I was sitting here working when I felt the cold Tunch glare burning into my back like a laser. So, I did what any cat owner would do. I went over and rough-housed with him, rubbed his fur the wrong way, and got him all worked up. He then shot me this glare, which I thought was just priceless:
If looks could kill. I’ll be back late this afternoon. Behave yourselves.
Bwhahaha. “Cat owner” means we don’t own them, they own us.
So by behaving ourselves, does that mean we can neither plan a revolt against your blog to take it over nor plan commiefascis0c1alhomoabortoatheistic conspiracy plots against wingnut bloggers and Faux Noise anchors?
The Saff
I take a break from work and I get Tunch-age! That look says it all. He’s such a handsome boy when he’s looking at you with condescension in his eyes, John.
That is one pissed off cat. Watch your back
schrodinger's cat
The mighty Tunch is back!
Repect my authoriteh, minion.
Was there supposed to be a picture?
And he’s got his spot on the futon back! Yay Tunch!
Comrade Stuck
By the time you return we will have saved the world and launched a mission to colonize the Moon. Jesus and Sarah Palin will be our co-pilots. Have a nice day. :–)
I think it just means we can’t demand Tunch’s birth certificate.
Dream On
Don’t forget to wear green, John. And hopefully a better hue of it then what Sully’s using on his web-page. Well-intentioned or not…
Know Color-Theory.
Swell, I use AdBlockPlus because I’m sick and tired of looking at Pam and it blocks out Tunch pics… argghhh!!
So…have Lilly and Tunch smelled each other yet?
If not, how close have they gotten?
The gf is out of town this week, so I only have to share the bed with two cats. Thankfully, they sleep at the foot of the bed curled up with each other like the Firefox logo.
Once I get out of bed the younger one will immediately get up as well, jump to the floor and flop on her back, stretching and demanding a belly rub. Of course, not much brightens my morning more than that.
As per our friendly wager. Pics in email for you. The Wings let me down. And now poor innocents have to pay the price.
Dog Is My Copilot
Your story this morning on Tunch captures the kitty attitude so well. I got a good chuckle out of it, as well as the photo. Made my day!
When you leave for the day, does Lily ever stay behind or is she always along for the ride? Has she been home alone with Tunch much yet?
To geg6:
If you’re reading, here’s Deadspin‘s take on Buck’s trainwreck of a show last night.
He’s a popular whipping boy among the sports blogosphere, with good reason as I’m sure you realized last night.
I wonder if we could get John a green ribbon magnet for his car so that he could show his support for the Iranians?
Tunch/Lily 2016
(Always worth repeating):
Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.
I think John should dye his pubes green and send a photo to Sully.
John Cole @ Top:
I don’t know, John. It’s not so much a murderous look, as it is a contemptuous glare that says, “You are beneath me. Peasant.”
Short Bus Bully
That look says: “If I wasn’t so fat you’d be one dead mofo.”
The Other Steve
Another take on the Iran thing, noting that many of the rumors being spread by twitter have turned out to be false.
@Deborah: What about asking if he is a secret atheist muslim with a crazy christian pastor? (For the life of me I have no clue why dipshits on the right think Obama is all of the considering they are pretty much mutually exclusive–not counting the “culturally religion e.g. jewish/catholic, personally not”–then again asking for logic from a wingnut is like asking a vegan for bacon wrapped chicken fillets with beef juice)
Well, thank goodness. I was beginning to think that you actually used Tunch as a trade-in at the kitty prison. Overly sensitive to rejection myself, I’ve been worrying about Tunch’s being ignored in favor of the beauteous Lily and am happy to see proof he’s still in charge.
I’m not sure whether to thank or curse you for leading me to the furminator. The cats don’t like it much, but the birds who now have luxurious fur-lined nests think it’s pretty cool.
@The Other Steve:
So maybe I wasn’t so cynical on the other thread when I said that a lot of the tweets read like propaganda.
I sure hope Lily is with John. Tunch looks pissed off and Lily may be in danger home alone with him. ;-). Oh, and Crashman06? That article is correct but simply doesn’t go far enough to illustrate the level of suck I witnessed in the 10 minutes of the show that I saw. And this is who HBO expects to replace Costas? Shudder.
OT, can anyone point me to a good source for the Social Security solvency figures? Teh Google has been overrun with Friedmanite crap that reads like it was written by Gollum (the Free Market is our precious! We hateses the nasty little hobbitses collectives with their guaranteed pensions, we will gets them, precious, and then we will see how they taste, gollum)
jake 4 that 1
Tunch sez: Fuminate me, beotch!
Why isn’t your cat green, John? Don’t you support democracy?
And another Tunch caption may read: You never take me anywhere.
Comrade Stuck
Dear God. Sully is now highlighting the wretched thoughts of Mike Leeden in his cause.
Cole is right. It’s 2003 all over again.
John Cole
@Comrade Stuck: Dude. He was quoting Goldfarb yesterday. I’m not imagining this shit.
Comrade Stuck
@John Cole:
I guess we can expect a new Stephen Hayes book outlining the deep ties between the Mullahs and Al Quaeda, plugged strait into the RWNM? And maybe some fuzzy details of a get together with Atta on the Marrakesh Express.
When the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers’ cat got mad, he’d p*ss in their headphones. You don’t have headphones, do you John?
Some sort of punishment will be meted out, fersure (fursure?).
It’s good to be the bawce…
Scratch the couch – Like a bawce!
Eat some grass – Like a bawce!
Claw the human – Like a bawce!
Puke the grass up – Like a bawce!
Bowl of friskies – Like a bawce!
Scare the doggie – Like a bawce!
Give the evil eye – Like a bawce!
Shed on the futon – Like a bawce!
Nap for five hours – Like a bawce!
John Cole @ Top:
If looks could kill.
I don’t know, John. It’s not so much a murderous look, as it is a contemptuous glare that says, “You are beneath me. Peasant.”
I think you are both wrong. That look is
“Hey! WTF.” (as you are stopping you get)
“Who said you could stop?”
That’s the same look Charles Manson had.
On youtube I hear the sound of charging marching feet boy
Cuz the summer’s here and the time is right for marching on the street boy
But wot can a poor boy do, cept make his website green
cuz in sleepy cyberspace there’s just no place for
keyboard fightin’ man.
Try this site.
Some interesting info there.
Doesn’t glaring require energy?
Tunch makes a lovely throw pillow.
In other news: The cow fighting has begun. (And sadly that’s not a Sarah Palin or Nancy Pelosi reference.)
@ John Cole:
The Atlantic has an interesting perspective on the effect of the recession in West (By God!) Virginia you might enjoy.
Outstanding bawce ode.
(“Scare the doggie-like a bawce!” Is there anyone here who doesn’t see the Tunch of that.)
Death By Mosquito Truck
Thanks John, Tunch was beginning to fade from my elephantine memory.
Drudge previewing the next wingnut freakout:
Comrade Stuck:
Jeepers. While there may be some people who are equally discredited after the last 8 years, I don’t think there’s actually anyone more discredited than Ledeen. I can’t decide whether my favorite bits are pushing false rumors that Khamenei was dead, or his alleged involvement with the Niger forgeries.
I mean, in comparison, Billy Kristol merely looks sweetly misguided.
Sully should know better.
@Crashman06: I don’t follow most sportscasting. When I saw the promos for the show, I thought it was a parody, like that one Garry Shandling used to do. That crap is serious?
Needed someplace to give NYT credit for very nice story on the late I.E. Millstone, an institution on the Jack Buck level. Not quite up to Quick Hits or EW’s nice thread on the CSRT reports.
@John Cole:
Why you got to be hating on Sully’s Iran coverage? He’s doing an awesome job. Much better than the MSM.
@The Other Steve:
That True/Slant looks neat. Possible model for “newspaper of the future”.
Lord Emsworth would be proud.
Comrade Stuck
Republicans have no right to complain after all the phony govment news segments they made supporting the prescription benefit, and other initiatives. Not to mention paying RW pundits to do their bidding. All of it with no disclaimers until they got caught. At least this will be upfront as to what is happening.
Seriously, are you joking? Or have you been ignoring the many legitimate questions about Sullivan’s (past and present) behavior? The people who have pointed out the other capable sources for news? The problems with the breathless hyping of the Twitterati? &c. &c.
I mean, c’mon, I can understand (but disagree) with the people who like Sullivan’s coverage, but the “aww, shucks, what’s wrong with Andy-boy and his cheerleading from P-town?” crap is getting old.
@greynoldsct00: If you have a handheld device, you might try that. I never see Pam (or any other) ads on the ‘Berry, but the Tunch and Lily photos come through just fine.
This makes me wonder — if the Pistachio Revolution fizzles out and fails to result in any kind of significant change in who rules Iran, will Sully go back to normal eventually, or will he stay with the Goldberg/Ledeen we just HAVE to bomb Iran RIGHT NOW, Western Civilization like TOTALLY DEPENDS ON IT! ! ! ! ! ! 11111! ! ! crowd?
Sully spent several years being an orthodox Neocon, I think it’d be very easy for him to just flip back.
No one’s contending that Sully didn’t initially do a better job reporting on the Iran election than most of the major networks and newspapers.
But “much better than the MSM” is actually a pretty low bar, not necessarily rising to the level of “awesome job”. This is especially true given that the MSM was barely reporting anything at all out of Iran for the first 24-72 hours of the election and its immediate aftermath.
Not if Tunch’s looks could kill, you won’t.
South of I-10
I feel like Tunch looks. If I can make it to 5:00 without beating anyone over the head with file, I will mark it up as a good day. I will definitely need some wine later.
@JGabriel (#52): Love it. Thank you!
J. A. Baker
Funny story. My brother and I took his cat to the vet yesterday (a clinic that specializes in cats) for her annual checkup. One of the office cats there looked remarkably like an older, less fluffy version of Tunch.
I know that look. That look promises a hot, speedy death for you. If only he could grow thumbs and inherit millions. You only survive because moving would burn calories.
Doctor Science
If anyone besides me isn’t seeing the TunchPic on this page, here’s a link to it.
Yay! Tunch!
I think he’s saying you should scurry off until he requires skritches again later. Or anything requiring thumbs.
My husband thinks our cat sees us as clumsy bald monkeys who happen to be thumb savants. I don’t think she believes I’m clumsy, though. :-)
Aw, there’s the sweet Tunchie. Oh, how I’ve missed him so. To me, the look says, “Stop taking my goddamn picture so I can go to sleep.”
More Tunch-cam!
oh really
No, John, if looks could kill, you wouldn’t be back…ever.
You’ll be lucky if you ever get off Tunch’s shit list. And rightly so. Actually committing to writing that getting Lily was the best decision you have ever made was cruel and heartless (quite apart from its truth or falsity). Your later qualification “except Tunch” was too little, too late. You might want to sleep with one eye open.
Steve H
Does Tunch actually oh I don’t know, move or anything? How about some Tunch action photos!
I’m just gonna say it, your posts about your pets are creepy. It’s okay to love your pets; just don’t LOVE your pets.
Love the Bad Mother Fucker look! The Tunchinator iz king!
Looks like the Usual Idiots are ramping up the fauxrage over on Memeo over this Drudge article on ABC in the White House.
Conveniently, they’ve already forgotten about all those “media days” in the Bush era, where rows upon rows of right-wing radio hosts were lined up and down the White House grounds, all broadcasting Live! and telling us all, “ooh, my, we’re actually HERE! and ZOMG!”, and the White House staff would wander up and down the tent-row, blanketing the AM market with all the talking points in response to all the pre-prepped softballs in day long marathons.
Short memories.
We all must bow down to the “The Tunchfather” and kiss his paw.
Tunch looks quite comfortable. What I want to know is what Tunch does to Lily when you’re out and about.
Zuzu's Petals
Y’know, maybe he’s just nearsighted.
Tunch, I mean.
Dang, Doctor Science, you saved the day for some of us. But I don’t get it — why, if we always saw Tunch before (and haven’t updated any software that we know of), couldn’t we see him today?
I agree. That cat does not look like it is glaring. Looks like it is gloating. Its empire has expanded from one owner to one owner and one dog. It has plans. Hope Cole survives to tell the tale.
Justin, I’m not sure that this is the site for you. We LOVE our pets.
I finally realized who Tunch reminds me of in that picture: Sydney Greenstreet.
Tunch…you sexxxy muthafucker!