Just got back from a night out- went with my friend Tammy to dinner at an Indian place (it was great- I had lamb curry and taboulah), then went to rails for trails for an hour with the dogs, then got some gelato. Some pics:
Via Rumproast, here is a worthwhile charity- the Mill Dog Rescue Home. And wouldn’t you know it, the founder’s dog is named Lily.
El Cid
I’m into the first episode (of three) of the British series “Occupation” about British troops in and coming home from Iraq in 2003. So far, it’s great. Good writing. Sharp acting. Impressive cinematography. Should definitely be shown here. And no, I don’t mean ‘an American version’. I mean this particular show.
Lily is happy. You can see it in her face. To finally have a real family where she is loved, secure, and can make friends!
Now, instead of crying, i am thinking about lamb curry. yummm
L-dub: what’s the clock at now?
By next week I expect Lily to have progressed to the degree of being named the next Middle East envoy.
Finally a Lily post. I was worried that Tunch finally showed you who was boss. At any moment I was expecting Tunch to post John and Lily pics, just for spite.
Here’s some Fox fun for you.
Right now my dog is staring out the front door through the screen looking for a rabbit or two to chase.
kommrade reproductive vigor
A. She looks really relaxed John, was she always so comfortable with other pooches?
B. The Furness Doctrine requires equal cat/dog coverage.
C. (Blog Pimp Alert) I’ve paid homage to Pete The Tweet Hoekstra.
D. Critters we’ll never see in John’s pet posts.
I am new here. What is Lily’s friend’s name? They are so cute together!
Every Lily update, I think “she looks like a totally different dog”. What a happy story, so glad we get to share in it with you.
Michael D.
Fawn over one animal. Eat another. Oh the irony! :-)
On a good note, I just had a delicious mushroom Swiss burger at the Marriot in Overland Park, Kansas.
On a bad note, I am in Overland Park, Kansas.
Laura W
197, thanks for asking.
Hey! I got my Nemesis 8×10 today from Flickr and I LOVE IT!
The lack of total clarity makes it seem sort of dreamy and surreal, and the “dirty” windows look more like rain streaked. It is so lovely. I can’t wait to frame and hang it in my new home.
Since I shot my blueberry wad two minutes early tonight (backstory in previous thread), being the impatient idiot I am, I am going to post this here again because I am so very proud of myself.
My very first video!
Sadie Kitty and The First Blueberries of the Season!
Tell Momo It’s ON!
Notorious P.A.T.
Cute little pooches )
@kommrade reproductive vigor: D. is awesome! I have a pair of Fire-Bellied Toads, nothing particularly exotic, although one of them appears to be extremely brain-damaged after losing an eye to an infection shortly after we got her (we think she is a she; she has never ‘barked’). I was able to nurse her back to health hand-feeding her crickets with forceps.
@Laura W: I am jealous of your blueberries, and I am very jealous of Sadie’s ability to loaf!
myrtle parker
Why are you posing Lily next to a dirty mop in these pictures? Does Lily like the mop or is there some other greater significance? Puzzled…
Comrade Stuck
I’ve recently discovered some terrific European films, mostly Eastern Europe, about ww2 and the cold war. Realistic and emotionally moving like we don’t make in the US anymore. Maybe because they’ve had it so rough for long. This one I’m finishing up tonight with some of the best Cinematography ever, and an unusual love story. It’s about WW2
Other recommendations”
Sophia Scholl – was fabulous and a true story. the recreation of the Nazi People’s Court is stunningly true to the real thing.
Dresden 1 and 2
The Tunnel — a masterpiece of a movie about the Berlin Wall.
@Laura W: That’s a noisy cat. But what on earth possessed you to put a plate of blueberries and a puttytat inside a sauna?
@Laura W: I am pleased and honored that you would grant space in your home for my humble contribution; I don’t feel like I did anything special, but I am glad you like it.
That’s no
moonsauna, you’d get splinters up yer bum!Delia
Great. The Lily pix are here. Looks like she’s just chillin’ with her pal. More and more like a regular relaxed dog.
Awww, boookies.
She looks like my late, great Andouille (red Dachshund) when she was in her old age.
In one picture, Lily looked very much like a Chihuahua. But in these pics she has the face structure of a dachshund. And now thinking about it, Lily does have a longish body (relative to the size of her head).
Add in the natural doleful countenance that Dachshunds are known for and I’m compelled to ask, do you think your Lily has any Dachshund in her?
Awww…Samantha is such a cutie. She looks like she’s full of mischief, while Lily’s all sweet ‘n’ innocent. Please give them both a nice skritch behind the ears for me, ok?
@Comrade Stuck
I just got The Tunnel from Netflix the other day. Have you seen The Lives of Others?
My mother and her parents fled East Germany in 1951, and we are now working on a book about her experiences as a child in WWII Germany, and also her friends who stayed behind as the Iron Curtain fell, and what they had to go through–those who stayed and those who managed to get out.
Thanks for those other recommendations!
Yay! Lilly pix! Love her little mop headed friend. They look like two happy doggies. The last pic cracked me up. Lily is checking out that camera: Is it safe? What is it? Can I eat it? Hee.
Very nice. Thank you. Two hearty happy dogs. It cheers me up.
But, where is Tunch? He has been gloating in the last couple of photos, not glaring at all.
While Cole is out, innocently having childlike fun with the dogs, unsuspecting, Tunch is alone, scheming, plotting, planning his next move. He needs to be reminded that Cole is the alpha mammal in the neighborhood, and is keeping an eye on him too. Tunch pics, please, for our sake, and for yours as well! I would like to trust the Tunchinator… but…
Laura W
@AhabTRuler: I just now realized a large part of the appeal for me in that shot is all of the shades of rich blue, and the cat, of course. It brings to mind Cats in the Sun.
Have you ever seen this series of books, prints, postcards and dog knows what else by now?
I was so enamored of his photos, and the Greek Isles, that I dry mounted a series of postcards and hung them over my bed in college in a huge formation.
And I still want to go to Greece. And I still love great photos of cats.
Comrade Stuck
Yes I did, back in the winter. Another top notcher.
Your very welcome:)
Hey, it costs a lot of money to maintain those things! I’ve got a backyard pool, and you should see our deck!
Michael D.
Ben Stein just told Wolf Blitzer (filling in for Larry King) that we should bomb North Korea. I have several problems with this, obviously…
1. It’s Ben Stein.
2. Kim Jong-Il – in my opinion, is crazy – but he knows he’ll be screwed if he ever tries anything!
3. And this is my biggest one… so I will do a paragraph break…
WHY THE HELL is it America’s responsibility to deal with all the shit in the world? Why the fuck does everyone wonder “What will America do about this?” DO we fucking own the world?
Why doesn’t Berundi take a stand on North Korea? Let Fiji deal with it!!
As a Canadian, I NEVER understood why the world looked to America for solutions.
I’m sorry… I love my adopted country, but you guys don’t exactly have a stellar track record for solving problems…
El Cid
So, does Ben Stein also mention how he’d suggest dealing with the flattening of Seoul and the destruction of U.S. bases in South Korea from one of the world’s biggest installations of artillery pointed right at the city?
Or is that yet another minor detail which need not be addressed by high minded hawks and liberal interventionists, who are not the little people who must deal with such petty questions?
John Cole
Uh oh.
John Cole
@El Cid: Japan and China and Russia might have something to say about this.
And we know that Seoul will be destroyed by conventional North Korean artillery within hours of any attack, with resultant civilian casualties in the tens of thousands (at least).
ETA: Dammit El Cid, beat me to the pass! Good show!
El Cid
@John Cole: Maybe, but I’m not sure those nations have yet been invited to sit on the Ben Stein advisory council, which is the relevant level of decisionmaking here.
hold on one cotton pickin’ second.
John said he had tabouleh in an Indian restaurant?
Did they server hummous and baba ganouj too?
Are you sure that was a lamb curry?
damn blogosphere – can’t trust em for nuthin…
Is this is the “Bueller?… Bueller?… Bueller?” Ben Stein?
What the %$#!!@! does he know about North Korea?
Which one was filling in for Larry King?
(At first I thought it would be Stein, since he can probably say “Whaaauuuah” better).
What nitwit cares a tiny ratpoop what Ben Stein thinks about North Korea?
Why is Ben Stein being allowed to discuss North Korea on national a national TV program that is not satire? I have a big problem with that.
@Michael D.: It’s that “American Exceptionalism” thing, you know.
This whole fucking country’s been a short bus for politicians for the last 28 years, and it shows.
@John Cole: The Onion’s ‘apology’ will be interesting.
@Michael D.
As a European now living in the US, I have to say that America trying to solve everybody’s problem, is part of the problem.
On Wolf Blitzer’s daytime show, they had on Mr. Campbell Brown talking about how Obama MUST speak out in support of the Iranian opposition. This coming from the guy who was the official mouthpiece of the US occupation in Iraq.
Now, Ben Stein, offering his expertise on North Korea. That’s like somebody having me on to discuss plasma physics or cooking.
Rather than offer comment on the interchangeability of Wolf Blitzer and Larry King, I guess I’ll stop now.
Any soccer fans here want to place bets on how badly the US gets tarred by Brazil tomorrow morning? Also, North Korea qualified for the World Cup today. Too bad Iran got ousted today, or FIFA could’ve stuck us in a group with North Korea AND Iran.
And just whose permission do I need to edit my own comment, pray tell. WTF…
Squee picture.
Not mine, nor anyone I know, but since I have LOL Cats taped to my window at work, people send me cat pictures.
John Cole
@mario: Yes. It was lamb curry. And yes, it was a Mediterranean restaurant, not really Indian.
John Cole
@beabea: Dan Senor had an editorial in one of the papers I read every day outlining a five point plan, and after I read it, I started to understand the value in coups and shooting everyone from the previous regime when a new leader takes over.
That puppy mill rescue site was excruciating to wade through. I can’t understand people who buy animals from pet shops. I have yet to see one healthy dog or cat in a pet store and the owners of pet stores invariably give me the creeps.
There aren’t enough decent human beings to match or overtake the evil shitburgers, but if we each do our part…
On a more positive note, it’s lovely to see photos of Lil, though she looks a little deer-caught-in-headlamps next to the one with fur flying like Phyllis Diller’s hair.
How did Senor managed to marry Campbell Brown, who’s hot and sensible. What is it with hot CNN anchors and right-wingers? One of the other CNN anchors was dating Limbaugh awhile back.
@Michael D.: You misunderstand Stein’s point. It is not that we are responsible for dealing with everyone else’s crap. It is our responsibility to bomb whomever we feel is getting uppity.
Michael D.
I am SO pissed. My Marriott 24 hour account ditched me. I promise you I had an amazing comment to post, but it got lost. Seriously, it would have blown your mind. I am too lazy to re-write it. Amazing comment, it was…
@Comrade Stuck: Sophie Scholl was a great film. 4 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days is by a Romanian director and quite good.
An older movie tat takes place during WW11 is Au revoir, les enfants. It’s not eastern European but it’s still good.
Only Mediterranean then. Which is fine. We are talking West Virginia, right?
I was getting hungry after reading about John’s dinner, but that’s fixed now, thanks.
@John Cole
Five point plan for what? If it is anything other than a 5-point plan for becoming a spokeshole for massive fail, then he really needs to STFU.
Just got caught up on the Lily blogging and enjoyed all the pix, especially the prancing ones. When Christmas comes you must get her reindeer antlers.
John Cole
@Lesley: Already planned, because I think she looks like this as it is.
BTW- the other dog is Tammy’s dog Samantha, aka Sammy, who is just super funny. She has the biggest damned tongue, and is a total spazz.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Yeah! In fact, we should bomb them with a big tedious sack of crap.
Does anyone know where can we get one?
Bueller? Anyone?
John Cole
QOTD, re: Iran- “Developments are moving faster than bloviators.” STSOZ
Awwww, Lily and Sammy are the sweetest things…except for Miss Sadie.
@Laura W: I love Miss Annie, but Miss Sadie is fast creeping up in the love-meter. You better post a video of Annie stat!
@Michael D
Yuk. After that post (fawn over one…), I think I will cry, or become vegetarian…
On a side note, who cares what Ben Stein thinks? The problem is not what he thinks, but that he is given a public forum to share his thoughts….
Wiener Dog lovers, am I the only one who thinks darling Lily is part Dachshund (is that the right spelling or is it Dachshundt?)
J. Michael Neal
@asiangrrlMN: Poor Eddie just gets no love.
Except from Dirk.
Well, this was Ben Stein’s latest endeavor:
And, he had an op-ed somewhere (I’ve blocked it from my mind) mourning the fact that his friend wouldn’t be able to keep her two million dollar home because her sugar daddy dumped her.
That was Daryn Kagan, and it’s pretty clear your definition of ‘hot’ does not match mine. I think they were even engaged for a while. Great. I just threw up in my mouth a little.
@J. Michael Neal: Oh my god! Is that sweetie pie YOURS? Eddie is totally, totally, cute!
What game were you watching?
passerby – re Dachsie Lily
We have a Dachsie/Yorkie mix. His muzzle is much longer than lovely Lily’s.
I say no Dachsie in Lily.
@John Cole:
LOL Why yes, she does rather resemble Max. You could lend her out for mash-up school Christmas pageants – you know the kind with Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus and the shepherds and angels surrounded by Santa, Frosty the Snowman, Shamu, flamingos, a Jewish kid in the holding a menorah and Superman.
Who would date Rush Limbaugh? I mean, seriously. The man is disgusting. I can’t even imagine. Even if you were just in it for the money, there has to be a line drawn somewhere. Ick.
Just before that, he said we should all get health care because we’re all God’s children.
So either North Koreans aren’t God’s children, or Ben is nuts. Your choice.
(crickets chirping)
Today, Failblog had a link to a site about people who are even dumber than twittering republican congressmen. Breathtaking.
I’m kinda surprised by all the comments saying Lily looks relaxed in those pictures. I see a nervous puppy.
J. Michael Neal
@asiangrrlMN: Yeah, that’s two of my four. That’s a baseball game. I can’t remember which one.
Comrade Kevin
@Xanthippas: I’ll guess the US will lose 3-1.
@Mike: Obviously, you have a different notion of “sensible” than I have. (For that matter, you have a different notion of “hot” than I have, too, but that’s neither here nor there.)
Comrade Kevin
@gbear: On that site, is there a guy with a butt-shaped tattoo of a guy with a butt-shaped tattoo, right on his butt?
Comrade Stuck
I had that cued up once and forgot about it. I will check it out.
Hmm. My Andoullie was a pedigreed dox and you’re right about the nose length. But, what about the long(ish) torso? What does your doxie/yorkie’s torso look like? or is the dox look just manifest in the head?
“I’ve done worse than kill you, Cole. I’ve clawed you. And I mean to go on clawing you.”
@Comrade Kevin:
Didn’t see that one although there’s a guy with Simpson characters tattooed on his butt. I was more amazed by the guy who had a back full of dicks. I’d just jump off a bridge and get it over with. NSFW
@Violet: Ladies will do a lot for millions of dollars. CHA CHING.
Comrade Kevin
@gbear: Perhaps it was the inspiration for that scene in Superbad.
@Laura W:
How could you not put down the camera?! That cat is dyin’ to be skritched!
@ Comrade Kevin:
Well sir, I give you an E for effort at least.
OT on an open thread. Lately, I’ve been in the habit of RE-renting my favorites on Netflix given that I find most of the new stuff boring. My movie queue was starting to run dry. So I re-upped a bunch.
Today I (re)watched Kill Bill Vols I and II ( Vol I my favorite) and I loved it (all over again). Outstanding work–great soundtrack.
I also watched (new) “The Day the Earth Stood Still” remake. I found it curious that it had a Netflix rating of 2 and half stars.
Early in the story it held flashes of promise and I began wondering why the movie was panned…until I watched the ending…which totally sucked dead whales. Scatter-brained screenplay. Really too bad because the cast held so much promise for a great story.
Next up, The Apartment with Jack Lemmon and for some excitement, Layer Cake.
There has to be a limit somewhere. I don’t care how much money he’d pay. That would be disgusting.
@gbear: I hate you. What has been seen cannot be unseen. Aaaargh! Teh ugliness…it kills me.
@Violet: I’m with you. No amount of money could make me touch Limbaugh.
Speaking of tattoos….
@J. Michael Neal: They are really cute, especially Eddie.
Brick Oven Bill
Violet protests too much.
Comrade Kevin
@Xanthippas: One of my favorite sporting event memories is when I got to see the US play Brazil in the 1994 World Cup at Stanford stadium.
B.o.b. only has $25 to get him thru til friday.
J. Michael Neal
@asiangrrlMN: Right now, Monster is very upset. It’s so hot in this part of the house that I have my shirt off. She doesn’t like sitting on me without it, and so I am getting The Glare. The logo for Le Chat Noir captures her perfectly. That is her.
Also, you could certainly pay me enough money to touch Rush Limbaugh, so long as I get to define “touch.” I wouldn’t even ask for anything more than expenses to punch him in the face.
steve s
That’s why I quit watching the Tard Shows, i.e. the cable-news garbage. Why listen to Ben Stein on North Korea? Who cares what Mike Pence thinks about macroeconomics? A cable-show booker who thinks Ari Fleischer’s opinion about Obama’s statements about Iran should be jailed in an institution for the hopelessly retardified.
I now try to only watch shows that don’t blatantly insult my intelligence, such as The Daily Show and Fareed Zakaria GPS.
Anne Laurie
She just wanted to be absolutely, positively sure John wasn’t gonna trade her for the “rilly cute” doggie with the “sparkling personality”. I think it’s a positive sign that she got all up in John’s lens, demanding (or at least imploring) to be reassured that she was still No. One Doggy in the Cole household.
J. Michael Neal, watching Dirk & Eddie is a great way to relax…
@Anne Laurie:
I’m guessing that the nose-in-the-lens shot was actually the first shot of the series, given the soft-focus-thru-puppy-snot look of the pictures above it. Lily’s face is a little smeared in those images. Might be good to check the lens.
The ever present Lily makes me dream of her.
J. Michael Neal
And Eddie’s fur has almost finished growing back.
Tammy’s hot. I love the ’80’s hair. Does she have a dog, too?
off to read some comments.
Mike in NC
Stein and Kim: separated at birth? Short, fat, ugly weasels with thick glasses and bad hair.
Might I suggest you sell your reference to “taboulah” as links to the recipe sites.
I like your site and I like recipe sites. Seems a waste for me to have to use the google. Hopefully you can make dough off of it.
And the taboulah sounds awesome.
Thanks SO much for linking to my daughter’s post on RumpRoast about the Mill Dog Rescue group. This is such a great cause – they rehabilitate so many dogs like your dear Lily who have lived in appalling circumstances and are simply discarded at the end of their reproductive lives. Ideally these people should just be tied up, quartered and left where those dogs could feed on them but for whatever reason we do not respect animal rights enough. Anything that you and your readers can do to support this organization is so greatly appreciated.
Thanks again.
@J. Michael Neal: I demand pics of Monster. My boys don’t care if I’m wearing a shirt or not. They will sit on me, and they will knead. Usually, my tatas.
J. Michael Neal
@asiangrrlMN: Monster
Dirk, Monster, & Eddie
Dirk & Eddie
Dirk (If you look closely, you may recognize what’s on the screen.
Ringling (She looks exactly like Momo.)
Eddie when he still had four legs
Eddie looking understandably woebegone.
Late to the party after a busy day! Added some more cell phone (not so great) photos of DMB last night (front row, wooohooooo, so, so great) here. I don’t know about y’all, but it just doesn’t feel like summer until I see an outdoor concert, and that one certainly fit the bill.
I need to get one of these Stop Wars t-shirts written in the Star Wars font that Tim Reynolds, their mindblowing guitarist, was wearing last night. If only it came in green…!! ;-)
So. How was Wingnut Wednesday for everyone?
Dirk and Eddie are spectacular.
Btw, if anyone wants a cute dog story that involves an elephant, the story of Bella and Tarra is a must see.
Tarra the elephant just happens to love dogs, and she finally found one to be her best friend.
There are two videos on that page.
J. Michael Neal
@asiangrrlMN: I have a response, with pictures of Monster, but I included too many links, so it’s waiting for moderation.
Well, they are boys, after all.
@J. Michael Neal: Your cats are amazing, and Eddie is a real trooper. He gets a lot of love from around here, at least from me & Momo!
The District Court opinion denying John Yoo’s motion to dismiss the civil damages action brought against him by Jose Padilla is very much worth your time. Marcy links to a pdf copy of the opinion.
Quaker in a Basement
@ Michael D.
On a bad note, I am in Overland Park, Kansas.
Well get out of there and head over to the Plaza or Westport.
harlana pepper
Aaaahhh! Puppy Nose Cam!
pictures of lily….
she finally couldn’t stand it any longer and had to find out what that little thingy was that her new best friend is always pointing at her and telling her to ‘smile’…
pls keep ’em coming.
Robert Sneddon
WWII movie worth catching — “Grave of the Fireflies”, the impact on two Japanese kids of America’s glorious victory in the Pacific.
Dog is My Co-Pilot
Love the updates on Lily. Checked out the link you posted for Mill Dog Rescue. We adopted a Pomeranian who came from a puppy mill. She doesn’t have any teeth either, much like the Lily featured on the Mill Dog Rescue site. But she has turned out to be the sweetest little dog. A little love, patience, and time around our other dogs have worked wonders. You’ve done a wonderful thing for Lily. My wish would be that all unwanted and neglected dogs could find their Forever Home.
@J. Michael Neal: Your cats are beautiful! Monster is a gorgeous girl; Dirk is sooo handsome; Momo–er, Ringling is a doll, and Eddie, ah, Eddie. He has captured my heart. What a big sweetie.
@AhabTRuler: I know. Still, I had to put a stop to it when one of them (Raven) nipped my nip. OUCH!
Kevin, I take that back. The only flaw in your prediction was giving the US enough credit to score one goal.
I was a buffoon and didn’t make the effort to go to ANY WC games that year. Of course I was also 20 and perpetually cash shy, but still. I won’t make that mistake again if we get the Cup back in 2018 or 2022.
shelley matheis
What does Ann Coulter know about foreign or military policy or the economy? It doesn’t stop Fox news from having her on to comment on anything under the sun. Same thing with other bloviators like Dick Morris or Karl Rove.
and thus the self-correcting blogosphere does its wonders once again.