I’m not sure what to make of this Limbaugh rant blaming the Sanford affair on… Barack Obama, other than to speculate he is just laying the groundwork for a wingnut defense for when he gets caught again with another fistful of hillbilly heroin or nabbed at the border with a briefcase full of viagra. I’m also reminded of the first Republican response to the news that Foley was attempting to bed some pages was to blame it on… the Democrats. These people can’t take responsibility for anything.
Also, I’m particularly fond of how Limbaugh claims Sanford said “just screw it.” Yes, Rush. Yes he did.
Obligatory ink to Barack Obama Stole Your New Bicycle.
Joshua Norton
Pictures. Oh yes – we now have pictures:
The other woman.
Bubblegum Tate
Party of Personal Responsibility!
Dave C
I posted this in the last thread, but I think it deserves some merciless mocking, so I’m reposting it.
Since we’re on the topic of right wing insanity, check out the latest meme: Obama wants to kill old people to save money on healthcare.
If a quick Google search for “Obama kill old folks” and my Facebook friends’ status updates are any indication, it seems likely that the entirety of Greater Wingnutistan will be convinced that Obama wants to euthanize their grandparents by dinner time tonight.
That stupidity tax isn’t looking so bad right about now.
Let us not forget that right wingnuttia was in high dudgeon only a few weeks ago over the outrageous conduct of President Obama who had the nerve to take his own wife out to dinner and a play in New York.
I don’t think you quite get it, John. Rush really does think that Sanford didn’t do anything wrong. Why do you think that Mr. Limp Bough is thrice-divorced?
Woodrow "asim" Jarvis Hill
Given that the affair started a year ago, clearly it was the nigh-clairvoyant abilities of Sanford that drove him to this form of going Galt.
I don’t listen to Rush much and when I do it’s usually for only a few minutes in the car. However, what I gather from what I have heard is that Rush seems to be really frustrated. He’s so used to being a major voice of the conservative movement that he just can’t believe that fewer and fewer people are buying into that philosophy anymore. He’s frustrated that more people are buying into what Obama says (for now) than are buying into what he’s saying. So, anything goes.
Added: I’m really tired to hearing about Sanford every hour of the day.
Lee from NC
So, uh, Sanford knew a year ago that Obama would win the Presidency and that the economy would be so bad that the Federal government would be “forcing” states to take money to save jobs, therefore he went to Argentina to start a torrid affair to give him something to do when he lost the battle to not take said funds (which he, apparently, knew he would lose in advance anyway).
All righty then.
If they can’t stand up to Obama then how can they stand up to Osama Bin Laden? Oh the poor babies!
Tonal Crow
Cool! Does this mean Limbaugh is going to Galt to the Dominican Republic for good? And that his sheeple will Rapture themselves?
Ash Can
I was wondering who’d be the first to blame L’Affaire Sanford on Obama.
Republicans, listen to your leader: Rush says resistance is futile. Give up now. Go Galt. Go hike the Appalachian trail, but realise the Democrats are in control now and there is nothing you can do.
The Moar You Know
Vicodin abuse is what cost Fat Ass his hearing.
I think the wingnuts are going to get a lot of mileage out of “Obama made me do it”.
Jay in Oregon
@Joshua Norton:
OK, seriously. Other than having the bad taste to fall for Sanford, why does she need to be dragged through the muck?
This is just reinforcing the notion that the Sanford debacle is all about the nookie, and the “shameless professional irresponsibility and lack of fitness to hold office” angle of the story is going to just faaaaaaade away…
(I’d also point out that one of the editors of the site that you linked to served as Gov. Sanford’s spokesman from 2001-2005, according to the byline on this article…)
@MikeJ: LOL! Yes, what he said!
Bill E Pilgrim
Oh I get it. So then George W Bush also abandoned the country for example to disasters like Katrina, because he was so demoralized at what he, as President, was doing to the country?
Makes sense.
I have not intentionally listened to, or read, Rush Limbaugh since 1993, and I have no intention of resuming today.
Tonal Crow
@Bill E Pilgrim:
Do I have to explain *everything* to you libtards? Bush abandoned the country to Katrina because he’s God’s agent, and *God* has abandoned ‘merica because she’s given herself over to tree-hugging, Volvo-driving, lesbian-loving, dirt-worshipping, latte-sipping, moranic liberals who would slap their own mother’s bus and then push her under the face! I’m tellin’ you folks, I’m not makin’ this up!
Man, I thought Clinton was bad. But Obama can make OTHER people cheat on their wives. That’s just staggeringly impressive. Behold the powers of the Obamasaiah. Tremble ye mighty and despair.
@Jay in Oregon: Agree. These pictures are Puritan porn. (I’ll look at it at home when no one is looking.)
Ben Smith says Sanford booked a 10 day trip on June 18. I guess he never planned to go hiking. I’m shocked.
Rush is like the over-eager triangle player in the special-ed marching band. he can only play one note (“LIBRULS R BAD!”) but goddamnit he’s gonna play that note as often as he can and as loudly as he can!
come to think of it, the whole band is nothing but triangle players.
no wonder nobody wants to listen to them.
Is Limbaugh suggesting that people dissatisfied with Obama (specifically Republicans who have been elected to office) are likely to just “go Galt” and abditcate the responcibility endowed on them by thier constituents?
Screw that noise.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Tonal Crow:
Paul L.
Checked the story on the link.
oh really
Vicodin isn’t worth even a minor case of tinnitus. Rush’s real favorite was Oxycontin (considerably stronger than Vicodin, which is for sissies).
Comrade Stuck
I think Obama is driving Limbaugh insane. I really do. He was a tub of lying blubber before, but there was some plausibility in his ranting, even if measured in micrograms. Now he’s blaming the Lindhberg kidnapping on space aliens, or the equivalent. If he’s having this effect on the fatboy, imagine it on the likes of mental midget Beck et al. We could see Mr. Doomroom blast himself out of a cannon to escape Dr. Blackety Evil.
Keep up the good work Mr. Presnit.
Comrade Tudor
You know, and don’t quote me on this, but I did hear that FNC did put a D in front of Gov. Sanford’s name. Maybe Rush thinks he’s a Democrat?
He’s an even tubbier tub of lying blubber now. At the rate he’s going, in a few years they’ll have to move him around in a barrel to keep him from oozing across the floor.
Roger El Simon was worried that Sanford’s penile activities could be damaging to the cause of Iranian democracy.
Now, we find out via Rush that Sanford’s penile activities are likely controlled by Obama.
The obvious wingnutty conclusion is that Obama is stifling Iranian democracy through his control of Sanford’s loins, no doubt in response to his Islamunist masters’ calls.
Paul L.
Too Funny,
My comment where I compare John’s “briefcase full of” to the linked story “a bottle of” is in moderation.
I am guessing it was flagged as spam for containing the name of the blue V drug.
@Bill E Pilgrim: Al Gore and his merry band of earth-tone clad hippies don’t believe in Sweet Baby Jesus, only in the cold, soulless rock we were banished to after our fall from Edan.
Actually, I think it’s worse than that.
Rush is deliberately, with malice aforethought, feeding into the lie that Obama is at the head of a federal government that is inherently un-American, and which by its very existence, will drive white Christian Americans (especially heterosexuals) to despair.
Oh, yes. J’accuse.
Rush, and his cohorts know that their appeal to fear resonates as much with extremists as with those who simply disagree with some Obama Administration policies.
But Rush doesn’t care. It’s not about ratings or notoriety or even ideology.
And Rush has a First Amendment right to try to peddle his obnoxious poison. And everyone else has a First Amendment right to fight him.
Jay in Oregon
The pictures are not scandalous; she looks like she is walking out of the office or something. (Which was a pleasant surprise, actually; I figured, in true tabloid fashion, that they’d manage to find pictures of her at a beach or in front of the swimming pool.)
It’s an attempt at slut-shaming and to keep the focus on Sanford’s martial problems.
Tonal Crow
@Bill E Pilgrim:
The term originated with some maven of the Religious Right (perhaps Robertson; I can’t recall) to denigrate non-Christians (particularly Wiccans) and others who care about the environment that we depend upon for, you know, totally unnecessary things like water, food, air, and shelter.
Mr Furious
OT: Anyway we can bump the Adam Hughes-drawn superhero women up to the top to replace Pammie? Much easier on the eyes…and more realistically proportioned / limbed.
oh really
I don’t remember anything answering to that description ever exiting Rush’s piehole.
It’s one thing to say he’s getting worse (but then that is Rush’s natural and inevitable trajectory), and quite another to describe the content of any of his ranting as “plausible.”
But, but, but … some of that is true! Barack Obama blames you for global warming!
/channeling BoB
steve s
I wouldn’t be surprised if it were much older than that. Al calls the indians Dirt Worshippers on Deadwood, and they seem to have researched their racial slurs on that show.
How someone as fat as Rush Limbaugh can get twisted into such a pretzel is beyond my ability to explain.
The only thing I can think is, his brain must not be connected to the rest of his nervous system so the tension in his limbs is considerably lower than that of your average contortionist.
@Joshua Norton:
What? None of the tan lines?
Tonal Crow
OT: John, is someone waging a DoS attack on this blog? It has been extremely slow for the past week.
People here are missing the point. Of *course* Barack Obama can cause Sanford to have an affair several months before becoming President. It has, after all, been conclusively established by the esteemed researchers of the birther movement that Obama is capable of time travel, and is thus responsible for faking his own birth/birth certificate/birth announcement in the local newspaper. Similarly, it has been established that his reality-bending skills are sufficient to cause his potential opponents to “self-destruct” (see: IL GOP losing one candidate to a sex scandal and then importing Alan Keyes as a replacement).
So, none of this should be surprising to the informed observer.
Tonal Crow
@steve s:
Hmm, another link between the Religious Right and racism? Perish the thought!
jake 4 that 1
@The Moar You Know: But Obama is the Anti-Christ, the son of the Debbil. He’s just using his daddy’s powers to make otherwise upstanding GOPers hump anything with a pulse.
Sanford is the victim!
jake 4 that 1
Master of Meat Puppets.
@Joshua Norton: She looks like a prettier version of his wife.. why do men do that? They often trade in one model for a younger version of the same model ..lol
Comrade Stuck
@oh really:
Don’t confuse you’re disagreeing with Anything Rush say’s and plausibility of his BS. They are two different things and mere plausibility has a very very low bar. Kind of like prissy pedantry and something worth criticizing in comments on this blog.
I’m sure she appreciates being outed. Wonder if while staining pillows with his tears over five days Sanford asked if she’d be okay with that.
@Comrade Tudor: Yes, FNC did label Sanford a Dem.
Matthew Hooper
I’ve moved beyond laughing at Republican nonsense to just blinking repeatedly as the dadisms refuse to parse.
What? I mean, just… what?
This is right up there with the Second Coming of the Evil Green Background during McCain’s convention speech last year, as the ginormous TV behind him projected a picture of Walter Reed Middle School in California while McCain talked about veterans.
The GOP has sailed right past parody into surrealism.
Sanford was crying Al Bundy tears, sad because he was going to have to give up his Argentine hottie.
It works for everything the GOP gets up to for the next 8 years; I expect uninterrupted bacchanalia as they say “screw the people who elected me, and screw something else, too.” Genius, really.
Actually in GOP-land that is how you know you are toast. They don’t do “Bob Dole or Barry Goldwater go have a private chat with you and tell you behind closed doors to do what’s right for the good of the party” anymore, instead FNC delivers the verdict in public.
If Fox gives you the dreaded mark of D for Doom, time to start shopping around for book deals and a private health plan. If not, if you still have the blessed R is for Righteousness appearing after your name, then hang on tight no matter what the DFH’s may throw your way, because Baby Jebus wants you to win.
How many more Good Republican Marriages will be destroyed by Clinton’s dick??
@jake 4 that 1: Love that album. By Rodentia, right?
Again, no one should defend this asswipe. If said asswipe had stood up and said he was wrong to judge Clinton and regretted his impeachment vote and that he would rethink his position on gay marriage because now he understands that people that do not follow his moral compass deserve compassion and understanding, then I would agree he has earned the right to stand there and apologize.
These points were never said or even touched upon.
That being said he also is an asshole because he did not admit to failing completely at the job he was elected and swore an oath to perform so he would now resign.
If this lowlife asswipe had done these simple things then he would be worthy of forgiveness and deserving of his apology. Asswipe looser that would eat shit for more money and power to walk over the less fortunate is all that steaming pile of lying shit really is.
Alex @ 31
Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha, — snort snort, ha,ha,ha,ha,
wipe tear —
PLEEZ stop — you’re killin me!…
@Paul L.:
You forgot the part where it turned out it wasn’t his Viagra — he was using someone else’s prescription.
Of course, we already knew that Rush isn’t very picky about having actual prescriptions for his drugs. Why not just buy them from his maid? It’s not like Oxycontin is addictive or anything.
oh really
Still the petulant child, I see. You have my sympathies.
Sanford has “Gone Galt” and back ?
Didn’t know getting back and weeping was in the “go galt” mythology…
Comrade Stuck
@oh really:
Cleek, The mental image almost made me spit Lo Mein noodles out my nose. Bravo!
Tax Analyst
Re: “Master of Meat Puppets”
I predict the next big collectible fad/fetish will be Spam figurines of prominent Republican elected officials who are too busy toe-tapping, trail-hiking and page bending to actually walk-the-walk that they so freely flap their gums about at everybody else. Really, could there be anything more fitting than Spam for these guys? It’s not quite what it’s supposed to be almost like, and you really can’t ever be totally sure exactly what, where or how that jiggling, gelatinous glob of…of…uh, “whathaveyou” came into being. Very much like today’s Republican Party if you ask me.
Jay Severin Has A Small Pen1s
The Republicans don’t even have affairs with Americans anymore.
Marie Devine
The reason these lies are our business is because it opens the person up to blackmail and control of the government by those that should not have imput.
Either President Obama is lying about his identity and hiding his records: full birth information, school records, health, and passport records to hide the truth; or he does not have the wisdom to know it does not take mega bucks to solve a question of his identity and eligibility; it only takes showing his records. Either way he is not presidential material.
I believe he is in a dangerous place. He began with the deceit about eligibility, not really thinking he would win. Then he had to make up a SSS registration form to make it look like he complied when it appeared he could win. From there he has become his worse witness against himself for so strongly hiding his identity proving documents.
He agrees his father was a Kenyan citizen and he was adopted by an Indonesian and lived there before coming to the United States. Those both make him a dual citizen and ineligible to be president. Now Kenya, Pakistan and Indonesian governments have documents that can prove he lied; they can blackmail him and it is the same with his own administration that took part in the cover-up. When it looks like he will have to give testimony or documents in court (coming soon, possibly June 29, 2009), those people will fear he will involve them. He is too well set up for danger from many sources or blackmail to sign laws and programs not in our interest.
His best strategy for himself and his administration is for all to just step down like it was an error; say, forgive me, and move on with his life. That way his daughters will not have to live with a Nixon-liar type baggage all their lives.
The charges and evidences against Barack Obama are on my website, court style:
A copy was sent to Barack Obama and US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald. Both were sent about 2-11-09. Barack Obama clearly thinks he has something to hide.
Email the president that you want this controversy ended, http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/
Death By Mosquito Truck
Hey BOB, is Marie one of the hotties you were telling us about at the Beck rally?