This is a little strange, even for the RNC: they put a racy and fairly offensive anti-Pelosi video on YouTube, then took it down, possibly right after it was the subject of this scathing Politico piece about it. Here’s Garance Franke-Ruta describing the video:
Set against the iconic James Bond movie theme music, the video “Pelosi vs. CIA” takes viewers through Pelosi’s accusation against the CIA that “they mislead us all the time” and that “their business is deception.” White House Press Secretary Robert Gibb’s desire to stay out of the fray is also highlighted. “Starring Nancy Pelosi,” the video, which mimics a film trailer, says over a split-screen shot of the speaker and partially-obscured images of what appears to be Honor Blackman, who played Pussy Galore. Galore was a rare female criminal ring-leader in the film franchise based on Ian Fleming’s novels, and eventually switched to Secret Agent 007’s side. The GOP video also features a shot of a hand from the Goldfinger movie, and two shots of Pelosi smoothing back her bob.
The GOP spot closes with the tagline, over a nearly-nude woman’s back, “Lack of Leadership. Democrats Galore.”
These are the people that led weeks of Congressional hearings about Janet Jackson’s breast.
Update. The video is up at a new URL:
They’re just doing their best to alienate everybody BUT the old, white, Christian male, aren’t they? Yeah, that’s the way to attract the moderates and win back American hearts! Keep it up, guys!
Didn’t Steele vow just a few days ago that the RNC would be classy, and not stoop to the level of Those Nasty Democrats?
Can we just assume that Steele means the opposite of what he says, or is it safer to assume that there’s no correlation one way or the other?
wingnuts complaining about “no sense of humour” in:
Isn’t this the type of thing that you let independent rightwing PUMA/Swiftboater-like groups do? That way the RNC can deny they had any involvement and can keep their hands clean. Sometimes cutting out the middleman is a bad idea, guys.
One would think that even your average old, white, Southern, rural, Evangelical Christian male would be thinking “WTF?”, by this point.
They seriously want to go around calling Pelosi Pussy? Really? Gawd. Could they be any more tone deaf? Oh, wait. It’s Michael Steele. His photo is next to tone deaf in the dictionary. Stay classy GOP.
Who can possibly deny that using a forty-five-year-old movie to make a sexist critique of a grandmother won’t reverse the fortunes of the Republicans? These guys are chilled to the boner.
And in that video the RNC finally admits, publicly, it was torture. They use the word torture. A super comes up at some point with the words “Pelosi’s torture predicament.” I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s why they took it down.
John Cole
I want to apologize to all the 12 year olds out there, because last week I said the Republicans were acting like 12 year olds. This was really unfair to 12 year olds.
Up next from the RNC, a video titled “Pull my finger.”
Cat Lady
It’s like the RNC uses 10 year old boys who just finished watching hours of back to back Beavis and Butthead DVD’s to come up with their ideas. How else to explain any of this name-calling nonsense? “Pussy” heh heh. “They said pussy” heh heh heh.
I apologize in advance to 10 year old boys.
Rick Taylor
Remember when the GOP went out of their minds because someone submitted a video to that morphed Bush into Hitler?
Another unforced error by the GOP. And they’re waiting for Obama to screw up?
Cut them a break. Don’t you remember the DNC video from. 2003 that mashed up henry and Conan the Barbarian? That was sooooo funny
And what about that video of… Huh? The Democrats never officially compared Cheney to Conan?
My bad
@Cat Lady:
What’s the over/under on how long it takes Michael Steele to start referring to himself as the Great Cornholio?
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
Followed by short clips from the upcoming RNC (Rush, Newt & Cheney) productions “Pelosi has cooties!” and “Pelosi gone wild!”.
Hey, when you got nothing you got nothing. They have nothing left, they are bereft of ideas. They are idiots looking for a corner in a round room.
They are completely unhinged, they know it and they are powerless to do anything about it. They have the political version of Tourette’s Syndrome.
Nothing says “responsible opposition party” like Grade School billingsgate.
@John Cole:
Didn’t they already craft an entire presidential campaign against that slogan? That was great news…for the country!
OT guys, but this should be interesting tomorrow. A reason to actually watch “Face the Nation”
In TV Appearance, Powell Plans To Answer Right-Wing Critics
Ed Drone
I think the Democrats should pass a resolution telling the Republican Party to change their name to:
He-Man Woman Hater’s Club.
If the shoe fits, …
It’s impossible to win with Republicans, if you’re female.
If you downplay appearance, you’re a dog, and subject to attack on gender/appearance, if you put any effort into appearance, you’re exploiting your mysterious feminine wiles to trick people.
The rest of the world dealt with this condundrum in 1979, and has moved on. We got bored, and it was a stupid question anyway, so we all dropped it, by unaminous agreement. We have women who attend to appearance, and women who give that less importance, and it’s been working out fine for us. One big happy family, more or less. I don’t see any reason to return to it. Asked and answered.
I think the best approach is to choose not to be a Republican. It’s easier.
Nice catch! If the GOP is up to its new standards they’ll release a mash-up of Little Black Sambo cartoons and “Amos ‘n’ Andy” episodes as a thoughtful response.
Yes – if for some reason (but this is not going to happen evah) Obama is unable to live up to all the expectations of Superman, I feel that this video has given me the impetus to run back to the GOP with open arms. I mean they have a lot of respect for successful, educated women don’t they? Jesus, its like the GOP keeps creating a new definition of infinity suckass WTF?
Pelosi is “very ambitious”. Tsk, tsk. I also have it on good authority she colors her hair. Scandalous!
Do they realize they sound like some movie version of small town gossips?
i’ll say. i thought it was only dems who folded under pressure.
Jay C
Personally – I think it can only get worse from here on in: these YouTube “attack ads”, to most of us, I think, may seem worthy only of mockery and scorn – but the “true believer” wingnut base apparently has a bottomless demand for this sort of puerile insult-mongering; seemingly in the belief – shared by obnoxious adolescents everywhere – that somehow “points” get scored by sneering and name-calling (and, like with most obnoxious adolescents , reinforced by constant in-group self-congratulation).
And having Barack Obama as their main target doesn’t help: I think they are finally realizing that BHO is not only a sober, capable, grown-up leader, but is succeeding more and more each day with cementing that image in the public perception (tho the media still seems slow to catch on); the more his opponents name-call and fling hysterical memes around, the better he looks, and the worse their alternative (if they even have one) appears.
But it’s still looney-tunes time to starboard so far: for evidence, check out this Daily Kos diary (yeah, I know!) – on the “public” reaction to a news piece about a group of schoolkids who unfortunately had their White House tour derailed.
ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome) – the disease of a virulence which makes Swine Flu look like the sniffles. Only with less of a cure.
Odd how they manage to make themselves look like little old ladies gossiping over the back fence. Combine tht with their bed-wetting fear of small time Muslim terrorists and you get a picture of just how far “The Daddy Party” has fallen.
remember when anybody who dared to challenge palin was a sexist?
barney frank and pelosi are constantly attacked.
fags and hags: the preferred victims for bigoted bullies everywhere favorite target of abuse.
I see some of you already picked up the resemblance between today’s GOP propaganda efforts and “Beavis and Butthead”.
I guess all I have to add is, this is the end result of years of Rove/Atwater/Limbaugh-inspired “smear the messenger” rhetoric. It’s all they know how to do. They are almost incapable of a substantive critique of the opposition, whether in a web-only video or simply trying to have a discussion with your wingnut co-workers, friends and relatives. That’s right, even your Aunt Millie has taken her cues from the national party. They all understand now that if you don’t like Nancy Pelosi or Barney Frank (because you were told not to like them, not because you know of their policy positions and disapprove), you smear them. Period.
Name-calling and innuendo. That’s all they’ve got. They couldn’t debate their way out of a wet paper sack.
Texas Dem
I think the outrageous nature of the video was deliberate. It’s assured that it gets far more play than it ever would have gotten before, and it furthers the GOP message of Pelosi as an object of contempt and scorn. It may not be pretty, but that’s how you win wars. Politico walked right into the trap.
Remember when the Republicans had the image of seriousness? They were the guys who wore ties when they didn’t have to and who made speeches about fiscal responsibility and the rule of law.
Their idea of debate now looks just like the Monty Python Argument sketch. They sold themselves on the notion that race-baiting, divisiveness, and fear mongering were perfect substitutes for thoughtful stands on important issues. Now that we’re in real trouble the GOP rises to the occasion with name calling and en bloc obstructionism. We are fortunate in that the Democrats are their own best opposition party because the other side ain’t packing the gear.
Republican and Republicaner.
We’re marching, marching to Shibboleth,
With the Eagle and the Sword!
We’re praising Zion ’til her death,
Until we meet our last reward!
Men: Our Lord’s reward!
Women: Zion! Oh happy Zion!
O’er wrapp’d, but not detained!
Men: Lion, f’rocious Lion!
His beard our mighty mane!
Women: At First and Main!
Men: Oh, we’ll go marching, marching to Omaha,
With the Buckram and the Cord!
Women: You’ll hear us “boom” our State!
Men: Ha, ha!
As we cross the final ford!
Women: The flaming Ford!
Choir: Zion! Oh mighty Zion!
Your bison now are dust!
As your cornflakes rise
‘Gainst the rust-red skies,
Then our blood requires us must
Men: Marching, marching to Shibboleth,
With the Eagle and the —
Women: The Buckram and the Cord!
Men: Sword!
Praising Zion ’til her death!
Women: Ha, ha!
Men: Until we eat our last reward!
Women: The flaming Ford!
Choir: Zion! Oh righteous Zion!
There is no one to blame!
For the homespun pies
‘Neath the cracking skies
Shall release the fulsome rain!
Tenor: Shall release!
Men: Shall release!
Soprano: Shall release!
Women: Shall release!
Choir: Shall release the vinyl rein!
@Texas Dem:
I think the outrageous nature of the video was deliberate. It’s assured that it gets far more play than it ever would have gotten before, and it furthers the GOP message of Pelosi as an object of contempt and scorn. It may not be pretty, but that’s how you win wars. Politico walked right into the trap.
that might have been true when the economy was sound.
Texas Dem –
No – at then end of the day you have to have at least the semblance of coherent policy positions and some trust. The GOP deserves neither and has none.
If that were the case, I don’t think they would have taken the video down. And there’s no way I can believe that you win political wars by having articles highlight your party’s use of the word “bitch” to describe a grandmother of five. Not in a world where women have the right to vote, anyway.
@DougJ: Ditto that. As I wrote at Benen’s place, the GOP really has no respect for women. Limbaugh, Lowry, and the party itself, apparently view women as objects who exist to please them. When a woman who doesn’t give a fuck about what the old white male party thinks of her, they are mad–and scared. Thus, a nonsensical ad is born. Hillary Clinton was a frigid bitch. Nancy Pelosi in an old hag. Sarah Palin gives them starbursts. And so it goes.
I don’t think it’s working any longer, just as many of the GOP’s ploys are now failing. People are starting to see just how bereft of ideas the GOP is.
Y-es. Excellent “trap”:
Let’s make official, party-sanctioned misogynistic kill-fantasies about the most powerful woman in Congress a few months after we told the country it wasn’t fair to ask Sarah Palin policy questions because that was sexist. No WAY that could backfire.
To everyone comparing this nonsense to Beavis & Butthead, I will only say that B&B (at its prime) was genuinely hilarious and the definition of “hip”. I’d love to see the last time a Republican ad for, well, anything ever could be accused of either of those two things, let alone both.
“What!? We don’t need the p*ssy vote any more! We’ve got RUSH!!!”
“What?! We don’t need the p*ssy vote any more! We’ve got RUSH!!!”