I’ll note with glee that Bill Kristol’s jockstrap, Michael Goldfarb, appears to be just as fast and loose with the facts as his boss:
So Goldfarb’s snide comments about Sotomayor teaching her own class and grading her own work seem to be completely baseless: she didn’t teach the class.
It is, however, increasingly clear why Goldfarb’s Princeton career didn’t go the way Sonia Sotomayor’s did, and it has less to do with Sotomayor receiving “preferential treatment” than with Goldfarb’s limited reading comprehension abilities.
With Goldgarb’s history of accuracy, I simply have no idea why Fred Hiatt is not paying him for an occasional column.
The paying part is probably the deal breaker.
max hats
Wait, Goldfarb went to Princeton? How the hell??
Preferential treatment no doubt.
gypsy howell
They just can’t seem to help making complete asses of themselves.
Hey, I can spout mindless drivel, too. Where’s my check, George Soros?
Oh whatever. The great thing about these baseless bullshit “factoids” is that the rumor gets out there far more pervasively than the debunking. It’s the beauty of gossip.
It’s exhausting because every time you hear another one of these lies you have to run over to FactCheck.org or Snopes or something to figure out what horrible distortion of reality they’ve just committed.
Irony Abounds
Bill Kristol’s jockstrap? That explains why Goldfarb has such a tiny intellect.
Goldfarb is just too good on TV to be bothered with some piddly column.
Mike P
@max hats:
Remember Rove the other day talking about lots of dummies going to Ivy League schools? More like this please.
Comrade Darkness
I went to Princeton but somehow I never got to teach my own class, or grade my own work.
Twice in college I TAed the class I was taking. I did the assignments just to come up with an answer key for grading. If I did that twice, slacker that I am, I can’t imagine it’s that rare. Professors care most about ability to convey knowledge/technique, or good ones do.
Andrew J. Lazarus
Student Initiated Seminars have been around at Princeton since, I believe, the protest era of the 1960s. They were certainly around by the time Sotomayor (and Yours Truly) were there.
How old is Goldfarb? It’s hard to believe they have been abolished. More likely the fucktard flunked out before reading the course schedule.