He goes out to get a burger, and it’s a photo op. He has a home viewing of Star Trek, and he’s a snob. Good grief. Life in Wingnuttia must be just plain awful.
The next series will be titled “I Didn’t Know I Was Having Sex.”
I mean, how else are we to explain people like Bristol Palin following a life of chastity and nevertheless getting pregnant?
It’s not clear to me why choosing not to release additional photos constitutes a coverup. I know lots of people on the left are in hysterics over the latest installation of Obama=Bush, but… well, yawn.
Hello wingnut troll.
Hello simpleton. If I was a wingnut I probably wouldn’t use Bushian as a pejorative would I now? Nice assumption though. I read the blog regularly and have commented several times, let me know when it’s ok to join your club.
Seriously though, twenty posts today and nothing on this blatant reversal of a campaign promise? I’m really curious to hear your thoughts on this somewhat important issue.
If I was a wingnut I probably wouldn’t use Bushian as a pejorative would I now?
Okay, I’m sorry, it should have been Wingnut *concern* troll.
I’m really curious to hear your thoughts on this somewhat important issue.
Concern troll is concerned.
Comrade Stuck
Seriously though, twenty posts today and nothing on this blatant reversal of a campaign promise?
Did Obama promise to release these photo’s during the campaign ? I did not know that. Could you please give a link?
In unrelated news, the stock price of Haliburton went from about $6 to over $50 between the Iraq invasion and early 2008, and Dick Cheney holds about half a million Haliburton stocks.
Okay, I’m sorry, it should have been Wingnut concern troll.
Nice comeback. I didn’t say I was a liberal, just not a wingnut, I didn’t know I had to take a liberal purity test to comment on this blog.
Best Guess? The Pentagon is throwing another snit fit and Obama is choosing to go along with it for reasons of his own that will probably become clear in the near future.
Ah yes, everything will be revealed in time, all it takes is a little thing called Hope.
You could go to another blog.
OOTH, not every post I make, or every heartfelt post made by others, or even every topic put up by the authors of this blog garner the responses that they expected.
Ask Wilfred.
I assume it was part of the whole “Change We Can Believe In” campaign promise. Or at least, this is what the people over at TalkLeft tell me.
@Max: Obama is black so they can appeal to their base by mentioning that the immigrants and blacks are stealing their jobs. During the Clinton years you had Newt preaching family values while screwing around with an aide and cheating on his second wife (MSM did not feel the need to report this). The repubs were worried about the rule of law and that it wasn’t the sex but the lie Clinton told. There was also the added enjoyment about what will we tell the children. The funniest occurrence was when Newt had to sit in the back of Air Force One and threw a hissy fit. He had been taught that the back of the plane was reserved for the blacks.
Newt is still preaching family values hoping that there are young college kids that have no idea what a slimy creature he is. He’ll not have a chance to sit on Air Force One again whether in the front or back, so that’s a good thing.
Obama is bringing about change that scares the repubs in a way that Clinton did not. Obama is working on empowering the middle class and giving them a voice in their future. As a repub that would be really scary. They are used to dictating to the classes.
or every heartfelt post made by others… garner the responses that they expected.
I accept your apology for mocking my wine posts, Dennis.
Thank you.
have you heard the latest news about how the Bush administration and Halliburton are “Supporting the Troops”? apparently, Halliburton hasn’t been able to distribute enough water to our forces in Iraq—so our troops have been resorting to stealing water!
Hey, Halliburton is probably charging $75 a bottle, so I’m not surprised the Army can’t afford to buy a lot of them.
I think not releasing the photos sucks. And I’m not thrilled with his new guy in Afghanistan or his silence on DADT and any number of things Obama’s been doing. But he’s done enough right and I’ve been made a chump when I’ve criticized him before because his timetable and tactics weren’t the same as mine. So I’ll give the man juggling the eleventy dozen hats a bit of a break. For a while anyway. A short while. He’s only got five months under his belt. And if that sounds too Kool Aid-y, well…tough shit.
Seriously though, twenty posts today and nothing on this blatant reversal of a campaign promise? I’m really curious to hear your thoughts on this somewhat important issue.
Slow down. First, I’ve had seven posts, three of which were open threads.
Second, I think it sucks because I don’t think there is ever a “good” time to release evidence of abuse, but as far as a major deal, I’m just not seeing as a big deal. I’m betting he realized he will be compelled to release them in a short while anyway, so why not take credit for doing what he can to show “support for the troops” by not releasing them then sigh, and say “I didn’t want to release them, but we are a nation of laws” and release the photos then. See also, cake and eating it, too.
Third, I’m actually far more concerned with Operation Clusterfuck in Afghanistan than I am the pictures. In fact, since I didn’t post about it at all, it is pretty clear that I place a pretty low priority on this. Of everything, the economy is the most important thing right now. The deteriorating economic situation (and don’t be fooled by the “but the pace of the downturn has slowed” crowd- ask any doctor what they would think of someone who said “Yeah, but he is hemorrhaging slower now!”)- far more lives are being ruined by the economic free-fall and the future of our country is far more imperiled by economic matters than even Afghanistan or Iraq.
Fourth, just because you have a blog doesn’t mean you have to write about everything.
Fifth, as far as campaign promises go, this is about as important to me as whether or not there is a former lobbyist working as an undersecretary somewhere.
Finally, I think you give Presidents some time to get a measure of the totality of their administration. I’m not saying others like Glenn Greenwald can’t get pissed over every event- more power to them. I’m just taking a bigger picture. If in three years the direction of the country has not changed, if there has not been a slow but steady change to the way the executive branch behaves, then I will start to turn on the man. For now, not so much.
Two wars, economic crisis of disastrous proportions, a complete and total crisis in confidence in government, the Bush rot throughout the bureaucracy, and hundreds of legal and ethical minefields left behind by Bush and Darth Cheney, and people want me to blow my gasket because I disagree with his decision to release photos of abuse committed on the other guy’s watch.
‘Fraid not. Again, I disagree with his decision, but will give this some time to play out. And I’ll send the ACLU another 25 bucks.
Sorry, the administration actually said as recently as last month that it would release the photos.
So not a campaign promise, but a presnit promise. And what happened was he did something unusual for a president in recent times, like consulted with people who convinced him it might put lives at risk, and cause Pakistan to go up in flames. That’s just my guess of course.
You could go to another blog.
OOTH, not every post I make, or every heartfelt post made by others, or even every topic put up by the authors of this blog garner the responses that they expected.
Ask Wilfred.
That’s the thing, I like reading this blog. I don’t agree with everything John and the other writers post, probably not even a majority, but I find all of them insightful and funny at times. I was really just looking for a quick thought, it has been a big story today.
Not sure if anyone is interested, but shortly, on CNN, they are going to air Obama’s ASU speech live and in full. I’ve had a tedious day and need a little inspiration, so I’m looking forward to watching.
As a warm up, for those of you that haven’t seen it, the Daily Show at ASU… my fav line is “ASU is the Harvard of Date Rape”.
Sometimes we get a little starved for a real wingnut. Your question was innocent enough but worded like a grenade chucker would, with the “campaign promise” part. No harm, no foul, though it wasn’t a campaign promise.
You gotta see the last segment about the man who did a childrens’ teevee show for decades. It’s one of the most beautiful and poignant things you’ll ever see. Some people just seem “pure” to me, and he and his wife would be those kinds of people.
Laura, that would be “Cousin” Cliff Holman. That segment took place about 30 miles from here in Guntersville, Alabama. My wife was on the Cousin Cliff show in Birmingham when she was a child. And yes….. it was very sweet. Cousin Cliff had show biz in his blood.
For goodness sakes, back off BPC. He just asked a question.
Thank you, John.
I really was just wondering what your thoughts were, didn’t mean to come off like a bastard.
@Laura W:
Of course. Just today I was meditating on the rich melange of flavors that typify the MD 20/20 range of tropically flavored wines. The complex experience of “Blue Raspberry,” with it’s aroma of stale popcorn informed by a hint of slipping fan belt is not to be passed by. Although connoisseurs will forgo “Blue Raspberry” with its measly 13% alcohol content, the more adventurous will flock to crank the cap off of yet another journey into the complex world of the grape.
Teh Zilla does indeed have his latest apoplectic fit up proving as a matter of rock-solid, unassailable logic that if you’re NOT outraged about the reversal regarding the photos now, then you BETTER have been outraged back when Obama said he WOULD release the photos, or else that proves you’re a fucking worthless mindless Obamabot, so SHUT UP.
Plant a clove of garlic at the base of each rose. It puts sulfur in the soil which helps kill blackspot and makes the roses smell better. Honest!
If you live in a place with hot, humid summers, and they start to lose leaves from blackspot, you can wash them down with Miracid every other week.
Defolation is often a response to being too hot; they will lose leaves to keep their exhaling of water vapor to a minimum. If you don’t mulch, you should; make it a depth of at least 3 inches. It conserves your water and keeps it near the roots, where the roses need it.
And the only bugs I got on my roses were aphids, and you can sprinkle flour on them, then rinse it off the next day. Not using insecticide encourages the predatory bugs, which will take care of your rose pests far better than you can.
You can make better homes for your predators by underplanting the roses with alyssum or other fragrant low growers, interplanting with such compatibles as lavender, sage, clematis, and mint (which needs to be in pots unless you like rampant groundcovers.)
And if you really get into roses, consider getting some really nice ones that are suitable for your climate. Chinas and noisettes are lovely and can handle the heat.
I grew 80 different rosebushes organically for many years. It can be done.
You have not lived until you have puked MD 20/20 through your nose. My first was at a Ramones concert.
Laura W
@Montysano: Gosh, I watched that again tonight and still can’t get over how moving it is. You never know what lies beneath the surface of anyone, of course, but the short snippets of his life, and hers with him, just portray so much lightheartedness, goodness and gentleness of spirit. And the way she allowed him to believe himself to be the showman he fancied himself, all the way up to the end…Such a wonderful HBO production. And kudos to Maria Shriver.
@John Cole: Love ya, John, but is it too early to say…
Sounds like 8 years ago…. Bush is doing xxx, which I don’t agree with… But let’s give him some time. After all, he’s only been in office for a bit. Sorry. I’m over that. Campaign promises are promises. I did that. No. More.
I’m concerned about what Obama stands for now. He was COMPLETELY and UTTERLY against the Bush administration. Now he’s defending its secrecy.
He was ABSOLUTELY against DADT. Now, he’s going tp let more soldiers be fired because of it.
Sorry. No deal. Like you, I gave Bush the benefit of the doubt in the early days. Like you, I was FUCKING BURNED BIG TIME.
Never again will I EVER say, “Oh, give him some time. He’ll do it when it is politically savvy or convenient.”
I’m wondering if maybe the critics were right – he doesn’t have the experience. I hope to god he does. Because right now, I am not impressed.
No. More.
Comrade Stuck
Good old Mogen David- a fine wine.
In my younger days I was a Wild Irish Rose man. It grew all the hairs on my chest, and taught the proper way to hug a toilet bowl.
@Michael D.: I don’t think it’s a fair comparison. Then again, I’m biased. I didn’t believe a thing W. said, anyway.
However, I am willing to give President Obama more than a hundred days to deal with the mess that the Bush administration left. I can see why he wouldn’t want to release the photos right now. If they don’t come at all, then I will jump over his shit. We had a torture hearing today. We are talking about torture. Obama is starting to push back a bit at the bankers.
I am pissed about DADT as I think it’s the one area in which Obama has little desire to push hard to do the right thing. This is a sore spot for me, and on this issue, I will remain very skeptical as to whether or not Obama will follow through on his promise to repeal DADT.
However, I am not willing to lump Obama in with Bush, not yet. We are slowly making headway forward. Obama is still just one person. He is not a god. He is not Superman. He has to work with Congress to get things done. He can’t just wave a wand and make everything better.
I guess what I am trying to say is that I am willing to hang out in the area of not making a final decision on Obama yet.
Laura W
@Dennis-SGMM: You’re actually getting pretty scary good at this, Dennis. I’m gonna keep working with you and inspiring you to press on. I think you’ve got a true talent for sensory evaluation and a bright future in wine writing.
@WereBear: Wow. Thank you for all the info and I plan on trying some of those techniques.
@John Cole:
Mad Dog earned its place in my heart while drinking a pint of it on a frosty New Year’s morning on top of Smith Mountain while watching the sun come up over the whole damned state of California.
Can’t drink it any more.
Laura W
@Comrade Stuck: Annie Green Springs, Boone’s Farm, and later Blue Nun were the fine wines I cut my teeth on. And the wines that taught me how to worship at the altar of the porcelain Buddha.
Pepper put the hair on my chest, just like Daddy always said it would.
Sounds like 8 years ago…. Bush is doing xxx, which I don’t agree with… But let’s give him some time. After all, he’s only been in office for a bit. Sorry. I’m over that. Campaign promises are promises. I did that. No. More.
I agreed with virtually nothing Bush did. I agree with at least half of what Obama does. I fail to see why these two sets of circumstances are supposedly identical.
I’m wondering if maybe the critics were right – he doesn’t have the experience.
Which means…what? He won’t get anything done? He’ll screw everything up? He won’t get everything done that he wants?
I don’t see evidence for the first two; in fact, I see evidence against them.
If the third happens, then that is very disappointing, and I won
t stop pushing for improvements, but I won’t let the perfect stand in the way of the good.
@Laura W:
I doff my hat. I’m working on a novel (No wine) and I’m in my sixties so excessive verbiage is one of my only remaining vices.
@Michael D.: So, while he’s dealing with a historic economic meltdown, 2 inherited wars, swine flu, etc, you’d also like him to move with breakneck speed on a process that could eventually see Bush administration officials, up to and including the former POTUS and VPOTUS, hauled into court for war crimes? No room for caution and prudence, just pedal to the floor, eh? And while we’re at it, WTF is up with DADT and DOMA? Maybe, just to put the cherry on top, he should also throw in an assault weapons ban and start pimping single payer.
He’s been in office 110 days. What you’re suggesting is just nuts.
Obama is supposed to deliver a major speech in Egypt next month, maybe even from al Azhar, as the Arab press has speculated. More photos would not be helpful.
As for the troops, they’re already in a fucking war zone where nearly everbody hates them; a few more px won’t make much of a difference. Even so, what’s the point? The Arab and Iranian press already show px that would make any sensible person demand for immediate withdrawl from both Iraq and Af – the Western press never shows them. That’s not Obama’s responsibility, but the media’s.
In any case, the battle for hearts and minds is over. We lost.
@Michael D.:
Who the hell, other than Zombie FDR, does have the experience? Obama isn’t perfect, if he was he’d be a saint rather than a politician. That said, I’ll take him in preference to the alternatives.
It’s funny you posted that, as I was just wondering about that a few days ago. In the first month of his presidency, I remember folks making a big deal about all the promises Obama had made and how this website was actually going to keep track of them.
Funny how we haven’t heard much about that website these days, huh?
Who the hell, other than Zombie FDR, does have the experience? Obama isn’t perfect, if he was he’d be a saint rather than a politician. That said, I’ll take him in preference to the alternatives.
Some of his Obama’s actions have been extremely irritating. Others have been praiseworthy. One should not ignore the latter while pushing for improvement on the former.
@Montysano: Like everyone else, you advocate NOT for doing what’s right, but what’s politically expedient. Good for you. Congrats. You’re the problem.
I think it’s better to do the RIGHT thing and risk re-election. That’s just me. I would rather Obama come out 100% against torture and SHOW what we did so that it nevber happens again. I’d rather he didn’t invoke “state secrets” when we’re pretty sure what he’s doing is the same as Bush. I would rather Obama stop DATD now.
I would rather he did all that and risk re-election. That would be brave – not to mention LIVING UP TO HIS CAMPAIGN PROMISES!!!
It would show me he is a man of character and conviction.
And to repeal DADT would take 67 votes in the Senate and 2/3 majority in the House. My guess is they are figuring a way around doing this in a way short of repeal. Not all that simple.
@Comrade Stuck: Sorry. Obama asked Federal Authorities to stop enforcing federal drug laws by telling them to stop raiding medical marijuana facilities in California.
Obama could order the military to stop enforcing DADT. Full stop.
He hasn’t. He’s going to let gay linguists, fluent in ARABIC to be fired.
Like everyone else, you advocate NOT for doing what’s right, but what’s politically expedient. Good for you. Congrats. You’re the problem.
It appears to me that you think there’s only one way and one time to solve a problem. Good for you. That makes YOU part of the problem.
And again, you seem to assume making partial progress is not enough. Again, that makes YOU part of the problem.
Eyes on the prize. Partial steps to the goal GETS YOU TO THE GOAL. Especially when nothing stops you (meaning either you personally or the president) from trying again to get closer.
He just can’t “stop” DADT. He has come out against torture 100%, and there is a bill moving thru congress right now that would regulate the use of the “State Secrets” provision in the Constitution. Your frustrated, that’s ok!, but to say obama is not a man of character based on how he’s conducted himself thusfar is over the line.
Like everyone else, you advocate NOT for doing what’s right, but what’s politically expedient. Good for you. Congrats. You’re the problem.
Piss off, Michael. I said no such thing. I’m only advocating for a reasonable amount of time. I’m only suggesting that we not get hysterical when Obama makes a move. Don’t assume that it will be his only move.
Would you have found it doubleplusgood if he’d knocked all this out in 60 days instead of 120? Hell, why not have it cleaned up by Jan. 27?
Obama could order the military to stop enforcing DADT. Full stop.
Oh? Isn’t that like Bush’s signing statements?
More importantly, would that ultimately get the needed votes to overturn DADT? Or would it engender ongoing opposition and prevent gathering the votes needed for it? That’s not a negligible consideration in my book…
None of it is simple. Who was the last president that was faced with the real possibility of dealing with his predecessor’s war crimes? Who had to decide whether to release the torture pix or not? What a fucking nightmare.
Actually, Holder said they would not raid facilities unless both federal and state laws were violated. And we see how that is working. You just can’t tell federal agencies with a mandate to not enforce a standing law, unless there is some kind of pending legal dispute.
I don’t think so. It’s just a regular law, so the usual 51% oughta work.
Sorry, nope. They could amend it, that would be a 60 vote threshold, but that is tricky when an amendment would in effect be a repeal of a law with a single clear mandate.
I do wish Obama would do something substantive on DODT and DOMA. I think having Dan Choi as the face of the failure of DADT will be good for the cause over all. It pisses me off that someone so qualified is going to be fired for something so stupid. I still don’t think Obama is committed to repealing this.
He hasn’t. He’s going to let gay linguists, fluent in ARABIC to be fired.
This really bothers me, 11-dimensional chess or no. Can’t he even suspend DADT for desk jockeys due to “urgent national security requirements” or something?
The job is a four year position. You are acting like the idiots who after the first week want to fire the coach because he only won 28-21. And even that fails to recognize that even that is miraculous because last year the team went 0-16, the previous coach embezzled half of this year’s budget and broke all the teams equipment.
Interesting idea. I don’t know if he could do this, but might be possible, at least for linguists. Or he could gather the Joint Chiefs and if everybody agrees, make a gentleman’s agreement to not enforce it. It really is an archaic law that needs repealing, but this is America and puritan fools still abound. But he just can’t make a proclamation to not enforce it.
@sgwhiteinfla: You know, this is a disingenuous argument.
Putting a stay on DADT is perfectly within Obama’s rights. This is one thing he could do to end a stupid, discriminatory policy that even the military says doesn’t work and is harmful to the military. This isn’t some natural disaster out of Obama’s control.
I am a bit disheartened how DADT gets shrugged off by non-queer people. There will never be a good time to repeal DADT.
Comrade Stuck, well, actually, he can. He can do an Executive Order to stay the firings. It’s like Michael D pointed out–he did it for the marijuana raids.
I don’t think non-queers understand just how frustrating it is to see the Dems capitalize on queer vote while doing nothing to help us.
I wish could figure out some way to make gay people refrain from voting. No matter what the party, we get NOTHING.
Lessee…… in 110 days, Maine has recognized same sex marriage, as has Iowa fer chrissakes. Several more states are ready to move. And you’ve got nothing so far?
@Montysano: This didn’t come from the feds. This was state by state.
Explain a little better. I still don’t see why this is some special law that requires a supermajority. (I know that it could still be filibustered in the Senate)
This didn’t come from the feds. This was state by state.
And the fact that this has begun to happen since 1/20/2009 is just coincidence?
That’s the thing, I like reading this blog. I don’t agree with everything John and the other writers post, probably not even a majority, but I find all of them insightful and funny at times. I was really just looking for a quick thought, it has been a big story today.
I apologize for overreacting.
I am in an irritable mood this month and you sounded much like a drive by troll.
It’s not a matter of “good time” to repeal, it’s a matter of votes. I know your frustrated, but it’s not fair to claim “non- queers” don’t care here. We are just trying to point out the realities of the situation.
RE: DADT – In my opinion, if Obama signs an executive order to circumvent the law, that is exactly what Bush would do to get his way. While this time, Obama would be doing it for good, it continues the prescedent for the next guy, who may again use that order authority for evil.
Obama wants to substantively change the law. He cannot do that alone. It has to go through congress. There was a congressman on Maddow the other night that thinks they can get it done this summer.
He’s in triage with the economy and the wars we are fighting, etc. It’s unreasonable for us to think he can accomplish everything in less than 4 months. His budget that was passed is the most progressive since who knows when, he is going to get healthcare done, which for most presidents, if that was all they did it would be considered a success.
The unemployment rate will soon be 10% and while I feel for Lt. Choi and wish he was still allowed to serve, good people are losing their jobs everyday. Obama needs to stop the bleeding from the wounds inflicted by the last admin, and I think we owe him some time to do it.
I see too many “left” sites already calling him the worst. president.ever. It makes me ill. The Democrat Socialist Party really likes to eat its own. It makes me want to become an Indy.
Any law, in order to be repealed needs a two thirds majority in both houses. It’s in the Constitution. And any new law or amendment would need 60 votes if filibustered, and it’s a safe bet that it would be by wingnuts.
Like everyone else, you advocate NOT for doing what’s right, but what’s politically expedient.
No, some of us are concerned with what is politically possible. Among other things, that requires prioritizing. If you seriously think he can do everything RIGHT NOW, you’re fucking nuts. There are a few things that I think Obama has done wrong. There are some other things where I would have ordered the priorities differently, but I’m not going to criticize him too much for that; I don’t expect everyone to have the same priorities I do. Then there are a lot of things that I want him to work on, at some point.
I am amused that your reaction to hating Bush is that you think the President should just decide to stop enforcing laws he doesn’t like. Talk about completely missing the point.
@Comrade Stuck: I don’t think it’s all non-queers. I just see the push-back here against the very idea that maybe, just maybe, Obama doesn’t have this on his top ten list of things to do. I think for most non-queers, it’s the same. It’s something they would ideally like to see changed, but eh, whenever. There is no sense of urgency.
@Montysano: Nope. I don’t think it’s coincidence. I’m also not the one advocating that queers not vote Democratic. I am just pointing out that we have been told over and over again that equality for queers is very important on the Democratic agenda when I don’t think it’s all that important. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I agree with Sully on this.
I am about seventy percent satisfied with the president so far. This is the one issue in which I don’t sense a substantive change from his predecessors in the party. I don’t think it’s wrong of me to point this out.
No, what’s disengenuous is saying President Obama isn’t impressive because he hasn’t handled one particular issue as quickly as that person might have wanted him to. I mean its not like he has been vacationing in the Hamptons or something his first 100 days. There have been some pretty big crisises that he has had to deal with. I understand that everyone has their own major issue they get behind. Many times its a very personal issue. However conflating that one issue to judge the totality of President Obama’s time in office so far is a fucking joke. While I don’t agree with everything he has done and there are many things I hope he moves on quickly I don’t think any rational person could look at what he has done so far and with a straight face say he isn’t impressive and or they are worried that he is too inexperienced. Funny but I don’t know of many Presidents who start off having Presidential experience.
@sgwhiteinfla: Ok. When you explain it that way, it makes sense. I inferred that you meant those of us pushing on DADT were just a bunch of whiners.
I hold both beliefs at the same time as I stated in my above post.
Black folks percentage wise were the most supportive of President Obama by far on election day, yet I still don’t have my fourty acres and a mule. That’s snark but I can tell yout that gay people aren’t the only ones who know the pain of voting for a party only to be ignored after they get into office.
Comrade Jake
Slight tangent here, but why do we seem to have a disproportionate number of Arabic linguists in the military who are gay?
No, I think every person should advocate for the issues they are passionate about. Sometimes they should even probably be over the top about it. But when someone uses their one passionate issue to come with the “he ain’t shit” or “he’s just like Bush” rhetoric then I have to call bullshit.
@sgwhiteinfla: Yes, I know. I am a member of several such groups. If I were truly to vote on the candidate who represents me, I would never vote at all.
sgwhiteinfla, yup. I am with you on that. All or nothing is a mentality I fall into, and then I have to pull myself out of.
Man, that was a horrible sentence. I think you get my drift, though. I will take Obama over W. or McCain any day of the week.
IMHO the most likely reason Obama won’t release the latest batch of torture pix has to do with the testimony of the former FBI terrorism specialist Ali Soufan that was given today at the Senate hearing on Bush’s torture policy.
(I’m paraphrasing) In his testimony he claimed that as much of 90% of the suicide bombings killing US soldiers and Iraqi civilians are carried out by non-Iraqis sneaking in from other arabic countries who have lost their minds over the torture and especially the previous torture photos from Abu Ghraib. He understands the Arabic culture, language and mindset which is why he was so valuable and so effective and the Bush/Cheney crew blew him out with it’s Bernardo Gui tactics. Fucking brilliant. The guy is exceptionally intelligent and interesting to listen to. Find his testimony transcript.
Now with the coming shift in strategy to Afghanistan and Pakistan my guess is Obama wants to keep the lid on things so our forces can get established first rather than dropping a target rich environment made up of thousands of US troops into an even bigger shit storm than they’ll face now due to a new batch of torture photos.
Do I think we should have access to the pix? Yes.
Do I think Obama will release them? Yes.
Do I think his stonewalling the release makes some sense? Yes.
And I am so damn proud of my Senator Whitehouse. For a fucking change.
Will a fresh bottle of MD 20/20 appease the moderation Godz that ate my last post? Allllllrighty then, I’m an appeaser!
Anybody offering up MD is an appeaser I’ll welcome any time…
wasabi gasp
If Obama doesn’t address marijuana prohibition lickety-split, I’m gonna go down to the recruiting station with some serious dick breath.
@wasabi gasp: Thank you, wasabi gasp for your timely humor (as usual).
FulcanelliAre you using the words so c i a li st or s h o e s, by any chance? Those two get hung up in moderation all the damn time.
Does Tunch program the moderation filter? Here kitteh, kitteh, I’ve got some indica skunk catnip…
Apparently, Halliburton hasn’t been able to distribute enough water to our forces in Iraq—so our troops have been resorting to stealing water!
Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the rest of the Halliburton board haven’t personally drunk any of that ‘water’ stuff in yeeeears! It’s nothing but the finest vintage liquors for them… plus, in Darth Cheney’s case, the blood of kittens and puppies…
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
Attention ladies and gentlemen. Testicles. That is all.
@asiangrrlMN: It was #127 but alas… No go. That’s why I copy anything more than a few lines to Wordpad ++ before I submit.
And as for DADT, I’d have repealed it in 1993 the first time I ever heard about it. I think it’s ridiculous, an anachronism, but it apparently speaks to the extremely weird way that the military looks at its own culture. I can’t believe that even the most committed homophobe thinks that DADT is the future. So it’s just a matter of when, not if, the thing is finally dragged off and left to die.
I’m guessing that Obama will oversee its demise, in the fullness of time.
Perhaps because Arabs aren’t allowed to look at women anymore.
No comments about the ASU speech? Let alone a thread …
Classic Obama …
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
The thing I find strange about DADT is that I don’t see what it does to be successful. Is it a magic veil that hides teh ghey from the straights? For example, I have heard wingnutz claim that gay men showering with “real men” is disturbing to the straight service members and they should not have to endure that. You know, teh ghey guy(s) in a meat locker and all that eye candy to check out.
So as long as teh ghey service members keep it in the closet then it is ok to shower and be around the “real men”? What changed? Is DADT a secret weapon that makes gay people ‘not gay’, thus ‘safe’ to be around? All it does is hide reality.
Hmmm, that’s why the Republicans like it so much. Say no more.
I’ve been waiting for nearly 20 years for the Democrats to fulfill the promise of allowing gays in the military John. This is not a 110 day thing. This is another Democratic president who I fear is going to court the gay vote with promises-promises, and won’t do a thing.
When nothing gets done about DADT during this administration, and when the next Democratic administration gets elected and I complain then, too, am I going to get the same “Man, it’s a 4 year position! Be patient!!” ???
I think it’s better to do the RIGHT thing and risk re-election.
I understand the sentiment, but that is not how things get done.
It’s not, Here’s the big lever, pull it pull it!
We have the luxury of such straight arrow action. And that is why we have activists. But every activist, trying to pull the big lever, gets into the weeds of the conflicting zillions of levers that is politics.
Yet, it’s the only way to get anything done.
My one feeling is that our current President cares about getting the house in order, but right now it’s about fixing the foundation that is about to dump us in the basement, not stepping on all the cockroaches which are scuttling out of the depths.
If he gets no cooperation on his plan to fight global warming, we’re all screwed.
My one feeling is that our current President cares about getting the house in order, but right now it’s about fixing the foundation that is about to dump us in the basement, not stepping on all the cockroaches which are scuttling out of the depths.
This whole notion that Obama can’t take on more than a few things at once is a crock of shit.
He miraculously found time to suspend enforcement of anti-pot laws in California. How DID he manage that with the economy in shambles???
Don’t give me crap about the president not being able to take on things because he’s busy. The president should NEVER be too busy to protect the rights of the citizens of his country.
Any law, in order to be repealed needs a two thirds majority in both houses. It’s in the Constitution.
Cite, please? You repeal a law by passing a new law invalidating, changing, or otherwise superseding the old law… I am not an Article I expert, but where is the provision for a distinct process for repealing laws?
Are you sure you are not thinking of veto overrides and constitutional amendments?
Cite, please? You repeal a law by passing a new law invalidating, changing, or otherwise superseding the old law
I am not an expert either, nor a lawyer. Though I worked for many years enforcing federal environmental laws and working daily with lawyers, and had always heard that for an outright repeal of a Public Law, a 2/3 majority was needed. As I mentioned in my comment, amending said law or passing a new one to supercede that law, would only take 60 votes if filibustered. But the question of amending or passing a new one would be interesting in that DADT had a single mandate, and would in effect be a repeal by proxy.
If I am wrong about the outright repeal, then I stand corrected.
@Michael D.: I understand that there are single issues we all feel very passionately about but I am confused.
You think repealing DADT and DOMA are the most important thing that President Obama should spend political capitol on. That means other things don’t get done. Fair enough. You feel betrayed that Democrats didn’t do this in the last 20 years. The last 8 years no progress was possible because people like you voted for Bush and Republicans who think you are the scum of the earth and damned to hell. Your principled stand on civil rights is starting to look a little shakey and your moral indignation a little bizarre. Take a deep breathe, Keep advocating for what you believe in and try not to shoot your allies. There are alot of people who will suffer if 4 years from now Obama does not win. Did you enjoy the progress in civil rights the last 8 years? Me neither.
Comrade Jake @124, I don’t know, but I just suspect that the gayness is right next to the “language ability” somewhere in the scheme of things, because my one friend with the crazy language ability is gay. He knows – and keeps learning, for fun – about a gazillion different languages, many with different “alphabets”, and he’s all the time pointing out how one phrase in English sounds a lot like something or other in Slovakian or whatever, ha ha, it just tickles him, and flies over my head.
Not all my gay friends are like that, but you have to start profiling somewhere.
@Jackie: I didn’t vote for Bush. I cannot vote. I am from Canada. Even there, I have never voted for a conservative government. And conservatives in Canada are quite liberal compared to here.
I worked for Al Gore’s campaign.
I supported Bush in the couple years following the 9/11 attacks. After that, I had nothing good to say about him and opposed just about everything he did.
I supported, and worked for, John Kerry in the 2004 election.
Got anything else?
Your principled stand on civil rights is starting to look a little shakey and your moral indignation a little bizarre.
Given the comment you wrote, it is plainly obvious that you don’t know anything about me or the work I have done for civil rights (and not just gay peoples’ civil rights, by the way.) Since you don’t, then shut the fuck up.
Comments are closed.
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Comrade Stuck
I want less sarcasm in the War On Irony.
Are we winning?
Congrats on the Kindle thing…
Okay I am tired of running upstairs and chasing you guys….. I am tired, (obvious reasons) this posted the last time for the usual suspects to see it….
I am going to repost this cause everyone has obviously gone upstairs….
Some assembly required. I have a crafts table in the dining area. On that crafts table (brown paper for backing photographs, glue, etc.) I also have a shoebox with envelopes full of seeds that I have collected from my plants over the years. The cats have dragged some brown paper over to the box and it is now the primo bed in the house, however in order to fit in said box the cat has to sort of dissassemble his parts and reassemble them in a way that makes no sense. Exhibit A Max
Exhibit B
Insert head part A into body part b attach leg part c, d, e, and f, then find and attach tail part g, rearrange.
The infamous kitty yoga. My girl KC is a master at that, hiding in boxes like there’s no tomorrow.
Separately, I’m going to miss the Space Shuttle when it’s retired next year.
Comrade Stuck
A hollow victory.
John Cole
I’m not much on the culture wars, but even I sense something is dramatically wrong with our society when there is an entire series called “I Didn’t Know I was Pregnant.” I can understand this happening once a year and there being an hour long special every year about these idiots, but a whole damned series?
The Kindle thing is groovy, but it’s still not like I could fucking afford one. Just sayin’. You’d think by now someone would get behind a Netflix-concept and give you the Kindle for free if you would just pay for the content. I’m nuts, right?
Your links have stopped working when you copied your post.
@John Cole: Umm, sadly, that show is in its Third Season, John.
Laura W
@John Cole: I have no idea what you are watching, or WHY, but switch over to HBO 502 now and catch the last half hour of The Memory Loss Tapes. I’m gonna beat this to death until….something.
You gotta see the last segment about the man who did a childrens’ teevee show for decades. It’s one of the most beautiful and poignant things you’ll ever see. Some people just seem “pure” to me, and he and his wife would be those kinds of people.
Laura W
I’m glad you asked this. Did I get this right?
You stalked a defense attorney across the street into a bar demanding to know why you weren’t seated as a juror? And you weren’t happy until he bought you a drink and told you that you were too analytical?
(I like your style.)
Sorry the links got screwed up anyhoo, here is exhibit A, you can imagine the rest
@Litlebritdifrnt: Those are great pictures. I spent a little amount of time looking at your flowers and I have carpet roses also. Do you fertilize them? The reason that I ask is I bought a house last year that has several similar type of roses. I have been putting my coffee grinds around the bushes but I’m not sure that’s enough. Last summer I used a little Seven because of the insects but I’d prefer not to have to use insecticides.
Library Grape
have you heard the latest news about how the Bush administration and Halliburton are “Supporting the Troops”? apparently, Halliburton hasn’t been able to distribute enough water to our forces in Iraq — so our troops have been resorting to stealing water!
is there anything these criminally incompetent sociopaths didn’t screw up during the Bush years? first body armor and now WATER!?
I honestly can’t say that I’ve ever understood how someone can go the entire pregnancy and not know she’s pregnant. Yes, there are some women who are very irregular, and continue to have spotting, so the whole “missed period” thing wouldn’t necessarily apply. And if they’re already ample of belly, I can see that maybe they wouldn’t notice their figure changing.
But for the love of ponies, would they not feel the kicking? Early kicking could be misconstrued as gas, or as muscle spasms, but later on? No. I’m sorry, but when a 2-lb. human kicks you squarely and repeatedly in the cervix, how can you not wonder what the fuck that was?
Bananas! When the grocery store red tapes nanas and sells them for 19 cents a pound buy them and place them around your roses, roses LOVE bananas…..,
Are we at peak wingnut yet?
Bad case of heartburn. /snark
I’m not buying it. If someone is ample of belly, I’m pretty sure it’s a lot of flab, not the hard, round shell that encases a baby.
And water they charged $40+ a gallon to deliver, no less.
It wasn’t delivered, color me unsurprised.
Hmmmm I got totally stupid and ignored the question. Depends on where you are living, roses really don’t do well here in eastern nc but they sure love bananas, black spot is a serious problem, but I tend to ignore it, feed them nanas and they do well. Carpet roses are like weeds, they tend to do well no matter what you do to them, I have some in bloom right now that are spectacular, my advice would be to leave them the hell alone. NEVER EVER put pesticides, or herbicides or any other cides on your plants, A garden is about life, not death.
I bet the aphids feel differently when the ladybugs start showing up.
Speaking of supporting the troops.. what’s up with the delay in the release of the pictures? They should have released it. I was hoping they would so that we could show what kind of depravity was going on so that we can fix it!
The silence is deafening here regarding Obama’s latest Bushian coverup. Feel free to chime in at any time, John.
Hello wingnut troll.
That buzzing sound you hear is the BJ chainsaw taking your legs off.
Anyone’s guess at this point. Several stories saying several things.
Best Guess? The Pentagon is throwing another snit fit and Obama is choosing to go along with it for reasons of his own that will probably become clear in the near future.
Also, all these claims that they’re “less” horrible then the first round of photos is setting my bullshit detectors off en masse.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Actually I agree with that and only put on seven last summerr because they looked so sick. This year I cleaned out the beds of tall grass and ivy that the previous owners had growing in between. I don’t have a garbage disposal so I have been composting everything except for bones which I don’t have many of anyway. I eat bananas every day and if I cut up the peels will that be enough? I live south of you in the land of Perdue. Last year rain was scarce and we were under tight watering restrictions.
@BPC: Actually there was a discussion a few posts down.
The Pentagon is throwing another snit fit
I would have guessed the CIA was objecting. Why do you think it was the Pentagon?
@Krista: Denial. If a girl/woman is terrified of the consequences of pregnancy, then she may just block it out of her mind.
@John Cole: I don’t have cable, so I don’t know this show. However, I loathe reality shows in general and the depths to which most of them sink, so it doesn’t surprise me.
I know that Andrew Sullivan knows that Obama reads “The Daily Dish”.
Mark S.
I don’t know if this has been covered here, but today was the first I saw of it:
Red State Guy Outraged Obama Didn’t See Star Trek in Theater
And we’re not even close to peak wingnut yet, TenguPhule. We haven’t even made past the first saddleback.
Litlebritdifrnt, One thing about living in Perdue country is that I’m within 20 minutes of some of the best hospitals in the southeast. If you are ever in need for a second opinion for DH, keep that in mind. I also have two excellent guest rooms.
So, it appears I will soon be a member of the Democrat Socialist Party. Good to know.
I will admit that during the Clinton years, I was in my early 20’s and more focused on beer pong than politics, but I have to ask the group…
Was the GOP this batshit during the Clinton years? or , as is my theory, Barack is black and not banging interns, so they are scratching at the walls to come up with stuff against him.
(I know they were hostile to Clinton (i.e Contract for America), but they really appear to be unhinged against Obama)
At least two of the stories out attribute it to the Pentagon, which makes sense as these photos would allegedly implicate military personnel.
@Mark S.: Thank you for making it explicitly clear that your link is to Red State so I can ignore it.
He goes out to get a burger, and it’s a photo op. He has a home viewing of Star Trek, and he’s a snob. Good grief. Life in Wingnuttia must be just plain awful.
Texas Zombie Fire Ants
Something cheerfully weird in a ghoulish way outside of politics.
I’m still working on Jane Mayer’s ‘The Dark Side” and she really documents the CIA’s heavy level of involvement in the torture and interrogations.
Comrade Jake
@John Cole:
The next series will be titled “I Didn’t Know I Was Having Sex.”
I mean, how else are we to explain people like Bristol Palin following a life of chastity and nevertheless getting pregnant?
Comrade Jake
It’s not clear to me why choosing not to release additional photos constitutes a coverup. I know lots of people on the left are in hysterics over the latest installation of Obama=Bush, but… well, yawn.
Hello simpleton. If I was a wingnut I probably wouldn’t use Bushian as a pejorative would I now? Nice assumption though. I read the blog regularly and have commented several times, let me know when it’s ok to join your club.
Seriously though, twenty posts today and nothing on this blatant reversal of a campaign promise? I’m really curious to hear your thoughts on this somewhat important issue.
Okay, I’m sorry, it should have been Wingnut *concern* troll.
Concern troll is concerned.
Comrade Stuck
Did Obama promise to release these photo’s during the campaign ? I did not know that. Could you please give a link?
@Library Grape:
In unrelated news, the stock price of Haliburton went from about $6 to over $50 between the Iraq invasion and early 2008, and Dick Cheney holds about half a million Haliburton stocks.
Nice comeback. I didn’t say I was a liberal, just not a wingnut, I didn’t know I had to take a liberal purity test to comment on this blog.
Ah yes, everything will be revealed in time, all it takes is a little thing called Hope.
You could go to another blog.
OOTH, not every post I make, or every heartfelt post made by others, or even every topic put up by the authors of this blog garner the responses that they expected.
Ask Wilfred.
Comrade Jake
@Comrade Stuck:
I assume it was part of the whole “Change We Can Believe In” campaign promise. Or at least, this is what the people over at TalkLeft tell me.
@Max: Obama is black so they can appeal to their base by mentioning that the immigrants and blacks are stealing their jobs. During the Clinton years you had Newt preaching family values while screwing around with an aide and cheating on his second wife (MSM did not feel the need to report this). The repubs were worried about the rule of law and that it wasn’t the sex but the lie Clinton told. There was also the added enjoyment about what will we tell the children. The funniest occurrence was when Newt had to sit in the back of Air Force One and threw a hissy fit. He had been taught that the back of the plane was reserved for the blacks.
Newt is still preaching family values hoping that there are young college kids that have no idea what a slimy creature he is. He’ll not have a chance to sit on Air Force One again whether in the front or back, so that’s a good thing.
Obama is bringing about change that scares the repubs in a way that Clinton did not. Obama is working on empowering the middle class and giving them a voice in their future. As a repub that would be really scary. They are used to dictating to the classes.
Comrade Jake
Glenzilla, could that be you?
BPC said
Exactly which campaign promise was that? The fainting couch is getting so full these days I honestly can’t keep up anymore.
Comrade Stuck
@Comrade Jake:
Well, in that case, I want Obama to change me from a semi-poor person to a rich one. I did vote for him and I do believe in being rich.
@John Cole:
On the bright side, the new season of “Ow My Balls!” totally rocks.
Comrade Stuck
Just not three times real fast.
Sorry, the administration actually said as recently as last month that it would release the photos.
Not a campaign promise, a promise from Obama’s Justice Department three weeks ago, my mistake.
That was on April 23. What has changed since then?
@JL: Thank you for the Cliff Notes version of what I missed while consuming cheap draft beer.
Much appreciated.
Laura W
I accept your apology for mocking my wine posts, Dennis.
Thank you.
Hey, Halliburton is probably charging $75 a bottle, so I’m not surprised the Army can’t afford to buy a lot of them.
I think not releasing the photos sucks. And I’m not thrilled with his new guy in Afghanistan or his silence on DADT and any number of things Obama’s been doing. But he’s done enough right and I’ve been made a chump when I’ve criticized him before because his timetable and tactics weren’t the same as mine. So I’ll give the man juggling the eleventy dozen hats a bit of a break. For a while anyway. A short while. He’s only got five months under his belt. And if that sounds too Kool Aid-y, well…tough shit.
John Cole
Slow down. First, I’ve had seven posts, three of which were open threads.
Second, I think it sucks because I don’t think there is ever a “good” time to release evidence of abuse, but as far as a major deal, I’m just not seeing as a big deal. I’m betting he realized he will be compelled to release them in a short while anyway, so why not take credit for doing what he can to show “support for the troops” by not releasing them then sigh, and say “I didn’t want to release them, but we are a nation of laws” and release the photos then. See also, cake and eating it, too.
Third, I’m actually far more concerned with Operation Clusterfuck in Afghanistan than I am the pictures. In fact, since I didn’t post about it at all, it is pretty clear that I place a pretty low priority on this. Of everything, the economy is the most important thing right now. The deteriorating economic situation (and don’t be fooled by the “but the pace of the downturn has slowed” crowd- ask any doctor what they would think of someone who said “Yeah, but he is hemorrhaging slower now!”)- far more lives are being ruined by the economic free-fall and the future of our country is far more imperiled by economic matters than even Afghanistan or Iraq.
Fourth, just because you have a blog doesn’t mean you have to write about everything.
Fifth, as far as campaign promises go, this is about as important to me as whether or not there is a former lobbyist working as an undersecretary somewhere.
Finally, I think you give Presidents some time to get a measure of the totality of their administration. I’m not saying others like Glenn Greenwald can’t get pissed over every event- more power to them. I’m just taking a bigger picture. If in three years the direction of the country has not changed, if there has not been a slow but steady change to the way the executive branch behaves, then I will start to turn on the man. For now, not so much.
Two wars, economic crisis of disastrous proportions, a complete and total crisis in confidence in government, the Bush rot throughout the bureaucracy, and hundreds of legal and ethical minefields left behind by Bush and Darth Cheney, and people want me to blow my gasket because I disagree with his decision to release photos of abuse committed on the other guy’s watch.
‘Fraid not. Again, I disagree with his decision, but will give this some time to play out. And I’ll send the ACLU another 25 bucks.
John Cole
For goodness sakes, back off BPC. He just asked a question.
Dr. Rockso
My friend’s wife had no idea she was pregnant until she was in labor. Their daughter is six now.
She’s not really fat, but she is a bit large. Never had the guts to ask her how she didn’t notice the swift kicks to the abdomen.
Comrade Stuck
So not a campaign promise, but a presnit promise. And what happened was he did something unusual for a president in recent times, like consulted with people who convinced him it might put lives at risk, and cause Pakistan to go up in flames. That’s just my guess of course.
That’s the thing, I like reading this blog. I don’t agree with everything John and the other writers post, probably not even a majority, but I find all of them insightful and funny at times. I was really just looking for a quick thought, it has been a big story today.
Not sure if anyone is interested, but shortly, on CNN, they are going to air Obama’s ASU speech live and in full. I’ve had a tedious day and need a little inspiration, so I’m looking forward to watching.
As a warm up, for those of you that haven’t seen it, the Daily Show at ASU… my fav line is “ASU is the Harvard of Date Rape”.
Comrade Stuck
Sometimes we get a little starved for a real wingnut. Your question was innocent enough but worded like a grenade chucker would, with the “campaign promise” part. No harm, no foul, though it wasn’t a campaign promise.
@Laura W:
Laura, that would be “Cousin” Cliff Holman. That segment took place about 30 miles from here in Guntersville, Alabama. My wife was on the Cousin Cliff show in Birmingham when she was a child. And yes….. it was very sweet. Cousin Cliff had show biz in his blood.
Thank you, John.
I really was just wondering what your thoughts were, didn’t mean to come off like a bastard.
@Laura W:
Of course. Just today I was meditating on the rich melange of flavors that typify the MD 20/20 range of tropically flavored wines. The complex experience of “Blue Raspberry,” with it’s aroma of stale popcorn informed by a hint of slipping fan belt is not to be passed by. Although connoisseurs will forgo “Blue Raspberry” with its measly 13% alcohol content, the more adventurous will flock to crank the cap off of yet another journey into the complex world of the grape.
@Comrade Jake:
tee hee.
Teh Zilla does indeed have his latest apoplectic fit up proving as a matter of rock-solid, unassailable logic that if you’re NOT outraged about the reversal regarding the photos now, then you BETTER have been outraged back when Obama said he WOULD release the photos, or else that proves you’re a fucking worthless mindless Obamabot, so SHUT UP.
And people wonder why I think he’s overrated…..
JL@ 14:
Plant a clove of garlic at the base of each rose. It puts sulfur in the soil which helps kill blackspot and makes the roses smell better. Honest!
If you live in a place with hot, humid summers, and they start to lose leaves from blackspot, you can wash them down with Miracid every other week.
Defolation is often a response to being too hot; they will lose leaves to keep their exhaling of water vapor to a minimum. If you don’t mulch, you should; make it a depth of at least 3 inches. It conserves your water and keeps it near the roots, where the roses need it.
And the only bugs I got on my roses were aphids, and you can sprinkle flour on them, then rinse it off the next day. Not using insecticide encourages the predatory bugs, which will take care of your rose pests far better than you can.
You can make better homes for your predators by underplanting the roses with alyssum or other fragrant low growers, interplanting with such compatibles as lavender, sage, clematis, and mint (which needs to be in pots unless you like rampant groundcovers.)
And if you really get into roses, consider getting some really nice ones that are suitable for your climate. Chinas and noisettes are lovely and can handle the heat.
I grew 80 different rosebushes organically for many years. It can be done.
John Cole
@Dennis-SGMM: Good old Mogen David- a fine wine.
You have not lived until you have puked MD 20/20 through your nose. My first was at a Ramones concert.
Laura W
@Montysano: Gosh, I watched that again tonight and still can’t get over how moving it is. You never know what lies beneath the surface of anyone, of course, but the short snippets of his life, and hers with him, just portray so much lightheartedness, goodness and gentleness of spirit. And the way she allowed him to believe himself to be the showman he fancied himself, all the way up to the end…Such a wonderful HBO production. And kudos to Maria Shriver.
Michael D.
@John Cole: Love ya, John, but is it too early to say…
Sounds like 8 years ago…. Bush is doing xxx, which I don’t agree with… But let’s give him some time. After all, he’s only been in office for a bit. Sorry. I’m over that. Campaign promises are promises. I did that. No. More.
I’m concerned about what Obama stands for now. He was COMPLETELY and UTTERLY against the Bush administration. Now he’s defending its secrecy.
He was ABSOLUTELY against DADT. Now, he’s going tp let more soldiers be fired because of it.
Sorry. No deal. Like you, I gave Bush the benefit of the doubt in the early days. Like you, I was FUCKING BURNED BIG TIME.
Never again will I EVER say, “Oh, give him some time. He’ll do it when it is politically savvy or convenient.”
I’m wondering if maybe the critics were right – he doesn’t have the experience. I hope to god he does. Because right now, I am not impressed.
No. More.
Comrade Stuck
In my younger days I was a Wild Irish Rose man. It grew all the hairs on my chest, and taught the proper way to hug a toilet bowl.
@Michael D.: I don’t think it’s a fair comparison. Then again, I’m biased. I didn’t believe a thing W. said, anyway.
However, I am willing to give President Obama more than a hundred days to deal with the mess that the Bush administration left. I can see why he wouldn’t want to release the photos right now. If they don’t come at all, then I will jump over his shit. We had a torture hearing today. We are talking about torture. Obama is starting to push back a bit at the bankers.
I am pissed about DADT as I think it’s the one area in which Obama has little desire to push hard to do the right thing. This is a sore spot for me, and on this issue, I will remain very skeptical as to whether or not Obama will follow through on his promise to repeal DADT.
However, I am not willing to lump Obama in with Bush, not yet. We are slowly making headway forward. Obama is still just one person. He is not a god. He is not Superman. He has to work with Congress to get things done. He can’t just wave a wand and make everything better.
I guess what I am trying to say is that I am willing to hang out in the area of not making a final decision on Obama yet.
Laura W
@Dennis-SGMM: You’re actually getting pretty scary good at this, Dennis. I’m gonna keep working with you and inspiring you to press on. I think you’ve got a true talent for sensory evaluation and a bright future in wine writing.
Comrade Jake
@Michael D.:
Talk about an overreaction.
Yeah that Obama guy isn’t impressive at all
@WereBear: Wow. Thank you for all the info and I plan on trying some of those techniques.
@John Cole:
Mad Dog earned its place in my heart while drinking a pint of it on a frosty New Year’s morning on top of Smith Mountain while watching the sun come up over the whole damned state of California.
Can’t drink it any more.
Laura W
@Comrade Stuck: Annie Green Springs, Boone’s Farm, and later Blue Nun were the fine wines I cut my teeth on. And the wines that taught me how to worship at the altar of the porcelain Buddha.
Pepper put the hair on my chest, just like Daddy always said it would.
I agreed with virtually nothing Bush did. I agree with at least half of what Obama does. I fail to see why these two sets of circumstances are supposedly identical.
Which means…what? He won’t get anything done? He’ll screw everything up? He won’t get everything done that he wants?
I don’t see evidence for the first two; in fact, I see evidence against them.
If the third happens, then that is very disappointing, and I won
t stop pushing for improvements, but I won’t let the perfect stand in the way of the good.
Michael D.
@Comrade Jake:
@Laura W:
I doff my hat. I’m working on a novel (No wine) and I’m in my sixties so excessive verbiage is one of my only remaining vices.
@Michael D.: So, while he’s dealing with a historic economic meltdown, 2 inherited wars, swine flu, etc, you’d also like him to move with breakneck speed on a process that could eventually see Bush administration officials, up to and including the former POTUS and VPOTUS, hauled into court for war crimes? No room for caution and prudence, just pedal to the floor, eh? And while we’re at it, WTF is up with DADT and DOMA? Maybe, just to put the cherry on top, he should also throw in an assault weapons ban and start pimping single payer.
He’s been in office 110 days. What you’re suggesting is just nuts.
Obama is supposed to deliver a major speech in Egypt next month, maybe even from al Azhar, as the Arab press has speculated. More photos would not be helpful.
As for the troops, they’re already in a fucking war zone where nearly everbody hates them; a few more px won’t make much of a difference. Even so, what’s the point? The Arab and Iranian press already show px that would make any sensible person demand for immediate withdrawl from both Iraq and Af – the Western press never shows them. That’s not Obama’s responsibility, but the media’s.
In any case, the battle for hearts and minds is over. We lost.
@Michael D.:
Who the hell, other than Zombie FDR, does have the experience? Obama isn’t perfect, if he was he’d be a saint rather than a politician. That said, I’ll take him in preference to the alternatives.
Comrade Stuck
@Laura W:
MD 20-20 and WIR were the standard fair. Our bootlegger only stocked the best. So he said:)
Comrade Jake
It’s funny you posted that, as I was just wondering about that a few days ago. In the first month of his presidency, I remember folks making a big deal about all the promises Obama had made and how this website was actually going to keep track of them.
Funny how we haven’t heard much about that website these days, huh?
Some of his Obama’s actions have been extremely irritating. Others have been praiseworthy. One should not ignore the latter while pushing for improvement on the former.
Michael D.
@Montysano: Like everyone else, you advocate NOT for doing what’s right, but what’s politically expedient. Good for you. Congrats. You’re the problem.
I think it’s better to do the RIGHT thing and risk re-election. That’s just me. I would rather Obama come out 100% against torture and SHOW what we did so that it nevber happens again. I’d rather he didn’t invoke “state secrets” when we’re pretty sure what he’s doing is the same as Bush. I would rather Obama stop DATD now.
I would rather he did all that and risk re-election. That would be brave – not to mention LIVING UP TO HIS CAMPAIGN PROMISES!!!
It would show me he is a man of character and conviction.
Comrade Stuck
And to repeal DADT would take 67 votes in the Senate and 2/3 majority in the House. My guess is they are figuring a way around doing this in a way short of repeal. Not all that simple.
Michael D.
@Comrade Stuck: Sorry. Obama asked Federal Authorities to stop enforcing federal drug laws by telling them to stop raiding medical marijuana facilities in California.
Obama could order the military to stop enforcing DADT. Full stop.
He hasn’t. He’s going to let gay linguists, fluent in ARABIC to be fired.
It appears to me that you think there’s only one way and one time to solve a problem. Good for you. That makes YOU part of the problem.
And again, you seem to assume making partial progress is not enough. Again, that makes YOU part of the problem.
Eyes on the prize. Partial steps to the goal GETS YOU TO THE GOAL. Especially when nothing stops you (meaning either you personally or the president) from trying again to get closer.
Comrade Stuck
@Michael D.:
He just can’t “stop” DADT. He has come out against torture 100%, and there is a bill moving thru congress right now that would regulate the use of the “State Secrets” provision in the Constitution. Your frustrated, that’s ok!, but to say obama is not a man of character based on how he’s conducted himself thusfar is over the line.
@Michael D.:
Piss off, Michael. I said no such thing. I’m only advocating for a reasonable amount of time. I’m only suggesting that we not get hysterical when Obama makes a move. Don’t assume that it will be his only move.
Would you have found it doubleplusgood if he’d knocked all this out in 60 days instead of 120? Hell, why not have it cleaned up by Jan. 27?
Oh? Isn’t that like Bush’s signing statements?
More importantly, would that ultimately get the needed votes to overturn DADT? Or would it engender ongoing opposition and prevent gathering the votes needed for it? That’s not a negligible consideration in my book…
Mark S.
@Comrade Stuck:
I don’t think so. It’s just a regular law, so the usual 51% oughta work.
@Comrade Stuck:
None of it is simple. Who was the last president that was faced with the real possibility of dealing with his predecessor’s war crimes? Who had to decide whether to release the torture pix or not? What a fucking nightmare.
Comrade Stuck
@Michael D.:
Actually, Holder said they would not raid facilities unless both federal and state laws were violated. And we see how that is working. You just can’t tell federal agencies with a mandate to not enforce a standing law, unless there is some kind of pending legal dispute.
Comrade Stuck
@Mark S.:
Sorry, nope. They could amend it, that would be a 60 vote threshold, but that is tricky when an amendment would in effect be a repeal of a law with a single clear mandate.
I do wish Obama would do something substantive on DODT and DOMA. I think having Dan Choi as the face of the failure of DADT will be good for the cause over all. It pisses me off that someone so qualified is going to be fired for something so stupid. I still don’t think Obama is committed to repealing this.
@Michael D.:
This really bothers me, 11-dimensional chess or no. Can’t he even suspend DADT for desk jockeys due to “urgent national security requirements” or something?
Michael D.
Democrats vs.Republicans…
Republicans: We don’t want your votes and, even if you do vote for us, we won’t do shit for you.
Democrats: We WANT your votes but, even if you do vote for us, we won’t do shit for you.
I wish could figure out some way to make gay people refrain from voting. No matter what the party, we get NOTHING.
And there are people still dying from cancer which he hasn’t cured.
And the earth is still getting warmer causing floods that he hasn’t solved.
And there isn’t world peace yet which he hasn’t brought.
Preznit Obama sucks monkey balls
Where’s my fainting couch dammit?
John Cole
@Michael D.: Oh for goodness sakes.
The job is a four year position. You are acting like the idiots who after the first week want to fire the coach because he only won 28-21. And even that fails to recognize that even that is miraculous because last year the team went 0-16, the previous coach embezzled half of this year’s budget and broke all the teams equipment.
Al Davis has more patience.
Comrade Stuck
Interesting idea. I don’t know if he could do this, but might be possible, at least for linguists. Or he could gather the Joint Chiefs and if everybody agrees, make a gentleman’s agreement to not enforce it. It really is an archaic law that needs repealing, but this is America and puritan fools still abound. But he just can’t make a proclamation to not enforce it.
@sgwhiteinfla: You know, this is a disingenuous argument.
Putting a stay on DADT is perfectly within Obama’s rights. This is one thing he could do to end a stupid, discriminatory policy that even the military says doesn’t work and is harmful to the military. This isn’t some natural disaster out of Obama’s control.
I am a bit disheartened how DADT gets shrugged off by non-queer people. There will never be a good time to repeal DADT.
Comrade Stuck, well, actually, he can. He can do an Executive Order to stay the firings. It’s like Michael D pointed out–he did it for the marijuana raids.
I don’t think non-queers understand just how frustrating it is to see the Dems capitalize on queer vote while doing nothing to help us.
@Michael D.:
Lessee…… in 110 days, Maine has recognized same sex marriage, as has Iowa fer chrissakes. Several more states are ready to move. And you’ve got nothing so far?
@Montysano: This didn’t come from the feds. This was state by state.
Mark S.
@Comrade Stuck:
Explain a little better. I still don’t see why this is some special law that requires a supermajority. (I know that it could still be filibustered in the Senate)
And the fact that this has begun to happen since 1/20/2009 is just coincidence?
I apologize for overreacting.
I am in an irritable mood this month and you sounded much like a drive by troll.
Comrade Stuck
It’s not a matter of “good time” to repeal, it’s a matter of votes. I know your frustrated, but it’s not fair to claim “non- queers” don’t care here. We are just trying to point out the realities of the situation.
RE: DADT – In my opinion, if Obama signs an executive order to circumvent the law, that is exactly what Bush would do to get his way. While this time, Obama would be doing it for good, it continues the prescedent for the next guy, who may again use that order authority for evil.
Obama wants to substantively change the law. He cannot do that alone. It has to go through congress. There was a congressman on Maddow the other night that thinks they can get it done this summer.
He’s in triage with the economy and the wars we are fighting, etc. It’s unreasonable for us to think he can accomplish everything in less than 4 months. His budget that was passed is the most progressive since who knows when, he is going to get healthcare done, which for most presidents, if that was all they did it would be considered a success.
The unemployment rate will soon be 10% and while I feel for Lt. Choi and wish he was still allowed to serve, good people are losing their jobs everyday. Obama needs to stop the bleeding from the wounds inflicted by the last admin, and I think we owe him some time to do it.
I see too many “left” sites already calling him the worst. president.ever. It makes me ill. The Democrat Socialist Party really likes to eat its own. It makes me want to become an Indy.
Comrade Stuck
@Mark S.:
Any law, in order to be repealed needs a two thirds majority in both houses. It’s in the Constitution. And any new law or amendment would need 60 votes if filibustered, and it’s a safe bet that it would be by wingnuts.
J. Michael Neal
No, some of us are concerned with what is politically possible. Among other things, that requires prioritizing. If you seriously think he can do everything RIGHT NOW, you’re fucking nuts. There are a few things that I think Obama has done wrong. There are some other things where I would have ordered the priorities differently, but I’m not going to criticize him too much for that; I don’t expect everyone to have the same priorities I do. Then there are a lot of things that I want him to work on, at some point.
I am amused that your reaction to hating Bush is that you think the President should just decide to stop enforcing laws he doesn’t like. Talk about completely missing the point.
@Comrade Stuck: I don’t think it’s all non-queers. I just see the push-back here against the very idea that maybe, just maybe, Obama doesn’t have this on his top ten list of things to do. I think for most non-queers, it’s the same. It’s something they would ideally like to see changed, but eh, whenever. There is no sense of urgency.
@Montysano: Nope. I don’t think it’s coincidence. I’m also not the one advocating that queers not vote Democratic. I am just pointing out that we have been told over and over again that equality for queers is very important on the Democratic agenda when I don’t think it’s all that important. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I agree with Sully on this.
I am about seventy percent satisfied with the president so far. This is the one issue in which I don’t sense a substantive change from his predecessors in the party. I don’t think it’s wrong of me to point this out.
No, what’s disengenuous is saying President Obama isn’t impressive because he hasn’t handled one particular issue as quickly as that person might have wanted him to. I mean its not like he has been vacationing in the Hamptons or something his first 100 days. There have been some pretty big crisises that he has had to deal with. I understand that everyone has their own major issue they get behind. Many times its a very personal issue. However conflating that one issue to judge the totality of President Obama’s time in office so far is a fucking joke. While I don’t agree with everything he has done and there are many things I hope he moves on quickly I don’t think any rational person could look at what he has done so far and with a straight face say he isn’t impressive and or they are worried that he is too inexperienced. Funny but I don’t know of many Presidents who start off having Presidential experience.
@sgwhiteinfla: Ok. When you explain it that way, it makes sense. I inferred that you meant those of us pushing on DADT were just a bunch of whiners.
I hold both beliefs at the same time as I stated in my above post.
By the way asiangrrMN
Black folks percentage wise were the most supportive of President Obama by far on election day, yet I still don’t have my fourty acres and a mule. That’s snark but I can tell yout that gay people aren’t the only ones who know the pain of voting for a party only to be ignored after they get into office.
Comrade Jake
Slight tangent here, but why do we seem to have a disproportionate number of Arabic linguists in the military who are gay?
Comrade Stuck
You are likely right about that. But there kind of is a lot going on these days.
No, I think every person should advocate for the issues they are passionate about. Sometimes they should even probably be over the top about it. But when someone uses their one passionate issue to come with the “he ain’t shit” or “he’s just like Bush” rhetoric then I have to call bullshit.
@sgwhiteinfla: Yes, I know. I am a member of several such groups. If I were truly to vote on the candidate who represents me, I would never vote at all.
sgwhiteinfla, yup. I am with you on that. All or nothing is a mentality I fall into, and then I have to pull myself out of.
Man, that was a horrible sentence. I think you get my drift, though. I will take Obama over W. or McCain any day of the week.
IMHO the most likely reason Obama won’t release the latest batch of torture pix has to do with the testimony of the former FBI terrorism specialist Ali Soufan that was given today at the Senate hearing on Bush’s torture policy.
(I’m paraphrasing) In his testimony he claimed that as much of 90% of the suicide bombings killing US soldiers and Iraqi civilians are carried out by non-Iraqis sneaking in from other arabic countries who have lost their minds over the torture and especially the previous torture photos from Abu Ghraib. He understands the Arabic culture, language and mindset which is why he was so valuable and so effective and the Bush/Cheney crew blew him out with it’s Bernardo Gui tactics. Fucking brilliant. The guy is exceptionally intelligent and interesting to listen to. Find his testimony transcript.
Now with the coming shift in strategy to Afghanistan and Pakistan my guess is Obama wants to keep the lid on things so our forces can get established first rather than dropping a target rich environment made up of thousands of US troops into an even bigger shit storm than they’ll face now due to a new batch of torture photos.
Do I think we should have access to the pix? Yes.
Do I think Obama will release them? Yes.
Do I think his stonewalling the release makes some sense? Yes.
And I am so damn proud of my Senator Whitehouse. For a fucking change.
Will a fresh bottle of MD 20/20 appease the moderation Godz that ate my last post? Allllllrighty then, I’m an appeaser!
Anybody offering up MD is an appeaser I’ll welcome any time…
wasabi gasp
If Obama doesn’t address marijuana prohibition lickety-split, I’m gonna go down to the recruiting station with some serious dick breath.
@wasabi gasp: Thank you, wasabi gasp for your timely humor (as usual).
FulcanelliAre you using the words so c i a li st or s h o e s, by any chance? Those two get hung up in moderation all the damn time.
Does Tunch program the moderation filter? Here kitteh, kitteh, I’ve got some indica skunk catnip…
@asiangrrlMN: Nope, neither one.
@Fulcanelli: Well, you’re showing up now.
Anne Laurie
Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the rest of the Halliburton board haven’t personally drunk any of that ‘water’ stuff in yeeeears! It’s nothing but the finest vintage liquors for them… plus, in Darth Cheney’s case, the blood of kittens and puppies…
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
Attention ladies and gentlemen. Testicles. That is all.
@asiangrrlMN: It was #127 but alas… No go. That’s why I copy anything more than a few lines to Wordpad ++ before I submit.
@DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal): Testes… testes…
One, two, three?
That’s a great line. I will steal it.
And as for DADT, I’d have repealed it in 1993 the first time I ever heard about it. I think it’s ridiculous, an anachronism, but it apparently speaks to the extremely weird way that the military looks at its own culture. I can’t believe that even the most committed homophobe thinks that DADT is the future. So it’s just a matter of when, not if, the thing is finally dragged off and left to die.
I’m guessing that Obama will oversee its demise, in the fullness of time.
Little Dreamer
@Comrade Jake:
Perhaps because Arabs aren’t allowed to look at women anymore.
No comments about the ASU speech? Let alone a thread …
Classic Obama …
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
The thing I find strange about DADT is that I don’t see what it does to be successful. Is it a magic veil that hides teh ghey from the straights? For example, I have heard wingnutz claim that gay men showering with “real men” is disturbing to the straight service members and they should not have to endure that. You know, teh ghey guy(s) in a meat locker and all that eye candy to check out.
So as long as teh ghey service members keep it in the closet then it is ok to shower and be around the “real men”? What changed? Is DADT a secret weapon that makes gay people ‘not gay’, thus ‘safe’ to be around? All it does is hide reality.
Hmmm, that’s why the Republicans like it so much. Say no more.
Little Dreamer
Hiding reality and making really loud, rude statements about their dissatisfaction seem to be the only real talents these people have.
Reminds me of someone I know, hmmmm! Say no more.
Michael D.
@John Cole:
I’ve been waiting for nearly 20 years for the Democrats to fulfill the promise of allowing gays in the military John. This is not a 110 day thing. This is another Democratic president who I fear is going to court the gay vote with promises-promises, and won’t do a thing.
When nothing gets done about DADT during this administration, and when the next Democratic administration gets elected and I complain then, too, am I going to get the same “Man, it’s a 4 year position! Be patient!!” ???
And that’s because of Obama exactly HOW now???
Michael D @ 93:
I understand the sentiment, but that is not how things get done.
It’s not, Here’s the big lever, pull it pull it!
We have the luxury of such straight arrow action. And that is why we have activists. But every activist, trying to pull the big lever, gets into the weeds of the conflicting zillions of levers that is politics.
Yet, it’s the only way to get anything done.
My one feeling is that our current President cares about getting the house in order, but right now it’s about fixing the foundation that is about to dump us in the basement, not stepping on all the cockroaches which are scuttling out of the depths.
If he gets no cooperation on his plan to fight global warming, we’re all screwed.
@Michael D.:
Oh, I can’t prove that it’s because of Obama. Just a theory.
Michael D.
This whole notion that Obama can’t take on more than a few things at once is a crock of shit.
He miraculously found time to suspend enforcement of anti-pot laws in California. How DID he manage that with the economy in shambles???
He found the time to create the White House Council on Women and Girls. Couldn’t that have waited during these turbulent times??
Don’t give me crap about the president not being able to take on things because he’s busy. The president should NEVER be too busy to protect the rights of the citizens of his country.
harlana pepper
Good morning, all, from Kitteh Central!
New neighbors moved in a couple of doors down and they have a large dog. Kitteh window-gazing is now at full throttle.
@Comrade Stuck:
Cite, please? You repeal a law by passing a new law invalidating, changing, or otherwise superseding the old law… I am not an Article I expert, but where is the provision for a distinct process for repealing laws?
Are you sure you are not thinking of veto overrides and constitutional amendments?
Comrade Stuck
I am not an expert either, nor a lawyer. Though I worked for many years enforcing federal environmental laws and working daily with lawyers, and had always heard that for an outright repeal of a Public Law, a 2/3 majority was needed. As I mentioned in my comment, amending said law or passing a new one to supercede that law, would only take 60 votes if filibustered. But the question of amending or passing a new one would be interesting in that DADT had a single mandate, and would in effect be a repeal by proxy.
If I am wrong about the outright repeal, then I stand corrected.
@Michael D.: I understand that there are single issues we all feel very passionately about but I am confused.
You think repealing DADT and DOMA are the most important thing that President Obama should spend political capitol on. That means other things don’t get done. Fair enough. You feel betrayed that Democrats didn’t do this in the last 20 years. The last 8 years no progress was possible because people like you voted for Bush and Republicans who think you are the scum of the earth and damned to hell. Your principled stand on civil rights is starting to look a little shakey and your moral indignation a little bizarre. Take a deep breathe, Keep advocating for what you believe in and try not to shoot your allies. There are alot of people who will suffer if 4 years from now Obama does not win. Did you enjoy the progress in civil rights the last 8 years? Me neither.
Comrade Jake @124, I don’t know, but I just suspect that the gayness is right next to the “language ability” somewhere in the scheme of things, because my one friend with the crazy language ability is gay. He knows – and keeps learning, for fun – about a gazillion different languages, many with different “alphabets”, and he’s all the time pointing out how one phrase in English sounds a lot like something or other in Slovakian or whatever, ha ha, it just tickles him, and flies over my head.
Not all my gay friends are like that, but you have to start profiling somewhere.
Michael D.
@Jackie: I didn’t vote for Bush. I cannot vote. I am from Canada. Even there, I have never voted for a conservative government. And conservatives in Canada are quite liberal compared to here.
I worked for Al Gore’s campaign.
I supported Bush in the couple years following the 9/11 attacks. After that, I had nothing good to say about him and opposed just about everything he did.
I supported, and worked for, John Kerry in the 2004 election.
Got anything else?
Given the comment you wrote, it is plainly obvious that you don’t know anything about me or the work I have done for civil rights (and not just gay peoples’ civil rights, by the way.) Since you don’t, then shut the fuck up.