When cats drink too much:
Be afraid. Next- the Mozilla cat:
Now for a contrast. Intensity- Pedro has it:
Strider does not:
Unless, of course, “Intense Couch Lounging” is a new X Game. I somewhat doubt it, though.
At any rate, a nice new thread for you all. Who says I don’t care.
Death By Mosquito Truck
You go through the motions of caring but you don’t really care.
omg — that last photo made me truly laugh out loud.
Laura W
Tattoo Pedro!
Hunk a hunk of intensely burnin’ love!
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
There lies a dog who wishes he had longer legs.
Just learned Dora speaks Spanish. Why have the nutters not got animated over this animated accent, eh?
Does she even have an green card?
Dave Herman
I’ve got a great one of a kitty going Galt. Do I post it in a comment or email it to you, John? Sorry I haven’t learned the protocol yet…
BTW, love the Mozilla cat– I work with them and I’m sure they’ll appreciate it.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
I’m blaming Joanne Merriam’s Project Wonderful ad for this one:
Animals with cocks. Not safe for work or for those with deeply seated insecurities that could be triggered by the sight of a swallow seriously packing.
Our tabby went bonkers an hour ago and got herself stuck to my corkboard while running up the wall. It’s possible she was just trying to add to the list for the grocery order (“i can has tuna plz?”) but the expression of utter gormlessness suggested otherwise.
Naturally, I didn’t have my camera.
I heart Mozilla cat! I love all of them. The top kitties are seriously on a bender. I can feel Pedro wanting my dinner through the screen. And the last doggie actually had me laughing out loud. That dog looks like a Professional Napper. He knows where the pillow is.
Oh my. Pedro has the look. Thanks John.
I needed some Pets going Galt to end my day.
You Ballon juicers are making me want to get a Cat. I’m more of a dog person but, these kitty’s are so damn cute and funny. The pic of the two drunk cats just made my day.
The cat is backwards from the Firefox symbol.
Ha!! That last picture, well, that’s my guy, Strider!
I tried to wake him up to show him. He wasn’t interested.
Mozilla Cat is Maisie. This is her 15 seconds of fame!
He’s hilarious. I love how he found the cushy arm of the sofa. Smart doggie!
Laura W
@JenJen: Two scoops of cattle dawg in one post! Now you are compelled to stop hating John for never posting your dogs.
I’ve been wondering when Pedro would make the grade.
Annie would like to hook up with Drunken Sailor Phil.
Ahh that’s my phil in his drunken sailor pose. That cat has a rubber face, I swear. TomTom is just passed out, can’t keep up/be bothered.
@Violet: @Laura W: Well, lest you think he’s gone Permanently Galt (and let’s be honest, who could blame him, what with our Marxist President and all), here is a photo of him being restfully alert.
Ohh, my sweet little cattle-dawgie-mutt. He makes me laugh every day. When he was just a Baby Galt-Dawgie, I thought he’d be so strong and noble like his moms, and so named him Strider, but as he began to (not) grow, I realized I should have named him Bilbo.
It looks like Phil is saying, “So then I sez to Margie, ferchrissake, Margie, I sez to her…” and TomTom is totally away with the fairies. Nice.
And now for something completely different: I found a bunch of cover letters like this one via XKCD:
And was amused for an hour.
Laura W
@JenJen: Bilbo is the best name EVER! And just looking at his photos makes me laugh, so I can imagine the raucous party that is life with him. It’s like someone took a hound head and soldered it onto a Heeler body.
I can’t wait till I move because I will be able to get to the box of nine billion pet photos from Colorado days (currently under a ceiling-high pile of boxes in a spare room). I will scan a few of 6-wk-old Leah for you. I think you will need to be sitting down when you see her at that age.
@Laura W: Ohhh, I’d love to see Baby Leah pics! Is there really anything better in this world than puppies? I mean, kittens are cool, sure. But puppies, they are just the most wonderful creations.
Life with little Strideee is a hoot. We go everywhere together, and of course everyone stops and says, “Oh, my, what is he?” It used to bug me at first, but now we get a big kick out of it. His moms was full-bred working heeler, as you know, but pops? To this day, Dad insists it was a dachshund. I just don’t like to think of that coupling, personally. Whoever he was, he was definitely a hounders.
Politically Lost
@Laura W: You need to be posting pics of Annie every day! And of her nemesis, Sadie.
Awwww, look at my fake hubby’s sweet little doggie, Pedro! Who’s the ferocious doggie, Pedro? You are!
John, you posted another thread to shut us the fuck up, not because you care. Don’t you be trying to fool us!
JenJen, baby kittens, cough cough.
I love the Pets Goin’ Galt open threads. Keep ’em coming!
Dave Herman, you can post ’em here, or you can email them for John in the vain hopes that he will put them on the front page.
Aww…he’s adorable. LauraW said what I was thinking:
Yeah! He’s like a dog mashup. He’s a real cutie. That puppy pic turned me into a gooey mess. I’m a big old softie for puppies.
Laura W
@asiangrrlMN: Yeah, well, talking about my period on BJ totally cut into all my cat blogging time.
John Cole
@R-Jud: I was thinking something similar- the bar scene with Anthony Michael Hall in Weird Science with Phil in the role of Anthony:
Gary: Fats man, I’m gunna tell you a story man. Lasy year, I was insane for dis crazy little 8th grade bitch
Fats: Crazy insane?
My next thought for Phil was simpler- “Oop ack!”
@R-Jud: Exactly that. I can see Phil at a bar nattering away with the bartender while the patron next to him is nodding off in her beer.
@Rey: You say that as if there’s something wrong with getting a cat!
@Laura W: lulz.
I cleaned the bathroom today. Unlike our esteemed host, I didn’t have to take my clothes off to do it.
I’ll bet Strider just let a long, silent, richly organic doggy fart!
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
I hope to God doggy farts are organic. I prefer all my pets to be carbon-based life forms.
Comrade Mary, that was seriously, seriously fucked up.
@ Cole :
@Laura W:
I think the term you are both looking for is obsession with a vague hint of mania. All he was thinking about in that photo was how he could get the camera and kill it.
I loves him though. Thanks John.
It’s obviously cattle dog day on BJ – the position that Strider (so cute) is in is Pedro’s fvourite pose as well. Modesty is not their strong point.
btw, we consider phil and TomTom to be a married gay couple. Eunhuchs to boot!
Hee. There’s something very Cassius Coolidge about that first pic.
Really? nothing wrong with cats at all. I lost custody of my dog in a divorce, still painful. I just have these thoughts of me being the crazy single lady with a house full of cats keeping me company. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. I’m just saying…
I’m trying to find a picture a friend of ours from Boston sent us of our dog and his laying side by side at dusk on the Esplanade after an intense doggy work out…(both German Shepards, looked like they were clones) John captioned it;
“Hey man, that was a great work out, lets get cleaned up and hit the streets, I feel like some hot, well trimmed poodle tonight!”
Dave Herman
Okay, here he is: we caught Schmoopy going Galt on the living room couch today.
Dave Herman
Okay, here he is: we caught Schmoopy going Galt on the couch this morning:
Schmoopy goes Galt
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
@Krista: The site I linked to in #7? Indubitably. Looks as if the blogger has lost interest, though. Or maybe the Home no longer gives them Photoshop access.
ok, serious question. I have a very intense, somewhat crazed Akita/malinois male, approx. 80ish pounds, about 6 years old.
The rock of his life, his best friend and packmate, a Akita/? mix, recently died quite suddenly — an apparent heart attack.
I’m not sure what to do now.
a. a puppy? I’m not sure I want two dogs so far apart in age.
b. an older dog? I’m really not sure how he’d react. He was only about 9 months when we brought home the Akita, so they grew up together. By now, he’s pretty territorial (ie, barks madly at dogs walking by on HIS sidewalk).
c. stay with just him? He goes to the dog park on a regular basis with his dog walker (both my wife and I work long hours and he needs the exercise) so he gets socialization on a regular basis. But I’m worried he’s getting lonely. He seems much more fractious in the mornings than he used to be.
@Rey: I was just teasing. Sorry about losing your dog. Really, though, the state of craziness has nothing to do with getting cats.
@Laura W: I have no idea what that was about. I mean, your comment was pretty innocuous, I thought. In my admittedly short time at BJ, I have never seen you comment on your period.
@Francis: “Thoughts?”
You have a dog walker? Say wha?
Death By Mosquito Truck
Just go with the flow.
Way OT but the Huffington Post has been trying forever to make Michelle Obama and Carla Bruni BFFs. What’s this? Looks bad. Althouse et al., are all over it (sorry, no link). Of course, knowing a little about photography (i.e., that was probably 1/250th of a second), it’s like taking a word out of a sentence and making the word the meaning of the sentence (i.e., “That by which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” = “It’s obvious that the Obama’s don’t smell like the rest of us”).
Anne Laurie
To be honest, I always assumed the Hobbits were ribbin’ on Strider, just a bit. “Shaddup with the ‘far-ranging travels’, siddown and have a beer, already, Air-A-Gorn.”
They mock, because they care.
It is said that though a dog may be man’s best friend, a dog’s best friend is a dog. They are very social creatures. A similar sized breed, young adult would be optimal I think.
I also have a hobbit-dog, though he ended up about 60 pounds. Here’s Pippin with his cat, Saffy. Or more precisely, Saffy with her dog, Pippin.
Hey, hey Comrade Mary
By “richly organic” I meant the odor of the doggy fart changes with the feed. Having spent years exposed to doggy gas attacks, I’ve observed that an all organic dog food diet produces a fart that seems to penetrate your senses, a fart that hangs in the air longer with great intensity, a fart with a bouquet so powerful that you begin to taste it. Straka has farted in his sleep, awakened and left the room because of his gas production leaving us to watch “Big Love’ in gaseous cloud!
For those take with the meme, someone has thrown together a Firecat icon (“Domesticate the Web”).
@Francis: I’m so sorry about your loss! Strider was in a similar situation when his and my buddy, Stu, passed away suddenly. I didn’t think he was taking it that hard, but one day a neighbor finally told me that when I would leave for work, Strider would spend the entire day by the window, howling. It was as heartbreaking as losing my Aussie Shepherd, Stu.
The howling and sadness stopped when I adopted a 1 1/2 year old Aussie, Rocco. It was a good age; Strider was 4 then and I didn’t want another puppy. They bonded almost immediately and are inseparable.
My suggestion to heal both of your hearts is to find another dog that needs you. Best of luck and please keep us updated!
@Delia: Now that is the cutest couple I’ve ever seen! :-)
Anne Laurie
First question, of course, is whether you and your wife want to commit your hearts (and your wallets) to another dependent. You obviously love your boy and have taken the trouble to ensure that his physical health & need for doggie socialization are fulfilled even if he stays an “only child”. Some shelters / rescue groups say you shouldn’t bring a new dog home for six months after losing a member of your ‘family pack’, because both humans & surviving dog(s) need a chance to grieve (or, to use the behaviorists’ language ‘to readjust individual behaviors within the intergroup dynamics’). Your guy misses his “rock”, he knows you miss him too, and some of his “fractious” behavior may be that he’s trying to do both his & his late packmate’s “jobs” within your household, which is a lot of responsibilty for a (relatively) submissive dog. Taking some time might give all three of you a better idea of whether you really need to expand your household.
IF you decide you’re all up for another “friend”, here’s some suggestions in order of increasing difficulty/expense:
(a) If your guy is cat-safe, and the humans don’t have allergies, get him a cat as a “pet”. Your local shelters will have plenty of older, calmer, dog-experienced cats who’ll gladly trade the aggravation of living with a needy dog for the joy of having a family of their own. Or, if you don’t think your dog can adjust to any of the shelter cats you meet, think about adopting a pair of kittens — they’ll entertain each other *and* your dog all day.
(b) If you decide you’re ready for another dog, it’s almost always easier for a boy dog to adapt to a new “sister” than to another boy (even when all parties have been neutered). Again, there are probably plenty of grown-up girl dogs at your local shelters / rescue groups that would make great housemates for all of you. Once you’ve made the decision to expand your family, talk to as many people as you can & let them know exactly what you’re looking for… you never know where your Perfect Girl might turn up!
(c) If you want, as my Spousal Unit always says, “the maximum number of years before the new guy breaks my heart” — i.e., a younger dog — look for a “teenager” (past their first birthday, but not yet adult). Puppies less than year old really need to be taken out every 4 hours or so, they need a lot of one-on-one attention generally, and that’s more than you can spare right now if you’re going to be fair to your existing housemate.
“We” (meaning, my Spousal Unit) impulse-adopted our latest dog as an 18-month-old “unhousebreakable” three-time loser. Our oldest dog Flicker is a 14-year-old princess with a bunch of chronic health issues and a very Alpha attitude, so another girl dog was right out of the question. Our other dog was 6-1/2, middle-aged by papillon standards, and had been living with us for 18 months. The SU believed that Zevon was bored and needed a real “playmate”, since Flicker isn’t much fun even at her most energetic. And I have to admit that although Zevon wasn’t exactly charmed by young Sydney at first, over the past 14 months he has lost his middle-aged spread & improved both his activity level and his general attitude. And Sydney has learned all sorts of Good Dog Stuff from his “older brother”, from what toys are for, to how a Serious Dog Guy patrols his territory. (It certainly helped with Syd’s housebreaking that he was eager to follow Zeev’s example, although there were still plenty of multiple-clean-up days when I wanted to kill both Puppybastrd and my husband.)
@Dave Herman: That’s a great picture.
@JenJen: You learn so much from this blog! I, for instance, have learned that I should not increase the number of dogs in my house, lest I get caught up in a vicious cycle of having to replace buddies for the surviving dog when one goes. How do people who have multiple dogs get out of this?
Abigail has up and gone Galt too. She’s not only withholding her productivity, but hampering my attempts to do laundry.
@Dave Herman: Awwww, that’s a great pick! All Schmoopy needs is a beer.
@Delia: I love interspecies bonding. They are a cute couple.
“Balloon Juice. Come for the politics; stay for the animals going Galt!”
gex, that’s not goin’ Galt since she’s actively trying to get you to go Galt!”
Ash Can
I’m loving all these animal pics. And Dave Herman, my goodness. That’s one portly kitty. :D
@Death By Mosquito Truck: Ew. Just…ew.
I’m going to say something incredibly sexist. As long as Keith has Richard Wolffe and Larry O’Donnell in back-to-back segments, I will continue to watch his show. Yum.
@Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse:
Animals with Cocks. I don’t know why I was surprised that people would photoshop a dick on an animal picture. But I was.
@ninerdave: May we introduce you to the Internet?
So I planted some veggies this weekend for the first time in my life.
One day later I seemed to have killed a tomato, a cantaloupe and an artichoke. I’ve just finished transplanting them and the rest of the veggies into potters to get them revived/started. I think I need to prep my soil better (well prep it period). I guess you can’t just dig a hole plop the plant in there, add Miracle Grow and water.
Apparently Miracle Grow needs to be added to water first, also.
Oh I’ve been on the internet since before there was a WWW. I guess I still get WTF’ed (hey look! a new verb!) every once in a while.
@ninerdave: How did you get your first tortie, ninerdave? You told me to remind you to tell me.
So, Whelan apologized for outing publius. Apparently, the collective bitch slap from the blogsphere, left, right, and center has changed his mind. Either that or he’s still a jackass.
Oh yeah.
I was about 7 or so and my Mom took my brother and I to a feed store to look at the kittens. There were all sorts of beautiful persians, tabbys, etc. Way in the back of this cage was a scrawny little tortie, being stepped on by all the other cats. Of course we choose her. She was feisty, a hell of a birder, but only killed birds in my neighbors yard. Of course he was one of those guys who kept his yard meticulous. He didn’t like Muffin much.
I remember once my mom yelled at me to come to the window and there was my neighbor with a newspaper in one hand, hidden behind his back. He’d get close, and swat at her. She’d promptly scooch back, just out of is range. It was hysterical. She was obviously taunting him. When she tired of the game, she just hid under his car. He got down on his knees and was furiously swiping. Never did get her.
She also used to follow me to school. She lived to be 17.
@ninerdave: That sounds like an awesome cat. 17 isn’t bad for a cat that goes outdoors.
@KG: Probably too much to ask that he think about the consequences of his actions before he acts next time, huh?
Nora the piano playing cat:
Pavlov's Dog
Francis – If you are still around, some thoughts on your situation. We have been in the same situation twice, with Akita’s involved. The first time, we let our second dog live out his life alone, then rescued two more Akita’s. The second time nine years later, we rescued another young Akita/Shephard mix (fifteen months) to be with our almost ten year old Akita female.
In the latter, being farely recent, at first we thought it was the biggest mistake we had ever made. She hated him, and he was always tormenting her. Now, after three months, they are almost inseperable. He treats her like she is his moma, and they play constantly. She is acting years younger. Plus she acts somewhat as a mentor. If you can survive the first two-three months, and have the time, it can be a postive decision.
Lastly, letting our first set of dogs both die before rescuing two more was probably more emotionally devastating than the other route, albeit not by much.
If you all haven’t caught Stephen Colbert in Iraq tonight, you really have to go out of your way to do so. Really.
Brick Oven Bill
Electric Storm at the Gulch.
I hope that Martin does not get offended, but I intend to smoke a cigarette and enjoy this one. The wind is blowing your way buddy.
@JenJen: @asiangrrlMN:
Thanks. Just don’t tell Rick Santorum. He’ll go off on another gooper rant about unnatural couplings.
I love Nora the piano playing cat. I saw her first Youtube vid and it’s great she’s got her own website now. I expect she’ll be doing an album and the talk show circuit soon.
Kinda OT, but really?
Totally OT. Zifnab + 5 at the French 75 just FYI.
I love New Orleans.
@Brick Oven Bill:
Man I miss good electric storms. The skies over Phoenix used to put on a great show.
I remember driving through Oklahoma once and stopped at a motel for the night. Weather called for hail and a nasty storm. So I got a six pack and sat out of the balcony to watch. A bolt of lightening hit a transformer about a mile or so away. While it sucked not having power, it sure was awesome watching that thing explode.
Next morning as I was leaving another storm passed through. I could barely see, so I pulled off under an overpass to wait for it to subside. Everyone else was doing 60 or 70 on the freeway. I guess if you live in it, you get used to it. Personally I thought they were insane.
Quite the apology.
@burnspbesq: That actually sounds sincere.
That Firecat icon is great.
Krissed Off
Do these wonderful tips on inter/intra species adoptions and pairings extend to hew-mans as well?
I got together with my girlfriend from 30 years ago (after a 31 year hiatus) and have never been happier.
Between us we have 4 legs and 0 dags, kittehs, or CMFs.
Krissed Off
Do these wonderful tips on inter/intra species adoptions and pairings extend to hew-mans as well?
I got together with my girlfriend from 30 years ago (after a 31 year hiatus) and have never been happier.
Between us we have 4 legs and 0 dags, kittehs, or CMFs.
It wasn’t planned. Just happened.
Anne Laurie
Why would we want to? {grins}
Srlsy, my Spousal Unit intends to time all animal adoptions so that the “replacements” have been with us long enough to help us mourn the elders who cross the rainbow bridge. Our dogs are 15, 7 and 2; our cats are 16, 9, and 6 (but the youngest, Maine Coon Demon Kishkan, was wished on us by friends moving out of the country).
Wile E. Quixote
< William Shatner >
Body … weak. Will… strong. Must … resist Pedro’s piercing gaze. Must not let him … dogmatize me.
< /William Shatner >
And publius has accepted.
I still thing Ed’s a piece of shit, but I have to say kudos for apologizing. More than I can say for, say….Malkin.
You’re not setting the bar very high there, are you?
It’s a pet thread, so an appropriate place to announce kitty’s latest trophy: a headless baby rabbit, served up with lots of blood on the patio this evening.
You other folks can send in your photos of your cute-n-cuddly furry friends; meanwhile I live with a bloodthirsty fiend with fangs dripping with gore. Who is curiously quite docile and a perfect pet. While I feel for the poor baby rabbit, I can’t very well scold the slaughter of one species of small furry rodent while praising the extermination of others, notably those with hairless tails. She’s a cat; that’s how they roll.
We may have to agree to disagree on this one. Whelan’s apology seems awfully hollow to me. What he did was both inexcusable and (this is the important part) irreversible.
If, four years from now, Blevins is denied tenure at STCL, we will never know whether someone voted against him who wouldn’t have if the opinions expressed by “publius” weren’t known to be held by Blevins. And if he is denied tenure, what do you think the chances are that Whelan’s Wingut Welfare Shop will have a cushy, well-paid sinecure for him? Yeah, me neither.
Emma Anne
I find the apology to be pretty stilted and minimal, myself. I like the sort that says “I screwed up, and I’m really sorry” better than the kind that says “there was ill thought out behavior for which I determine an apology may be owed.”
John Cole, for example, does a fabulous apology when called for.
@ninerdave: That’s a great story on how you got your first tortie. Seventeen is great for an outdoors cat. Got any pics of Muffin?
I think Whelan was about as sincere as he could get, and publius was the bigger man to accept it and move on.
Chuck Butcher
You’d swear Gus is the very definition of Going Galt, he is pretty much a 150 pound decoration (lawn or room) but you’d be mistaken. He knows about everything that is going on, though stupor seems to be the state, he is doing the patient guardian – a blob ready to drive the malefactors away. One moment an apparently unconscious white blob is a barreling thunderously barking freight train.
His favorite thing is to excavate a hole that leaves only his head visible, my fastidious wife has given up one corner of the yard for a hole. It is pointless to try to make him stop, he’s embarrassed and frightful when confronted and moments later the excavation reappears. The amount of grass and dirt removed in one swipe is amazing and he does get right with the program.
@Chuck Butcher: Any pictures of him on your blog?
I found him. He’s a beautiful big boy! He looks very affable.
Well Malkin outted a bunch of protesters. IIRC, and thought nothing of it, and of course checking out the “marble” Frost countertops.
Of course that was “citizen reporting”. Ed actually realized he was a piece of shit and excused himself for being so. So yeah, in my world, he’s a step above the scream queen.
Maybe it ain’t saying much, but it is indeed better than the alternative.
Somewhere in my parent’s stash, ya. Nothing that I can put on the web.
My current kitty can be seen here.
Actually I agree in the sense that it can’t be taken back, however, unlike most of the wingnut twits (Malkin), he expressed remorse and apologized.
It doesn’t undo what he did, but he did take a step above and beyond of his ilk and apologized. That’s pretty rare in the wingnut circles.
As I said above, I still think he’s a piece of shit, however credit where it’s due. Can you imagine Erick Ericson, Malkin or most other NRO douches, doing a mea cupla?
Bill E Pilgrim
Well, kudos where it’s due especially to the right wing blogosphere which was clearly what moved Whelan to apologize. Being ostracized by the progressives would be a badge of honor, but having so many from the right join in codemnation was clearly another thing entirely.
It’s kind of like the death penalty though, in that this is why you don’t do things like that, because if you decide later that you were wrong there’s really no reversing it.
Ash Can
I love the pets showing us how it’s done, but one human who apparently really should go Galt is the Moonie Times’ Frank Gaffney. I’m linking to the GOS piece that includes a summary of his mouth-frothing in this AM’s Times because I don’t think the rag itself deserves the traffic. But holy moly, that’s some seriously fucked-up shit, yo.
Whelan showed up in ObWi comments to defend and elaborate on his apology.
he seemed sincere to me.
@Anne Laurie: At some point in your life, you will be signing up for a dog that will outlive you. That’s my only concern – I don’t want to put my dogs through that.
We have a weird grouping of pets ourselves. A Maine Coon cat that is 15, a Siamese cat that is 14, a regular cat who is 4 and the dog who is 2. (All rescued, thank you very much. The brand names on the cats usually garners me a lecture or two…)
@cleek: Personally, I think he was deeply ashamed that the only person who would come to his defense was Jonah Goldberg.
That would be enough to prompt almost anyone into acknowledging their errors.
harlana pepper
@JenJen: Re: Bilbo, there’s a song about him, y’know.
Dave Herman
@Ash Can:
Yes, but we think he might be beginning to lose weight! Schmoopy’s been on a diet for a couple months now, and he claims Tunch as his inspiration.
I also surmise he is training for the Olympics this morning. Unfortunately my bed seems to be directly in the middle of his training track. Luckily my chest makes a great springboard.
@gex: Good question!
I’m not the right person to answer it, though. I hear a lot of people are perfectly happy with one dog! I’m just not one of them, I guess. I’ve always had multiple dogs, and I’ll always have multiple dogs. So I guess I don’t want out of it. :-)
@harlana pepper: Oh gawd! Hadn’t heard that in years… thank you, I think… :-)