Sorry, forgot to put this up for you. I’m slipping- last week I completely forgot.
*** Update ***
Hallelujah! President Gingrich will be on Face the Nation. I thought the liberal media was going to silence him again. I mean, after all- he held office a decade or so ago.
A. Mendoza
The Tim Horton’s segment caused me to start my car and drive to Shipley’s for an old-fashioned and a kolache.
How can people let Newt Gingrich on their shows without asking about this?
(emphasis added)
Straight up religious bigotry. Insert any other religious description in there instead of “paganism” (“. . . we are surrounded by Catholicism.”) and you’re talking hate speech.
@SGEW: In addition to the bigotry angle, it also doesn’t make much sense. About 80% of Americans identify as Christian, so absent some claim that most so-called Christians are actually pagans, it’s the pagans who are in fact surrounded by Christians.
Should anyone push him on this issue however, I expect Newt’s answer would be “Most Americans voted for the Democrats in the last election, and the Democrat Party is a pagan party.”
Keep. Him. Talking.
These people have responded to the repudiation of Republicans and election of fairly moderate Democrats by going, wait for it, bat shit insane. They have decided the lessons of 2006 and 2008 were that Republicans weren’t incendiary enough.
This is, frankly, good for the country. It’s when Republicans pretend to be moderate (despite their actual legislative goals/record) that Americans get “fooled” into voting for people willing to sell 95% of us down the river so a few millionaires and billionaires can have lower taxes and fewer impediments facing their company when pillaging.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
What Tim Horton’s segment? I was being forced to sleep in and I missed it.
Jay in Oregon
Geez, John, I thought you understood how it works.
When Republicans are in charge, you have more Republican and conservative guests so that you that they can get their message to the American people.
When Democrats are in charge, you have more Republican and conservative guests to provide balance.
(Who wants to listen to a bunch of socialists and traitors anyway? Just ask the Republican Mullahs Limbaugh and O’Reilly, they’ll tell you all you need to know about the infidels…)
What you said. Keep him talking.
If I had the dough I would create GOP Talking Points Channel.
All nonsense, all the time.
I think a 25 year Democratic reign is within reach. Gingrich and Limbaugh can be our mascots.
President Gingrich.
Don’t even joke about that. No, really, because if it comes to pass it’ll be all your fault that the elected leader of America is named after a small slimy lizard and Newt has a republican’s lizard brain to begin with. You have more influence than you know, Mr. Cole. Not funny at all.
Surrounded by paganism? Dude. Easter was SO long ago.
Comrade Kevin
@Fulcanelli: Atrios has been joking along those lines for a few days, at least. President Gingrich, Chief of Staff Limbaugh, HHS Secretary Bill Frist, GM CEO Mitt Romney, etc.
Gingrich is about 65 years old. After two Obama terms he will be around 73 years old. And people will be well sick of him, as they are now, only more so.
Does anyone really think this guy can be elected president? Give me a break. Even if Obama has a bad first term, he can beat this fat lying piece of crap.
I hope he runs, and takes what is left of his party all the way down to a defeat so humiliating that the GOP may cease to exist as we know it.
Little Dreamer
You did that on purpose, didn’t you?
I wonder what gives Huckabee the idea that most Christians would vote for right wing hate? According to the red words in the red letter Bibles, Republicans stand for everything Jesus wouldn’t have stood for.
Little Dreamer
They already have that, it’s called Fox News.
Ash Can
I don’t even know WTF Gingrich is talking about with that “paganism” bit. It literally makes no fucking sense. I know that by saying this he’s just playing to the GOP base, which of course nowadays consists of the raving batshit insane 20%. Does he honestly believe this lunatic 20% is going to sweep him into power in 2012? I’ll say it again, it just makes F. A. sense.
Little Dreamer
It sure would be nice to allow them to go completely mad while constantly patting each other on the back for their super performance without getting my blood pressure up.
@Little Dreamer:
Or as I call them, Pox News.
Little Dreamer
Ha! Good one.
@Little Dreamer:
Huckabee is dangerous mainly because he has the ability to cast himself in a way that lets the wider GOP base project their hopes onto him. In their weird, disgusting way, but still.
The vile and insane 20% is not really the issue. Huck knows that. They are in the bag because they have nowhere else to go. Its the next 20-25% that you have to keep on a leash in order to be competitive on the right. That’s a mix of true believers, fiscal cons, and indy wannabees, who will line up to vote for a guy like Huck if he can convince them that he is Jesusy enough to keep the 20% in line, and still talk with some degree of sense about the real world. He knows how to do that most of the time. He is sharpening that skillset as we speak.
I also think he is the best dogwhistler out there right now. He knows how to perk up the ears of his dogs out there without setting off the Limbaugh Thugometer.
Little Dreamer
Interesting ad on the side for “The Third Truther” –
Ya know, if I was someone who thought the world needed to hear my message and I had important information that needed to be disseminated, I certainly would sell my book for $51.74.
Little Dreamer
The problem is, he ain’t Jesusy at all.
Little Dreamer
@Little Dreamer:
wouldn’t, sorry, I just woke up. Some how the most important part of what I was trying to say got omitted. :(
@Little Dreamer:
True, but the Jesus’ Jock-Sniffers think he is.
@Little Dreamer: As you know, not using proper casing ever proves that you’re not in the thrall of “The mAN”.
Grammar? Fuck that shit yo.
I think that the media is scared of Obama and scared of empowering the progressive and liberal message as well. They know that as centrist as Obama is, he does move the country slightly more leftward than it was and if the public actually gets exposure to a discussion of even more left and progressive ideas, the country may move even further.
I think that the media has been “found out” to some extent by the public — but the full consequence of that has not rained down on them yet — so they are trying to keep things the same with their tired old shtiks, petty gotcha stuff and support of old, failed paradigms.
I am not sure what we can do except to slavishly reward any movement our way and completely avoid and work to discredit the others. I cannot remember when I listened to or watched the Sunday Funnies (as I call them). I do watch Fareed Zhakarias on CNN but studiously avoid anything else. I try to avoid sponsors that I think support some of the claptrap but its not always possible to do.
Its a big challenge for us — getting our media to line up with the interests of balance, honesty and an informed public. We just have to keep pushing and talking and pushing and getting the young folks to challenge and refine their own sources of information. Maybe in time we can strangle this beast and somehow cut it off from the blood supply of corporate dollars and old but still strong links with the old system monarchists.
..and another thing…
Although I am in many ways happy that Obama is popular, I feel a pang of cautionary reservation about his becoming a “star” (which to some extent he already is). Brian William’s powder puff treatment of the Obama White House, while fun in some ways, exagerrates and enhances the sense of “personality cult” that has so invaded our culture and politics over the last two decades.
Don’t get me wrong — I enjoy some of the fun publicity and seeing the girls and Bo and all that — and it has its place in getting the public to support the notion that he is ok after all — but it is somewhat dangerous to linger too long in the popular stratosphere. Hard decisions and choices are coming up in the healthcare debate. We want things anchored to a solid steady place, not the up and down yo you of popularity. In other words, I hope that he and his team are getting ready for war by all kinds of different means and not just to being “popular”…