Apparently our post this morning was just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve been inundated today with a large number of pets who have gone Galt. First, a rabbit:
To be honest, I’m actually not sure if that rabbit has gone Galt or if it has merely gone down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. Next, cats going Galt. This fellow went Galt in a cooler full of who knows what and then did his best Bill the Cat impression:
Finally, in case you think this is just a fluke, even working animals have decided to go Galt:
I think we all know who to blame for this:
This is dangerous territory, folks.
And the cutest shall lead you.
That bunny gave me major flashbacks to Watership Down.
@Andre: Now I has a sad.
I, for one, hail our new Mascot Overlord, Kaya, Terrier Of The Bucket.
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
That LOLGalt is priceless.
The walrus (or elephant seal or whatever) is gonna beat the shit out of that Galt dog, though, once it sees where the bucket has gone.
John Cole
Terrier in a bucket seriously rocks. I think I might just post it every time I am in a shitty mood.
Entertainer kitty gets mah vote.
harlana pepper
Pic 3: going Exhibitionist Galt. It’s all the rage.
harlana pepper
I just now picked up on the fact the bucket says “Galt” — DUH
(I must have one)
So basically it’ll be on every post from now on.
@John Cole: This post is why you have such a large following. If the boston terrier hasn’t been claimed, can I adopt him/her?
That white lab is demonstrating the “K-Lo” method of Galt-going
Roger Moore
@Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist:
It is a lolrus.
I thought it was cute before I noticed the word “Galt” on the bucket. oh too funny.
Since this is an open thread (technically); another one of Sully’s surrogates posted some beltway gossip about Palin’s pick, and he links to, self described “headquarters of the conservative underground.” Well, on the thread, the 7 or so commenters right now are in full revolt, clap-louder Palin worship.
Nothing like a right-wing circular flame war.
John Cole
@Roger Moore: When I was a wee lad, I had a little stuffed seal and a little stuffed walrus, and there names were sammy the seal and wally the walrus, and I loved them to death.
My sister had a female version of the seal and she named her cecelia.
I did love wally and sammy.
Laura W
@John Cole: Don’t worry. You didn’t kill the thread. The sound of silence you hear is a group of concerned commenters convening to stage your Enforced Galt Intervention.
Wanna come to NC? I know an amazing house you could stay in that is vacant but still furnished. No one would distrurb you. Tunch could come. You’d love the gourmet chef’s kitchen. GRANITE countertops!
Josh Hueco
Hey Zeus Fuq’n Kreyest, who’s responsible for the picture of Chewbacca spooning with Han Solo on the left side of this page?
Also, don’t the Galters realize that their whole going-on-strike thing is…well, kinda what labor unions would do?
Left Coast Tom
Except most of us miss the labor unions doing what they would normally do, which is the point of a strike.
The Galters should consider themselves welcome to Stay Galt, and not come back.
Laura W
@Josh Hueco: Wow. That’s my fault, Josh. My ad expired a few minutes ago and I’ve been too lazy and distracted to replace it. Do you prefer the new one? ‘Cuz I can not compete with that, you know.
@John Cole: This comment comes perilously close to the prose styling of a certain windmill obsessed commenter.
This is a cause for concern. Are you ok?
John Cole
@Irrelevant,YetPoignant: I was just thinking fondly of my stuffed animals from my youth. I also had a duck named jeremy.
whew, I was suspecting I killed it.
Uhm, Josh, yeah that’s kinda the point. Rand was talking about white-collar strikes, kind of an oligarchy resigning in protest, then the ignant masses would have to fend for themselves, and since they weren’t productive, they would waste away and society would collapse. They do realize it, but they consider themselves influential enough that the strike would actually make a difference.
Reality is, Galters are retarded:
Courtesy of
@Josh Hueco:
All you have to do is read BOB for a few times to understand that they don’t realize anything. He keeps pushing Sullenberger who testified about his belief in unions for a government job.
Most conservatives love Sullenberger so they also must love unions.
Anne Elk (Miss)
That should be “rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible”, I believe.
But does it go “voom?”
Josh Hueco
@Laura W:
Your ad? Did I miss something? (scratches head) I’ve been away until a couple days ago so forgive me for being (more) ignorant (than usual). I’ve been lacking in awareness more than usual the past few days.
Laura W
@Josh Hueco: Oh I mean my ad was up there an hour ago but it expired so the ad that had a bid in behind mine got the space. Normally I go in and put up a new one right away but I’m kind of bored with all of my ads right now.
(Plus, John is kinda scaring me with the stuffed animal flashbacks.)
Chewbacca’s son is called “Itchy”. For serious.
Josh Hueco
@Laura W:
John musta hit his head harder than he’s himparting. Hmmm…
El Cid
So, pretty much “Going Galt” now means “taking a nap”?
PS) in case you missed it downstairs, the #3 of the original pets going Galt thread pic is my boy Max, having disassembled himself in order to sleep in a shoe box where I keep my seeds. Cats are weird.
Hey! Who stole my man’s yellow Lab? Well, actually, he might be mine now since it seems he prefers my company even over and above going outside and treats. But still, WHO STOLE HENRY and taught him something useful??? Oh, and I approve of regular appearances of Galtian terrier in a bucket.
Fuck it, what about my picture?!
Surely you cannot be mad about the comic sans! It adds to the campiness.
@Josh Hueco: BTW, I get Hueco now, from the Baylor guy.
Ur bukkit, it not sez “Galt”.
Comrade Kevin
The Star Wars Holiday Special was evil.
Chuck Butcher
This is Going Galt.
Charley, a cat with cerebellar hypoplasia.
Roger Moore
You misspelled “IZ” and “UR”.
But not to the true loldog way. Followers know that Impact is the preferred font of all lolanimals. You are assigned to view every single picture at I Can Has Cheezburger as a remedial study.
Wile E. Quixote
I went to the gym today and did 90 minutes of elliptical trainer. Assuming that I burned 10 calories per minute that works out to 900 calories (well 700 because I cheated and sucked down a Starbucks mocha energy drink with caffeine, sugar, ginseng and guano, or is that guarana? So assuming I could keep that pace up I could get from my current disgusting weight of 270 pounds on my 5’11 frame (and no, I’m not cheating on that weight by taking my leg off) in a mere 408 hours and 20 minutes which is only about 17 days. So if I could get on the elliptical trainer tomorrow and stay there until the 6th of June I’d be slim and trim and, well, dead. But damn, think of how good my calf would look!
While at the gym I watched 90 minutes of network TV news. I can’t believe how vacuous this is. First it was the local news on KING-5 then the NBC Nightly News and then another half hour of KING-5. I learned absolutely nothing of value while watching this.
Afterwards I came home and made dinner, I sauteed shrimp with garlic, butter (Is saying that you sauteed something with butter redundant?), cumin, chipotle pepper spice and then added, pico de gallo, walnuts and mushrooms and when it was good and ready tossed in some spinach. So much for that 90 minutes of elliptical trainer, but damn it’s good.
Wile E. Quixote
@El Cid
What do you think it meant to the lunkheads who started talking about this? I mean really, did any of them look like cut and chiseled free-market uebermenschen with abs to die for who were going to run off to the Rockies and create an invisibility shield, a perpetual motion machine and a viable community where they could invent metal alloys all day long?
Comrade Kevin
@OriGuy: That’s a great video.
@John Cole:
Oh god please do. I love that doggie and my spirits are uplifted every time I see that image. Bucket o’ soggy doggie makes me laugh and that’s the good thing.
Anne Laurie
Given the too-innocent-not-to-be-up-to-something expression on that cat, I’m guessing “The Entertainer” container is going to require some serious fumigation later! Now if only there were a way to tie this illicit repurposing (cooler-made-litterbox) into John’s recent misadventure with a mop, a shower, and a commode…
@Wile E. Quixote: Maybe all those TV news clips of Obama going out for burgers and fries has just given them the munchies. I read Atlas Shrugged when I was in high school, which was sometime during the second Cleveland administration, and the one and only thing I remember about John Galt is the damned hamburger.
That, and that the book sucked.
Brick Oven Bill
Tonight I witnessed a marriage proposal. He drove his motorcycle through the front door of the bar, requiring a twist of the handlebars, placed her on the seat, and asked the question. The ring was plastic from the neck of a bottle of Worcester sauce. She said yes. She was the happiest person I have seen in over a decade.
That last one made me scream. Thank you.
@Brick Oven Bill:
While I think your politics are insane BoB, we definitely have the same taste in bars.
Joshua Norton
Talk about killer cute….
This picture of Barry is so full of awwwww that I can’t stand it.
Wile E. Quixote
@Brick Oven Bill
Worcestershire Sauce? Worcestershire Sauce!? What the Hell kind of goddamned, artsy-fartsy DFH gives his bride to be a ring off of a bottle of a faggy sounding and probably French sauce like Worcestershire when there are plenty of rings available off of good American sauces like Heinz-57, A-1 or Tobasco.
@Chuck Butcher: Man, that is a sweeeeeet bike. I bet she rides like a dream. Why are vehicles female, I wonder?
@Brick Oven Bill: That’s actually sweet, B.O.B. WTF is wrong with you?
John, I love the lolcats and lolgoggies. I am in a shitty mood, too, so these pics of animals going Galt really help.
the pets always make everything better…
I definitely approve of regular appearances of Galt Terrier in a Bukkit.
Oh, and if anybody wants to see brain-explodingly cute interspecies snorgling…
Laura W
@OriGuy: Ack. I can’t watch stuff like that before I’m fully caffinated. Too vulnerable and tear-prone. So sweet. I want one.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
Charley has a wide stance. I’m just sayin’.
(Seriously, I found the rear view of his walk incredibly endearing and funny. I want a cat again!)
OK, so it’s a Terrier. Does that mean we can’t call it Pug-in-a-Bukkit?
low voltage wiring
Buck dog= win
WHAT will we do?
What WILL we do?
What will WE do?
What will we DO?
What do we WILL?
In case anyone is curious and reads this far… I’m a caretaker of the rabbit at the top of the post and I can vouch that she is definitely alive. Just veeeerrrrryyyy relaxed.