How are Obama’s policies playing at home and abroad? Well, lucky for you, David Gregory is going to tell us on Meet the Press, and to help him, he has two Republicans as guests.
I wonder what their thoughts will be.
*** Update ***
Even better. The two Republicans are Mike Murphy and Joe Scarborough. You can’t make this shit up. Liberal media.
What the hell is going on with Mike Murphy’s head? Is it just me, or is his melon getting more and more conical every week? Is he sleeping with his head in a vice? Or is that just a tragic haircut?
Hmmm … maybe it’s good that our teevees don’t work until I replace them or get converters and new antennas.
Didn’t David Gregory used to be one of the more or less good guys? Did he have to sign something when he took over MTP where he is now contractually obligated to suck or NBC will garnish his wages?
Bill E Pilgrim
Gregory would respond “Hey, that’s two Republicans and a Democrat, so that’s not bad!”
Er, yes David but being the subject under discussion doesn’t count as “guest”.
I know the first person I always want to ask to find out how Obama is doing is a Republican strategist, yessiree.
Has Gregory ever had any other MNSBC hosts on to discuss foreign policy? Olbermann? Rachel Maddow?
Didn’t David Gregory used to be one of the more or less good guys?
He used to ask Scottie McClellan some actual questions, and Bush made fun of him for speaking French in France, but DG’s always been a Village Junior Leaguer, deploring the influence of those terrible blogs, which brought partisanship and a harsh tone to the happy, polite Village of Broderville-under-Bush.
david gregory shook his ass for karl rove.
scarborough has a book to sell; it must be written in the msnbc fratpac’s contract that all g.e. outlets are available to them to push product.
murphy appears to be on a rehab tour; he was tweety’s guest on friday, with a promise for more appearances in the future as they plot how the republicans can stage a rebound.
I can’t watch that poor excuse for a journalist called David Gregory. He’s a terrible moderator, a poor interviewer and is much more interested in his own career than anything else. I even fast-forward through his appearances on other shows. He’s a useless placeholder in Timmy’s spot.
I wish they’d revamp the whole show and shake up the formula a bit. Have two or three people asking questions. Rotate moderators monthly. Have the guests get five minutes to ask questions of the NBC folks or something. Anything but this pale imitation of a Sunday morning political show.
Little wonder they bring on nothing but Republicans. It’s David “Dances-With-Rove” Gregory’s show.
I guess both Murphy and Scarborough are considered “moderate” Republicans, which means they are only moderately reactionary. I barely watch television for news or anlysis anymore. There is almost no chance of a conservative being called out for even an obvious lie.
I did see part of Wolf Blitzer’s recent interview with Palin. He let her make any statement and just presented it as if it were true.
Eventually I had to turn it off because she is probably the most incoherent politician I have ever heard at the national level.
Scarborough basically seemed to be saying that the Republican party is down for maintenance.
He did not, however, suggest what parts might be on order in order to get it back into service.
Scarborough is promoting a book and NBC is helping him. Not a surprise. They love Joe because he and Mika bring “balance” – and Starbucks’ bucks – to MSNBC.
Bill E Pilgrim
Gregory used to seem almost non-Republican because he’d actually ask follow-up questions at Bush Administration press conferences. I always wondered if it was just a sort of contrarian thing, that he liked appearing tough rather than from a real interest in getting the answers, and as soon as he started on MTP I had my answer.
He seems to want answers only from Democrats now especially if the questions he poses to get them are direct Republican talking points.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
my take watching those white house briefings was that gregory’s performance was calculated to guarantee face time on the evening news.
i generally don’t watch the morning shows, but with events, wanted to tune in this morning. i won’t do that again… it’s just too damned aggravating.
oh. and mike murphy got really fat.
joe scumbag got all lecturey last week about barney frank storming off an interview. one, where doe he get off questioning anybody’s lack of comity when he’s notorious for having a borderline violent temper. two, didn’t rachel maddow so humiliate him once during an exchange that HE himself walked off a show?
I did see part of Wolf Blitzer’s recent interview with Palin. He let her make any statement and just presented it as if it were true.
Eventually I had to turn it off because she is probably the most incoherent politician I have ever heard at the national level.
The continued enabling of the ineptitude that is Sarah Palin by the MSM. Continuing the FARCE that this woman should be listened to for any reason.
As for Gregory and MTP, he was a bad choice from the get go. Pathetic choice. And, the ratings decline is on the money.
Democrats need to get a handle on this. As far as the media is concerned, the most serious issue facing the country is the state of the GOP. Nothing else gets as much airplay.
Didn’t David Gregory used to be one of the more or less good guys?
agreeing to be back up dancer for mc rove must have been part of the mtp audition process.
he never fessed up to his role in the plame scandal.
he pretty much tipped his hand when he stressed it’s not his job as a reporter to ferret out the “truth.”
Here in Kansas City Meet the Press and Fox News Sunday are on the TVEE at the same time. I watch Fox.
I fuck’n hate David so much.
Davis X. Machina
As far as the media is concerned, the most serious issue facing the country is the state of the GOP. Nothing else gets as much airplay.
To understand what’s going on in Washington today, it helps to have read a lot of 19th c. French fiction or history.
Under the monarchy, you don’t get newspapers as such, you get a Court Circular. The journos are all confused — the fall of the monarchy caught them wrong-footed. Now they oscillate between covering the new republican government as if it were the old monarchy, court-circular style, and pimping for the monarchist party in Parliament and the various pretenders for the throne — Orleanist, Bonapartist, etc.
Funny how these things work. When the GOP controlled everything just a scant 2.5 years ago, the media justified their R-slanted bookings by saying “they control everything”. Now, when the GOP controls nothing, the R-slanted bookings continue, just under the rationale of “we need to get a balanced view” or some similar nonsense.
Mike Murphy is on promotional tour for his new movie:
Beldar Conehead Returns.
Anton Sirius
Good thing nothing is going on in the world that would be more important than what Republicans think of Obama.
Instead of watching, Meet The Republicans, tackling Obama every Sunday, I just pop my WB collection of vintage Roadrunner cartoons into the DVR for a more thoughtful analysis.
Did anyone see Mittens on This Week? Ugh, it makes me feel greasy just looking at him. Hearing him spew BS about how obviously it’s Obama’s fault the Iranian government staged a coup against its own people the whole time wasn’t much fun either.
@dmsilev: Its called balance and reflection. When conservatives are in power we get more of them in the media to “reflect” the views of the country. When democrats are in power we get more conservatives in the media to “balance” the liberal views.
It’s pure heads I win, tails you lose.
Anton Sirius
Not really. If the corporate teevee media chooses the path of irrelevance and follow newspapers off the cliff, the public will just tune them out and find other sources of news that actually address reality.
Doctor Science
There’s no doubt that if MTP were “This week, discussed by Tunch and Lily” it would (a) have astronomically higher ratings, (b) yet be more thoughtful, balanced (dogs and cats! living together!), and adult than the current format.
Notorious P.A.T.
Obviously. After all, it was Obama who invaded and crushed Iran’s only regional rival, thus giving them unprecedented room to manuever.
Death By Mosquito Truck
I’m totally diggin’ ya, maya.
I think it’s his eyewear. New glasses, and they look just horrible on him. Very 80’s, the small, tortoise-shell spectacles. Murphy could use a stylist.
I’ve really had enough of freaking Scarborough and his stupid book, I really have. Since when is this Gingrich-acolyte loser from Florida the new Oracle of the Republican Party?
Best part of that segment was when Mike Murphy gave advice to despairing Republicans eyeing a comeback in 2010: “Build an ark.”
I’ve given up on MTP, and I’m guessing I’m not the only one. It airs from 10:30-11:30 here in Philly, and is followed by infomercials, which is just pathetic.
Oh and GregB, Beldar Conehead is hilarious.
Hey, I’d totally watch “This Week with Tunch and Lily.”. Just sayin’.
If anything this is perfect evidence of how useless a lot of these Sunday morning shows are.
This is exactly what a blogger does. You get 1 or 2 talking heads and just let them spew. This has the added stupidity of getting two people who will just agree with each other for the length of the program.
You want to know the global reaction to Obama, go around the globe and talk to people!!!
They’re trying to top bloggers by being more “bloggy”. Beat bloggers by being a fully staffed National News Network!!!
The Grand Panjandrum
Make fun of Murphy all you want but he does get it.
He understands that the GOP is angling to be in the minority for a very long time if they don’t change the tune they’ve been dancing too. So sure it doesn’t change the fact that Gregory had two Republicans on to discuss the Obama presidency and seems to be inferring this to be a “wide range of opinions” but Murphy, at least, understands that the GOP is in some very deep kimchi right now. The demographics are not with them. This ain’t you’re grandfather’s America and Murphy understand that.
I thought Scarborough was pretty good.
He gracefully dodged Gregory’s Letterman question, compared Palin’s treatment to Sotomeyor’s, and segued into a policy discussion.
I think Jeff Goldstein is attempting what more conservative bloggers should be doing with their commentariat.
Sully linked this too.
A green shoot on the near-dead trunk of the oak of conservatism.
It would be a fine thing if some other conservative bloggers rejected the Anger Whiggas like Beck and Rush that are the “prophets” of the GOP right now, and spoke rationally about the need to chill the rhetoric for their “low information” base.
This isn’t your grandfathers’ anything. Nobody who is important has a land-line, nobody who is important watches broadcast TV, yet calling people’s landlines and asking them about what they saw on broadcast TV is still Nielson-Zogby way of measuring things. Nobody uses phone booths, phone books are obsolete, and with GPS you don’t need to stop and ask for directions.
@maya: Foghorn Leghorn on Joe Scarborough…
My favorite part of watching Scarborough used to be when his “show” followed Countdown.
Olbermann would deliver a particularly scathing Special Comment at right up to the end, then the tv would zippy-cut to Scarborough, looking like someone had just whacked him on the head with a shovel.
Now, I got no reason to watch him at all.
I’m glad you all watch this drivel so I don’t have to. Thank you!
Mark Martin wins at Michigan… and should thank whatever gasoline god or patron saint of mpgs there is in existence. Sitting back and letting the two race leaders burn each other’s tanks dry under the white flag took some calculation and some patience and daring. He, himself, ran out of gas coming out of the final turn, but was close enough to the finish line to coast home.
Anne Laurie
Fat white reactionary takes a dump on-screen; adorable uber-submissive partner gobbles dump down with every evidence of enjoyment. As has been said elsewhere, the blogosphere exists to make every metaphor literal.
Is it the whole Iran situation that has made this thread sparsely populated? I mean I’ve read all the threads today and this one seems almost like a ghost town.
Mike Murphy spent 31 days on a merchant ship filled with empty containers on his way to the Far East. I saw him on Morning Joe at the end of the week. I tuned in just to hear him. I like the way he can assess a situation and make no excuses for it even if it’s a Republican one.
I will repeat what I said a few weeks back. David Gregory is not even close to being successful om MTP. They have him guesting on other shows more often now during the week.