Been raining for four days here, but it’s summertime in Florida, so what do you expect. I’ve got a picture of Wally going Galt in a pile of clothes to send to you, John, but this will do for now. Also, Captain Ed needs to read his Bible more closely.
We need rain. I love all the pics of animals going Galt. Incertus, good blog entry on the whole Prop 8 decision.
Other than a marine layer this morning (burned off by noon), southern California has been gorgeous since I got back from Vegas yesterday. And Vegas was quite nice too, not yet into the triple digit heat.
No rain this year. Or last year, for that matter. So, we’ll be stealing your extra water, if you don’t mind.
I think we’re just making up for the last couple of years here. There are still water restrictions in effect for lots of Broward and Dade counties. Even so, heavy rain + Florida drivers + I-595 = a big pile of suck. And I’m about to get in it to go home.
When they have the chance, most animals go Galt. The weather in GA has been sticky with occasional rain for weeks. The good news is that the water restrictions might be lessened but who the hell cares. We were allowed to stand outside with a hose and hold it while watering 25 minutes three days a week and now why bother. I’m beginning to miss the days of the drought.
We’re just starting to get your rain now in CT, supposed to hang in for four days last time I checked; on the upside, will help the new perennials I planted settle in.
I love the first pic! Food question, I have to make some stuff for the reception after my DH’s final HS band concert (its tradition!) Anyhoo I am making a strawberry trifle (san sherry unfortunately due to it being HS), and vol au vents (sp?) I am going to be making 48 vol au vents, 24 of which are going to be tiny shrimp in mari rose sauce (homemade), but I do not know whether or not to do the other 24 that way or to try something different. What do you guys think (and does anyone have any other recipes other than fiddling with sauteeing mushrooms?) I am thinking perhaps smoked salmon chopped with cucumber, or a simple egg salad (egg mayo in the UK), halp!
Laura W
Cattle Dawg!
Darling Kitty.
Rain 5 days in a row here…humid as HELL. I don’t do humidity.
I’m afraid to ask (and you probably won’t answer…)
Change of mind on Jillie G. Cole?
Edit: Annie, you do know there is a whole series of Tunch Being (Doing?) His Royal Nothingness on video from last weekend?
The first cat is fantastic, but not Tunch. I do wait for my weekly picture, rain or no rain. The week is just not the same without Tunch.
Any second cat in the picture?????
National Review editorial on Sotomayor
Judge Sonia Sotomayor is female, Hispanic, liberal, and mediocre. Conservatives should draw attention to the third adjective while understanding that the first two are likely to be politically decisive during her confirmation hearings. Unfortunately, liberalism has for some time now incorporated a tacit judicial philosophy in which the goal is to impose policies as left-wing as a judge can get away with. Sotomayor seems to march to that beat. More to the point, perhaps, she has shown no signs of marching to any other one.
Kathryn Jean Lopez
Why Would the White House feature Sotomayor’s yearbook page on its website, complete with a quote from former Socialist-party presidential candidate Norman Thomas?
Fred Thompson Twitter Post
Am Bolton knew 1st.. Susan Rice ought 2 spend time w/ N Korean xperts & not doing vogue photo spread
Obnoxious, repellant, and nauseating blowhard Tucker Carlson is launching a right-leaning news site resembling the Huffington Post
Did you see the Tunch Film Festival on Friday night? Or are we re-booting since it’s now Monday? I think we need our Daily Tunch, personally… he needs to make his appearance as much as John, et al.
PS) I also love the second pic cause there is toy guts all over the floor, I know all about that, there are regularly toy guts all over my living room floor as well as all over my yard (and sofa pillow guts, and sofa guts), it is quite hilarious when the DH is cutting the grass and all of a sudden there is a snow storm of toy guts all over the place. I bought the dogs this purple teddy bear thingy at the dollar store a while ago, Cueball took it outside and left it in the grass, DH was mowing the lawn and in an instant he was surrounded by toy guts and purple fluff, his expression was priceless!
PS) Never EVER go to the thrift store and see a beanie baby for 50 cents and think “that would make a good dog toy” because you will be finding beanies EVERYWHERE, and I mean everywhere in your slippers, in your shoes, in the bath, in the bed, and even in your underwear, beanie babies are the debil. I bought one about two years ago and Cueball killed it, I SWEAR that two years later I am still finding beanies in various places.
My dog has destroyed three of those porcupine thingys.
I have that same stuffing all over my house.
What a handsome guy.
Weather in western Oregon has finally turned gorgeous. I’ll tell you how my dearly beloved dog goes Galt once I start gardening. He eats up all the Sluggo snail bait I put around my plants like it was candy. It’s the kind that’s won’t poison pets, but it’s still not a dietary item. And no, the eggshells
don’t work. He goes in and munches those, too. Then the other day I left a bucket on the patio with boxes of my organic fertilizers in it, one of them being bone meal. This morning I found the box of bone meal opened and a good quantity missing, just like a big long nose had been in it.
Dumb dog. Another reason it’s wise to use the organic stuff.
shallow saucers of beer. Works like a charm or so I am told. *hic*
My little part of WPA has been juuuuust far enough north to have avoided the worst of the rain. I only got some short showers and lots of cloudy skies today. Meanwhile, the Pens game is starting and Cowher is supposed to be there to do the siren for the Hurricanes. People here are pretty pissed. They are wearing t-shirts that say “Traitorous Cowhered.” He’ll need body armor the next time he shows up at his parents’ place in Crafton. And yes, I’m aware of the spelling issue on the t-shirts. That’s exactly what you should expect of your average yinzer.
That is my kitty, Patience. She’s a new addition to the family (four weeks at my house, but she’s approx 6 yrs old) from the rescue shelter. She is very excited about being balloon juice famous! Further, I credit the Furminator w/any and all affectionate behavior towards me (+ feeding).
You can’t see it in the picture, but she has some crazy green eyes, which just made me fall in love.
Here in Virginia, the rain and cool weather’s making the Creeper go absolutely NUTS. Three days of rain predicted, and I’m going insane trying to rescue the blackberries from the Creeper. It’s like Life in the Rainforest.
Went to the doctor Friday for a routine visit. She noted my scratched-up forearms: “What caused that?” “The fucking CREEPER, that’s what!”
She made sympathetic noises. We all know about the Creeper.
Yaaaay for you rescuing a baby from death row. I hope she is showing the usual amount of cat gratitude, ie ignoring you and treating you like the staff.
Two days of rain and you’re complaining? Pussy. Just be glad it’s actually raining. Them folks to the South of us are going to have one long, hot and very dry summer.
Hundreds of thousands of some of the nation’s best farmland left fallow; rivers running dry and firestorms like the Rapture is all about fire.
could somebody expand on a brief post a couple of days ago that Malkin is an anchor baby, child of immigrants here on student visas that expired and then they didn’t leave? I am sort of intrigued at this (seeing as my green card expires next month and I am going to have to renew it).
Laura W
@colleeniem: I would’ve taken Patience in a heartbeat! I’m so glad you beat me to it. Check her out next to this darling guy I used to share my life with. Identical posturing! No way in hell to walk away from those kind of kitties for me.
Omygawd, I want that fluffy kitty.
Why do most dogs have that perfect “Who? Moi? look on their face when they caught getting into mischief?
The Cat Who Would Be Tunch
What’s a yinzer?
@Laura W: When she finally came out from under the bed and demonstrated her proclivity to showing her belly, I totally thought of the picture of Walter on BJ from a couple months back.
I forgot how great (and frustrating!) having a cat is. Serving a cat, that is (per litlebrit;).
Sen. John Ensign on Sotomayor nomination
The American judicial system is a towering example of freedom and liberty to the world. Throughout the confirmation process, I will work with my colleagues and thoroughly review Judge Sotomayor’s record to make sure she has the right intellect and understands the proper role of a judge — to interpret and apply the written law, not to decide cases based on personal feelings, politics or preferences.
Just saw the premier of Night at the Museum 2. All the stars were there. It’s better than the first one … very creative, funny lines.
Laura W
@colleeniem: oooooohhhhhh!
You made me gasp and tear up a bit in the remembering of the W Cat. That was sweet of you.
Patience is gorgeous and I know she will bring you so much joy and laughter. Adopting adult cats is just the best. Not that adopting kittens isn’t also the best. It’s all best.
The Cat Who Would Be Tunch
By the way, John, I have to say that I see remnants of your 2002-2006 persona in this post. We just saw the nomination of a justice who would be the first Hispanic on SCOTUS if confirmed. Meanwhile, you put up yet more pictures of pet cats and dogs. What about the minority pets, huh? Throw up somebody’s kangaroo or giraffe. They need some blog lovin’, too. Or is “empathy” still a dirty word in your vocabulary?
Joshua Norton
I SWEAR that two years later I am still finding beanies in various places.
I have the same thing going with Philips head screwdrivers. I bought one in 1992 and I now have 14 of them.
@The Cat Who Would Be Tunch: That is so funny you would say that. I had a dream the other night that I had adopted an Emu (which only goes to prove my dream life is as weird as my awake life) and that I couldn’t wait for John to post a picture of it, so SHE could be a Balloon-Juice star.
The Cat Who Would Be Tunch: A yinzer is a native Pittsburgher with a deep Western PA accent and dialect. A dialect which has as one of its centerpieces the word “yinz” or “you’uns.”. It’s like “y’all” in the south. We call someone with the thick accent and who doesn’t clean up the dialect a yinzer.
You mean there’s something other than Malkin and Crosby worth discussing the last few weeks?
Datsyuk, Cleary, Osgood, and half of the Swedish National Team.
By the way, John, I have to say that I see remnants of your 2002-2006 persona in this post. We just saw the nomination of a justice who would be the first Hispanic on SCOTUS if confirmed. Meanwhile, you put up yet more pictures of pet cats and dogs. What about the minority pets, huh? Throw up somebody’s kangaroo or giraffe. They need some blog lovin’, too. Or is “empathy” still a dirty word in your vocabulary?
He’s never posted a pic of the handicapped, either, despite my sending them to him.
Laura W
@Bad Horse’s Filly: Did you notice how I avoided your Jump question for so long?
I could give you all sorts of lame and bogus reasons why I’ve not jumped in a couple weeks, but I think the truth is that I got bored. I do plan to get back to it. “Soon”.
I posted a recap to you weeks ago in one of the horse race threads, I think? Or maybe a hockey thread? But it’s pretty irrelevant by now anyway. I decided it was good for 20-30 min of jumping in place every other day for lower body building/toning work and little more for me. I could never walk/run/dance/turn around on them. I’m a spazz on them.
The good news is that I’ve really stepped up the pace and difficulty (hills hills hills) of my walks and added wrist weights so, you know, all is not lost. I just don’t trust those jumps and keep fearing I’m gonna break an ankle on them. And if I couldn’t walk daily? I’d be so screwed. So screwed.
I live in Seattle and we’ve had sunbreaks for almost 4 days in a row. Beat that!
@Laura W: Oh no worries! Work was so crazy I took 2 weeks off from everything. This weekend I caught up though. Cycled every day, jumped a couple of times, took a long walk through the countryside. I am renewed.
I can only jump 20 minutes, too – it’s more a brain thing, I think, than a physical limitation. I found out something helpful, they did a study (Australian) and you get a better workout on the Kangoos if you do them slower, instead of faster (say a fast walk vs a full run). There was a long scientific explanation, blah, blah, blah. What I got out of it was slower = more calories burned.
So maybe that will help – slower=safer.
Edit: Also I’ve run in them over some very tricky surfaces, tripped up over curbs and have yet to lose my balance (though one overly enthusiastic dog almost did me in). I think there is something in the balance that keeps you upright, really. Trust me.
@Laura W: Wow that sounds dirty alright! Sign me up.
The minute I put in my rainwater collection system, the week’s worth of rain turned into unseasonably warm (107!) temps here in N Cal. Send your rain here, I got a $100 barrel all set up and only 10% full.
Pictures of heeler puppies must always include the inevitable evidence of destruction.
Where I live there has been drought for the last 10 years, and it’s gonna get worse. Consider yourself lucky.
Two prominent attorneys who argued on opposite sides of Bush vs. Gore, the legal battle over the 2000 presidential election, announced Tuesday that they will challenge Proposition 8 in federal court and seek to restore gay marriage until the case is decided.
Former U.S. Solicitor General Theodore B. Olson and David Boies, who represented then-Vice President Al Gore in the contested election, have joined forces to tackle the same-sex marriage issue, which has deeply divided Californians and left 18,000 gay couples married last year in legal isolation.
Lulu's Dad
The heeler’s name is Lulu. Fisrt dog I’ve ever had as a puppy. Alot of work, but she’s smart and I have high hopes.
Ash Can
@BDeevDad: Whenever I heard Ted Olson speak during that whole 2000 election debacle, I thought the world would be a far better place if there were more Republicans like him. When I heard that his wife was among the 9/11 victims, I felt awful for him. He’s one of the good ones.
Theodore B. Olson
Olson? Am I gonna have to revise my opinion of a man I have always despised?
(ETA: Agreed with Ash Can regarding Barbara’s death and Ted’s loss. That was something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.)
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Been raining for four days here, but it’s summertime in Florida, so what do you expect. I’ve got a picture of Wally going Galt in a pile of clothes to send to you, John, but this will do for now. Also, Captain Ed needs to read his Bible more closely.
We need rain. I love all the pics of animals going Galt. Incertus, good blog entry on the whole Prop 8 decision.
Other than a marine layer this morning (burned off by noon), southern California has been gorgeous since I got back from Vegas yesterday. And Vegas was quite nice too, not yet into the triple digit heat.
No rain this year. Or last year, for that matter. So, we’ll be stealing your extra water, if you don’t mind.
I think we’re just making up for the last couple of years here. There are still water restrictions in effect for lots of Broward and Dade counties. Even so, heavy rain + Florida drivers + I-595 = a big pile of suck. And I’m about to get in it to go home.
When they have the chance, most animals go Galt. The weather in GA has been sticky with occasional rain for weeks. The good news is that the water restrictions might be lessened but who the hell cares. We were allowed to stand outside with a hose and hold it while watering 25 minutes three days a week and now why bother. I’m beginning to miss the days of the drought.
We’re just starting to get your rain now in CT, supposed to hang in for four days last time I checked; on the upside, will help the new perennials I planted settle in.
I love the first pic! Food question, I have to make some stuff for the reception after my DH’s final HS band concert (its tradition!) Anyhoo I am making a strawberry trifle (san sherry unfortunately due to it being HS), and vol au vents (sp?) I am going to be making 48 vol au vents, 24 of which are going to be tiny shrimp in mari rose sauce (homemade), but I do not know whether or not to do the other 24 that way or to try something different. What do you guys think (and does anyone have any other recipes other than fiddling with sauteeing mushrooms?) I am thinking perhaps smoked salmon chopped with cucumber, or a simple egg salad (egg mayo in the UK), halp!
Laura W
Cattle Dawg!
Darling Kitty.
Rain 5 days in a row here…humid as HELL. I don’t do humidity.
I’m afraid to ask (and you probably won’t answer…)
Change of mind on Jillie G. Cole?
Edit: Annie, you do know there is a whole series of Tunch Being (Doing?) His Royal Nothingness on video from last weekend?
The first cat is fantastic, but not Tunch. I do wait for my weekly picture, rain or no rain. The week is just not the same without Tunch.
Any second cat in the picture?????
National Review editorial on Sotomayor
Kathryn Jean Lopez
Fred Thompson Twitter Post
Obnoxious, repellant, and nauseating blowhard Tucker Carlson is launching a right-leaning news site resembling the Huffington Post
Did you see the Tunch Film Festival on Friday night? Or are we re-booting since it’s now Monday? I think we need our Daily Tunch, personally… he needs to make his appearance as much as John, et al.
PS) I also love the second pic cause there is toy guts all over the floor, I know all about that, there are regularly toy guts all over my living room floor as well as all over my yard (and sofa pillow guts, and sofa guts), it is quite hilarious when the DH is cutting the grass and all of a sudden there is a snow storm of toy guts all over the place. I bought the dogs this purple teddy bear thingy at the dollar store a while ago, Cueball took it outside and left it in the grass, DH was mowing the lawn and in an instant he was surrounded by toy guts and purple fluff, his expression was priceless!
PS) Never EVER go to the thrift store and see a beanie baby for 50 cents and think “that would make a good dog toy” because you will be finding beanies EVERYWHERE, and I mean everywhere in your slippers, in your shoes, in the bath, in the bed, and even in your underwear, beanie babies are the debil. I bought one about two years ago and Cueball killed it, I SWEAR that two years later I am still finding beanies in various places.
My dog has destroyed three of those porcupine thingys.
I have that same stuffing all over my house.
What a handsome guy.
Weather in western Oregon has finally turned gorgeous. I’ll tell you how my dearly beloved dog goes Galt once I start gardening. He eats up all the Sluggo snail bait I put around my plants like it was candy. It’s the kind that’s won’t poison pets, but it’s still not a dietary item. And no, the eggshells
don’t work. He goes in and munches those, too. Then the other day I left a bucket on the patio with boxes of my organic fertilizers in it, one of them being bone meal. This morning I found the box of bone meal opened and a good quantity missing, just like a big long nose had been in it.
Dumb dog. Another reason it’s wise to use the organic stuff.
and my edit about beanie babys was moderated why?
shallow saucers of beer. Works like a charm or so I am told. *hic*
My little part of WPA has been juuuuust far enough north to have avoided the worst of the rain. I only got some short showers and lots of cloudy skies today. Meanwhile, the Pens game is starting and Cowher is supposed to be there to do the siren for the Hurricanes. People here are pretty pissed. They are wearing t-shirts that say “Traitorous Cowhered.” He’ll need body armor the next time he shows up at his parents’ place in Crafton. And yes, I’m aware of the spelling issue on the t-shirts. That’s exactly what you should expect of your average yinzer.
That is my kitty, Patience. She’s a new addition to the family (four weeks at my house, but she’s approx 6 yrs old) from the rescue shelter. She is very excited about being balloon juice famous! Further, I credit the Furminator w/any and all affectionate behavior towards me (+ feeding).
You can’t see it in the picture, but she has some crazy green eyes, which just made me fall in love.
@geg6: yinzer.
One of my fellow cuberats is a yinzer. I have heard nothing but Crosby and Malkin for weeks.
demcat620: You mean there’s something other than Malkin and Crosby worth discussing the last few weeks? Hmmm, I hadn’t noticed. :)
neddie jingo
Here in Virginia, the rain and cool weather’s making the Creeper go absolutely NUTS. Three days of rain predicted, and I’m going insane trying to rescue the blackberries from the Creeper. It’s like Life in the Rainforest.
Went to the doctor Friday for a routine visit. She noted my scratched-up forearms: “What caused that?” “The fucking CREEPER, that’s what!”
She made sympathetic noises. We all know about the Creeper.
Yaaaay for you rescuing a baby from death row. I hope she is showing the usual amount of cat gratitude, ie ignoring you and treating you like the staff.
Two days of rain and you’re complaining? Pussy. Just be glad it’s actually raining. Them folks to the South of us are going to have one long, hot and very dry summer.
Hundreds of thousands of some of the nation’s best farmland left fallow; rivers running dry and firestorms like the Rapture is all about fire.
could somebody expand on a brief post a couple of days ago that Malkin is an anchor baby, child of immigrants here on student visas that expired and then they didn’t leave? I am sort of intrigued at this (seeing as my green card expires next month and I am going to have to renew it).
Laura W
@colleeniem: I would’ve taken Patience in a heartbeat! I’m so glad you beat me to it. Check her out next to this darling guy I used to share my life with. Identical posturing! No way in hell to walk away from those kind of kitties for me.
Omygawd, I want that fluffy kitty.
Why do most dogs have that perfect “Who? Moi? look on their face when they caught getting into mischief?
The Cat Who Would Be Tunch
What’s a yinzer?
@Laura W: When she finally came out from under the bed and demonstrated her proclivity to showing her belly, I totally thought of the picture of Walter on BJ from a couple months back.
I forgot how great (and frustrating!) having a cat is. Serving a cat, that is (per litlebrit;).
Sen. John Ensign on Sotomayor nomination
Sen. John Ensign Twitter post
Laura W
@colleeniem: oooooohhhhhh!
You made me gasp and tear up a bit in the remembering of the W Cat. That was sweet of you.
Patience is gorgeous and I know she will bring you so much joy and laughter. Adopting adult cats is just the best. Not that adopting kittens isn’t also the best. It’s all best.
The Cat Who Would Be Tunch
By the way, John, I have to say that I see remnants of your 2002-2006 persona in this post. We just saw the nomination of a justice who would be the first Hispanic on SCOTUS if confirmed. Meanwhile, you put up yet more pictures of pet cats and dogs. What about the minority pets, huh? Throw up somebody’s kangaroo or giraffe. They need some blog lovin’, too. Or is “empathy” still a dirty word in your vocabulary?
Joshua Norton
I have the same thing going with Philips head screwdrivers. I bought one in 1992 and I now have 14 of them.
Bad Horse's Filly
@The Cat Who Would Be Tunch: That is so funny you would say that. I had a dream the other night that I had adopted an Emu (which only goes to prove my dream life is as weird as my awake life) and that I couldn’t wait for John to post a picture of it, so SHE could be a Balloon-Juice star.
The Cat Who Would Be Tunch: A yinzer is a native Pittsburgher with a deep Western PA accent and dialect. A dialect which has as one of its centerpieces the word “yinz” or “you’uns.”. It’s like “y’all” in the south. We call someone with the thick accent and who doesn’t clean up the dialect a yinzer.
J. Michael Neal
Datsyuk, Cleary, Osgood, and half of the Swedish National Team.
He’s never posted a pic of the handicapped, either, despite my sending them to him.
Laura W
@Bad Horse’s Filly: Did you notice how I avoided your Jump question for so long?
I could give you all sorts of lame and bogus reasons why I’ve not jumped in a couple weeks, but I think the truth is that I got bored. I do plan to get back to it. “Soon”.
I posted a recap to you weeks ago in one of the horse race threads, I think? Or maybe a hockey thread? But it’s pretty irrelevant by now anyway. I decided it was good for 20-30 min of jumping in place every other day for lower body building/toning work and little more for me. I could never walk/run/dance/turn around on them. I’m a spazz on them.
The good news is that I’ve really stepped up the pace and difficulty (hills hills hills) of my walks and added wrist weights so, you know, all is not lost. I just don’t trust those jumps and keep fearing I’m gonna break an ankle on them. And if I couldn’t walk daily? I’d be so screwed. So screwed.
I live in Seattle and we’ve had sunbreaks for almost 4 days in a row. Beat that!
Bad Horse's Filly
@Laura W: Oh no worries! Work was so crazy I took 2 weeks off from everything. This weekend I caught up though. Cycled every day, jumped a couple of times, took a long walk through the countryside. I am renewed.
I can only jump 20 minutes, too – it’s more a brain thing, I think, than a physical limitation. I found out something helpful, they did a study (Australian) and you get a better workout on the Kangoos if you do them slower, instead of faster (say a fast walk vs a full run). There was a long scientific explanation, blah, blah, blah. What I got out of it was slower = more calories burned.
So maybe that will help – slower=safer.
Edit: Also I’ve run in them over some very tricky surfaces, tripped up over curbs and have yet to lose my balance (though one overly enthusiastic dog almost did me in). I think there is something in the balance that keeps you upright, really. Trust me.
Laura W
@Bad Horse’s Filly:
I’m back on them. Tomorrow! 20 min slow and hard. I can do that.
(Sounds sexy, huh?)
i saw somewhere ensign is thinking of making a run for 2012. otherwise, he’s an idiot to be so condescending coming from nevada.
Bad Horse's Filly
@Laura W: Wow that sounds dirty alright! Sign me up.
The minute I put in my rainwater collection system, the week’s worth of rain turned into unseasonably warm (107!) temps here in N Cal. Send your rain here, I got a $100 barrel all set up and only 10% full.
Pictures of heeler puppies must always include the inevitable evidence of destruction.
Where I live there has been drought for the last 10 years, and it’s gonna get worse. Consider yourself lucky.
@Laura W:
9 days straight. The rain gauge, though leaky, showed over a foot last thursday. Crybaby.
Prop 8 is going federal with some big guns:
Lulu's Dad
The heeler’s name is Lulu. Fisrt dog I’ve ever had as a puppy. Alot of work, but she’s smart and I have high hopes.
Ash Can
@BDeevDad: Whenever I heard Ted Olson speak during that whole 2000 election debacle, I thought the world would be a far better place if there were more Republicans like him. When I heard that his wife was among the 9/11 victims, I felt awful for him. He’s one of the good ones.
Olson? Am I gonna have to revise my opinion of a man I have always despised?
(ETA: Agreed with Ash Can regarding Barbara’s death and Ted’s loss. That was something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.)