You just can’t spoof these idiots anymore:
Iranian twitter activity similar to what we did in House last year when Republicans were shut down in the House- Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-MI)
They seriously need to just stop talking for a few months.
by John Cole| 69 Comments
This post is in: Republican Stupidity, Clown Shoes
You just can’t spoof these idiots anymore:
Iranian twitter activity similar to what we did in House last year when Republicans were shut down in the House- Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-MI)
They seriously need to just stop talking for a few months.
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[…] crying right now. I bet if he asked Peter Hoekstra, he’d learn this is just like the potato […]
Mercy me, the poor sensitive soul.
Surely, those godless Iranian heathens are inspired by the noble Christian white man’s endlessly impotent jerkery…
Comrade Stuck
I expect they will soon erect a giant cross on the Capital steps and take turns nailing themselves to it.
And my shouting at that jerk who cut me off in traffic yesterday is similar to storming the beach at Normandy. Inflated sense of self-importance, much?
@Comrade Stuck:
I love John’s day off from blogging, don’t you?
The Grand Panjandrum
I knew you couldn’t let this one pass by unnoticed. I actually went to Hoekstra page to check out the responses. This was my favorite.
For those who have not been following the action at Twitter #iran election, they had a bunch of people changing their account location to read Teheran +3:30 GMT to help hide Iranian protesters sending out tweets. (I know it wouldn’t help but that was one of the calls to action, as it were.)
Pete Hoekstra is an abomination.
John McCain is an even bigger asshole however for joking about bombing Iran during the campaign and now blasting Obama for not talking tough enough. Someone needs to tell McCain to shut the fuck up and go retire to his 12 or 13 homes.
@Comrade Stuck: I would pay money to see this.
Here is another one, via TPM. The culprit? Representative John Culberson, (R-Tex).
Stupid Ajax disguising my links.
Comrade Stuck
It’s one of Cole’s “opposite days” which is about every day, it seems. The best ones come with declarations of “no more posts on this topic” followed by three days of non-stop posts on the topic.
Comrade Darkness
AAARG. Wtf? What do these people do when mom isn’t around to wipe their ass in the morning? Grow the f*ck up before getting put in a position of power, please!!
On another note, I just got a google ad in arabic at the top:
اطلاعات دقيق، متنوع و مهم راجع به صلح و امنيت جهانی و نقش آمريکا
cool, it’s a link to
Theory of the day:
You know how the temperature in a room rises when there are a lot of people in it?
It must be that when a lot of stupid people are in a room, the level of stupidity rises
This is my day off from commenting.
Soda spilled on my desk similar to what happened in 2005 when hurricane Katrina flooded New Orleans.
The Saff
We were in Washington last August and saw this in person. It was just stupid.
Bwaaaaaaaah!! Speaking of which, when is the GOP going to drop some dope beats, like Michael Steele promised?
And, speaking of dope beats, I know everybody wants to see my Dave Matthews Band cell phone photos from the front row last night. Right?
When I demanded that flight attendants provide me with Coke, rather than the Pepsi they proffered, I drew strength from the courage of my flying forerunners at the Battle of Midway.
The Grand Panjandrum
@JenJen: Great photos.
This could have been our president. Shudder in fear–and in relief.
@The Grand Panjandrum: Thank you!! My head is still buzzin’. What an amazing show, what terrific energy. The band is really at the absolute top of their game on this tour!!
@Betsy: Bwahahahahahhaha! Crack me the fuck up. I couldn’t moderate my own comment so I had to make a new one.
This is what I mean about co-opting. GOP members are taking the Iranian revolution and using it to make meaningless political comparisons.
They need to STFU until they can think of something productive to say.
@asiangrrlMN: Reminds me of a Douglas Adams paraphrase: if they don’t keep their mouths moving, their brains will start to work. You can see why they have to keep talking.
Andy K
Those of you outside of Michigan should consider yourselves very lucky: This is Hoekstra’s last term in Congress, at least for the time being.
Those of us in Michigan, however, will see him running for the governor’s office next year. Yay.
BTW: Hoekstra is my dad’s Rep.. I’m pretty sure the old man voted for him. Thanks, dad.
The Grand Panjandrum
@JenJen: Tim Reynolds was a neighbor until we relocated out of the well fortified compound in the high desert of NM. Good guy.
The thing is, these Iranian protests appear to have more in common with the original Boston Tea Party than the Glenn Beck events ever could.
Think they (the teabaggers) might be just a little bit jealous?
@Comrade Stuck:
That would be bitchin’!! I’d buy the pay-per-view to that even if it went straight into their campaign coffers.
@gex: Yes. ‘Tis true. But, it’s better for us if they shut up. Besides, if they keep quiet for a month or two, maybe, just maybe, their brains will actually start to work.
The sad thing is that Democrats should be running away with this thing but it turns out that the Democrats are more like 2 major groups with a conscience for the evil conjoined twin that is only 2/3 separated from his brother Dem.
I am so glad I don’t get American media daily, only from my news sites but it is insane that Pete Hoekstra gets invited to talk on news programs to discuss real issues to Americans.
@The Grand Panjandrum: It’s such a thrill to see Tim out again with the full band. A girl behind me last night said to her date, “That guitarist looks like an elf. But Jesus, can he wail!”
Ha. :-)
Surreal American
They have been all this time (depending on your definition of “dope”).
Oh hey there’s another one.
Joshua Norton
Well, he may have a point. When I see Iranian students being brutalized in the streets by an authoritarian, theocratic regime, I DO think of Republicans…
Perry Como
I have a feeling these Republicans are actually DougJ and he’s trolling all of us.
The Grand Panjandrum
@JenJen: Yep. The boy can play.
These guys really must be devastated that ACORN isn’t knocking down their doors to grab their guns for Glorious Leader Hussein Obama’s jihad against American liberty. I mean really, House Dems on motorcyles were circling groups of House Republicans, beating them with electric batons? House Dems took to the gallery and opened fire on clusters of peacefully demonstrating House Republicans?
I guess they should have filmed it on their cellphones or something. I totally missed that story.
ThinkProgress has a bunch of them including this beauty:
It was either blog or get thrown out of the wifi coffee shop for screaming randomly at neighboring latte sippers.
Tonal Crow
And the twits just keep on twitting. I cannot express how happy I am that so many GOPers have chosen to twit away their (very small) remaining reserves of credibility. I cannot wait until Palin figures out how to twit.
Andy K
Hoekstra beat out Guy Vander Jagt in the GOP primary in ’92, and it seemed like a breath of fresh air. Vander Jagt was corrupted through-and-through by lobbyists. I’ll give it up to Hoekstra for remaining pretty ideologically pure and uncorrupted, if wrong.
Only if he’s under sniper fire.
Here’s the twitter responses to Hoestrka.
jake 4 that 1
Just like sitting in a comfy chair blogging about the war in Iraq is exactly like fighting in Iraq.
Just like the being told to StFu when you make a racist/sexist/homophobic joke is exactly like living under a Nazi regime.
Just like wanking off is exactly like sex with a real human being.
Comrade Dread
“Yes, siree Bob, it sure is a hell on earth living here in America as a Republican.
Cops pull us over all the time and harass us. We can’t catch cabs. And don’t get me started about the gangs of latte sipping patchouli smelling hippies in their tie-dyed hoods and Priuses chasing us down.
And that’s before the Democrats started having their roving gangs of militia supporters beat and shoot at our supporters and the government whisked off our citizen leaders to prisons to be beaten and tortured.
We shall overcome.”
@strawmanmunny: It’s worse than a Macaca moment.
@Tonal Crow: Oh, but she has.
There’s some pretty funny responses and it looks like his twitter page is getting hammered with them.(at least I think it’s his page, as I have no understanding how this twitter thing works) lol
Yesterday I had to stand in line for almost 3 minutes to get my burrito.
Just. Like. Iran.
Cole – Another thing to piss you off. Support #IranianElection by turning your twitter avatar green.
BTW, mine was already green so do I make it red?
@Legalize: Fuck, man. You really DO know what it’s like. We are ALL Iranians now!
@BDeevDad: Commie Pink.
There’s some goddamn gold in the comments at Hoekstra’s Twit thingy. Hard to pick the best because they are coming in so fast:
booksnmore4you: I ordered a hamburger at the McDonald’s drive through this morning, which is similar to Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.
Edit to properly attribute the second quote.
jake 4 that 1
@BDeevDad: John can show his support by turning Pam Anderson green.
This makes me want to hurl, so clearly I hate America.
Leelee for Obama
@Comrade Stuck: Will there be tickets, or is this a free passion play? I must say, I would make the trip to witness such wingularity!
@jake 4 that 1:
This would take the ad beyond tolerable to awesome. Again I say, cleek, where are you with a script?
Cat Lady
From a commenter: This.
jake 4 that 1
This incident proves we’ll never reach peak wingnut or peak snark.
Some guys are fast – Pete Hoekstra is a meme.
My Internet hero of the day.
Tax Analyst
Expect to see the “crucified” Republicans actually standing behind a cardboard cut-out of a figure being crucified…sort of like their fillibusters. Also expect to see paper mache nails. You may also see Congressional Pages substituting for the actual elected seat-holders. But that’s alright really, because if you’re a page for a Republican congressman you’re probably used to getting nailed now and then.
@Perry Como: FTW
@gnomedad: Why do you hate wimminz?
Tonal Crow
I dared to read that. It must be ghost-twitted.
[P.S. GOP this Ajax “software” all to motherGOPing GOP!]
@Tonal Crow: Nope. The Mudflats has verified as much as possible that it is the actual governor. Sad to say.
tastes like chicken. Also.
I had sex with a woman who didn’t remember my name the next morning. Now I know how Mary felt after the Immaculate Conception.
McDonalds forgot my order of fries once, now I know what it’s like for starving people in a North Korean Prison.
Ash Can
LOLZ! This is a hoot. No, they shouldn’t shut up. I needed a laugh, and these horse’s asses delivered. If they were to stop tweeting, the world would be missing out on quite a bit of comedy.
in case this has not been posted yet:
Pete Hoekstra is a meme
@gex: I usually think of that quote at least 3 or 4 times a day.
my rep, too. don’t blame me, I voted for Bill the Cat.
There’s no way he’ll win the Governorship. the Detroit/Ann Arbor area will make sure. the only repub I see with a shot in the general is Terry Lynn Land, or MAYBE (doubtful) Mike Cox