The backstory about the Bronx Four miscreants and this post at LGM reminded me of this great post by John Rogers.
In other words, this is just another edition of “What the Kung Fu Monkey said.”
by John Cole| 25 Comments
This post is in: Excellent Links
The backstory about the Bronx Four miscreants and this post at LGM reminded me of this great post by John Rogers.
In other words, this is just another edition of “What the Kung Fu Monkey said.”
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I’m curious how many people are just now recognizing that the conservative blowhards are fucking cowards. That’s been true long before 9/11 – when the war on crime and war on drugs were being used to take people off the streets that would cause them to piss their pants at the sound of the word ‘Yo!’. I mean seriously, they’re afraid of gay people.
Is this really some kind of new revelation?
I note that Hannity has yet to make a waterboarding appointment. Chickenshit.
Old Gringo
Sadly, this just confirms that terrorism is an effective tool, tactic or strategy in the toolbox of armed conflict among asymmetric power relationships. It achieves its goals cheaply.
I lived 365 days, 9 hours and 11 minutes (Until the freedom bird took off) among people who not only wanted to kill me but who would be well rewarded for doing so. I was never as afraid then as the Republicans would want me to be now. And I’m neither special nor inordinately courageous. I am an American. That means that I believe in the rule of law and that I’ll damned sure stand up for the laws and institutions of this country rather than dropping to my knees in fear of some bearded boogymen whose danger to me has been amplified by a cowardly, syphilitic-piss-drinking pack of self-interested politicians whose own motives and actions wouldn’t withstand thirty seconds’ worth of scrutiny in any well run democracy. This is America, you traitorous fucks.
J.W. Hamner
Love the “Osama Bin Laden can suck my insouciance” line in the Kung Fu Monkey post.
Brick Oven Bill
The Mafia took the values and principles of Islam and codified it into their own set of rules, leaving out all the non-sense about no alcohol and no music. The Mafia is a very effective organization, more so than the original Mohammedan one. Once you are in it, you cannot leave. There are systems of honor and family. It is an almost identical organization, with the exception of the booze and the music.
This new crop of jail recruits and Somali pirates do not seem to have the capacity to be able to harness the Mohammedan belief system nearly as well. These are turning out to be very crappy Muslims.
Jay C
True enough that the Jailbird Jihadis from Newburgh were/are a pathetic clownshow even by today’s debased standards of “terror threats” – but you really have to wonder if this level of sad-sack incompetence really IS the “norm” for would-be terrorists (I certainly hope the level of law-enforcement penetration is!) . Unfortunately, there is probably a non-trivial chance that one of these days we are going to encounter a gang of terrorists who may actually know what they’re doing. Hopefully quite a while into the future….
Still no reason for the sort of pants-pissing paranoia that Republicans love to gin up over this stuff: how wonderful would it be for President Obama (or any government official, for that matter) to get up in front of press conference, and give a speech even remotely similar to the sorts of comments on this blog. But I wouldn’t hold my breath….
BOB, you’re an idiot. Every belief system has strong notions of honor and family, that’s how they survive and perpetuate – it’s their DNA.
BOB, believer that Italy is the center of the great unnamed Muslim Empire.
@Old Gringo:
Right. Because people in the UK rolled up into a little ball and wept like babies when Irish nationalist bombings were at their height (and on the other side, both Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic shriveled when the British engaged in outrageous actions that violated law and human rights). Spain trembled in fear and has bowed down to Basque terrorists. The bombings in Mumbai has caused fear and trembling among the Indian people.
At worst, terrorists only invite terrible retribution against themselves and innocents among which they live. Lately, there has been a lot of handwringing about what might happen if the Taliban (who are not really terrorists) take over and give over nukes to Al Queda or some other group. Worst case scenario: events in Pakistan cause India, which has more nukes and a far more capable army than Pakistan, to unleash a pre-emptive strike reducing Pakistan to rubble. Not even the remnant of terrorist remaining would be stupid enough to claim that their methods worked.
Paradoxically, terrorists pray that their more civilized opponents will react with restraint, and will over time capitulate. When countries with superior resources react blindly out of fear, the results are rarely predictable — or controllable. Ask Saddam Hussein. He had nothing to do with Al Queda, but still ended up as one of their victims.
Kung Fu Monkey, this is why we love you.
Brick Oven Bill
Modern Deism does not contain strong ties to honor or family Martin, yet by any objective standard would qualify as a religion. This is why Modern Deism not a good religion to associate oneself with.
The notion that terrorist could strike in Toledo, OH was stoked by the Bush administration as a way of keeping voters there voting for the GOP daddy party to protect them. Remember the list of obscure places that received Homeland Security grants? That was the payoff.
@Dennis-SGMM: Amen, brother. There is nothing in the world as unhinged, yet predictable, as a chickenshit chickenhawk.
And Cheney is their Apophis.
Very funny Kung Fu Monkey post.
Yeah, that John Rogers guy should write for a living or something.
It would appear that you just recommended people convert to Islam and join the Mafia.
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge
Man, that was weak sauce even for BOB. If you want a modern equivalent of the mafia, try the IRA or Hezbollah. I would say to give the Palestineans 3/4 of their country back, and see if they’re still murdering women and children 75 years later, like the IRA was, but…the Angevins have been gone from Sicily for 700 years, and the mafia is still going strong. And religion has nothing to do with it, particularly not Islam.
Come again?
Brick Oven Bill
Islam would be a good one, but only if I were in charge. I would not even trust Sully or the Good Captain with those Islamic reigns. I cannot recommend the Mafia, as that might just give Janet the excuse she needs to pay me a visit.
I would personally recommend a one-on-one relationship with the teachings of the Bible. Use the lessons of the past to help navigate life’s challenges, and find some purpose to it all.
If a person wants to be a member of a strong community and maximize their chances of having a large family who stores food to take care of them for when the economy collapses, go Mormon.
Old Gringo
That was a wonderful rant. It didn’t refute my observation and was full of the requisite assumptions, baseless assertions and straw men.
Follow the example of Lot, sleep with your daughters and knock them up.
Genocide of children is okay if their parents aren’t Christians! Bonus Jesus points if it involves biological warfare!
Killing in the name of the Lord is the greatest sign of faith. Strangers or Family shall be sacrificed if the voice in your head says so!
Also, Burn the witch.
Brick Oven Bill
Humans are a checkerboard of good and evil TenguPhule. History teaches us this. Did you know than Native Americans used to OWN SLAVES, and CUT OUT THEIR Hearts before THROWING THEIR DYING CARCASSES down flights of STONE STEPS, to decay in a heaping ROTTING PILE OF HUMAN flesh?
This caused air pollution and was bad for the environment.
Native American religions: BAD
Islam and the Mafia: GOOD
Relationship with the Bible (Presumably Branch Dividians and the KKK would qualify): EXCELLENT
I never knew why this guy was crying before. Now I know – he’s sad that he caused all this pollution.
Old Gringo
BOB is full of beans.