Via commenter freelancer, Debbie Shlussel has fulfilled the Lopezian prophecy I spoke of earlier:
Our President chose this chick because like, J-Lo, she’s a Puerto Ricana from South Bronx who went from rags to semi-riches. And that’s it. That’s the whole reason. What a joke. Guess I’m gonna have to refer to her as “Justice J-Lo,” once she gets confirmed by the Democrat dominated Senate. After all, neither J-Lo or So-So have set any remarkable legal precedent in their lives. Neither have achieved legal greatness, and one of ’em is about to become a legal Supreme.
[….]Don’t be fooled by the robe that I got
I’m still, I’m still Sonia from the block
Used to have a little, now I have a lot
No matter where I go, I know where I came from (South-Side Bronx!) . . .I’m down to earth like this
Rockin this business
I’ve grown up so much
I’m in control and loving it [Translation: I set policy from the bench and laugh about it in a videotaped speech]….
I am surprised that it took this long, but the Shlussel post exceeded my expectations.
Bill E Pilgrim
Well, at least the fact that we can still predict what they’ll say pretty much verbatim means that Winguttery hasn’t morphed into an entirely random form. Yet.
I guess the dictum of chaos theory would apply here: What seems on the surface to be random activity on closer scrutiny is revealed to be completely insane.
But, you know, predictably so.
Col. Klink
Shouldn’t you have used the ‘assholes’ tag for that one?
Debbie Shlussel is as unhinged as Ann Coulter.
From Wiki, here is one of her earlier sad affronts to reason:
Word was that Republicans had put the word out to dial back on the racism. Apparently, Debbie didn’t check her in-box.
I don’t know why, but I hate the female wingers even more than I do the male ones–yes, I do know why. It’s because they double down on the crazy and stupid to prove their street creds. If it’s Malkin, then she has to make up for being a POC as well.
I really want to punch every rightwinger I see or read–even in the shortened form. That is not good as I am a pacifist. Stop laughing! I am. An angry one, true, but a pacifist, nonetheless.
I know that Judge Sotomayor will most likely be confirmed fairly easily, but I hate this undiluted racism. I really do.
Bill E Pilgrim
Undiluted everything, I notice with this “chick” thing, first from Beck and now this nutcase, they’re giving up any pretense of polite discourse and/or going right back to Rat Pack-era manners. I wonder how far off “this broad” will be as the common way for wingnuts to refer to her, which will be especially charming after she’s confirmed and on the bench.
DougJ @ Top:
Exceeded ?
I added it in. Thanks.
Yeah, did I spell it wrong or misuse it somehow?
Deb Shlussel, another fine example of the species known as the self-hating females of wingnuttia. People like her really are sad, pathetic creatures, aren’t they?
Does it make a difference whether this is a Jedi mind trick?
… the “Fan Club” section of her blog:
I’d rather read (or have sex with) Janeane Garofalo, thank you.
The woman seems sadly uninformed about the qualifications to be a Supreme Court justice. What stunning legal precedent or brilliant scholarly work did we see from Alito, or Roberts, or Scalia, or Thomas before they served on the bench?
This pundit isn’t even any good at punditing.
What’s even worse IMHO is that not one of the commenters on the article bothers to tell her what a stupid racist jackass she is. Perhaps all sane people have given up on trying to reason with such hackitude.
It’s hard to reason with someone who isn’t hindered by things like facts, logic, and, er, reason in the first place. This is why it’s pointless to argue with small children.
Unfortunately, right-wingers, unlike toddlers, have media outlets and members of Congress.
What a little homunculous.
Mentis Fugit
We know what you mean, but “exceeded” usually implies “surpassed in an upward direction.”
If you define “idiotic” as “up”, then it makes perfect sense, no?
Bill E Pilgrim
Made perfect sense to me. You predicted that some nutwinger would equate Jennifer Lopez and Sonia Sotomayor, and one of them fulfilled the prediction and then some.
I love that in that post Shlussel declares flatly that there’s no difference between Sotomayor (Princeton Summa Cum Laude, Yale Law School, appelate court, many years of judicial experience) and Jennifer Lopez, that each are equally qualified as nominee for the Supreme Court. They’re both latina she says, “And that’s it. That’s the whole reason.”
Since she could easily have fulfilled the prophecy by simply posting some snark that Sonia “seems like J Lo” or something, I’d say Shlussel actually spelling out the depths of her ignorance in detail really was well above and beyond the call.
Via Sully Sotomayor, in a dissent, supports racist white guy.
Now what, bitches?
harlana pepper
I am so sick of the whining. Well, or not. Keep it up is typically my motto, but I just got through reading the freeper comments on the Tiller assassination.
Anyway, what the fuck would these people do if they got EVERY SINGLE THING they wanted anyway? They would have nothing to bitch about. Okay, I know they would find something,
They thrive on a sense of persecution for being white & christian. I am both. I have felt abused and mistreated in life, but I don’t go around looking for “enemies” to blame my fuck-ups and suffering on – I just try to work it out myself because I KNOW there is much work to be done and it’s my choice to make something good out of this life. I realize it is a joke to expect any self-reflection from these people, but I’m just disgusted (since I’m surrounded by so many of these fools).
Hence, the lack of patience for the whining and scapegoating, they can suck it. Suck it hard, big whiny ass titty babies celebrating murder. Fuckers
Schlussel is a nutjob from way back, whether she’s spouting off about homosexuality in the WNBA (according to her they’re all lesbians) or how her opponent in some local election wasn’t “Jewish enough”. She is a total loonie toon.
@harlana pepper: If they got everything they want, they’d just ramp it up to 11.
For instance, once brown people were sufficiently kept in their place, suddenly the Irish, Italians, and Eastern Europeans will go back to not being “white”.
And once atheists and Muslims are kept in their place, they would all stop pretending they are okay with Jews, Catholics and Protestants would rediscover all the stuff they disagree about, etc.
What moves them is defining who is different, other, and bad. It’s how they feel good about themselves, seeing themselves as the select few ubermensch.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Both women remind Li’l Debbie that in the grand scheme of things she’s a big old failure and they are far more famous than she will ever be, even if she stops teasing her fans and finally posts nude photos on her blog.
harlana pepper
how about “Suck On This”
The very next day after the original posting wondering how long it would take for a J-Lo comparison, a commenter here said the NY Post had a “Sonia from the block” hed and offered a screenshot. I thought you’d forgotten about it.
harlana pepper
I know, I know. The scariest part is that they are reproducing like rabbits, spawning little hate-mongers all over the place, home-schooling them, and encouraging everybody to not even practice birth control. This makes my head explode. I’m not looking forward to the wave of future little Hitler youths knocking off people they don’t like.
@harlana pepper:
Thankfully this way of living is not genetic. Sure, it’s hard to beat the nurture aspect with this kind of nonsense. But look at the polling information. The march of progress is slow, but it is unstoppable.
I remember a PBS show I watched documenting the lives of two boys in (I think) Kentucky. In a town where the school teacher specifically denigrates the topic of evolution as she teaches it (“we all know that that’s not what the Bible says!”), even a 14 year old boy who wanted to grow up to be a priest had no problem with gay people.
I think it is probably a specific combination of genetics and nurture that gives you the kind of psyche that contains the absolute fear of the world that is required to be a true wingnut. I wouldn’t be surprised if the ~20% range for wingnut attitudes is probably roughly constant.
joe from Lowell
Because Debbie Schlussel can’t see anything about this woman other than her ethnic background, that means Barack Obama couldn’t, either.
A trip to Deb’s site is about as harrowing an experience as visiting that of insane Pam “Atlas Shruggs” Geller. They don’t call ’em “wingnuts” for nothing. These people are crazy.
wow what a bitch… I might been tempted to go “ghetto” on shlussels ass if I was Sotomayor and cut that bitch. After all she is Sonia from the block.
I just read in the last week or so in one of Steven Pinker’s books that our personalities are 50% the result of genetics, 45% the influence of those our age/our life experience and only 5% is from the influence of parents.
It’s supposed to be funny. Like all conservative humor, it’s not, but it’s meant to be.
To be funny, you have to say something
1. original, or, new take on old idea
2. that is true
Conservatives miss on both counts. That right wing humor is almost always mean-spirited and never self-deprecating probably doesn’t help either.
I read that Sotomayor has a sense of humor, or so her former clerks say. Maybe she can help her detractors come up with something original and true, and….funny.
the question “what would they do if they got everything they want” is one that might be sort of answered by comparing their behavior to that of an abusive boyfriend/husband. The goalposts would just. keep. moving. Every compromise, everything we would give up, would provoke a retaliatory demand for something even more. Until we have a actual taliban-like society or handmaid’s tale – along those lines. It would probably still not be good enough.
kommrade reproductive vigor
@harlana pepper: Nah. When those kids hit their teens a lot of them will rebel against mom and dad. We’ll be knee deep in DFHs in ten years.
Wait five years and then buy stock in patchouli manufactures.
Does it matter that she made the right call?
Bill E Pilgrim
Nah, they’ll just say “See, she supports racism, we told you”.
Hey I didn’t invent it, it’s wingnut logic.
There’s almost some truth to my snark, they never see themselves as the racists, thus they can cite “David Duke” as some extreme example as if they’re somehow far, far from him. So they can cite racism as extremists on either side, while missing the obvious fact of their own racism.
@Montysano: Well certainly I would prefer her rulings to be “the right call”, even if that call is counter to my preferences. And I certainly think that in this case, the individual has the right to distribute racist literature in their personal time and not have it cost them their job.
But more to the point, as in Ricci, the cons don’t want the “right call”. They want the one that suits their ideology. And by that standard, this case should make her acceptable to them. That it doesn’t tells you all you need to know about their true objections – brown women are by definition not qualified end of story.
I’m just stymied by the Jo-Lo comparison, anyway. It’s not like Jo-Lo got to where she is just because she’s a latina woman.
From Wikipedia:
Her breakthrough?
I’m not saying Sotomayor is J-Lo redux – but I’m saying that the comparison isn’t unflattering. Two women who started in modest circumstances, who rose to the tops of their professions based on talent, dedication, and hard work.
Ain’t America grand? Despite 40 years of Republicans trying to turn back progress.
Expect to hear this from the GOP (Got Our Pimpsticks) during the Sotomayor confirmation hearings and for the Willie Wetleg Democrats to not say this.
Schlussel is a Coulter wannabe. Only difference is she believes everything she says.
Ed in NJ
Debbie Schlussel was a crazy call-in to the Howard Stern show back around the millenium. She would blather on about Jihad while Howard would ask her about her sex life. 9/11 was a career opportunity for her. I haven’t listened to Stern in years, but I still remember how crazy she was. This doesn’t surprise me.
oh, this “they’re all the same to me” line of logic just keeps on giving.
i’m watching the GOP’s numbers among the latino/a population dropping and i’ll tell ya, it fills me with an indescribable glee.
@Gex: Actually he mailed the racist materials to the police department itself, several times. They caught him when he sent the materials with a coded envelope.
Sorry, but in this case, I don’t think free speech protections don’t apply to police officers that are sworn to uphold the law and apply justice equally among all people. If a department has reason to believe that one of their own will practice racial bias on the job, they should be free to take appropriate action.
This Debbie chick also used the “So-So” nickname I predicted! I was guessing it would be Limbaugh to do it, but whatever. The predictability is awesome. Can we make money on this at Tradesports or something?
This Debbie chick also used the “So-So” nickname I predicted! I was guessing it would be Limbaugh to do it, but whatever. The predictability is awesome. Can we make money on this at Tradesports or something?
Yesterday I was driving home from the store, and there was an SUV in front of me with one of those pissing Calvin stickers. Pissing on the words, “La Migra”. I wanted to follow this person so I could have a nice discussion about Sotomayor’s appointment, but I didn’t want to talk to a racist fuckwit, so I didn’t.
I have no proof, but I would venture a guess that the driver of that SUV would find a person of Puerto Rican (that is to say, American) heritage to be an unacceptable Supreme Court nominee.
Wayne T
I can only think of Debbie Schlussel through the lens of those wacked out interviews she gave to Howard Stern. He even got her to confess she was still a virgin at like 33 years old…..explains alot
I noticed she did finally get a makeover though –
Or bitch, spic, wetback….you know it’s coming, just too impossible to know from who. Insanely, there’s at least a dozen peeps I can think of.
Number one on my list? Neal Fuckin Boortz
but I love the way she says “Geee-haaaaaad” in that precious midwestern accent.
Man these people make my heritage a stereotype.
Shlussel, ya Racist biotch, leave the airwaves before we get tempted to cock-block your sponsors and hack your servers to redirect to GLAAD and Towel Road sites.
srsly, i’m all for free speech, but it has to make sense.
Uh, “La Migra” is a common Mexican term for US Immigration. How they feel about Puerto Ricans, I can’t say, but they might be on your side on the Sotomayor issue.
D’oh. Don’t know what I was thinking of. Of course you are right, and it’s not the forst proof that I am an idiot.
El Cruzado
IIRC technically “La Migra” refers to immigration enforcement (immigration police? I forget what’s their official name) not to the paper pushers in immigration offices.
Comrade Darkness
Uh, “La Migra” is a common Mexican term for US Immigration. How they feel about Puerto Ricans, I can’t say, but they might be on your side on the Sotomayor issue.
Honest question here, can you immigrate from Puerto Rico? Can I immigrate from Washington D.C. (not a state) to Pennsylvania (state)? That doesn’t seem like the right word. I’d be tempted to apply a different word for the U.S. territories: American Samoa, D.C.,Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and the Midway Atoll. Otherwise, what’s the point of a territory anyway if there is no status difference?
@ItAintEazy: Well if that is the case, I’m in agreement with you. But my main point, that the right should be pleased with Sotomayor’s opinion in this case. Mysteriously, they are not.
@Comrade Darkness: While Puerto Ricans may be immigrants to New York in a demographic sense, they are not immigrants in any legal sense. They have been US Citizens since 1917.
Da Bomb
@asiangrrlMN: I completely agree with you. The first time I heard Ann Coulter speak, it made my ears bleed. Even when I have the unfortunate event of meeting a crazed, frothing at the mouth right-winged creature know as the “female conservative” I just feel more stupid being exposed to their thoughtless close-minded rambling which makes me want to kick her in the throat.
Just sayin’…
Comrade Sock Puppet of the Great Satan
“Commentator, Debbie Schlussel is the VRWC’s latest and greatest sexy, blonde, and beautiful commentator.”
That’s why the portrait on her site is airbrushed in photoshop to the point it looks like your browser window has myopia, of course.
Do they grow these wingnutettes in a vat somewhere?
Shorter Debbie Schlussel: We don’t need no stinking Latino votes!
Naah. It’s sicker than that. Many cons wouldn’t know a consistent ideology if it bit them in the ass. They don’t want the “right call.” They want the one that lets them maintain their comfort zones.
The irony here is that the Bush Administration was actually fairly diverse with respect to race and gender. But they all had to buy into the elitist frat boy mindset.
And for wingnuts, buying into the conservative oligarch fantasy purifies you of race, gender, perhaps even sexuality.
Wingnuts loved Alberto Gonzales and Clarence Thomas and Colin Powell because they had received the official GOP Certified Loyal American seal of approval.
The wingnuts are basically repeating on a national level what Governor Pete Wilson did in California when he decided that Mexican bashing was electoral gold. Now CA Hispanics vote massively Democratic, and the GOP are a crabby 30% rump in Sacramento who can’t do anything except paralyze the state budget.
I suppose there’s a moral in there somewhere.
Media Matters’ blog just picked it up.
But Debbie being Debbie, there’s no chance of her walking this one back. She’s going to castigate the “whiny” left for not having a sense of humor, then she’s going to double down.
In the next 24-48 hours, she’s going to have an unrelated post, where she criticizes the left for demonizing/mocking the Judeo-Christian pro-life movement, and blames liberals for the lack of civility in the public discourse.
I think I need to get the hell out of these people’s heads. It’s not healthy.
I know there’s no reason to expect a whiff of consistency from these folks, but I’m pretty sure that Sotomayor having set a “remarkable legal precedent” would count as disqualifying judicial activism to Schlussel’s fellow wingnuts. Judging isn’t exactly a profession known for “remarkable” achievements.
Too bad the confirmation hearings’ll be before SNL comes back, otherwise we could’ve got a spoof w/ an unannounced cameo by Jennifer herself as Sonia.
Before anyone barks: Yeah, I know she doesn’t actually resemble her, the point would be the inevitably idiotic tone of the discussion. The presentation of this comparison would just be a bonus for us nerds.
Wile E. Quixote
I wouldn’t fuck that festering, hate-filled sack of human sewage with Rush Limbaugh’s limp dick.
It should be obvious to everyone out there that the only reason why women such as Lil’ Debbie, Malkin and Coulter have any traction is because conservatives are sexually repressed and married to women who won’t put out (which makes sense when you look at these disgusting bastards, would you want to have sex with them?). I’d be willing to bet that quite a few tube socks, pillow cases, paper towels, etc have been filled with semen by conservatives wanking themselves while fantasizing about Lil’ Debbie, Coulter and/or Malkin, especially after Malkin put out the cheerleader video.
bruce k
I guess the really shocking thing is that racists like Schussel and all the other Tancredos/Liddys of the world think that it’s OK to spew their racist hate with such gusto.
I’m not surprised racism exists, but I’m pretty shocked that the media finds it mainstream.
it is painfully evident that those who cry the loudest about moral injustices are the ones guilty of it. and we have the intertube web thingy video to prove it.
death to the gop!
also i had sex with palin and it left a lot to be desired.
im just sayin.
Schussel’s grammar is appalling:
“neither J-Lo or So-So have …”
two errors just in that one phrase – what an illiterate blowhard
They oughta lock her in a basement and throw away the Schlussel!
(joke for us Germans)
Shlussel needs to keep writing this badly so no one will ever read her stuff ever again.
I forgot who J-Lo is, but I’m purty shore that she ain’t got nuthin’ to do with th’ Supremes or Diana Ross. How come Schussel is so innnerested in the Bronks an’ all the Porta Riccans they got there? She sounds like she jes’ got chose last for softball!
They oughta lock her in a basement and throw away the Schlussel!
Nicht Wahr.
How come Schussel is so innnerested in the Bronks …
The Broncks have been dead for awhile
Wile E. Quixote @64
Next time, can you please put a BIG FUCKING WARNING SIGN before you post something like that? My dinner almost made a return visit, you bastard.
Peter Principle
Word was that Republicans had put the word out to dial back on the racism.
That’s like asking KFC to dial back on the chicken frying.
OMG, I could call Judge Sotomayor either Juan Martin del Potro or Gabriela Sabatini for the rest of my life and not get as bad as that.
The Populist
She’s always been dumb. Debbie is a nobody who says dumb ass shit just to get attention.