By request.
Notice how the table cloth print ’tilts’ to the right. The Belgian started with substantially more gravity…
For those homebrewers out there, send me beer pics (portusjacksonii[at]yahoo[dot]com) and I will post them in later open threads.
As always, chat about whatever.
Dave C
Beer looks tasty, but that glass on the left sure seems to have a rather massive head-to-liquid ratio. Did you do that intentionally for photo-aesthetic purposes?
The Grand Panjandrum
Tilting to the right happens in the best of families. Those are some good looking brews. I’m talking about Betty Grable, Farrah Fawcett, Halle Berry poster good looking.
Laura W
Death By Mosquito Truck
Very nice, Tim. I’m sitting here crying.
Death By Mosquito Truck
Thanks for the open thread, Tim. Now I gotta go play Apples to Apples. Wish me luck.
Generalissimo Fransisco Franco is still dead.
John Cole
Not to go all Batshit Bob on you, but what the hell happened to the prices of raisins. I was picking some up for my morning oatmeal and I swear the price jumped two bucks a box.
That sound a lot like BOB.
Laura W
@John Cole: Too many winos in the country. Can’t let the grapes hang on the vines that long.
I’ve heard.
Johnny B. Guud
I think El Rushbo said this afternoon that the cap and trade bill will cause the price of everything to go up.
See? He’s a genius! Amirite?
Comrade Stuck
And to go with your Home brew.
Stuck’s Friday Foreign Flick Fandango
This weeks recommendation is Tell No One. A French Tale (yes that French). It is a dazzling kidnap mystery that you will not be able to guess the outcome. The acting and screenplay are just spectacular. And for the ladies, and too, the manly men of BJ, a genuine love story. Not contrived but with real chemistry between the actors.
One of the best movies I’ve ever watched, no joke. It get’s a 4.5 Star Rating out of 5.
The Grand Panjandrum
@Laura W: Mine have been hanging on the vine way too long.
Death By Mosquito Truck
*Fans self*
I understand.
demo woman
@Comrade Stuck: Tomorrow I’m going to watch Persepolis and Tell no One is on my list for next week. I can watch movies on my computer instantly through Netflix but I’d rather watch them on my TV. Last week I saw Marley and Me and I was disappointed. The book described Marley in such a way that you developed a bond with him. The movie missed that connection although as a lover of dogs, I still managed to go through several tissues.
Comrade Stuck
@demo woman:
I’m generally not a big fan of animated flicks, but several people have recommended Persepolis so maybe I’ll give it a look see.
Comrade Stuck
@The Grand Panjandrum:
Pun Alert!
Yes, I am evil.
When you type in Demerol into the google, it’s first suggestion is “demerol Michael Jackson.” Now that’s a legacy.
General Sir Michael Jackson never could control himself.
Has Greenwald’s piece on Klavin’s piece been linked to here yet? Apologies if it has and I’m posting it again. But if not… oh my. The comments are hilarious- especially on Klavin’s page, after Greenwald links to it.
Having too many small children underfoot for home brewing to be an advisable hobby, I am devoted to working my way through all the regional small brewers. Overall quality is way up since I last tried this ten years ago.
One notable newcomer is the Mayflower brewery in Plymouth. Their Pale Ale is a very competent rendering of a relatively quotidian product. Makes for an excellent session beer, with just enough complexity to keep interesting over a long evening.
I am so grateful to have an open thread and an opportunity to whine. I have stomach flu. My husband is out backpacking on the coast (not the Argentinian coast) and I am home alone, so weak I had to sit down three times while making a sandwhich, the first food I have been able to keep down in two days.
Last time John put up an open thread I whined about having headlice. This is my life! I do in home health care and whatever my client’s grandchildren get, I get too.
China’s govt might block a Chinese firm’s planned takeover of Hummer on environmental grounds.
Jon H
BBC is reporting that Russian gas company Gazprom is starting a cooperative venture with the Nigerian state oil company.
The new African venture will be called Nigaz.
That has to be the most infelicitous trademark since German firm Siemens tried to trademark Zyklon in the US for its household vacuum products.
Jon H
No, really.
Some blatant Blog-whoring so forgive me, and while trying to represent science as non-partisan, but given the cards that have been dealt, I’m seeing more and more that a one-party system is emerging, and that the right simply wants a ticket to crazytown: A nightmarish place where the music is the song “Butterfly” as covered by the Jonas Brothers and played on repeat, ad infinitum.
In my absence, there is, as always, laughter.
EDIT: OMG multiple links worked, The wordpress gods favor me this evening! Huzzah!
“King Of Pop Is Alive & Well & Recovering From World’s First Reanimation”
harlana pepper
Beer pr0n!
Beer and politics? This now has to be my favorite blog.
Can we have pics of pets interacting with homebrew?