According to Holder:
Attorney General Eric Holder said Wednesday there may be 50 or more trials of Guantanamo Bay detainees as the Obama administration works to shut the detention center by early next year.
Mr. Holder discussed the plan before the Senate Judiciary Committee, where the senior Republican called him “too soft” on terrorism while a second GOP lawmaker said he was on the right track in handling detainees.
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R., Ala.) criticized Mr. Holder for the release of Bush administration memos that authorized harsh interrogation techniques. Sen. Sessions said the memos gave important information to America’s enemies.
Which, of course, means more Republican demagoguery, meaning more silly RNC videos, meaning this blog will still continue to exist with minimal effort. Good news all around.
Isn’t Palau getting like $12 million per Uighur? I would foster a Uighur in my (new, pimped out) house for $12 million.
$12M to make a huge headache go away? Sounds like a bargain. Probably less than keeping them illegally detained cost.
If the Bush admin hadn’t gone around scooping up innocent people we could have saved a lot of money. Perhaps we could recoup it out of his and Cheney’s pensions.
How about this: the Bama football team can have all of the wins it had to forfeit due to NCAA rules violations restored to its record if Jeff Sessions is removed from the Senate.
If we could put that to a referendum in Alabama, Sessions would be gone in a heartbeat.
Rule of law == soft on terror. SSDD.
schrodinger's cat
Balloon Juice favorite, Andrew Sullivan has a hilarious post about good neocons. Of course, good neocons=people who agree with Sullivan.
Next up, the good neocons will be telling us, how we should promote democracy in Iran by invading it and how we will be welcomed with flowers in Teheran.
Adam Collyer
Deleted. Loving the double post…
Adam Collyer
Sadly, that’s true, although I’m not sure what, exactly, it says about the state of Alabama.
As a loyal Penn State alum and fan, I’m hard pressed to cheer for ‘Bama. But if the decision is between Jeff Sessions and the program that Bear Bryant built…Roll Tide.
Just wait until this woman goes to trial. I hear the courtroom will be hoppin’, Carrott Top will be a juror, and she’ll be wearing a prison jump-suit.
Holder fired back at Sessions, tho.
The Grand Panjandrum
Cue up some Daniel Larison:
I think the same argument can be made for Cuba as well. Besides who was President when Castro came to power? But the most import question still remains! WWRD? That is the only way to resolve this mess. Let’s exhume Reagan’s corpse and send him on a listening tour … the neocons can then divine through the mystical powers they seem to possess, will gladly tell the rest of us exactly what Reagan would do. That, sir, in a nutshell is what the administration and Congress should be doing. O ye of little faith.
Anyone got a shovel?
Capital idea.
I keep thinking a novel based on the story of a Uighur, hated by the Chinese, imprisoned in Guatanamo, and relocated to Palau, would be GREAT. They could open a Uighurese restaurant or something. It reminds me of the Michael Chabon book, the Yiddish Policemen’s Union, except that truth is stranger than fiction.
Ted the Slacker
Senator Bombbombbomb Iran just tweeted:
Mass peaceful demonstrations in Iran today, let’s support them & stand up for democracy & freedom! President & his Admin should do the same.
I suppose stupid is an improvement on evil.
schrodinger's cat
If it is anything like Burmese food, it will be delicious and their restaurant, a huge success.
Can I just say, “screw Jefferson Beauregard Nathan Bedford F*cking Forrest Sessions III?”
I can? Good.
@schrodinger’s cat:
A good neocon? Isn’t that like a case of good syphilis?
@The Grand Panjandrum:
Eisenhower – Castro has made it through 11 US presidents.
The Grand Panjandrum
@schrodinger’s cat: I’m not sure Totten is a neo-con. What makes him so? I know he’s somewhat conservative but that doesn’t make him a neo-con.
@Ted the Slacker:
Just how mentally challenged do these wingers have to be to not realize that sometimes you say it best when you say nothing at all (not Alison’s best song, sorry)? I know it’s hard for wingnuts to wrap their little minds around, but sometimes putting a big ol’ USA! USA! soaring eagle stamp of approval on things does more harm than good.
@Adam Collyer:
I am looking at a Lion Shrine as I post. Not the original, but close enough.
Ted the Slacker
Mentally challenged wingers are one thing, this is supposed to be good Mr Senator Mav’rick and a moderate and a leading figure in one of the two main parties.
While I’m on Republican stupidity, my husband had a good observation, that the people who are the most rah-rah green-fonters about we have to do something about Iran are exactly the people who, if they were born and raised in Iran, would have voted for I’madinnerjacket. Older, rural, uneducated, and reactionary.
@Ted the Slacker:
Right. If you haven’t noticed, though, the leaders of the other major party are completely fucking unhinged.
Right, because no one ever heard about torture until Obama took over.
Stupid meme #2,345,954
Brick Oven Bill
The entire War on Man Made Disasters has been careless. You can get in trouble with Janet for advocating that the New World Order effort is real, so I won’t, but Bush and Kissenger, and Brown have so blame them.
The NWO uses the very real doctrine and practice of violence to spread Islam as an excuse to expand state security to all sectors and over all populations. This is why you don’t say ‘Jihadist’, but you instead say ‘extremist’.
Much of the Left does not take the threat of Islam seriously. I attribute this to bigotry, as the majority of the Left do not believe brown people to be very capable. Whether or not this is the case, this arrogance on the subject of Islam is a mistake. Mohammed was a very capable man who established the Belief System that Hilter wished to be imposed upon Germany. Use Islam at your own risk.
The scenario where the far Right in this country goes Islamic is entirely possible. I doubt Holder has even read the Qur’an. He is not very impressive, bending over backwards over these guys in Cuba. People are watching him and laughing.
schrodinger's cat
@ The Grand Panjandrum
I have no opinion about Totten’s neoconness, I was just quoting BJ’s favorite blogger that’s all.
Hunter Gathers
Shrub returns from the Phantom Zone, and drops a double negative:
blockquote<a I’ll just tell you that there are people at Gitmo that will kill American people at a drop of a hat and I don’t believe that persuasion isn’t going to work. Therapy isn’t going to cause terrorists to change their mind.”</blockquote
The only thing Bush did well was mangle the english language.
The Grand Panjandrum
And just as the torture issue comes into focus again an old punching bags rears his goofy head:
Christmas in June …
Hunter Gathers
We missed you, George.
@Ted the Slacker: This reminds me of the rumor I’m now starting, that had McCain won the election, the red phone would have been scrapped in favor of twitter.
Thanks for the link, Punchy! Screw the rest of this silly political drivel, what has this country come to when citizens feel free to keep hundreds of rabbits _in squalid conditions_?! My God! Even Sessions wouldn’t do that. Even Cheney; well, actually, Cheney probably would. Probably invent new levels of squalid, too, just in case the rabbits were holding out on him about their plans for the coming reconquista by the infamous terrorist group Lagotlan.
schrodinger's cat
Why is everything in italics?
HTML fail; looks like a loose em tag. Let’s see if this fixes it: test.
Not in preview, anyway.
Adam Collyer
Class of 2006, supporter since birth. I could use a replica Lion Shrine at work right about now.
Montysano (All Hail Marx & Lennon)
Speaking for the majority of my fellow citizens of Alabama, let me ask “Who is Jeff Sessions?”
tripletee (formerly tBone)
@schrodinger’s cat:
The Unreality Field emanating from BoB’s post has fux0red the HTML. We can expect to see similar phenomena more and more frequently as the Wingularity begins to manifest.
@Hunter Gathers:
And is your formatting error that caused every following post to go italic a meta-comment on Bushian mangling?
@Brick Oven Bill:
Wow. That may be the single most incoherent thing you’ve written here to date.
That line has only made “sense” to those who dream of ticking time bombs being quieted by dreamy rough men at the ready using visegrips on balls. GOP fetishists. Yeah, let’s also keep secret the memos that our bullets can put holes in bodies. They just might counter by taking bullet dissolving supplements.
@Brick Oven Bill:
Maybe you can write the warning label and usage directions. That’s good stuff, BOB.
tripletee (formerly tBone)
Do Not Taunt Jihadist Fun Ball.
Apparently the NWO will fuck your shit up.
Can we exchange it for the Idiot ball?