I’m blogged out, I had my teeth cleaned today and no matter how delicate the Hygienist is, my teeth always hurt, and I’m getting ready for the Pens. It has been a wild couple of days, so here are some pet pics.
This is Tunch’s doppelgänger that was sent in the other day:
An alternative pet:
Your guess is as good as mine as to what is going on here:
Have at it. No abortion comments, I’m sick of that topic.
Laura W
Oh John…deep sigh.
I was sitting here thinking that if we ever needed a pet thread, it was NOW.
(And IMO, this is one of the things that makes you an exceptional host blogger. You know when to mix it up and when to take it down.)
Warm salt water for the sore gums.
Little zingy, but it’s worth it.
Third Eye Open
Tequila for the gums, and Fat Tire for the game, Fuck the Wings!
The Grand Panjandrum
Miss Nuclear Beauty 2009 named!
Jeez, that DOES look like Tunch. Spooky.
My friends came over with their 5-month old Boston the other night — cute little dog. He’s mostly housetrained, but due to the excitement of visiting, he forgot himself and had a giant dump on my dining room floor.
The funny thing is that some other friends had been visiting a month prior, with their little son, who is still in diapers. He was having fun running around the house, when we suddenly hear…nothing. Knowing that the silence means he’s up to something, we peer into the dining room, where he’s squatting under the dining room table, making a load in his diaper.
I have no idea what it is about my dining room that makes everybody shit themselves (it DOES have an awesome view, but neither the toddler nor the pup were tall enough to see it), but I’m wondering if I should put up a warning sign.
Practicing for the metal light pole in the middle of winter.
Three things, tunch is really a neat cat and I wish that he were mine and second it would be a good idea to clean your fridge air grate or whatever it is called. The third thing though is how do I write Sullivan who is showing a perfectly formed child while blogging about any thing else. I left a note below and I am hoping for a reply.
John…I have one dog who will lick anything. A table leg is as good as any other object. Hell, he licks the oriental rug.
If I’m wearing shorts, which is most of the time, he licks the back of my leg when I’m getting dinner for the beasties. Kind of weird at first, but then you get used to it.
Dogs…can’t live with them, definitely can’t live without them.
John Cole
You know how you can tell that is not Tunch? She is standing.
Also, I just started the vacuum cleaner right next to Tunch while he was sound asleep, and he shot about four feet straight into the air in that patented cat “SPROING!”
I wish I had been filming it.
Nah, the cat doesn’t look like Tunch–not enough anger in the eyes.
Go Pens!
@Krista: Just about a year ago I moved into a house close to thirty years old. Little Moxie who never had an accident since I picked her up at the humane society decided to mark her territory in the dining room. It was the only room in the house with carpet. The rest of the house had tile or vinyl. The carpet didn’t last a day. I pulled it up and sprayed the concrete with bleach.
Just in case Moxie is reading, she doesn’t think of herself as little. Her 18 pounds goes a long ways.
Dear god, does Pat Buchanan ever stop yelling?
Why oh why didn’t Barack Obama nominate a white male? They are completely under-represented on the SCOTUS for gawd’s sake?
Little Dreamer
@John Cole:
You pootie torturer, you!
Yay, open thread! I pasted it over in the Gearhead Thread earlier, but anyone catch Richard Wolffe on Tweety’s show tonight?
He was plugging his new Campaign ’08 book, “Renegade”, and dropped a little bombshell: in the limo, on the way to the Capitol on Inauguration Day, President Bush and President-Elect Obama discussed, of all things, Scooter Libby.
And Wolffe claims that Bush told Obama he didn’t pardon Libby because a) he hadn’t show remorse, b) he hadn’t paid a sufficient price, and c) guys like Libby always get off.
Twisted, but, ummm, wow??
@Krista: Yeah. I took the little mutt to the vet yesterday, and it never fails: he took a dump on the examination table. Oh, Yay!! Doesn’t matter that I made sure he dropped about the world’s largest load in the vet’s yard (yes, I cleaned it up) before going in. He always seems to save up some reserves. The fat little dog is a born show-stopper. Kid’s got timing.
Laura W
Speaking of tequila, a friend emailed me yesterday asking if I’d ever had Rosangel hibiscus-infused tequila. NO! Do you think they have it at podunk ABC store in small town, NC? NO! Can you think of a more elitist tequila? Or a more fun one to say aloud? Me neither.
This is for Dennis, wherever he may be:
Tasting Notes: Rosangel yields a complex, perfumed nose with ripe fruits and floral notes, plus hints of vanilla. The palate holds flavors of dried fruits, which leads to a smooth and gentle finish.
I couldn’t just walk into the store and walk out empty-handed so I grabbed some Ketel One Citroen. It’s been a while. Like, 8 months? Must be summer in the south again. Cheers!
Death By Mosquito Truck
I’m really excited about the hockey game. This is the one, I know it.
I made pork chops tonight for the first time in my continuing efforts to cut down on beef. When I was a kid, my mom worked nights at the naval base and my dad would cook dinner. He’d always make pork chops with the huge ring of fat on them and then make us eat the fat. I’d always throw up in my mouth trying to swallow it. Now my son pukes up dinner if he encounters a bean, weirdly.
Go Pens!
Laura W
@Death By Mosquito Truck:
I had two Foreman Grilled organic rib eyes over organic Romaine and grape tomatoes with gorgonzola and blue cheese crumbles in my continuing efforts to cut down on all the fucking abortion talk between my ears since last Sunday afternoon.
Sorry. GO Guys with too much clothing on wearing a stoopid wussy cartoon bird on their chests!
Does the dog live in a household with children? Perhaps a little covert food spillage needed to be tidied up?
I love Pearl the Parakeet! She’s gorgeous.
I’m starting to hear hatchling noises from the swallows’ nest above my back door. Should progress to full-blown squawking pretty soon.
Death By Mosquito Truck
Here I thought the all-abortion-all-the-time site changes were intended to capitalize on the charged nature of the abortion topic to drive hits.
That’s evil. Funny as hell, though.
I feel vaguely optimistic after a cleaning from the reminder that my teeth can still withstand that much abuse.
Dining rooms have irresistible attractions for such behavior because they are usually deserted, unless people are actually sitting there eating dinner.
It’s sounds freaky.. it’s the dining room! But how often is it used for that? Add in the type of furniture that gives an unrivaled field of view (no one likes to be snuck up on in such a case) and you have the classic situation.
Joshua Norton
I’d keep an eye on the doggie licking the table leg. I had a pup that did that once. Turns out he was trying to soften the wood so he could chew on it easier.
I’m just saying….
@JenJen: I loves me some Richard Wolffe. So. Yummy.
@demkat620: Hey Laura! We have a Triad!!
(She’ll fill you in, demkat.)
Laura W
Where is the game? Not on NBC! They’ve got Mrs. Blago playing a celebrity needing to get out of somewhere followed by Bri Bri playing voyeur in the White House.
@JenJen: Oh yeah, Laura’s in the club too. ;)
Joshua Norton
@John Cole: I once had a cat that would go from zero to about 6 feet from a dead sleep whenever I started the vacuum.
I wonder if I hurt his feelings by laughing so hard…
Fancy pants! I’ll have to try it when I can drink booze again.
Forrest Whitaker singing “Dick in a Box” (it’s at 3:01). File that under “Things I Never Thought I’d See”
@Laura W:
that sounds so good.
@Laura W: Since this is an open thread but we are not suppose to mention the A word, I have a question why am I being blocked from sending an email to Sullivan. I simply want to ask him why he shows pictures of perfectly normal fetuses while discussing choice but doesn’t show romantic pictures while discussing gay marriage. This is the note I am trying to send but for some reason it does not accept gmail.. I know you are not a techie but do you have any ideas?
Andrew, I understand that you have problems discussing a females choice whether to carry a fetus to term but I really have a major disagreement with you because you choose to show a perfectly formed child while discussing these awful events. Your religion prevents you from having enough empathy to agree with some of these choices. That is your choice, Now when you are discussing males getting married can you please have a nice picture of them kissing? That’s a simple request and I hope that you will consider it.
Laura W
@JL: No idea but I am pretty sure my mail can go thru. I can try to send it for you via my email addy with your signature if you like?
harlana pepper
Somebody dropped a ham on the floor and it grazed the coffee table leg?
I copied your text, linked to your comment and emailed it to Sullivan from my hotmail address.
Did I miss something or is that our first avian friend in the Pet Follies?
I gotta send you some Red-Bellied pr0n, John.
From “Tunch’s doppelgänger’s ‘dad'” That is the cat that we got from foster care, and which my wife named “Little Girl,” apparently just to watch my discomfort as I call her in from the yard. Thought we lost her in a house fire (we were on vacation in Akron, OH at the time), but apparently our neighbor found her the next morning playing mousies in the effluvia of our living room (after checking in the medicine cabinets and closets for her, I’m sure).
Crap, I’ve got to walk home and I just hit a wall, my eyelids are heavy and I’m on Zero energy. Wish me luck.
@freelancer: Thank you. I just find that it hypocritical of him to show some pics but not the others. He is a Catholic right and wouldn’t it be fair to show pics on all his posts?
@freelancer: Good luck, you are my hero.
@JenJen: What’s going on here? I busted Miss Tina Bo Beana-Butt (of the Colorado Bo Beana-Butts) peeing on the rug in the TV room last night!
She’s never had an accident in the house before.
In cat related news Ms. Tilly had four kittens sometime today (in the upstairs guest bedroom closet). Two all black (just like her) one black with a white belly and socks, and one that looks white right now, but may turn out to be Tigger/Arnamade in color eventually (or might even be a Tunch clone). I have gated off the bedroom door to keep the curious boxers from having a sniff (and possibly a paw) and have left her to her own devices. And yes she will be off to the vets as soon as the kittens are weaned (all my other girls are fixed), and no we won’t be contributing to the cat population at the pound or anywhere other than my house, if I ever make the mistake of allowing one of my cats to get pregnant before I get a chance to get them fixed then I always keep the kittens, because I know that in my house they will be well fed and well cared for. So I suppose the good news is there will be itty bitty kitteh committee pics soon.
harlana pepper
mmmmm, splinterssss
@Joshua Norton:
I have a staircase with a bannister running up it. For some reason my cats have chosen the bottom bannister rail as their favorite scratching post ever (despite numerous other real scratching posts all over the house). Over the years it has got thinner and thinner, pretty soon it is going to look like a toothpick (and I will have to replace it no doubt).
Wile E. Quixote
@John Cole
Did the earth shake when he landed?
@Litlebritdifrnt: That brought about really old memories. My first baby, Duchess, a golden was bred with a lazy older golden and they had 11 puppies. She decided that the master closet was best for her the pups births which was fine with me. When the time came she came out of her nesting place and dropped one in the family room at my feet. It was an exciting couple of hours but she did such a beautiful job of nurturing all of them.
@John Cole: You DO know you will suffer the tortures of the damned for that one, right? Informed sources claim Tunch has hi-res pix of a certain popular blog host cleaning his bathroom sans clothes…
@Krista: Krista, why must you taunt me so? Man, that was…surreal. (The link).
@demkat620: No. He’s mine. Larry is mine, too (but don’t tell Laura). I’m glad I’m not the only one intrigued by Richard Wolffe.
@asiangrrlMN: Awww, you chicks just dig a well dressed guy with an foreign accent. I swear my wife would dump me in a NY minute for a hunchbacked mountain troll if he had an Aussie accent.
Wow, that dog almost looks exactly like mine. Border collie/Labrador?
And it’s a dog thing. Let it lie.
Brick Oven Bill
Today’s trip to the government building dashed any hopes of being reminiscent any day soon. Thus Glenn Beck rocks. Just wait until they take over medicine. And Bill laughed and laughed, as he once was made to read a military sheet of paper on compound fractures.
I made it, 15 minutes, but damn is it muggy here.
JL, Yes, Sullivan is a Catholic, but given his stance on many, many issues, and his background, I doubt the pope would call him one.
I’m a Jesuit-educated, confirmed Catholic, godfather, and atheist. And as long as my mother lives, if I die, she’s promised to bury me as a Catholic. Even though he probably believes every word of the Nicene Creed, and I find it nonsense, I’m probably more welcome than he is.
Notorious P.A.T.
Officiating in the NHL is often an abortion. Whoops, sorry John C!
@Bey: I’m sayin’!!
It may be anecdotal, but it’s getting weird up in here with the animal accident stories.
@Brick Oven Bill: Fuck you. If you spent any time researching your friend, you would know that Bill needs some help. Maybe next time he can buy a magazine to masturbate by. You guys are sick and think that Newt is a good Catholic and so his Bill but you at the same time will talk about how those Muslims treat their women. Get a life.
Laura W
@JL: Did you really understand what he said? I’ve been looking at it since it posted, and even had to google the definition of “reminiscent” in the context in which he used it. Twice. And I still don’t know what he said. Normally I can follow him, sort of, which tells you all you need to know about me.
I fear he’s forsaken his cheap Chilean wine for some cheap Italian wine.
@freelancer: I went to Catholic schools but that was before Roe v Wade. After Roe v Wade the church decided to outdo the Baptists imo. Thank you again for forwarding my message. It won’t make a difference and he won’t print it but it sure made me feel better.
tripletee (formerly tBone)
@Death By Mosquito Truck:
The new plan is to corner the market on the criminally under-discussed topic of pet abortion. It’s disgusting to see some of these hairy, slobbering welfare queens popping out 6 or 8 mewling welps that their owner will end up being responsible for. Clearly something has to be done.
@Laura W: The problem that I had with Sullivan was that he keeps showing perfectly formed fetuses with his messages. The folks that showed up at Tillers had anything but perfectly formed fetuses. My point was that the picture was deceiving. He touts himself as a good Catholic but believes that marriage between the same sex is okay. I feel that way also. There should be nothing wrong with showing us pics of gays celebrating every time he talks about the issue. That is not a picture I would find repulsive but some would. His picture of a perfectly formed fetus is deceiving and I wanted to call him on that. I tend to subtle but I am working on it.
If anyone has a parrot or other sound mimicking bird, oil your hinges. Evert time I visit a certain house, the movement of a door causes this parrot to make a rusty hinge noise.
I have no idea what she is. I got her from the pound, full grown. I think she has some Cocker Spaniel in her. She’s sweet as can be, but has a head full of rocks, and will lick anything that does or does not move.
Laura W
@JL: Oh no. I got your Sully point. I was asking if you really understood what BOB said.
Brick Oven Bill
We are fine JL, trust us. But we do believe that processing a government permit in the public’s interest should be a mandatory activity for the Obama Youth. Many valuable lessons can be learned by knocking your head against the wall and prostrating oneselves before the government leader. Whose minions follow him out of curiosity.
These lessons must not be bestowed upon us alone. We are about community.
In any case, tonight’s dinner is an onion, a can of ‘Italian’ tomatoes, and some four-year old olive oil flavored with oranges which seems to be OK. This on top of noodles.
Death By Mosquito Truck
@Laura W:
He prolly got his head stuck in the box it came in.
@Laura W: Oh, you are the only one who really understands BOB.
I still would like to know why I am being blocked from sending Sully an email, though.
Laura W
And if I die in my sleep tonight, JL? I die a happy and fulfilled woman. (Albeit, a
childlesschild-free woman.)Why don’t you go open up a yahoo or hotmail acct. real quick like and see if you can email him from those? Hard to believe gmail would be blocked. Maybe he thinks you’re stalking him. Have you been emailing him a tad too much lately, JL?
harlana pepper
@Brick Oven Bill: Honestly, BOB, I can never figger out what the fuck you are talking about! I start reading and then my eyes go all blurry! I am not afraid, just agog.
Oh, shit, just read the above comments. Laura W, I don’t want to know how you do it, but you do have my utmost respect & awe.
@Joshua Norton: I’m sure he got his revenge. Is your toothbrush protected in a drawer or something? If not, he probably chewed on it.
@Laura W: How funny, the thought of stalking Andrew is not something that I can relate too. Just a few days ago I was talking to a friend and mentioning that I wouldn’t mind meeting someone for a movie and sex but Andrew never entered my mine. Even if he looked like O’Donnell which he doesn’t, I still would be appalled by his little fetus drawings. Now stalking O’Donnell might be appealing
Did anyone else watch the NBC special tonight? Rahm’s, “Don’t bullshit me, I hate you all,” had me giggling like a schoolgirl.
It is quite odd, Momo is not terrified of the vacuum cleaner. She is suspicious, and she will closely monitor its exploits from no closer than about six feet away, but she doesn’t spaz out when I run it.
Actually, I find it a bit frightening.
I have a question:
A member of Operation Rescue just killed a specific type of physician, and the head of the organization didn’t give any credible indication that it wouldn’t happen again from a member of his organization. From a conservative perspective (ignoring the fact that they approve of this action), would it be justified to torture either Roeder or Terry in order to get information on future assassination attempts under the ‘ticking bomb’ scenario that similar physician lives are potentially at risk?
Just curious.
@Brick Oven Bill: Has this post been run through Babelfish a dozen times or so?
Isn’t this an offshoot of Conor Friedersdorf’s question?
And BTW, should be in a gagortion thread. Just sayin’
EDIT: Not renato, FUFirefox
@Ash: Only the last few minutes and I have to admit that as much as I love Obama, it
seemed like a fluff piece. I
@JL: Oh tons of fluff, but that’s what I was expecting. It’s still interesting just seeing what it’s like around there.
Comrade Jake
FWIW, I’m pretty sure Sully’s posted romantic pictures of gay men in the past. I think he had a bunch from his wedding, for example.
On the subject of John’s teeth again- John, I have terribly sensitive gums (cleanings end up looking like a scene from a horror film), and my doc suggested making Listerine a regular part of my oral hygiene. I have to dilute it because it tears up the inside of my mouth otherwise, but it really did make a difference at my last checkup. (He stressed an antiseptic rinse, not an anti-cavity rinse. Which sucks because Act doesn’t sting my mouth and tastes good.)
A couple of things:
1) In browsing through my local used bookstore the other day, I got a chuckle out of seeing Ayn Rand’s books in the science-fiction section.
2) My sister is giving birth tomorrow to a baby girl via c-section. I’m excited for her & her husband.
3) I like Anne-Laurie’s field guides. They bring me some humor for such a difficult topic.
4) Moar TunchCam, pls. Thx. /text messaage pidgin.
ok, dunno if this thread is still alive, but it looks that way. My google-fu is failing me tonight. John was talking about not having time to read the other day, as well as classic versus legal thinking. What thread was that? Anyone remember?
@Comrade Jake: I remember that also but every time he talks about reasons for a woman deciding to end a pregnancy, he shows a perfectly formed fetus. The story he prints suggests anything but a perfectly formed fetus. It’s deceiving. Showing wedding pics one time is different that what he is doing He is trying to control the dialog. If he had a pic of gay men kissing every time he wrote about gay issues, it it would change the dialog and not in a good waya
Inadvertently it is – I just saw that over at Sully’s. Credit the Field Guides for originally leading me down that path. Hell, maybe Friedersdorf was inspired by the same thing.
Speaking of controlling the conversation, JL, don’t watch O’Reilly if you intend to remain sane and have a working television at the end of his A-word interview with a former NOW attorney. I had to turn the TV off before I vomited on my rug. The misinformation and contempt for women’s reproductive rights was making me sick.
@BethanyAnne: found the answer to my own question. This was the comment I wanted.
Someone asked in an open thread recently whether anyone was watching the F.A. Cup championship. I just got done (half-)watching it on FSC. I know it happened like a week or two ago, but somehow I never heard who won, so it was all new to me. I feel this is some small karmic payback for all the times that I have been recording some athletic event while at work and some douchenik comes in and blurts out the final score before I can shush him.
I apologize if this post sounds too B.O.B.-like.
@Fulcanelli: Not at all! I also dig chicks who clean up nice and have a posh accent!
Heh. Still, I would give up all my crushes in an instant if I could just. meet. Alan. Rickman.
Steeplejack! Hey ya. Don’t ever say you sound like B.O.B. Not in a million years. I like reading what you post, and not just because you admire me from afar whilst standing in the pouring rain whilst smoking a smoldering cigarette!
Wile E. Quixote
Maybe the dog is licking the table leg to get the taste of his balls out of his mouth.
@Wile E. Quixote: Haw! Win.
tripletee (formerly tBone)
@Wile E. Quixote:
You’ve just caused a spate of table-leg-licking among Republican congressmen. They’re going to be disappointed to discover that it only works for the the taste of their own balls.
@tripletee (formerly tBone): Oh, man. This one–really good.
Wile E. Quixote
@tripletee (formerly tBone)
Just think though, if Republicans could lick their own balls Larry Craig and Mark Foley would still be in office.
Actually at this point sticking a fish in your ear may be the only way to ever get it to make any kind of sense.
You forget that the oral spacial capacity of a Winger easily is capable of engulfing small moons or Unidentified Flying Tunches.