I’m crying right now. I bet if he asked Peter Hoekstra, he’d learn this is just like the potato famine.
by John Cole| 40 Comments
This post is in: Media, Clown Shoes
I’m crying right now. I bet if he asked Peter Hoekstra, he’d learn this is just like the potato famine.
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[…] Origin: a “twitter” from Rep. Peter Hoekstra comparing the violent repression of peaceful demonstrators in Iran with Republicans in congress: […]
Era of Wretched Excess isn’t over until Howie Kurtz is on the streets looking for a job.
Laura W
It’s hard out there for a crudité?
C Nelson Reilly
The WB party’s hoppin
Comrade Stuck
The Villagers must have had a bumper crop of ego this year.
Mouse Tolliver
Worse than the potato famine even. It’s like living in hiding from the Nazis and having nothing to eat but rotten potatoes and canned pickles like Adrian Brody in The Pianist.
Whutz th’ partying about?
joe from Lowell
Your continuing mockery of Peter Hoekstra is just like the Hutu militia massacres in Rwanda.
You’re welcome! :+)
And speaking of Hoekstra, you know, I’m thinking about getting bombed tonight, so I’ll know what The Siege of Bastogne felt like!
Pre party for what? I’d bet my house it is fruit + cheese + booze.
The Grand Panjandrum
Howie must not be aware of all internet traditions. Speaking of Pete Hoekstra this website just continues to bring the yucks. This is just the current offering. I think we now have the LOLcats equivalent for DC insiders.
Howie has just been killin’ me all day. These new entries are cute:
I just saw my first “Where’s the Birth Certificate” billboard in PA – It’s on East I-78 near Kutztown. I nearly flipped the car trying to get a cameraphone picture, but wasn’t fast enough :(
I burned my finger this morning. Now I know what it was like at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire.
Karatist Preacher
So sad.
El Cid
Is it the wrong time to be reminded that I really do just hate these people?
Library Grape
Have you guys seen the new site “Pete Hoekstra is a Meme”? http://petehisameme.wordpress.com/
Here are a couple of my faves:
I’ve just run out of vermouth. Exactly like being in the Kalahari around here.
The local cafe ran out of soup just before I went up for lunch; now I know what the Irish Potato Famine was like.
I shot a spitball at Hoekstra today – I’m fightin’ The Man, like Lee Harvey Oswald!
Mike in NC
Chill out, Howie. Everyone knows who’ll be first in line at John McCain’s July 4th BBQ.
Turn out the lights, the party’s over.
@Library Grape: Just checked out that Hoekstra meme site. My favorite was:
Howie Kurtz is the biggest twit using Twitter.
I just had gender reassignment surgery. Now I know what it feels like to be a woman.
@Library Grape: That was quick! And wicked-clever. I could riff on The Hoekstra Meme (and all Internet Traditions, really) all night. Who couldn’t? :-)
Laura W
@JenJen: Are you on MSNBC?
I mean, huh?
I swear, twitter is a compressive force on the political continuum which is causing not just wingularities but also oddball press singularities.
@Laura W: Yeah, but on mute and listening to live Dave Matthews Band (don’t start with me, people). Heard most of POTUS, and then started kickin’ out the jams.
Wha hoppen?
Laura W
@JenJen: I don’t know. I muted it when Hodgman started yakking and am about to ask Sade to gay marry me.
different church-lady
Never forget: the first syllable in “Twitter” is “Twit.”
alex milstein
Thank god for twitter. Now people can gain self importance by relaying utterly useless information to more people faster than ever.
Me, I havent participated in any ‘social networking’ system yet. I’m just waiting for the last one to be developed before jumping in.
I haven’t seen any Tunch or Lily pictures today. Now I know how baby seals feel as they’re being clubbed.
@Laura W: Can I be in charge of the guestbook? Best people-watching spot.
Jesus. Everyone in the village needs to be beaten with a club.
Kurtz found a source for better swag:
Seriously, people follow this shit on a regular basis? Why?
Kurtz did give the dish on Fox setting up Major Garrett with Carrie Prejean. Poor Julie, stuck at home writing up her next article on balancing motherhood and journalism, waiting for the next call to appear in a segment about balancing motherhood and journalism, wondering if she should start Twittering about balancing motherhood and journalism…
John Kearns
My twenty-month old grandchild pushed me. Now I know how they felt when the comet hit Yucatan. Oh, the dinosauria!
Funny, I don’t seem to recall Howie ever complaining about the life of “wretched excess” when the wine was flowing more freely.
These people act as if they honestly believe that the job description of a journalist is to simply get free food and drink at cocktail parities. They confuse journalistic talent with the ability to RSVP for a party, and, on top of that, they think they actually deserve respect for it.
I coined the term Hoekstroika. Think it will catch on?