<----------------- Look over there. Since every comment thread has ten people bitching about the ad, I thought I would address this centrally and once, so I don't have to keep dealing with it over and over again. Yes, the ad is irritating, because they switched it on me. They had the meat ad up originally, and when I accepted it, that is what I thought would run. And run it did, and some of you even managed to complain about a hunk of meat. Then, for whatever reason, a couple of days ago it switched to Pammy's ginormous fake lungs. I'm not really a fan of it either, and to add to that, I'm not really even sure what is going on in the picture. If you look closely, it appears that both of her arms are gainfully employed covering up her monstrosities, but then if you look below the banner that says "Skin Than," you will see what appears to be a third arm shooting down at an angle. The whole image is disturbing on any number of levels, and it may be that Pam Anderson is an alien. At any rate, the ad will only be up for another week, it was not what I accepted when I agreed to air it, but I don't know who to contact to complain to, and I'm sure someone in the comments can tell you how to block the ad temporarily.
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that ad belongs on Photoshop Disasters
This is the first time I’ve gotten the ad– I kept wondering what people were complaining about. It’s really terrible.
I will never complain about Ms. Anderson’s boobage.
Somebody please figure out that arm below the banner.
The only complaint I had about the beef was that there was no baked potato.
Never complain about the ads on a free site.
It says is a very graphic video. In bold. So after the Tommy Lee debacle, who needs to see more Pam Ammy hoo-haa hijinks?
Better to have to look at Pammy Anderson than Atlas Juggs Pammy as in past PJM ads. Stop complaining people!
The add doesn’t even catch my attention. However that oozing piece of meat was so repulsive I had to re-size my screen and shift it around not to see it. I was planning to hold a telethon for you so you could take it down. Please don’t bring it back.
Irony Abounds
I haven’t read the comments complaining, so I’m not sure whether they are complaining because it is immoral from an overly sexual standpoint or immoral because it is degrading to women, but big friggin deal. It’s an ad that features an obnoxious twit of a woman, but if you don’t like it don’t look at it. The US really is comprised of a whole lot of whiny asses. If it keeps your blog going John, I don’t care what ads you have as long as they aren’t pop-ups or other types of ads that would require me to to do more than simply avert my eyes to avoid or close.
vishnu schizt
Good lord, I’d much rather see that fake rack, then that hunk of meat.
Doctor Gonzo
I didn’t see it until I turned off AdBlock Plus. I’ve gone so long without seeing ads on the web I’ve forgotten what they look lie.
I’ve never understood people that complain about banner ads. Go hang out in the Eschaton comment thread or something. In other words, get a fuckin life.
John Cole
I understand why people complain, some of them are offended, some are disgusted, some are worried about the NSFW angle. I’m sure someone here has a good way to block the ads they can use, though.
I’m with Doctor Gonzo. AdBlock Plus (with Firefox) for the win.
That ad is distracting, in a Picasso sort of way. I finally figured out that the part below the diagonal black line is a different crop shot below the waist. It has little to do with the above the waist shot, or the anti-meat/poultry message it links to. But true to advertising intent, it made me look.
@Irony Abounds: The complaints refer to the ad making balloon-juice possibly NSFW, not morality.
Whatever. As long as I never have to see Ann Coulter’s dead, dead eyes staring back at me every time I log in, I’m cool.
I use Opera so when I see an ad I do not like I block it.
That being said. I have not blocked Ms. Anderson’s boobage from being displayed in my browser ;)
Who’s gonna take the plunge and actually click?
Hm. I have never seen the ad, and I am using IE, Firefox and Chrome. I don’t see the ad now.
@cleek: Whoa, Cleek. That’s NSFW! Gimmie the heads up next time. I click on it, see a woman in her skivvies, JUST as the boss strolls up to the desk. Either he saw it and said nothing, or he’s fucking blind.
And any HR person I see around my desk will put me in the sweats for the next 6 hours.
C Nelson Reilly
I bet she can palm a basketball
I think it’s awesome! The only thing that troubles me is that I noticed the third arm right away. Never would have happened a couple of years ago.
I got two words for anyone whose eyeballs and sensibilities are too precious for ugly ads: Google Reader.
Not only will potentially NSFW ads be invisible, if your bosses are as technically inept as mine are, when they saunter by your desk and see it onscreen, they will think the Google Reader dashboard is some enhanced productivity tool. Little do they know I’m in fact hanging with the traitors and librul fascists here at Balloon Juice…
The latter. Mind you, for me it’s not really an issue, as I work in a two-woman office and the boss is rarely in. I could surf for pr0n all day and get away with it.
harlana pepper
jeebus, folks, lighten up, i still say it’s better than having to look at MAnn
@John Cole:
Since I am often using computers that, er, do not belong to me, I guess I am behind something that is blocking the ad.
I have never seen it.
The video is what pissed me off. I finally got nice and quiet and alone and clicked to watch the show and it is about god damn chickens.
I went and bought a bucket of bird (original recipe) just as my way to register my disgust.
I was hoping the video would explain the third arm.
Quaker in a Basement
if you look below the banner that says “Skin Than,” you will see what appears to be a third arm shooting down at an angle
That? That’s simple to explain. She’s apparently giving birth to a fully grown human.
Meh. Other than finding her to be a true object of pity, Pam doesn’t bother me nor do I care about NSFW. But I do work for a godless commie public university so the standards are obviously low. That poor woman, though. She obviously hates herself.
I’m pretty sure she’s from Canada.
The Grand Panjandrum
I clicked the link. It’s a PETA ad.
harlana pepper
Anderson is a vegetarian, an advocate for animal rights, and an active member of the animal protection organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) . . . One of Anderson’s campaigns as a member of PETA has been against the use of fur. . . Anderson received the first Linda McCartney Memorial Award for animal rights protectors, in recognition of her campaign against fur. In 2003, Anderson stripped down for PETA’s “I’d Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur” advertising campaign. . .
.. . . She has also campaigned against seal hunting in her native Canada. . . In March 2005, Anderson became a spokesmodel for . . . MAC AIDS Fund, which helped people affected by AIDS and HIV [and] raised money during events in Toronto, Tokyo, Dublin, and Athens. . . .Anderson wrote an open letter to President Barack Obama urging the legalization of marijuana.
i know you don’t like the porn aspect, but she’s not all bad people
God damn I love capitalism.
Extra-crispy is where it’s at, yo.
Silly me. I thought this referred to sex. I now know it’s really referring to the third arm growing out of her vagina.
So this must be some Jim Rose thing. I guess Pam really needs the money.
John Cole
@flukebucket: I dunno. The simple fact of the matter is that the way we raise our meat is barbaric, and the quality of our meat shows it. Go buy a steak from a local beef farmer, and go buy one from your local chain grocery, cook them up, and you will throw the chain grocery beef out after one bite.
I have no problem with their message, I just don’t know what Pam’s plastic breasts need to be thrown all over the screen.
If I allow my mind to analyze the picture, the 3rd arm appears to be female and I can only conclude that she has a women stuffed up in her vagina who is reaching out to grab what might be something to drink – I suspect it’s parched in there. The arm doesn’t seem to be tense, so I don’t think it’s an escape attempt.
Perhaps her state of undress is a distraction while she smuggles people back into Canada.
kid bitzer
well, as one of the folks complaining on an earlier thread, i just want to apologize for bugging you.
when i asked if you could have her disrobe elsewhere, it was mostly meant as a joke. not a moral judgment one way or other.
and mostly what i was reacting to was not moral issues, as much as the distastefulness of it.
anyhow–sorry that the complaints built up to where you felt like you had to address it. no big deal.
(though it may be a bigger deal for the nsfw folks).
I agree with Tom65. She could get a total Vishnu thing going and grow boobs twice the size of her head, and it’s still better than any ‘normal’ picture of Ann Coulter.
Here’s what I think when I see Coulter’s eyes:
Comrade Jake
I actually think it’s an appropriate image for a site named “Balloon Juice”.
Look at Pam’s balloons!
Martin FTW. Parched in there, indeed. That made me LOL.
Bill Belichick
Okay, let’s make lemonaid. Or is that melonaide? This wasn’t a total loss. We’ve established that ‘Scott’ has absolutely no taste whatsoever when it comes to the female form. And most of the rest do.
And in another neighboring thread someone finally put two and two together. It’s time to get a graph up showing the inverse relationship between the size of Pam’s jugs and the size of Jacko’s nose. Where there’s smoke there’s fire.
Comrade Dread
The third arm was a little disturbing, Dude, but seriously, given the choice between alien Pam Anderson, Malkin, Coulter, and a hunk of raw bloody meat, I’ll take Alien Pam Anderson in a heartbeat.
The Other Steve
I like the ads. They help to pay for shit.
Ryan S.
I already did it takes you to a stupid anti-KFC site about chicken abuse.
Which made me all disappointed : <
kid bitzer
thanks, lee–that makes a lot more sense now.
That site was frustrating. I didn’t notice anything wrong with most of the photos there, and I didn’t notice Pam’s 3rd arm til it was pointed out. :-(
@harlana pepper:
the only thing i don’t like about it is that it doesn’t flatter her. she needs to get a better manager. though the comedy of the extra arm almost makes up for it.
@John Cole:
No disagreements with you there at all. We probably should be kinder to animals before we kill and eat them. But I felt so used and cheated and misled that I felt I had to do something. And eating a big ‘ol breast just seemed like the appropriate response.
I think they gave up on the bloody meat ad when too many people were saying how tasty it looked, and where were the onions?
I’d like it back please.
the Pam ad reminds me of an old episode of “F Troop” (‘it is BALLOOOONNN!!!!’)
the meat ad just made me hungry…
What does it say that so many of John’s ads either come from animal rights activists or female wingnuts?
TheFountainHead - 'Easily Led'
I think this is a microcosm of how most people who lurk this site react to the majority of things they encounter on the web…or maybe it’s just me.
Laura W
Corrected for honest self-disclosure.
Comrade Darkness
This might help explain the 3rd arm
There are multiple models up on the stage, strutting around. There is just another model standing behind her, mostly hidden, in that particular shot.
Comrade Dread
Probably. People who comment on Internet threads are generally contrarian assholes.
It’s kind of our thing.
Tony Alva
Those are fake?
Comrade Darkness
hm, I went into moderation. Here’s a better explanation for the arm, anyway:
@Quaker in a Basement: Maybe it’s also a Hulu ad: After she gets done talking about KFC’s mistreatment of chickens, a face and arms appear between her legs and say “Because we’re aliens; that’s how we roll.”
My only complaint was the picture showing up at work, and me having to explain how it’s not p0rn while I’m still in my probation period at my new job.
Oh, and one more blog post and this one will be asking us to look for Pam’s boobs inside of one of Laura’s W’s designs. Better get working on that Laura!
@Comrade Darkness:
Leave it to the investigative reporting prowess of the China Daily to give much needed context to Pammmy’s Mysterious Arm-gate
Oh and I’m still giggling about:
Good one, John.
Just use firefox and get the Ad-Block Plus add-on.
Ah, the woman being smuggled in Pam’s vagina forgot to pack underwear and is trying to steal a pair off of the model next to her. That makes much more sense.
Peter J
While I’m all for blocking Stalkin’ Malkin and friends, I’m not blocking any ads appearing now, nor do does the ad in question offended me.
About the third arm, a sudden gust of wind blew the arm into the shot.
Maybe that’s Laura’s arm inbetween Pam’s stems. Or maybe Laura can make an ad with Pam covering Laura’s boobs. Or maybe Pam Atlas and Pam Anderson can do a boob-off, and Laura will referee.
Yes, I’m BORED.
To make BJ work safe, I’ve been minimizing my IE window as far as BJ will allow without the column format crashing, and then I shift the left side of the window off the screen.
That third arm is intriguing though, isn’t it?
edit: Man, when I started writing this comment, I was in the mid-twenties. Then the phone rang and now I’m in the 60’s. How time flies…
@TheFountainHead – ‘Easily Led’:
I think this is a microcosm of how most people who lurk this site react to the majority of things
uh, i don’t think so. the other guy was referencing masturbation.
@harlana pepper:
If she’s involved with PETA, she’s bad people. Sorry, but they suck. I don’t think there’s another organization out there that’s as self-righteous about exploiting women as PETA is.
Peter J
Also, how about that instead of blocking ads, get a greasemonkey or userjs script and shrink the offending ad?
The add is still “shown”, but you won’t see it. (True, the ad will end up in the logs of the IT department…)
This is the first encounter I ever had on the web that drove me to the drive-thru window at KFC. But it is over now. And I feel much better.
The banner is part of the stupid “I’d rather go naked than wear fur” campaign, since no one will pay attention to PETA otherwise.
As far as boobs go, my tastes are towards natural big breasts, though I will make an exception solely for the rare cases where a woman has a spectacular butt and just gets ’em to balance out (Ice-T’s wife Coco, for example). Not only does Pam not fit in that group, but time has clearly not been kind to her.
Comrade Jake
For Chrissakes people, that’s not a 3rd arm, it’s Tommy Lee’s third leg. Get your sleezeball history straight.
what do you mean by exploitive? showing skin? the horror.
I believe the Pam breasticles pic was taken from a sidewalk a couple of years ago while she Ms. Anderson was displaying herself sans top in a store window as part of some PETA protest/publicity/fundraiser stunt or other.
Furthermore, I believe the mystery arm belongs to a real person not encased vaginally but positioned behind Pamela somehow not readily understandable to a casual observer, but not defying physics either.
Pam’s ginormous fake titties are really pretty ridiculous in their hugeness. they appear ready to explode at any moment, an event which would have splattered the interior of that display window with gallons of gooey, viscous, dripping silicone.
However, it’s my understanding that straight men don’t care HOW titties get huge, just as long as they ARE huge. You know…nice to snuggle around on/in, and lick on and stuff.
Cap'n Phealy
The photo reminds me of one of Chris Muir’s less successful attempts to depict the female form – on some level, the subconscious mind registers that the image purports to be a human female, but it doesn’t really succeed.
Wayne T
@Comrade Jake:
I actually think it’s an appropriate image for a site named “Balloon Juice”.
ha. awesome & true
Comrade Dread
I don’t know about that.
I mean, don’t get me wrong, stuff over DD might be nice to grab onto in the event of a plane’s water landing and are usually nice to look at, but at some point of largeness they become obstructions.
harlana pepper
@Mnemosyne: bullshit, i don’t agree with everything they do, and i don’t know why the fuck i have to justify myself here, but they do some things that suck and some things that are good
i guess i’d rather see Pam Anderson’s plastic ham of a breast than see some fool like Bristol Palin, advocating abstinence-before-marriage while holding her baby born out of wedlock, rejoicing that she just passed her GED.
it’s obviously all about sex, ain’t it, people?
That depends on the straight man.
A straight man.
The Saff
Since she’s an animal rights activist, I give her a pass.
Yeah, like I said in the other thread, everyone is different, and I’d lean toward Bs than Ds, personally, if I even cared enough to discriminate – which might be the bigger point – some guys just aren’t that hung up on boobs.
big boobs go in and out of fashion.
There is no goddamn way that Coco’s ass is real – how many human beings have the upper curve of their ass cheeks at the same level as their bellybutton?
It looks painful, frankly.
And huge boobs are not all they’re cracked up to be, so I really don’t understand why Pam got hers inflated to that point. I don’t know if fake ones have the same issues, but real ones that size are heavy as hell, they hurt your back and shoulders, you get rashes under them, and with regards to clothing, you have two choices: cover ’em up and the draping makes you look like you’re a lot fatter than you are, or show ’em off with something low or fitted, which makes you look like a bimbo.
It’s just kind of sad — she was so cute when she was on Home Improvement. Now, she looks…worn-out.
Um, no.
harlana pepper
MAnn used sex in her own way, her cross dangling suggestively towards her meager breasts and her short, short black dress, or rather the same black dress over and over again – oh yes, tantalizing those beer-can clutching couch potatoes who so rarely get to see a real woman, they can’t tell a trannie from the real thing
@Cap’n Phealy:
did a quick google. what’s objectionable about how he depicts the human figure?
harlana pepper
if they are down to your belly button or they are fried eggs, i can’t blame somebody for having surgery, enhancement to a DD, no, i’m not for that, of course, i just don’t get what the big deal is tho
harlana pepper
oh, and, um
wasabi gasp
While not the most convenient way of going about it, anybody, regardless of OS or browser can block the image by adding the following line to their hosts file. i.blogads.com
So there’s a video of Pam expressing interest in cocks? Since when?
Irony Abounds
Ok, so I understand the NSFW aspect, but isn’t it really NSFW only if you click on the thing? And if that is the case, isn’t the problem not that it is NSFW but you have no self control not to click on the ad?
On another note, you can actually get beef from a local beef farmer? Are they like the local fruit stands that a manned by the farmer’s kids?
It’s interesting that a thread on breasts still isn’t accumulating posts anywhere near as fast as John’s “hey guys, what do you think of Peet’s coffee?” threads.
I assume this is because all the women and gay men on this thread are bored to tears by this topic.
Yeah, it’s like lobster restaurants. Point out the cow you like and they’ll kill it right there in front of you.
Adblock Plus! Just download – EXCELLENT!
I learn something new every damn day at BJ…
Comrade Kevin
Stun Your Own Cow Night at the Hungry Heifer.
that was my first impression. those must hurt. she did market herself as a bimbo. while not my cup of tea, to each their own, i say.
i don’t know if pamela would have aged any better if she didn’t get her boobs done. i think her kids and volatile marriages took more a toll. this culture needs to be more accepting of what the ravages of time inflict. take preventative measures, like sunscreen, sure, but none of us escape unscathed. katherine hepburn didn’t go crazy with plastic surgery yet still remained a beauty.
Well, it’s not like any of us can recommend a certain set of breasts to each other. Mine are fantastic, but it’s not like we’ll get a thread full of “Why yes, I also tried Krista’s boobs, and they were positively delightful! Just the thing to get your day started, old chap!”
Comrade Dread
I think Adams was right.
We need to get our geneticists started on breeding a suicidal/masochistic talking cow that states it desire to die and be eaten very clearly.
Pam’s breasts are nasty.
John’s site is free.
This is the 100th comment in a discussion that was supposed to be brief.
That is all.
Lord, who cares? Your blog, your ads. If people don’t like them, people can go visit other blogs.
That being said, if you could bring back the ad for the desktop strippers, that would be appreciated. That blond was kind of cute.
@John Cole:
Great point about the NSFW issue. This is the only thing that even remotely caused me any concern.
I’ve been offended recently by having to look at Ann Coulter’s grim visage in an ad on the site. I’m offended by Pam Anderson’s support of morans like PETA. And I’m offended by people who think that being offended about lame advertising is some kind of moral stance.
People Equipped with Three Arms?
Jon H
I believe the third arm belongs to another woman farther away on the left, mostly hidden by the banner.
I’m sure if you Google for “Pamela Anderson nude PETA” you’ll find some better uncropped photos on a gossip blog.
Ah yes: this should clear it up.
Axe Diesel Palin
I see not your ads from within my Google Reader.
But, for Pam, I clicked through.
Seriously, I’m not trying to cheat you out of ad views. But, it is so much easier for me to keep up in G-Reader because it works on my phone, iPod, and computer.
@Jon H:
that’s the boring version.
but thanks for posting. the site was helpful in pointing out there is no nipple, so it’s suitable for work. lol
Re: Pammies mammaries…
I used to be disgusted, but now I’m just amused…
Clearly this is relevant to my interests.
John making money off ads to support his decadent librul lifestyle and keep Tunch in new toys is a good thing!
Sheesh, you people.
Screamin' Demon
Not if you bought it from Costco. Best. Beef. Ever.
Your “understanding” of breast size preference among straight men is based solely on stereotypes perpetuated by the media. Speaking as a raging heterosexual male, I couldn’t care less how big a woman’s breasts are.
LauraW… how about a mosaic picture frame , created from the image of Pam’s freakish cartoon-boobs? My dad would LOVE IT and Father’s Day is rapidly approaching.
Thanks for the idea and the <—–, Cole!
So, with all the personal slime, obscenities and snarks that people gleefully throw at each other here, someone actually looked up from the pit, with a handful of feces and their own face matted with it, and said, “That’s offensive!”
Send an email to: [email protected] — if they don’t help you (and they should) then send an email to [email protected] and he will.
Just be aware that the ad was pre-paid so when you accepted it payment was credited to your account immediately. Although, if you remove it before it’s run is through I’m sure BlogAds tech support will prorate a credit to the advertiser.
Laura W
@JenJen: Here’s another idea I just had in the shower. It IS bridal season, JenJen. Why don’t I use your idea for a frame molding so that for years to come, the bride can see her wedding portrait inside of the massive boobage mosaic and feel totally inadequate, while the groom can perpetuate her self-loathing by whimpering longingly: “I wish I’d married those“.
It might need some work. I’ll play with it.
I’m not offended by it at all. I am freaked out by how grotesque she looks–in the same way clowns freak me out. I can’t find an inch of her that is real. She’s visually disturbing–but she pays for my free usage of this site, so it’s all good by me. I took most of the complaining to be in a fascinated by the train-wreck sort of way. I don’t think it’s particularly NSFW, but that’s just me, I guess.
Ash Can
@Craig: Hey, there’s feces, and then there’s feces.
BTW, what’s that on your shirt?
Bad Horse's Filly
So late last night in the Southland thread, I asked a question about Pam’s boobs, saying they were gross. Just so there’s no misunderstanding (asiangrrlMN!!) it was a comment on the photo of hers, not big breasted women or any woman’s breasts for that matter. I’m no judge, I have my own, so I don’t usually go looking at other women’s unless they are thrust in my face (so to speak).
And just for the record – I don’t complain about ads on free sites – just this one, which was a little unsavory for my tastes.
No, I mean by hinting that the video is similar to the infamous one of Anderson having graphic sex with her ex-husband and instead linking to one of chickens.
Did you see how many people here in this thread alone clicked because they thought it was porn? How is it not exploitative to lure people in with the promise of sex and then shove your politics on them instead? And it’s something that PETA does all of the time — for them, it’s not a “protest” unless they can get women to take their clothes off.
@Bad Horse’s Filly: Oh, I know, BHF, I was just having fun with it.
@harlana pepper:
Really? Name some of the good things. Protesting medical research by the American Cancer Society? Throwing fake blood on women wearing fur? (Note that I’ve never heard of them throwing fake blood on men wearing fur, only women. Funny, that.) Euthanizing a higher proportion of the pets they take in than your county’s animal shelter does?
I’ll give you HSUS even though they’re also pretty nutty — they’ve actually done some useful things lately, like releasing those “downer cows” videos and getting slaughterhouses investigated. But I can’t think of one useful thing that PETA has done lately.
Just so I’m clear — I fucking hate PETA because their shenanigans draw attention and money away from people who are doing actual work for animal welfare in this country and not just parading naked celebrities around so they can get more donations.
I miss the ad about a meeting service for geeks. I was at work when I saw it and everyone said it was NSFW. I never saw it again. There’s no way to search for advertisers on Project Wonderful.
@Mnemosyne: They don’t attack men wearing furs because they tend to be pimps or mobsters, which results in PETA members getting their asses kicked.
Not really, but it’d be funny…
I saw the ad. Who cares?
I’ve never understood why some women desire breasts bigger than their heads. It sort of like having two Humvees sticking out of their chests and that can’t be good.
You forgot the fake meat non-contest “contest.” Most of the high-profile stunts that PETA pulls are more about PETA, and less about animal welfare.
Bad Horse's Filly
@asiangrrlMN: Oh good, I made the comment and then went to bed. Didn’t really think it through, and then went back this a.m. and read what followed and was hoping everyone took it as I meant it.
have you ever seen shelter dogs? it plays on HBO sometimes or you can rent it on netflix. it’s a documentary about what happens to dogs nobody wants. condemned to live in shelters the entirety of their lives, they show the neurosis that develops and the broken sprit that happens evident in their eyes. i don’t like euthanasia. it’s too often the first option and not the last in crowded shelters. but i don’t know that condemning a dog to live the rest of their lives, alone in a cage, on a concrete floor, neglected and deprived of interaction, is the better alternative.
@Laura W: Winner!! I don’t really think you need to tweak it much, either. ;-)
You know, I do wish I could PM you, but I’m just as happy to proclaim publicly how much I adore your work, and I would buy, like, ALL of it if I weren’t so horrifically underemployed. Do you have any more of your Election 2008/Obama-themed stuff? I have family birthdays rapidly approaching, as well!
@omen: Can. Not. Watch. Got about a half-hour into it once, and it turned me into a sobbing heap of gelatin. I just can’t handle watching kids or animals suffer, it just kills me. :-( But it is an excellent doc and I recommend it highly to those who can hang.
Martian Buddy
And, you know, the thing about Ann Coulter… she’s got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll’s eyes. When she comes at ya, doesn’t seem to be living… until she bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white and then… ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin’.
On a more serious note:
“NSFW” depends entirely on how uptight one’s workplace chooses to be — exposed naughty bits aren’t necessarily a prerequisite.
Laura W
The people of Hendersonville, Brevard and Asheville, NC, probably feel a bit differently after what PETA did to FINALLY get All Creatures Great and Small closed down. It was a nightmare and all attempts to expose it and get the animals out, even by other agencies that offered to take them into their systems and adopt them out, were met with resistance and apathy.
I’m not here to defend PETA one way or the other. I am of the mind that the more attention brought to animal welfare the better. The morality and efficacy of the strategies employed by the various agencies are better left to people with more knowledge than me. Your comment just reminded me that PETA had a huge effect in my little neck of the woods recently.
Laura W
@JenJen: You’re sweet to say all that, JenJen. You can contact me by clicking on any of my ads and emailing me from there.
@Krista: I take your point. And I agree that the Coco butt is strange.
But these days why should anyone believe his/her own eyes wrt pics on the web or even pics anywhere. I’m thinking that butt is a photoshop job.
@Laura W: and wasn’t it PETA that really made animal testing for cosmetics an issue.
i know that was some time ago and Harlana’s (Mnemosyne?) question included “recently” (“lately”?) as a qualifier but IMO that was a victory for animal rights and PETA.
Anne Laurie
Or, as my dad used to say, “That man could fvck up a free lunch by asking for his change back.”
There is a sort of noir poetry in Pamela Anderson identifying with hapless dumb beasts cruelly exploited by soulless monsters interested only in their own profits… and then turning to PETA to express her sorrows.
What fake wifey said.
I still say that’s not an arm below the banner.
@Laura W:
That’s OK. I’m here to attack PETA every way and the other. They are not really interested in animal welfare, but are a bunch of ignorant, obnoxious zealots.
And now, learning what’s really behind the Pam Anderson link, PETA is also really, really, really bad at marketing.
Wow. Its amazing what you miss when you’ve been using Adblock Plus for so long that you even forgot that there were ads on websites.
did you click and read laura w’s link, scroll through the photos and played the video?