I’ve been informed I need to do a Tunch and Lily update, and I might later on, but right now you will have to be satisfied with this video of Ginny and Guesly playing with a Great Pyreneese who stayed with them while they were at the beach with my parents:
The JRT’s taught the Pyreneese all sorts of bad tricks, like jumping on the bed and what not, and the owner said as she was leaving that “I came with a Great Pyreneese and am leaving with a 100+ lb Jack Russell Terrier.”
I’ll be back later. Behave.
American Citizen
Dogs will definitely teach other dogs bad habits, like barking at the phone, or jumping on beds, etc.
harlana pepper
First vid: Well, there went my heart, all melted into a puddle of goo
Johnny B. Guud
And just like that, another cultural icon bites the dust:
Somehow I feel that this post is closely related to DougJ’s earlier “Love and Happiness” one.
[edit: Also, am I the only person in America who had never heard of this Mays guy before he died?]
Bill E Pilgrim
@Johnny B. Guud: Oh good God, “autopsy planned”?
I will not make jokes about what they will use to do that. I will not makes jokes about what they will use to do that. I will not…..
For a second there, the preview frame made me think that first video was of Tunch. That’s no cat, that’s a space station!
Oh, I want that GP. They are fabulous dogs. So sweet.
And Ginny and Guesly are adorable.
Death By Mosquito Truck
My cat taught the dog how to jump the fence. My daughter taught him how to count to 3. My son taught him to sleep in his room every night. My wife taught him where the snacks are. No idea where he picked up the dick licking thing.
You must be because he’s on nearly every cable channel selling the non-stick slider maker and other useless kitchen gadgets you thought were a great idea but are now collecting dust in your cupboards.
He also had a new tv show on one of the Discovery channel’s called pitch-man.
@robertdsc: It’s too big to be a space station!
@Bill E Pilgrim:
I am sure they’ll use the super-duper ginsu rib splitter which you can get for only 19.99 and if you call within the next 10 minutes we’ll even throw in a sham wow to clean up the mess when your done doing amateur autopsies on your kitchen table.
A Mom Anon
OMG that big doggie is the sweetest thing evar. (except Lily,natch)
The Teenager has been bugging me for a dog,a few more vids like this and I may end up caving.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Dreggas: D’oh!
See, I said I wasn’t going to, and then you did.
I think perhaps I was thinking more of Ron Popiel actually. Not sure I’ve seen Mays, though I use to go watch his father play at Candlestick when I was a kid.
@A Mom Anon: I highly recommend it, based on the fact that I wanted a dog when I was a teenager but didn’t get one until almost 40. Wasted years.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
What can I say I’m morally flexible. Up next I’ll tell you how you can get this luxury coffin complete with flat screen tv and if you order now the grave-plot is free!
In the first vid, the JRT licking the GP face/mouth is genetic behavior for canines: it is how they get regurgitated food while displaying submission as a lil pup. So, next time you get face-licked by a pooch, just regurgitate some food and make your friend happy. Alternate, just close your mouth and enjoy the affection.
You should throw in how not having a dog when you were a teenager warped your fragile little mind and resulted in years of therapy. Then finish with the “now you wouldn’t want your kid to go through that would you?” line.
Bill E Pilgrim
@JimPortlandOR: If they opened a fancy restaurant like that I’d definitely go there.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
@Death By Mosquito Truck: I always thought the spraying a drink on the keyboard joke was a myth. Not. Damn!
Those videos remind me so much of this.
How long before the teenager goes off to college and the dog is yours? Not that that’s a bad thing.
harlana pepper
Wasn’t Billy Mays more about cleaning products and chemicals as opposed to kitchen gadgets? Let’s get our hucksters straight, MHRIP.
Mike G
Pyrs are wonderful dogs. Interesting that you used the term ‘gentle giant’ because that’s always how I have described them. They have what I consider the highest form of behavior – potentially great strength and destructiveness, but gentleness, sweetness, compassion and playfulness with children and smaller animals.
So, apparently, “Pyrenees” is a nickname for Tunch, right?
@harlana pepper:
he moved on to the kitchen gadgets advertising the slider maker and I believe he did some other kitchen products along the way. The guy was everywhere.
@harlana pepper:
this is the slider maker
@SGEW: no. but I’ve somehow got the impression we don’t need to order the large pizza.
Ezra Klein posts a Billy May vid of Billy ordering breakfast at McDonalds.
I can’t help think that Oxyclean, OrangeGlow and Shamwows would be great medical examiner tools for their necessary but icky-thoughts profession.
Wasn’t Billy Mays more about cleaning products and chemicals as opposed to kitchen gadgets?
In honor of his passing, let’s all pause for a moment of SHOUTING AT THE TOP OF OUR LUNGS!!
Doggies! Yay! In other news, I apparently have the Billy Mays scoop as a result of the fact that he is a native Yinzer (from McKees Rocks, no less) and his death has been being covered in the local media in as restrained and tasteful a fashion as MJ’s. Mr. Mays’ autopsy has been completed and, contrary to reports that he was brutally attacked by falling luggage, he had a heart attack at home in bed at age 50 JUST LIKE MICHAEL JACKSON! If I was a famous 50 year old male, I’d start worrying.
harlana pepper
@Mike G: I’m sold, he looks like such a sweetheart, I can see him giving baby pony rides to newborn kittens
(um, but we may need to lock G&G in the bathroom first, sorry mom’s hairdryer)
A Mom Anon
The Teenager had a dog when he was younger,someone stole him out of the yard(pure bred Siberian Husky). But yes,he’s already tried the needing therapy from a deprived childhood trick on me,lol.
harlana pepper
I just realized that Chuck Todd may be as annoying as Chris Matthews. Oh well, my fault for watching 5 minutes of cable news.
@A Mom Anon:
Smart kid. Sorry to hear about the Husky, they’re gorgeous dogs.
Yesterday my dog started tearing down the cinderblock retaining wall that intersects the fence and gate to the backyard. It’s one of these walls that just built with loose, unmortared blocks. Since we’ve covered up his previous escape holes, he’s deduced that he can create a new one if he can tear down the wall. He’s too damn smart.
Comrade Stuck
Sounds like they’re finally happy to see us
harlana pepper
Ooh, live action Sanford mistress! K, will have to hang around for that. She appears to be an intelligent person. Cannot imagine what she saw in King Doofus (besides them high-tone lurve letterz wif tan lines n’ stuff)
I hate Bernard Goldberg, but I gotta hand it to him on his update on the financial genius of Lenny Dykstra on “Real Sports” this month. I haven’t laughed so hard in ages. It’s a beauty.
Whew. I’m glad my famous period ended before I turned 30.
Crooks & Liars had a very funny video of Mays asking Obama a question at a white house press conference (C&L link to the right—–> )
Laura W
Chuck Todd, sitting in for Tweety, Hardball, 5:25pm.
I’ve had such a happy, happy day over here (sucks, huh?), and lo and behold, I’m feeling a little deflated and irritated all of a sudden.
I wonder if there is some sort of direct correlation/certain causation between refreshing political blogs and bouncing between cable non-news shows and drops in one’s mood and energy?
Naaaah. Prolly just my hormones.
Death By Mosquito Truck
That seems pretty young for menopause, g.
harlana pepper
Dayum y’all, 50 is young! Jeebus, I hope this knocks some sense into my brother’s head since he just turned 50 and needs to lose quite a few pounds.
harlana pepper
@Laura W: No it’s not, Laura W. I feels it, too.
Could it be something about expecting Tweety and getting Todd? Like being prepared for one kind of annoyance and then unexpectedly, having to deal with a totally different kind of annoyance that is equally annoying?
Laura W
@harlana pepper: No. It was the salacious, disrespectful, mocking, inappropriate text and tone of my blockquote above coming out of Smarmy Todd’s hairy mouth.
Just goes back to my whole distaste for the way the personal aspects of the whole clusterfuck keep getting resurrected.
Johnny B. Guud
@Bill E Pilgrim: No jokes about that.
But the old saying is that bad things come in threes. With McMahon, Farrah and Jacko all kicking the bucket last week, it figures that an infomercial pitchman would throw in one more celebrity death for the price of three….
Puts don’t need much encouragement to behave like yippy little lap dogs. I am convinced that they have no concept of their own size.
They are also egregious attention sluts. Try petting one and then stopping. They will stick their noses under your hand and elevate it to the proper petting angle.
@Johnny B. Guud:
Sorry, Texts from Last Night beat you to it.
I look at the Daily Beast sometimes to see if there’s anything I missed via RSS. I don’t think I will any longer…
This piece of shit by Meghan McCain is the lamest ‘column’ I think I’ve ever seen. She says we should forgive Mark Sanford and overlook his adultery because it doesn’t affect his performance in office.
There isn’t a single mention of Bill Clinton’s impeachment. NOT. A. SINGLE. MENTION.
I am searching for a way to describe my reaction to this piece, and I can only come up with one: I’m offended. I sucked up every single piece of news I could throughout the 2008 Presidential Campaign season, and none of that mountain of nonsense from either side made me feel like I feel right now.
I have to hand it to The Daily Beast: I’ve never before felt such contempt for my intelligence in print. Not once have I felt *this* insulted.
And she is supposedly one of the GOP’s ‘rational’ voices reaching out to the next generation? What a joke.
Bad Horse's Filly
I got nothin’ that was too cute for words.
No. I’ve never heard of him. But I don’t watch TV. Don’t have cable either. I forgot everything went digital and had to buy one of those boxes in April so the TV would work for the parental units when they came to visit.
He sounds annoying and no doubt my time not watching TV personalities like that was probably better spent, just as I thought it would be.
By the way it looks like Ginny is the instigator and lead mischief maker of the bunch.
Anne Laurie
… And that little beyotch Ginny is playing that “Ooo, what a big strong dogly dog you are, and I’m just an itty-bitty wittle tiny puppy-sized doggie, I am!” routine To.The.Max. Hee!
Yup, it’s genetic, but dogs do learn to use the behavior very deliberately as well. Especially small dogs who play with big dogs, and (sexist as it sounds) girl dogs intending to take advantage of a boy dog’s inborn unwillingness to attack a female.
My 15-pound papillon Zevon is usually pretty “Guy” about the whole affection-sharing thing… he’ll come paw at my arm for a belly-skritch, but he won’t look me in the eye when he asks. But he’s decided that he’s terrified of thunderstorms (which didn’t bother him during the first 18 months he lived with us) and now every boomer-shower means he’s climbing up and frantically licking at my mouth because it’s my JOB to make it stop already! ! ! And I wish I could, because it’s hard to type with fifteen pounds of hair & saliva wrapped around my neck panting…
Comrade Stuck
comment deleted by author
Bill E Pilgrim
@Johnny B. Guud:
You mean after Farah, Michael, and Ed, Mays said “But wait, there’s more!”
Makes sense.
OK. I can wait for more beautiful pics of Cole’s adorable pets. Just… FYI, I think Tunch is plotting something and Cole should keep an eye on him and post a pic for the commenters’ expert instantaneous patented Tunchanalysis.
And the Lily therapeutic progress and helpful advice service.
Johnny B. Guud
@Mnemosyne: Texts from last night? Just went to the site. Good grief. Is nothing sacred anymore?? Is this what the internets are wasted on?
Johnny B. Guud
@Bill E Pilgrim: D’oh!
Mark Sanford is 49, is he? Although he probably aged a year in the last week.
Out of curiosity: Am I the only one who can’t get the first video to play?
I had no idea who Mays was, either.
We were burglarized today. Came home, found they’d kicked in a window. Fortunately it seems our alarm went off and scared them so they barely got anything. Police think it was kids. Apparently there’s a been a bit of a rash of burglaries in our neighborhood recently.
We’re so lucky they didn’t get much, but still really ticked off at them. I feel so violated. Plus, they took something sentimental that I can’t replace. People like that s u c k.
Think I missed them by about ten minutes. That’s even scarier. What if I’d walked in on them?
Violet, I’m so sorry to hear that. Thank FSM you have an alarm. Little shits don’t have any plans for summer vacation other than violating the neighbors apparently.
Thanks, geg6. Yeah, that’s probably what happened. We have a couple of windows that are kind of vulnerable if you want to kick in a window. That’s what they did. So glad I set the alarm. We do it every time we leave, even if we go for just a minute, because otherwise you get out of the habit.
I’m still kind of shaking from the whole thing. When stuff like that happens, you feel so violated.
@Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse:
I always try to remember to never have anything in the mouth when reading comments here. (I started to write this a little differently and realized that I would be endlessly mocked. Use your imagination)
Violet, I sorta know how you feel. Neighborhood brats regularly break into my car. It’s happened so often that I don’t lock the doors anymore so they don’t break the locks and I don’t even keep an umbrella in it.
Demo Woman
Well I’m feeling like a beat woman.. Might have to change my name again. Why I thought that at my age, I could buy a house to remodel and do lots of the work myself, I don’t know. Bathrooms are hard to remodel.
I am one that thinks we still need laws to protect minorities and they are being chipped away by the activist court. We can expect white males to call reverse discrimination for any law now? The same court ruled against Lily Ledbetter so that’s why I said white males.
The videos cheered me up.
@Johnny B. Guud:
You’re only saying that because you haven’t run across the one (or, in that site’s case, the dozen) that will make you snort coffee through your nose.
Doctor Science
I’m amazed the dining room survived that second video. For me JRTs are too small and yappy, GPs are too large and shed-y — Lily is a *little* on the small side, but basically Just Right.
— for a dog, that is. My cat is almost Tunch-like in his dimensions, though possibly less cranky.
Mike G
This piece of shit by Meghan McCain is the lamest ‘column’ I think I’ve ever seen. She says we should forgive Mark Sanford and overlook his adultery because it doesn’t affect his performance in office.
There isn’t a single mention of Bill Clinton’s impeachment. NOT. A. SINGLE. MENTION.
She was on Bill Maher’s show and the same same Sanford-Clinton comparison came up. She gave an incredibly lame answer about the Lewinsky situation being from way back during her teenage years so she didn’t follow it much and therefore didn’t want to discuss it now.
I’d assumed she or her ghostwriter could conjure up a better excuse/propaganda line for a written article, but apprently not.
I must have a Great Pyreneese. What a lovely dog!
RedKitten (formerly Krista - the Canadian one)
Oh yes — and the bad habits can be passed on down. My MIL’s long-deceased Airedale, Kansas, liked to wipe her face on the couch after having a drink. She taught the trick to their new Airedale pup, Gibson, not long before she passed away. Gibson then taught the trick to Lily, their new Welsh terrier, and also managed to teach it to Dreyfus, during the only time the two dogs ever spent together, which amounted to all of 5 minutes.
Those videos are hysterical, by the way, especially the second one. That GP looks like such a giant sweetie.
Big hugs. That sucks. Little shits.
@SGEW: I never heard of him, either, but I don’t have cable.
That Great Pyreneese is magnificent and gorgeous! If I were ever to get a dog…well, it wouldn’t be a GP because I am allergic to fur, but still….
@Violet: Again, so sorry to hear. That really sucks.
@Demo Woman: You can do it, yes you can. As for the decision, yeah, I’m feeling disheartened by the ruling. Sigh.