More proof (via ThinkProgress) that DHS never should have issued that warning about domestic right-wing terrorists:
Internet postings on June 2 and 3 proclaimed “outrage” over the June 2, 2009, handgun decision by Chief Judge Frank Easterbrook and Judges Richard Posner and William Bauer, of the Chicago-based 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, further stating, among other things: “Let me be the first to say this plainly: These Judges deserve to be killed.” The postings included photographs, phone numbers, work address and room numbers of these judges, along with a photo of the building in which they work and a map of its location.
As you probably know, Posner and Easterbrook are among the nation’s most respected conservative judges.
Let’s hope all of these judges have a good security detail and that nothing comes of anything of this. This kind of thing scares the hell out of me.
It’s only been a few years since the family of a Chicago-based federal judge was murdered. There were possible connections with certain far-right hate groups in that case as well.
And I see that Turner is also a pal of Hannity’s. It’s all good.
The DHS report shouldn’t have been published?
Why not?
Edit: Welll, OK Delia. It’s getting hard to tell sometimes. Outrage exhaustion has set in.
I think Doug is using this rhetorical device called sarcasm.
Michael Weiner aka Savage is currently announcing to his stormtroopers who listen to his radio show (if you can call insane rantings on the airwaves we taxpayers provide a “radio show”) a similar pogrom roadmap to be posted on his website targeting the people at Media Matters. What I read sounded quite threatening. I’m truly worried about them.
You are correct.
El Cid
This is totally unfair because if right wingers can’t publish the names and photos of officials who they say need to be killed, then, they’ll have to only deal with their disappointments in legal manners without killing anyone. This is awful.
J.D. Rhoades
Hey, it’s only terrorism if the perpetrator’s skin is darker than your standard business envelope.
Oh, and wonderful irony with the title, Doug. Awesome.
Brick Oven Bill
Judge Posner does not comprehend the significance of Federalist 46. Physical threats are inappropriate in spite of this. Whoever made them was wrong.
DHS does need to take a look at Chicago however. Chicago is a hotbed of extremism. I used to be a courier in Chicago.
Dr. Dennis says the reason for the shortage is the high numbers of victims of shootings and other violent crimes who come to Stroger Hospital for life-saving treatment.
“We see probably an average of between 10 and 15 people who get shot or stabbed every night,” Dr. Dennis said.
Addie Lewis has seen the benefits of blood donation firsthand. She stands in her 18-year-old grandson’s hospital room; he was shot in the neck.
I approve of this post’s title.
Comrade Stuck
Say hi to the FBI for me Mr. Savage.
I see geg6 beat me to it. Oh well, heres the link anyway
@Brick Oven Bill: What does a high inner city violent crime rate in a large city like Chicago have to do with growing threats of right-wing extremism nationwide?
dr. bloor
I see Turner is in Fitzgerald’s crosshairs. Good luck, Hal.
Brick Oven Bill
The soft bigotry of low expectations Fulcanelli.
Well, I’m sure a teabagging warrior like you, BOB, will be happy to step up and help DHS by going to Chicago and start reconnoitering places ther for these violent terrorists who prey on their fellow bottom bottom 2%ers on the lowest socioeconomic rung. Yoy can be the hero! We’ll just drop you into Cabrini Green (or whatever its current equivalent) or some corner in the worst South Side neighborhood and you can conduct surveillance and give the info to DHS. I’ll bet you make the front page of the Trib!
Fulcanelli: you’re talking to BOB. It’s always about the blackety, blackety, black, black, black. Always.
@Brick Oven Bill: Let me answer this for you Bill.
Both can trace much of their growth to poverty, a lack of decent jobs and poor education. They’re two sides of the same bent coin. See, it wasn’t a trick question after all. And yes Bill, you are a soft bigot. Very soft. I agree with you. For once. Kind of…
Hannity would also reportedly offer Turner “encouragement” to overcome his cocaine habit and “homosexual leanings.
Remember that Hal made a threat against Obama during the campaign. I suspect this won’t go well for him.
BOB — I know you’re a spoof, but lay off on this one. People shooting judges is serious.
A death threat on conservative judges? Was this a typo DougJ?
Jon H
The finance/economy blogger “Tyler Durden” at ZeroHedge seems to be pretty fond of Hal.
He ran one story that he admitted he got from Hal Turner (Turner’s bogus story about leaked bank stress test results). And he recently ran a story about some loon claiming that Obama was going to sell the B2 bomber plans to China for $50 billion. That story appeared on Hal Turner’s now-defunct blog on the same day it appeared on Zero Hedge.
Brick Oven Bill
Cabrini Green was shut down and the population dispersed geg6. This is why there was the spike in deaths a couple of years ago. It made national news. Territory was being established. They are now dealing drugs at my old Middle School, so I hear.
The worst I ever did was yell in somebody’s ear (detention) and corner some girl and forcefully kiss her (future girlfriend). I also helped a friend cheat on his US Constitution test but did not get caught.
Brick Oven Bill
I will lay off DougJ.
No. The point is that this has nothing to do with conservatism versus liberalism. It has to with extremists, who can fairly be described as right-wing, but are mostly deranged.
It will be interesting to see which wingers defend him. Or if the NRA covers his legal fees.
The only difference between white supremacist, anti-semite Turner and Rush is that Rush isn’t dumb or stoned enough (yet) to threaten judges. Republicans don’t disavow these guys or try to shut them down because they basically agree with them and need their support or they wouldn’t even have the 23% support that they now enjoy.
Speaking of conservative Judges, this interview with Robert Bork came out recently.
Man, we dodged a clip full of bullets with this guy getting sent back to the minors.
@DougJ: Wow. This is textbook “eat your own”. They DO realize–right?–that if they actually do cap their own judges, that Mr. Scary Negro Liberal Obama will replace them with baby-killing-supporting Scary Negro federal judges that perform gay sex with illegal Mexicans?
They’re not that rational.
Ash Can
THIS is exactly what I was talking about when, right after Dr. Tiller was assassinated, I said that hate speech needs to be cracked down upon. The distinction I failed to make at the time was the fact that “hate speech” includes the smaller subset of “incitement,” which includes the yet smaller subset of “threat.” It’s the “incitement” and “threat” that need to be cracked down upon. And apparently the State of Connecticut agreed with me when they went after this guy, and evidently the FBI agrees as well.
People can talk smack and piss people off all they want. And there’s no stopping the isolated, once-in-a-blue-moon loony. But the “go-on-blast-’em” shit should not be tolerated, and should be (and remain) fair game for the authorities.
Gee, BOB. You mean people get angry and violent when they live a bleak and poverty stricken life in a nightmare of a public housing project and are then displaced from even that rathole, which is subsequently blown up, leaving them to fend for themselves? Why, imagine that. And, yes, I knew Cabrini Green was gone, which is why I made sure I to add the whatever its equivalent is language.
@Punchy: Yes, sort of. They were conservative, until they failed conservatism. It’s too bad no one’s really tried true Conservatism ™ because apparently it rocks hard.
Little Dreamer
Isn’t he still under investigation/indicted or did he get through that one and he’s on to the next (and the next, and the next?)
Wile E. Quixote
What do you want to bet that Turner’s “homosexual leanings” tend towards, shall we say, lean, dark meat. Not of course that there’s anything wrong with that, well not unless you’re a loathsome, pathetic racist closet-case, that is.
Wile E. Quixote
@Jon H.
50 billion dollars? What an awesome idea. I mean let’s face it, the B-2 is yesterday’s technology. Take the 50 billion and use it to develop the next generation of stealth and counter-stealth technology.
I just want nutball equity. Terrorism is terrorism.
Zero-tolerance crack down on terrorist threats and violence. If conservatives disagree, they can go before the voters and explain why they are soft on terror.
I think this stuff is starting to get fairly concerning. Everytime there is an Obama youtube post or something the comments are filled with mindless drivel about socialism and all this other crap. These people don’t even know what socialism is. Blind hatred of an ideology that they’ve thought is just bad.. but they are totally fine being made slaves to capitalism or some other thing as long as it is not socialism.. shit.
I think he got through that one and promptly landed into this one. I expect that Fitz’s tolerance for this continued behavior will be zero.
Comrade Darkness
I think BoB is Tunch.
Cocaine and “homosexual leanings”?
Maybe the title of this post should have been Memo From Turner, DougJ.
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
Cocaine and homosexual yearnings?
Wouldn’t you love to read this Turner’s Diaries?
No. No I would not.
Maybe this arrest is the first shoe dropping with threats of violence/death to public officials.
In all honesty, BOB is right. The Narcoterrorism that plagues this country, especially our cities and border regions, is a huge threat and it’s one that local, state, and federal agencies don’t take seriously enough, mostly, IMHO, because the victims tend to be poor and people of color.
The Dawson case in Baltimore, is clearly an act of criminal terrorism and is an example, albeit an extreme one, of the kind of intimidation and terror that millions of people face in neighborhoods that have been abandoned by the authorities face everyday. Much more common is the murder of witnesses and other day to day intimidation the people have to face.
This doesn’t mean that other forms of terrorism aren’t a serious threat, but I find it shocking that nobody seems to ever want to talk about the most widespread form of domestic terrorism in the U.S.
What a jackass. Maybe he’ll think twice with a an overwieght underbathed “roomie” busting his cherry and giving him the ol’ Rushbo anal poisoning treatment…
Fanning these fires of fear, and telling your listeners that a judge should be killed is an arrestable offense. He’s beyond wingnut. He’s g Gordon Liddy crazy.
Hey geg6,
Does Mike Savage’s program appear on public radio?
How are private radio stations provided for by tax-payers?
If I’m wrong about this someone enlighten me.